
This commit is contained in:
Irmen de Jong 2018-10-30 22:15:38 +01:00
parent 5bf2c4a798
commit 6d21274090

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@ -913,6 +913,7 @@ class AsmGen(val options: CompilationOptions, val program: IntermediateProgram,
class AsmPattern(val sequence: List<Opcode>, val altSequence: List<Opcode>?=null, val asm: (List<Instruction>)->String?)
private fun loadAFromIndexedByVar(idxVarInstr: Instruction, readArrayInstr: Instruction): String {
// A = readArrayInstr [ idxVarInstr ]
val setupPtr: String
val loadByte: String
when (readArrayInstr.callLabel) {
@ -967,8 +968,60 @@ class AsmGen(val options: CompilationOptions, val program: IntermediateProgram,
return "$setupPtr | $loadByte"
private fun storeAToIndexedByVar(idxVarInstr: Instruction, readArrayInstr: Instruction): String {
TODO("storeAToIndexedByVar $readArrayInstr [ $idxVarInstr ]")
private fun storeAToIndexedByVar(idxVarInstr: Instruction, writeArrayInstr: Instruction): String {
// writeArrayInstr [ idxVarInstr ] = A
val setupPtr: String
val storeByte: String
when(writeArrayInstr.callLabel) {
"AX" -> {
setupPtr = "sta ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1} | stx ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1 + 1} "
storeByte= when (idxVarInstr.callLabel) {
"A" -> "tay | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y"
"X" -> "stx ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1} | ldy ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1} | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y"
"Y" -> "sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y"
else -> "ldy ${idxVarInstr.callLabel} | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y"
"AY" -> {
setupPtr = "sta ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1} | sty ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1 + 1} "
storeByte= when (idxVarInstr.callLabel) {
"A" -> "tay | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y"
"X" -> "stx ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1} | ldy ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1} | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y"
"Y" -> "sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y"
else -> "ldy ${idxVarInstr.callLabel} | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y"
"XY" -> {
setupPtr = "stx ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1} | sty ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1 + 1} "
storeByte= when (idxVarInstr.callLabel) {
"A" -> "tay | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y"
"X" -> "stx ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1} | ldy ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1} | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y"
"Y" -> "sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y"
else -> "ldy ${idxVarInstr.callLabel} | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y"
else -> {
when (idxVarInstr.callLabel) {
"A" -> {
setupPtr = ""
storeByte = "tay | sta ${writeArrayInstr.callLabel},y"
"X" -> {
setupPtr = ""
storeByte = "sta ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1} | ldy ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1} | sta ${writeArrayInstr.callLabel},y"
"Y" -> {
setupPtr = ""
storeByte = "sta ${writeArrayInstr.callLabel},y"
else -> {
setupPtr = ""
storeByte = "ldy ${idxVarInstr.callLabel} | sta ${writeArrayInstr.callLabel},y"
return "$setupPtr | $storeByte"
private val patterns = listOf(
@ -1219,6 +1272,57 @@ class AsmGen(val options: CompilationOptions, val program: IntermediateProgram,
val index2 = segment[2].arg!!.integerValue()
" $loadByteA | sta ${segment[3].callLabel}+$index2"
// (u)bytearray[idxvar] = (u)bytevar
AsmPattern(listOf(Opcode.PUSH_VAR_BYTE, Opcode.PUSH_VAR_BYTE, Opcode.WRITE_INDEXED_VAR_BYTE)) { segment ->
val storeA = storeAToIndexedByVar(segment[1], segment[2])
when(segment[0].callLabel) {
"A" -> " $storeA"
"X" -> " txa | $storeA"
"Y" -> " tya | $storeA"
else -> " lda ${segment[0].callLabel} | $storeA"
// (u)bytearray[idxvar] = mem (u)byte
listOf(Opcode.PUSH_MEM_B, Opcode.PUSH_VAR_BYTE, Opcode.WRITE_INDEXED_VAR_BYTE)) { segment ->
val storeA = storeAToIndexedByVar(segment[1], segment[2])
" lda ${segment[0].arg!!.integerValue().toHex()} | $storeA"
// (u)bytearray2[idxvar] = (u)bytearray1[index]
AsmPattern(listOf(Opcode.PUSH_BYTE, Opcode.READ_INDEXED_VAR_BYTE, Opcode.PUSH_VAR_BYTE, Opcode.WRITE_INDEXED_VAR_BYTE)) { segment ->
val storeA = storeAToIndexedByVar(segment[2], segment[3])
val index1 = segment[0].arg!!.integerValue()
val loadValue = when (segment[1].callLabel) {
"AX" -> """
sta ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}
stx ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1 + 1}
ldy #$index1
lda (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y
"AY" -> """
sta ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}
sty ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1 + 1}
ldy #$index1
lda (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y
"XY" -> """
stx ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}
sty ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1 + 1}
ldy #$index1
lda (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y
else -> " lda ${segment[1].callLabel}+$index1 "
" $loadValue | $storeA "
// (u)bytearray2[idxvar2] = (u)bytearray1[idxvar1]
AsmPattern(listOf(Opcode.PUSH_VAR_BYTE, Opcode.READ_INDEXED_VAR_BYTE, Opcode.PUSH_VAR_BYTE, Opcode.WRITE_INDEXED_VAR_BYTE)) { segment ->
val loadA = loadAFromIndexedByVar(segment[0], segment[1])
val storeA = storeAToIndexedByVar(segment[2], segment[3])
" $loadA | $storeA"
// ----------- assignment to WORD VARIABLE ----------------
@ -1667,26 +1771,6 @@ class AsmGen(val options: CompilationOptions, val program: IntermediateProgram,
// ---- @todo assignment to arrays follow below ----------
// // assignment: bytearray[memory (u)byte] = byte
// AsmPattern(
// listOf(Opcode.PUSH_BYTE, Opcode.PUSH_MEM_B, Opcode.WRITE_INDEXED_VAR_BYTE),
// listOf(Opcode.PUSH_BYTE, Opcode.PUSH_MEM_UB, Opcode.WRITE_INDEXED_VAR_BYTE)) { segment ->
// TODO("$segment")
// },
// // assignment: bytearray[idxvar] = bytevar
// AsmPattern(listOf(Opcode.PUSH_VAR_BYTE, Opcode.PUSH_VAR_BYTE, Opcode.WRITE_INDEXED_VAR_BYTE)) { segment ->
// TODO("$segment")
// },
// // assignment: bytearray[mem (u)byte] = bytevar
// AsmPattern(
// listOf(Opcode.PUSH_VAR_BYTE, Opcode.PUSH_MEM_UB, Opcode.WRITE_INDEXED_VAR_BYTE)) { segment ->
// TODO("$segment")
// },
// // assignment: wordarray[idxbyte] = word
// AsmPattern(listOf(Opcode.PUSH_WORD, Opcode.PUSH_BYTE, Opcode.WRITE_INDEXED_VAR_WORD)) { segment ->
// val index = segment[1].arg!!.integerValue()*2