but this requires all identifiers in the inlined expression to be changed to fully scoped names.
If we can do that why not perhaps also able to inline multi-line subroutines? Why would it be limited to just 1 line? Maybe to protect against code bloat.
- consider adding McCarthy evaluation to shortcircuit and and or expressions. First do ifs by splitting them up? Then do expressions that compute a value?
- make it possible to use cpu opcodes such as 'nop' as variable names by prefixing all asm vars with something such as ``p8v_``? Or not worth it (most 3 letter opcodes as variables are nonsensical anyway)
then we can get rid of the instruction lists in the machinedefinitions as well?
- [problematic due to 64tass:] add a compiler option to not remove unused subroutines. this allows for building library programs. But this won't work with 64tass's .proc ...
- Zig-like try-based error handling where the V flag could indicate error condition? and/or BRK to jump into monitor on failure? (has to set BRK vector for this)
- add special (u)word array type (or modifier?) that puts the array into memory as 2 separate byte-arrays 1 for LSB 1 for MSB -> allows for word arrays of length 256
- c64: make the graphics.BITMAP_ADDRESS configurable (VIC banking)
- optimize several inner loops in gfx2 even further?
- add modes 2 and 3 to gfx2 (lowres 4 color and 16 color)?
- add a flood fill routine to gfx2?
- add a diskio.f_seek() routine for the Cx16 that uses its seek dos api? (only if that's stable)
- rethink the whole "isAugmentable" business. Because the way this is determined, should always also be exactly mirrorred in the AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen or you'll get a crash at code gen time.
- can we get rid of pieces of asmgen.AssignmentAsmGen by just reusing the AugmentableAssignment ? generated code should not suffer
- rewrite expression tree evaluation such that it doesn't use an eval stack but flatten the tree into linear code that uses a fixed number of predetermined value 'variables'?
- translateUnaryFunctioncall() in BuiltinFunctionsAsmGen: should be able to assign parameters to a builtin function directly from register(s), this will make the use of a builtin function in a pipe expression more efficient without using a temporary variable