;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; SYS files load at $2000; relocates self to $1000 .org SYS_ADDR dst_addr := $1000 ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ jmp relocate .byte MM, DD, YY ; version date stamp ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Relocate this code from $2000 (.SYSTEM start location) to $1000 ;;; and start executing there. This is done so that the next .SYSTEM ;;; file can be loaded/run at $2000. .proc relocate src := reloc_start dst := dst_addr ldx #(reloc_end - reloc_start + $FF) / $100 ; pages ldy #0 load: lda src,y ; self-modified load_hi := *-1 sta dst,y ; self-modified store_hi := *-1 iny bne load inc load_hi inc store_hi dex bne load jmp main .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Start of relocated code reloc_start := * pushorg dst_addr ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Main routine ;;; ============================================================ .proc main jsr save_chain_info jsr init_system jsr maybe_install_driver jmp launch_next .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Preserve state needed to chain to next file ;;; ============================================================ .proc save_chain_info ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; Save most recent device for later, when chaining ;; to next .SYSTEM file. lda DEVNUM sta devnum ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; Identify the name of this SYS file, which should be present at ;; $280 with or without a path prefix. Search pathname buffer ;; backwards for '/', then copy name into |self_name|. ;; Find '/' (which may not be present, prefix is optional) ldx PATHNAME beq no_name ldy #0 ; Y = length : lda PATHNAME,x and #$7f ; ignore high bit cmp #'/' beq copy_name iny dex bne :- ;; Copy name into |self_name| buffer copy_name: cpy #0 beq no_name sty self_name ldx PATHNAME : lda PATHNAME,x sta self_name,y dex dey bne :- ;; Done rts no_name: lda #0 sta self_name rts .endproc devnum: .byte 0 self_name: .res 16 ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Init system state ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Before installing, get the system to a known state. .proc init_system cld bit ROMIN2 ;; Update reset vector - ProDOS QUIT lda #quit sta RESETVEC+1 eor #$A5 sta RESETVEC+2 ;; Quit 80-column firmware lda #$95 ; Ctrl+U (quit 80 col firmware) jsr COUT ;; Reset I/O sta CLR80VID sta CLRALTCHAR sta CLR80COL jsr SETNORM jsr INIT jsr SETVID jsr SETKBD jsr HOME ;; Update System Bit Map ldx #BITMAP_SIZE-1 lda #%00000001 ; protect page $BF : sta BITMAP,x lda #%00000000 ; nothing else protected until... dex bne :- lda #%11001111 ; ZP ($00), stack ($01), text page 1 ($04-$07) sta BITMAP ;; Determine lowercase support lda MACHID and #$88 ; IIe or IIc (or IIgs) ? bne :+ lda #$DF sta lowercase_mask ; lower case to upper case : rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Find and invoke the next .SYSTEM file ;;; ============================================================ online_buf := $1C00 io_buf := $1C00 dir_buf := $2000 block_len = $200 DEFINE_ON_LINE_PARAMS on_line_params,,online_buf DEFINE_OPEN_PARAMS open_params, PATHNAME, io_buf DEFINE_READ_PARAMS read_params, SYS_ADDR, SYS_LEN DEFINE_READ_PARAMS read_block_params, dir_buf, block_len DEFINE_CLOSE_PARAMS close_params .proc launch_next ;; Read directory and look for .SYSTEM files; find this ;; one, and invoke the following one. ptr := $A5 num := $A7 len := $A8 ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; Own name found? If not, just quit lda self_name bne :+ jmp quit ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; Find name of boot device, copy into PATHNAME : lda devnum sta on_line_params::unit_num MLI_CALL ON_LINE, on_line_params bcc :+ jmp on_error : lda #'/' ; Prefix by '/' sta PATHNAME+1 lda online_buf and #$0F ; Mask off length sta PATHNAME ldx #0 ; Copy name : lda online_buf+1,x sta PATHNAME+2,x inx cpx PATHNAME bne :- inx ; One more for '/' prefix stx PATHNAME ;; Open directory MLI_CALL OPEN, open_params bcc :+ jmp on_error : lda open_params::ref_num sta read_block_params::ref_num sta close_params::ref_num ;; Read first "block" MLI_CALL READ, read_block_params bcc :+ jmp on_error ;; Get sizes out of header : lda dir_buf + VolumeDirectoryHeader::entry_length sta entry_length_mod lda dir_buf + VolumeDirectoryHeader::entries_per_block sta entries_per_block_mod lda #1 sta num ;; Set up pointers to entry lda #<(dir_buf + .sizeof(VolumeDirectoryHeader)) sta ptr lda #>(dir_buf + .sizeof(VolumeDirectoryHeader)) sta ptr+1 ;; Process directory entry entry: ldy #FileEntry::file_type ; file_type lda (ptr),y cmp #$FF ; type=SYS bne next ldy #FileEntry::storage_type_name_length lda (ptr),y and #$30 ; regular file (not directory, pascal) beq next lda (ptr),y and #$0F ; name_length sta len tay ;; Compare suffix - is it .SYSTEM? ldx suffix : lda (ptr),y cmp suffix,x bne next dey dex bne :- ;; Yes; is it *this* .SYSTEM file? ldy self_name cpy len bne handle_sys_file : lda (ptr),y cmp self_name,y bne handle_sys_file dey bne :- sec ror found_self_flag ;; Move to the next entry next: lda ptr clc adc #$27 ; self-modified: entry_length entry_length_mod := *-1 sta ptr bcc :+ inc ptr+1 : inc num lda num cmp #$0D ; self-modified: entries_per_block entries_per_block_mod := *-1 bcc entry ;; Read next "block" MLI_CALL READ, read_block_params bcs not_found ;; Set up pointers to entry lda #0 sta num lda #<(dir_buf + $04) sta ptr lda #>(dir_buf + $04) sta ptr+1 jmp entry ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; Found a .SYSTEM file which is not this one; invoke ;; it if follows this one. handle_sys_file: bit found_self_flag bpl next MLI_CALL CLOSE, close_params ;; Compose the path to invoke. ldx PATHNAME inx lda #'/' sta PATHNAME,x ldy #0 : iny inx lda (ptr),y sta PATHNAME,x cpy len bcc :- stx PATHNAME jmp invoke_system_file not_found: jsr zstrout scrcode "\r\r* Unable to find next '.SYSTEM' file *\r" .byte 0 bit KBDSTRB : lda KBD bpl :- bit KBDSTRB jmp quit .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Load/execute the system file in PATHNAME .proc invoke_system_file MLI_CALL OPEN, open_params bcs on_error lda open_params::ref_num sta read_params::ref_num sta close_params::ref_num MLI_CALL READ, read_params bcs on_error MLI_CALL CLOSE, close_params bcs on_error jmp SYS_ADDR ; Invoke loaded SYSTEM file .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Error handler - invoked if any ProDOS error occurs. .proc on_error pha jsr zstrout scrcode "\r\r* Disk Error $" .byte 0 pla jsr PRBYTE jsr zstrout scrcode " *\r" .byte 0 bit KBDSTRB : lda KBD bpl :- bit KBDSTRB jmp quit .endproc .proc quit MLI_CALL QUIT, quit_params brk ; crash if QUIT fails DEFINE_QUIT_PARAMS quit_params .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Data suffix: PASCAL_STRING ".SYSTEM" found_self_flag: .byte 0 ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Common Routines ;;; ============================================================ ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Output a high-ascii, null-terminated string. ;;; String immediately follows the JSR. .proc zstrout ptr := $A5 pla ; read address from stack sta ptr pla sta ptr+1 bne skip ; always (since data not on ZP) next: cmp #HI('a') ; lower-case? bcc :+ and lowercase_mask ; make upper-case if needed : jsr COUT skip: inc ptr bne :+ inc ptr+1 : ldy #0 lda (ptr),y bne next lda ptr+1 ; restore address to stack pha lda ptr pha rts .endproc lowercase_mask: .byte $FF ; Set to $DF on systems w/o lower-case ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; COUT a 2-digit number in A .proc cout_number ldx #HI('0') cmp #10 ; >= 10? bcc tens ;; divide by 10, dividend(+'0') in x remainder in a : sbc #10 inx cmp #10 bcs :- tens: pha cpx #HI('0') beq units txa jsr COUT units: pla ora #HI('0') jsr COUT rts .endproc