mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 03:29:22 +00:00
implement missing operators in IR code gen
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,15 +48,22 @@ internal class AssignmentGen(private val codeGen: IRCodeGen, private val express
val value = assignment.value
val vmDt = codeGen.irType(value.type)
return when(assignment.operator) {
"+" -> expressionEval.operatorPlusInplace(address, null, vmDt, value).chunks
"-" -> expressionEval.operatorMinusInplace(address, null, vmDt, value).chunks
"*" -> expressionEval.operatorMultiplyInplace(address, null, vmDt, value).chunks
"/" -> expressionEval.operatorDivideInplace(address, null, vmDt, value.type in SignedDatatypes, value).chunks
"|" -> expressionEval.operatorOrInplace(address, null, vmDt, value).chunks
"&" -> expressionEval.operatorAndInplace(address, null, vmDt, value).chunks
"^" -> expressionEval.operatorXorInplace(address, null, vmDt, value).chunks
"<<" -> expressionEval.operatorShiftLeftInplace(address, null, vmDt, value).chunks
">>" -> expressionEval.operatorShiftRightInplace(address, null, vmDt, value.type in SignedDatatypes, value).chunks
"+" -> expressionEval.operatorPlusInplace(address, null, vmDt, value)
"-" -> expressionEval.operatorMinusInplace(address, null, vmDt, value)
"*" -> expressionEval.operatorMultiplyInplace(address, null, vmDt, value)
"/" -> expressionEval.operatorDivideInplace(address, null, vmDt, value.type in SignedDatatypes, value)
"|" -> expressionEval.operatorOrInplace(address, null, vmDt, value)
"&" -> expressionEval.operatorAndInplace(address, null, vmDt, value)
"^" -> expressionEval.operatorXorInplace(address, null, vmDt, value)
"<<" -> expressionEval.operatorShiftLeftInplace(address, null, vmDt, value)
">>" -> expressionEval.operatorShiftRightInplace(address, null, vmDt, value.type in SignedDatatypes, value)
"%=" -> expressionEval.operatorModuloInplace(address, null, vmDt, value)
"==" -> expressionEval.operatorEqualsInplace(address, null, vmDt, value)
"!=" -> expressionEval.operatorNotEqualsInplace(address, null, vmDt, value)
"<" -> expressionEval.operatorLessInplace(address, null, vmDt, value.type in SignedDatatypes, value)
">" -> expressionEval.operatorGreaterInplace(address, null, vmDt, value.type in SignedDatatypes, value)
"<=" -> expressionEval.operatorLessEqualInplace(address, null, vmDt, value.type in SignedDatatypes, value)
">=" -> expressionEval.operatorGreaterEqualInplace(address, null, vmDt, value.type in SignedDatatypes, value)
in PrefixOperators -> inplacePrefix(assignment.operator, vmDt, address, null)
else -> throw AssemblyError("invalid augmented assign operator ${assignment.operator}")
@ -67,15 +74,22 @@ internal class AssignmentGen(private val codeGen: IRCodeGen, private val express
val value = assignment.value
val valueVmDt = codeGen.irType(value.type)
return when (assignment.operator) {
"+=" -> expressionEval.operatorPlusInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value).chunks
"-=" -> expressionEval.operatorMinusInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value).chunks
"*=" -> expressionEval.operatorMultiplyInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value).chunks
"/=" -> expressionEval.operatorDivideInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value.type in SignedDatatypes, value).chunks
"|=" -> expressionEval.operatorOrInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value).chunks
"&=" -> expressionEval.operatorAndInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value).chunks
"^=" -> expressionEval.operatorXorInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value).chunks
"<<=" -> expressionEval.operatorShiftLeftInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value).chunks
">>=" -> expressionEval.operatorShiftRightInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value.type in SignedDatatypes, value).chunks
"+=" -> expressionEval.operatorPlusInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value)
"-=" -> expressionEval.operatorMinusInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value)
"*=" -> expressionEval.operatorMultiplyInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value)
"/=" -> expressionEval.operatorDivideInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value.type in SignedDatatypes, value)
"|=" -> expressionEval.operatorOrInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value)
"&=" -> expressionEval.operatorAndInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value)
"^=" -> expressionEval.operatorXorInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value)
"<<=" -> expressionEval.operatorShiftLeftInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value)
">>=" -> expressionEval.operatorShiftRightInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value.type in SignedDatatypes, value)
"%=" -> expressionEval.operatorModuloInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value)
"==" -> expressionEval.operatorEqualsInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value)
"!=" -> expressionEval.operatorNotEqualsInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value)
"<" -> expressionEval.operatorLessInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value.type in SignedDatatypes, value)
">" -> expressionEval.operatorGreaterInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value.type in SignedDatatypes, value)
"<=" -> expressionEval.operatorLessEqualInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value.type in SignedDatatypes, value)
">=" -> expressionEval.operatorGreaterEqualInplace(null, symbol, valueVmDt, value.type in SignedDatatypes, value)
in PrefixOperators -> inplacePrefix(assignment.operator, valueVmDt, null, symbol)
else -> throw AssemblyError("invalid augmented assign operator ${assignment.operator}")
@ -84,8 +98,6 @@ internal class AssignmentGen(private val codeGen: IRCodeGen, private val express
private fun fallbackAssign(origAssign: PtAugmentedAssign): IRCodeChunks {
if (codeGen.options.slowCodegenWarnings)
codeGen.errors.warn("indirect code for in-place assignment", origAssign.position)
val normalAssign = PtAssignment(origAssign.position)
val value: PtExpression
if(origAssign.operator in PrefixOperators) {
value = PtPrefix(origAssign.operator, origAssign.value.type, origAssign.value.position)
@ -93,7 +105,21 @@ internal class AssignmentGen(private val codeGen: IRCodeGen, private val express
} else {
if(codeGen.options.useNewExprCode) {
TODO("use something else than a BinExpr")
// X += Y -> temp = X, temp += Y, X = temp
val tempvarname = "some_random_tempvar" // TODO create proper tempvar
val tempvar = PtIdentifier(tempvarname, origAssign.target.type, origAssign.position)
val assign = PtAssignment(origAssign.position)
val target = PtAssignTarget(origAssign.position)
val augAssign = PtAugmentedAssign(origAssign.operator, origAssign.position)
val assignBack = PtAssignment(origAssign.position)
return translateRegularAssign(assign) + translate(augAssign) + translateRegularAssign(assignBack)
} else {
value = PtBinaryExpression(origAssign.operator.dropLast(1), origAssign.value.type, origAssign.value.position)
val left: PtExpression = origAssign.target.children.single() as PtExpression
@ -101,6 +127,8 @@ internal class AssignmentGen(private val codeGen: IRCodeGen, private val express
val normalAssign = PtAssignment(origAssign.position)
return translateRegularAssign(normalAssign)
@ -262,18 +290,20 @@ internal class AssignmentGen(private val codeGen: IRCodeGen, private val express
private fun loadIndexReg(array: PtArrayIndexer, itemsize: Int): Pair<IRCodeChunks, Int> {
// returns the code to load the Index into the register, which is also return\ed.
if(codeGen.options.useNewExprCode) {
TODO("use aug assigns instead of BinExpr to calc proper array index")
// return blah
val result = mutableListOf<IRCodeChunkBase>()
val tr = if(itemsize==1) {
} else {
val mult : PtExpression
if(codeGen.options.useNewExprCode) {
TODO("use something else than a BinExpr")
} else {
mult = PtBinaryExpression("*", DataType.UBYTE, array.position)
mult.children += array.index
mult.children += PtNumber(DataType.UBYTE, itemsize.toDouble(), array.position)
mult = PtBinaryExpression("*", DataType.UBYTE, array.position)
mult.children += array.index
mult.children += PtNumber(DataType.UBYTE, itemsize.toDouble(), array.position)
addToResult(result, tr, tr.resultReg, -1)
@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ internal class ExpressionGen(private val codeGen: IRCodeGen) {
internal fun operatorAndInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, operand: PtExpression): ExpressionCodeResult {
internal fun operatorAndInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, operand: PtExpression): IRCodeChunks {
val result = mutableListOf<IRCodeChunkBase>()
val tr = translateExpression(operand)
addToResult(result, tr, tr.resultReg, -1)
@ -934,10 +934,10 @@ internal class ExpressionGen(private val codeGen: IRCodeGen) {
IRInstruction(Opcode.ANDM, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, labelSymbol = symbol)
return ExpressionCodeResult(result, vmDt, -1, -1)
return result
internal fun operatorOrInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, operand: PtExpression): ExpressionCodeResult {
internal fun operatorOrInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, operand: PtExpression): IRCodeChunks {
val result = mutableListOf<IRCodeChunkBase>()
val tr = translateExpression(operand)
addToResult(result, tr, tr.resultReg, -1)
@ -946,10 +946,10 @@ internal class ExpressionGen(private val codeGen: IRCodeGen) {
IRInstruction(Opcode.ORM, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, labelSymbol = symbol)
, null)
return ExpressionCodeResult(result, vmDt, -1, -1)
return result
internal fun operatorDivideInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, signed: Boolean, operand: PtExpression): ExpressionCodeResult {
internal fun operatorDivideInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, signed: Boolean, operand: PtExpression): IRCodeChunks {
val result = mutableListOf<IRCodeChunkBase>()
val constFactorRight = operand as? PtNumber
if(vmDt==IRDataType.FLOAT) {
@ -995,10 +995,10 @@ internal class ExpressionGen(private val codeGen: IRCodeGen) {
addInstr(result, ins, null)
return ExpressionCodeResult(result, vmDt, -1, -1)
return result
internal fun operatorMultiplyInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, operand: PtExpression): ExpressionCodeResult {
internal fun operatorMultiplyInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, operand: PtExpression): IRCodeChunks {
val result = mutableListOf<IRCodeChunkBase>()
val constFactorRight = operand as? PtNumber
if(vmDt==IRDataType.FLOAT) {
@ -1028,10 +1028,10 @@ internal class ExpressionGen(private val codeGen: IRCodeGen) {
, null)
return ExpressionCodeResult(result, vmDt, -1, -1)
return result
internal fun operatorMinusInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, operand: PtExpression): ExpressionCodeResult {
internal fun operatorMinusInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, operand: PtExpression): IRCodeChunks {
val result = mutableListOf<IRCodeChunkBase>()
if(vmDt==IRDataType.FLOAT) {
if((operand as? PtNumber)?.number==1.0) {
@ -1068,10 +1068,10 @@ internal class ExpressionGen(private val codeGen: IRCodeGen) {
, null)
return ExpressionCodeResult(result, vmDt, -1, -1)
return result
internal fun operatorPlusInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, operand: PtExpression): ExpressionCodeResult {
internal fun operatorPlusInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, operand: PtExpression): IRCodeChunks {
val result = mutableListOf<IRCodeChunkBase>()
if(vmDt==IRDataType.FLOAT) {
if((operand as? PtNumber)?.number==1.0) {
@ -1108,10 +1108,10 @@ internal class ExpressionGen(private val codeGen: IRCodeGen) {
, null)
return ExpressionCodeResult(result, vmDt, -1, -1)
return result
internal fun operatorShiftRightInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, signed: Boolean, operand: PtExpression): ExpressionCodeResult {
internal fun operatorShiftRightInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, signed: Boolean, operand: PtExpression): IRCodeChunks {
val result = mutableListOf<IRCodeChunkBase>()
if(codeGen.isOne(operand)) {
val opc = if (signed) Opcode.ASRM else Opcode.LSRM
@ -1130,10 +1130,10 @@ internal class ExpressionGen(private val codeGen: IRCodeGen) {
IRInstruction(opc, vmDt, reg1 = tr.resultReg, labelSymbol = symbol)
addInstr(result, ins, null)
return ExpressionCodeResult(result, vmDt, -1, -1)
return result
internal fun operatorShiftLeftInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, operand: PtExpression): ExpressionCodeResult {
internal fun operatorShiftLeftInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, operand: PtExpression): IRCodeChunks {
val result = mutableListOf<IRCodeChunkBase>()
addInstr(result, if(knownAddress!=null)
@ -1150,10 +1150,10 @@ internal class ExpressionGen(private val codeGen: IRCodeGen) {
IRInstruction(Opcode.LSLNM, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, labelSymbol = symbol)
return ExpressionCodeResult(result, vmDt, -1, -1)
return result
internal fun operatorXorInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, operand: PtExpression): ExpressionCodeResult {
internal fun operatorXorInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, operand: PtExpression): IRCodeChunks {
val result = mutableListOf<IRCodeChunkBase>()
val tr = translateExpression(operand)
addToResult(result, tr, tr.resultReg, -1)
@ -1162,9 +1162,198 @@ internal class ExpressionGen(private val codeGen: IRCodeGen) {
IRInstruction(Opcode.XORM, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, labelSymbol = symbol)
return ExpressionCodeResult(result, vmDt, -1, -1)
return result
fun operatorModuloInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, operand: PtExpression): IRCodeChunks {
val result = mutableListOf<IRCodeChunkBase>()
val resultReg = codeGen.registers.nextFree()
if(operand is PtNumber) {
val number = operand.number.toInt()
if (knownAddress != null) {
// @(address) = @(address) %= operand
result += IRCodeChunk(null, null).also {
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.LOADM, vmDt, reg1 = resultReg, value = knownAddress)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.MOD, vmDt, reg1 = resultReg, value = number)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.STOREM, vmDt, reg1 = resultReg, value = knownAddress)
} else {
// symbol = symbol %= operand
result += IRCodeChunk(null, null).also {
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.LOADM, vmDt, reg1 = resultReg, labelSymbol = symbol)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.MOD, vmDt, reg1 = resultReg, value = number)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.STOREM, vmDt, reg1 = resultReg, labelSymbol = symbol)
} else {
val tr = translateExpression(operand)
result += tr.chunks
if (knownAddress != null) {
// @(address) = @(address) %= operand
result += IRCodeChunk(null, null).also {
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.LOADM, vmDt, reg1 = resultReg, value = knownAddress)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.MODR, vmDt, reg1 = resultReg, reg2 = tr.resultReg)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.STOREM, vmDt, reg1 = resultReg, value = knownAddress)
} else {
// symbol = symbol %= operand
result += IRCodeChunk(null, null).also {
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.LOADM, vmDt, reg1 = resultReg, labelSymbol = symbol)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.MODR, vmDt, reg1 = resultReg, reg2 = tr.resultReg)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.STOREM, vmDt, reg1 = resultReg, labelSymbol = symbol)
return result
fun operatorEqualsInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, operand: PtExpression): IRCodeChunks {
val result = mutableListOf<IRCodeChunkBase>()
val tr = translateExpression(operand)
addToResult(result, tr, tr.resultReg, -1)
if(knownAddress!=null) {
// @(address) = @(address) == operand
val valueReg = codeGen.registers.nextFree()
result += IRCodeChunk(null, null).also {
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.LOADM, vmDt, reg1=valueReg, value=knownAddress)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.SEQ, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, reg2=valueReg)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.STOREM, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, value=knownAddress)
} else {
// symbol = symbol == operand
val valueReg = codeGen.registers.nextFree()
result += IRCodeChunk(null, null).also {
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.LOADM, vmDt, reg1=valueReg, labelSymbol = symbol)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.SEQ, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, reg2=valueReg)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.STOREM, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, labelSymbol = symbol)
return result
fun operatorNotEqualsInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, operand: PtExpression): IRCodeChunks {
val result = mutableListOf<IRCodeChunkBase>()
val tr = translateExpression(operand)
addToResult(result, tr, tr.resultReg, -1)
if(knownAddress!=null) {
// @(address) = @(address) != operand
val valueReg = codeGen.registers.nextFree()
result += IRCodeChunk(null, null).also {
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.LOADM, vmDt, reg1=valueReg, value=knownAddress)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.SNE, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, reg2=valueReg)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.STOREM, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, value=knownAddress)
} else {
// symbol = symbol != operand
val valueReg = codeGen.registers.nextFree()
result += IRCodeChunk(null, null).also {
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.LOADM, vmDt, reg1=valueReg, labelSymbol = symbol)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.SNE, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, reg2=valueReg)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.STOREM, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, labelSymbol = symbol)
return result
fun operatorGreaterInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, signed: Boolean, operand: PtExpression): IRCodeChunks {
val result = mutableListOf<IRCodeChunkBase>()
val tr = translateExpression(operand)
addToResult(result, tr, tr.resultReg, -1)
val opcode = if(signed) Opcode.SGTS else Opcode.SGT
if(knownAddress!=null) {
// @(address) = @(address) > operand
val valueReg = codeGen.registers.nextFree()
result += IRCodeChunk(null, null).also {
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.LOADM, vmDt, reg1=valueReg, value=knownAddress)
it += IRInstruction(opcode, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, reg2=valueReg)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.STOREM, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, value=knownAddress)
} else {
// symbol = symbol > operand
val valueReg = codeGen.registers.nextFree()
result += IRCodeChunk(null, null).also {
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.LOADM, vmDt, reg1=valueReg, labelSymbol = symbol)
it += IRInstruction(opcode, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, reg2=valueReg)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.STOREM, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, labelSymbol = symbol)
return result
fun operatorLessInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, signed: Boolean, operand: PtExpression): IRCodeChunks {
val result = mutableListOf<IRCodeChunkBase>()
val tr = translateExpression(operand)
addToResult(result, tr, tr.resultReg, -1)
val opcode = if(signed) Opcode.SLTS else Opcode.SLT
if(knownAddress!=null) {
// @(address) = @(address) < operand
val valueReg = codeGen.registers.nextFree()
result += IRCodeChunk(null, null).also {
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.LOADM, vmDt, reg1=valueReg, value=knownAddress)
it += IRInstruction(opcode, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, reg2=valueReg)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.STOREM, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, value=knownAddress)
} else {
// symbol = symbol < operand
val valueReg = codeGen.registers.nextFree()
result += IRCodeChunk(null, null).also {
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.LOADM, vmDt, reg1=valueReg, labelSymbol = symbol)
it += IRInstruction(opcode, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, reg2=valueReg)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.STOREM, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, labelSymbol = symbol)
return result
fun operatorGreaterEqualInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, signed: Boolean, operand: PtExpression): IRCodeChunks {
val result = mutableListOf<IRCodeChunkBase>()
val tr = translateExpression(operand)
addToResult(result, tr, tr.resultReg, -1)
val opcode = if(signed) Opcode.SGES else Opcode.SGE
if(knownAddress!=null) {
// @(address) = @(address) > operand
val valueReg = codeGen.registers.nextFree()
result += IRCodeChunk(null, null).also {
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.LOADM, vmDt, reg1=valueReg, value=knownAddress)
it += IRInstruction(opcode, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, reg2=valueReg)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.STOREM, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, value=knownAddress)
} else {
// symbol = symbol > operand
val valueReg = codeGen.registers.nextFree()
result += IRCodeChunk(null, null).also {
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.LOADM, vmDt, reg1=valueReg, labelSymbol = symbol)
it += IRInstruction(opcode, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, reg2=valueReg)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.STOREM, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, labelSymbol = symbol)
return result
fun operatorLessEqualInplace(knownAddress: Int?, symbol: String?, vmDt: IRDataType, signed: Boolean, operand: PtExpression): IRCodeChunks {
val result = mutableListOf<IRCodeChunkBase>()
val tr = translateExpression(operand)
addToResult(result, tr, tr.resultReg, -1)
val opcode = if(signed) Opcode.SLES else Opcode.SLE
if(knownAddress!=null) {
// @(address) = @(address) > operand
val valueReg = codeGen.registers.nextFree()
result += IRCodeChunk(null, null).also {
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.LOADM, vmDt, reg1=valueReg, value=knownAddress)
it += IRInstruction(opcode, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, reg2=valueReg)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.STOREM, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, value=knownAddress)
} else {
// symbol = symbol > operand
val valueReg = codeGen.registers.nextFree()
result += IRCodeChunk(null, null).also {
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.LOADM, vmDt, reg1=valueReg, labelSymbol = symbol)
it += IRInstruction(opcode, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, reg2=valueReg)
it += IRInstruction(Opcode.STOREM, vmDt, reg1=tr.resultReg, labelSymbol = symbol)
return result
@ -912,67 +912,83 @@ class IRCodeGen(
else -> {
throw AssemblyError("weird condition node: $condition")
// if X --> meaning: if X!=0
val irDt = irType(condition.type)
val signed = condition.type in SignedDatatypes
return if(goto!=null && ifElse.elseScope.children.isEmpty()) {
translateIfFollowedByJustGoto(ifElse, goto, irDt, signed)
} else {
translateIfElseNonZeroComparison(ifElse, irDt, signed)
private fun translateIfFollowedByJustGoto(ifElse: PtIfElse, goto: PtJump, irDtLeft: IRDataType, signed: Boolean): MutableList<IRCodeChunkBase> {
val condition = ifElse.condition as PtBinaryExpression
val conditionBinExpr = ifElse.condition as? PtBinaryExpression
val result = mutableListOf<IRCodeChunkBase>()
if (irDtLeft == IRDataType.FLOAT) {
val leftTr = expressionEval.translateExpression(condition.left)
addToResult(result, leftTr, -1, leftTr.resultFpReg)
val rightTr = expressionEval.translateExpression(condition.right)
addToResult(result, rightTr, -1, rightTr.resultFpReg)
result += IRCodeChunk(null, null).also {
val compResultReg = registers.nextFree()
it += IRInstruction(
reg1 = compResultReg,
fpReg1 = leftTr.resultFpReg,
fpReg2 = rightTr.resultFpReg
val gotoOpcode = when (condition.operator) {
"==" -> Opcode.BZ
"!=" -> Opcode.BNZ
"<" -> Opcode.BLEZS
">" -> Opcode.BGEZS
"<=" -> Opcode.BLZS
">=" -> Opcode.BGZS
else -> throw AssemblyError("weird operator")
it += if (goto.address != null)
reg1 = compResultReg,
value = goto.address?.toInt()
else if (goto.generatedLabel != null)
reg1 = compResultReg,
labelSymbol = goto.generatedLabel
reg1 = compResultReg,
labelSymbol = goto.identifier!!.name
if(conditionBinExpr==null) {
throw AssemblyError("condition value should not be float")
ifNonZeroIntThenJump(result, ifElse, signed, irDtLeft, goto)
return result
} else {
val rightConst = condition.right.asConstInteger()
return if (rightConst == 0)
ifZeroIntThenJump(result, ifElse, signed, irDtLeft, goto)
else {
ifNonZeroIntThenJump(result, ifElse, signed, irDtLeft, goto)
if (irDtLeft == IRDataType.FLOAT) {
val leftTr = expressionEval.translateExpression(conditionBinExpr.left)
addToResult(result, leftTr, -1, leftTr.resultFpReg)
val rightTr = expressionEval.translateExpression(conditionBinExpr.right)
addToResult(result, rightTr, -1, rightTr.resultFpReg)
result += IRCodeChunk(null, null).also {
val compResultReg = registers.nextFree()
it += IRInstruction(
reg1 = compResultReg,
fpReg1 = leftTr.resultFpReg,
fpReg2 = rightTr.resultFpReg
val gotoOpcode = when (conditionBinExpr.operator) {
"==" -> Opcode.BZ
"!=" -> Opcode.BNZ
"<" -> Opcode.BLEZS
">" -> Opcode.BGEZS
"<=" -> Opcode.BLZS
">=" -> Opcode.BGZS
else -> throw AssemblyError("weird operator")
it += if (goto.address != null)
reg1 = compResultReg,
value = goto.address?.toInt()
else if (goto.generatedLabel != null)
reg1 = compResultReg,
labelSymbol = goto.generatedLabel
reg1 = compResultReg,
labelSymbol = goto.identifier!!.name
return result
} else {
val rightConst = conditionBinExpr.right.asConstInteger()
if (rightConst == 0)
ifZeroIntThenJump(result, ifElse, signed, irDtLeft, goto)
else {
ifNonZeroIntThenJump(result, ifElse, signed, irDtLeft, goto)
return result
@ -983,7 +999,7 @@ class IRCodeGen(
signed: Boolean,
irDtLeft: IRDataType,
goto: PtJump
): MutableList<IRCodeChunkBase> {
) {
val condition = ifElse.condition as PtBinaryExpression
val leftTr = expressionEval.translateExpression(condition.left)
addToResult(result, leftTr, leftTr.resultReg, -1)
@ -1002,7 +1018,6 @@ class IRCodeGen(
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(opcode, irDtLeft, reg1 = leftTr.resultReg, labelSymbol = goto.generatedLabel), null)
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(opcode, irDtLeft, reg1 = leftTr.resultReg, labelSymbol = goto.identifier!!.name), null)
return result
private fun ifNonZeroIntThenJump(
@ -1011,57 +1026,67 @@ class IRCodeGen(
signed: Boolean,
irDtLeft: IRDataType,
goto: PtJump
): MutableList<IRCodeChunkBase> {
val condition = ifElse.condition as PtBinaryExpression
val leftTr = expressionEval.translateExpression(condition.left)
addToResult(result, leftTr, leftTr.resultReg, -1)
val rightTr = expressionEval.translateExpression(condition.right)
addToResult(result, rightTr, rightTr.resultReg, -1)
val opcode: Opcode
val firstReg: Int
val secondReg: Int
when (condition.operator) {
"==" -> {
opcode = Opcode.BEQ
firstReg = leftTr.resultReg
secondReg = rightTr.resultReg
) {
val conditionBinExpr = ifElse.condition as? PtBinaryExpression
if(conditionBinExpr==null) {
val tr = expressionEval.translateExpression(ifElse.condition)
result += tr.chunks
if (goto.address != null)
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(Opcode.BNZ, irDtLeft, reg1 = tr.resultReg, value = goto.address?.toInt()), null)
else if (goto.generatedLabel != null)
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(Opcode.BNZ, irDtLeft, reg1 = tr.resultReg, labelSymbol = goto.generatedLabel), null)
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(Opcode.BNZ, irDtLeft, reg1 = tr.resultReg, labelSymbol = goto.identifier!!.name), null)
} else {
val leftTr = expressionEval.translateExpression(conditionBinExpr.left)
addToResult(result, leftTr, leftTr.resultReg, -1)
val rightTr = expressionEval.translateExpression(conditionBinExpr.right)
addToResult(result, rightTr, rightTr.resultReg, -1)
val opcode: Opcode
val firstReg: Int
val secondReg: Int
when (conditionBinExpr.operator) {
"==" -> {
opcode = Opcode.BEQ
firstReg = leftTr.resultReg
secondReg = rightTr.resultReg
"!=" -> {
opcode = Opcode.BNE
firstReg = leftTr.resultReg
secondReg = rightTr.resultReg
"<" -> {
// swapped '>'
opcode = if (signed) Opcode.BGTS else Opcode.BGT
firstReg = rightTr.resultReg
secondReg = leftTr.resultReg
">" -> {
opcode = if (signed) Opcode.BGTS else Opcode.BGT
firstReg = leftTr.resultReg
secondReg = rightTr.resultReg
"<=" -> {
// swapped '>='
opcode = if (signed) Opcode.BGES else Opcode.BGE
firstReg = rightTr.resultReg
secondReg = leftTr.resultReg
">=" -> {
opcode = if (signed) Opcode.BGES else Opcode.BGE
firstReg = leftTr.resultReg
secondReg = rightTr.resultReg
else -> throw AssemblyError("invalid comparison operator")
"!=" -> {
opcode = Opcode.BNE
firstReg = leftTr.resultReg
secondReg = rightTr.resultReg
"<" -> {
// swapped '>'
opcode = if (signed) Opcode.BGTS else Opcode.BGT
firstReg = rightTr.resultReg
secondReg = leftTr.resultReg
">" -> {
opcode = if (signed) Opcode.BGTS else Opcode.BGT
firstReg = leftTr.resultReg
secondReg = rightTr.resultReg
"<=" -> {
// swapped '>='
opcode = if (signed) Opcode.BGES else Opcode.BGE
firstReg = rightTr.resultReg
secondReg = leftTr.resultReg
">=" -> {
opcode = if (signed) Opcode.BGES else Opcode.BGE
firstReg = leftTr.resultReg
secondReg = rightTr.resultReg
else -> throw AssemblyError("invalid comparison operator")
if (goto.address != null)
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(opcode, irDtLeft, reg1 = firstReg, reg2 = secondReg, value = goto.address?.toInt()), null)
else if (goto.generatedLabel != null)
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(opcode, irDtLeft, reg1 = firstReg, reg2 = secondReg, labelSymbol = goto.generatedLabel), null)
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(opcode, irDtLeft, reg1 = firstReg, reg2 = secondReg, labelSymbol = goto.identifier!!.name), null)
if (goto.address != null)
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(opcode, irDtLeft, reg1 = firstReg, reg2 = secondReg, value = goto.address?.toInt()), null)
else if (goto.generatedLabel != null)
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(opcode, irDtLeft, reg1 = firstReg, reg2 = secondReg, labelSymbol = goto.generatedLabel), null)
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(opcode, irDtLeft, reg1 = firstReg, reg2 = secondReg, labelSymbol = goto.identifier!!.name), null)
return result
private fun translateIfElseZeroComparison(ifElse: PtIfElse, irDtLeft: IRDataType, signed: Boolean): IRCodeChunks {
@ -1131,106 +1156,160 @@ class IRCodeGen(
val elseBranchFirstReg: Int
val elseBranchSecondReg: Int
val branchDt: IRDataType
val condition = ifElse.condition as PtBinaryExpression
if(irDtLeft==IRDataType.FLOAT) {
val leftTr = expressionEval.translateExpression(condition.left)
addToResult(result, leftTr, -1, leftTr.resultFpReg)
val rightTr = expressionEval.translateExpression(condition.right)
addToResult(result, rightTr, -1, rightTr.resultFpReg)
val compResultReg = registers.nextFree()
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(Opcode.FCOMP, IRDataType.FLOAT, reg1=compResultReg, fpReg1 = leftTr.resultFpReg, fpReg2 = rightTr.resultFpReg), null)
val elseBranch = when (condition.operator) {
"==" -> Opcode.BNZ
"!=" -> Opcode.BZ
"<" -> Opcode.BGEZS
">" -> Opcode.BLEZS
"<=" -> Opcode.BGZS
">=" -> Opcode.BLZS
else -> throw AssemblyError("weird operator")
val condition = ifElse.condition as? PtBinaryExpression
if(condition==null) {
throw AssemblyError("condition value should not be float")
val tr = expressionEval.translateExpression(ifElse.condition)
result += tr.chunks
if(ifElse.elseScope.children.isNotEmpty()) {
// if and else parts
val elseLabel = createLabelName()
val afterIfLabel = createLabelName()
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(elseBranch, IRDataType.BYTE, reg1=compResultReg, labelSymbol = elseLabel), null)
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(Opcode.BZ, irDtLeft, reg1=tr.resultReg, labelSymbol = elseLabel), null)
result += translateNode(ifElse.ifScope)
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(Opcode.JUMP, labelSymbol = afterIfLabel), null)
result += labelFirstChunk(translateNode(ifElse.elseScope), elseLabel)
result += IRCodeChunk(afterIfLabel, null)
} else {
// only if part
val afterIfLabel = createLabelName()
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(elseBranch, IRDataType.BYTE, reg1=compResultReg, labelSymbol = afterIfLabel), null)
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(Opcode.BZ, irDtLeft, reg1=tr.resultReg, labelSymbol = afterIfLabel), null)
result += translateNode(ifElse.ifScope)
result += IRCodeChunk(afterIfLabel, null)
return result
} else {
// integer comparisons
branchDt = irDtLeft
val leftTr = expressionEval.translateExpression(condition.left)
addToResult(result, leftTr, leftTr.resultReg, -1)
val rightTr = expressionEval.translateExpression(condition.right)
addToResult(result, rightTr, rightTr.resultReg, -1)
when (condition.operator) {
"==" -> {
elseBranchOpcode = Opcode.BNE
elseBranchFirstReg = leftTr.resultReg
elseBranchSecondReg = rightTr.resultReg
if (irDtLeft == IRDataType.FLOAT) {
val leftTr = expressionEval.translateExpression(condition.left)
addToResult(result, leftTr, -1, leftTr.resultFpReg)
val rightTr = expressionEval.translateExpression(condition.right)
addToResult(result, rightTr, -1, rightTr.resultFpReg)
val compResultReg = registers.nextFree()
reg1 = compResultReg,
fpReg1 = leftTr.resultFpReg,
fpReg2 = rightTr.resultFpReg
val elseBranch = when (condition.operator) {
"==" -> Opcode.BNZ
"!=" -> Opcode.BZ
"<" -> Opcode.BGEZS
">" -> Opcode.BLEZS
"<=" -> Opcode.BGZS
">=" -> Opcode.BLZS
else -> throw AssemblyError("weird operator")
"!=" -> {
elseBranchOpcode = Opcode.BEQ
elseBranchFirstReg = leftTr.resultReg
elseBranchSecondReg = rightTr.resultReg
if (ifElse.elseScope.children.isNotEmpty()) {
// if and else parts
val elseLabel = createLabelName()
val afterIfLabel = createLabelName()
IRInstruction(elseBranch, IRDataType.BYTE, reg1 = compResultReg, labelSymbol = elseLabel),
result += translateNode(ifElse.ifScope)
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(Opcode.JUMP, labelSymbol = afterIfLabel), null)
result += labelFirstChunk(translateNode(ifElse.elseScope), elseLabel)
result += IRCodeChunk(afterIfLabel, null)
} else {
// only if part
val afterIfLabel = createLabelName()
IRInstruction(elseBranch, IRDataType.BYTE, reg1 = compResultReg, labelSymbol = afterIfLabel),
result += translateNode(ifElse.ifScope)
result += IRCodeChunk(afterIfLabel, null)
"<" -> {
// else part when left >= right
elseBranchOpcode = if (signed) Opcode.BGES else Opcode.BGE
elseBranchFirstReg = leftTr.resultReg
elseBranchSecondReg = rightTr.resultReg
">" -> {
// else part when left <= right --> right >= left
elseBranchOpcode = if (signed) Opcode.BGES else Opcode.BGE
elseBranchFirstReg = rightTr.resultReg
elseBranchSecondReg = leftTr.resultReg
"<=" -> {
// else part when left > right
elseBranchOpcode = if (signed) Opcode.BGTS else Opcode.BGT
elseBranchFirstReg = leftTr.resultReg
elseBranchSecondReg = rightTr.resultReg
">=" -> {
// else part when left < right --> right > left
elseBranchOpcode = if (signed) Opcode.BGTS else Opcode.BGT
elseBranchFirstReg = rightTr.resultReg
elseBranchSecondReg = leftTr.resultReg
else -> throw AssemblyError("invalid comparison operator")
if(ifElse.elseScope.children.isNotEmpty()) {
// if and else parts
val elseLabel = createLabelName()
val afterIfLabel = createLabelName()
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(elseBranchOpcode, branchDt,
reg1=elseBranchFirstReg, reg2=elseBranchSecondReg,
labelSymbol = elseLabel), null)
result += translateNode(ifElse.ifScope)
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(Opcode.JUMP, labelSymbol = afterIfLabel), null)
result += labelFirstChunk(translateNode(ifElse.elseScope), elseLabel)
result += IRCodeChunk(afterIfLabel, null)
} else {
// only if part
val afterIfLabel = createLabelName()
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(elseBranchOpcode, branchDt,
reg1=elseBranchFirstReg, reg2=elseBranchSecondReg,
labelSymbol = afterIfLabel), null)
result += translateNode(ifElse.ifScope)
result += IRCodeChunk(afterIfLabel, null)
// integer comparisons
branchDt = irDtLeft
val leftTr = expressionEval.translateExpression(condition.left)
addToResult(result, leftTr, leftTr.resultReg, -1)
val rightTr = expressionEval.translateExpression(condition.right)
addToResult(result, rightTr, rightTr.resultReg, -1)
when (condition.operator) {
"==" -> {
elseBranchOpcode = Opcode.BNE
elseBranchFirstReg = leftTr.resultReg
elseBranchSecondReg = rightTr.resultReg
return result
"!=" -> {
elseBranchOpcode = Opcode.BEQ
elseBranchFirstReg = leftTr.resultReg
elseBranchSecondReg = rightTr.resultReg
"<" -> {
// else part when left >= right
elseBranchOpcode = if (signed) Opcode.BGES else Opcode.BGE
elseBranchFirstReg = leftTr.resultReg
elseBranchSecondReg = rightTr.resultReg
">" -> {
// else part when left <= right --> right >= left
elseBranchOpcode = if (signed) Opcode.BGES else Opcode.BGE
elseBranchFirstReg = rightTr.resultReg
elseBranchSecondReg = leftTr.resultReg
"<=" -> {
// else part when left > right
elseBranchOpcode = if (signed) Opcode.BGTS else Opcode.BGT
elseBranchFirstReg = leftTr.resultReg
elseBranchSecondReg = rightTr.resultReg
">=" -> {
// else part when left < right --> right > left
elseBranchOpcode = if (signed) Opcode.BGTS else Opcode.BGT
elseBranchFirstReg = rightTr.resultReg
elseBranchSecondReg = leftTr.resultReg
else -> throw AssemblyError("invalid comparison operator")
if (ifElse.elseScope.children.isNotEmpty()) {
// if and else parts
val elseLabel = createLabelName()
val afterIfLabel = createLabelName()
result, IRInstruction(
elseBranchOpcode, branchDt,
reg1 = elseBranchFirstReg, reg2 = elseBranchSecondReg,
labelSymbol = elseLabel
), null
result += translateNode(ifElse.ifScope)
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(Opcode.JUMP, labelSymbol = afterIfLabel), null)
result += labelFirstChunk(translateNode(ifElse.elseScope), elseLabel)
result += IRCodeChunk(afterIfLabel, null)
} else {
// only if part
val afterIfLabel = createLabelName()
result, IRInstruction(
elseBranchOpcode, branchDt,
reg1 = elseBranchFirstReg, reg2 = elseBranchSecondReg,
labelSymbol = afterIfLabel
), null
result += translateNode(ifElse.ifScope)
result += IRCodeChunk(afterIfLabel, null)
return result
private fun translate(postIncrDecr: PtPostIncrDecr): IRCodeChunks {
@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ TODO
For next minor release
newexpr: fix fallbackAssign() and loadIndexReg()
@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
%import textio
%import floats
%zeropage basicsafe
main {
sub start() {
ubyte xx=100
ubyte yy=21
xx %= yy
ubyte ub1 = 100
ubyte ub2 = 13
Reference in New Issue
Block a user