;;; Disassembly of "RAM.SYSTEM" found on Mouse Desk 2.0 images ;;; Some details c/o http://boutillon.free.fr/Underground/Outils/Ram_Drv_System/Ram_Drv_System.html .setcpu "6502" .include "apple2.inc" .include "apple2.mac" .include "inc/macros.inc" .include "inc/apple2.inc" .include "inc/prodos.inc" .include "opcodes.inc" zp_sig_addr := $06 zpproc_addr := $B0 zpproc_relay_addr := $2D0 chain_path := $280 driver_target = $FF00 kMaxUsableBanks = 24 ; Why is this capped so low??? ; (driver has room for another ~20?) ;;; ============================================================ ;;; RamWorks I/O RWBANK := $C073 ;;; ============================================================ .org $2000 jmp relocate_chain ;;; ============================================================ ;; Interpreter signature .byte $EE,$EE ;; Buffer size .byte 64 chain_path_orig: PASCAL_STRING "/MOUSE.DESK/MD.SYSTEM", 63 .byte $FF, $FF ;;; Configuration Parameters banks_to_reserve: .byte 0 ; banks to reserve (e.g. for AppleWorks) slot: .byte 3 ; S3D1; could be $B for S3D2 ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Chain to the next system file (path above) ;;; ============================================================ ;;; ;;; Relocated to $BD00 to leave room at $2000 for the sys file. chain_target = $BD00 .proc chain pushorg ::chain_target ;; Copy path to $280 ldx chain_path_orig beq quit : lda chain_path_orig,x sta chain_path,x dex bpl :- MLI_CALL GET_FILE_INFO, get_file_info_params bcs quit ldx get_file_info_params_file_type inx bne quit MLI_CALL OPEN, open_params bcs close lda open_params_ref_num sta read_params_ref_num sta get_eof_params_ref_num MLI_CALL GET_EOF, get_eof_params bcs close ;; Ensure there is room for chained file lda get_eof_params_eof+2 bne close lda get_eof_params_eof+1 cmp #$98 ; $2000+$97FF=$B7FF (have up to $BF00) bcs close sta read_params_request_count+1 lda get_eof_params_eof sta read_params_request_count ;; Read MLI_CALL READ, read_params bcs close ;; Close MLI_CALL CLOSE, close_params bcs close ;; Invoke it jmp sys_target close: MLI_CALL CLOSE, close_params quit: MLI_CALL QUIT, quit_params DEFINE_QUIT_PARAMS quit_params sys_target := $2000 io_buff := $1C00 DEFINE_GET_FILE_INFO_PARAMS get_file_info_params, chain_path get_file_info_params_file_type := get_file_info_params::file_type DEFINE_OPEN_PARAMS open_params, chain_path, io_buff open_params_ref_num := open_params::ref_num DEFINE_CLOSE_PARAMS close_params DEFINE_READ_PARAMS read_params, sys_target, 0 read_params_ref_num := read_params::ref_num read_params_request_count := read_params::request_count DEFINE_GET_EOF_PARAMS get_eof_params get_eof_params_ref_num := get_eof_params::ref_num get_eof_params_eof := get_eof_params::eof poporg .endproc .assert .sizeof(chain) <= $100, error, "Chain routine must fit in one page" ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Copy chain code to final location .proc relocate_chain ldy #$00 : lda chain,y sta chain_target,y iny bne :- ;; fall through .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Install the driver .proc install_driver sta CLR80COL ldy #0 sty RWBANK sta ALTZPON ; Use ZP to probe banks ;; Clear map1 / map2 (256 bytes) to $FF lda #$FF : sta map1,y iny bne :- ;; Stash first two bytes of each bank (128 possible banks) : sty RWBANK lda $00 sta stash_00,y lda $01 sta stash_01,y iny bpl :- dey ;; Write bank num/complement at $0/$1 : sty RWBANK sty $00 tya eor #$FF sta $01 dey bne :- ;; Y = 0 ;; Reset signature bytes on main/aux banks sty RWBANK sty $00 sty $01 sta ALTZPOFF sty $00 sty $01 sta ALTZPON lda banks_to_reserve sta reserved_banks ;;; ============================================================ ;; Copy into every bank ldy #1 bank_loop: ;; Check bank for signature bytes (bank num/complement at $0/$1) sty RWBANK cpy $00 bne next_bank tya eor #$FF eor $01 bne next_bank cpy $00 ; Bank 0 (aux) is reserved for 128k apps bne next_bank ;; Flag as available in map2 ;; (map2,N = N if available, $FF otherwise) tya sta map2,y ;; Skip over reserved banks, then start storing them in the map ldx reserved_banks bne :+ sta first_used_bank : dec reserved_banks bpl next_bank sta map1,y ;; (map1,N = N if available, $FF otherwise - also???) ;; Copy helper proc into bank's ZP ldx #sizeof_zpproc : lda zpproc-1,x sta zpproc_addr-1,x dex bne :- next_bank: iny bpl bank_loop ;;; ============================================================ ;; Y = $80 ;; Restore stashed $0/$1 bytes of back ;; (except first, in first_used_bank ???) loop0: lda map2-1,y bmi :+ cmp first_used_bank beq :+ sta RWBANK lda stash_00-1,y sta $00 lda stash_01-1,y sta $01 : dey bne loop0 ;; Y = 0 sty RWBANK sty $00 ;; Count number of available banks, and populate ;; driver_bank_list with list of banks. ldx #$FF loop1: inx cpx #kMaxUsableBanks bcs break loop2: iny bmi break lda map1,y bmi loop2 sta driver_bank_list,x bpl loop1 break: ;; Patch driver with block-specific data ;; X = number of available banks ;; Compute number of blocks txa lsr a sta vol_dir_header+VolumeDirectoryHeader::total_blocks+1 ror vol_dir_header+VolumeDirectoryHeader::total_blocks stx driver_block_x ; num banks dex ; -1 stx num_banks_minus_one bmi fail ; 0 banks? give up. lda vol_dir_header+VolumeDirectoryHeader::total_blocks sec sbc driver_block_x and #$F8 sta vol_dir_header+VolumeDirectoryHeader::total_blocks sta driver_blocks_lo bcs :+ dec vol_dir_header+VolumeDirectoryHeader::total_blocks+1 : lda vol_dir_header+VolumeDirectoryHeader::total_blocks+1 sta driver_blocks_hi lda driver_bank_list sta RWBANK lda $00 beq fail ;; Check for ZP signature - if not found, set it and install. ldx #sig_len-1 : lda sig,x cmp zp_sig_addr,x bne set_sig dex bpl :- bit BUTN1 ; escape hatch in case of loop ??? bmi L21F0 jmp do_install fail: jmp do_chain sloop: lda sig,x set_sig: sta zp_sig_addr,x dex bpl sloop ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Prepare key blocks in L21F0: sta ALTZPOFF ;; Stamp current date/time into vol_dir_header ldy #3 : lda DATELO,y sta vol_dir_header+VolumeDirectoryHeader::creation_date,y dey bpl :- ;; Fill pages $06-$0F with 00-FF sta RAMWRTON iny tya : sta $0600,y ; Block 2 - volume dir sta $0700,y sta $0800,y ; Block 3 - volume dir sta $0900,y sta $0A00,y ; Block 4 - volume dir sta $0B00,y sta $0C00,y ; Block 5 - volume dir sta $0D00,y sta $0E00,y ; Block 6 - volume bitmap sta $0F00,y iny bne :- ;; Copy vol_dir_header into page $06 ldy #.sizeof(VolumeDirectoryHeader)-1 : lda vol_dir_header,y sta $0600,y dey bpl :- ldy #$02 sty $0800 iny sty $0A00 iny sty $0C00 sty $0802 iny sty $0A02 ptr := $3C lda vol_dir_header+VolumeDirectoryHeader::total_blocks sta ptr lda vol_dir_header+VolumeDirectoryHeader::total_blocks+1 lsr a ror ptr lsr a ror ptr lsr a ror ptr clc adc #$0E sta ptr+1 ldy #0 tya : sta (ptr),y lda ptr sec sbc #1 sta ptr lda #$FF bcs :- dec ptr+1 ldx ptr+1 cpx #$0E bcs :- lda #$01 sta $0E00 ;;; ============================================================ do_install: lda #0 sta RAMWRTOFF sta ALTZPOFF sta RWBANK bit LCBANK1 bit LCBANK1 lda #OPC_CLD ; signature cmp driver_target beq copy_driver sta ALTZPON ; Maybe in AUX? cmp driver_target beq copy_driver cmp $DE00 ; ??? beq copy_driver sta ALTZPOFF ;; Copy driver into place copy_driver: ldy #0 : lda driver_src,y sta driver_target,y iny cpy #sizeof_driver bcc :- ;; Check if slot already has a device ldy DEVCNT : lda DEVLST,y lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a cmp slot beq install_device dey bpl :- ;; Shift devices up by one inc DEVCNT ldy DEVCNT : lda DEVLST-1,y sta DEVLST,y dey bne :- ;; Install device in ProDOS via DEVLST/DEVADR. ;; (Y has index in DEVLST) install_device: lda slot asl a tax asl a asl a asl a sta on_line_params+1 ; unit_number ora #$0E ; $3E - signature byte used by DeskTop sta DEVLST,y copy16 #(driver_target+1), DEVADR,x ;; Did we install into S3D2? lda slot cmp #$0B ; Slot 3 Drive 2 beq finish ;; No, so uninstall S3D2 (regular /RAM) ldy DEVCNT : lda DEVLST,y and #$F0 cmp #$B0 ; Slot 3 drive 2 i.e. normal /RAM beq found dey bpl :- bmi finish ; always ;; Actually remove from DEVLST slot3d2_devadr := DEVADR + $10 + 3*2 found: ldx slot3d2_devadr + 1 inx bne finish : copy DEVLST+1,y, DEVLST,y iny cpy DEVCNT bcc :- beq :- dec DEVCNT copy16 NODEV, slot3d2_devadr ; clear driver finish: bit ROMIN2 MLI_CALL ON_LINE, on_line_params ldx #$00 lda on_line_params_buffer ora L239F bne do_chain bcc do_chain copy #$FF, L239F sta ALTZPON copy driver_bank_list, RWBANK stx $06 stx RWBANK stx vol_dir_header+VolumeDirectoryHeader::total_blocks jmp install_driver ; retry??? do_chain: sta ALTZPOFF jmp chain_target ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Installed on zero page of each bank at $B0 .proc zpproc pushorg ::zpproc_addr sta $E0 ; dst1 hi bcs :+ sty $E0 ; dst1 hi tay : lda #$00 sta RAMWRTON bcc :+ txa ldx #$00 sta RAMWRTOFF sta RAMRDON ;; One block = two pages : sty $DD ; src1 hi iny sty $E3 ; src2 hi sta $DF ; dst1 lo sta $E5 ; dst2 lo stx $DC ; src1 lo stx $E2 ; src2 lo ldy $E0 ; dst1 hi iny sty $E6 ; dst2 hi ldy #$00 : lda $1000,y ; src1 sta $1000,y ; dst1 lda $1000,y ; src2 sta $1000,y ; dst2 iny bne :- sta RAMWRTOFF sta RAMRDOFF clc bit $02E4 rts poporg .endproc sizeof_zpproc := .sizeof(zpproc) ;;; ============================================================ on_line_params_buffer := $220 DEFINE_ON_LINE_PARAMS on_line_params, $30, on_line_params_buffer num_banks_minus_one: .byte 0 L239F: .byte 0 sig: scrcode "GEB" ; signature sequence - Glen E. Bredon sig_len = * - sig ;; Volume Directory Header .proc vol_dir_header .word 0 ; preceding block number .word $03 ; succeeding block number .byte ST_VOLUME_DIRECTORY << 4 | 3 ; storage type / name length .byte "RAM" ; name field is 15 bytes .res 15-3 .res 8, 0 ; reserved (8 bytes) .word 0, 0 ; creation date/time .byte 1 ; version (1 = ProDOS 2.0) .byte 0 ; min_version .byte ACCESS_DEFAULT ; access .byte $27 ; entry_length .byte $D ; entries_per_block .word 0 ; file_count .word 6 ; bit_map_pointer blocks: .word 0 ; total_blocks .endproc .assert .sizeof(vol_dir_header) = .sizeof(VolumeDirectoryHeader), error, "Size mismatch" .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Ram Disk Driver - installed at $FF00 ;;; ============================================================ .proc driver_src pushorg ::driver_target driver_start := * start: cld ; used as a signature lda DRIVER_COMMAND bne not_status driver_blocks_lo := *+1 ldx #0 ; self-modified - blocks low driver_blocks_hi := *+1 ldy #0 ; self-modified - blocks high LFF09: clc bcc LFF83 ; always not_status: cmp #DRIVER_COMMAND_FORMAT beq LFF09 ;; COMMAND_READ or COMMAND_WRITE LFF10: lda #$27 bcs rts1 lda RD80STORE pha sta CLR80COL ;; Save $40/41 lda $40 pha lda $41 pha lda DRIVER_BUFFER sta $40 ldx DRIVER_BUFFER+1 inx stx $41 jsr install_zpproc_relay zpproc_relay_patch1_offset := $04 stx zpproc_relay_addr + zpproc_relay_patch1_offset lda RDALTZP zpproc_relay_patch2_offset := $14 sta zpproc_relay_addr + zpproc_relay_patch2_offset lda DRIVER_BLOCK_NUMBER+1 pha tax lda DRIVER_BLOCK_NUMBER LFF3C: sec : iny sbc #$7F bcs :- dex bpl LFF3C tya adc DRIVER_BLOCK_NUMBER bcc :+ inc DRIVER_BLOCK_NUMBER+1 : asl a tay lda DRIVER_BLOCK_NUMBER+1 rol a tax pla sta DRIVER_BLOCK_NUMBER+1 driver_block_x := *+1 cpx #$0 ; self-modified - ??? bcs LFF74 tya sbc #191 cmp #16 bcs :+ adc #208 tay bit LCBANK2 : lda DRIVER_COMMAND lsr a ; carry set = READ, clear = WRITE lda bank_list,x ldx DRIVER_BUFFER jsr zpproc_relay_addr bit LCBANK1 LFF74: jsr install_zpproc_relay ;; Restore $40/41 pla sta $41 pla sta $40 pla bpl LFF83 sta SET80COL LFF83: lda #$00 bcs LFF10 rts1: rts install_zpproc_relay: ldy #sizeof_zpproc_relay+1 : ldx zpproc_relay-1,y lda zpproc_relay_addr-1,y sta zpproc_relay-1,y txa sta zpproc_relay_addr-1,y dey bne :- ldx DRIVER_BUFFER+1 bpl done bit DRIVER_BUFFER+1 bvc done : ldx $8000,y lda (DRIVER_BUFFER),y sta $8000,y txa sta (DRIVER_BUFFER),y ldx $8100,y lda ($40),y sta $8100,y txa sta ($40),y iny bne :- ldx #$80 done: rts bank_list: .res ::kMaxUsableBanks, 0 .proc zpproc_relay sta RWBANK patch_loc1 := *+1 lda #$00 sta ALTZPON jsr zpproc_addr sty RWBANK bmi :+ sta ALTZPOFF : rts patch_loc2 := * .endproc sizeof_zpproc_relay := .sizeof(zpproc_relay) patch_loc1_offset := zpproc_relay::patch_loc1 - zpproc_relay patch_loc2_offset := zpproc_relay::patch_loc2 - zpproc_relay ;; These offsets can't be used directly due to ca65 addressing mode ;; assumptions, so just verify they are correct. .assert zpproc_relay_patch1_offset = patch_loc1_offset, error, "Offset mismatch" .assert zpproc_relay_patch2_offset = patch_loc2_offset, error, "Offset mismatch" .byte 0 poporg .endproc sizeof_driver := .sizeof(driver_src) driver_blocks_lo := driver_src + driver_src::driver_blocks_lo - driver_src::driver_start driver_blocks_hi := driver_src + driver_src::driver_blocks_hi - driver_src::driver_start driver_block_x := driver_src + driver_src::driver_block_x - driver_src::driver_start driver_bank_list := driver_src + driver_src::bank_list - driver_src::driver_start ;;; Scratch space beyond code used during install reserved_banks := * first_used_bank := *+1 map1 := *+2 map2 := *+2+$80 stash_00 := *+2+$100 stash_01 := *+2+$180