
205 lines
9.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

%target cx16
%import graphics
%import textio
%import diskio
2020-12-10 00:01:29 +00:00
%option no_sysinit
; CommanderX16 Image file format.
; Numbers are encoded in little endian format (lsb first).
; offset value
; -----------------
; HEADER (12 bytes):
; 0-1 'CI' in petscii , from "CommanderX16 Image".
; 2 Size of the header data following this byte (always 9, could become more if format changes)
; 3-4 Width in pixels (must be multiple of 8)
; 5-6 Height in pixels
; 7 Bits-per-pixel (1, 2, 4 or 8) (= 2, 4, 16 or 256 colors)
; this also determines the number of palette entries following later.
; 8 Settings bits.
; bit 0 and 1 = compression. 00 = uncompressed
2020-12-10 00:01:29 +00:00
; 01 = RLE [TODO not yet implemented]
; 10 = LZSA [TODO not yet implemented]
; 11 = Exomizer [TODO not yet implemented]
; bit 2 = palette format. 0 = 4 bits/channel (2 bytes per color, $0R $GB) [TODO not yet implemented]
; 1 = 8 bits/channel (3 bytes per color, $RR $GG $BB)
2020-12-10 00:01:29 +00:00
; 4 bits per channel is what the Vera in the Cx16 supports.
; bit 3 = bitmap format. 0 = raw bitmap pixels
; 1 = tile-based image [TODO not yet implemented]
; bit 4 = hscale (horizontal display resulution) 0 = 320 pixels, 1 = 640 pixels
; bit 5 = vscale (vertical display resulution) 0 = 240 pixels, 1 = 480 pixels
; bit 6,7: reserved, set to 0
; 9-11 Size of the bitmap data following the palette data.
; This is a 24-bits number, can be 0 ("unknown", in which case just read until the end).
; PALETTE (always present but size varies):
; 12-... Color palette. Number of entries = 2 ^ bits-per-pixel. Number of bytes per
; entry is 2 or 3, depending on the chosen palette format in the setting bits.
; BITMAPDATA (size varies):
; After this, the actual image data follows.
; If the bitmap format is 'raw bitmap pixels', the bimap is simply written as a sequence
; of bytes making up the image's scan lines. #bytes per scan line = width * bits-per-pixel / 8
; If it is 'tiles', .... [TODO]
; If a compression scheme is used, the bitmap data here has to be decompressed first.
2020-12-10 00:01:29 +00:00
; TODO: with compressed files, store the data in compressed chunks of max 8kb uncompressed?
; (it is a problem to load let alone decompress a full bitmap at once because there will likely not be enough ram to do that)
; (doing it in chunks of 8 kb allows for sticking each chunk in one of the banked 8kb ram blocks, or even copy it directly to the screen)
main {
ubyte[256] buffer
2020-12-10 00:01:29 +00:00
ubyte[256] buffer2 ; add two more buffers to make enoughs space
ubyte[256] buffer3 ; to store a 256 color palette
str filename = ""
sub start() {
buffer[0] = 0
buffer2[0] = 0
buffer3[0] = 0
ubyte read_success = false
uword bitmap_load_address = progend()
uword max_bitmap_size = $9eff - bitmap_load_address
2020-12-10 00:01:29 +00:00
if(diskio.f_open(8, filename)) {
uword size = diskio.f_read(buffer, 12) ; read the header
if size==12 {
if buffer[0]=='c' and buffer[1]=='i' and buffer[2] == 9 {
if buffer[11] {
txt.print("file too large >64kb!\n") ; TODO add support for large files
} else {
uword width = mkword(buffer[4], buffer[3])
uword height = mkword(buffer[6], buffer[5])
ubyte bpp = buffer[7]
uword num_colors = 2 ** bpp
ubyte flags = buffer[8]
ubyte compression = flags & %00000011
ubyte palette_format = (flags & %00000100) >> 2
ubyte bitmap_format = (flags & %00001000) >> 3
2020-12-10 00:01:29 +00:00
; ubyte hscale = (flags & %00010000) >> 4
; ubyte vscale = (flags & %00100000) >> 5
uword bitmap_size = mkword(buffer[10], buffer[9])
2020-12-10 00:01:29 +00:00
uword palette_size = num_colors*2
if palette_format
2020-12-10 00:01:29 +00:00
palette_size += num_colors ; 3
2020-12-10 00:01:29 +00:00
txt.print(" * ")
2020-12-10 00:01:29 +00:00
txt.print(" colors\n")
if width > graphics.WIDTH {
txt.print("image is too wide for the display!\n")
} else if compression!=0 {
txt.print("compressed image not yet supported!\n") ; TODO implement the various decompressions
} else if bitmap_format==1 {
2020-12-10 00:01:29 +00:00
txt.print("tiled bitmap not yet supported!\n") ; TODO implement tiled image
} else if bitmap_size > max_bitmap_size {
; TODO implement large file support by using memory banks (nasty if compression is used though)
; TODO in case of uncompressed data: do not read the full bitmap in memory but read a scanline at a time and display them as we go
txt.print("not enough ram to load bitmap!\nrequired: ")
txt.print(" available: ")
} else {
2020-12-10 00:01:29 +00:00
size = diskio.f_read(buffer, palette_size)
if size==palette_size {
2020-12-10 00:01:29 +00:00
size = diskio.f_read(bitmap_load_address, bitmap_size)
if size==bitmap_size {
; all data has been loaded, display the image
read_success = true
; restrict the height to what can be displayed using the graphics functions...
if height > graphics.HEIGHT
height = graphics.HEIGHT
2020-12-10 00:01:29 +00:00
set_palette(num_colors, palette_format, buffer)
when bpp {
8 -> display_uncompressed_256c(width, height, bitmap_load_address)
4 -> display_uncompressed_16c(width, height, bitmap_load_address)
2 -> display_uncompressed_4c(width, height, bitmap_load_address)
1 -> display_uncompressed_2c(width, height, bitmap_load_address)
2020-12-10 00:01:29 +00:00
2020-12-10 00:01:29 +00:00
if not read_success {
2020-12-10 00:01:29 +00:00
repeat {
; endless loop
2020-12-10 00:01:29 +00:00
sub set_palette(uword num_colors, ubyte format, uword palletteptr) {
uword vera_palette_ptr = $fa00
ubyte red
ubyte greenblue
if format {
; 3 bytes per color entry, adjust color depth from 8 to 4 bits per channel.
repeat num_colors {
red = @(palletteptr) >> 4
greenblue = @(palletteptr) & %11110000
greenblue |= @(palletteptr) >> 4 ; add Blue
cx16.vpoke(1, vera_palette_ptr, greenblue)
cx16.vpoke(1, vera_palette_ptr, red)
} else {
; 2 bytes per color entry, the Vera uses this, but the R/GB bytes order is swapped
repeat num_colors {
cx16.vpoke(1, vera_palette_ptr+1, @(palletteptr))
cx16.vpoke(1, vera_palette_ptr, @(palletteptr))
2020-12-10 00:01:29 +00:00
sub display_uncompressed_256c(uword width, uword height, uword bitmapptr) {
uword y
for y in 0 to height-1 {
cx16.r0 = 0
cx16.r1 = y
2020-12-10 20:44:04 +00:00
; FB_set_pixels in rom v38 crashes with a size > 255 so we use our own replacement for now
cx16.FB_set_pixels_from_buf(bitmapptr, width)
bitmapptr += width
2020-12-10 00:01:29 +00:00
sub display_uncompressed_16c(uword width, uword height, uword bitmapptr) {
; TODO 16 color
sub display_uncompressed_4c(uword width, uword height, uword bitmapptr) {
; TODO 4 color
sub display_uncompressed_2c(uword width, uword height, uword bitmapptr) {
; TODO 2 color