mirror of
synced 2025-01-12 19:29:50 +00:00
restructuring of the AST package
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<component name="ProjectDictionaryState">
<dictionary name="irmen" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
<component name="InspectionProjectProfileManager">
<profile version="1.0">
<option name="myName" value="Project Default" />
<inspection_tool class="SpellCheckingInspection" enabled="true" level="TYPO" enabled_by_default="true">
<option name="processCode" value="false" />
<option name="processLiterals" value="true" />
<option name="processComments" value="false" />
@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
package prog8
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.base.checkIdentifiers
import prog8.ast.base.checkRecursion
import prog8.ast.base.checkValid
import prog8.ast.base.reorderStatements
import prog8.ast.statements.Directive
import prog8.astvm.AstVm
import prog8.compiler.*
import prog8.compiler.target.c64.AsmGen
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
package prog8.ast
* Checks for the occurrence of recursive subroutine calls
internal fun Program.checkRecursion() {
val checker = AstRecursionChecker(namespace)
printErrors(checker.result(), name)
private class DirectedGraph<VT> {
private val graph = mutableMapOf<VT, MutableSet<VT>>()
private var uniqueVertices = mutableSetOf<VT>()
val numVertices : Int
get() = uniqueVertices.size
fun add(from: VT, to: VT) {
var targets = graph[from]
if(targets==null) {
targets = mutableSetOf()
graph[from] = targets
fun print() {
println("#vertices: $numVertices")
graph.forEach { (from, to) ->
println("$from CALLS:")
to.forEach { println(" $it") }
val cycle = checkForCycle()
if(cycle.isNotEmpty()) {
println("CYCLIC! $cycle")
fun checkForCycle(): MutableList<VT> {
val visited = uniqueVertices.associateWith { false }.toMutableMap()
val recStack = uniqueVertices.associateWith { false }.toMutableMap()
val cycle = mutableListOf<VT>()
for(node in uniqueVertices) {
if(isCyclicUntil(node, visited, recStack, cycle))
return cycle
return mutableListOf()
private fun isCyclicUntil(node: VT,
visited: MutableMap<VT, Boolean>,
recStack: MutableMap<VT, Boolean>,
cycleNodes: MutableList<VT>): Boolean {
if(recStack[node]==true) return true
if(visited[node]==true) return false
// mark current node as visited and add to recursion stack
visited[node] = true
recStack[node] = true
// recurse for all neighbours
val neighbors = graph[node]
if(neighbors!=null) {
for (neighbour in neighbors) {
if (isCyclicUntil(neighbour, visited, recStack, cycleNodes)) {
return true
// pop node from recursion stack
recStack[node] = false
return false
private class AstRecursionChecker(private val namespace: INameScope) : IAstProcessor {
private val callGraph = DirectedGraph<INameScope>()
internal fun result(): List<AstException> {
val cycle = callGraph.checkForCycle()
return emptyList()
val chain = cycle.joinToString(" <-- ") { "${it.name} at ${it.position}" }
return listOf(AstException("Program contains recursive subroutine calls, this is not supported. Recursive chain:\n (a subroutine call in) $chain"))
override fun process(functionCallStatement: FunctionCallStatement): IStatement {
val scope = functionCallStatement.definingScope()
val targetStatement = functionCallStatement.target.targetStatement(namespace)
if(targetStatement!=null) {
val targetScope = when (targetStatement) {
is Subroutine -> targetStatement
else -> targetStatement.definingScope()
callGraph.add(scope, targetScope)
return super.process(functionCallStatement)
override fun process(functionCall: FunctionCall): IExpression {
val scope = functionCall.definingScope()
val targetStatement = functionCall.target.targetStatement(namespace)
if(targetStatement!=null) {
val targetScope = when (targetStatement) {
is Subroutine -> targetStatement
else -> targetStatement.definingScope()
callGraph.add(scope, targetScope)
return super.process(functionCall)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
package prog8.ast
import prog8.ast.base.FatalAstException
import prog8.ast.base.NameError
import prog8.ast.base.ParentSentinel
import prog8.ast.base.Position
import prog8.ast.statements.Block
import prog8.ast.statements.Label
import prog8.ast.statements.Subroutine
import prog8.ast.statements.VarDecl
import prog8.compiler.HeapValues
import prog8.functions.BuiltinFunctions
import java.nio.file.Path
/*********** Everything starts from here, the Program; zero or more modules *************/
class Program(val name: String, val modules: MutableList<Module>) {
val namespace = GlobalNamespace(modules)
val heap = HeapValues()
val loadAddress: Int
get() = modules.first().loadAddress
fun entrypoint(): Subroutine? {
val mainBlocks = modules.flatMap { it.statements }.filter { b -> b is Block && b.name=="main" }.map { it as Block }
if(mainBlocks.size > 1)
throw FatalAstException("more than one 'main' block")
return if(mainBlocks.isEmpty()) {
} else {
mainBlocks[0].subScopes()["start"] as Subroutine?
class Module(override val name: String,
override var statements: MutableList<IStatement>,
override val position: Position,
val isLibraryModule: Boolean,
val source: Path) : Node, INameScope {
override lateinit var parent: Node
lateinit var program: Program
val importedBy = mutableListOf<Module>()
val imports = mutableSetOf<Module>()
var loadAddress: Int = 0 // can be set with the %address directive
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
statements.forEach {it.linkParents(this)}
override fun definingScope(): INameScope = program.namespace
override fun toString() = "Module(name=$name, pos=$position, lib=$isLibraryModule)"
class GlobalNamespace(val modules: List<Module>): Node, INameScope {
override val name = "<<<global>>>"
override val position = Position("<<<global>>>", 0, 0, 0)
override val statements = mutableListOf<IStatement>()
override var parent: Node = ParentSentinel
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
modules.forEach { it.linkParents(this) }
override fun lookup(scopedName: List<String>, localContext: Node): IStatement? {
if (scopedName.size == 1 && scopedName[0] in BuiltinFunctions) {
// builtin functions always exist, return a dummy localContext for them
val builtinPlaceholder = Label("builtin::${scopedName.last()}", localContext.position)
builtinPlaceholder.parent = ParentSentinel
return builtinPlaceholder
val stmt = localContext.definingModule().lookup(scopedName, localContext)
return when (stmt) {
is Label, is VarDecl, is Block, is Subroutine -> stmt
null -> null
else -> throw NameError("wrong identifier target: $stmt", stmt.position)
object BuiltinFunctionScopePlaceholder : INameScope {
override val name = "<<builtin-functions-scope-placeholder>>"
override val position = Position("<<placeholder>>", 0, 0, 0)
override var statements = mutableListOf<IStatement>()
override var parent: Node = ParentSentinel
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
package prog8.ast
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.processing.IAstProcessor
import prog8.ast.statements.*
interface Node {
val position: Position
var parent: Node // will be linked correctly later (late init)
fun linkParents(parent: Node)
fun definingModule(): Module {
if(this is Module)
return this
return findParentNode<Module>(this)!!
fun definingSubroutine(): Subroutine? = findParentNode<Subroutine>(this)
fun definingScope(): INameScope {
val scope = findParentNode<INameScope>(this)
if(scope!=null) {
return scope
if(this is Label && this.name.startsWith("builtin::")) {
return BuiltinFunctionScopePlaceholder
if(this is GlobalNamespace)
return this
throw FatalAstException("scope missing from $this")
interface IStatement : Node {
fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) : IStatement
fun makeScopedName(name: String): String {
// easy way out is to always return the full scoped name.
// it would be nicer to find only the minimal prefixed scoped name, but that's too much hassle for now.
// and like this, we can cache the name even,
// like in a lazy property on the statement object itself (label, subroutine, vardecl)
val scope = mutableListOf<String>()
var statementScope = this.parent
while(statementScope !is ParentSentinel && statementScope !is Module) {
if(statementScope is INameScope) {
scope.add(0, statementScope.name)
statementScope = statementScope.parent
return scope.joinToString(".")
val expensiveToInline: Boolean
fun definingBlock(): Block {
if(this is Block)
return this
return findParentNode<Block>(this)!!
interface IFunctionCall {
var target: IdentifierReference
var arglist: MutableList<IExpression>
interface INameScope {
val name: String
val position: Position
val statements: MutableList<IStatement>
val parent: Node
fun linkParents(parent: Node)
fun subScopes(): Map<String, INameScope> {
val subscopes = mutableMapOf<String, INameScope>()
for(stmt in statements) {
when(stmt) {
is INameScope -> subscopes[stmt.name] = stmt
is ForLoop -> subscopes[stmt.body.name] = stmt.body
is RepeatLoop -> subscopes[stmt.body.name] = stmt.body
is WhileLoop -> subscopes[stmt.body.name] = stmt.body
is BranchStatement -> {
subscopes[stmt.truepart.name] = stmt.truepart
subscopes[stmt.elsepart.name] = stmt.elsepart
is IfStatement -> {
subscopes[stmt.truepart.name] = stmt.truepart
subscopes[stmt.elsepart.name] = stmt.elsepart
return subscopes
fun getLabelOrVariable(name: String): IStatement? {
// TODO this is called A LOT and could perhaps be optimized a bit more, but adding a cache didn't make much of a practical runtime difference
for (stmt in statements) {
if (stmt is VarDecl && stmt.name==name) return stmt
if (stmt is Label && stmt.name==name) return stmt
return null
fun allDefinedSymbols(): List<Pair<String, IStatement>> {
return statements.mapNotNull {
when (it) {
is Label -> it.name to it
is VarDecl -> it.name to it
is Subroutine -> it.name to it
is Block -> it.name to it
else -> null
fun lookup(scopedName: List<String>, localContext: Node) : IStatement? {
if(scopedName.size>1) {
// it's a qualified name, look it up from the root of the module's namespace (consider all modules in the program)
for(module in localContext.definingModule().program.modules) {
var scope: INameScope? = module
for(name in scopedName.dropLast(1)) {
scope = scope?.subScopes()?.get(name)
if(scope!=null) {
val result = scope.getLabelOrVariable(scopedName.last())
return result
return scope.subScopes()[scopedName.last()] as IStatement?
return null
} else {
// unqualified name, find the scope the localContext is in, look in that first
var statementScope = localContext
while(statementScope !is ParentSentinel) {
val localScope = statementScope.definingScope()
val result = localScope.getLabelOrVariable(scopedName[0])
if (result != null)
return result
val subscope = localScope.subScopes()[scopedName[0]] as IStatement?
if (subscope != null)
return subscope
// not found in this scope, look one higher up
statementScope = statementScope.parent
return null
fun containsCodeOrVars() = statements.any { it !is Directive || it.directive == "%asminclude" || it.directive == "%asm"}
fun containsNoCodeNorVars() = !containsCodeOrVars()
fun remove(stmt: IStatement) {
throw FatalAstException("stmt to remove wasn't found in scope")
interface IExpression: Node {
fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue?
fun process(processor: IAstProcessor): IExpression
fun referencesIdentifier(name: String): Boolean
fun inferType(program: Program): DataType?
infix fun isSameAs(other: IExpression): Boolean {
return true
when(this) {
is RegisterExpr ->
return (other is RegisterExpr && other.register==register)
is IdentifierReference ->
return (other is IdentifierReference && other.nameInSource==nameInSource)
is PrefixExpression ->
return (other is PrefixExpression && other.operator==operator && other.expression isSameAs expression)
is BinaryExpression ->
return (other is BinaryExpression && other.operator==operator
&& other.left isSameAs left
&& other.right isSameAs right)
is ArrayIndexedExpression -> {
return (other is ArrayIndexedExpression && other.identifier.nameInSource == identifier.nameInSource
&& other.arrayspec.index isSameAs arrayspec.index)
is LiteralValue -> return (other is LiteralValue && other==this)
return false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
package prog8.ast.antlr
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.IntStream
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.TerminalNode
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import java.io.CharConversionException
import java.io.File
import java.nio.file.Path
import prog8.compiler.target.c64.Petscii
import prog8.parser.CustomLexer
import prog8.parser.prog8Parser
/***************** Antlr Extension methods to create AST ****************/
private data class NumericLiteral(val number: Number, val datatype: DataType)
fun prog8Parser.ModuleContext.toAst(name: String, isLibrary: Boolean, source: Path) : Module {
val nameWithoutSuffix = if(name.endsWith(".p8")) name.substringBeforeLast('.') else name
return Module(nameWithoutSuffix, modulestatement().asSequence().map { it.toAst(isLibrary) }.toMutableList(), toPosition(), isLibrary, source)
private fun ParserRuleContext.toPosition() : Position {
val customTokensource = this.start.tokenSource as? CustomLexer
val filename =
when {
customTokensource!=null -> customTokensource.modulePath.fileName.toString()
start.tokenSource.sourceName == IntStream.UNKNOWN_SOURCE_NAME -> "@internal@"
else -> File(start.inputStream.sourceName).name
// note: be ware of TAB characters in the source text, they count as 1 column...
return Position(filename, start.line, start.charPositionInLine, stop.charPositionInLine + stop.text.length)
private fun prog8Parser.ModulestatementContext.toAst(isInLibrary: Boolean) : IStatement {
val directive = directive()?.toAst()
if(directive!=null) return directive
val block = block()?.toAst(isInLibrary)
if(block!=null) return block
throw FatalAstException(text)
private fun prog8Parser.BlockContext.toAst(isInLibrary: Boolean) : IStatement =
Block(identifier().text, integerliteral()?.toAst()?.number?.toInt(), statement_block().toAst(), isInLibrary, toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.Statement_blockContext.toAst(): MutableList<IStatement> =
statement().asSequence().map { it.toAst() }.toMutableList()
private fun prog8Parser.StatementContext.toAst() : IStatement {
vardecl()?.let {
return VarDecl(VarDeclType.VAR,
it.ZEROPAGE() != null,
it.ARRAYSIG() != null || it.arrayindex() != null,
varinitializer()?.let {
val vd = it.vardecl()
return VarDecl(VarDeclType.VAR,
vd.ZEROPAGE() != null,
vd.ARRAYSIG() != null || vd.arrayindex() != null,
constdecl()?.let {
val cvarinit = it.varinitializer()
val vd = cvarinit.vardecl()
return VarDecl(VarDeclType.CONST,
vd.ZEROPAGE() != null,
vd.ARRAYSIG() != null || vd.arrayindex() != null,
memoryvardecl()?.let {
val mvarinit = it.varinitializer()
val vd = mvarinit.vardecl()
return VarDecl(VarDeclType.MEMORY,
vd.ZEROPAGE() != null,
vd.ARRAYSIG() != null || vd.arrayindex() != null,
assignment()?.let {
return Assignment(it.assign_targets().toAst(), null, it.expression().toAst(), it.toPosition())
augassignment()?.let {
return Assignment(listOf(it.assign_target().toAst()),
postincrdecr()?.let {
return PostIncrDecr(it.assign_target().toAst(), it.operator.text, it.toPosition())
val directive = directive()?.toAst()
if(directive!=null) return directive
val label = labeldef()?.toAst()
if(label!=null) return label
val jump = unconditionaljump()?.toAst()
if(jump!=null) return jump
val fcall = functioncall_stmt()?.toAst()
if(fcall!=null) return fcall
val ifstmt = if_stmt()?.toAst()
if(ifstmt!=null) return ifstmt
val returnstmt = returnstmt()?.toAst()
if(returnstmt!=null) return returnstmt
val sub = subroutine()?.toAst()
if(sub!=null) return sub
val asm = inlineasm()?.toAst()
if(asm!=null) return asm
val branchstmt = branch_stmt()?.toAst()
if(branchstmt!=null) return branchstmt
val forloop = forloop()?.toAst()
if(forloop!=null) return forloop
val repeatloop = repeatloop()?.toAst()
if(repeatloop!=null) return repeatloop
val whileloop = whileloop()?.toAst()
if(whileloop!=null) return whileloop
val breakstmt = breakstmt()?.toAst()
if(breakstmt!=null) return breakstmt
val continuestmt = continuestmt()?.toAst()
if(continuestmt!=null) return continuestmt
val asmsubstmt = asmsubroutine()?.toAst()
if(asmsubstmt!=null) return asmsubstmt
throw FatalAstException("unprocessed source text (are we missing ast conversion rules for parser elements?): $text")
private fun prog8Parser.Assign_targetsContext.toAst(): List<AssignTarget> = assign_target().map { it.toAst() }
private fun prog8Parser.AsmsubroutineContext.toAst(): IStatement {
val name = identifier().text
val address = asmsub_address()?.address?.toAst()?.number?.toInt()
val params = asmsub_params()?.toAst() ?: emptyList()
val returns = asmsub_returns()?.toAst() ?: emptyList()
val normalParameters = params.map { SubroutineParameter(it.name, it.type, it.position) }
val normalReturnvalues = returns.map { it.type }
val paramRegisters = params.map { RegisterOrStatusflag(it.registerOrPair, it.statusflag, it.stack) }
val returnRegisters = returns.map { RegisterOrStatusflag(it.registerOrPair, it.statusflag, it.stack) }
val clobbers = clobber()?.toAst() ?: emptySet()
val statements = statement_block()?.toAst() ?: mutableListOf()
return Subroutine(name, normalParameters, normalReturnvalues,
paramRegisters, returnRegisters, clobbers, address, true, statements, toPosition())
private class AsmSubroutineParameter(name: String,
type: DataType,
val registerOrPair: RegisterOrPair?,
val statusflag: Statusflag?,
val stack: Boolean,
position: Position) : SubroutineParameter(name, type, position)
private class AsmSubroutineReturn(val type: DataType,
val registerOrPair: RegisterOrPair?,
val statusflag: Statusflag?,
val stack: Boolean,
val position: Position)
private fun prog8Parser.ClobberContext.toAst(): Set<Register>
= this.register().asSequence().map { it.toAst() }.toSet()
private fun prog8Parser.Asmsub_returnsContext.toAst(): List<AsmSubroutineReturn>
= asmsub_return().map { AsmSubroutineReturn(it.datatype().toAst(), it.registerorpair()?.toAst(), it.statusregister()?.toAst(), !it.stack?.text.isNullOrEmpty(), toPosition()) }
private fun prog8Parser.Asmsub_paramsContext.toAst(): List<AsmSubroutineParameter>
= asmsub_param().map {
AsmSubroutineParameter(it.vardecl().identifier().text, it.vardecl().datatype().toAst(),
it.registerorpair()?.toAst(), it.statusregister()?.toAst(), !it.stack?.text.isNullOrEmpty(), toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.StatusregisterContext.toAst() = Statusflag.valueOf(text)
private fun prog8Parser.Functioncall_stmtContext.toAst(): IStatement {
val location = scoped_identifier().toAst()
return if(expression_list() == null)
FunctionCallStatement(location, mutableListOf(), toPosition())
FunctionCallStatement(location, expression_list().toAst().toMutableList(), toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.FunctioncallContext.toAst(): FunctionCall {
val location = scoped_identifier().toAst()
return if(expression_list() == null)
FunctionCall(location, mutableListOf(), toPosition())
FunctionCall(location, expression_list().toAst().toMutableList(), toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.InlineasmContext.toAst() =
InlineAssembly(INLINEASMBLOCK().text, toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.ReturnstmtContext.toAst() : Return {
val values = expression_list()
return Return(values?.toAst() ?: emptyList(), toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.UnconditionaljumpContext.toAst(): Jump {
val address = integerliteral()?.toAst()?.number?.toInt()
val identifier = scoped_identifier()?.toAst()
return Jump(address, identifier, null, toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.LabeldefContext.toAst(): IStatement =
Label(children[0].text, toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.SubroutineContext.toAst() : Subroutine {
return Subroutine(identifier().text,
sub_params()?.toAst() ?: emptyList(),
sub_return_part()?.toAst() ?: emptyList(),
statement_block()?.toAst() ?: mutableListOf(),
private fun prog8Parser.Sub_return_partContext.toAst(): List<DataType> {
val returns = sub_returns() ?: return emptyList()
return returns.datatype().map { it.toAst() }
private fun prog8Parser.Sub_paramsContext.toAst(): List<SubroutineParameter> =
vardecl().map {
SubroutineParameter(it.identifier().text, it.datatype().toAst(), it.toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.Assign_targetContext.toAst() : AssignTarget {
val register = register()?.toAst()
val identifier = scoped_identifier()
return when {
register!=null -> AssignTarget(register, null, null, null, toPosition())
identifier!=null -> AssignTarget(null, identifier.toAst(), null, null, toPosition())
arrayindexed()!=null -> AssignTarget(null, null, arrayindexed().toAst(), null, toPosition())
directmemory()!=null -> AssignTarget(null, null, null, DirectMemoryWrite(directmemory().expression().toAst(), toPosition()), toPosition())
else -> AssignTarget(null, scoped_identifier()?.toAst(), null, null, toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.RegisterContext.toAst() = Register.valueOf(text.toUpperCase())
private fun prog8Parser.DatatypeContext.toAst() = DataType.valueOf(text.toUpperCase())
private fun prog8Parser.RegisterorpairContext.toAst() = RegisterOrPair.valueOf(text.toUpperCase())
private fun prog8Parser.ArrayindexContext.toAst() : ArrayIndex =
ArrayIndex(expression().toAst(), toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.DirectiveContext.toAst() : Directive =
Directive(directivename.text, directivearg().map { it.toAst() }, toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.DirectiveargContext.toAst() : DirectiveArg =
DirectiveArg(stringliteral()?.text, identifier()?.text, integerliteral()?.toAst()?.number?.toInt(), toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.IntegerliteralContext.toAst(): NumericLiteral {
fun makeLiteral(text: String, radix: Int, forceWord: Boolean): NumericLiteral {
val integer: Int
var datatype = DataType.UBYTE
when (radix) {
10 -> {
integer = try {
} catch(x: NumberFormatException) {
throw AstException("${toPosition()} invalid decimal literal ${x.message}")
datatype = when(integer) {
in 0..255 -> DataType.UBYTE
in -128..127 -> DataType.BYTE
in 0..65535 -> DataType.UWORD
in -32768..32767 -> DataType.WORD
else -> DataType.FLOAT
2 -> {
datatype = DataType.UWORD
try {
integer = text.toInt(2)
} catch(x: NumberFormatException) {
throw AstException("${toPosition()} invalid binary literal ${x.message}")
16 -> {
datatype = DataType.UWORD
try {
integer = text.toInt(16)
} catch(x: NumberFormatException) {
throw AstException("${toPosition()} invalid hexadecimal literal ${x.message}")
else -> throw FatalAstException("invalid radix")
return NumericLiteral(integer, if (forceWord) DataType.UWORD else datatype)
val terminal: TerminalNode = children[0] as TerminalNode
val integerPart = this.intpart.text
return when (terminal.symbol.type) {
prog8Parser.DEC_INTEGER -> makeLiteral(integerPart, 10, wordsuffix()!=null)
prog8Parser.HEX_INTEGER -> makeLiteral(integerPart.substring(1), 16, wordsuffix()!=null)
prog8Parser.BIN_INTEGER -> makeLiteral(integerPart.substring(1), 2, wordsuffix()!=null)
else -> throw FatalAstException(terminal.text)
private fun prog8Parser.ExpressionContext.toAst() : IExpression {
val litval = literalvalue()
if(litval!=null) {
val booleanlit = litval.booleanliteral()?.toAst()
return if(booleanlit!=null) {
LiteralValue.fromBoolean(booleanlit, litval.toPosition())
else {
val intLit = litval.integerliteral()?.toAst()
when {
intLit!=null -> when(intLit.datatype) {
DataType.UBYTE -> LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, bytevalue = intLit.number.toShort(), position = litval.toPosition())
DataType.BYTE -> LiteralValue(DataType.BYTE, bytevalue = intLit.number.toShort(), position = litval.toPosition())
DataType.UWORD -> LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = intLit.number.toInt(), position = litval.toPosition())
DataType.WORD -> LiteralValue(DataType.WORD, wordvalue = intLit.number.toInt(), position = litval.toPosition())
DataType.FLOAT -> LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = intLit.number.toDouble(), position = litval.toPosition())
else -> throw FatalAstException("invalid datatype for numeric literal")
litval.floatliteral()!=null -> LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = litval.floatliteral().toAst(), position = litval.toPosition())
litval.stringliteral()!=null -> LiteralValue(DataType.STR, strvalue = unescape(litval.stringliteral().text, litval.toPosition()), position = litval.toPosition())
litval.charliteral()!=null -> {
try {
LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, bytevalue = Petscii.encodePetscii(unescape(litval.charliteral().text, litval.toPosition()), true)[0], position = litval.toPosition())
} catch (ce: CharConversionException) {
throw SyntaxError(ce.message ?: ce.toString(), litval.toPosition())
litval.arrayliteral()!=null -> {
val array = litval.arrayliteral()?.toAst()
// the actual type of the arraysize can not yet be determined here (missing namespace & heap)
// the ConstantFolder takes care of that and converts the type if needed.
LiteralValue(DataType.ARRAY_UB, arrayvalue = array, position = litval.toPosition())
else -> throw FatalAstException("invalid parsed literal")
return RegisterExpr(register().toAst(), register().toPosition())
return scoped_identifier().toAst()
return BinaryExpression(left.toAst(), bop.text, right.toAst(), toPosition())
return PrefixExpression(prefix.text, expression(0).toAst(), toPosition())
val funcall = functioncall()?.toAst()
if(funcall!=null) return funcall
if (rangefrom!=null && rangeto!=null) {
val step = rangestep?.toAst() ?: LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 1, position = toPosition())
return RangeExpr(rangefrom.toAst(), rangeto.toAst(), step, toPosition())
if(childCount==3 && children[0].text=="(" && children[2].text==")")
return expression(0).toAst() // expression within ( )
return arrayindexed().toAst()
return TypecastExpression(expression(0).toAst(), typecast().datatype().toAst(), false, toPosition())
return DirectMemoryRead(directmemory().expression().toAst(), toPosition())
return AddressOf(addressof().scoped_identifier().toAst(), toPosition())
throw FatalAstException(text)
private fun prog8Parser.ArrayindexedContext.toAst(): ArrayIndexedExpression {
return ArrayIndexedExpression(scoped_identifier().toAst(),
private fun prog8Parser.Expression_listContext.toAst() = expression().map{ it.toAst() }
private fun prog8Parser.IdentifierContext.toAst() : IdentifierReference =
IdentifierReference(listOf(text), toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.Scoped_identifierContext.toAst() : IdentifierReference =
IdentifierReference(NAME().map { it.text }, toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.FloatliteralContext.toAst() = text.toDouble()
private fun prog8Parser.BooleanliteralContext.toAst() = when(text) {
"true" -> true
"false" -> false
else -> throw FatalAstException(text)
private fun prog8Parser.ArrayliteralContext.toAst() : Array<IExpression> =
expression().map { it.toAst() }.toTypedArray()
private fun prog8Parser.If_stmtContext.toAst(): IfStatement {
val condition = expression().toAst()
val trueStatements = statement_block()?.toAst() ?: mutableListOf(statement().toAst())
val elseStatements = else_part()?.toAst() ?: mutableListOf()
val trueScope = AnonymousScope(trueStatements, statement_block()?.toPosition()
?: statement().toPosition())
val elseScope = AnonymousScope(elseStatements, else_part()?.toPosition() ?: toPosition())
return IfStatement(condition, trueScope, elseScope, toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.Else_partContext.toAst(): MutableList<IStatement> {
return statement_block()?.toAst() ?: mutableListOf(statement().toAst())
private fun prog8Parser.Branch_stmtContext.toAst(): BranchStatement {
val branchcondition = branchcondition().toAst()
val trueStatements = statement_block()?.toAst() ?: mutableListOf(statement().toAst())
val elseStatements = else_part()?.toAst() ?: mutableListOf()
val trueScope = AnonymousScope(trueStatements, statement_block()?.toPosition()
?: statement().toPosition())
val elseScope = AnonymousScope(elseStatements, else_part()?.toPosition() ?: toPosition())
return BranchStatement(branchcondition, trueScope, elseScope, toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.BranchconditionContext.toAst() = BranchCondition.valueOf(text.substringAfter('_').toUpperCase())
private fun prog8Parser.ForloopContext.toAst(): ForLoop {
val loopregister = register()?.toAst()
val datatype = datatype()?.toAst()
val zeropage = ZEROPAGE()!=null
val loopvar = identifier()?.toAst()
val iterable = expression()!!.toAst()
val scope =
AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(statement().toAst()), statement().toPosition())
AnonymousScope(statement_block().toAst(), statement_block().toPosition())
return ForLoop(loopregister, datatype, zeropage, loopvar, iterable, scope, toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.ContinuestmtContext.toAst() = Continue(toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.BreakstmtContext.toAst() = Break(toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.WhileloopContext.toAst(): WhileLoop {
val condition = expression().toAst()
val statements = statement_block()?.toAst() ?: mutableListOf(statement().toAst())
val scope = AnonymousScope(statements, statement_block()?.toPosition()
?: statement().toPosition())
return WhileLoop(condition, scope, toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.RepeatloopContext.toAst(): RepeatLoop {
val untilCondition = expression().toAst()
val statements = statement_block()?.toAst() ?: mutableListOf(statement().toAst())
val scope = AnonymousScope(statements, statement_block()?.toPosition()
?: statement().toPosition())
return RepeatLoop(scope, untilCondition, toPosition())
internal fun escape(str: String) = str.replace("\t", "\\t").replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\r", "\\r")
internal fun unescape(str: String, position: Position): String {
val result = mutableListOf<Char>()
val iter = str.iterator()
while(iter.hasNext()) {
val c = iter.nextChar()
if(c=='\\') {
val ec = iter.nextChar()
result.add(when(ec) {
'\\' -> '\\'
'n' -> '\n'
'r' -> '\r'
'"' -> '"'
'u' -> {
else -> throw SyntaxError("invalid escape char in string: \\$ec", position)
} else {
return result.joinToString("")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
package prog8.ast.base
import prog8.ast.Node
/**************************** AST Data classes ****************************/
enum class DataType {
* is the type assignable to the given other type?
infix fun isAssignableTo(targetType: DataType) =
// what types are assignable to others without loss of precision?
when(this) {
UBYTE -> targetType == UBYTE || targetType == UWORD || targetType==WORD || targetType == FLOAT
BYTE -> targetType == BYTE || targetType == UBYTE || targetType == UWORD || targetType==WORD || targetType == FLOAT
UWORD -> targetType == UWORD || targetType == FLOAT
WORD -> targetType == WORD || targetType==UWORD || targetType == FLOAT
FLOAT -> targetType == FLOAT
STR -> targetType == STR || targetType==STR_S
STR_S -> targetType == STR || targetType==STR_S
in ArrayDatatypes -> targetType === this
else -> false
infix fun isAssignableTo(targetTypes: Set<DataType>) = targetTypes.any { this isAssignableTo it }
infix fun biggerThan(other: DataType) =
when(this) {
in ByteDatatypes -> false
in WordDatatypes -> other in ByteDatatypes
else -> true
enum class Register {
enum class RegisterOrPair {
} // only used in parameter and return value specs in asm subroutines
enum class Statusflag {
enum class BranchCondition {
enum class VarDeclType {
val IterableDatatypes = setOf(
DataType.STR, DataType.STR_S,
DataType.ARRAY_UB, DataType.ARRAY_B,
DataType.ARRAY_UW, DataType.ARRAY_W,
val ByteDatatypes = setOf(DataType.UBYTE, DataType.BYTE)
val WordDatatypes = setOf(DataType.UWORD, DataType.WORD)
val IntegerDatatypes = setOf(DataType.UBYTE, DataType.BYTE, DataType.UWORD, DataType.WORD)
val NumericDatatypes = setOf(DataType.UBYTE, DataType.BYTE, DataType.UWORD, DataType.WORD, DataType.FLOAT)
val StringDatatypes = setOf(DataType.STR, DataType.STR_S)
val ArrayDatatypes = setOf(DataType.ARRAY_UB, DataType.ARRAY_B, DataType.ARRAY_UW, DataType.ARRAY_W, DataType.ARRAY_F)
val ArrayElementTypes = mapOf(
DataType.ARRAY_B to DataType.BYTE,
DataType.ARRAY_UB to DataType.UBYTE,
DataType.ARRAY_W to DataType.WORD,
DataType.ARRAY_UW to DataType.UWORD,
DataType.ARRAY_F to DataType.FLOAT)
// find the parent node of a specific type or interface
// (useful to figure out in what namespace/block something is defined, etc)
inline fun <reified T> findParentNode(node: Node): T? {
var candidate = node.parent
while(candidate !is T && candidate !is ParentSentinel)
candidate = candidate.parent
return if(candidate is ParentSentinel)
candidate as T
object ParentSentinel : Node {
override val position = Position("<<sentinel>>", 0, 0, 0)
override var parent: Node = this
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {}
data class Position(val file: String, val line: Int, val startCol: Int, val endCol: Int) {
override fun toString(): String = "[$file: line $line col ${startCol+1}-${endCol+1}]"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package prog8.ast.base
import prog8.parser.ParsingFailedError
fun printErrors(errors: List<Any>, moduleName: String) {
val reportedMessages = mutableSetOf<String>()
print("\u001b[91m") // bright red
errors.forEach {
val msg = it.toString()
if(msg !in reportedMessages) {
print("\u001b[0m") // reset color
throw ParsingFailedError("There are ${reportedMessages.size} errors in module '$moduleName'.")
fun printWarning(msg: String, position: Position, detailInfo: String?=null) {
print("\u001b[93m") // bright yellow
print("$position Warning: $msg")
println(": $detailInfo\n")
print("\u001b[0m") // normal
fun printWarning(msg: String) {
print("\u001b[93m") // bright yellow
print("Warning: $msg")
print("\u001b[0m\n") // normal
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package prog8.ast.base
import prog8.ast.expressions.IdentifierReference
class FatalAstException (override var message: String) : Exception(message)
open class AstException (override var message: String) : Exception(message)
class SyntaxError(override var message: String, val position: Position) : AstException(message) {
override fun toString() = "$position Syntax error: $message"
class NameError(override var message: String, val position: Position) : AstException(message) {
override fun toString() = "$position Name error: $message"
open class ExpressionError(message: String, val position: Position) : AstException(message) {
override fun toString() = "$position Error: $message"
class UndefinedSymbolError(symbol: IdentifierReference)
: ExpressionError("undefined symbol: ${symbol.nameInSource.joinToString(".")}", symbol.position)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
package prog8.ast.base
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.expressions.IdentifierReference
import prog8.ast.processing.*
import prog8.ast.statements.Assignment
import prog8.ast.statements.ForLoop
import prog8.compiler.CompilationOptions
// the name of the subroutine that should be called for every block to initialize its variables
internal const val initvarsSubName="prog8_init_vars"
// prefix for literal values that are turned into a variable on the heap
internal const val autoHeapValuePrefix = "auto_heap_value_"
internal fun Program.checkValid(compilerOptions: CompilationOptions) {
val checker = AstChecker(this, compilerOptions)
printErrors(checker.result(), name)
internal fun Program.reorderStatements() {
val initvalueCreator = VarInitValueAndAddressOfCreator(namespace)
val checker = StatementReorderer(this)
internal fun Module.checkImportedValid() {
val checker = ImportedAstChecker()
printErrors(checker.result(), name)
internal fun Program.checkRecursion() {
val checker = AstRecursionChecker(namespace)
printErrors(checker.result(), name)
internal fun Program.checkIdentifiers() {
val checker = AstIdentifiersChecker(namespace)
if(modules.map {it.name}.toSet().size != modules.size) {
throw FatalAstException("modules should all be unique")
// add any anonymous variables for heap values that are used,
// and replace an iterable literalvalue by identifierref to new local variable
for (variable in checker.anonymousVariablesFromHeap.values) {
val scope = variable.first.definingScope()
val parent = variable.first.parent
when {
parent is Assignment && parent.value === variable.first -> {
val idref = IdentifierReference(listOf("$autoHeapValuePrefix${variable.first.heapId}"), variable.first.position)
parent.value = idref
parent is IFunctionCall -> {
val parameterPos = parent.arglist.indexOf(variable.first)
val idref = IdentifierReference(listOf("$autoHeapValuePrefix${variable.first.heapId}"), variable.first.position)
parent.arglist[parameterPos] = idref
parent is ForLoop -> {
val idref = IdentifierReference(listOf("$autoHeapValuePrefix${variable.first.heapId}"), variable.first.position)
parent.iterable = idref
else -> TODO("replace literalvalue by identifierref: $variable (in $parent)")
variable.second.linkParents(scope as Node)
printErrors(checker.result(), name)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
package prog8.ast.expressions
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.processing.IAstProcessor
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.compiler.HeapValues
import prog8.compiler.IntegerOrAddressOf
import prog8.compiler.RuntimeValue
import prog8.compiler.target.c64.Petscii
import prog8.functions.BuiltinFunctions
import prog8.functions.NotConstArgumentException
import prog8.functions.builtinFunctionReturnType
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.floor
class PrefixExpression(val operator: String, var expression: IExpression, override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? = null
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String) = expression.referencesIdentifier(name)
override fun inferType(program: Program): DataType? = expression.inferType(program)
override fun toString(): String {
return "Prefix($operator $expression)"
class BinaryExpression(var left: IExpression, var operator: String, var right: IExpression, override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun toString(): String {
return "[$left $operator $right]"
// binary expression should actually have been optimized away into a single value, before const value was requested...
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? = null
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String) = left.referencesIdentifier(name) || right.referencesIdentifier(name)
override fun inferType(program: Program): DataType? {
val leftDt = left.inferType(program)
val rightDt = right.inferType(program)
return when (operator) {
"+", "-", "*", "**", "%" -> if (leftDt == null || rightDt == null) null else {
try {
arithmeticOpDt(leftDt, rightDt)
} catch (x: FatalAstException) {
"/" -> if (leftDt == null || rightDt == null) null else divisionOpDt(leftDt, rightDt)
"&" -> leftDt
"|" -> leftDt
"^" -> leftDt
"and", "or", "xor",
"<", ">",
"<=", ">=",
"==", "!=" -> DataType.UBYTE
"<<", ">>" -> leftDt
else -> throw FatalAstException("resulting datatype check for invalid operator $operator")
companion object {
fun divisionOpDt(leftDt: DataType, rightDt: DataType): DataType {
return when (leftDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> when (rightDt) {
DataType.UBYTE, DataType.UWORD -> DataType.UBYTE
DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD -> DataType.WORD
DataType.FLOAT -> DataType.BYTE
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
DataType.BYTE -> when (rightDt) {
in NumericDatatypes -> DataType.BYTE
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
DataType.UWORD -> when (rightDt) {
DataType.UBYTE, DataType.UWORD -> DataType.UWORD
DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD -> DataType.WORD
DataType.FLOAT -> DataType.FLOAT
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
DataType.WORD -> when (rightDt) {
in NumericDatatypes -> DataType.WORD
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
DataType.FLOAT -> when (rightDt) {
in NumericDatatypes -> DataType.FLOAT
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
fun arithmeticOpDt(leftDt: DataType, rightDt: DataType): DataType {
return when (leftDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> when (rightDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> DataType.UBYTE
DataType.BYTE -> DataType.BYTE
DataType.UWORD -> DataType.UWORD
DataType.WORD -> DataType.WORD
DataType.FLOAT -> DataType.FLOAT
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
DataType.BYTE -> when (rightDt) {
in ByteDatatypes -> DataType.BYTE
in WordDatatypes -> DataType.WORD
DataType.FLOAT -> DataType.FLOAT
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
DataType.UWORD -> when (rightDt) {
DataType.UBYTE, DataType.UWORD -> DataType.UWORD
DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD -> DataType.WORD
DataType.FLOAT -> DataType.FLOAT
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
DataType.WORD -> when (rightDt) {
in IntegerDatatypes -> DataType.WORD
DataType.FLOAT -> DataType.FLOAT
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
DataType.FLOAT -> when (rightDt) {
in NumericDatatypes -> DataType.FLOAT
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
fun commonDatatype(leftDt: DataType, rightDt: DataType,
left: IExpression, right: IExpression): Pair<DataType, IExpression?> {
// byte + byte -> byte
// byte + word -> word
// word + byte -> word
// word + word -> word
// a combination with a float will be float (but give a warning about this!)
if(this.operator=="/") {
// division is a bit weird, don't cast the operands
val commondt = divisionOpDt(leftDt, rightDt)
return Pair(commondt, null)
return when (leftDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> {
when (rightDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> Pair(DataType.UBYTE, null)
DataType.BYTE -> Pair(DataType.BYTE, left)
DataType.UWORD -> Pair(DataType.UWORD, left)
DataType.WORD -> Pair(DataType.WORD, left)
DataType.FLOAT -> Pair(DataType.FLOAT, left)
else -> throw FatalAstException("non-numeric datatype $rightDt")
DataType.BYTE -> {
when (rightDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> Pair(DataType.BYTE, right)
DataType.BYTE -> Pair(DataType.BYTE, null)
DataType.UWORD -> Pair(DataType.WORD, left)
DataType.WORD -> Pair(DataType.WORD, left)
DataType.FLOAT -> Pair(DataType.FLOAT, left)
else -> throw FatalAstException("non-numeric datatype $rightDt")
DataType.UWORD -> {
when (rightDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> Pair(DataType.UWORD, right)
DataType.BYTE -> Pair(DataType.UWORD, right)
DataType.UWORD -> Pair(DataType.UWORD, null)
DataType.WORD -> Pair(DataType.WORD, left)
DataType.FLOAT -> Pair(DataType.FLOAT, left)
else -> throw FatalAstException("non-numeric datatype $rightDt")
DataType.WORD -> {
when (rightDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> Pair(DataType.WORD, right)
DataType.BYTE -> Pair(DataType.WORD, right)
DataType.UWORD -> Pair(DataType.WORD, right)
DataType.WORD -> Pair(DataType.WORD, null)
DataType.FLOAT -> Pair(DataType.FLOAT, left)
else -> throw FatalAstException("non-numeric datatype $rightDt")
DataType.FLOAT -> {
Pair(DataType.FLOAT, right)
else -> throw FatalAstException("non-numeric datatype $leftDt")
class ArrayIndexedExpression(val identifier: IdentifierReference,
var arrayspec: ArrayIndex,
override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? = null
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor): IExpression = processor.process(this)
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String) = identifier.referencesIdentifier(name)
override fun inferType(program: Program): DataType? {
val target = identifier.targetStatement(program.namespace)
if (target is VarDecl) {
return when (target.datatype) {
in NumericDatatypes -> null
in StringDatatypes -> DataType.UBYTE
DataType.ARRAY_UB -> DataType.UBYTE
DataType.ARRAY_B -> DataType.BYTE
DataType.ARRAY_UW -> DataType.UWORD
DataType.ARRAY_W -> DataType.WORD
DataType.ARRAY_F -> DataType.FLOAT
else -> throw FatalAstException("invalid dt")
return null
override fun toString(): String {
return "ArrayIndexed(ident=$identifier, arraysize=$arrayspec; pos=$position)"
class TypecastExpression(var expression: IExpression, var type: DataType, val implicit: Boolean, override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String) = expression.referencesIdentifier(name)
override fun inferType(program: Program): DataType? = type
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? {
val cv = expression.constValue(program) ?: return null
val value = RuntimeValue(cv.type, cv.asNumericValue!!).cast(type)
return LiteralValue.fromNumber(value.numericValue(), value.type, position)
override fun toString(): String {
return "Typecast($expression as $type)"
data class AddressOf(val identifier: IdentifierReference, override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
var scopedname: String? = null // will be set in a later state by the compiler
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? = null
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String) = false
override fun inferType(program: Program) = DataType.UWORD
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
class DirectMemoryRead(var addressExpression: IExpression, override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String) = false
override fun inferType(program: Program): DataType? = DataType.UBYTE
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? = null
override fun toString(): String {
return "DirectMemoryRead($addressExpression)"
class DirectMemoryWrite(var addressExpression: IExpression, override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String) = false
override fun inferType(program: Program): DataType? = DataType.UBYTE
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? = null
override fun toString(): String {
return "DirectMemoryWrite($addressExpression)"
open class LiteralValue(val type: DataType,
val bytevalue: Short? = null,
val wordvalue: Int? = null,
val floatvalue: Double? = null,
val strvalue: String? = null,
val arrayvalue: Array<IExpression>? = null,
initHeapId: Int? =null,
override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String) = arrayvalue?.any { it.referencesIdentifier(name) } ?: false
val isString = type in StringDatatypes
val isNumeric = type in NumericDatatypes
val isArray = type in ArrayDatatypes
var heapId = initHeapId
private set
companion object {
fun fromBoolean(bool: Boolean, position: Position) =
LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, bytevalue = if (bool) 1 else 0, position = position)
fun fromNumber(value: Number, type: DataType, position: Position) : LiteralValue {
return when(type) {
in ByteDatatypes -> LiteralValue(type, bytevalue = value.toShort(), position = position)
in WordDatatypes -> LiteralValue(type, wordvalue = value.toInt(), position = position)
DataType.FLOAT -> LiteralValue(type, floatvalue = value.toDouble(), position = position)
else -> throw FatalAstException("non numeric datatype")
fun optimalNumeric(value: Number, position: Position): LiteralValue {
return if(value is Double) {
LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = value, position = position)
} else {
when (val intval = value.toInt()) {
in 0..255 -> LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, bytevalue = intval.toShort(), position = position)
in -128..127 -> LiteralValue(DataType.BYTE, bytevalue = intval.toShort(), position = position)
in 0..65535 -> LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = intval, position = position)
in -32768..32767 -> LiteralValue(DataType.WORD, wordvalue = intval, position = position)
else -> LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = intval.toDouble(), position = position)
fun optimalInteger(value: Number, position: Position): LiteralValue {
val intval = value.toInt()
if(intval.toDouble() != value.toDouble())
throw FatalAstException("value is not an integer: $value")
return when (intval) {
in 0..255 -> LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, bytevalue = value.toShort(), position = position)
in -128..127 -> LiteralValue(DataType.BYTE, bytevalue = value.toShort(), position = position)
in 0..65535 -> LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = value.toInt(), position = position)
else -> throw FatalAstException("integer overflow: $value")
init {
in ByteDatatypes -> if(bytevalue==null) throw FatalAstException("literal value missing bytevalue")
in WordDatatypes -> if(wordvalue==null) throw FatalAstException("literal value missing wordvalue")
DataType.FLOAT -> if(floatvalue==null) throw FatalAstException("literal value missing floatvalue")
in StringDatatypes ->
if(strvalue==null && heapId==null) throw FatalAstException("literal value missing strvalue/heapId")
in ArrayDatatypes ->
if(arrayvalue==null && heapId==null) throw FatalAstException("literal value missing arrayvalue/heapId")
else -> throw FatalAstException("invalid type $type")
if(bytevalue==null && wordvalue==null && floatvalue==null && arrayvalue==null && strvalue==null && heapId==null)
throw FatalAstException("literal value without actual value")
val asNumericValue: Number? = when {
bytevalue!=null -> bytevalue
wordvalue!=null -> wordvalue
floatvalue!=null -> floatvalue
else -> null
val asIntegerValue: Int? = when {
bytevalue!=null -> bytevalue.toInt()
wordvalue!=null -> wordvalue
// don't round a float value, otherwise code will not detect that it's not an integer
else -> null
val asBooleanValue: Boolean =
(floatvalue!=null && floatvalue != 0.0) ||
(bytevalue!=null && bytevalue != 0.toShort()) ||
(wordvalue!=null && wordvalue != 0) ||
(strvalue!=null && strvalue.isNotEmpty()) ||
(arrayvalue != null && arrayvalue.isNotEmpty())
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
arrayvalue?.forEach {it.linkParents(this)}
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? {
if(arrayvalue!=null) {
for(v in arrayvalue) {
if(v.constValue(program)==null) return null
return this
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun toString(): String {
val vstr = when(type) {
DataType.UBYTE -> "ubyte:$bytevalue"
DataType.BYTE -> "byte:$bytevalue"
DataType.UWORD -> "uword:$wordvalue"
DataType.WORD -> "word:$wordvalue"
DataType.FLOAT -> "float:$floatvalue"
in StringDatatypes -> "str:$strvalue"
in ArrayDatatypes -> "array:$arrayvalue"
else -> throw FatalAstException("weird datatype")
return "LiteralValue($vstr)"
override fun inferType(program: Program) = type
override fun hashCode(): Int {
val bh = bytevalue?.hashCode() ?: 0x10001234
val wh = wordvalue?.hashCode() ?: 0x01002345
val fh = floatvalue?.hashCode() ?: 0x00103456
val sh = strvalue?.hashCode() ?: 0x00014567
val ah = arrayvalue?.hashCode() ?: 0x11119876
var hash = bh * 31 xor wh
hash = hash*31 xor fh
hash = hash*31 xor sh
hash = hash*31 xor ah
hash = hash*31 xor type.hashCode()
return hash
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if(other==null || other !is LiteralValue)
return false
if(isNumeric && other.isNumeric)
return asNumericValue?.toDouble()==other.asNumericValue?.toDouble()
if(isArray && other.isArray)
return arrayvalue!!.contentEquals(other.arrayvalue!!) && heapId==other.heapId
if(isString && other.isString)
return strvalue==other.strvalue && heapId==other.heapId
return false
return compareTo(other) == 0
operator fun compareTo(other: LiteralValue): Int {
val numLeft = asNumericValue?.toDouble()
val numRight = other.asNumericValue?.toDouble()
if(numLeft!=null && numRight!=null)
return numLeft.compareTo(numRight)
if(strvalue!=null && other.strvalue!=null)
return strvalue.compareTo(other.strvalue)
throw ExpressionError("cannot order compare type $type with ${other.type}", other.position)
fun intoDatatype(targettype: DataType): LiteralValue? {
return this
when(type) {
DataType.UBYTE -> {
if(targettype== DataType.BYTE && bytevalue!! <= 127)
return LiteralValue(targettype, bytevalue = bytevalue, position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.WORD || targettype== DataType.UWORD)
return LiteralValue(targettype, wordvalue = bytevalue!!.toInt(), position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.FLOAT)
return LiteralValue(targettype, floatvalue = bytevalue!!.toDouble(), position = position)
DataType.BYTE -> {
if(targettype== DataType.UBYTE && bytevalue!! >= 0)
return LiteralValue(targettype, bytevalue = bytevalue, position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.UWORD && bytevalue!! >= 0)
return LiteralValue(targettype, wordvalue = bytevalue.toInt(), position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.WORD)
return LiteralValue(targettype, wordvalue = bytevalue!!.toInt(), position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.FLOAT)
return LiteralValue(targettype, floatvalue = bytevalue!!.toDouble(), position = position)
DataType.UWORD -> {
if(targettype== DataType.BYTE && wordvalue!! <= 127)
return LiteralValue(targettype, bytevalue = wordvalue.toShort(), position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.UBYTE && wordvalue!! <= 255)
return LiteralValue(targettype, bytevalue = wordvalue.toShort(), position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.WORD && wordvalue!! <= 32767)
return LiteralValue(targettype, wordvalue = wordvalue, position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.FLOAT)
return LiteralValue(targettype, floatvalue = wordvalue!!.toDouble(), position = position)
DataType.WORD -> {
if(targettype== DataType.BYTE && wordvalue!! in -128..127)
return LiteralValue(targettype, bytevalue = wordvalue.toShort(), position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.UBYTE && wordvalue!! in 0..255)
return LiteralValue(targettype, bytevalue = wordvalue.toShort(), position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.UWORD && wordvalue!! >=0)
return LiteralValue(targettype, wordvalue = wordvalue, position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.FLOAT)
return LiteralValue(targettype, floatvalue = wordvalue!!.toDouble(), position = position)
DataType.FLOAT -> {
if(floor(floatvalue!!) ==floatvalue) {
val value = floatvalue.toInt()
if (targettype == DataType.BYTE && value in -128..127)
return LiteralValue(targettype, bytevalue = value.toShort(), position = position)
if (targettype == DataType.UBYTE && value in 0..255)
return LiteralValue(targettype, bytevalue = value.toShort(), position = position)
if (targettype == DataType.WORD && value in -32768..32767)
return LiteralValue(targettype, wordvalue = value, position = position)
if (targettype == DataType.UWORD && value in 0..65535)
return LiteralValue(targettype, wordvalue = value, position = position)
in StringDatatypes -> {
if(targettype in StringDatatypes)
return this
else -> {}
return null // invalid type conversion from $this to $targettype
fun addToHeap(heap: HeapValues) {
if(heapId==null) {
if (strvalue != null) {
heapId = heap.addString(type, strvalue)
else if (arrayvalue!=null) {
if(arrayvalue.any {it is AddressOf }) {
val intArrayWithAddressOfs = arrayvalue.map {
when (it) {
is AddressOf -> IntegerOrAddressOf(null, it)
is LiteralValue -> IntegerOrAddressOf(it.asIntegerValue, null)
else -> throw FatalAstException("invalid datatype in array")
heapId = heap.addIntegerArray(type, intArrayWithAddressOfs.toTypedArray())
} else {
val valuesInArray = arrayvalue.map { (it as LiteralValue).asNumericValue!! }
heapId = if(type== DataType.ARRAY_F) {
val doubleArray = valuesInArray.map { it.toDouble() }.toDoubleArray()
} else {
val integerArray = valuesInArray.map { it.toInt() }
heap.addIntegerArray(type, integerArray.map { IntegerOrAddressOf(it, null) }.toTypedArray())
class RangeExpr(var from: IExpression,
var to: IExpression,
var step: IExpression,
override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? = null
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String): Boolean = from.referencesIdentifier(name) || to.referencesIdentifier(name)
override fun inferType(program: Program): DataType? {
val fromDt=from.inferType(program)
val toDt=to.inferType(program)
return when {
fromDt==null || toDt==null -> null
fromDt== DataType.UBYTE && toDt== DataType.UBYTE -> DataType.UBYTE
fromDt== DataType.UWORD && toDt== DataType.UWORD -> DataType.UWORD
fromDt== DataType.STR && toDt== DataType.STR -> DataType.STR
fromDt== DataType.STR_S && toDt== DataType.STR_S -> DataType.STR_S
fromDt== DataType.WORD || toDt== DataType.WORD -> DataType.WORD
fromDt== DataType.BYTE || toDt== DataType.BYTE -> DataType.BYTE
else -> DataType.UBYTE
override fun toString(): String {
return "RangeExpr(from $from, to $to, step $step, pos=$position)"
fun size(): Int? {
val fromLv = (from as? LiteralValue)
val toLv = (to as? LiteralValue)
if(fromLv==null || toLv==null)
return null
return toConstantIntegerRange()?.count()
fun toConstantIntegerRange(): IntProgression? {
val fromLv = from as? LiteralValue
val toLv = to as? LiteralValue
if(fromLv==null || toLv==null)
return null // non-constant range
val fromVal: Int
val toVal: Int
if(fromLv.isString && toLv.isString) {
// string range -> int range over petscii values
fromVal = Petscii.encodePetscii(fromLv.strvalue!!, true)[0].toInt()
toVal = Petscii.encodePetscii(toLv.strvalue!!, true)[0].toInt()
} else {
// integer range
fromVal = (from as LiteralValue).asIntegerValue!!
toVal = (to as LiteralValue).asIntegerValue!!
val stepVal = (step as? LiteralValue)?.asIntegerValue ?: 1
return when {
fromVal <= toVal -> when {
stepVal <= 0 -> IntRange.EMPTY
stepVal == 1 -> fromVal..toVal
else -> fromVal..toVal step stepVal
else -> when {
stepVal >= 0 -> IntRange.EMPTY
stepVal == -1 -> fromVal downTo toVal
else -> fromVal downTo toVal step abs(stepVal)
class RegisterExpr(val register: Register, override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? = null
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = this
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String): Boolean = false
override fun toString(): String {
return "RegisterExpr(register=$register, pos=$position)"
override fun inferType(program: Program) = DataType.UBYTE
data class IdentifierReference(val nameInSource: List<String>, override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
fun targetStatement(namespace: INameScope) =
if(nameInSource.size==1 && nameInSource[0] in BuiltinFunctions)
BuiltinFunctionStatementPlaceholder(nameInSource[0], position)
namespace.lookup(nameInSource, this)
fun targetVarDecl(namespace: INameScope): VarDecl? = targetStatement(namespace) as? VarDecl
fun targetSubroutine(namespace: INameScope): Subroutine? = targetStatement(namespace) as? Subroutine
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? {
val node = program.namespace.lookup(nameInSource, this)
?: throw UndefinedSymbolError(this)
val vardecl = node as? VarDecl
if(vardecl==null) {
return null
} else if(vardecl.type!= VarDeclType.CONST) {
return null
return vardecl.value?.constValue(program)
override fun toString(): String {
return "IdentifierRef($nameInSource)"
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String): Boolean = nameInSource.last() == name // @todo is this correct all the time?
override fun inferType(program: Program): DataType? {
val targetStmt = targetStatement(program.namespace)
if(targetStmt is VarDecl) {
return targetStmt.datatype
} else {
throw FatalAstException("cannot get datatype from identifier reference ${this}, pos=$position")
fun heapId(namespace: INameScope): Int {
val node = namespace.lookup(nameInSource, this) ?: throw UndefinedSymbolError(this)
return ((node as? VarDecl)?.value as? LiteralValue)?.heapId ?: throw FatalAstException("identifier is not on the heap: $this")
class FunctionCall(override var target: IdentifierReference,
override var arglist: MutableList<IExpression>,
override val position: Position) : IExpression, IFunctionCall {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
arglist.forEach { it.linkParents(this) }
override fun constValue(program: Program) = constValue(program, true)
private fun constValue(program: Program, withDatatypeCheck: Boolean): LiteralValue? {
// if the function is a built-in function and the args are consts, should try to const-evaluate!
// lenghts of arrays and strings are constants that are determined at compile time!
if(target.nameInSource.size>1) return null
try {
var resultValue: LiteralValue? = null
val func = BuiltinFunctions[target.nameInSource[0]]
if(func!=null) {
val exprfunc = func.constExpressionFunc
resultValue = exprfunc(arglist, position, program)
else if(func.returntype==null)
throw ExpressionError("builtin function ${target.nameInSource[0]} can't be used here because it doesn't return a value", position)
if(withDatatypeCheck) {
val resultDt = this.inferType(program)
if(resultValue==null || resultDt == resultValue.type)
return resultValue
throw FatalAstException("evaluated const expression result value doesn't match expected datatype $resultDt, pos=$position")
} else {
return resultValue
catch(x: NotConstArgumentException) {
// const-evaluating the builtin function call failed.
return null
override fun toString(): String {
return "FunctionCall(target=$target, pos=$position)"
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String): Boolean = target.referencesIdentifier(name) || arglist.any{it.referencesIdentifier(name)}
override fun inferType(program: Program): DataType? {
val constVal = constValue(program ,false)
return constVal.type
val stmt = target.targetStatement(program.namespace) ?: return null
when (stmt) {
is BuiltinFunctionStatementPlaceholder -> {
if(target.nameInSource[0] == "set_carry" || target.nameInSource[0]=="set_irqd" ||
target.nameInSource[0] == "clear_carry" || target.nameInSource[0]=="clear_irqd") {
return null // these have no return value
return builtinFunctionReturnType(target.nameInSource[0], this.arglist, program)
is Subroutine -> {
return null // no return value
return stmt.returntypes[0]
return null // has multiple return types... so not a single resulting datatype possible
is Label -> return null
return null // calling something we don't recognise...
@ -1,58 +1,19 @@
package prog8.ast
package prog8.ast.processing
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.base.printWarning
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.compiler.CompilationOptions
import prog8.compiler.HeapValues
import prog8.compiler.target.c64.FLOAT_MAX_NEGATIVE
import prog8.compiler.target.c64.FLOAT_MAX_POSITIVE
import prog8.functions.BuiltinFunctions
import prog8.parser.ParsingFailedError
import java.io.File
* General checks on the Ast
internal fun Program.checkValid(compilerOptions: CompilationOptions) {
val checker = AstChecker(this, compilerOptions)
printErrors(checker.result(), name)
fun printErrors(errors: List<Any>, moduleName: String) {
val reportedMessages = mutableSetOf<String>()
print("\u001b[91m") // bright red
errors.forEach {
val msg = it.toString()
if(msg !in reportedMessages) {
print("\u001b[0m") // reset color
throw ParsingFailedError("There are ${reportedMessages.size} errors in module '$moduleName'.")
fun printWarning(msg: String, position: Position, detailInfo: String?=null) {
print("\u001b[93m") // bright yellow
print("$position Warning: $msg")
println(": $detailInfo\n")
print("\u001b[0m") // normal
fun printWarning(msg: String) {
print("\u001b[93m") // bright yellow
print("Warning: $msg")
print("\u001b[0m\n") // normal
private class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
private val compilerOptions: CompilationOptions) : IAstProcessor {
internal class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
private val compilerOptions: CompilationOptions) : IAstProcessor {
private val checkResult: MutableList<AstException> = mutableListOf()
private val heapStringSentinel: Int
init {
@ -142,7 +103,7 @@ private class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
for (rv in expectedReturnValues.withIndex().zip(returnStmt.values)) {
val valueDt=rv.second.inferType(program)
checkResult.add(ExpressionError("type $valueDt of return value #${rv.first.index+1} doesn't match subroutine return type ${rv.first.value}", rv.second.position))
checkResult.add(ExpressionError("type $valueDt of return value #${rv.first.index + 1} doesn't match subroutine return type ${rv.first.value}", rv.second.position))
return super.process(returnStmt)
@ -158,36 +119,36 @@ private class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
if (forLoop.loopRegister != null) {
printWarning("using a register as loop variable is risky (it could get clobbered in the body)", forLoop.position)
// loop register
if (iterableDt != DataType.UBYTE && iterableDt!=DataType.ARRAY_UB && iterableDt !in StringDatatypes)
if (iterableDt != DataType.UBYTE && iterableDt!= DataType.ARRAY_UB && iterableDt !in StringDatatypes)
checkResult.add(ExpressionError("register can only loop over bytes", forLoop.position))
} else {
// loop variable
val loopvar = forLoop.loopVar!!.targetVarDecl(program.namespace)
if(loopvar==null || loopvar.type==VarDeclType.CONST) {
if(loopvar==null || loopvar.type== VarDeclType.CONST) {
checkResult.add(SyntaxError("for loop requires a variable to loop with", forLoop.position))
} else {
when (loopvar.datatype) {
DataType.UBYTE -> {
if(iterableDt!=DataType.UBYTE && iterableDt!=DataType.ARRAY_UB && iterableDt !in StringDatatypes)
if(iterableDt!= DataType.UBYTE && iterableDt!= DataType.ARRAY_UB && iterableDt !in StringDatatypes)
checkResult.add(ExpressionError("ubyte loop variable can only loop over unsigned bytes or strings", forLoop.position))
DataType.UWORD -> {
if(iterableDt!=DataType.UBYTE && iterableDt!=DataType.UWORD && iterableDt !in StringDatatypes &&
iterableDt !=DataType.ARRAY_UB && iterableDt!=DataType.ARRAY_UW)
if(iterableDt!= DataType.UBYTE && iterableDt!= DataType.UWORD && iterableDt !in StringDatatypes &&
iterableDt != DataType.ARRAY_UB && iterableDt!= DataType.ARRAY_UW)
checkResult.add(ExpressionError("uword loop variable can only loop over unsigned bytes, words or strings", forLoop.position))
DataType.BYTE -> {
if(iterableDt!=DataType.BYTE && iterableDt!=DataType.ARRAY_B)
if(iterableDt!= DataType.BYTE && iterableDt!= DataType.ARRAY_B)
checkResult.add(ExpressionError("byte loop variable can only loop over bytes", forLoop.position))
DataType.WORD -> {
if(iterableDt!=DataType.BYTE && iterableDt!=DataType.WORD &&
iterableDt !=DataType.ARRAY_B && iterableDt!=DataType.ARRAY_W)
if(iterableDt!= DataType.BYTE && iterableDt!= DataType.WORD &&
iterableDt != DataType.ARRAY_B && iterableDt!= DataType.ARRAY_W)
checkResult.add(ExpressionError("word loop variable can only loop over bytes or words", forLoop.position))
DataType.FLOAT -> {
if(iterableDt!=DataType.FLOAT && iterableDt != DataType.ARRAY_F)
if(iterableDt!= DataType.FLOAT && iterableDt != DataType.ARRAY_F)
checkResult.add(ExpressionError("float loop variable can only loop over floats", forLoop.position))
else -> checkResult.add(ExpressionError("loop variable must be numeric type", forLoop.position))
@ -351,7 +312,7 @@ private class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
// This is not easy to fix because strings and arrays are treated a bit simplistic (a "virtual" pointer to the value on the heap)
// while passing them as subroutine parameters would require a "real" pointer OR copying the VALUE to the subroutine's parameter variable (which is very inefficient).
// For now, don't pass strings and arrays as parameters and instead create the workaround as suggested in the error message below.
if(!subroutine.parameters.all{it.type in NumericDatatypes}) {
if(!subroutine.parameters.all{it.type in NumericDatatypes }) {
err("Non-asm subroutine can only take numerical parameters (no str/array types) for now. Workaround (for nested subroutine): access the variable from the outer scope directly.")
@ -494,19 +455,19 @@ private class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
// CONST can only occur on simple types (byte, word, float)
if(decl.type==VarDeclType.CONST) {
if(decl.type== VarDeclType.CONST) {
if (decl.datatype !in NumericDatatypes)
err("const modifier can only be used on numeric types (byte, word, float)")
if(!compilerOptions.floats && decl.datatype in setOf(DataType.FLOAT, DataType.ARRAY_F) && decl.type!=VarDeclType.MEMORY) {
if(!compilerOptions.floats && decl.datatype in setOf(DataType.FLOAT, DataType.ARRAY_F) && decl.type!= VarDeclType.MEMORY) {
checkResult.add(SyntaxError("floating point used, but that is not enabled via options", decl.position))
// ARRAY without size specifier MUST have an iterable initializer value
if(decl.isArray && decl.arraysize==null) {
if(decl.type== VarDeclType.MEMORY)
checkResult.add(SyntaxError("memory mapped array must have a size specification", decl.position))
if(decl.value==null) {
checkResult.add(SyntaxError("array variable is missing a size specification or an initialization value", decl.position))
@ -528,15 +489,15 @@ private class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
// initialize numeric var with value zero by default.
val litVal =
when {
decl.datatype in ByteDatatypes -> LiteralValue(decl.datatype, bytevalue=0, position = decl.position)
decl.datatype in WordDatatypes -> LiteralValue(decl.datatype, wordvalue=0, position = decl.position)
else -> LiteralValue(decl.datatype, floatvalue=0.0, position = decl.position)
decl.datatype in ByteDatatypes -> LiteralValue(decl.datatype, bytevalue = 0, position = decl.position)
decl.datatype in WordDatatypes -> LiteralValue(decl.datatype, wordvalue = 0, position = decl.position)
else -> LiteralValue(decl.datatype, floatvalue = 0.0, position = decl.position)
litVal.parent = decl
decl.value = litVal
decl.type==VarDeclType.VAR -> {
val litVal = LiteralValue(decl.datatype, initHeapId = heapStringSentinel, position=decl.position) // point to the sentinel heap value instead
decl.type== VarDeclType.VAR -> {
val litVal = LiteralValue(decl.datatype, initHeapId = heapStringSentinel, position = decl.position) // point to the sentinel heap value instead
decl.value = litVal
@ -728,7 +689,7 @@ private class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
checkResult.add(ExpressionError("division by zero", expr.right.position))
if(expr.operator=="%") {
if ((rightDt != DataType.UBYTE && rightDt != DataType.UWORD) || (leftDt!=DataType.UBYTE && leftDt!=DataType.UWORD))
if ((rightDt != DataType.UBYTE && rightDt != DataType.UWORD) || (leftDt!= DataType.UBYTE && leftDt!= DataType.UWORD))
checkResult.add(ExpressionError("remainder can only be used on unsigned integer operands", expr.right.position))
@ -864,7 +825,7 @@ private class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
val argDt = arg.first.value.inferType(program)
if(argDt!=null && !(argDt isAssignableTo arg.second.type)) {
// for asm subroutines having STR param it's okay to provide a UWORD too (pointer value)
if(!(target.isAsmSubroutine && arg.second.type in StringDatatypes && argDt==DataType.UWORD))
if(!(target.isAsmSubroutine && arg.second.type in StringDatatypes && argDt== DataType.UWORD))
checkResult.add(ExpressionError("subroutine '${target.name}' argument ${arg.first.index + 1} has invalid type $argDt, expected ${arg.second.type}", position))
@ -878,13 +839,13 @@ private class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
val asmParamReg = target.asmParameterRegisters[arg.first.index]
if(asmParamReg.statusflag!=null) {
if(argDt !in ByteDatatypes)
checkResult.add(ExpressionError("subroutine '${target.name}' argument ${arg.first.index+1} must be byte type for statusflag", position))
checkResult.add(ExpressionError("subroutine '${target.name}' argument ${arg.first.index + 1} must be byte type for statusflag", position))
} else if(asmParamReg.registerOrPair in setOf(RegisterOrPair.A, RegisterOrPair.X, RegisterOrPair.Y)) {
if(argDt !in ByteDatatypes)
checkResult.add(ExpressionError("subroutine '${target.name}' argument ${arg.first.index+1} must be byte type for single register", position))
checkResult.add(ExpressionError("subroutine '${target.name}' argument ${arg.first.index + 1} must be byte type for single register", position))
} else if(asmParamReg.registerOrPair in setOf(RegisterOrPair.AX, RegisterOrPair.AY, RegisterOrPair.XY)) {
if(argDt !in WordDatatypes+ IterableDatatypes)
checkResult.add(ExpressionError("subroutine '${target.name}' argument ${arg.first.index+1} must be word type for register pair", position))
if(argDt !in WordDatatypes + IterableDatatypes)
checkResult.add(ExpressionError("subroutine '${target.name}' argument ${arg.first.index + 1} must be word type for register pair", position))
@ -899,7 +860,7 @@ private class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
if(target==null) {
checkResult.add(SyntaxError("undefined symbol: ${targetName.joinToString(".")}", postIncrDecr.position))
} else {
if(target !is VarDecl || target.type==VarDeclType.CONST) {
if(target !is VarDecl || target.type== VarDeclType.CONST) {
checkResult.add(SyntaxError("can only increment or decrement a variable", postIncrDecr.position))
} else if(target.datatype !in NumericDatatypes) {
checkResult.add(SyntaxError("can only increment or decrement a byte/float/word variable", postIncrDecr.position))
@ -945,7 +906,7 @@ private class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
// check index value 0..255
val dtx = arrayIndexedExpression.arrayspec.index.inferType(program)
if(dtx!=DataType.UBYTE && dtx!=DataType.BYTE)
if(dtx!= DataType.UBYTE && dtx!= DataType.BYTE)
checkResult.add(SyntaxError("array indexing is limited to byte size 0..255", arrayIndexedExpression.position))
return super.process(arrayIndexedExpression)
@ -1121,7 +1082,7 @@ private class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
value.arrayvalue.map {it.constValue(program)?.asNumericValue!!.toDouble()}.toDoubleArray()
if(doubles.any { it < FLOAT_MAX_NEGATIVE || it> FLOAT_MAX_POSITIVE})
if(doubles.any { it < FLOAT_MAX_NEGATIVE || it> FLOAT_MAX_POSITIVE })
return err("floating point value overflow")
return true
@ -1190,26 +1151,26 @@ private class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
checkResult.add(SyntaxError("can't assign a range value", position))
val result = when(targetDatatype) {
DataType.BYTE -> sourceDatatype==DataType.BYTE
DataType.UBYTE -> sourceDatatype==DataType.UBYTE
DataType.WORD -> sourceDatatype==DataType.BYTE || sourceDatatype==DataType.UBYTE || sourceDatatype==DataType.WORD
DataType.UWORD -> sourceDatatype==DataType.UBYTE || sourceDatatype==DataType.UWORD
DataType.BYTE -> sourceDatatype== DataType.BYTE
DataType.UBYTE -> sourceDatatype== DataType.UBYTE
DataType.WORD -> sourceDatatype== DataType.BYTE || sourceDatatype== DataType.UBYTE || sourceDatatype== DataType.WORD
DataType.UWORD -> sourceDatatype== DataType.UBYTE || sourceDatatype== DataType.UWORD
DataType.FLOAT -> sourceDatatype in NumericDatatypes
DataType.STR -> sourceDatatype==DataType.STR
DataType.STR_S -> sourceDatatype==DataType.STR_S
DataType.STR -> sourceDatatype== DataType.STR
DataType.STR_S -> sourceDatatype== DataType.STR_S
else -> checkResult.add(SyntaxError("cannot assign new value to variable of type $targetDatatype", position))
return true
if((sourceDatatype==DataType.UWORD || sourceDatatype==DataType.WORD) && (targetDatatype==DataType.UBYTE || targetDatatype==DataType.BYTE)) {
if((sourceDatatype== DataType.UWORD || sourceDatatype== DataType.WORD) && (targetDatatype== DataType.UBYTE || targetDatatype== DataType.BYTE)) {
if(assignTargets.size==2 && assignTargets[0].register!=null && assignTargets[1].register!=null)
return true // for asm subroutine calls that return a (U)WORD that's going to be stored into two BYTES (registers), we make an exception.
checkResult.add(ExpressionError("cannot assign word to byte, use msb() or lsb()?", position))
else if(sourceDatatype==DataType.FLOAT && targetDatatype in IntegerDatatypes)
else if(sourceDatatype== DataType.FLOAT && targetDatatype in IntegerDatatypes)
checkResult.add(ExpressionError("cannot assign float to ${targetDatatype.name.toLowerCase()}; possible loss of precision. Suggestion: round the value or revert to integer arithmetic", position))
checkResult.add(ExpressionError("cannot assign ${sourceDatatype.name.toLowerCase()} to ${targetDatatype.name.toLowerCase()}", position))
@ -1,54 +1,14 @@
package prog8.ast
package prog8.ast.processing
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.base.autoHeapValuePrefix
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.functions.BuiltinFunctions
* Checks the validity of all identifiers (no conflicts)
* Also makes sure that subroutine's parameters also become local variable decls in the subroutine's scope.
* Finally, it also makes sure the datatype of all Var decls and sub Return values is set correctly.
internal fun Program.checkIdentifiers() {
val checker = AstIdentifiersChecker(namespace)
if(modules.map {it.name}.toSet().size != modules.size) {
throw FatalAstException("modules should all be unique")
// add any anonymous variables for heap values that are used,
// and replace an iterable literalvalue by identifierref to new local variable
for (variable in checker.anonymousVariablesFromHeap.values) {
val scope = variable.first.definingScope()
val parent = variable.first.parent
when {
parent is Assignment && parent.value === variable.first -> {
val idref = IdentifierReference(listOf("$autoHeapValuePrefix${variable.first.heapId}"), variable.first.position)
parent.value = idref
parent is IFunctionCall -> {
val parameterPos = parent.arglist.indexOf(variable.first)
val idref = IdentifierReference(listOf("$autoHeapValuePrefix${variable.first.heapId}"), variable.first.position)
parent.arglist[parameterPos] = idref
parent is ForLoop -> {
val idref = IdentifierReference(listOf("$autoHeapValuePrefix${variable.first.heapId}"), variable.first.position)
parent.iterable = idref
else -> TODO("replace literalvalue by identifierref: $variable (in $parent)")
variable.second.linkParents(scope as Node)
printErrors(checker.result(), name)
private class AstIdentifiersChecker(private val namespace: INameScope) : IAstProcessor {
internal class AstIdentifiersChecker(private val namespace: INameScope) : IAstProcessor {
private val checkResult: MutableList<AstException> = mutableListOf()
private var blocks: MutableMap<String, Block> = mutableMapOf()
@ -202,7 +162,7 @@ private class AstIdentifiersChecker(private val namespace: INameScope) : IAstPro
override fun process(assignTarget: AssignTarget): AssignTarget {
if(assignTarget.register== Register.X)
printWarning("writing to the X register is dangerous, because it's used as an internal pointer", assignTarget.position)
return super.process(assignTarget)
@ -254,5 +214,3 @@ private class AstIdentifiersChecker(private val namespace: INameScope) : IAstPro
internal const val autoHeapValuePrefix = "auto_heap_value_"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
package prog8.ast.processing
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.AstException
import prog8.ast.expressions.FunctionCall
import prog8.ast.statements.FunctionCallStatement
import prog8.ast.statements.Subroutine
internal class AstRecursionChecker(private val namespace: INameScope) : IAstProcessor {
private val callGraph = DirectedGraph<INameScope>()
internal fun result(): List<AstException> {
val cycle = callGraph.checkForCycle()
return emptyList()
val chain = cycle.joinToString(" <-- ") { "${it.name} at ${it.position}" }
return listOf(AstException("Program contains recursive subroutine calls, this is not supported. Recursive chain:\n (a subroutine call in) $chain"))
override fun process(functionCallStatement: FunctionCallStatement): IStatement {
val scope = functionCallStatement.definingScope()
val targetStatement = functionCallStatement.target.targetStatement(namespace)
if(targetStatement!=null) {
val targetScope = when (targetStatement) {
is Subroutine -> targetStatement
else -> targetStatement.definingScope()
callGraph.add(scope, targetScope)
return super.process(functionCallStatement)
override fun process(functionCall: FunctionCall): IExpression {
val scope = functionCall.definingScope()
val targetStatement = functionCall.target.targetStatement(namespace)
if(targetStatement!=null) {
val targetScope = when (targetStatement) {
is Subroutine -> targetStatement
else -> targetStatement.definingScope()
callGraph.add(scope, targetScope)
return super.process(functionCall)
private class DirectedGraph<VT> {
private val graph = mutableMapOf<VT, MutableSet<VT>>()
private var uniqueVertices = mutableSetOf<VT>()
val numVertices : Int
get() = uniqueVertices.size
fun add(from: VT, to: VT) {
var targets = graph[from]
if(targets==null) {
targets = mutableSetOf()
graph[from] = targets
fun print() {
println("#vertices: $numVertices")
graph.forEach { (from, to) ->
println("$from CALLS:")
to.forEach { println(" $it") }
val cycle = checkForCycle()
if(cycle.isNotEmpty()) {
println("CYCLIC! $cycle")
fun checkForCycle(): MutableList<VT> {
val visited = uniqueVertices.associateWith { false }.toMutableMap()
val recStack = uniqueVertices.associateWith { false }.toMutableMap()
val cycle = mutableListOf<VT>()
for(node in uniqueVertices) {
if(isCyclicUntil(node, visited, recStack, cycle))
return cycle
return mutableListOf()
private fun isCyclicUntil(node: VT,
visited: MutableMap<VT, Boolean>,
recStack: MutableMap<VT, Boolean>,
cycleNodes: MutableList<VT>): Boolean {
if(recStack[node]==true) return true
if(visited[node]==true) return false
// mark current node as visited and add to recursion stack
visited[node] = true
recStack[node] = true
// recurse for all neighbours
val neighbors = graph[node]
if(neighbors!=null) {
for (neighbour in neighbors) {
if (isCyclicUntil(neighbour, visited, recStack, cycleNodes)) {
return true
// pop node from recursion stack
recStack[node] = false
return false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
package prog8.ast.processing
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.statements.*
interface IAstProcessor {
fun process(program: Program) {
program.modules.forEach { process(it) }
fun process(module: Module) {
module.statements = module.statements.asSequence().map { it.process(this) }.toMutableList()
fun process(expr: PrefixExpression): IExpression {
expr.expression = expr.expression.process(this)
return expr
fun process(expr: BinaryExpression): IExpression {
expr.left = expr.left.process(this)
expr.right = expr.right.process(this)
return expr
fun process(directive: Directive): IStatement {
return directive
fun process(block: Block): IStatement {
block.statements = block.statements.asSequence().map { it.process(this) }.toMutableList()
return block
fun process(decl: VarDecl): IStatement {
decl.value = decl.value?.process(this)
return decl
fun process(subroutine: Subroutine): IStatement {
subroutine.statements = subroutine.statements.asSequence().map { it.process(this) }.toMutableList()
return subroutine
fun process(functionCall: FunctionCall): IExpression {
val newtarget = functionCall.target.process(this)
if(newtarget is IdentifierReference)
functionCall.target = newtarget
functionCall.arglist = functionCall.arglist.map { it.process(this) }.toMutableList()
return functionCall
fun process(functionCallStatement: FunctionCallStatement): IStatement {
val newtarget = functionCallStatement.target.process(this)
if(newtarget is IdentifierReference)
functionCallStatement.target = newtarget
functionCallStatement.arglist = functionCallStatement.arglist.map { it.process(this) }.toMutableList()
return functionCallStatement
fun process(identifier: IdentifierReference): IExpression {
// note: this is an identifier that is used in an expression.
// other identifiers are simply part of the other statements (such as jumps, subroutine defs etc)
return identifier
fun process(jump: Jump): IStatement {
if(jump.identifier!=null) {
val ident = jump.identifier.process(this)
if(ident is IdentifierReference && ident!==jump.identifier) {
return Jump(null, ident, null, jump.position)
return jump
fun process(ifStatement: IfStatement): IStatement {
ifStatement.condition = ifStatement.condition.process(this)
ifStatement.truepart = ifStatement.truepart.process(this) as AnonymousScope
ifStatement.elsepart = ifStatement.elsepart.process(this) as AnonymousScope
return ifStatement
fun process(branchStatement: BranchStatement): IStatement {
branchStatement.truepart = branchStatement.truepart.process(this) as AnonymousScope
branchStatement.elsepart = branchStatement.elsepart.process(this) as AnonymousScope
return branchStatement
fun process(range: RangeExpr): IExpression {
range.from = range.from.process(this)
range.to = range.to.process(this)
range.step = range.step.process(this)
return range
fun process(label: Label): IStatement {
return label
fun process(literalValue: LiteralValue): LiteralValue {
if(literalValue.arrayvalue!=null) {
for(av in literalValue.arrayvalue.withIndex()) {
val newvalue = av.value.process(this)
literalValue.arrayvalue[av.index] = newvalue
return literalValue
fun process(assignment: Assignment): IStatement {
assignment.targets = assignment.targets.map { it.process(this) }
assignment.value = assignment.value.process(this)
return assignment
fun process(postIncrDecr: PostIncrDecr): IStatement {
postIncrDecr.target = postIncrDecr.target.process(this)
return postIncrDecr
fun process(contStmt: Continue): IStatement {
return contStmt
fun process(breakStmt: Break): IStatement {
return breakStmt
fun process(forLoop: ForLoop): IStatement {
forLoop.iterable = forLoop.iterable.process(this)
forLoop.body = forLoop.body.process(this) as AnonymousScope
return forLoop
fun process(whileLoop: WhileLoop): IStatement {
whileLoop.condition = whileLoop.condition.process(this)
whileLoop.body = whileLoop.body.process(this) as AnonymousScope
return whileLoop
fun process(repeatLoop: RepeatLoop): IStatement {
repeatLoop.untilCondition = repeatLoop.untilCondition.process(this)
repeatLoop.body = repeatLoop.body.process(this) as AnonymousScope
return repeatLoop
fun process(returnStmt: Return): IStatement {
returnStmt.values = returnStmt.values.map { it.process(this) }
return returnStmt
fun process(arrayIndexedExpression: ArrayIndexedExpression): IExpression {
return arrayIndexedExpression
fun process(assignTarget: AssignTarget): AssignTarget {
return assignTarget
fun process(scope: AnonymousScope): IStatement {
scope.statements = scope.statements.asSequence().map { it.process(this) }.toMutableList()
return scope
fun process(typecast: TypecastExpression): IExpression {
typecast.expression = typecast.expression.process(this)
return typecast
fun process(memread: DirectMemoryRead): IExpression {
memread.addressExpression = memread.addressExpression.process(this)
return memread
fun process(memwrite: DirectMemoryWrite): IExpression {
memwrite.addressExpression = memwrite.addressExpression.process(this)
return memwrite
fun process(addressOf: AddressOf): IExpression {
return addressOf
fun process(inlineAssembly: InlineAssembly): IStatement {
return inlineAssembly
@ -1,18 +1,11 @@
package prog8.ast
package prog8.ast.processing
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.SyntaxError
import prog8.ast.base.printWarning
import prog8.ast.statements.Directive
* Checks that are specific for imported modules.
internal fun Module.checkImportedValid() {
val checker = ImportedAstChecker()
printErrors(checker.result(), name)
private class ImportedAstChecker : IAstProcessor {
internal class ImportedAstChecker : IAstProcessor {
private val checkResult: MutableList<SyntaxError> = mutableListOf()
internal fun result(): List<SyntaxError> {
compiler/src/prog8/ast/StmtReorderer.kt → compiler/src/prog8/ast/processing/StatementReorderer.kt
compiler/src/prog8/ast/StmtReorderer.kt → compiler/src/prog8/ast/processing/StatementReorderer.kt
@ -1,19 +1,17 @@
package prog8.ast
package prog8.ast.processing
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.DataType
import prog8.ast.base.FatalAstException
import prog8.ast.base.initvarsSubName
import prog8.ast.base.printWarning
import prog8.ast.expressions.BinaryExpression
import prog8.ast.expressions.FunctionCall
import prog8.ast.expressions.TypecastExpression
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.functions.BuiltinFunctions
internal fun Program.reorderStatements() {
val initvalueCreator = VarInitValueAndAddressOfCreator(namespace)
val checker = StatementReorderer(this)
internal const val initvarsSubName="prog8_init_vars" // the name of the subroutine that should be called for every block to initialize its variables
private class StatementReorderer(private val program: Program): IAstProcessor {
internal class StatementReorderer(private val program: Program): IAstProcessor {
// Reorders the statements in a way the compiler needs.
// - 'main' block must be the very first statement UNLESS it has an address set.
// - blocks are ordered by address, where blocks without address are put at the end.
@ -144,7 +142,7 @@ private class StatementReorderer(private val program: Program): IAstProcessor {
// add the implicit return statement at the end (if it's not there yet), but only if it's not a kernel routine.
// and if an assembly block doesn't contain a rts/rti
if(subroutine.asmAddress==null && subroutine.amountOfRtsInAsm()==0) {
if (subroutine.statements.lastOrNull {it !is VarDecl} !is Return) {
if (subroutine.statements.lastOrNull {it !is VarDecl } !is Return) {
val returnStmt = Return(emptyList(), subroutine.position)
@ -237,8 +235,7 @@ private class StatementReorderer(private val program: Program): IAstProcessor {
private fun checkFunctionCallArguments(call: IFunctionCall, scope: INameScope) {
// see if a typecast is needed to convert the arguments into the required parameter's type
val sub = call.target.targetStatement(scope)
when(sub) {
when(val sub = call.target.targetStatement(scope)) {
is Subroutine -> {
for(arg in sub.parameters.zip(call.arglist.withIndex())) {
val argtype = arg.second.value.inferType(program)
@ -312,119 +309,3 @@ private class StatementReorderer(private val program: Program): IAstProcessor {
return super.process(typecast)
private class VarInitValueAndAddressOfCreator(private val namespace: INameScope): IAstProcessor {
// For VarDecls that declare an initialization value:
// Replace the vardecl with an assignment (to set the initial value),
// and add a new vardecl with the default constant value of that type (usually zero) to the scope.
// This makes sure the variables get reset to the intended value on a next run of the program.
// Variable decls without a value don't get this treatment, which means they retain the last
// value they had when restarting the program.
// This is done in a separate step because it interferes with the namespace lookup of symbols
// in other ast processors.
// Also takes care to insert AddressOf (&) expression where required (string params to a UWORD function param etc).
private val vardeclsToAdd = mutableMapOf<INameScope, MutableMap<String, VarDecl>>()
override fun process(module: Module) {
// add any new vardecls to the various scopes
for(decl in vardeclsToAdd)
for(d in decl.value) {
d.value.linkParents(decl.key as Node)
decl.key.statements.add(0, d.value)
override fun process(decl: VarDecl): IStatement {
if(decl.type!=VarDeclType.VAR || decl.value==null)
return decl
if(decl.datatype in NumericDatatypes) {
val scope = decl.definingScope()
addVarDecl(scope, decl.asDefaultValueDecl(null))
val declvalue = decl.value!!
val value =
if(declvalue is LiteralValue) {
val converted = declvalue.intoDatatype(decl.datatype)
converted ?: declvalue
val identifierName = listOf(decl.name) // // TODO this was: (scoped name) decl.scopedname.split(".")
return VariableInitializationAssignment(
AssignTarget(null, IdentifierReference(identifierName, decl.position), null, null, decl.position),
return decl
override fun process(functionCall: FunctionCall): IExpression {
val targetStatement = functionCall.target.targetSubroutine(namespace)
if(targetStatement!=null) {
var node: Node = functionCall
while(node !is IStatement)
addAddressOfExprIfNeeded(targetStatement, functionCall.arglist, node)
return functionCall
override fun process(functionCallStatement: FunctionCallStatement): IStatement {
val targetStatement = functionCallStatement.target.targetSubroutine(namespace)
addAddressOfExprIfNeeded(targetStatement, functionCallStatement.arglist, functionCallStatement)
return functionCallStatement
private fun addAddressOfExprIfNeeded(subroutine: Subroutine, arglist: MutableList<IExpression>, parent: IStatement) {
// functions that accept UWORD and are given an array type, or string, will receive the AddressOf (memory location) of that value instead.
for(argparam in subroutine.parameters.withIndex().zip(arglist)) {
if(argparam.first.value.type==DataType.UWORD || argparam.first.value.type in StringDatatypes) {
if(argparam.second is AddressOf)
val idref = argparam.second as? IdentifierReference
val strvalue = argparam.second as? LiteralValue
if(idref!=null) {
val variable = idref.targetVarDecl(namespace)
if(variable!=null && (variable.datatype in StringDatatypes || variable.datatype in ArrayDatatypes)) {
val pointerExpr = AddressOf(idref, idref.position)
pointerExpr.scopedname = parent.makeScopedName(idref.nameInSource.single())
arglist[argparam.first.index] = pointerExpr
else if(strvalue!=null) {
if(strvalue.isString) {
// replace the argument with &autovar
val autoVarName = "$autoHeapValuePrefix${strvalue.heapId}"
val autoHeapvarRef = IdentifierReference(listOf(autoVarName), strvalue.position)
val pointerExpr = AddressOf(autoHeapvarRef, strvalue.position)
pointerExpr.scopedname = parent.makeScopedName(autoVarName)
arglist[argparam.first.index] = pointerExpr
// add a vardecl so that the autovar can be resolved in later lookups
val variable = VarDecl(VarDeclType.VAR, strvalue.type, false, null, autoVarName, strvalue,
isArray = false, autoGenerated = false, position=strvalue.position)
addVarDecl(strvalue.definingScope(), variable)
private fun addVarDecl(scope: INameScope, variable: VarDecl) {
if(scope !in vardeclsToAdd)
vardeclsToAdd[scope] = mutableMapOf()
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
package prog8.ast.processing
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.base.autoHeapValuePrefix
import prog8.ast.expressions.AddressOf
import prog8.ast.expressions.FunctionCall
import prog8.ast.expressions.IdentifierReference
import prog8.ast.expressions.LiteralValue
import prog8.ast.statements.*
internal class VarInitValueAndAddressOfCreator(private val namespace: INameScope): IAstProcessor {
// For VarDecls that declare an initialization value:
// Replace the vardecl with an assignment (to set the initial value),
// and add a new vardecl with the default constant value of that type (usually zero) to the scope.
// This makes sure the variables get reset to the intended value on a next run of the program.
// Variable decls without a value don't get this treatment, which means they retain the last
// value they had when restarting the program.
// This is done in a separate step because it interferes with the namespace lookup of symbols
// in other ast processors.
// Also takes care to insert AddressOf (&) expression where required (string params to a UWORD function param etc).
private val vardeclsToAdd = mutableMapOf<INameScope, MutableMap<String, VarDecl>>()
override fun process(module: Module) {
// add any new vardecls to the various scopes
for(decl in vardeclsToAdd)
for(d in decl.value) {
d.value.linkParents(decl.key as Node)
decl.key.statements.add(0, d.value)
override fun process(decl: VarDecl): IStatement {
if(decl.type!= VarDeclType.VAR || decl.value==null)
return decl
if(decl.datatype in NumericDatatypes) {
val scope = decl.definingScope()
addVarDecl(scope, decl.asDefaultValueDecl(null))
val declvalue = decl.value!!
val value =
if(declvalue is LiteralValue) {
val converted = declvalue.intoDatatype(decl.datatype)
converted ?: declvalue
val identifierName = listOf(decl.name) // // TODO this was: (scoped name) decl.scopedname.split(".")
return VariableInitializationAssignment(
AssignTarget(null, IdentifierReference(identifierName, decl.position), null, null, decl.position),
return decl
override fun process(functionCall: FunctionCall): IExpression {
val targetStatement = functionCall.target.targetSubroutine(namespace)
if(targetStatement!=null) {
var node: Node = functionCall
while(node !is IStatement)
addAddressOfExprIfNeeded(targetStatement, functionCall.arglist, node)
return functionCall
override fun process(functionCallStatement: FunctionCallStatement): IStatement {
val targetStatement = functionCallStatement.target.targetSubroutine(namespace)
addAddressOfExprIfNeeded(targetStatement, functionCallStatement.arglist, functionCallStatement)
return functionCallStatement
private fun addAddressOfExprIfNeeded(subroutine: Subroutine, arglist: MutableList<IExpression>, parent: IStatement) {
// functions that accept UWORD and are given an array type, or string, will receive the AddressOf (memory location) of that value instead.
for(argparam in subroutine.parameters.withIndex().zip(arglist)) {
if(argparam.first.value.type== DataType.UWORD || argparam.first.value.type in StringDatatypes) {
if(argparam.second is AddressOf)
val idref = argparam.second as? IdentifierReference
val strvalue = argparam.second as? LiteralValue
if(idref!=null) {
val variable = idref.targetVarDecl(namespace)
if(variable!=null && (variable.datatype in StringDatatypes || variable.datatype in ArrayDatatypes)) {
val pointerExpr = AddressOf(idref, idref.position)
pointerExpr.scopedname = parent.makeScopedName(idref.nameInSource.single())
arglist[argparam.first.index] = pointerExpr
else if(strvalue!=null) {
if(strvalue.isString) {
// replace the argument with &autovar
val autoVarName = "$autoHeapValuePrefix${strvalue.heapId}"
val autoHeapvarRef = IdentifierReference(listOf(autoVarName), strvalue.position)
val pointerExpr = AddressOf(autoHeapvarRef, strvalue.position)
pointerExpr.scopedname = parent.makeScopedName(autoVarName)
arglist[argparam.first.index] = pointerExpr
// add a vardecl so that the autovar can be resolved in later lookups
val variable = VarDecl(VarDeclType.VAR, strvalue.type, false, null, autoVarName, strvalue,
isArray = false, autoGenerated = false, position = strvalue.position)
addVarDecl(strvalue.definingScope(), variable)
private fun addVarDecl(scope: INameScope, variable: VarDecl) {
if(scope !in vardeclsToAdd)
vardeclsToAdd[scope] = mutableMapOf()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
package prog8.ast.statements
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.processing.IAstProcessor
import prog8.compiler.HeapValues
class BuiltinFunctionStatementPlaceholder(val name: String, override val position: Position) : IStatement {
override var parent: Node = ParentSentinel
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {}
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor): IStatement = this
override fun definingScope(): INameScope = BuiltinFunctionScopePlaceholder
override val expensiveToInline = false
data class RegisterOrStatusflag(val registerOrPair: RegisterOrPair?, val statusflag: Statusflag?, val stack: Boolean?)
class Block(override val name: String,
val address: Int?,
override var statements: MutableList<IStatement>,
val isInLibrary: Boolean,
override val position: Position) : IStatement, INameScope {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val expensiveToInline
get() = statements.any { it.expensiveToInline }
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
statements.forEach {it.linkParents(this)}
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun toString(): String {
return "Block(name=$name, address=$address, ${statements.size} statements)"
fun options() = statements.filter { it is Directive && it.directive == "%option" }.flatMap { (it as Directive).args }.map {it.name!!}.toSet()
data class Directive(val directive: String, val args: List<DirectiveArg>, override val position: Position) : IStatement {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val expensiveToInline = false
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
data class DirectiveArg(val str: String?, val name: String?, val int: Int?, override val position: Position) : Node {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
data class Label(val name: String, override val position: Position) : IStatement {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val expensiveToInline = false
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun toString(): String {
return "Label(name=$name, pos=$position)"
val scopedname: String by lazy { makeScopedName(name) }
open class Return(var values: List<IExpression>, override val position: Position) : IStatement {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val expensiveToInline = values.any { it !is LiteralValue }
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
values.forEach {it.linkParents(this)}
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun toString(): String {
return "Return(values: $values, pos=$position)"
class ReturnFromIrq(override val position: Position) : Return(emptyList(), position) {
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = this
override fun toString(): String {
return "ReturnFromIrq(pos=$position)"
class Continue(override val position: Position) : IStatement {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val expensiveToInline = false
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
class Break(override val position: Position) : IStatement {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val expensiveToInline = false
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
class VarDecl(val type: VarDeclType,
private val declaredDatatype: DataType,
val zeropage: Boolean,
var arraysize: ArrayIndex?,
val name: String,
var value: IExpression?,
val isArray: Boolean,
val autoGenerated: Boolean,
override val position: Position) : IStatement {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val expensiveToInline
get() = value!=null && value !is LiteralValue
val datatypeErrors = mutableListOf<SyntaxError>() // don't crash at init time, report them in the AstChecker
val datatype =
if (!isArray) declaredDatatype
else when (declaredDatatype) {
DataType.UBYTE -> DataType.ARRAY_UB
DataType.BYTE -> DataType.ARRAY_B
DataType.UWORD -> DataType.ARRAY_UW
DataType.WORD -> DataType.ARRAY_W
DataType.FLOAT -> DataType.ARRAY_F
else -> {
datatypeErrors.add(SyntaxError("array can only contain bytes/words/floats", position))
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
val scopedname: String by lazy { makeScopedName(name) }
override fun toString(): String {
return "VarDecl(name=$name, vartype=$type, datatype=$datatype, array=$isArray, value=$value, pos=$position)"
fun asDefaultValueDecl(parent: Node?): VarDecl {
val constValue = when(declaredDatatype) {
DataType.UBYTE -> LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 0, position = position)
DataType.BYTE -> LiteralValue(DataType.BYTE, 0, position = position)
DataType.UWORD -> LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 0, position = position)
DataType.WORD -> LiteralValue(DataType.WORD, wordvalue = 0, position = position)
DataType.FLOAT -> LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 0.0, position = position)
else -> throw FatalAstException("can only set a default value for a numeric type")
val decl = VarDecl(type, declaredDatatype, zeropage, arraysize, name, constValue, isArray, true, position)
return decl
class ArrayIndex(var index: IExpression, override val position: Position) : Node {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
companion object {
fun forArray(v: LiteralValue, heap: HeapValues): ArrayIndex {
val arraySize = v.arrayvalue?.size ?: heap.get(v.heapId!!).arraysize
return ArrayIndex(LiteralValue.optimalNumeric(arraySize, v.position), v.position)
fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) {
index = index.process(processor)
override fun toString(): String {
return("ArrayIndex($index, pos=$position)")
fun size() = (index as? LiteralValue)?.asIntegerValue
open class Assignment(var targets: List<AssignTarget>, val aug_op : String?, var value: IExpression, override val position: Position) : IStatement {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val expensiveToInline
get() = value !is LiteralValue
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
targets.forEach { it.linkParents(this) }
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun toString(): String {
return("Assignment(augop: $aug_op, targets: $targets, value: $value, pos=$position)")
val singleTarget: AssignTarget?
get() {
return targets.singleOrNull() // common case
// This is a special class so the compiler can see if the assignments are for initializing the vars in the scope,
// or just a regular assignment. It may optimize the initialization step from this.
class VariableInitializationAssignment(target: AssignTarget, aug_op: String?, value: IExpression, position: Position)
: Assignment(listOf(target), aug_op, value, position)
data class AssignTarget(val register: Register?,
val identifier: IdentifierReference?,
val arrayindexed: ArrayIndexedExpression?,
var memoryAddress: DirectMemoryWrite?,
override val position: Position) : Node {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
companion object {
fun fromExpr(expr: IExpression): AssignTarget {
return when (expr) {
is RegisterExpr -> AssignTarget(expr.register, null, null, null, expr.position)
is IdentifierReference -> AssignTarget(null, expr, null, null, expr.position)
is ArrayIndexedExpression -> AssignTarget(null, null, expr, null, expr.position)
is DirectMemoryRead -> AssignTarget(null, null, null, DirectMemoryWrite(expr.addressExpression, expr.position), expr.position)
is DirectMemoryWrite -> AssignTarget(null, null, null, expr, expr.position)
else -> throw FatalAstException("invalid expression object $expr")
fun inferType(program: Program, stmt: IStatement): DataType? {
return DataType.UBYTE
if(identifier!=null) {
val symbol = program.namespace.lookup(identifier.nameInSource, stmt) ?: return null
if (symbol is VarDecl) return symbol.datatype
if(arrayindexed!=null) {
val dt = arrayindexed.inferType(program)
return dt
return DataType.UBYTE
return null
fun shortString(withTypePrefix: Boolean=false): String {
return (if(withTypePrefix) "0register::" else "") + register.name
return (if(withTypePrefix) "3identifier::" else "") + identifier.nameInSource.last()
return (if(withTypePrefix) "2arrayidx::" else "") + arrayindexed.identifier.nameInSource.last()
val address = memoryAddress?.addressExpression
if(address is LiteralValue)
return (if(withTypePrefix) "1address::" else "") +address.asIntegerValue.toString()
return if(withTypePrefix) "???::???" else "???"
fun isMemoryMapped(namespace: INameScope): Boolean =
memoryAddress!=null || (identifier?.targetVarDecl(namespace)?.type== VarDeclType.MEMORY)
infix fun isSameAs(value: IExpression): Boolean {
return when {
this.memoryAddress!=null -> false
this.register!=null -> value is RegisterExpr && value.register==register
this.identifier!=null -> value is IdentifierReference && value.nameInSource==identifier.nameInSource
this.arrayindexed!=null -> value is ArrayIndexedExpression &&
value.identifier.nameInSource==arrayindexed.identifier.nameInSource &&
value.arrayspec.size()!=null &&
arrayindexed.arrayspec.size()!=null &&
else -> false
fun isSameAs(other: AssignTarget, program: Program): Boolean {
return true
if(this.register!=null && other.register!=null)
return this.register==other.register
if(this.identifier!=null && other.identifier!=null)
return this.identifier.nameInSource==other.identifier.nameInSource
if(this.memoryAddress!=null && other.memoryAddress!=null) {
val addr1 = this.memoryAddress!!.addressExpression.constValue(program)
val addr2 = other.memoryAddress!!.addressExpression.constValue(program)
return addr1!=null && addr2!=null && addr1==addr2
if(this.arrayindexed!=null && other.arrayindexed!=null) {
if(this.arrayindexed.identifier.nameInSource == other.arrayindexed.identifier.nameInSource) {
val x1 = this.arrayindexed.arrayspec.index.constValue(program)
val x2 = other.arrayindexed.arrayspec.index.constValue(program)
return x1!=null && x2!=null && x1==x2
return false
fun isNotMemory(namespace: INameScope): Boolean {
return true
return false
if(this.arrayindexed!=null) {
val targetStmt = this.arrayindexed.identifier.targetVarDecl(namespace)
return targetStmt.type!= VarDeclType.MEMORY
if(this.identifier!=null) {
val targetStmt = this.identifier.targetVarDecl(namespace)
return targetStmt.type!= VarDeclType.MEMORY
return false
class PostIncrDecr(var target: AssignTarget, val operator: String, override val position: Position) : IStatement {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val expensiveToInline = false
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun toString(): String {
return "PostIncrDecr(op: $operator, target: $target, pos=$position)"
class Jump(val address: Int?,
val identifier: IdentifierReference?,
val generatedLabel: String?, // used in code generation scenarios
override val position: Position) : IStatement {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val expensiveToInline = false
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun toString(): String {
return "Jump(addr: $address, identifier: $identifier, label: $generatedLabel; pos=$position)"
class FunctionCallStatement(override var target: IdentifierReference,
override var arglist: MutableList<IExpression>,
override val position: Position) : IStatement, IFunctionCall {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val expensiveToInline
get() = arglist.any { it !is LiteralValue }
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
arglist.forEach { it.linkParents(this) }
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun toString(): String {
return "FunctionCallStatement(target=$target, pos=$position)"
class InlineAssembly(val assembly: String, override val position: Position) : IStatement {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val expensiveToInline = true
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
class AnonymousScope(override var statements: MutableList<IStatement>,
override val position: Position) : INameScope, IStatement {
override val name: String
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val expensiveToInline
get() = statements.any { it.expensiveToInline }
init {
name = "<anon-$sequenceNumber>" // make sure it's an invalid soruce code identifier so user source code can never produce it
companion object {
private var sequenceNumber = 1
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
statements.forEach { it.linkParents(this) }
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
class NopStatement(override val position: Position): IStatement {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val expensiveToInline = false
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = this
// the subroutine class covers both the normal user-defined subroutines,
// and also the predefined/ROM/register-based subroutines.
// (multiple return types can only occur for the latter type)
class Subroutine(override val name: String,
val parameters: List<SubroutineParameter>,
val returntypes: List<DataType>,
val asmParameterRegisters: List<RegisterOrStatusflag>,
val asmReturnvaluesRegisters: List<RegisterOrStatusflag>,
val asmClobbers: Set<Register>,
val asmAddress: Int?,
val isAsmSubroutine: Boolean,
override var statements: MutableList<IStatement>,
override val position: Position) : IStatement, INameScope {
var keepAlways: Boolean = false
override val expensiveToInline
get() = statements.any { it.expensiveToInline }
override lateinit var parent: Node
val calledBy = mutableListOf<Node>()
val calls = mutableSetOf<Subroutine>()
val scopedname: String by lazy { makeScopedName(name) }
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
parameters.forEach { it.linkParents(this) }
statements.forEach { it.linkParents(this) }
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun toString(): String {
return "Subroutine(name=$name, parameters=$parameters, returntypes=$returntypes, ${statements.size} statements, address=$asmAddress)"
fun amountOfRtsInAsm(): Int = statements
.filter { it is InlineAssembly }
.map { (it as InlineAssembly).assembly }
.count { " rti" in it || "\trti" in it || " rts" in it || "\trts" in it || " jmp" in it || "\tjmp" in it }
val canBeAsmSubroutine =false // TODO disabled for now, see below about problem with converting to asm subroutine
// !isAsmSubroutine
// && ((parameters.size == 1 && parameters[0].type in setOf(DataType.BYTE, DataType.UBYTE, DataType.WORD, DataType.UWORD))
// || (parameters.size == 2 && parameters.map { it.type }.all { it == DataType.BYTE || it == DataType.UBYTE }))
fun intoAsmSubroutine(): Subroutine {
// TODO turn subroutine into asm calling convention. Requires rethinking of how parameters are handled (conflicts with local vardefs now, see AstIdentifierChecker...)
return this // TODO
// println("TO ASM $this") // TODO
// val paramregs = if (parameters.size == 1 && parameters[0].type in setOf(DataType.BYTE, DataType.UBYTE))
// listOf(RegisterOrStatusflag(RegisterOrPair.Y, null, null))
// else if (parameters.size == 1 && parameters[0].type in setOf(DataType.WORD, DataType.UWORD))
// listOf(RegisterOrStatusflag(RegisterOrPair.AY, null, null))
// else if (parameters.size == 2 && parameters.map { it.type }.all { it == DataType.BYTE || it == DataType.UBYTE })
// listOf(RegisterOrStatusflag(RegisterOrPair.A, null, null), RegisterOrStatusflag(RegisterOrPair.Y, null, null))
// else throw FatalAstException("cannot convert subroutine to asm parameters")
// val asmsub=Subroutine(
// name,
// parameters,
// returntypes,
// paramregs,
// emptyList(),
// emptySet(),
// null,
// true,
// statements,
// position
// )
// asmsub.linkParents(parent)
// return asmsub
open class SubroutineParameter(val name: String,
val type: DataType,
override val position: Position) : Node {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
class IfStatement(var condition: IExpression,
var truepart: AnonymousScope,
var elsepart: AnonymousScope,
override val position: Position) : IStatement {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val expensiveToInline: Boolean
get() = truepart.expensiveToInline || elsepart.expensiveToInline
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor): IStatement = processor.process(this)
class BranchStatement(var condition: BranchCondition,
var truepart: AnonymousScope,
var elsepart: AnonymousScope,
override val position: Position) : IStatement {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val expensiveToInline: Boolean
get() = truepart.expensiveToInline || elsepart.expensiveToInline
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor): IStatement = processor.process(this)
class ForLoop(val loopRegister: Register?,
val decltype: DataType?,
val zeropage: Boolean,
val loopVar: IdentifierReference?,
var iterable: IExpression,
var body: AnonymousScope,
override val position: Position) : IStatement {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val expensiveToInline = true
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
loopVar?.linkParents(if(decltype==null) this else body)
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun toString(): String {
return "ForLoop(loopVar: $loopVar, loopReg: $loopRegister, iterable: $iterable, pos=$position)"
companion object {
const val iteratorLoopcounterVarname = "prog8forloopcounter"
class WhileLoop(var condition: IExpression,
var body: AnonymousScope,
override val position: Position) : IStatement {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val expensiveToInline = true
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor): IStatement = processor.process(this)
class RepeatLoop(var body: AnonymousScope,
var untilCondition: IExpression,
override val position: Position) : IStatement {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val expensiveToInline = true
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor): IStatement = processor.process(this)
@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
package prog8.astvm
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.base.initvarsSubName
import prog8.ast.expressions.IdentifierReference
import prog8.ast.expressions.LiteralValue
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.compiler.RuntimeValue
import prog8.compiler.RuntimeValueRange
import prog8.compiler.target.c64.Petscii
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package prog8.astvm
import prog8.ast.DataType
import prog8.ast.base.DataType
import prog8.compiler.RuntimeValue
import java.lang.Math.toDegrees
import java.lang.Math.toRadians
@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
package prog8.astvm
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.ArrayElementTypes
import prog8.ast.base.DataType
import prog8.ast.base.VarDeclType
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.statements.BuiltinFunctionStatementPlaceholder
import prog8.ast.statements.Label
import prog8.ast.statements.Subroutine
import prog8.ast.statements.VarDecl
import prog8.compiler.RuntimeValue
import prog8.compiler.RuntimeValueRange
import kotlin.math.abs
@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
package prog8.astvm
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.expressions.LiteralValue
import prog8.ast.processing.IAstProcessor
import prog8.ast.statements.VarDecl
import prog8.compiler.HeapValues
import prog8.compiler.RuntimeValue
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
package prog8.compiler
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.RegisterOrPair.*
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.base.RegisterOrPair.*
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.processing.IAstProcessor
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.compiler.intermediate.IntermediateProgram
import prog8.compiler.intermediate.Opcode
import prog8.compiler.intermediate.branchOpcodes
@ -383,7 +387,7 @@ internal class Compiler(private val program: Program): IAstProcessor {
// The compiler could then convert it to a special system call
val sub = stmt.parent as? Subroutine
val scopename =
if(sub!=null && sub.statements.filter{it !is VarDecl}.size==1)
if(sub!=null && sub.statements.filter{it !is VarDecl }.size==1)
@ -1413,7 +1417,7 @@ internal class Compiler(private val program: Program): IAstProcessor {
// @todo use convertType()????
when(targetDt) {
in ByteDatatypes ->
if(valueDt!=DataType.BYTE && valueDt!=DataType.UBYTE)
if(valueDt!= DataType.BYTE && valueDt!= DataType.UBYTE)
throw CompilerException("incompatible data types valueDt=$valueDt targetDt=$targetDt at $stmt")
DataType.WORD -> {
when (valueDt) {
@ -1619,11 +1623,11 @@ internal class Compiler(private val program: Program): IAstProcessor {
private fun translateForOverIterableVar(loop: ForLoop, loopvarDt: DataType, iterableValue: LiteralValue) {
if(loopvarDt==DataType.UBYTE && iterableValue.type !in setOf(DataType.STR, DataType.STR_S, DataType.ARRAY_UB))
if(loopvarDt== DataType.UBYTE && iterableValue.type !in setOf(DataType.STR, DataType.STR_S, DataType.ARRAY_UB))
throw CompilerException("loop variable type doesn't match iterableValue type")
else if(loopvarDt==DataType.UWORD && iterableValue.type != DataType.ARRAY_UW)
else if(loopvarDt== DataType.UWORD && iterableValue.type != DataType.ARRAY_UW)
throw CompilerException("loop variable type doesn't match iterableValue type")
else if(loopvarDt==DataType.FLOAT && iterableValue.type != DataType.ARRAY_F)
else if(loopvarDt== DataType.FLOAT && iterableValue.type != DataType.ARRAY_F)
throw CompilerException("loop variable type doesn't match iterableValue type")
val numElements: Int
@ -1645,7 +1649,7 @@ internal class Compiler(private val program: Program): IAstProcessor {
else -> throw CompilerException("weird datatype")
if(loop.loopRegister!=null && loop.loopRegister==Register.X)
if(loop.loopRegister!=null && loop.loopRegister== Register.X)
throw CompilerException("loopVar cannot use X register because that is used as internal stack pointer")
@ -1848,10 +1852,10 @@ internal class Compiler(private val program: Program): IAstProcessor {
val condition =
if(literalStepValue > 0) {
// if LV > last goto break
BinaryExpression(loopVar,">", range.to, range.position)
BinaryExpression(loopVar, ">", range.to, range.position)
} else {
// if LV < last goto break
BinaryExpression(loopVar,"<", range.to, range.position)
BinaryExpression(loopVar, "<", range.to, range.position)
val ifstmt = IfStatement(condition,
AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(Jump(null, null, breakLabel, range.position)), range.position),
@ -1881,7 +1885,7 @@ internal class Compiler(private val program: Program): IAstProcessor {
TODO("can't generate code for step other than 1 or -1 right now")
// LV++ / LV--
val postIncr = PostIncrDecr(lvTarget, if(step==1) "++" else "--", range.position)
val postIncr = PostIncrDecr(lvTarget, if (step == 1) "++" else "--", range.position)
@ -2067,10 +2071,10 @@ internal class Compiler(private val program: Program): IAstProcessor {
private fun translate(addrof: AddressOf) {
val target = addrof.identifier.targetVarDecl(program.namespace)!!
if(target.datatype in ArrayDatatypes || target.datatype in StringDatatypes|| target.datatype==DataType.FLOAT) {
if(target.datatype in ArrayDatatypes || target.datatype in StringDatatypes || target.datatype== DataType.FLOAT) {
pushHeapVarAddress(addrof.identifier, false)
else if(target.datatype==DataType.FLOAT) {
else if(target.datatype== DataType.FLOAT) {
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package prog8.compiler
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.expressions.LiteralValue
import prog8.compiler.target.c64.Petscii
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.pow
@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ open class RuntimeValue(val type: DataType, num: Number?=null, val str: String?=
DataType.UBYTE, DataType.UWORD -> {
// storing a negative number in an unsigned one is done by storing the 2's complement instead
val number = abs(result.toDouble().toInt())
if(leftDt== DataType.UBYTE)
RuntimeValue(DataType.UBYTE, (number xor 255) + 1)
RuntimeValue(DataType.UBYTE, (number xor 65535) + 1)
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package prog8.compiler
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.base.printWarning
class ZeropageDepletedError(message: String) : Exception(message)
@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
package prog8.compiler.intermediate
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.antlr.escape
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.base.printWarning
import prog8.ast.expressions.LiteralValue
import prog8.ast.statements.VarDecl
import prog8.compiler.RuntimeValue
import prog8.compiler.CompilerException
import prog8.compiler.HeapValues
@ -412,7 +416,7 @@ class IntermediateProgram(val name: String, var loadAddress: Int, val heap: Heap
VarDeclType.MEMORY -> {
// note that constants are all folded away, but assembly code may still refer to them
val lv = decl.value as LiteralValue
if(lv.type!=DataType.UWORD && lv.type!=DataType.UBYTE)
if(lv.type!= DataType.UWORD && lv.type!= DataType.UBYTE)
throw CompilerException("expected integer memory address $lv")
currentBlock.memoryPointers[scopedname] = Pair(lv.asIntegerValue!!, decl.datatype)
@ -3,7 +3,10 @@ package prog8.compiler.target.c64
// note: to put stuff on the stack, we use Absolute,X addressing mode which is 3 bytes / 4 cycles
// possible space optimization is to use zeropage (indirect),Y which is 2 bytes, but 5 cycles
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.antlr.escape
import prog8.ast.base.DataType
import prog8.ast.base.initvarsSubName
import prog8.ast.base.printWarning
import prog8.compiler.RuntimeValue
import prog8.compiler.*
import prog8.compiler.intermediate.*
@ -63,7 +66,7 @@ class AsmGen(private val options: CompilationOptions, private val program: Inter
// make a list of all const floats that are used
for(block in program.blocks) {
for(ins in block.instructions.filter{it.arg?.type==DataType.FLOAT}) {
for(ins in block.instructions.filter{it.arg?.type== DataType.FLOAT}) {
val float = ins.arg!!.numericValue().toDouble()
if(float !in globalFloatConsts)
globalFloatConsts[float] = "prog8_const_float_${globalFloatConsts.size}"
@ -186,7 +189,7 @@ class AsmGen(private val options: CompilationOptions, private val program: Inter
out(" ldx #\$ff\t; init estack pointer")
out(" ; initialize the variables in each block")
for(block in program.blocks) {
val initVarsLabel = block.instructions.firstOrNull { it is LabelInstr && it.name==initvarsSubName } as? LabelInstr
val initVarsLabel = block.instructions.firstOrNull { it is LabelInstr && it.name== initvarsSubName } as? LabelInstr
out(" jsr ${block.name}.${initVarsLabel.name}")
@ -362,10 +365,10 @@ class AsmGen(private val options: CompilationOptions, private val program: Inter
private fun makeArrayFillDataUnsigned(value: RuntimeValue): List<String> {
val array = heap.get(value.heapId!!).array!!
return when {
value.type==DataType.ARRAY_UB ->
value.type== DataType.ARRAY_UB ->
// byte array can never contain pointer-to types, so treat values as all integers
array.map { "$"+it.integer!!.toString(16).padStart(2, '0') }
value.type==DataType.ARRAY_UW -> array.map {
value.type== DataType.ARRAY_UW -> array.map {
when {
it.integer!=null -> "$"+it.integer.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')
it.addressOf!=null -> symname(it.addressOf.scopedname!!, block)
@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
package prog8.functions
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.expressions.DirectMemoryRead
import prog8.ast.expressions.IdentifierReference
import prog8.ast.expressions.LiteralValue
import prog8.ast.statements.VarDecl
import prog8.compiler.CompilerException
import kotlin.math.*
@ -111,13 +116,13 @@ fun builtinFunctionReturnType(function: String, args: List<IExpression>, program
fun datatypeFromIterableArg(arglist: IExpression): DataType {
if(arglist is LiteralValue) {
if(arglist.type==DataType.ARRAY_UB || arglist.type==DataType.ARRAY_UW || arglist.type==DataType.ARRAY_F) {
if(arglist.type== DataType.ARRAY_UB || arglist.type== DataType.ARRAY_UW || arglist.type== DataType.ARRAY_F) {
val dt = arglist.arrayvalue!!.map {it.inferType(program)}
if(dt.any { it!=DataType.UBYTE && it!=DataType.UWORD && it!=DataType.FLOAT}) {
if(dt.any { it!= DataType.UBYTE && it!= DataType.UWORD && it!= DataType.FLOAT}) {
throw FatalAstException("fuction $function only accepts arraysize of numeric values")
if(dt.any { it==DataType.FLOAT }) return DataType.FLOAT
if(dt.any { it==DataType.UWORD }) return DataType.UWORD
if(dt.any { it== DataType.FLOAT }) return DataType.FLOAT
if(dt.any { it== DataType.UWORD }) return DataType.UWORD
return DataType.UBYTE
@ -186,7 +191,7 @@ private fun oneDoubleArg(args: List<IExpression>, position: Position, program: P
throw SyntaxError("built-in function requires one floating point argument", position)
val constval = args[0].constValue(program) ?: throw NotConstArgumentException()
if(constval.type!= DataType.FLOAT)
throw SyntaxError("built-in function requires one floating point argument", position)
val float = constval.asNumericValue?.toDouble()!!
@ -197,16 +202,16 @@ private fun oneDoubleArgOutputWord(args: List<IExpression>, position: Position,
throw SyntaxError("built-in function requires one floating point argument", position)
val constval = args[0].constValue(program) ?: throw NotConstArgumentException()
if(constval.type!= DataType.FLOAT)
throw SyntaxError("built-in function requires one floating point argument", position)
return LiteralValue(DataType.WORD, wordvalue=function(constval.asNumericValue!!.toDouble()).toInt(), position=args[0].position)
return LiteralValue(DataType.WORD, wordvalue = function(constval.asNumericValue!!.toDouble()).toInt(), position = args[0].position)
private fun oneIntArgOutputInt(args: List<IExpression>, position: Position, program: Program, function: (arg: Int)->Number): LiteralValue {
throw SyntaxError("built-in function requires one integer argument", position)
val constval = args[0].constValue(program) ?: throw NotConstArgumentException()
if(constval.type!=DataType.UBYTE && constval.type!=DataType.UWORD)
if(constval.type!= DataType.UBYTE && constval.type!= DataType.UWORD)
throw SyntaxError("built-in function requires one integer argument", position)
val integer = constval.asNumericValue?.toInt()!!
@ -378,7 +383,7 @@ private fun builtinSin8(args: List<IExpression>, position: Position, program: Pr
throw SyntaxError("sin8 requires one argument", position)
val constval = args[0].constValue(program) ?: throw NotConstArgumentException()
val rad = constval.asNumericValue!!.toDouble() /256.0 * 2.0 * PI
return LiteralValue(DataType.BYTE, bytevalue = (127.0* sin(rad)).toShort(), position = position)
return LiteralValue(DataType.BYTE, bytevalue = (127.0 * sin(rad)).toShort(), position = position)
private fun builtinSin8u(args: List<IExpression>, position: Position, program: Program): LiteralValue {
@ -386,7 +391,7 @@ private fun builtinSin8u(args: List<IExpression>, position: Position, program: P
throw SyntaxError("sin8u requires one argument", position)
val constval = args[0].constValue(program) ?: throw NotConstArgumentException()
val rad = constval.asNumericValue!!.toDouble() /256.0 * 2.0 * PI
return LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, bytevalue = (128.0+127.5*sin(rad)).toShort(), position = position)
return LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, bytevalue = (128.0 + 127.5 * sin(rad)).toShort(), position = position)
private fun builtinCos8(args: List<IExpression>, position: Position, program: Program): LiteralValue {
@ -394,7 +399,7 @@ private fun builtinCos8(args: List<IExpression>, position: Position, program: Pr
throw SyntaxError("cos8 requires one argument", position)
val constval = args[0].constValue(program) ?: throw NotConstArgumentException()
val rad = constval.asNumericValue!!.toDouble() /256.0 * 2.0 * PI
return LiteralValue(DataType.BYTE, bytevalue = (127.0* cos(rad)).toShort(), position = position)
return LiteralValue(DataType.BYTE, bytevalue = (127.0 * cos(rad)).toShort(), position = position)
private fun builtinCos8u(args: List<IExpression>, position: Position, program: Program): LiteralValue {
@ -402,7 +407,7 @@ private fun builtinCos8u(args: List<IExpression>, position: Position, program: P
throw SyntaxError("cos8u requires one argument", position)
val constval = args[0].constValue(program) ?: throw NotConstArgumentException()
val rad = constval.asNumericValue!!.toDouble() /256.0 * 2.0 * PI
return LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, bytevalue = (128.0 + 127.5*cos(rad)).toShort(), position = position)
return LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, bytevalue = (128.0 + 127.5 * cos(rad)).toShort(), position = position)
private fun builtinSin16(args: List<IExpression>, position: Position, program: Program): LiteralValue {
@ -410,7 +415,7 @@ private fun builtinSin16(args: List<IExpression>, position: Position, program: P
throw SyntaxError("sin16 requires one argument", position)
val constval = args[0].constValue(program) ?: throw NotConstArgumentException()
val rad = constval.asNumericValue!!.toDouble() /256.0 * 2.0 * PI
return LiteralValue(DataType.WORD, wordvalue = (32767.0* sin(rad)).toInt(), position = position)
return LiteralValue(DataType.WORD, wordvalue = (32767.0 * sin(rad)).toInt(), position = position)
private fun builtinSin16u(args: List<IExpression>, position: Position, program: Program): LiteralValue {
@ -418,7 +423,7 @@ private fun builtinSin16u(args: List<IExpression>, position: Position, program:
throw SyntaxError("sin16u requires one argument", position)
val constval = args[0].constValue(program) ?: throw NotConstArgumentException()
val rad = constval.asNumericValue!!.toDouble() /256.0 * 2.0 * PI
return LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = (32768.0+32767.5*sin(rad)).toInt(), position = position)
return LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = (32768.0 + 32767.5 * sin(rad)).toInt(), position = position)
private fun builtinCos16(args: List<IExpression>, position: Position, program: Program): LiteralValue {
@ -426,7 +431,7 @@ private fun builtinCos16(args: List<IExpression>, position: Position, program: P
throw SyntaxError("cos16 requires one argument", position)
val constval = args[0].constValue(program) ?: throw NotConstArgumentException()
val rad = constval.asNumericValue!!.toDouble() /256.0 * 2.0 * PI
return LiteralValue(DataType.WORD, wordvalue = (32767.0* cos(rad)).toInt(), position = position)
return LiteralValue(DataType.WORD, wordvalue = (32767.0 * cos(rad)).toInt(), position = position)
private fun builtinCos16u(args: List<IExpression>, position: Position, program: Program): LiteralValue {
@ -434,7 +439,7 @@ private fun builtinCos16u(args: List<IExpression>, position: Position, program:
throw SyntaxError("cos16u requires one argument", position)
val constval = args[0].constValue(program) ?: throw NotConstArgumentException()
val rad = constval.asNumericValue!!.toDouble() /256.0 * 2.0 * PI
return LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = (32768.0+32767.5* cos(rad)).toInt(), position = position)
return LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = (32768.0 + 32767.5 * cos(rad)).toInt(), position = position)
private fun numericLiteral(value: Number, position: Position): LiteralValue {
@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
package prog8.optimizing
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.ParentSentinel
import prog8.ast.base.VarDeclType
import prog8.ast.base.initvarsSubName
import prog8.ast.expressions.FunctionCall
import prog8.ast.expressions.IdentifierReference
import prog8.ast.processing.IAstProcessor
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.compiler.loadAsmIncludeFile
@ -98,7 +105,7 @@ class CallGraph(private val program: Program): IAstProcessor {
override fun process(subroutine: Subroutine): IStatement {
if((subroutine.name=="start" && subroutine.definingScope().name=="main")
|| subroutine.name==initvarsSubName || subroutine.definingModule().isLibraryModule) {
|| subroutine.name== initvarsSubName || subroutine.definingModule().isLibraryModule) {
// make sure the entrypoint is mentioned in the used symbols
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
package prog8.optimizing
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.compiler.HeapValues
import prog8.ast.base.DataType
import prog8.ast.base.ExpressionError
import prog8.ast.base.FatalAstException
import prog8.ast.base.Position
import prog8.ast.expressions.LiteralValue
import kotlin.math.pow
@ -40,7 +44,7 @@ class ConstExprEvaluator {
if(left.asIntegerValue==null || amount.asIntegerValue==null)
throw ExpressionError("cannot compute $left >> $amount", left.position)
val result =
if(left.type==DataType.UBYTE || left.type==DataType.UWORD)
if(left.type== DataType.UBYTE || left.type== DataType.UWORD)
@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
package prog8.optimizing
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.compiler.CompilerException
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.processing.IAstProcessor
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.compiler.HeapValues
import prog8.compiler.IntegerOrAddressOf
import prog8.compiler.target.c64.FLOAT_MAX_NEGATIVE
@ -75,19 +78,19 @@ class ConstantFolding(private val program: Program) : IAstProcessor {
val eltType = rangeExpr.inferType(program)!!
if(eltType in ByteDatatypes) {
decl.value = LiteralValue(decl.datatype,
arrayvalue = constRange.map { LiteralValue(eltType, bytevalue=it.toShort(), position = decl.value!!.position ) }
.toTypedArray(), position=decl.value!!.position)
arrayvalue = constRange.map { LiteralValue(eltType, bytevalue = it.toShort(), position = decl.value!!.position) }
.toTypedArray(), position = decl.value!!.position)
} else {
decl.value = LiteralValue(decl.datatype,
arrayvalue = constRange.map { LiteralValue(eltType, wordvalue= it, position = decl.value!!.position ) }
.toTypedArray(), position=decl.value!!.position)
arrayvalue = constRange.map { LiteralValue(eltType, wordvalue = it, position = decl.value!!.position) }
.toTypedArray(), position = decl.value!!.position)
return decl
if(litval?.type== DataType.FLOAT)
errors.add(ExpressionError("arraysize requires only integers here", litval.position))
val size = decl.arraysize?.size() ?: return decl
if ((litval==null || !litval.isArray) && rangeExpr==null) {
@ -96,24 +99,29 @@ class ConstantFolding(private val program: Program) : IAstProcessor {
DataType.ARRAY_UB -> {
if(fillvalue !in 0..255)
errors.add(ExpressionError("ubyte value overflow", litval?.position ?: decl.position))
errors.add(ExpressionError("ubyte value overflow", litval?.position
?: decl.position))
DataType.ARRAY_B -> {
if(fillvalue !in -128..127)
errors.add(ExpressionError("byte value overflow", litval?.position ?: decl.position))
errors.add(ExpressionError("byte value overflow", litval?.position
?: decl.position))
DataType.ARRAY_UW -> {
if(fillvalue !in 0..65535)
errors.add(ExpressionError("uword value overflow", litval?.position ?: decl.position))
errors.add(ExpressionError("uword value overflow", litval?.position
?: decl.position))
DataType.ARRAY_W -> {
if(fillvalue !in -32768..32767)
errors.add(ExpressionError("word value overflow", litval?.position ?: decl.position))
errors.add(ExpressionError("word value overflow", litval?.position
?: decl.position))
else -> {}
val heapId = program.heap.addIntegerArray(decl.datatype, Array(size) { IntegerOrAddressOf(fillvalue, null) })
decl.value = LiteralValue(decl.datatype, initHeapId = heapId, position = litval?.position ?: decl.position)
decl.value = LiteralValue(decl.datatype, initHeapId = heapId, position = litval?.position
?: decl.position)
return decl
@ -124,10 +132,12 @@ class ConstantFolding(private val program: Program) : IAstProcessor {
// arraysize initializer is empty or a single int, and we know the size; create the arraysize.
val fillvalue = if (litval == null) 0.0 else litval.asNumericValue?.toDouble() ?: 0.0
if(fillvalue< FLOAT_MAX_NEGATIVE || fillvalue> FLOAT_MAX_POSITIVE)
errors.add(ExpressionError("float value overflow", litval?.position ?: decl.position))
errors.add(ExpressionError("float value overflow", litval?.position
?: decl.position))
else {
val heapId = program.heap.addDoublesArray(DoubleArray(size) { fillvalue })
decl.value = LiteralValue(DataType.ARRAY_F, initHeapId = heapId, position = litval?.position ?: decl.position)
decl.value = LiteralValue(DataType.ARRAY_F, initHeapId = heapId, position = litval?.position
?: decl.position)
return decl
@ -154,7 +164,7 @@ class ConstantFolding(private val program: Program) : IAstProcessor {
DataType.ARRAY_UB, DataType.ARRAY_B, DataType.ARRAY_UW, DataType.ARRAY_W -> {
if(array.array!=null) {
program.heap.update(heapId, HeapValues.HeapValue(decl.datatype, null, array.array, null))
decl.value = LiteralValue(decl.datatype, initHeapId=heapId, position = litval.position)
decl.value = LiteralValue(decl.datatype, initHeapId = heapId, position = litval.position)
DataType.ARRAY_F -> {
@ -385,7 +395,7 @@ class ConstantFolding(private val program: Program) : IAstProcessor {
} else
BinaryExpression(expr.left, if(expr.operator=="-") "+" else "*", subExpr.right, subExpr.position),
BinaryExpression(expr.left, if (expr.operator == "-") "+" else "*", subExpr.right, subExpr.position),
expr.operator, subExpr.left, expr.position)
} else {
return if(subleftIsConst) {
@ -394,7 +404,7 @@ class ConstantFolding(private val program: Program) : IAstProcessor {
} else
subExpr.left, expr.operator,
BinaryExpression(expr.right, if(expr.operator=="-") "+" else "*", subExpr.right, subExpr.position),
BinaryExpression(expr.right, if (expr.operator == "-") "+" else "*", subExpr.right, subExpr.position),
@ -562,25 +572,25 @@ class ConstantFolding(private val program: Program) : IAstProcessor {
val stepLiteral = iterableRange.step as? LiteralValue
when(loopvar.datatype) {
DataType.UBYTE -> {
if(rangeFrom.type!=DataType.UBYTE) {
if(rangeFrom.type!= DataType.UBYTE) {
// attempt to translate the iterable into ubyte values
resultStmt.iterable = adjustRangeDt(rangeFrom, loopvar.datatype, rangeTo, stepLiteral, iterableRange)
DataType.BYTE -> {
if(rangeFrom.type!=DataType.BYTE) {
if(rangeFrom.type!= DataType.BYTE) {
// attempt to translate the iterable into byte values
resultStmt.iterable = adjustRangeDt(rangeFrom, loopvar.datatype, rangeTo, stepLiteral, iterableRange)
DataType.UWORD -> {
if(rangeFrom.type!=DataType.UWORD) {
if(rangeFrom.type!= DataType.UWORD) {
// attempt to translate the iterable into uword values
resultStmt.iterable = adjustRangeDt(rangeFrom, loopvar.datatype, rangeTo, stepLiteral, iterableRange)
DataType.WORD -> {
if(rangeFrom.type!=DataType.WORD) {
if(rangeFrom.type!= DataType.WORD) {
// attempt to translate the iterable into word values
resultStmt.iterable = adjustRangeDt(rangeFrom, loopvar.datatype, rangeTo, stepLiteral, iterableRange)
@ -614,7 +624,7 @@ class ConstantFolding(private val program: Program) : IAstProcessor {
val typesInArray = array.mapNotNull { it.inferType(program) }.toSet()
val arrayDt =
when {
array.any { it is AddressOf} -> DataType.ARRAY_UW
array.any { it is AddressOf } -> DataType.ARRAY_UW
DataType.FLOAT in typesInArray -> DataType.ARRAY_F
DataType.WORD in typesInArray -> DataType.ARRAY_W
else -> {
@ -657,57 +667,57 @@ class ConstantFolding(private val program: Program) : IAstProcessor {
when(assignment.singleTarget?.inferType(program, assignment)) {
DataType.UWORD -> {
// we can convert to UWORD: any UBYTE, BYTE/WORD that are >=0, FLOAT that's an integer 0..65535,
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = lv.asIntegerValue, position=lv.position)
else if(lv.type==DataType.BYTE && lv.bytevalue!!>=0)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = lv.asIntegerValue, position=lv.position)
else if(lv.type==DataType.WORD && lv.wordvalue!!>=0)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = lv.asIntegerValue, position=lv.position)
else if(lv.type==DataType.FLOAT) {
if(lv.type== DataType.UBYTE)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = lv.asIntegerValue, position = lv.position)
else if(lv.type== DataType.BYTE && lv.bytevalue!!>=0)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = lv.asIntegerValue, position = lv.position)
else if(lv.type== DataType.WORD && lv.wordvalue!!>=0)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = lv.asIntegerValue, position = lv.position)
else if(lv.type== DataType.FLOAT) {
val d = lv.floatvalue!!
if(floor(d)==d && d>=0 && d<=65535)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=floor(d).toInt(), position=lv.position)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = floor(d).toInt(), position = lv.position)
DataType.UBYTE -> {
// we can convert to UBYTE: UWORD <=255, BYTE >=0, FLOAT that's an integer 0..255,
if(lv.type==DataType.UWORD && lv.wordvalue!! <= 255)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, lv.wordvalue.toShort(), position=lv.position)
else if(lv.type==DataType.BYTE && lv.bytevalue!! >=0)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, lv.bytevalue.toShort(), position=lv.position)
else if(lv.type==DataType.FLOAT) {
if(lv.type== DataType.UWORD && lv.wordvalue!! <= 255)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, lv.wordvalue.toShort(), position = lv.position)
else if(lv.type== DataType.BYTE && lv.bytevalue!! >=0)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, lv.bytevalue.toShort(), position = lv.position)
else if(lv.type== DataType.FLOAT) {
val d = lv.floatvalue!!
if(floor(d)==d && d >=0 && d<=255)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, floor(d).toShort(), position=lv.position)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, floor(d).toShort(), position = lv.position)
DataType.BYTE -> {
// we can convert to BYTE: UWORD/UBYTE <= 127, FLOAT that's an integer 0..127
if(lv.type==DataType.UWORD && lv.wordvalue!! <= 127)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.BYTE, lv.wordvalue.toShort(), position=lv.position)
else if(lv.type==DataType.UBYTE && lv.bytevalue!! <= 127)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.BYTE, lv.bytevalue, position=lv.position)
else if(lv.type==DataType.FLOAT) {
if(lv.type== DataType.UWORD && lv.wordvalue!! <= 127)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.BYTE, lv.wordvalue.toShort(), position = lv.position)
else if(lv.type== DataType.UBYTE && lv.bytevalue!! <= 127)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.BYTE, lv.bytevalue, position = lv.position)
else if(lv.type== DataType.FLOAT) {
val d = lv.floatvalue!!
if(floor(d)==d && d>=0 && d<=127)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.BYTE, floor(d).toShort(), position=lv.position)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.BYTE, floor(d).toShort(), position = lv.position)
DataType.WORD -> {
// we can convert to WORD: any UBYTE/BYTE, UWORD <= 32767, FLOAT that's an integer -32768..32767,
if(lv.type==DataType.UBYTE || lv.type==DataType.BYTE)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.WORD, wordvalue=lv.bytevalue!!.toInt(), position=lv.position)
else if(lv.type==DataType.UWORD && lv.wordvalue!! <= 32767)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.WORD, wordvalue=lv.wordvalue, position=lv.position)
else if(lv.type==DataType.FLOAT) {
if(lv.type== DataType.UBYTE || lv.type== DataType.BYTE)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.WORD, wordvalue = lv.bytevalue!!.toInt(), position = lv.position)
else if(lv.type== DataType.UWORD && lv.wordvalue!! <= 32767)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.WORD, wordvalue = lv.wordvalue, position = lv.position)
else if(lv.type== DataType.FLOAT) {
val d = lv.floatvalue!!
if(floor(d)==d && d>=-32768 && d<=32767)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.BYTE, floor(d).toShort(), position=lv.position)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.BYTE, floor(d).toShort(), position = lv.position)
DataType.FLOAT -> {
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue= lv.asNumericValue?.toDouble(), position=lv.position)
assignment.value = LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = lv.asNumericValue?.toDouble(), position = lv.position)
else -> {}
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package prog8.optimizing
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.AstException
import prog8.ast.statements.NopStatement
import prog8.parser.ParsingFailedError
@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
package prog8.optimizing
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.AstException
import prog8.ast.base.DataType
import prog8.ast.base.IntegerDatatypes
import prog8.ast.base.NumericDatatypes
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.processing.IAstProcessor
import prog8.ast.statements.Assignment
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.log2
@ -336,48 +343,48 @@ internal class SimplifyExpressions(private val program: Program) : IAstProcessor
DataType.UBYTE -> {
if (targetDt == DataType.BYTE) {
if(value.bytevalue!! < 127)
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, value.bytevalue, position=value.position))
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, value.bytevalue, position = value.position))
else if (targetDt == DataType.UWORD || targetDt == DataType.WORD)
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, wordvalue = value.bytevalue!!.toInt(), position=value.position))
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, wordvalue = value.bytevalue!!.toInt(), position = value.position))
DataType.BYTE -> {
if (targetDt == DataType.UBYTE) {
if(value.bytevalue!! >= 0)
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, value.bytevalue, position=value.position))
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, value.bytevalue, position = value.position))
else if (targetDt == DataType.UWORD) {
if(value.bytevalue!! >= 0)
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, wordvalue=value.bytevalue.toInt(), position=value.position))
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, wordvalue = value.bytevalue.toInt(), position = value.position))
else if (targetDt == DataType.WORD) return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, wordvalue=value.bytevalue!!.toInt(), position=value.position))
else if (targetDt == DataType.WORD) return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, wordvalue = value.bytevalue!!.toInt(), position = value.position))
DataType.UWORD -> {
if (targetDt == DataType.UBYTE) {
if(value.wordvalue!! <= 255)
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, value.wordvalue.toShort(), position=value.position))
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, value.wordvalue.toShort(), position = value.position))
else if (targetDt == DataType.BYTE) {
if(value.wordvalue!! <= 127)
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, value.wordvalue.toShort(), position=value.position))
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, value.wordvalue.toShort(), position = value.position))
else if (targetDt == DataType.WORD) {
if(value.wordvalue!! <= 32767)
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, wordvalue=value.wordvalue, position=value.position))
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, wordvalue = value.wordvalue, position = value.position))
DataType.WORD -> {
if (targetDt == DataType.UBYTE) {
if(value.wordvalue!! in 0..255)
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, value.wordvalue.toShort(), position=value.position))
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, value.wordvalue.toShort(), position = value.position))
else if (targetDt == DataType.BYTE) {
if(value.wordvalue!! in -128..127)
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, value.wordvalue.toShort(), position=value.position))
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, value.wordvalue.toShort(), position = value.position))
else if (targetDt == DataType.UWORD) {
if(value.wordvalue!! >= 0)
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, value.wordvalue.toShort(), position=value.position))
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, value.wordvalue.toShort(), position = value.position))
else -> {}
@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
package prog8.optimizing
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.processing.IAstProcessor
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.compiler.target.c64.Petscii
import prog8.functions.BuiltinFunctions
import kotlin.math.floor
@ -419,7 +423,7 @@ internal class StatementOptimizer(private val program: Program, private val opti
private fun hasContinueOrBreak(scope: INameScope): Boolean {
class Searcher:IAstProcessor
class Searcher: IAstProcessor
var count=0
@ -481,7 +485,7 @@ internal class StatementOptimizer(private val program: Program, private val opti
if(bexpr!=null) {
val cv = bexpr.right.constValue(program)?.asNumericValue?.toDouble()
if(cv==null) {
if(bexpr.operator=="+" && targetDt!=DataType.FLOAT) {
if(bexpr.operator=="+" && targetDt!= DataType.FLOAT) {
if (bexpr.left isSameAs bexpr.right && target isSameAs bexpr.left) {
bexpr.operator = "*"
bexpr.right = LiteralValue.optimalInteger(2, assignment.value.position)
@ -2,6 +2,12 @@ package prog8.parser
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.antlr.toAst
import prog8.ast.base.Position
import prog8.ast.base.SyntaxError
import prog8.ast.base.checkImportedValid
import prog8.ast.statements.Directive
import prog8.ast.statements.DirectiveArg
import java.io.InputStream
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Path
@ -45,8 +51,8 @@ internal fun importModule(program: Program, filePath: Path): Module {
internal fun importLibraryModule(program: Program, name: String): Module? {
val import = Directive("%import", listOf(
DirectiveArg("", name, 42, position = Position("<<<implicit-import>>>", 0, 0 ,0))
), Position("<<<implicit-import>>>", 0, 0 ,0))
DirectiveArg("", name, 42, position = Position("<<<implicit-import>>>", 0, 0, 0))
), Position("<<<implicit-import>>>", 0, 0, 0))
return executeImportDirective(program, import, Paths.get(""))
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
package prog8.stackvm
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.antlr.unescape
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.expressions.AddressOf
import prog8.ast.expressions.IdentifierReference
import prog8.compiler.RuntimeValue
import prog8.compiler.HeapValues
import prog8.compiler.IntegerOrAddressOf
@ -89,7 +92,7 @@ class Program (val name: String,
heapvalues.sortedBy { it.first }.forEach {
when(it.second) {
DataType.STR, DataType.STR_S -> heap.addString(it.second, unescape(it.third.substring(1, it.third.length-1), Position("<stackvmsource>", 0, 0, 0)))
DataType.STR, DataType.STR_S -> heap.addString(it.second, unescape(it.third.substring(1, it.third.length - 1), Position("<stackvmsource>", 0, 0, 0)))
DataType.ARRAY_UB, DataType.ARRAY_B,
DataType.ARRAY_UW, DataType.ARRAY_W -> {
val numbers = it.third.substring(1, it.third.length-1).split(',')
@ -98,8 +101,8 @@ class Program (val name: String,
if(num.startsWith("&")) {
// it's AddressOf
val scopedname = num.substring(1)
val iref = IdentifierReference(scopedname.split('.'), Position("<intermediate>", 0,0,0))
val addrOf = AddressOf(iref, Position("<intermediate>", 0,0,0))
val iref = IdentifierReference(scopedname.split('.'), Position("<intermediate>", 0, 0, 0))
val addrOf = AddressOf(iref, Position("<intermediate>", 0, 0, 0))
IntegerOrAddressOf(null, addrOf)
} else {
@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
package prog8.stackvm
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.DataType
import prog8.ast.base.IterableDatatypes
import prog8.ast.base.NumericDatatypes
import prog8.ast.base.Register
import prog8.ast.base.initvarsSubName
import prog8.astvm.BitmapScreenPanel
import prog8.astvm.Memory
import prog8.compiler.RuntimeValue
@ -376,7 +380,7 @@ class StackVm(private var traceOutputFile: String?) {
val value = evalstack.pop()
checkDt(value, DataType.BYTE, DataType.UBYTE)
val address = ins.arg!!.integerValue()
if(value.type== DataType.BYTE)
mem.setSByte(address, value.integerValue().toShort())
mem.setUByte(address, value.integerValue().toShort())
@ -386,7 +390,7 @@ class StackVm(private var traceOutputFile: String?) {
val value = evalstack.pop()
checkDt(value, DataType.WORD, DataType.UWORD)
val address = ins.arg!!.integerValue()
if(value.type== DataType.WORD)
mem.setSWord(address, value.integerValue())
mem.setUWord(address, value.integerValue())
@ -1673,7 +1677,7 @@ class StackVm(private var traceOutputFile: String?) {
} else {
// normal variable
val variable = getVar(ins.callLabel!!)
if(variable.type==DataType.UWORD) {
if(variable.type== DataType.UWORD) {
// assume the variable is a pointer (address) and get the word value from that memory location
RuntimeValue(DataType.UWORD, mem.getUWord(variable.integerValue()))
} else {
@ -1708,7 +1712,7 @@ class StackVm(private var traceOutputFile: String?) {
if(ins.callLabel in memoryPointers) {
val variable = memoryPointers.getValue(ins.callLabel!!)
val address = variable.first + index*5
if(variable.second== DataType.ARRAY_F)
RuntimeValue(DataType.FLOAT, mem.getFloat(address))
throw VmExecutionException("not a proper arraysize var with float elements")
@ -1737,13 +1741,13 @@ class StackVm(private var traceOutputFile: String?) {
val memloc = memoryPointers[varname]
if(memloc!=null) {
// variable is the name of a pointer, write the byte value to that memory location
if(value.type==DataType.UBYTE) {
if(value.type== DataType.UBYTE) {
if(memloc.second!= DataType.ARRAY_UB)
throw VmExecutionException("invalid memory pointer type $memloc")
mem.setUByte(memloc.first, value.integerValue().toShort())
else {
if(memloc.second!= DataType.ARRAY_B)
throw VmExecutionException("invalid memory pointer type $memloc")
mem.setSByte(memloc.first, value.integerValue().toShort())
@ -1751,7 +1755,7 @@ class StackVm(private var traceOutputFile: String?) {
val variable = getVar(varname)
if (variable.type == DataType.UWORD) {
// assume the variable is a pointer (address) and write the byte value to that memory location
if(value.type== DataType.UBYTE)
mem.setUByte(variable.integerValue(), value.integerValue().toShort())
mem.setSByte(variable.integerValue(), value.integerValue().toShort())
@ -1785,13 +1789,13 @@ class StackVm(private var traceOutputFile: String?) {
val memloc = memoryPointers[varname]
if(memloc!=null) {
// variable is the name of a pointer, write the word value to that memory location
if(value.type==DataType.UWORD) {
if(value.type== DataType.UWORD) {
if(memloc.second!= DataType.ARRAY_UW)
throw VmExecutionException("invalid memory pointer type $memloc")
mem.setUWord(memloc.first+index*2, value.integerValue())
else {
if(memloc.second!= DataType.ARRAY_W)
throw VmExecutionException("invalid memory pointer type $memloc")
mem.setSWord(memloc.first+index*2, value.integerValue())
@ -1799,7 +1803,7 @@ class StackVm(private var traceOutputFile: String?) {
val variable = getVar(varname)
if (variable.type == DataType.UWORD) {
// assume the variable is a pointer (address) and write the word value to that memory location
if(value.type== DataType.UWORD)
mem.setUWord(variable.integerValue()+index*2, value.integerValue())
mem.setSWord(variable.integerValue()+index*2, value.integerValue())
@ -1824,7 +1828,7 @@ class StackVm(private var traceOutputFile: String?) {
val memloc = memoryPointers[varname]
if(memloc!=null) {
// variable is the name of a pointer, write the float value to that memory location
if(memloc.second!= DataType.ARRAY_F)
throw VmExecutionException("invalid memory pointer type $memloc")
mem.setFloat(memloc.first+index*5, value.numericValue().toDouble())
} else {
@ -2268,9 +2272,9 @@ class StackVm(private var traceOutputFile: String?) {
val numbytes = evalstack.pop().integerValue()
val bytevalue = value.integerValue().toShort()
when {
value.type==DataType.UBYTE -> for(addr in address until address+numbytes)
value.type== DataType.UBYTE -> for(addr in address until address+numbytes)
mem.setUByte(addr, bytevalue)
value.type==DataType.BYTE -> for(addr in address until address+numbytes)
value.type== DataType.BYTE -> for(addr in address until address+numbytes)
mem.setSByte(addr, bytevalue)
else -> throw VmExecutionException("(u)byte value expected")
@ -2281,9 +2285,9 @@ class StackVm(private var traceOutputFile: String?) {
val numwords = evalstack.pop().integerValue()
val wordvalue = value.integerValue()
when {
value.type==DataType.UWORD -> for(addr in address until address+numwords*2 step 2)
value.type== DataType.UWORD -> for(addr in address until address+numwords*2 step 2)
mem.setUWord(addr, wordvalue)
value.type==DataType.WORD -> for(addr in address until address+numwords*2 step 2)
value.type== DataType.WORD -> for(addr in address until address+numwords*2 step 2)
mem.setSWord(addr, wordvalue)
else -> throw VmExecutionException("(u)word value expected")
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ package prog8tests
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance
import prog8.ast.DataType
import prog8.ast.LiteralValue
import prog8.ast.Position
import prog8.ast.base.DataType
import prog8.ast.expressions.LiteralValue
import prog8.ast.base.Position
import kotlin.test.*
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ private fun sameValueAndType(lv1: LiteralValue, lv2: LiteralValue): Boolean {
class TestParserLiteralValue {
private val dummyPos = Position("test", 0,0,0)
private val dummyPos = Position("test", 0, 0, 0)
fun testIdentity() {
@ -33,99 +33,99 @@ class TestParserLiteralValue {
fun testEqualsAndNotEquals() {
assertEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos))
assertEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=100, position=dummyPos))
assertEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=100.0, position=dummyPos))
assertEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=254, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 254, position=dummyPos))
assertEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=12345, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=12345, position=dummyPos))
assertEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=12345, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=12345.0, position=dummyPos))
assertEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=100.0, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos))
assertEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=22239.0, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD,wordvalue=22239, position=dummyPos))
assertEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=9.99, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=9.99, position=dummyPos))
assertEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos))
assertEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 100, position = dummyPos))
assertEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 100.0, position = dummyPos))
assertEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 254, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 254, position = dummyPos))
assertEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 12345, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 12345, position = dummyPos))
assertEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 12345, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 12345.0, position = dummyPos))
assertEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 100.0, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos))
assertEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 22239.0, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 22239, position = dummyPos))
assertEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 9.99, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 9.99, position = dummyPos))
assertTrue(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=100, position=dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=100.0, position=dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=254, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 254, position=dummyPos)))
assertTrue(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=12345, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=12345, position=dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=12345, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=12345.0, position=dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=100.0, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=22239.0, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD,wordvalue=22239, position=dummyPos)))
assertTrue(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=9.99, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=9.99, position=dummyPos)))
assertTrue(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 100, position = dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 100.0, position = dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 254, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 254, position = dummyPos)))
assertTrue(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 12345, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 12345, position = dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 12345, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 12345.0, position = dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 100.0, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 22239.0, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 22239, position = dummyPos)))
assertTrue(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 9.99, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 9.99, position = dummyPos)))
assertNotEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 101, position=dummyPos))
assertNotEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=101, position=dummyPos))
assertNotEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=101.0, position=dummyPos))
assertNotEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=245, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 246, position=dummyPos))
assertNotEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=12345, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=12346, position=dummyPos))
assertNotEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=12345, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=12346.0, position=dummyPos))
assertNotEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=9.99, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 9, position=dummyPos))
assertNotEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=9.99, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=9, position=dummyPos))
assertNotEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=9.99, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=9.0, position=dummyPos))
assertNotEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 101, position = dummyPos))
assertNotEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 101, position = dummyPos))
assertNotEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 101.0, position = dummyPos))
assertNotEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 245, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 246, position = dummyPos))
assertNotEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 12345, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 12346, position = dummyPos))
assertNotEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 12345, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 12346.0, position = dummyPos))
assertNotEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 9.99, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 9, position = dummyPos))
assertNotEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 9.99, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 9, position = dummyPos))
assertNotEquals(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 9.99, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 9.0, position = dummyPos))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 101, position=dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=101, position=dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=101.0, position=dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=245, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 246, position=dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=12345, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=12346, position=dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=12345, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=12346.0, position=dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=9.99, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 9, position=dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=9.99, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=9, position=dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=9.99, position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=9.0, position=dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 101, position = dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 101, position = dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 101.0, position = dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 245, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 246, position = dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 12345, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 12346, position = dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 12345, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 12346.0, position = dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 9.99, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 9, position = dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 9.99, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 9, position = dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 9.99, position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 9.0, position = dummyPos)))
assertTrue(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.STR, strvalue = "hello", position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.STR, strvalue="hello", position=dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.STR, strvalue = "hello", position=dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.STR, strvalue="bye", position=dummyPos)))
assertTrue(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.STR, strvalue = "hello", position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.STR, strvalue = "hello", position = dummyPos)))
assertFalse(sameValueAndType(LiteralValue(DataType.STR, strvalue = "hello", position = dummyPos), LiteralValue(DataType.STR, strvalue = "bye", position = dummyPos)))
val lvOne = LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 1, position=dummyPos)
val lvTwo = LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 2, position=dummyPos)
val lvThree = LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 3, position=dummyPos)
val lvOneR = LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 1, position=dummyPos)
val lvTwoR = LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 2, position=dummyPos)
val lvThreeR = LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 3, position=dummyPos)
val lvFour= LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 4, position=dummyPos)
val lv1 = LiteralValue(DataType.ARRAY_UB, arrayvalue = arrayOf(lvOne, lvTwo, lvThree), position=dummyPos)
val lv2 = LiteralValue(DataType.ARRAY_UB, arrayvalue = arrayOf(lvOneR, lvTwoR, lvThreeR), position=dummyPos)
val lv3 = LiteralValue(DataType.ARRAY_UB, arrayvalue = arrayOf(lvOneR, lvTwoR, lvFour), position=dummyPos)
val lvOne = LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 1, position = dummyPos)
val lvTwo = LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 2, position = dummyPos)
val lvThree = LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 3, position = dummyPos)
val lvOneR = LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 1, position = dummyPos)
val lvTwoR = LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 2, position = dummyPos)
val lvThreeR = LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 3, position = dummyPos)
val lvFour= LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 4, position = dummyPos)
val lv1 = LiteralValue(DataType.ARRAY_UB, arrayvalue = arrayOf(lvOne, lvTwo, lvThree), position = dummyPos)
val lv2 = LiteralValue(DataType.ARRAY_UB, arrayvalue = arrayOf(lvOneR, lvTwoR, lvThreeR), position = dummyPos)
val lv3 = LiteralValue(DataType.ARRAY_UB, arrayvalue = arrayOf(lvOneR, lvTwoR, lvFour), position = dummyPos)
assertEquals(lv1, lv2)
assertNotEquals(lv1, lv3)
fun testGreaterThan(){
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos) > LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 99, position=dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=254, position=dummyPos) > LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=253, position=dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=100.0, position=dummyPos) > LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=99.9, position=dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos) > LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 99, position = dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 254, position = dummyPos) > LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 253, position = dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 100.0, position = dummyPos) > LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 99.9, position = dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos) >= LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=254, position=dummyPos) >= LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD,wordvalue= 254, position=dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=100.0, position=dummyPos) >= LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=100.0, position=dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos) >= LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 254, position = dummyPos) >= LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 254, position = dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 100.0, position = dummyPos) >= LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 100.0, position = dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos) > LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=254, position=dummyPos) > LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=254, position=dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=100.0, position=dummyPos) > LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=100.0, position=dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos) > LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 254, position = dummyPos) > LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 254, position = dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 100.0, position = dummyPos) > LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 100.0, position = dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos) >= LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 101, position=dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=254, position=dummyPos) >= LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD,wordvalue= 255, position=dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=100.0, position=dummyPos) >= LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=100.1, position=dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos) >= LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 101, position = dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 254, position = dummyPos) >= LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 255, position = dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 100.0, position = dummyPos) >= LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 100.1, position = dummyPos))
fun testLessThan() {
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos) < LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 101, position=dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=254, position=dummyPos) < LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=255, position=dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=100.0, position=dummyPos) < LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=100.1, position=dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos) < LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 101, position = dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 254, position = dummyPos) < LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 255, position = dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 100.0, position = dummyPos) < LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 100.1, position = dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos) <= LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=254, position=dummyPos) <= LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD,wordvalue= 254, position=dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=100.0, position=dummyPos) <= LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=100.0, position=dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos) <= LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 254, position = dummyPos) <= LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 254, position = dummyPos))
assertTrue(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 100.0, position = dummyPos) <= LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 100.0, position = dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos) < LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=254, position=dummyPos) < LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=254, position=dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=100.0, position=dummyPos) < LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=100.0, position=dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos) < LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 254, position = dummyPos) < LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 254, position = dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 100.0, position = dummyPos) < LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 100.0, position = dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position=dummyPos) <= LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 99, position=dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD,wordvalue= 254, position=dummyPos) <= LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD,wordvalue= 253, position=dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT,floatvalue= 100.0, position=dummyPos) <= LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue=99.9, position=dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 100, position = dummyPos) <= LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 99, position = dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 254, position = dummyPos) <= LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 253, position = dummyPos))
assertFalse(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 100.0, position = dummyPos) <= LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = 99.9, position = dummyPos))
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package prog8tests
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance
import prog8.ast.DataType
import prog8.ast.base.DataType
import prog8.compiler.RuntimeValue
import kotlin.test.*
@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat
import org.hamcrest.Matchers.empty
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance
import prog8.ast.ByteDatatypes
import prog8.ast.DataType
import prog8.ast.IterableDatatypes
import prog8.ast.WordDatatypes
import prog8.ast.base.ByteDatatypes
import prog8.ast.base.DataType
import prog8.ast.base.IterableDatatypes
import prog8.ast.base.WordDatatypes
import prog8.compiler.RuntimeValue
import prog8.compiler.HeapValues
import prog8.compiler.intermediate.Instruction
@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ import org.hamcrest.Matchers.closeTo
import org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.DataType
import prog8.ast.base.Position
import prog8.ast.expressions.LiteralValue
import prog8.compiler.RuntimeValue
import prog8.compiler.*
import prog8.compiler.target.c64.*
@ -334,8 +336,8 @@ class TestPetscii {
fun testLiteralValueComparisons() {
val ten = LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue=10, position=Position("", 0 ,0 ,0))
val nine = LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, bytevalue=9, position=Position("", 0 ,0 ,0))
val ten = LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = 10, position = Position("", 0, 0, 0))
val nine = LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, bytevalue = 9, position = Position("", 0, 0, 0))
assertEquals(ten, ten)
assertNotEquals(ten, nine)
assertFalse(ten != ten)
@ -351,8 +353,8 @@ class TestPetscii {
assertTrue(ten <= ten)
assertFalse(ten < ten)
val abc = LiteralValue(DataType.STR, strvalue = "abc", position=Position("", 0 ,0 ,0))
val abd = LiteralValue(DataType.STR, strvalue = "abd", position=Position("", 0 ,0 ,0))
val abc = LiteralValue(DataType.STR, strvalue = "abc", position = Position("", 0, 0, 0))
val abd = LiteralValue(DataType.STR, strvalue = "abd", position = Position("", 0, 0, 0))
assertEquals(abc, abc)
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