timer 'irq' in vm

This commit is contained in:
Irmen de Jong 2018-02-27 22:16:45 +01:00
parent e9b5bc8200
commit 13273ce6cc
5 changed files with 178 additions and 139 deletions

View File

@ -1,50 +1,35 @@
; source code for a tinyvm program
%block b1
var byte vb 1
var word vw 2233
var sbyte vbs -2
var sword vws -3344
var float vf 1.234
var array_byte ab 3 1
var array_sbyte asb 3 -2
var array_word aw 3 4455
var array_sword asw 3 -5566
var matrix_byte mb 2 3 1
var matrix_sbyte msb 2 3 -2
var array_byte ab2 5 1
var array_sbyte asb2 5 -2
var array_word aw2 5 6677
var array_sword asw2 5 -8899
var matrix_byte mb2 4 5 1
var matrix_sbyte msb2 4 5 -2
var byte teller 1
const byte one 1
const byte thousand 1000
var array_byte newlinestr 1 10
push vw
pop vb
push teller
syscall decimalstr_signed
syscall printstr
push newlinestr
syscall printstr
push teller
push one
pop teller
push teller
syscall decimalstr_signed
syscall printstr
push newlinestr
syscall printstr
push teller
push thousand
jump_if_true back
%block b2
%end_block ; b2
%end_block ;b1
%block b3
%end_block ; b3

View File

@ -3,36 +3,34 @@ from typing import Any, List, Dict, Optional
class Opcode(enum.IntEnum):
NOP = 0
NOP = 1
PUSH = 10
PUSH2 = 11
PUSH3 = 12
POP = 20
POP2 = 21
POP3 = 22
ADD = 100
SUB = 101
MUL = 102
DIV = 103
AND = 200
OR = 201
XOR = 202
NOT = 203
CMP_EQ = 300
CMP_LT = 301
CMP_GT = 302
CMP_LTE = 303
CMP_GTE = 304
TEST = 305
RETURN = 500
JUMP = 501
POP = 13
POP2 = 14
POP3 = 15
ADD = 50
SUB = 51
MUL = 52
DIV = 53
AND = 70
OR = 71
XOR = 72
NOT = 73
TEST = 100
CMP_EQ = 101
CMP_LT = 102
CMP_GT = 103
CMP_LTE = 104
CMP_GTE = 105
CALL = 200
RETURN = 201
JUMP = 202
class DataType(enum.IntEnum):
@ -63,13 +61,13 @@ class Variable:
class Instruction:
__slots__ = ["opcode", "args", "next", "condnext"]
__slots__ = ["opcode", "args", "next", "alt_next"]
def __init__(self, opcode: Opcode, args: List[Any], nxt: Optional['Instruction'], condnxt: Optional['Instruction']) -> None:
def __init__(self, opcode: Opcode, args: List[Any], nxt: Optional['Instruction'], alt_next: Optional['Instruction']) -> None:
self.opcode = opcode
self.args = args
self.next = nxt # regular next statement, None=end
self.condnext = condnxt # alternate next statement (for condition nodes)
self.next = nxt # regular next statement, None=end
self.alt_next = alt_next # alternate next statement (for condition nodes, and return instruction for call nodes)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "<Instruction {} args: {}>".format(self.opcode.name, self.args)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import sys
from .parse import Parser
from .core import Program
from .core import Program, Opcode, Block, Instruction
from .vm import VM
@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ source = open(sys.argv[1]).read()
parser = Parser(source)
program = parser.parse()
timerprogram = Program([])
timerprogram = Program([Block("timer", None, [], [
Instruction(Opcode.RETURN, [], None, None)
], {}, [])])
# zero page and hardware stack of a 6502 cpu are off limits for now
VM.readonly_mem_ranges = [(0x00, 0xff), (0x100, 0x1ff), (0xa000, 0xbfff), (0xe000, 0xffff)]
vm = VM(program, timerprogram)
vm = VM(program)

View File

@ -125,10 +125,13 @@ class Parser:
label = line[:-1].rstrip()
self.lineno += 1
line = self.source[self.lineno]
labels[label] = parse_instruction(line)
next_instruction = parse_instruction(line)
labels[label] = next_instruction
self.lineno += 1
self.lineno += 1
self.lineno += 1
assert self.source[self.lineno].startswith("%end_instructions")
self.lineno += 1

View File

@ -51,17 +51,19 @@
# call function (arguments are on stack)
# enter / exit (function call frame)
# TIMER INTERRUPT: triggered every 1/60th of a second.
# TIMER INTERRUPT: triggered around each 1/30th of a second.
# executes on a DIFFERENT stack and with a different PROGRAM LIST,
# but with access to ALL THE SAME DYNAMIC VARIABLES.
# This suspends the main program until the timer program RETURNs!
import time
import itertools
import collections
import array
import threading
import pprint
from .core import Instruction, Variable, Block, Program, Opcode, CONDITIONAL_OPCODES
from .core import Instruction, Variable, Block, Program, Opcode
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union
from il65.emit import mflpt5_to_float, to_mflpt5
@ -131,7 +133,18 @@ class Memory:
self.mem[index: index+5] = to_mflpt5(value)
StackValueType = Union[bool, int, float, bytearray, array.array]
class CallFrameMarker:
class ReturnInstruction:
__slots__ = ["instruction"]
def __init__(self, instruction: Instruction) -> None:
self.instruction = instruction
StackValueType = Union[bool, int, float, bytearray, array.array, CallFrameMarker, ReturnInstruction]
class Stack:
@ -188,8 +201,8 @@ class Stack:
self.stack[-2] = x
def _typecheck(self, value: StackValueType):
if type(value) not in (bool, int, float, bytearray, array.array):
raise TypeError("stack can only contain bool, int, float, (byte)array")
if type(value) not in (bool, int, float, bytearray, array.array, CallFrameMarker, ReturnInstruction):
raise TypeError("invalid item type pushed")
# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic
@ -197,8 +210,11 @@ class VM:
str_encoding = "iso-8859-15"
str_alt_encoding = "iso-8859-15"
readonly_mem_ranges = [] # type: List[Tuple[int, int]]
timer_irq_resolution = 1/30
timer_irq_interlock = threading.Lock()
timer_irq_event = threading.Event()
def __init__(self, program: Program, timerprogram: Program) -> None:
def __init__(self, program: Program, timerprogram: Program=Program([])) -> None:
opcode_names = [oc.name for oc in Opcode]
for ocname in opcode_names:
if not hasattr(self, "opcode_" + ocname):
@ -212,33 +228,39 @@ class VM:
self.memory.mark_readonly(start, end)
self.main_stack = Stack()
self.timer_stack = Stack()
(self.main_program, self.timer_program), self.variables, self.labels = self.flatten_programs(program, timerprogram)
self.main_program, self.timer_program, self.variables, self.labels = self.flatten_programs(program, timerprogram)
print("MAIN PROGRAM"); pprint.pprint([str(i) for i in self.main_program])
self.program = self.main_program
self.stack = self.main_stack
self.pc = None # type: Instruction
self.previous_pc = None # type: Instruction
self.system = System(self)
assert all(i.next for i in self.main_program
if i.opcode != Opcode.TERMINATE), "main: all instrs next must be set"
assert all(i.next for i in self.timer_program
if i.opcode != Opcode.TERMINATE), "main: all instrs next must be set"
assert all(i.condnext for i in self.main_program
if i.opcode in CONDITIONAL_OPCODES), "timer: all conditional instrs condnext must be set"
assert all(i.condnext for i in self.timer_program
if i.opcode in CONDITIONAL_OPCODES), "timer: all conditional instrs condnext must be set"
if i.opcode not in (Opcode.TERMINATE, Opcode.RETURN)), "timer: all instrs next must be set"
assert all(i.alt_next for i in self.main_program
if i.opcode in (Opcode.CALL, Opcode.JUMP_IF_FALSE, Opcode.JUMP_IF_TRUE)), "main: alt_nexts must be set"
assert all(i.alt_next for i in self.timer_program
if i.opcode in (Opcode.CALL, Opcode.JUMP_IF_FALSE, Opcode.JUMP_IF_TRUE)), "timer: alt_nexts must be set"
threading.Thread(target=self.timer_irq, name="timer_irq", daemon=True).start()
print("[TinyVM starting up.]")
def flatten_programs(self, *programs: Program) -> Tuple[List[List[Instruction]], Dict[str, Variable], Dict[str, Instruction]]:
variables = {} # type: Dict[str, Variable]
labels = {} # type: Dict[str, Instruction]
flat_programs = [] # type: List[List[Instruction]]
for program in programs:
for block in program.blocks:
flat = self.flatten(block, variables, labels)
return flat_programs, variables, labels
def flatten_programs(self, main: Program, timer: Program) \
-> Tuple[List[Instruction], List[Instruction], Dict[str, Variable], Dict[str, Instruction]]:
variables = {} # type: Dict[str, Variable]
labels = {} # type: Dict[str, Instruction]
instructions_main = [] # type: List[Instruction]
instructions_timer = [] # type: List[Instruction]
for block in main.blocks:
flat = self.flatten(block, variables, labels)
instructions_main.append(Instruction(Opcode.TERMINATE, [], None, None))
for block in timer.blocks:
flat = self.flatten(block, variables, labels)
return instructions_main, instructions_timer, variables, labels
def flatten(self, block: Block, variables: Dict[str, Variable], labels: Dict[str, Instruction]) -> List[Instruction]:
def block_prefix(b: Block) -> str:
@ -269,7 +291,6 @@ class VM:
labels[name] = instr
for subblock in block.blocks:
instructions.extend(self.flatten(subblock, variables, labels))
instructions.append(Instruction(Opcode.TERMINATE, [], None, None))
del block.instructions
del block.variables
del block.labels
@ -279,42 +300,65 @@ class VM:
i1, i2 = itertools.tee(instructions)
next(i2, None)
for i, nexti in itertools.zip_longest(i1, i2):
i.next = nexti
i.condnext = self.labels[i.args[0]]
if i.opcode in (Opcode.JUMP_IF_TRUE, Opcode.JUMP_IF_FALSE):
i.next = nexti # normal flow target
i.alt_next = self.labels[i.args[0]] # conditional jump target
elif i.opcode == Opcode.JUMP:
i.next = self.labels[i.args[0]] # jump target
elif i.opcode == Opcode.CALL:
i.next = self.labels[i.args[0]] # call target
i.alt_next = nexti # return instruction
i.next = nexti
def run(self) -> None:
last_timer = time.time()
self.pc = self.program[0] # first instruction of the main program
steps = 1
self.stack.push(ReturnInstruction(None)) # sentinel
self.stack.push(CallFrameMarker()) # enter the call frame so the timer program can end with a RETURN
while True:
now = time.time()
# if now - last_timer >= 1/60:
# last_timer = now
# # start running the timer interrupt program instead
# self.previous_pc = self.pc
# self.program = self.timer_program
# self.stack = self.timer_stack
# self.pc = 0
# while True:
# self.dispatch(self.program[self.pc])
# return True
# self.pc = self.previous_pc
# self.program = self.mainprogram
# self.stack = self.mainstack
next_pc = getattr(self, "opcode_" + self.pc.opcode.name)(self.pc)
if next_pc:
self.pc = self.pc.next
steps += 1
while self.pc is not None:
with self.timer_irq_interlock:
next_pc = getattr(self, "opcode_" + self.pc.opcode.name)(self.pc)
if next_pc:
self.pc = self.pc.next
except TerminateExecution as x:
why = str(x)
print("[TinyVM execution halted{:s}]\n".format(": "+why if why else "."))
print("[TinyVM execution terminated{:s}]\n".format(": "+why if why else "."))
except Exception as x:
print("[TinyVM execution ended.]")
def timer_irq(self) -> None:
resolution = 1/30
wait_time = resolution
while True:
start = time.perf_counter()
if self.timer_program:
with self.timer_irq_interlock:
previous_pc = self.pc
previous_program = self.program
previous_stack = self.stack
self.stack = self.timer_stack
self.program = self.timer_program
self.pc = self.program[0]
self.stack.push(ReturnInstruction(None)) # sentinel
self.stack.push(CallFrameMarker()) # enter the call frame so the timer program can end with a RETURN
while self.pc is not None:
next_pc = getattr(self, "opcode_" + self.pc.opcode.name)(self.pc)
if next_pc:
self.pc = self.pc.next
self.pc = previous_pc
self.program = previous_program
self.stack = previous_stack
current = time.perf_counter()
duration, previously = current - start, current
wait_time = max(0, resolution - duration)
def debug_stack(self, size: int=5) -> None:
stack = self.stack.debug_peek(size)
@ -424,15 +468,15 @@ class VM:
self.stack.push(not self.stack.pop())
return True
def opcode_TEST(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
return True
def opcode_CMP_EQ(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
second, first = self.stack.pop2()
self.stack.push(first == second)
return True
def opcode_TEST(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
return True
def opcode_CMP_LT(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
second, first = self.stack.pop2()
self.stack.push(first < second) # type: ignore
@ -453,29 +497,36 @@ class VM:
self.stack.push(first >= second) # type: ignore
return True
def opcode_RETURN(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
# returns from the current function call
# any return values have already been pushed on the stack
raise NotImplementedError("return")
def opcode_JUMP(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
# jumps unconditionally by resetting the PC to the given instruction index value
def opcode_CALL(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
return True
def opcode_RETURN(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
# unwind the function call frame
item = self.stack.pop()
while not isinstance(item, CallFrameMarker):
item = self.stack.pop()
returninstruction = self.stack.pop()
assert isinstance(returninstruction, ReturnInstruction)
self.pc = returninstruction.instruction
return False
def opcode_JUMP(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
return True # jump simply points to the next instruction elsewhere
def opcode_JUMP_IF_TRUE(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
# pops stack and jumps if that value is true, by resetting the PC to the given instruction index value
result = self.stack.pop()
if result:
self.pc = self.pc.condnext
self.pc = self.pc.alt_next # alternative next instruction
return False
return True
def opcode_JUMP_IF_FALSE(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
# pops stack and jumps if that value is false, by resetting the PC to the given instruction index value
result = self.stack.pop()
if result:
return True
self.pc = self.pc.condnext
self.pc = self.pc.alt_next # alternative next instruction
return False
def opcode_SYSCALL(self, instruction: Instruction) -> bool:
@ -498,7 +549,7 @@ class System:
def syscall_printstr(self) -> bool:
value = self.vm.stack.pop()
if isinstance(value, bytearray):
if isinstance(value, (bytearray, array.array)):
print(self._decodestr(value), end="")
return True