;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; ASCII BELL := $07 BS := $08 CR := $0D ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Constants MAX_DW := $FFFF ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Softswitches CLR80VID := $C00C ; 40 Columns ROMIN2 := $C082 ; Read ROM; no write RWRAM1 := $C08B ; Read/write RAM bank 1 ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; ProDOS PRODOS := $BF00 DATETIME := $BF06 DEVNUM := $BF30 BITMAP := $BF58 BITMAP_SIZE := 24 ; 24 bytes in system bit map DATELO := $BF90 TIMELO := $BF92 MACHID := $BF98 SYS_ADDR := $2000 ; Load address for SYSTEM files PATHNAME := $0280 ; Pathname of loaded system file ;;; MLI commands MLI_QUIT := $65 MLI_READ_BLOCK := $80 MLI_GET_TIME := $82 MLI_OPEN := $C8 MLI_READ := $CA MLI_CLOSE := $CC .macro PRODOS_CALL call, params jsr PRODOS .byte call .addr params .endmacro ;;; Volume Directory Block Header structure .scope VolumeDirectoryBlockHeader prev_block := $00 next_block := $02 entry_length := $23 entries_per_block := $24 header_length := $2B .endscope ;; File Entry structure .scope FileEntry storage_type := $00 name_length := $00 file_name := $01 file_type := $10 .endscope ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Monitor INIT := $FB2F MON_HOME := $FC58 GETLN := $FD6A ; with prompt character GETLN2 := $FD6F ; no prompt character CROUT := $FD8E PRBYTE := $FDDA COUT := $FDED SETNORM := $FE84 SETKBD := $FE89 SETVID := $FE93 INPUT_BUFFER := $200 ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; I/O Registers (for Slot 2) TDREG := $C088 + $20 ; ACIA Transmit Register (write) RDREG := $C088 + $20 ; ACIA Receive Register (read) STATUS := $C089 + $20 ; ACIA Status/Reset Register COMMAND := $C08A + $20 ; ACIA Command Register (read/write) CONTROL := $C08B + $20 ; ACIA Control Register (read/write) ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Length-prefixed string .macro PASCAL_STRING arg .byte .strlen(arg) .byte arg .endmacro ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Define a string with high bits set ;;; e.g. HIASCII "Ding ding", $7, $7 .macro HIASCII arg, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9 .if .blank(arg) .exitmacro .endif .if .match ({arg}, "") ; string? .repeat .strlen(arg), i .byte .strat(arg, i) | $80 .endrep .else ; otherwise assume number/char/identifier .byte (arg | $80) .endif HIASCII arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9 .endmacro ;;; Like HIASCII, but null-terminated .macro HIASCIIZ arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9 HIASCII arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9 .byte 0 .endmacro ;;; Set the high bit on the passed byte .define HI(c) ((c)|$80)