cleaning up the diskio modules

for cx16: removed cx16diskio (merged everything into its regular diskio module)
for cx16: the load() and load_raw() routines that took an extra ram bank parameter are gone. You have to cx16.rambank() yourself before calling load().
This commit is contained in:
Irmen de Jong 2023-05-02 03:11:09 +02:00
parent 24aac7cee5
commit 180dbbb521
10 changed files with 188 additions and 292 deletions

View File

@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
; Cx16 specific disk drive I/O routines.
%import diskio
%import string
cx16diskio {
; Same as diskio.load() but with additional bank parameter to select the Ram bank to load into.
; Use kernal LOAD routine to load the given program file in memory.
; This is similar to Basic's LOAD "filename",drive / LOAD "filename",drive,1
; If you don't give an address_override, the location in memory is taken from the 2-byte file header.
; If you specify a custom address_override, the first 2 bytes in the file are ignored
; and the rest is loaded at the given location in memory.
; Returns the end load address+1 if successful or 0 if a load error occurred.
; You can use the load_size() function to calcuate the size of the file that was loaded.
; TODO remove this, but add comment about bank and load_size to diskio.load_raw()
sub load(uword filenameptr, ubyte bank, uword address_override) -> uword {
return diskio.internal_load_routine(filenameptr, address_override, false)
; Same as diskio.load_raw() but with additional bank parameter to select the Ram bank to load into.
; Use kernal LOAD routine to load the given file in memory.
; INCLUDING the first 2 bytes in the file: no program header is assumed in the file.
; The load address is mandatory. Returns the number of bytes loaded.
; If you load into regular system ram, use cx16.getrambank() for the bank argument,
; or alternatively make sure to reset the correct ram bank yourself after the load!
; Returns the end load address+1 if successful or 0 if a load error occurred.
; You can use the load_size() function to calcuate the size of the file that was loaded.
; TODO remove this, but add comment about bank and load_size to diskio.load_raw()
sub load_raw(uword filenameptr, ubyte bank, uword address_override) -> uword {
return diskio.internal_load_routine(filenameptr, address_override, true)
; Replacement function that makes use of fast block read capability of the X16,
; and can wrap over multiple ram banks while reading.
; Use this in place of regular diskio.f_read() on X16.
; TODO use this one, get rid of diskio.f_read
sub f_read(uword bufferpointer, uword num_bytes) -> uword {
; -- read from the currently open file, up to the given number of bytes.
; returns the actual number of bytes read. (checks for End-of-file and error conditions)
if not diskio.iteration_in_progress or not num_bytes
return 0
diskio.list_blocks = 0 ; we reuse this variable for the total number of bytes read
; commander X16 supports fast block-read via macptr() kernal call
uword size
while num_bytes {
size = 255
if num_bytes<size
size = num_bytes
size = cx16.macptr(lsb(size), bufferpointer, false)
goto byte_read_loop ; macptr block read not supported, do fallback loop
diskio.list_blocks += size
bufferpointer += size
if msb(bufferpointer) == $c0
bufferpointer = mkword($a0, lsb(bufferpointer)) ; wrap over bank boundary
num_bytes -= size
if cbm.READST() & $40 {
diskio.f_close() ; end of file, close it
return diskio.list_blocks ; number of bytes read
byte_read_loop: ; fallback if macptr() isn't supported on the device
%asm {{
lda bufferpointer
sta m_in_buffer+1
lda bufferpointer+1
sta m_in_buffer+2
while num_bytes {
if cbm.READST() {
if cbm.READST() & $40 ; eof?
return diskio.list_blocks ; number of bytes read
return 0 ; error.
%asm {{
jsr cbm.CHRIN
m_in_buffer sta $ffff
inc m_in_buffer+1
bne +
inc m_in_buffer+2
return diskio.list_blocks ; number of bytes read
; replacement function that makes use of fast block read capability of the X16
; use this in place of regular diskio.f_read_all() on X16
; TODO use this one, get rid of diskio.f_read
sub f_read_all(uword bufferpointer) -> uword {
; -- read the full contents of the file, returns number of bytes read.
if not diskio.iteration_in_progress
return 0
uword total_read = 0
while not cbm.READST() {
cx16.r0 = cx16diskio.f_read(bufferpointer, 256)
total_read += cx16.r0
bufferpointer += cx16.r0
return total_read
; CommanderX16 extensions over the basic C64/C128 diskio routines:
; For use directly after a load or load_raw call (don't mess with the ram bank yet):
; Calculates the number of bytes loaded (files > 64Kb ar truncated to 16 bits)
sub load_size(ubyte startbank, uword startaddress, uword endaddress) -> uword {
return $2000 * (cx16.getrambank() - startbank) + endaddress - startaddress
asmsub vload(str name @R0, ubyte bank @A, uword address @R1) -> ubyte @A {
; -- like the basic command VLOAD "filename",drivenumber,bank,address
; loads a file into Vera's video memory in the given bank:address, returns success in A
; the file has to have the usual 2 byte header (which will be skipped)
%asm {{
ldx diskio.drivenumber
bcc +
ldy #%00000010 ; headerless load mode
bne ++
+ ldy #0 ; normal load mode
+ lda #1
jsr cbm.SETLFS
lda cx16.r0
ldy cx16.r0+1
jsr prog8_lib.strlen
ldx cx16.r0
ldy cx16.r0+1
jsr cbm.SETNAM
adc #2
ldx cx16.r1
ldy cx16.r1+1
jsr cbm.LOAD
bcs +
+ jsr cbm.CLRCHN
lda #1
jsr cbm.CLOSE
asmsub vload_raw(str name @R0, ubyte bank @A, uword address @R1) -> ubyte @A {
; -- like the basic command BVLOAD "filename",drivenumber,bank,address
; loads a file into Vera's video memory in the given bank:address, returns success in A
; the file is read fully including the first two bytes.
%asm {{
jmp vload.internal_vload
sub chdir(str path) {
; -- change current directory.
diskio.list_filename[0] = 'c'
diskio.list_filename[1] = 'd'
diskio.list_filename[2] = ':'
void string.copy(path, &diskio.list_filename+3)
sub mkdir(str name) {
; -- make a new subdirectory.
diskio.list_filename[0] = 'm'
diskio.list_filename[1] = 'd'
diskio.list_filename[2] = ':'
void string.copy(name, &diskio.list_filename+3)
sub rmdir(str name) {
; -- remove a subdirectory.
void string.find(name, '*')
return ; refuse to act on a wildcard *
diskio.list_filename[0] = 'r'
diskio.list_filename[1] = 'd'
diskio.list_filename[2] = ':'
void string.copy(name, &diskio.list_filename+3)
sub relabel(str name) {
; -- change the disk label.
diskio.list_filename[0] = 'r'
diskio.list_filename[1] = '-'
diskio.list_filename[2] = 'h'
diskio.list_filename[3] = ':'
void string.copy(name, &diskio.list_filename+4)
sub f_seek(uword pos_hiword, uword pos_loword) {
; -- seek in the reading file opened with f_open, to the given 32-bits position
ubyte[6] command = ['p',0,0,0,0,0]
command[1] = 12 ; f_open uses channel 12
command[2] = lsb(pos_loword)
command[3] = msb(pos_loword)
command[4] = lsb(pos_hiword)
command[5] = msb(pos_hiword)
cbm.SETNAM(sizeof(command), &command)
cbm.SETLFS(15, diskio.drivenumber, 15)
void cbm.OPEN()
; TODO see if we can get this to work as well:
; sub f_seek_w(uword pos_hiword, uword pos_loword) {
; ; -- seek in the output file opened with f_open_w, to the given 32-bits position
; cx16diskio.f_seek.command[1] = 13 ; f_open_w uses channel 13
; cx16diskio.f_seek.command[2] = lsb(pos_loword)
; cx16diskio.f_seek.command[3] = msb(pos_loword)
; cx16diskio.f_seek.command[4] = lsb(pos_hiword)
; cx16diskio.f_seek.command[5] = msb(pos_hiword)
; goto cx16diskio.f_seek.send_command
; }

View File

@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ io_error:
if lf_start_list(pattern_ptr) {
while lf_next_entry() {
if list_filetype!="dir" {
filenames_buffer += string.copy(diskio.list_filename, filenames_buffer) + 1
filenames_buffer += string.copy(list_filename, filenames_buffer) + 1
if filenames_buffer - buffer_start > filenames_buf_size-20 {
@ -282,18 +282,37 @@ close_end:
return false
; optimized for Commander X16 to use MACPTR block read kernal call
sub f_read(uword bufferpointer, uword num_bytes) -> uword {
; -- read from the currently open file, up to the given number of bytes.
; returns the actual number of bytes read. (checks for End-of-file and error conditions)
; NOTE: on systems with banked ram (such as Commander X16) this routine DOES NOT
; automatically load into subsequent banks if it reaches a bank boundary!
; Consider using cx16diskio.f_read() on X16.
; TODO join modules
if not iteration_in_progress or not num_bytes
return 0
list_blocks = 0 ; we reuse this variable for the total number of bytes read
; commander X16 supports fast block-read via macptr() kernal call
uword size
while num_bytes {
size = 255
if num_bytes<size
size = num_bytes
size = cx16.macptr(lsb(size), bufferpointer, false)
goto byte_read_loop ; macptr block read not supported, do fallback loop
list_blocks += size
bufferpointer += size
if msb(bufferpointer) == $c0
bufferpointer = mkword($a0, lsb(bufferpointer)) ; wrap over bank boundary
num_bytes -= size
if cbm.READST() & $40 {
f_close() ; end of file, close it
return list_blocks ; number of bytes read
byte_read_loop: ; fallback if macptr() isn't supported on the device
%asm {{
lda bufferpointer
sta m_in_buffer+1
@ -321,9 +340,9 @@ m_in_buffer sta $ffff
return list_blocks ; number of bytes read
; optimized for Commander X16 to use MACPTR block read kernal call
sub f_read_all(uword bufferpointer) -> uword {
; -- read the full contents of the file, returns number of bytes read.
; Note: Consider using cx16diskio.f_read_all() on X16! TODO join modules
if not iteration_in_progress
return 0
@ -482,20 +501,17 @@ io_error:
; NOTE: when the load is larger than 64Kb and/or spans multiple RAM banks
; (which is possible on the Commander X16), the returned size is not correct,
; because it doesn't take the number of ram banks into account.
; Also consider using cx16diskio.load() instead on the Commander X16. TODO join modules
; You can use the load_size() function to calcuate the size in this case.
; NOTE: data is read into the current Ram bank if you're reading into banked ram.
; if you require loading into another ram bank, you have to set that
; yourself using cx16.rambank(bank) before calling load().
sub load(uword filenameptr, uword address_override) -> uword {
return internal_load_routine(filenameptr, address_override, false)
; Use kernal LOAD routine to load the given file in memory.
; INCLUDING the first 2 bytes in the file: no program header is assumed in the file.
; This is different from Basic's LOAD instruction which always skips the first two bytes.
; The load address is mandatory.
; Returns the end load address+1 if successful or 0 if a load error occurred.
; NOTE: when the load is larger than 64Kb and/or spans multiple RAM banks
; (which is possible on the Commander X16), the returned size is not correct,
; because it doesn't take the number of ram banks into account.
; Also consider using cx16diskio.load_raw() instead on the Commander X16. TODO join modules
; Identical to load(), but DOES INCLUDE the first 2 bytes in the file.
; No program header is assumed in the file. Everything is loaded.
; See comments on load() for more details.
sub load_raw(uword filenameptr, uword address) -> uword {
return internal_load_routine(filenameptr, address, true)
@ -561,4 +577,131 @@ io_error:
; CommanderX16 extensions over the basic C64/C128 diskio routines:
; For use directly after a load or load_raw call (don't mess with the ram bank yet):
; Calculates the number of bytes loaded (files > 64Kb ar truncated to 16 bits)
sub load_size(ubyte startbank, uword startaddress, uword endaddress) -> uword {
return $2000 * (cx16.getrambank() - startbank) + endaddress - startaddress
asmsub vload(str name @R0, ubyte bank @A, uword address @R1) -> ubyte @A {
; -- like the basic command VLOAD "filename",drivenumber,bank,address
; loads a file into Vera's video memory in the given bank:address, returns success in A
; the file has to have the usual 2 byte header (which will be skipped)
%asm {{
ldx drivenumber
bcc +
ldy #%00000010 ; headerless load mode
bne ++
+ ldy #0 ; normal load mode
+ lda #1
jsr cbm.SETLFS
lda cx16.r0
ldy cx16.r0+1
jsr prog8_lib.strlen
ldx cx16.r0
ldy cx16.r0+1
jsr cbm.SETNAM
adc #2
ldx cx16.r1
ldy cx16.r1+1
jsr cbm.LOAD
bcs +
+ jsr cbm.CLRCHN
lda #1
jsr cbm.CLOSE
asmsub vload_raw(str name @R0, ubyte bank @A, uword address @R1) -> ubyte @A {
; -- like the basic command BVLOAD "filename",drivenumber,bank,address
; loads a file into Vera's video memory in the given bank:address, returns success in A
; the file is read fully including the first two bytes.
%asm {{
jmp vload.internal_vload
sub chdir(str path) {
; -- change current directory.
list_filename[0] = 'c'
list_filename[1] = 'd'
list_filename[2] = ':'
void string.copy(path, &list_filename+3)
sub mkdir(str name) {
; -- make a new subdirectory.
list_filename[0] = 'm'
list_filename[1] = 'd'
list_filename[2] = ':'
void string.copy(name, &list_filename+3)
sub rmdir(str name) {
; -- remove a subdirectory.
void string.find(name, '*')
return ; refuse to act on a wildcard *
list_filename[0] = 'r'
list_filename[1] = 'd'
list_filename[2] = ':'
void string.copy(name, &list_filename+3)
sub relabel(str name) {
; -- change the disk label.
list_filename[0] = 'r'
list_filename[1] = '-'
list_filename[2] = 'h'
list_filename[3] = ':'
void string.copy(name, &list_filename+4)
sub f_seek(uword pos_hiword, uword pos_loword) {
; -- seek in the reading file opened with f_open, to the given 32-bits position
ubyte[6] command = ['p',0,0,0,0,0]
command[1] = 12 ; f_open uses channel 12
command[2] = lsb(pos_loword)
command[3] = msb(pos_loword)
command[4] = lsb(pos_hiword)
command[5] = msb(pos_hiword)
cbm.SETNAM(sizeof(command), &command)
cbm.SETLFS(15, drivenumber, 15)
void cbm.OPEN()
; TODO see if we can get this to work as well:
; sub f_seek_w(uword pos_hiword, uword pos_loword) {
; ; -- seek in the output file opened with f_open_w, to the given 32-bits position
; f_seek.command[1] = 13 ; f_open_w uses channel 13
; f_seek.command[2] = lsb(pos_loword)
; f_seek.command[3] = msb(pos_loword)
; f_seek.command[4] = lsb(pos_hiword)
; f_seek.command[5] = msb(pos_hiword)
; goto f_seek.send_command
; }

View File

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ io_error:
if lf_start_list(pattern_ptr) {
while lf_next_entry() {
if list_filetype!="dir" {
filenames_buffer += string.copy(diskio.list_filename, filenames_buffer) + 1
filenames_buffer += string.copy(list_filename, filenames_buffer) + 1
if filenames_buffer - buffer_start > filenames_buf_size-20 {
@ -497,11 +497,9 @@ io_error:
return cx16.r1
; Use kernal LOAD routine to load the given file in memory.
; INCLUDING the first 2 bytes in the file: no program header is assumed in the file.
; This is different from Basic's LOAD instruction which always skips the first two bytes.
; The load address is mandatory.
; Returns the end load address+1 if successful or 0 if a load error occurred.
; Identical to load(), but DOES INCLUDE the first 2 bytes in the file.
; No program header is assumed in the file. Everything is loaded.
; See comments on load() for more details.
sub load_raw(uword filenameptr, uword address) -> uword {
; read the 2 header bytes separately to skip them
if not f_open(filenameptr)

View File

@ -150,7 +150,12 @@ Provides several routines that deal with disk drive I/O, such as:
- delete and rename files on the disk
- send arbitrary CbmDos command to disk drive
Commander X16 additions:
On the Commander X16 it tries to use that machine's fast Kernal loading routines if possible.
Routines to directly load data into video ram are also present (vload and vload_raw).
Also contains a helper function to calculate the file size of a loaded file (although that is truncated
to 16 bits, 64Kb)
Als contains routines for operating on subdirectories (chdir, mkdir, rmdir) and to relabel the disk.
@ -381,16 +386,6 @@ because the Commander X16's default colors for this (the first 16 colors) are to
and are quite different than how they looked on a VIC-II chip in a C64.
cx16diskio (cx16 only)
Available for the Cx16 target. Contains extensions to the load and load_raw routines from the regular
diskio module, to deal with loading of potentially large files in to banked ram (HiRam).
Routines to directly load data into video ram are also present (vload and vload_raw).
Also contains a helper function to calculate the file size of a loaded file (although that is truncated
to 16 bits, 64Kb)
Als contains routines for operating on subdirectories (chdir, mkdir, rmdir) and to relabel the disk.
psg (cx16 only)
Available for the Cx16 target.

View File

@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ For 9.0 major changes
- DONE: rename sqrt16() to just sqrt(), make it accept multiple numeric types. Renamed floats.sqrt() to floats.sqrtf() but you can just use sqrt()
- DONE: abs() now supports multiple datatypes including float. No need to use floats.fabs() anymore.
- DONE: divmod() now supports multiple datatypes. divmodw() has been removed.
- DONE: drivenumber parameter removed from all routines in diskio and cx16diskio modules. The drive to work on is now simply stored as a diskio.drivenumber variable, which defaults to 8.
- DONE: cx16diskio module merged into diskio (which got specialized for commander x16 target). load() and load_raw() with extra ram bank parameter are gone.
- DONE: drivenumber parameter removed from all routines in diskio module. The drive to work on is now simply stored as a diskio.drivenumber variable, which defaults to 8.
- duplicate diskio for cx16 (get rid of cx16diskio, just copy diskio and tweak everything) + documentation
- get f_seek_w working like in the BASIC program on the sdcard - this needs the changes to diskio.f_open to use suffixes ,p,m
- 6502 codegen: see if we can let for loops skip the loop if startvar>endvar, without adding a lot of code size/duplicating the loop condition.
It is documented behavior to now loop 'around' $00 but it's too easy to forget about!
Lot of work because of so many special cases in ForLoopsAsmgen.....
(vm codegen already behaves like this!)
- get f_seek_w working like in the BASIC program - this needs the changes to diskio.f_open to use suffixes ,p,m
- once 9.0 is stable, upgrade other programs (assem, shell, etc) to it. + add migration guide to the manual.
- [much work:] add special (u)word array type (or modifier such as @fast? ) that puts the array into memory as 2 separate byte-arrays 1 for LSB 1 for MSB -> allows for word arrays of length 256 and faster indexing
this is an enormous amout of work, if this type is to be treated equally as existing (u)word , because all expression / lookup / assignment routines need to know about the distinction....

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
%import diskio
%import cx16diskio
%import floats
%zeropage basicsafe
%option no_sysinit
@ -59,7 +58,8 @@ main {
batchtotaltime = 0
repeat REPEATS {
if not cx16diskio.load("benchmark.dat", 4, $a000)
if not diskio.load("benchmark.dat", $a000)
batchtotaltime += cbm.RDTIM16()
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ main {
batchtotaltime = 0
repeat REPEATS {
if not cx16diskio.vload("benchmark.dat", 0, $0000)
if not diskio.vload("benchmark.dat", 0, $0000)
batchtotaltime += cbm.RDTIM16()
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ main {
if diskio.f_open("benchmark.dat") {
repeat 65536/255 {
if not cx16diskio.f_read(buffer, 255)
if not diskio.f_read(buffer, 255)
batchtotaltime += cbm.RDTIM16()

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
; (this only works on Commander X16 DOS. on sdcard, not on host filesystem.)
%import diskio
%import cx16diskio
%import textio
%zeropage basicsafe
%option no_sysinit
@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ main {
; NOTE: f_seek_w() doesn't work right now. It requires substantial changes to the diskio library that are not compatible with the C64/C128.
; txt.print("\nseeking to 1292 and writing a few bytes...\n")
; if diskio.f_open_w("seektestfile.bin,p,m") {
; cx16diskio.f_seek_w(0, 1292)
; diskio.f_seek_w(0, 1292)
; void diskio.f_write("123", 3)
; diskio.f_close_w()
; } else {
@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ main {
txt.print("\nseeking to 1290 and reading...\n")
if diskio.f_open("seektestfile.bin") {
cx16diskio.f_seek(0, 1290)
diskio.f_seek(0, 1290)
uword ptr = megabuffer
do {
size = diskio.f_read(ptr, 255)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
%import textio
%import diskio
%import cx16diskio
%import floats
%import adpcm
%import wavfile
@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ main {
if diskio.f_open(MUSIC_FILENAME) {
void cx16diskio.f_read(buffer, 128)
void diskio.f_read(buffer, 128)
wav_ok = wavfile.parse_header(buffer)
@ -105,13 +104,13 @@ main {
uword block_size = 1024
if wavfile.wavefmt==wavfile.WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM
block_size = wavfile.block_align
void cx16diskio.f_read(buffer, wavfile.data_offset) ; skip to actual sample data start
void cx16diskio.f_read(buffer, block_size) ; preload buffer
void diskio.f_read(buffer, wavfile.data_offset) ; skip to actual sample data start
void diskio.f_read(buffer, block_size) ; preload buffer
cx16.VERA_AUDIO_RATE = vera_rate ; start playback
repeat {
;; cx16.vpoke(1,$fa00, $a0) ; paint a screen color
uword size = cx16diskio.f_read(buffer, block_size)
uword size = diskio.f_read(buffer, block_size)
;; cx16.vpoke(1,$fa00, $00) ; paint a screen color
if size<block_size

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
%import textio
%import cx16diskio
%import diskio
%import palette
%zeropage basicsafe
%zpreserved $22,$2d ; zsound lib uses this region
@ -53,11 +53,13 @@ zsound_lib:
txt.print("zsound demo program (drive 8)!\n")
cbm.SETMSG(%10000000) ; enable kernal status messages for load
if not cx16diskio.load_raw("colony.zsm", song_bank, song_address) {
if not diskio.load_raw("colony.zsm", song_address) {
txt.print("?can't load\n")
if not cx16diskio.load_raw("terminator2.zcm", digi_bank, digi_address) {
if not diskio.load_raw("terminator2.zcm", digi_address) {
txt.print("?can't load\n")
} else {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
%import textio
%import diskio
%import cx16diskio
%zpreserved $22,$2d ; zsound lib uses this region
; NOTE: this is a proof of concept to stream ZCM digi from disk while playing.
@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ zsound_lib:
sub prebuffer() {
void cx16diskio.f_read(digi_address, ram_bank_size*4)
void diskio.f_read(digi_address, ram_bank_size*4)
sub start() {
@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ zsound_lib:
txt.print("\nstreaming from file, playback in irq!\n")
uword size = 1
while size {
size = cx16diskio.f_read(digi_address, ram_bank_size) ; load next bank
size = diskio.f_read(digi_address, ram_bank_size) ; load next bank
sys.wait(5) ; artificial delay