added a few more vm optimizations and unit tests

This commit is contained in:
Irmen de Jong 2022-07-12 12:42:37 +02:00
parent 6181b12ab8
commit 840331347b
10 changed files with 235 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ compileTestKotlin {
dependencies {
implementation project(':virtualmachine')
implementation project(':codeAst')
implementation project(':codeCore')
implementation project(':virtualmachine')
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8"
// implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect"
implementation "com.michael-bull.kotlin-result:kotlin-result-jvm:1.1.16"

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@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ import
internal class AssemblyProgram(override val name: String,
private val allocations: VariableAllocator
class AssemblyProgram(override val name: String, private val allocations: VariableAllocator
) : IAssemblyProgram {
private val globalInits = mutableListOf<VmCodeLine>()
@ -71,9 +70,9 @@ internal class AssemblyProgram(override val name: String,
fun getBlocks(): List<VmCodeChunk> = blocks
internal sealed class VmCodeLine
sealed class VmCodeLine
internal class VmCodeInstruction(
class VmCodeInstruction(
opcode: Opcode,
type: VmDataType?=null,
reg1: Int?=null, // 0-$ffff
@ -112,10 +111,10 @@ internal class VmCodeInstruction(
internal class VmCodeLabel(val name: List<String>): VmCodeLine()
class VmCodeLabel(val name: List<String>): VmCodeLine()
internal class VmCodeComment(val comment: String): VmCodeLine()
internal class VmCodeChunk(initial: VmCodeLine? = null) {
class VmCodeChunk(initial: VmCodeLine? = null) {
val lines = mutableListOf<VmCodeLine>()
init {

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@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class CodeGen(internal val program: PtProgram,
internal val errors: IErrorReporter
): IAssemblyGenerator {
internal val allocations = VariableAllocator(symbolTable, program, errors)
internal val allocations = VariableAllocator(symbolTable, program)
private val expressionEval = ExpressionGen(this)
private val builtinFuncGen = BuiltinFuncGen(this, expressionEval)
private val assignmentGen = AssignmentGen(this, expressionEval)
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class CodeGen(internal val program: PtProgram,
println("Vm codegen: amount of vm registers=${vmRegisters.peekNext()}")
println("Vm codegen: virtual registers=${vmRegisters.peekNext()} memory usage=${allocations.freeMem}")
return vmprog

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import prog8.code.SymbolTable
import prog8.code.ast.PtProgram
import prog8.code.core.*
class VariableAllocator(private val st: SymbolTable, private val program: PtProgram, errors: IErrorReporter) {
class VariableAllocator(private val st: SymbolTable, private val program: PtProgram) {
private val allocations = mutableMapOf<List<String>, Int>()
private var freeMemoryStart: Int

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@ -3,30 +3,138 @@ package prog8.codegen.virtual
import prog8.vm.Instruction
import prog8.vm.Opcode
internal class VmPeepholeOptimizer(private val vmprog: AssemblyProgram, private val allocations: VariableAllocator) {
internal class VmOptimizerException(msg: String): Exception(msg)
class VmPeepholeOptimizer(private val vmprog: AssemblyProgram, private val allocations: VariableAllocator) {
fun optimize() {
vmprog.getBlocks().forEach { block ->
do {
val indexedInstructions = block.lines.withIndex()
.filter { it.value is VmCodeInstruction }
.map { IndexedValue(it.index, (it.value as VmCodeInstruction).ins) }
val changed = optimizeRemoveNops(block, indexedInstructions)
|| optimizeDoubleLoadsAndStores(block, indexedInstructions)
val changed = removeNops(block, indexedInstructions)
|| removeDoubleLoadsAndStores(block, indexedInstructions)
// || removeUselessArithmetic(block, indexedInstructions) // TODO enable
|| removeWeirdBranches(block, indexedInstructions)
|| removeDoubleSecClc(block, indexedInstructions)
|| cleanupPushPop(block, indexedInstructions)
// TODO other optimizations:
// useless arithmethic (div/mul by 1, add/sub 0, ...)
// useless logical (bitwise (x)or 0, bitwise and by ffff, shl followed by shr or vice versa (no carry)... )
// jump/branch to label immediately below
// branch instructions with reg1==reg2
// other useless logical?
// conditional set instructions with reg1==reg2
// push followed by pop to same target, or different target replace with load
// double sec, clc
// sec+clc or clc+sec
// move complex optimizations such as unused registers, ...
} while(changed)
private fun optimizeRemoveNops(block: VmCodeChunk, indexedInstructions: List<IndexedValue<Instruction>>): Boolean {
private fun cleanupPushPop(block: VmCodeChunk, indexedInstructions: List<IndexedValue<Instruction>>): Boolean {
// push followed by pop to same target, or different target->replace with load
var changed = false
indexedInstructions.reversed().forEach { (idx, ins) ->
if(ins.opcode==Opcode.PUSH) {
if(idx < block.lines.size-1) {
val insAfter = block.lines[idx+1] as? VmCodeInstruction
if(insAfter!=null && insAfter.ins.opcode ==Opcode.POP) {
if(ins.reg1==insAfter.ins.reg1) {
} else {
block.lines[idx] = VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.LOADR, ins.type, reg1=insAfter.ins.reg1, reg2=ins.reg1)
changed = true
return changed
private fun removeDoubleSecClc(block: VmCodeChunk, indexedInstructions: List<IndexedValue<Instruction>>): Boolean {
// double sec, clc
// sec+clc or clc+sec
var changed = false
indexedInstructions.reversed().forEach { (idx, ins) ->
if(ins.opcode==Opcode.SEC || ins.opcode==Opcode.CLC) {
if(idx < block.lines.size-1) {
val insAfter = block.lines[idx+1] as? VmCodeInstruction
if(insAfter?.ins?.opcode == ins.opcode) {
changed = true
else if(ins.opcode==Opcode.SEC && insAfter?.ins?.opcode==Opcode.CLC) {
changed = true
else if(ins.opcode==Opcode.CLC && insAfter?.ins?.opcode==Opcode.SEC) {
changed = true
return changed
private fun removeWeirdBranches(block: VmCodeChunk, indexedInstructions: List<IndexedValue<Instruction>>): Boolean {
// jump/branch to label immediately below
// branch instructions with reg1==reg2
var changed = false
indexedInstructions.reversed().forEach { (idx, ins) ->
if(ins.opcode==Opcode.JUMP && ins.labelSymbol!=null) {
// if jumping to label immediately following this
if(idx < block.lines.size-1) {
val label = block.lines[idx+1] as? VmCodeLabel
if(label?.name == ins.labelSymbol) {
changed = true
beq reg1, reg2, location - jump to location in program given by location, if reg1 == reg2
bne reg1, reg2, location - jump to location in program given by location, if reg1 != reg2
blt reg1, reg2, location - jump to location in program given by location, if reg1 < reg2 (unsigned)
blts reg1, reg2, location - jump to location in program given by location, if reg1 < reg2 (signed)
ble reg1, reg2, location - jump to location in program given by location, if reg1 <= reg2 (unsigned)
bles reg1, reg2, location - jump to location in program given by location, if reg1 <= reg2 (signed)
bgt reg1, reg2, location - jump to location in program given by location, if reg1 > reg2 (unsigned)
bgts reg1, reg2, location - jump to location in program given by location, if reg1 > reg2 (signed)
bge reg1, reg2, location - jump to location in program given by location, if reg1 >= reg2 (unsigned)
bges reg1, reg2, location - jump to location in program given by location, if reg1 >= reg2 (signed)
return changed
private fun removeUselessArithmetic(block: VmCodeChunk, indexedInstructions: List<IndexedValue<Instruction>>): Boolean {
// TODO this is hard to solve atm because the values are loaded into registers first
var changed = false
indexedInstructions.reversed().forEach { (idx, ins) ->
when (ins.opcode) {
Opcode.DIV, Opcode.DIVS, Opcode.MUL, Opcode.MOD -> {
TODO("remove div/mul by 1")
Opcode.ADD, Opcode.SUB -> {
TODO("remove add/sub by 1 -> inc/dec, by 0->remove")
Opcode.AND -> {
TODO("and 0 -> 0, and ffff -> remove")
Opcode.OR -> {
TODO("or 0 -> remove, of ffff -> ffff")
Opcode.XOR -> {
TODO("xor 0 -> remove")
else -> {}
return changed
private fun removeNops(block: VmCodeChunk, indexedInstructions: List<IndexedValue<Instruction>>): Boolean {
var changed = false
indexedInstructions.reversed().forEach { (idx, ins) ->
if (ins.opcode == Opcode.NOP) {
@ -37,7 +145,7 @@ internal class VmPeepholeOptimizer(private val vmprog: AssemblyProgram, private
return changed
private fun optimizeDoubleLoadsAndStores(block: VmCodeChunk, indexedInstructions: List<IndexedValue<Instruction>>): Boolean {
private fun removeDoubleLoadsAndStores(block: VmCodeChunk, indexedInstructions: List<IndexedValue<Instruction>>): Boolean {
var changed = false
indexedInstructions.forEach { (idx, ins) ->

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@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ dependencies {
implementation project(':codeGenCpu6502')
implementation project(':codeGenVirtual')
implementation project(':codeGenExperimental')
implementation project(':virtualmachine')
implementation 'org.antlr:antlr4-runtime:4.10.1'
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8"
// implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect"

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@ -23,5 +23,6 @@
<orderEntry type="module" module-name="codeGenCpu6502" />
<orderEntry type="module" module-name="codeGenExperimental" />
<orderEntry type="module" module-name="codeGenVirtual" />
<orderEntry type="module" module-name="virtualmachine" />

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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
package prog8tests.vm
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe
import prog8.code.SymbolTable
import prog8.code.ast.PtProgram
import prog8.codegen.virtual.*
import prog8.vm.Opcode
import prog8.vm.VmDataType
import prog8tests.helpers.DummyMemsizer
import prog8tests.helpers.DummyStringEncoder
class TestVmPeepholeOpt: FunSpec({
fun makeVmProgram(lines: List<VmCodeLine>): Pair<AssemblyProgram, VariableAllocator> {
val st = SymbolTable()
val program = PtProgram("test", DummyMemsizer, DummyStringEncoder)
val allocations = VariableAllocator(st, program)
val asm = AssemblyProgram("test", allocations)
val block = VmCodeChunk()
for(line in lines)
block += line
return Pair(asm, allocations)
fun AssemblyProgram.lines(): List<VmCodeLine> = this.getBlocks().flatMap { it.lines }
test("remove nops") {
val(asm, allocations) = makeVmProgram(listOf(
VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.JUMP, labelSymbol = listOf("dummy")),
asm.lines().size shouldBe 3
val opt = VmPeepholeOptimizer(asm, allocations)
asm.lines().size shouldBe 1
test("remove jmp to label below") {
val(asm, allocations) = makeVmProgram(listOf(
VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.JUMP, labelSymbol = listOf("label")), // removed
VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.JUMP, labelSymbol = listOf("label2")), // removed
VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.NOP), // removed
VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.JUMP, labelSymbol = listOf("label3")),
VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.INC, VmDataType.BYTE, reg1=1),
asm.lines().size shouldBe 8
val opt = VmPeepholeOptimizer(asm, allocations)
val lines = asm.lines()
lines.size shouldBe 5
(lines[0] as VmCodeLabel).name shouldBe listOf("label")
(lines[1] as VmCodeLabel).name shouldBe listOf("label2")
(lines[2] as VmCodeInstruction).ins.opcode shouldBe Opcode.JUMP
(lines[3] as VmCodeInstruction).ins.opcode shouldBe Opcode.INC
(lines[4] as VmCodeLabel).name shouldBe listOf("label3")
test("remove double sec/clc") {
val(asm, allocations) = makeVmProgram(listOf(
asm.lines().size shouldBe 6
val opt = VmPeepholeOptimizer(asm, allocations)
val lines = asm.lines()
lines.size shouldBe 1
(lines[0] as VmCodeInstruction).ins.opcode shouldBe Opcode.CLC
test("push followed by pop") {
val(asm, allocations) = makeVmProgram(listOf(
VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.PUSH, VmDataType.BYTE, reg1=42),
VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.POP, VmDataType.BYTE, reg1=42),
VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.PUSH, VmDataType.BYTE, reg1=99),
VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.POP, VmDataType.BYTE, reg1=222)
asm.lines().size shouldBe 4
val opt = VmPeepholeOptimizer(asm, allocations)
val lines = asm.lines()
lines.size shouldBe 1
(lines[0] as VmCodeInstruction).ins.opcode shouldBe Opcode.LOADR
(lines[0] as VmCodeInstruction).ins.reg1 shouldBe 222
(lines[0] as VmCodeInstruction).ins.reg2 shouldBe 99

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ TODO
For next release
- add VM instructions to add/sub/mul/div/mod by an immediate value
@ -25,10 +26,12 @@ Compiler:
- vm Instruction needs to know what the read-registers/memory are, and what the write-register/memory is.
this info is needed for more advanced optimizations and later code generation steps.
- vm: implement remaining sin/cos functions in math.p8
- vm: find a solution for the cx16.r0..r15 that "overlap" (r0, r0L, r0H etc) but in the vm each get their own separate variable location now
- vm: somehow deal with asmsubs otherwise the vm IR can't fully encode all of prog8
- vm: don't store symbol names in instructions to make optimizing the IR easier? but what about jumps to labels. And it's no longer readable by humans.
- vm: how to remove all unused subroutines? (in the 6502 assembly codegen, we let 64tass solve this for us)
- vm: rather than being able to jump to any 'address' (IPTR), use 'blocks' that have entry and exit points -> even better dead code elimination possible too
- move the vm unit tests to codeGenVirtual module and remove virtualmachine dependency in the compiler module
- when the vm is stable and *if* its language can get promoted to prog8 IL, the variable allocation should be changed.
It's now done before the vm code generation, but the IL should probably not depend on the allocations already performed.
So the CodeGen doesn't do VariableAlloc *before* the codegen, but as a last step.

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@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ Status flags: Carry, Zero, Negative. NOTE: status flags are only affected by t
Program to execute is not stored in this memory, it's just a separate list of instructions.
Most instructions have an associated data type 'b','w','f'. (omitting it means 'b'/byte).
Currently NO support for 24 or 32 bits integers.
Floating point operations are just 'f' typed regular instructions, and additionally there are
a few fp conversion instructions to
Floating point operations are just 'f' typed regular instructions, and additionally there are a few fp conversion instructions