mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 07:33:06 +00:00
generalized Ast node tree by giving all classes .nodes attribute
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ from typing import Optional, Tuple, Set, Dict, List, Any, no_type_check
import attr
from .plyparse import parse_file, ParseError, Module, Directive, Block, Subroutine, Scope, VarDef, LiteralValue, \
SubCall, Goto, Return, Assignment, InlineAssembly, Register, Expression, ProgramFormat, ZpOptions,\
SymbolName, Dereference, AddressOf, IncrDecr, Label, AstNode, datatype_of, coerce_constant_value, UndefinedSymbolError
SymbolName, Dereference, AddressOf, IncrDecr, AstNode, datatype_of, coerce_constant_value, \
check_symbol_definition, UndefinedSymbolError
from .plylex import SourceRef, print_bold
from .datatypes import DataType, VarType
@ -23,9 +24,9 @@ class CompileError(Exception):
class PlyParser:
def __init__(self, parsing_import: bool=False) -> None:
def __init__(self, imported_module: bool=False) -> None:
self.parse_errors = 0
self.parsing_import = parsing_import
self.imported_module = imported_module
def parse_file(self, filename: str) -> Module:
print("parsing:", filename)
@ -34,15 +35,17 @@ class PlyParser:
module = parse_file(filename, self.lexer_error)
if not self.parsing_import:
# these shall only be done on the main module after all imports have been done:
return module # XXX
# if not self.parsing_import:
# # these shall only be done on the main module after all imports have been done:
# self.apply_directive_options(module)
# self.determine_subroutine_usage(module)
# self.semantic_check(module)
# self.allocate_zeropage_vars(module)
except ParseError as x:
if self.parse_errors:
@ -69,35 +72,33 @@ class PlyParser:
raise ParseError("last statement in a block/subroutine must be a return or goto, "
"(or %noreturn directive to silence this error)", last_stmt.sourceref)
def semantic_check(self, module: Module) -> None:
# perform semantic analysis / checks on the syntactic parse tree we have so far
# (note: symbol names have already been checked to exist when we start this)
for block, parent in module.all_scopes():
assert isinstance(block, (Module, Block, Subroutine))
assert parent is None or isinstance(parent, (Module, Block, Subroutine))
previous_stmt = None
for stmt in block.nodes:
if isinstance(stmt, SubCall):
if isinstance(stmt.target.target, SymbolName):
subdef = block.scope.lookup(stmt.target.target.name)
self.check_subroutine_arguments(stmt, subdef)
if isinstance(stmt, Subroutine):
# the previous statement (if any) must be a Goto or Return
if previous_stmt and not isinstance(previous_stmt, (Goto, Return, VarDef, Subroutine)):
raise ParseError("statement preceding subroutine must be a goto or return or another subroutine", stmt.sourceref)
if isinstance(previous_stmt, Subroutine):
# the statement after a subroutine can not be some random executable instruction because it could not be reached
if not isinstance(stmt, (Subroutine, Label, Directive, InlineAssembly, VarDef)):
raise ParseError("statement following a subroutine can't be runnable code, "
"at least use a label first", stmt.sourceref)
previous_stmt = stmt
if isinstance(stmt, IncrDecr):
if isinstance(stmt.target, SymbolName):
symdef = block.scope.lookup(stmt.target.name)
if isinstance(symdef, VarDef) and symdef.vartype == VarType.CONST:
raise ParseError("cannot modify a constant", stmt.sourceref)
if parent and block.name != "ZP" and not isinstance(stmt, (Return, Goto)):
# def semantic_check(self, module: Module) -> None:
# # perform semantic analysis / checks on the syntactic parse tree we have so far
# # (note: symbol names have already been checked to exist when we start this)
# for node, parent in module.all_nodes():
# previous_stmt = None
# if isinstance(node, SubCall):
# if isinstance(node.target, SymbolName):
# subdef = block.scope.lookup(stmt.target.target.name)
# self.check_subroutine_arguments(stmt, subdef)
# if isinstance(stmt, Subroutine):
# # the previous statement (if any) must be a Goto or Return
# if previous_stmt and not isinstance(previous_stmt, (Goto, Return, VarDef, Subroutine)):
# raise ParseError("statement preceding subroutine must be a goto or return or another subroutine", stmt.sourceref)
# if isinstance(previous_stmt, Subroutine):
# # the statement after a subroutine can not be some random executable instruction because it could not be reached
# if not isinstance(stmt, (Subroutine, Label, Directive, InlineAssembly, VarDef)):
# raise ParseError("statement following a subroutine can't be runnable code, "
# "at least use a label first", stmt.sourceref)
# previous_stmt = stmt
# if isinstance(stmt, IncrDecr):
# if isinstance(stmt.target, SymbolName):
# symdef = block.scope.lookup(stmt.target.name)
# if isinstance(symdef, VarDef) and symdef.vartype == VarType.CONST:
# raise ParseError("cannot modify a constant", stmt.sourceref)
# if parent and block.name != "ZP" and not isinstance(stmt, (Return, Goto)):
# self._check_last_statement_is_return(stmt)
def check_subroutine_arguments(self, call: SubCall, subdef: Subroutine) -> None:
# @todo must be moved to expression processing, or, restructure whole AST tree walking to make it easier to walk over everything
@ -110,8 +111,9 @@ class PlyParser:
def check_and_merge_zeropages(self, module: Module) -> None:
# merge all ZP blocks into one
# XXX done: converted to new nodes
zeropage = None
for block in list(module.scope.filter_nodes(Block)):
for block in module.all_nodes([Block]):
if block.name == "ZP":
if zeropage:
# merge other ZP block into first ZP block
@ -124,7 +126,7 @@ class PlyParser:
raise ParseError("only variables and directives allowed in zeropage block", node.sourceref)
zeropage = block
if zeropage:
# add the zero page again, as the very first block
module.scope.add_node(zeropage, 0)
@ -146,37 +148,42 @@ class PlyParser:
except CompileError as x:
raise ParseError(str(x), vardef.sourceref)
def check_all_symbolnames(self, module: Module) -> None:
for node in module.all_nodes([SymbolName]):
check_symbol_definition(node.name, node.my_scope(), node.sourceref)
def process_all_expressions_and_symbolnames(self, module: Module) -> None:
# process/simplify all expressions (constant folding etc), and check all symbol names
# process/simplify all expressions (constant folding etc)
encountered_blocks = set()
for block, parent in module.all_scopes():
parentname = (parent.name + ".") if parent else ""
blockname = parentname + block.name
if blockname in encountered_blocks:
raise ValueError("block names not unique:", blockname)
for node in block.nodes:
except ParseError:
except Exception as x:
self.handle_internal_error(x, "process_expressions of node {} in block {}".format(node, block.name))
if isinstance(node, IncrDecr) and node.howmuch not in (0, 1):
_, node.howmuch = coerce_constant_value(datatype_of(node.target, block.scope), node.howmuch, node.sourceref)
elif isinstance(node, Assignment):
lvalue_types = set(datatype_of(lv, block.scope) for lv in node.left)
if len(lvalue_types) == 1:
_, node.right = coerce_constant_value(lvalue_types.pop(), node.right, node.sourceref)
for lv_dt in lvalue_types:
coerce_constant_value(lv_dt, node.right, node.sourceref)
for node in module.all_nodes():
if isinstance(node, Block):
parentname = (node.parent.name + ".") if node.parent else ""
blockname = parentname + node.name
if blockname in encountered_blocks:
raise ValueError("block names not unique:", blockname)
elif isinstance(node, Expression):
print("EXPRESSION", node) # XXX
# try:
# node.process_expressions(block.scope)
# except ParseError:
# raise
# except Exception as x:
# self.handle_internal_error(x, "process_expressions of node {} in block {}".format(node, block.name))
elif isinstance(node, IncrDecr) and node.howmuch not in (0, 1):
_, node.howmuch = coerce_constant_value(datatype_of(node.target, node.my_scope()), node.howmuch, node.sourceref)
elif isinstance(node, Assignment):
lvalue_types = set(datatype_of(lv, node.my_scope()) for lv in node.left.nodes)
if len(lvalue_types) == 1:
_, node.right = coerce_constant_value(lvalue_types.pop(), node.right, node.sourceref)
for lv_dt in lvalue_types:
coerce_constant_value(lv_dt, node.right, node.sourceref)
def create_multiassigns(self, module: Module) -> None:
# create multi-assign statements from nested assignments (A=B=C=5),
# and optimize TargetRegisters down to single Register if it's just one register.
# XXX done: converted to new nodes
def reduce_right(assign: Assignment) -> Assignment:
if isinstance(assign.right, Assignment):
right = reduce_right(assign.right)
@ -184,12 +191,10 @@ class PlyParser:
assign.right = right.right
return assign
for block, parent in module.all_scopes():
for node in block.nodes: # type: ignore
if isinstance(node, Assignment):
if isinstance(node.right, Assignment):
multi = reduce_right(node)
assert multi is node and len(multi.left) > 1 and not isinstance(multi.right, Assignment)
for node in module.all_nodes([Assignment]):
if isinstance(node.right, Assignment):
multi = reduce_right(node)
assert multi is node and len(multi.left) > 1 and not isinstance(multi.right, Assignment)
def apply_directive_options(self, module: Module) -> None:
def set_save_registers(scope: Scope, save_dir: Directive) -> None:
@ -284,7 +289,7 @@ class PlyParser:
self._get_subroutine_usages_from_assignment(module.subroutine_usage, node, block.scope)
print("----------SUBROUTINES IN USE-------------") # XXX
import pprint
pprint.pprint(module.subroutine_usage) # XXX
pprint.pprint(module.subroutine_usage) # XXX
print("----------/SUBROUTINES IN USE-------------") # XXX
def _get_subroutine_usages_from_subcall(self, usages: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Set[str]],
@ -307,7 +312,7 @@ class PlyParser:
elif isinstance(expr, LiteralValue):
elif isinstance(expr, Dereference):
return self._get_subroutine_usages_from_expression(usages, expr.location, parent_scope)
return self._get_subroutine_usages_from_expression(usages, expr.operand, parent_scope)
elif isinstance(expr, AddressOf):
return self._get_subroutine_usages_from_expression(usages, expr.name, parent_scope)
elif isinstance(expr, SymbolName):
@ -365,34 +370,31 @@ class PlyParser:
usages[(namespace, symbol.name)].add(str(asmnode.sourceref))
def check_directives(self, module: Module) -> None:
for node, parent in module.all_scopes():
if isinstance(node, Module):
# check module-level directives
imports = set() # type: Set[str]
for directive in node.scope.filter_nodes(Directive):
if directive.name not in {"output", "zp", "address", "import", "saveregisters", "noreturn"}:
raise ParseError("invalid directive in module", directive.sourceref)
if directive.name == "import":
if imports & set(directive.args):
raise ParseError("duplicate import", directive.sourceref)
imports |= set(directive.args)
if isinstance(node, (Block, Subroutine)):
# check block and subroutine-level directives
first_node = True
if not node.scope:
for sub_node in node.scope.nodes:
if isinstance(sub_node, Directive):
if sub_node.name not in {"asmbinary", "asminclude", "breakpoint", "saveregisters", "noreturn"}:
raise ParseError("invalid directive in " + node.__class__.__name__.lower(), sub_node.sourceref)
if sub_node.name == "saveregisters" and not first_node:
raise ParseError("saveregisters directive must be the first", sub_node.sourceref)
first_node = False
# XXX done: converted to new nodes
imports = set() # type: Set[str]
for node in module.all_nodes():
if isinstance(node, Directive):
assert isinstance(node.parent, Scope)
if node.parent.level == "module":
if node.name not in {"output", "zp", "address", "import", "saveregisters", "noreturn"}:
raise ParseError("invalid directive in module", node.sourceref)
if node.name == "import":
if imports & set(node.args):
raise ParseError("duplicate import", node.sourceref)
imports |= set(node.args)
if node.name not in {"asmbinary", "asminclude", "breakpoint", "saveregisters", "noreturn"}:
raise ParseError("invalid directive in " + node.parent.__class__.__name__.lower(), node.sourceref)
if node.name == "saveregisters":
# it should be the first node in the scope
if node.parent.nodes[0] is not node:
raise ParseError("saveregisters directive must be first in this scope", node.sourceref)
def process_imports(self, module: Module) -> None:
# (recursively) imports the modules
# XXX done: converted to new nodes
imported = []
for directive in module.scope.filter_nodes(Directive):
for directive in module.all_nodes([Directive]):
if directive.name == "import":
if len(directive.args) < 1:
raise ParseError("missing argument(s) for import directive", directive.sourceref)
@ -404,7 +406,7 @@ class PlyParser:
imported_module.scope.parent_scope = module.scope
self.parse_errors += import_parse_errors
if not self.parsing_import:
if not self.imported_module:
# compiler support library is always imported (in main parser)
filename = self.find_import_file("il65lib", module.sourceref.file)
if filename:
@ -414,13 +416,14 @@ class PlyParser:
self.parse_errors += import_parse_errors
raise FileNotFoundError("missing il65lib")
# append the imported module's contents (blocks) at the end of the current module
for imported_module in imported:
for block in imported_module.scope.filter_nodes(Block):
# XXX append the imported module's contents (blocks) at the end of the current module
# for block in (node for imported_module in imported
# for node in imported_module.scope.nodes
# if isinstance(node, Block)):
# module.scope.add_node(block)
def import_file(self, filename: str) -> Tuple[Module, int]:
sub_parser = PlyParser(parsing_import=True)
sub_parser = PlyParser(imported_module=True)
return sub_parser.parse_file(filename), sub_parser.parse_errors
def find_import_file(self, modulename: str, sourcefile: str) -> Optional[str]:
@ -443,7 +446,7 @@ class PlyParser:
out = sys.stdout
if out.isatty():
print("\x1b[1m", file=out)
if self.parsing_import:
if self.imported_module:
print("Error (in imported file):", str(exc), file=out)
print("Error:", str(exc), file=out)
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import datetime
from typing import TextIO, Callable
from ..plylex import print_bold
from ..plyparse import Module, Scope, ProgramFormat, Block, Directive, VarDef, Label, Subroutine, AstNode, ZpOptions, \
InlineAssembly, Return, Register, Goto, SubCall, Assignment, AugAssignment, IncrDecr
InlineAssembly, Return, Register, Goto, SubCall, Assignment, AugAssignment, IncrDecr, AssignmentTargets
from . import CodeError, to_hex
from .variables import generate_block_init, generate_block_vars
from .assignment import generate_assignment, generate_aug_assignment
@ -190,15 +190,21 @@ class AssemblyGenerator:
elif isinstance(stmt, Return):
if stmt.value_A:
reg = Register(name="A", sourceref=stmt.sourceref) # type: ignore
assignment = Assignment(left=[reg], right=stmt.value_A, sourceref=stmt.sourceref) # type: ignore
assignment = Assignment(sourceref=stmt.sourceref) # type: ignore
assignment.nodes.append(AssignmentTargets(nodes=[reg], sourceref=stmt.sourceref))
generate_assignment(out, assignment)
if stmt.value_X:
reg = Register(name="X", sourceref=stmt.sourceref) # type: ignore
assignment = Assignment(left=[reg], right=stmt.value_X, sourceref=stmt.sourceref) # type: ignore
assignment = Assignment(sourceref=stmt.sourceref) # type: ignore
assignment.nodes.append(AssignmentTargets(nodes=[reg], sourceref=stmt.sourceref))
generate_assignment(out, assignment)
if stmt.value_Y:
reg = Register(name="Y", sourceref=stmt.sourceref) # type: ignore
assignment = Assignment(left=[reg], right=stmt.value_Y, sourceref=stmt.sourceref) # type: ignore
assignment = Assignment(sourceref=stmt.sourceref) # type: ignore
assignment.nodes.append(AssignmentTargets(nodes=[reg], sourceref=stmt.sourceref))
generate_assignment(out, assignment)
elif isinstance(stmt, InlineAssembly):
@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ def main() -> None:
print("\nParsing program source code.")
parser = PlyParser()
parsed_module = parser.parse_file(args.sourcefile)
raise SystemExit("First fix the parser to iterate all nodes in the new way.") # XXX
if parsed_module:
if args.nooptimize:
print_bold("not optimizing the parse tree!")
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Written by Irmen de Jong (irmen@razorvine.net) - license: GNU GPL 3.0
from .plyparse import Module, Subroutine, Block, Directive, Assignment, AugAssignment, Goto, Expression, IncrDecr,\
datatype_of, coerce_constant_value
datatype_of, coerce_constant_value, AssignmentTargets
from .plylex import print_warning, print_bold
@ -47,14 +47,17 @@ class Optimizer:
if assignment.right >= 8 and assignment.operator in ("<<=", ">>="):
print("{}: shifting result is always zero".format(assignment.sourceref))
new_stmt = Assignment(left=[assignment.left], right=0, sourceref=assignment.sourceref)
new_stmt = Assignment(sourceref=assignment.sourceref)
new_stmt.nodes.append(AssignmentTargets(nodes=[assignment.left], sourceref=assignment.sourceref))
block.scope.replace_node(assignment, new_stmt)
if assignment.operator in ("+=", "-=") and 0 < assignment.right < 256:
howmuch = assignment.right
if howmuch not in (0, 1):
_, howmuch = coerce_constant_value(datatype_of(assignment.left, block.scope), howmuch, assignment.sourceref)
new_stmt = IncrDecr(target=assignment.left, operator="++" if assignment.operator == "+=" else "--",
new_stmt = IncrDecr(operator="++" if assignment.operator == "+=" else "--",
howmuch=howmuch, sourceref=assignment.sourceref)
new_stmt.target = assignment.left
block.scope.replace_node(assignment, new_stmt)
def combine_assignments_into_multi(self):
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import pytest
from il65 import datatypes
from il65.plyparse import coerce_constant_value
from il65.plyparse import coerce_constant_value, LiteralValue
from il65.compile import ParseError
from il65.plylex import SourceRef
from il65.emit import to_hex, to_mflpt5
@ -101,39 +101,42 @@ def test_char_to_bytevalue():
def test_coerce_value():
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.BYTE, 0) == (False, 0)
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.BYTE, 255) == (False, 255)
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.BYTE, '@') == (True, 64)
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.WORD, 0) == (False, 0)
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.WORD, 65535) == (False, 65535)
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.WORD, '@') == (True, 64)
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.FLOAT, -999.22) == (False, -999.22)
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.FLOAT, 123.45) == (False, 123.45)
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.FLOAT, '@') == (True, 64)
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.BYTE, 5.678) == (True, 5)
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.WORD, 5.678) == (True, 5)
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.WORD, "string") == (False, "string"), "string (address) can be assigned to a word"
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.STRING, "string") == (False, "string")
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.STRING_P, "string") == (False, "string")
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.STRING_S, "string") == (False, "string")
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.STRING_PS, "string") == (False, "string")
def lv(v) -> LiteralValue:
return LiteralValue(value=v, sourceref=SourceRef("test", 1, 1))
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.BYTE, lv(0)) == (False, lv(0))
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.BYTE, lv(255)) == (False, lv(255))
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.BYTE, lv('@')) == (True, lv(64))
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.WORD, lv(0)) == (False, lv(0))
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.WORD, lv(65535)) == (False, lv(65535))
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.WORD, lv('@')) == (True, lv(64))
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.FLOAT, lv(-999.22)) == (False, lv(-999.22))
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.FLOAT, lv(123.45)) == (False, lv(123.45))
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.FLOAT, lv('@')) == (True, lv(64))
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.BYTE, lv(5.678)) == (True, lv(5))
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.WORD, lv(5.678)) == (True, lv(5))
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.WORD,
lv("string")) == (False, lv("string")), "string (address) can be assigned to a word"
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.STRING, lv("string")) == (False, lv("string"))
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.STRING_P, lv("string")) == (False, lv("string"))
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.STRING_S, lv("string")) == (False, lv("string"))
assert coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.STRING_PS, lv("string")) == (False, lv("string"))
with pytest.raises(OverflowError):
coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.BYTE, -1)
coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.BYTE, lv(-1))
with pytest.raises(OverflowError):
coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.BYTE, 256)
coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.BYTE, lv(256))
with pytest.raises(OverflowError):
coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.BYTE, 256.12345)
coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.BYTE, lv(256.12345))
with pytest.raises(OverflowError):
coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.WORD, -1)
coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.WORD, lv(-1))
with pytest.raises(OverflowError):
coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.WORD, 65536)
coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.WORD, lv(65536))
with pytest.raises(OverflowError):
coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.WORD, 65536.12345)
coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.WORD, lv(65536.12345))
with pytest.raises(OverflowError):
coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.FLOAT, -1.7014118346e+38)
coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.FLOAT, lv(-1.7014118346e+38))
with pytest.raises(OverflowError):
coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.FLOAT, 1.7014118347e+38)
coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.FLOAT, lv(1.7014118347e+38))
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.BYTE, "string")
coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.BYTE, lv("string"))
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.FLOAT, "string")
coerce_constant_value(datatypes.DataType.FLOAT, lv("string"))
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
from il65.plylex import lexer, tokens, find_tok_column, literals, reserved, SourceRef
from il65.plyparse import parser, TokenFilter, Module, Subroutine, Block, Return, Scope, \
VarDef, Expression, LiteralValue, Label, SubCall, CallTarget, SymbolName, Dereference
from il65.datatypes import DataType, char_to_bytevalue
from il65.plyparse import parser, connect_parents, TokenFilter, Module, Subroutine, Block, Return, Scope, \
VarDef, Expression, LiteralValue, Label, SubCall, Dereference
from il65.datatypes import DataType
def lexer_error(sourceref: SourceRef, fmtstring: str, *args: str) -> None:
print("ERROR: {}: {}".format(sourceref, fmtstring.format(*args)))
lexer.error_function = lexer_error
@ -112,6 +113,7 @@ def test_parser():
lexer.source_filename = "sourcefile"
filter = TokenFilter(lexer)
result = parser.parse(input=test_source_1, tokenfunc=filter.token)
connect_parents(result, None)
assert isinstance(result, Module)
assert result.name == "sourcefile"
assert result.scope.name == "<sourcefile global scope>"
@ -123,7 +125,6 @@ def test_parser():
block = result.scope.lookup("block")
assert isinstance(block, Block)
assert block.name == "block"
assert block.nodes is block.scope.nodes
bool_vdef = block.scope.nodes[1]
assert isinstance(bool_vdef, VarDef)
assert isinstance(bool_vdef.value, Expression)
@ -134,30 +135,26 @@ def test_parser():
sub2 = block.scope.lookup("calculate")
assert sub2 is sub
assert sub2.lineref == "src l. 19"
all_scopes = list(result.all_scopes())
assert len(all_scopes) == 3
assert isinstance(all_scopes[0][0], Module)
assert all_scopes[0][1] is None
assert isinstance(all_scopes[1][0], Block)
assert isinstance(all_scopes[1][1], Module)
assert isinstance(all_scopes[2][0], Subroutine)
assert isinstance(all_scopes[2][1], Block)
stmt = list(all_scopes[2][0].scope.filter_nodes(Return))
assert len(stmt) == 1
assert isinstance(stmt[0], Return)
assert stmt[0].lineref == "src l. 20"
all_nodes = list(result.all_nodes())
assert len(all_nodes) == 12
all_nodes = list(result.all_nodes([Subroutine]))
assert len(all_nodes) == 1
assert isinstance(all_nodes[0], Subroutine)
assert isinstance(all_nodes[0].parent, Scope)
assert all_nodes[0] in all_nodes[0].parent.nodes
assert all_nodes[0].lineref == "src l. 19"
assert all_nodes[0].parent.lineref == "src l. 8"
def test_block_nodes():
sref = SourceRef("file", 1, 1)
sub1 = Subroutine(name="subaddr", param_spec=[], result_spec=[], address=0xc000, sourceref=sref)
sub2 = Subroutine(name="subblock", param_spec=[], result_spec=[],
scope=Scope(nodes=[Label(name="start", sourceref=sref)], sourceref=sref), sourceref=sref)
sub2 = Subroutine(name="subblock", param_spec=[], result_spec=[], sourceref=sref)
sub2.scope = Scope(nodes=[Label(name="start", sourceref=sref)], level="block", sourceref=sref)
assert sub1.scope is None
assert sub1.nodes == []
assert sub2.scope is not None
assert len(sub2.scope.nodes) > 0
assert sub2.nodes is sub2.scope.nodes
test_source_2 = """
@ -173,20 +170,18 @@ def test_parser_2():
lexer.source_filename = "sourcefile"
filter = TokenFilter(lexer)
result = parser.parse(input=test_source_2, tokenfunc=filter.token)
block = result.nodes[0]
call = block.nodes[0]
connect_parents(result, None)
block = result.scope.nodes[0]
call = block.scope.nodes[0]
assert isinstance(call, SubCall)
assert len(call.arguments) == 2
assert isinstance(call.target, CallTarget)
assert call.target.target == 999
assert call.target.address_of is False
call = block.nodes[1]
assert len(call.arguments.nodes) == 2
assert isinstance(call.target, int)
assert call.target == 999
call = block.scope.nodes[1]
assert isinstance(call, SubCall)
assert len(call.arguments) == 0
assert isinstance(call.target, CallTarget)
assert isinstance(call.target.target, Dereference)
assert call.target.target.location.name == "zz"
assert call.target.address_of is False
assert len(call.arguments.nodes) == 0
assert isinstance(call.target, Dereference)
assert call.target.operand.name == "zz"
test_source_3 = """
@ -198,33 +193,35 @@ test_source_3 = """
def test_typespec():
lexer.lineno = 1
lexer.source_filename = "sourcefile"
filter = TokenFilter(lexer)
result = parser.parse(input=test_source_3, tokenfunc=filter.token)
nodes = result.nodes[0].nodes
assignment1, assignment2, assignment3, assignment4 = nodes
connect_parents(result, None)
block = result.scope.nodes[0]
assignment1, assignment2, assignment3, assignment4 = block.scope.nodes
assert assignment1.right.value == 5
assert assignment2.right.value == 5
assert assignment3.right.value == 5
assert assignment4.right.value == 5
assert len(assignment1.left) == 1
assert len(assignment2.left) == 1
assert len(assignment3.left) == 1
assert len(assignment4.left) == 1
t1 = assignment1.left[0]
t2 = assignment2.left[0]
t3 = assignment3.left[0]
t4 = assignment4.left[0]
assert len(assignment1.left.nodes) == 1
assert len(assignment2.left.nodes) == 1
assert len(assignment3.left.nodes) == 1
assert len(assignment4.left.nodes) == 1
t1 = assignment1.left.nodes[0]
t2 = assignment2.left.nodes[0]
t3 = assignment3.left.nodes[0]
t4 = assignment4.left.nodes[0]
assert isinstance(t1, Dereference)
assert isinstance(t2, Dereference)
assert isinstance(t3, Dereference)
assert isinstance(t4, Dereference)
assert t1.location == 0xc000
assert t2.location == 0xc000
assert t3.location == "AX"
assert t4.location == "AX"
assert t1.operand == 0xc000
assert t2.operand == 0xc000
assert t3.operand == "AX"
assert t4.operand == "AX"
assert t1.datatype == DataType.WORD
assert t2.datatype == DataType.BYTE
assert t3.datatype == DataType.WORD
@ -252,8 +249,9 @@ def test_char_string():
lexer.source_filename = "sourcefile"
filter = TokenFilter(lexer)
result = parser.parse(input=test_source_4, tokenfunc=filter.token)
nodes = result.nodes[0].nodes
var1, var2, var3, assgn1, assgn2, assgn3, = nodes
connect_parents(result, None)
block = result.scope.nodes[0]
var1, var2, var3, assgn1, assgn2, assgn3, = block.scope.nodes
assert var1.value.value == 64
assert var2.value.value == 126
assert var3.value.value == "abc"
@ -278,8 +276,9 @@ def test_boolean_int():
lexer.source_filename = "sourcefile"
filter = TokenFilter(lexer)
result = parser.parse(input=test_source_5, tokenfunc=filter.token)
nodes = result.nodes[0].nodes
var1, var2, assgn1, assgn2, = nodes
connect_parents(result, None)
block = result.scope.nodes[0]
var1, var2, assgn1, assgn2, = block.scope.nodes
assert type(var1.value.value) is int and var1.value.value == 1
assert type(var2.value.value) is int and var2.value.value == 0
assert type(assgn1.right.value) is int and assgn1.right.value == 1
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