
453 lines
15 KiB
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import math
import pytest
2018-01-09 23:44:11 +00:00
from il65.plylex import lexer, tokens, find_tok_column, literals, reserved, SourceRef
from il65.plyparse import parser, connect_parents, TokenFilter, Module, Subroutine, Block, IncrDecr, Scope, \
AstNode, Expression, Assignment, VarDef, Register, ExpressionWithOperator, LiteralValue, Label, SubCall, Dereference,\
BuiltinFunction, UndefinedSymbolError
from il65.datatypes import DataType, VarType
2018-01-14 23:20:36 +00:00
def lexer_error(sourceref: SourceRef, fmtstring: str, *args: str) -> None:
print("ERROR: {}: {}".format(sourceref, fmtstring.format(*args)))
def parse_source(src: str) -> AstNode:
lexer.lineno = 1
lexer.source_filename = "sourcefile"
tfilt = TokenFilter(lexer)
result = parser.parse(input=src, tokenfunc=tfilt.token)
connect_parents(result, None)
return result
2018-01-14 23:20:36 +00:00
lexer.error_function = lexer_error
2018-01-08 02:31:23 +00:00
def test_lexer_definitions():
assert "ENDL" in tokens
assert "GOTO" in tokens
assert '+' in literals
assert ';' not in literals
assert "return" in reserved
assert "sub" in reserved
assert "A" in reserved
assert "if_cc" in reserved
2018-01-11 23:55:47 +00:00
test_source_1 = """ %output prg, sys
2018-01-08 02:31:23 +00:00
; c1
; c2
~ block $c000 {
%import a,b
; comment
2018-01-09 23:44:11 +00:00
var foo = 42+true
2018-01-08 02:31:23 +00:00
var .matrix(20,30) m = 9.234556
sub calculate () -> () {
2018-01-11 23:55:47 +00:00
2018-01-08 02:31:23 +00:00
def test_lexer():
2018-01-11 23:55:47 +00:00
2018-01-08 02:31:23 +00:00
lexer.lineno = 1
tokens = list(iter(lexer))
token_types = list(t.type for t in tokens)
assert token_types == ['DIRECTIVE', 'NAME', ',', 'NAME', 'ENDL', 'ENDL', 'ENDL',
2018-01-09 23:44:11 +00:00
2018-01-08 02:31:23 +00:00
'SUB', 'NAME', '(', ')', 'RARROW', '(', ')', '{', 'ENDL', 'RETURN', 'ENDL', '}', 'ENDL', 'ENDL', 'ENDL', 'ENDL',
'}', 'ENDL']
directive_token = tokens[12]
assert directive_token.type == "DIRECTIVE"
assert directive_token.value == "import"
assert directive_token.lineno == 9
assert directive_token.lexpos == lexer.lexdata.index("%import")
assert find_tok_column(directive_token) == 10
2018-01-09 23:44:11 +00:00
bool_token = tokens[23]
assert bool_token.type == "BOOLEAN"
assert type(bool_token.value) is bool
assert bool_token.value == True
2018-01-08 02:31:23 +00:00
2018-01-11 23:55:47 +00:00
def test_lexer_strings():
lexer.input(r"'hello\tbye\n\n' '\n'")
lexer.lineno = 1
tokens = list(iter(lexer))
assert len(tokens) == 2
st = tokens[0]
assert st.type == "STRING"
assert st.value == "hello\tbye\n\n"
st = tokens[1]
assert st.type == "CHARACTER"
assert st.value == '\n'
2018-01-08 02:31:23 +00:00
def test_tokenfilter():
2018-01-11 23:55:47 +00:00
2018-01-08 02:31:23 +00:00
lexer.lineno = 1
filter = TokenFilter(lexer)
tokens = []
while True:
token = filter.token()
if not token:
token_types = list(t.type for t in tokens)
assert token_types == ['DIRECTIVE', 'NAME', ',', 'NAME', 'ENDL',
2018-01-09 23:44:11 +00:00
2018-01-08 02:31:23 +00:00
'SUB', 'NAME', '(', ')', 'RARROW', '(', ')', '{', 'ENDL', 'RETURN', 'ENDL', '}', 'ENDL',
'}', 'ENDL']
def test_parser():
result = parse_source(test_source_1)
2018-01-08 02:31:23 +00:00
assert isinstance(result, Module)
assert == "sourcefile"
assert == "<sourcefile global scope>"
assert result.subroutine_usage == {}
assert result.scope.parent_scope is None
2018-01-16 00:47:55 +00:00
sub = result.scope.lookup("block.calculate")
2018-01-08 02:31:23 +00:00
assert isinstance(sub, Subroutine)
assert == "calculate"
2018-01-16 00:47:55 +00:00
block = result.scope.lookup("block")
2018-01-08 02:31:23 +00:00
assert isinstance(block, Block)
assert == "block"
2018-01-09 23:44:11 +00:00
bool_vdef = block.scope.nodes[1]
assert isinstance(bool_vdef, VarDef)
assert isinstance(bool_vdef.value, ExpressionWithOperator)
2018-01-09 23:44:11 +00:00
assert isinstance(bool_vdef.value.right, LiteralValue)
assert isinstance(bool_vdef.value.right.value, int)
assert bool_vdef.value.right.value == 1
2018-01-08 02:31:23 +00:00
assert block.address == 49152
2018-01-16 00:47:55 +00:00
sub2 = block.scope.lookup("calculate")
2018-01-08 02:31:23 +00:00
assert sub2 is sub
2018-01-09 23:44:11 +00:00
assert sub2.lineref == "src l. 19"
all_nodes = list(result.all_nodes())
2018-01-30 00:38:37 +00:00
assert len(all_nodes) == 14
2018-01-21 00:32:50 +00:00
all_nodes = list(result.all_nodes(Subroutine))
assert len(all_nodes) == 1
assert isinstance(all_nodes[0], Subroutine)
assert isinstance(all_nodes[0].parent, Scope)
assert all_nodes[0] in all_nodes[0].parent.nodes
assert all_nodes[0].lineref == "src l. 19"
assert all_nodes[0].parent.lineref == "src l. 8"
2018-01-09 23:44:11 +00:00
def test_block_nodes():
sref = SourceRef("file", 1, 1)
sub1 = Subroutine(name="subaddr", param_spec=[], result_spec=[], address=0xc000, sourceref=sref)
sub2 = Subroutine(name="subblock", param_spec=[], result_spec=[], sourceref=sref)
sub2.scope = Scope(nodes=[Label(name="start", sourceref=sref)], level="block", sourceref=sref)
2018-01-09 23:44:11 +00:00
assert sub1.scope is None
assert sub1.nodes == []
assert sub2.scope is not None
assert len(sub2.scope.nodes) > 0
2018-01-11 23:55:47 +00:00
test_source_2 = """
~ {
2018-01-16 00:47:55 +00:00
2018-01-11 23:55:47 +00:00
def test_parser_2():
result = parse_source(test_source_2)
block = result.scope.nodes[0]
call = block.scope.nodes[0]
2018-01-11 23:55:47 +00:00
assert isinstance(call, SubCall)
assert len(call.arguments.nodes) == 2
2018-01-30 00:38:37 +00:00
assert isinstance(, LiteralValue)
assert == 999
call = block.scope.nodes[1]
2018-01-11 23:55:47 +00:00
assert isinstance(call, SubCall)
assert len(call.arguments.nodes) == 0
assert isinstance(, Dereference)
assert == "zz"
test_source_3 = """
~ {
[$c000.word] = 5
2018-01-14 23:20:36 +00:00
[$c000 .byte] = 5
[AX .word] = 5
[AX .float] = 5
def test_typespec():
result = parse_source(test_source_3)
block = result.scope.nodes[0]
assignment1, assignment2, assignment3, assignment4 = block.scope.nodes
assert assignment1.right.value == 5
assert assignment2.right.value == 5
assert assignment3.right.value == 5
assert assignment4.right.value == 5
assert len(assignment1.left.nodes) == 1
assert len(assignment2.left.nodes) == 1
assert len(assignment3.left.nodes) == 1
assert len(assignment4.left.nodes) == 1
t1 = assignment1.left.nodes[0]
t2 = assignment2.left.nodes[0]
t3 = assignment3.left.nodes[0]
t4 = assignment4.left.nodes[0]
2018-01-14 23:20:36 +00:00
assert isinstance(t1, Dereference)
assert isinstance(t2, Dereference)
assert isinstance(t3, Dereference)
assert isinstance(t4, Dereference)
2018-01-30 00:38:37 +00:00
assert isinstance(t1.operand, LiteralValue)
assert isinstance(t2.operand, LiteralValue)
assert isinstance(t3.operand, Register)
assert isinstance(t4.operand, Register)
assert t1.operand.value == 0xc000
assert t2.operand.value == 0xc000
assert == "AX"
assert == "AX"
2018-01-14 23:20:36 +00:00
assert t1.datatype == DataType.WORD
assert t2.datatype == DataType.BYTE
assert t3.datatype == DataType.WORD
assert t4.datatype == DataType.FLOAT
assert t1.size is None
assert t2.size is None
assert t3.size is None
assert t4.size is None
test_source_4 = """
~ {
var x1 = '@'
var x2 = 'π'
var x3 = 'abc'
A = '@'
A = 'π'
A = 'abc'
def test_char_string():
result = parse_source(test_source_4)
block = result.scope.nodes[0]
var1, var2, var3, assgn1, assgn2, assgn3, = block.scope.nodes
assert var1.value.value == '@'
assert var2.value.value == 'π'
assert var3.value.value == "abc"
assert assgn1.right.value == '@'
assert assgn2.right.value == 'π'
assert assgn3.right.value == "abc"
# note: the actual one-charactor-to-bytevalue conversion is done at the very latest, when issuing an assignment statement
test_source_5 = """
~ {
var x1 = true
var x2 = false
A = true
A = false
def test_boolean_int():
result = parse_source(test_source_5)
block = result.scope.nodes[0]
var1, var2, assgn1, assgn2, = block.scope.nodes
assert type(var1.value.value) is int and var1.value.value == 1
assert type(var2.value.value) is int and var2.value.value == 0
assert type(assgn1.right.value) is int and assgn1.right.value == 1
assert type(assgn2.right.value) is int and assgn2.right.value == 0
def test_incrdecr():
sref = SourceRef("test", 1, 1)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
IncrDecr(operator="??", sourceref=sref)
i = IncrDecr(operator="++", sourceref=sref)
assert i.howmuch == 1
def test_symbol_lookup():
sref = SourceRef("test", 1, 1)
var1 = VarDef(name="var1", vartype="const", datatype=DataType.WORD, sourceref=sref)
var1.value = LiteralValue(value=42, sourceref=sref)
var1.value.parent = var1
var2 = VarDef(name="var2", vartype="const", datatype=DataType.FLOAT, sourceref=sref)
var2.value = LiteralValue(value=123.456, sourceref=sref)
var2.value.parent = var2
label1 = Label(name="outerlabel", sourceref=sref)
label2 = Label(name="innerlabel", sourceref=sref)
scope_inner = Scope(nodes=[
], level="block", sourceref=sref) = "inner"
var2.parent = label2.parent = scope_inner
scope_outer = Scope(nodes=[
], level="block", sourceref=sref) = "outer"
var1.parent = label1.parent = scope_inner.parent = scope_outer
scope_topmost = Scope(nodes=[scope_outer], level="module", sourceref=sref) = "topmost"
scope_outer.parent = scope_topmost
assert scope_inner.parent_scope is scope_outer
assert scope_outer.parent_scope is scope_topmost
assert scope_topmost.parent_scope is None
assert label1.my_scope() is scope_outer
assert var1.my_scope() is scope_outer
assert scope_inner.my_scope() is scope_outer
assert label2.my_scope() is scope_inner
assert var2.my_scope() is scope_inner
assert scope_outer.my_scope() is scope_topmost
with pytest.raises(LookupError):
with pytest.raises(UndefinedSymbolError):
with pytest.raises(UndefinedSymbolError):
assert scope_inner.lookup("innerlabel") is label2
assert scope_inner.lookup("var2") is var2
assert scope_inner.lookup("outerlabel") is label1
assert scope_inner.lookup("var1") is var1
with pytest.raises(UndefinedSymbolError):
with pytest.raises(UndefinedSymbolError):
assert scope_outer.lookup("var1") is var1
assert scope_outer.lookup("outerlabel") is label1
math_func = scope_inner.lookup("sin")
assert isinstance(math_func, BuiltinFunction)
assert == "sin" and math_func.func is math.sin
builtin_func = scope_inner.lookup("abs")
assert isinstance(builtin_func, BuiltinFunction)
assert == "abs" and builtin_func.func is abs
# test dotted names:
with pytest.raises(UndefinedSymbolError):
assert scope_inner.lookup("outer.inner.var2") is var2
with pytest.raises(UndefinedSymbolError):
with pytest.raises(UndefinedSymbolError):
assert scope_inner.lookup("outer.var1") is var1
def test_const_numeric_expressions():
src = """
~ {
A = 1+2+3+4+5
X = 1+2*5+2
Y = (1+2)*(5+2)
A = (((10+20)/2)+5)**3
X = -10-11-12
Y = 1.234 mod (0.9 / 1.2)
A = sin(1.234)
X = round(4.567)-2
Y = 1+abs(-100)
A = ~1
X = -1
A = 4 << (9-3)
X = 5000 >> 2
Y = 999//88
result = parse_source(src)
if isinstance(result, Module):
assignments = list(result.all_nodes(Assignment))
e = [a.nodes[1] for a in assignments]
assert all(x.is_compile_constant() for x in e)
assert e[0].const_value() == 15 # 1+2+3+4+5
assert e[1].const_value() == 13 # 1+2*5+2
assert e[2].const_value() == 21 # (1+2)*(5+2)
assert e[3].const_value() == 8000 # (((10+20)/2)+5)**3
assert e[4].const_value() == -33 # -10-11-12
assert e[5].const_value() == 0.484 # 1.234 mod (0.9 / 1.2)
assert math.isclose(e[6].const_value(), 0.9438182093746337) # sin(1.234)
assert e[7].const_value() == 3 # round(4.567)-2
assert e[8].const_value() == 101 # 1+abs(-100)
assert e[9].const_value() == -2 # ~1
assert e[10].const_value() == -1 # -1
assert e[11].const_value() == 256 # 4 << (9-3)
assert e[12].const_value() == 1250 # 5000 >> 2
assert e[13].const_value() == 11 # 999//88
def test_const_logic_expressions():
src = """
~ {
A = true or false
X = true and false
Y = true xor false
A = false and false or true
X = (false and (false or true))
Y = not (false or true)
A = 1 < 2
X = 1 >= 2
Y = 1 == (2+3)
result = parse_source(src)
assignments = list(result.all_nodes(Assignment))
e = [a.nodes[1] for a in assignments]
assert all(x.is_compile_constant() for x in e)
assert e[0].const_value() == True
assert e[1].const_value() == False
assert e[2].const_value() == True
assert e[3].const_value() == True
assert e[4].const_value() == False
assert e[5].const_value() == False
assert e[6].const_value() == True
assert e[7].const_value() == False
assert e[8].const_value() == False
def test_const_other_expressions():
src = """
~ {
memory memvar = $c123
A = &memvar ; constant
X = &sin ; non-constant
Y = [memvar] ; non-constant
result = parse_source(src)
if isinstance(result, Module):
assignments = list(result.all_nodes(Assignment))
e = [a.nodes[1] for a in assignments]
assert e[0].is_compile_constant()
assert e[0].const_value() == 0xc123
assert not e[1].is_compile_constant()
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
assert not e[2].is_compile_constant()
with pytest.raises(TypeError):