cleaned up some buildprocess scripts

This commit is contained in:
Irmen de Jong 2019-07-11 17:27:57 +02:00
parent 845a99d623
commit 7c9b8f7d43
8 changed files with 17 additions and 79 deletions

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@ -143,32 +143,39 @@ Finally: a **C-64 emulator** (or a real C-64 ofcourse) to run the programs on. T
of the `Vice emulator <>`_.
.. important::
**Building the compiler itself:**
**Building the compiler itself:** (*Only needed if you have not downloaded a pre-built 'fat-jar'*)
(re)building the compiler itself requires a recent Kotlin SDK.
The compiler is developed using the `IntelliJ IDEA <>`_
IDE from Jetbrains, with the Kotlin plugin (free community edition of this IDE is available).
But a bare Kotlin SDK installation should work just as well.
A shell script (````) is provided to build and package the compiler from the command line.
If you have the 'fat-jar' you can run it with ``java -jar prog8compiler.jar``.
You can also use the Gradle build system to build the compiler (it will take care of
downloading all required libraries for you) by typing ``gradle build`` for instance.
The output of this gradle build will appear in the "./compiler/build/install/p8compile/" directory.
If you have the 'fat-jar' you can run it with ``java -jar prog8compiler.jar`` or just use
one of the scripts that are created by Gradle
The Gradle build system is used to build the compiler.
The most interesting gradle commands to run are probably:
``./gradlew check``
Builds the compiler code and runs all available checks and unit-tests.
``./gradlew installDist``
Builds the compiler and installs it with scripts to run it, in the directory
``./gradlew installShadowDist``
Creates a 'fat-jar' that contains the compiler and all dependencies,
and a few start scripts to run it.
Creates a 'fat-jar' that contains the compiler and all dependencies, in a single
executable .jar file, and includes few start scripts to run it.
The output can be found in ``.compiler/build/install/compiler-shadow/``
and you can launch the compiler with the script
``./gradlew shadowDistZip``
Creates a zipfile with the above in it, for easy distribution.
This file can be found in ``./compiler/build/distributions/``
For normal use, the ``installDist`` target should suffice and ater succesful completion
of that build task, you can start the compiler with:
``./compiler/build/install/p8compile/bin/p8compile <options> <sourcefile>``
(You should probably make an alias...)
.. note::
Development and testing is done on Linux, but the compiler should run on most

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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# compile using regular Kotlin sdk command line tool
echo "Compiling the parser..."
java -jar ./parser/antlr/lib/antlr-4.7.2-complete.jar -o ./parser/src/prog8/parser -Xexact-output-dir -no-listener -no-visitor ./parser/antlr/prog8.g4
mkdir -p ${PARSER_CLASSES}
javac -d ${PARSER_CLASSES} -cp ${ANTLR_RUNTIME} ./parser/src/prog8/parser/ ./parser/src/prog8/parser/
echo "Compiling the compiler itself..."
JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx3G -Xms300M" kotlinc -verbose -include-runtime -d ${COMPILER_JAR} -jvm-target 1.8 -cp ${ANTLR_RUNTIME}:${PARSER_CLASSES} ./compiler/src/prog8
echo "Finalizing the compiler jar file..."
# add the antlr parser classes
jar ufe ${COMPILER_JAR} prog8.CompilerMainKt -C ${PARSER_CLASSES} prog8
# add the resources
jar uf ${COMPILER_JAR} -C ./compiler/res .
# add the antlr runtime classes
rm -rf antlr_runtime_extraction
mkdir antlr_runtime_extraction
(cd antlr_runtime_extraction; jar xf ../${ANTLR_RUNTIME})
jar uf ${COMPILER_JAR} -C antlr_runtime_extraction org
rm -rf antlr_runtime_extraction
echo "Done!"

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
@echo off
set PROG8CLASSPATH=./compiler/build/classes/kotlin/main;./compiler/build/resources/main;./parser/build/classes/java/main
set KOTLINPATH=%USERPROFILE%/.IdeaIC2019.1/config/plugins/Kotlin
set LIBJARS=%KOTLINPATH%/lib/kotlin-stdlib.jar;%KOTLINPATH%/lib/kotlin-reflect.jar;./parser/antlr/lib/antlr-runtime-4.7.2.jar
java -cp %PROG8CLASSPATH%;%LIBJARS% prog8.CompilerMainKt %*
@REM if you have created a .jar file using the 'create_compiler_jar' script, you can simply do: java -jar prog8compiler.jar

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
java -cp ${PROG8CLASSPATH}:${LIBJARS} prog8.CompilerMainKt $*
# if you have created a .jar file using the 'create_compiler_jar' script, you can simply do: java -jar prog8compiler.jar

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
@echo off
set PROG8CLASSPATH=./compiler/build/classes/kotlin/main;./compiler/build/resources/main
set KOTLINPATH=%USERPROFILE%/.IdeaIC2019.1/config/plugins/Kotlin
set LIBJARS=%KOTLINPATH%/lib/kotlin-stdlib.jar;%KOTLINPATH%/lib/kotlin-reflect.jar
java -cp %PROG8CLASSPATH%;%LIBJARS% prog8.vm.stackvm.MainKt %*
@REM if you have created a .jar file using the 'create_compiler_jar' script, you can simply do: java -jar prog8compiler.jar -vm

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
java -cp ${PROG8CLASSPATH}:${LIBJARS} prog8.vm.stackvm.MainKt $*
# if you have created a .jar file using the 'create_compiler_jar' script, you can simply do: java -jar prog8compiler.jar -vm