fix monogfx horizontal line and text draw in invert mode

This commit is contained in:
Irmen de Jong 2024-03-05 22:38:34 +01:00
parent bfcf07c1a2
commit 6d29b00a80
4 changed files with 93 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -169,7 +169,8 @@ _clear
ubyte separate_pixels = (8-lsb(xx)) & 7
if separate_pixels {
if mode!=MODE_STIPPLE {
when mode {
cx16.VERA_ADDR_H &= %00000111 ; vera auto-increment off
if draw
@ -177,12 +178,23 @@ _clear
cx16.VERA_DATA0 &= ~masked_starts[separate_pixels]
xx += separate_pixels
} else {
repeat separate_pixels {
plot(xx, yy, draw)
cx16.VERA_ADDR_H &= %00000111 ; vera auto-increment off
if draw
cx16.VERA_DATA0 ^= masked_starts[separate_pixels]
cx16.VERA_DATA0 &= masked_starts[separate_pixels]
xx += separate_pixels
length -= separate_pixels
if length {
@ -203,8 +215,25 @@ _clear
+ lda p8v_mode
lsr a
bcs _stipple
ldy #255 ; don't stipple
lsr a
bcs _inverted
ldy #255 ; normal drawing mode
bra _loop
_inverted lda #0
jsr cx16.vaddr_clone
_invertedloop lda p8v_length
ora p8v_length+1
beq _done
lda cx16.VERA_DATA1
eor #255
sta cx16.VERA_DATA0
lda p8v_length
bne +
dec p8v_length+1
+ dec p8v_length
bra _invertedloop
_stipple lda p8v_yy
and #1 ; determine stipple pattern to use
bne +
@ -223,18 +252,28 @@ _loop lda p8v_length
if mode!=MODE_STIPPLE {
when mode {
cx16.VERA_ADDR_H &= %00000111 ; vera auto-increment off
if draw
cx16.VERA_DATA0 |= masked_ends[separate_pixels]
cx16.VERA_DATA0 &= ~masked_ends[separate_pixels]
} else {
repeat separate_pixels {
plot(xx, yy, draw)
cx16.VERA_ADDR_H &= %00000111 ; vera auto-increment off
if draw
cx16.VERA_DATA0 ^= masked_ends[separate_pixels]
cx16.VERA_DATA0 &= masked_ends[separate_pixels]
cx16.VERA_ADDR_H &= %00000111 ; vera auto-increment off again
@ -264,12 +303,10 @@ _done
lda p8v_mode
and #p8c_MODE_INVERT
beq +
lda #$45 ; eor ZP
sta drawmode
bra ++
+ lda #$05 ; ora ZP
sta drawmode
lda #$45 ; eor ZP modifying code
bne ++
+ lda #$05 ; ora ZP modifying code
+ sta drawmode
if mode!=MODE_STIPPLE {
; draw continuous line.
@ -818,7 +855,7 @@ skip:
cx16.screen_set_charset(charset, 0)
sub text(uword @zp xx, uword yy, bool draw, uword sctextptr) {
sub text(uword @zp xx, uword yy, bool draw, str sctextptr) {
; -- Write some text at the given pixel position. The text string must be in screencode encoding (not petscii!).
; You must also have called text_charset() first to select and prepare the character set to use.
uword chardataptr
@ -826,6 +863,17 @@ skip:
ubyte[8] @shared char_bitmap_bytes_right
cx16.r3 = sctextptr
%asm {{
lda p8v_mode
cmp #p8c_MODE_INVERT
beq +
lda #$0d ; ORA abs modifying code
bne ++
+ lda #$4d ; EOR abs modifying code
+ sta cdraw_mod1
sta cdraw_mod2
while @(cx16.r3) {
chardataptr = charset_addr + @(cx16.r3) * $0008
; copy the character bitmap into RAM
@ -859,7 +907,7 @@ skip:
%asm {{
ldy #0
- lda p8v_char_bitmap_bytes_left,y
ora cx16.VERA_DATA1
cdraw_mod1 ora cx16.VERA_DATA1
sta cx16.VERA_DATA0
cpy #8
@ -885,7 +933,7 @@ skip:
%asm {{
ldy #0
- lda p8v_char_bitmap_bytes_right,y
ora cx16.VERA_DATA1
cdraw_mod2 ora cx16.VERA_DATA1
sta cx16.VERA_DATA0
cpy #8

View File

@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ skip:
; TODO vm bitmap charset
sub text(uword @zp xx, uword yy, bool draw, uword sctextptr) {
sub text(uword @zp xx, uword yy, bool draw, str sctextptr) {
; -- Write some text at the given pixel position. The text string must be in screencode encoding (not petscii!).
; You must also have called text_charset() first to select and prepare the character set to use.
; TODO vm bitmap charset

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@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
cx16.monogfx: add invert mode support to horizontal line routine, and text routine
replace Takes by Http4k in httpCompilerService project.

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@ -6,30 +6,23 @@ main {
uword x1, x2
uword y1, y2
repeat 200 {
x1 = math.rnd()
y1 = math.rnd() % 240
x2 = math.rnd()
y2 = math.rnd() % 240
monogfx.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, true)
repeat 5 {
for cx16.r9L in 0 to 200 {
monogfx.vertical_line(cx16.r9L, 10, 200, true)
monogfx.disc(160, 120, 100, true)
monogfx.fillrect(20, 100, 280, 50, true)
monogfx.fillrect(80, 10, 50, 220, true)
ubyte tt
repeat {
ubyte tts=tt
word x1 = math.sin8(tts) / 2
byte y1 = math.cos8(tts) / 2
tts += 256/3
word x2 = math.sin8(tts) / 2
byte y2 = math.cos8(tts) / 2
tts += 256/3
word x3 = math.sin8(tts) / 2
byte y3 = math.cos8(tts) / 2
monogfx.line(160+x1 as uword, 120+y1 as ubyte, 160+x2 as uword, 120+y2 as ubyte, true)
monogfx.line(160+x2 as uword, 120+y2 as ubyte, 160+x3 as uword, 120+y3 as ubyte, true)
monogfx.line(160+x3 as uword, 120+y3 as ubyte, 160+x1 as uword, 120+y1 as ubyte, true)