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; Prog8 definitions for the CommanderX16
; Including memory registers, I/O registers, Basic and Kernal subroutines.
; Written by Irmen de Jong ( - license: GNU GPL 3.0
; indent format: TABS, size=8
2020-08-26 17:34:12 +00:00
c64 {
; ---- kernal routines, these are the same as on the Commodore-64 (hence the same block name) ----
2020-08-26 17:34:12 +00:00
; STROUT --> use screen.print
; CLEARSCR -> use screen.clear_screen
; HOMECRSR -> use screen.plot
romsub $FF81 = CINT() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; (alias: SCINIT) initialize screen editor and video chip
romsub $FF84 = IOINIT() clobbers(A, X) ; initialize I/O devices (CIA, SID, IRQ)
romsub $FF87 = RAMTAS() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; initialize RAM, tape buffer, screen
romsub $FF8A = RESTOR() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; restore default I/O vectors
romsub $FF8D = VECTOR(uword userptr @ XY, ubyte dir @ Pc) clobbers(A,Y) ; read/set I/O vector table
romsub $FF90 = SETMSG(ubyte value @ A) ; set Kernal message control flag
romsub $FF93 = SECOND(ubyte address @ A) clobbers(A) ; (alias: LSTNSA) send secondary address after LISTEN
romsub $FF96 = TKSA(ubyte address @ A) clobbers(A) ; (alias: TALKSA) send secondary address after TALK
romsub $FF99 = MEMTOP(uword address @ XY, ubyte dir @ Pc) -> uword @ XY ; read/set top of memory pointer
romsub $FF9C = MEMBOT(uword address @ XY, ubyte dir @ Pc) -> uword @ XY ; read/set bottom of memory pointer
romsub $FF9F = SCNKEY() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; scan the keyboard
romsub $FFA2 = SETTMO(ubyte timeout @ A) ; set time-out flag for IEEE bus
romsub $FFA5 = ACPTR() -> ubyte @ A ; (alias: IECIN) input byte from serial bus
romsub $FFA8 = CIOUT(ubyte databyte @ A) ; (alias: IECOUT) output byte to serial bus
romsub $FFAB = UNTLK() clobbers(A) ; command serial bus device to UNTALK
romsub $FFAE = UNLSN() clobbers(A) ; command serial bus device to UNLISTEN
romsub $FFB1 = LISTEN(ubyte device @ A) clobbers(A) ; command serial bus device to LISTEN
romsub $FFB4 = TALK(ubyte device @ A) clobbers(A) ; command serial bus device to TALK
romsub $FFB7 = READST() -> ubyte @ A ; read I/O status word
romsub $FFBA = SETLFS(ubyte logical @ A, ubyte device @ X, ubyte address @ Y) ; set logical file parameters
romsub $FFBD = SETNAM(ubyte namelen @ A, str filename @ XY) ; set filename parameters
romsub $FFC0 = OPEN() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; (via 794 ($31A)) open a logical file
romsub $FFC3 = CLOSE(ubyte logical @ A) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; (via 796 ($31C)) close a logical file
romsub $FFC6 = CHKIN(ubyte logical @ X) clobbers(A,X) ; (via 798 ($31E)) define an input channel
romsub $FFC9 = CHKOUT(ubyte logical @ X) clobbers(A,X) ; (via 800 ($320)) define an output channel
romsub $FFCC = CLRCHN() clobbers(A,X) ; (via 802 ($322)) restore default devices
romsub $FFCF = CHRIN() clobbers(Y) -> ubyte @ A ; (via 804 ($324)) input a character (for keyboard, read a whole line from the screen) A=byte read.
romsub $FFD2 = CHROUT(ubyte char @ A) ; (via 806 ($326)) output a character
romsub $FFD5 = LOAD(ubyte verify @ A, uword address @ XY) -> ubyte @Pc, ubyte @ A, ubyte @ X, ubyte @ Y ; (via 816 ($330)) load from device
romsub $FFD8 = SAVE(ubyte zp_startaddr @ A, uword endaddr @ XY) -> ubyte @ Pc, ubyte @ A ; (via 818 ($332)) save to a device
romsub $FFDB = SETTIM(ubyte low @ A, ubyte middle @ X, ubyte high @ Y) ; set the software clock
romsub $FFDE = RDTIM() -> ubyte @ A, ubyte @ X, ubyte @ Y ; read the software clock
romsub $FFE1 = STOP() clobbers(A,X) -> ubyte @ Pz, ubyte @ Pc ; (via 808 ($328)) check the STOP key
romsub $FFE4 = GETIN() clobbers(X,Y) -> ubyte @ A ; (via 810 ($32A)) get a character
romsub $FFE7 = CLALL() clobbers(A,X) ; (via 812 ($32C)) close all files
romsub $FFEA = UDTIM() clobbers(A,X) ; update the software clock
romsub $FFED = SCREEN() -> ubyte @ X, ubyte @ Y ; read number of screen rows and columns
2020-08-26 17:34:12 +00:00
romsub $FFF0 = PLOT(ubyte col @ Y, ubyte row @ X, ubyte dir @ Pc) -> ubyte @ X, ubyte @ Y ; read/set position of cursor on screen. Use screen.plot for a 'safe' wrapper that preserves X.
romsub $FFF3 = IOBASE() -> uword @ XY ; read base address of I/O devices
2020-08-26 17:34:12 +00:00
cx16 {
; ---- Commander X-16 additions on top of C64 kernal routines ----
; spelling of the names is taken from the Commander X-16 rom sources
; the sixteen virtual 16-bit registers
&uword r0 = $02
&uword r1 = $04
&uword r2 = $06
&uword r3 = $08
&uword r4 = $0a
&uword r5 = $0c
&uword r6 = $0e
&uword r7 = $10
&uword r8 = $12
&uword r9 = $14
&uword r10 = $16
&uword r11 = $18
&uword r12 = $1a
&uword r13 = $1c
&uword r14 = $1e
&uword r15 = $20
2020-08-26 17:34:12 +00:00
; VERA registers
const uword VERA_BASE = $9F20
&uword VERA_ADDR_L = VERA_BASE + $00
&uword VERA_ADDR_M = VERA_BASE + $01
&uword VERA_ADDR_H = VERA_BASE + $02
&uword VERA_DATA0 = VERA_BASE + $03
&uword VERA_DATA1 = VERA_BASE + $04
&uword VERA_CTRL = VERA_BASE + $05
&uword VERA_IEN = VERA_BASE + $06
&uword VERA_ISR = VERA_BASE + $07
&uword VERA_IRQ_LINE_L = VERA_BASE + $08
&uword VERA_DC_VIDEO = VERA_BASE + $09
&uword VERA_L0_HSCROLL_L = VERA_BASE + $10
&uword VERA_L0_HSCROLL_H = VERA_BASE + $11
&uword VERA_L0_VSCROLL_L = VERA_BASE + $12
&uword VERA_L0_VSCROLL_H = VERA_BASE + $13
&uword VERA_L1_CONFIG = VERA_BASE + $14
&uword VERA_L1_MAPBASE = VERA_BASE + $15
&uword VERA_L1_HSCROLL_L = VERA_BASE + $17
&uword VERA_L1_HSCROLL_H = VERA_BASE + $18
&uword VERA_L1_VSCROLL_L = VERA_BASE + $19
2020-08-26 17:34:12 +00:00
; supported C128 additions
romsub $ff4a = close_all()
romsub $ff59 = lkupla()
romsub $ff5c = lkupsa()
romsub $ff5f = screen_set_mode(ubyte mode @A) clobbers(A, X, Y) -> ubyte @Pc
romsub $ff62 = screen_set_charset(ubyte charset @A, uword charsetptr @XY) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; incompatible with C128 dlchr()
2020-08-26 17:34:12 +00:00
romsub $ff65 = pfkey()
romsub $ff6e = jsrfar()
romsub $ff74 = fetch()
romsub $ff77 = stash()
romsub $ff7a = cmpare()
romsub $ff7d = primm()
; X16 additions
romsub $ff44 = macptr()
romsub $ff47 = enter_basic(ubyte cold_or_warm @Pc)
romsub $ff68 = mouse_config(ubyte shape @A, ubyte scale @X) clobbers (A, X, Y)
romsub $ff6b = mouse_get(ubyte zpdataptr @X) clobbers(A)
romsub $ff71 = mouse_scan() clobbers(A, X, Y)
romsub $ff53 = joystick_scan() clobbers(A, X, Y)
romsub $ff56 = joystick_get(ubyte joynr @A) -> ubyte @A, ubyte @X, ubyte @Y
romsub $ff4d = clock_set_date_time() clobbers(A, X, Y) ; args: r0, r1, r2, r3L
romsub $ff50 = clock_get_date_time() clobbers(A) ; outout args: r0, r1, r2, r3L
2020-08-26 17:34:12 +00:00
; high level graphics & fonts
romsub $ff20 = GRAPH_init() ; uses vectors=r0
2020-08-26 17:34:12 +00:00
romsub $ff23 = GRAPH_clear()
romsub $ff26 = GRAPH_set_window() ; uses x=r0, y=r1, width=r2, height=r3
romsub $ff29 = GRAPH_set_colors(ubyte stroke @A, ubyte fill @X, ubyte background @Y)
romsub $ff2c = GRAPH_draw_line() ; uses x1=r0, y1=r1, x2=r2, y2=r3
romsub $ff2f = GRAPH_draw_rect(ubyte fill @Pc) ; uses x=r0, y=r1, width=r2, height=r3, cornerradius=r4
romsub $ff32 = GRAPH_move_rect() ; uses sx=r0, sy=r1, tx=r2, ty=r3, width=r4, height=r5
romsub $ff35 = GRAPH_draw_oval(ubyte fill @Pc) ; uses x=r0, y=r1, width=r2, height=r3
romsub $ff38 = GRAPH_draw_image() ; uses x=r0, y=r1, ptr=r2, width=r3, height=r4
romsub $ff3b = GRAPH_set_font() ; uses ptr=r0
romsub $ff3e = GRAPH_get_char_size(ubyte baseline @A, ubyte width @X, ubyte height_or_style @Y, ubyte is_control @Pc)
romsub $ff41 = GRAPH_put_char(ubyte char @A) ; uses x=r0, y=r1
; framebuffer
romsub $fef6 = FB_init()
romsub $fef9 = FB_get_info() -> byte @A ; also outputs width=r0, height=r1
romsub $fefc = FB_set_palette(ubyte index @A, ubyte bytecount @X) ; also uses pointer=r0
romsub $feff = FB_cursor_position() ; uses x=r0, y=r1
romsub $ff02 = FB_cursor_next_line() ; uses x=r0
romsub $ff05 = FB_get_pixel() -> ubyte @A
romsub $ff08 = FB_get_pixels() ; uses ptr=r0, count=r1
romsub $ff0b = FB_set_pixel(ubyte color @A)
romsub $ff0e = FB_set_pixels() ; uses ptr=r0, count=r1
romsub $ff11 = FB_set_8_pixels(ubyte pattern @A, ubyte color @X)
romsub $ff14 = FB_set_8_pixels_opaque(ubyte pattern @A, ubyte color1 @X, ubyte color2 @Y) ; also uses mask=r0L
romsub $ff17 = FB_fill_pixels(ubyte color @A) ; also uses count=r0, step=r1
romsub $ff1a = FB_filter_pixels() ; uses ptr=r0, count=r1
romsub $ff1d = FB_move_pixels() ; uses sx=r0, sy=r1, tx=r2, ty=r3, count=r4
; misc
romsub $fef0 = sprite_set_image(ubyte number @A, ubyte width @X, ubyte height @Y, ubyte apply_mask @Pc) -> ubyte @Pc ; also uses pixels=r0, mask=r1, bpp=r2L
romsub $fef3 = sprite_set_position(ubyte number @A) ; also uses x=r0 and y=r1
romsub $fee4 = memory_fill(ubyte value @A) ; uses address=r0, num_bytes=r1
romsub $fee7 = memory_copy() ; uses source=r0, target=r1, num_bytes=r2
romsub $feea = memory_crc() ; uses address=r0, num_bytes=r1 result->r2
romsub $feed = memory_decompress() ; uses input=r0, output=r1 result->r1
romsub $fedb = console_init() ; uses x=r0, y=r1, width=r2, height=r3
romsub $fede = console_put_char(ubyte char @A, ubyte wrapping @Pc)
romsub $fee1 = console_get_char() -> ubyte @A
romsub $fed8 = console_put_image() ; uses ptr=r0, width=r1, height=r2
romsub $fed5 = console_set_paging_message() ; uses messageptr=r0
romsub $fed2 = kbdbuf_put(ubyte key @A)
romsub $fecf = entropy_get() -> ubyte @A, ubyte @X, ubyte @Y
2020-08-26 17:34:12 +00:00
romsub $fecc = monitor()
; ---- end of kernal routines ----
asmsub init_system() {
; Initializes the machine to a sane starting state.
; Called automatically by the loader program logic.
%asm {{
stz $00
stz $01
2020-08-26 17:34:12 +00:00
jsr c64.IOINIT
jsr c64.RESTOR
jsr c64.CINT
lda #0