improved subroutine param ast checks, added asm for Carry parameter

This commit is contained in:
Irmen de Jong 2019-07-29 00:33:19 +02:00
parent b0dda08e74
commit 8e8c112ff0
6 changed files with 133 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -202,12 +202,12 @@ asmsub CINT () clobbers(A,X,Y) = $FF81 ; (alias: SCINIT) initialize scree
asmsub IOINIT () clobbers(A, X) = $FF84 ; initialize I/O devices (CIA, SID, IRQ)
asmsub RAMTAS () clobbers(A,X,Y) = $FF87 ; initialize RAM, tape buffer, screen
asmsub RESTOR () clobbers(A,X,Y) = $FF8A ; restore default I/O vectors
asmsub VECTOR (ubyte dir @ Pc, uword userptr @ XY) clobbers(A,Y) = $FF8D ; read/set I/O vector table
asmsub VECTOR (uword userptr @ XY, ubyte dir @ Pc) clobbers(A,Y) = $FF8D ; read/set I/O vector table
asmsub SETMSG (ubyte value @ A) = $FF90 ; set Kernal message control flag
asmsub SECOND (ubyte address @ A) clobbers(A) = $FF93 ; (alias: LSTNSA) send secondary address after LISTEN
asmsub TKSA (ubyte address @ A) clobbers(A) = $FF96 ; (alias: TALKSA) send secondary address after TALK
asmsub MEMTOP (ubyte dir @ Pc, uword address @ XY) -> uword @ XY = $FF99 ; read/set top of memory pointer
asmsub MEMBOT (ubyte dir @ Pc, uword address @ XY) -> uword @ XY = $FF9C ; read/set bottom of memory pointer
asmsub MEMTOP (uword address @ XY, ubyte dir @ Pc) -> uword @ XY = $FF99 ; read/set top of memory pointer
asmsub MEMBOT (uword address @ XY, ubyte dir @ Pc) -> uword @ XY = $FF9C ; read/set bottom of memory pointer
asmsub SCNKEY () clobbers(A,X,Y) = $FF9F ; scan the keyboard
asmsub SETTMO (ubyte timeout @ A) = $FFA2 ; set time-out flag for IEEE bus
asmsub ACPTR () -> ubyte @ A = $FFA5 ; (alias: IECIN) input byte from serial bus
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ asmsub GETIN () clobbers(X,Y) -> ubyte @ A = $FFE4 ; (via 810 ($32A)) get a
asmsub CLALL () clobbers(A,X) = $FFE7 ; (via 812 ($32C)) close all files
asmsub UDTIM () clobbers(A,X) = $FFEA ; update the software clock
asmsub SCREEN () -> ubyte @ X, ubyte @ Y = $FFED ; read number of screen rows and columns
asmsub PLOT (ubyte dir @ Pc, ubyte col @ Y, ubyte row @ X) -> ubyte @ X, ubyte @ Y = $FFF0 ; read/set position of cursor on screen. Use c64scr.plot for a 'safe' wrapper that preserves X.
asmsub PLOT (ubyte col @ Y, ubyte row @ X, ubyte dir @ Pc) -> ubyte @ X, ubyte @ Y = $FFF0 ; read/set position of cursor on screen. Use c64scr.plot for a 'safe' wrapper that preserves X.
asmsub IOBASE () -> uword @ XY = $FFF3 ; read base address of I/O devices
; ---- end of C64 kernal routines ----

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@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ asmsub print_b (byte value @ A) clobbers(A,Y) {
asmsub print_ubhex (ubyte prefix @ Pc, ubyte value @ A) clobbers(A,Y) {
asmsub print_ubhex (ubyte value @ A, ubyte prefix @ Pc) clobbers(A,Y) {
; ---- print the ubyte in A in hex form (if Carry is set, a radix prefix '$' is printed as well)
%asm {{
@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ asmsub print_ubhex (ubyte prefix @ Pc, ubyte value @ A) clobbers(A,Y) {
asmsub print_ubbin (ubyte prefix @ Pc, ubyte value @ A) clobbers(A,Y) {
asmsub print_ubbin (ubyte value @ A, ubyte prefix @ Pc) clobbers(A,Y) {
; ---- print the ubyte in A in binary form (if Carry is set, a radix prefix '%' is printed as well)
%asm {{
@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ asmsub print_ubbin (ubyte prefix @ Pc, ubyte value @ A) clobbers(A,Y) {
asmsub print_uwbin (ubyte prefix @ Pc, uword value @ AY) clobbers(A,Y) {
asmsub print_uwbin (uword value @ AY, ubyte prefix @ Pc) clobbers(A,Y) {
; ---- print the uword in A/Y in binary form (if Carry is set, a radix prefix '%' is printed as well)
%asm {{
@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ asmsub print_uwbin (ubyte prefix @ Pc, uword value @ AY) clobbers(A,Y) {
asmsub print_uwhex (ubyte prefix @ Pc, uword value @ AY) clobbers(A,Y) {
asmsub print_uwhex (uword value @ AY, ubyte prefix @ Pc) clobbers(A,Y) {
; ---- print the uword in A/Y in hexadecimal form (4 digits)
; (if Carry is set, a radix prefix '$' is printed as well)
%asm {{

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@ -303,6 +303,18 @@ internal class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
err("a return register is also in the clobber list")
if(subroutine.statements.any{it !is InlineAssembly})
err("asmsub can only contain inline assembly (%asm)")
val statusFlagsNoCarry = subroutine.asmParameterRegisters.mapNotNull { it.statusflag }.toSet() - Statusflag.Pc
err("can only use Carry as status flag parameter")
val carryParameter = subroutine.asmParameterRegisters.singleOrNull { it.statusflag==Statusflag.Pc }
if(carryParameter!=null && carryParameter !== subroutine.asmParameterRegisters.last())
err("carry parameter has to come last")
} else {
// TODO: non-asm subroutines can only take numeric arguments for now. (not strings and arrays) Maybe this can be improved now that we have '&' ?
// the way string params are treated is almost okay (their address is passed) but the receiving subroutine treats it as an integer rather than referring back to the original string.

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class AssemblyProgram(val name: String) {
companion object {
// reserved by the 64tass assembler (on top of prog8"s own reserved names)
val reservedNames = setOf("bit", "bits", "bool", "bytes", "code", "dict", "gap", "int", "list", "tuple", "type",
val reservedNames = setOf("bits", "bool", "bytes", "code", "dict", "gap", "int", "list", "tuple", "type",
"trunc", " frac", "cbrt", "log10", "log", "exp", "pow", "asin", "sinh", "acos", "cosh", "tanh", "hypot",
"atan2", "sign", "binary", "format", "random", "range", "repr", "size", "sort")

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@ -698,18 +698,62 @@ internal class AsmGen2(val program: Program,
when {
stack==true -> TODO("param on stack")
statusflag!=null -> {
if (statusflag == Statusflag.Pc) TODO("carry flag param")
if (statusflag == Statusflag.Pc) {
// TODO this param needs to be set last right before the jsr
when(value) {
is NumericLiteralValue -> {
val carrySet = value.number.toInt() != 0
out(if(carrySet) " sec" else " clc")
is IdentifierReference -> {
val sourceName = asmIdentifierName(value)
lda $sourceName
beq +
bcs ++
+ clc
is RegisterExpr -> {
when(value.register) {
Register.A -> out(" cmp #0")
Register.X -> out(" txa")
Register.Y -> out(" tya")
beq +
bcs ++
+ clc
else -> {
beq +
bcs ++
+ clc
else throw AssemblyError("can only use Carry as status flag parameter")
register!=null && -> {
val literal = value as? NumericLiteralValue
when {
literal!=null -> {
when (value) {
is NumericLiteralValue -> {
val target = AssignTarget(Register.valueOf(, null, null, null, sub.position)
assignFromByteConstant(target, literal.number.toShort())
assignFromByteConstant(target, value.number.toShort())
value is IdentifierReference -> {
is IdentifierReference -> {
val target = AssignTarget(Register.valueOf(, null, null, null, sub.position)
assignFromByteVariable(target, value)
@ -727,30 +771,34 @@ internal class AsmGen2(val program: Program,
register!=null && -> {
// register pair as a 16-bit value (only possible for subroutine parameters)
val literal = value as? NumericLiteralValue
if(literal!=null) {
// optimize when the argument is a constant literal
val hex = literal.number.toHex()
if (register == RegisterOrPair.AX) out(" lda #<$hex | ldx #>$hex")
else if (register == RegisterOrPair.AY) out(" lda #<$hex | ldy #>$hex")
else if (register == RegisterOrPair.XY) out(" ldx #<$hex | ldy #>$hex")
} else if(value is AddressOf) {
// optimize when the argument is an address of something
val sourceName = asmIdentifierName(value.identifier)
if (register == RegisterOrPair.AX) out(" lda #<$sourceName | ldx #>$sourceName")
else if (register == RegisterOrPair.AY) out(" lda #<$sourceName | ldy #>$sourceName")
else if (register == RegisterOrPair.XY) out(" ldx #<$sourceName | ldy #>$sourceName")
} else if(value is IdentifierReference) {
val sourceName = asmIdentifierName(value)
if (register == RegisterOrPair.AX) out(" lda #<$sourceName | ldx #>$sourceName")
else if (register == RegisterOrPair.AY) out(" lda #<$sourceName | ldy #>$sourceName")
else if (register == RegisterOrPair.XY) out(" ldx #<$sourceName | ldy #>$sourceName")
} else {
if (register == RegisterOrPair.AX || register == RegisterOrPair.XY)
throw AssemblyError("can't use X register here - use a variable")
else if (register == RegisterOrPair.AY)
out(" inx | lda $ESTACK_LO_HEX,x | ldy $ESTACK_HI_HEX,x")
when (value) {
is NumericLiteralValue -> {
// optimize when the argument is a constant literal
val hex = value.number.toHex()
if (register == RegisterOrPair.AX) out(" lda #<$hex | ldx #>$hex")
else if (register == RegisterOrPair.AY) out(" lda #<$hex | ldy #>$hex")
else if (register == RegisterOrPair.XY) out(" ldx #<$hex | ldy #>$hex")
is AddressOf -> {
// optimize when the argument is an address of something
val sourceName = asmIdentifierName(value.identifier)
if (register == RegisterOrPair.AX) out(" lda #<$sourceName | ldx #>$sourceName")
else if (register == RegisterOrPair.AY) out(" lda #<$sourceName | ldy #>$sourceName")
else if (register == RegisterOrPair.XY) out(" ldx #<$sourceName | ldy #>$sourceName")
is IdentifierReference -> {
val sourceName = asmIdentifierName(value)
if (register == RegisterOrPair.AX) out(" lda #<$sourceName | ldx #>$sourceName")
else if (register == RegisterOrPair.AY) out(" lda #<$sourceName | ldy #>$sourceName")
else if (register == RegisterOrPair.XY) out(" ldx #<$sourceName | ldy #>$sourceName")
else -> {
if (register == RegisterOrPair.AX || register == RegisterOrPair.XY)
throw AssemblyError("can't use X register here - use a variable")
else if (register == RegisterOrPair.AY)
out(" inx | lda $ESTACK_LO_HEX,x | ldy $ESTACK_HI_HEX,x")

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@ -5,9 +5,30 @@
~ main {
sub start() {
ubyte zz
carry(0, 0)
carry(1, 1)
carry(2, A)
carry(3, A)
carry(4, zz)
carry(5, zz)
carry(6, zz-122)
carry(7, zz+34)
ubyte endX = X
if endX == 255
c64scr.print("\n\nstack x ok!\n")
c64scr.print("\n\nerror: stack x != 255 !\n")
; ubyte bb = @($d020)+4
; ubyte bb2 = @($d020+A)+4
@ -18,12 +39,17 @@
; subje(bb+43)
sub carry(ubyte cc) {
if A!=0
c64scr.print("carry set\n")
c64scr.print("carry clear\n")
asmsub carry(byte offset @Y, ubyte cc @Pc) {
%asm {{
bcc +
lda #1
sta $0400,y
lda #0
sta $0400,y
sub subje(ubyte arg) {