changed the syntax of kernel/asm subroutines

This commit is contained in:
Irmen de Jong 2018-10-01 20:05:32 +02:00
parent b96bb23a54
commit 8f26fdef61
10 changed files with 3576 additions and 1910 deletions

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@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ statement :
| if_stmt
| branch_stmt
| subroutine
| asmsubroutine
| inlineasm
| returnstmt
| forloop
@ -171,6 +172,8 @@ scoped_identifier : NAME ('.' NAME)+ ;
register : 'A' | 'X' | 'Y' | 'AX' | 'AY' | 'XY' ;
statusregister : 'Pc' | 'Pz' | 'Pn' | 'Pv' ;
integerliteral : intpart=(DEC_INTEGER | HEX_INTEGER | BIN_INTEGER) wordsuffix? ;
wordsuffix : '.w' ;
@ -198,7 +201,7 @@ inlineasm : '%asm' INLINEASMBLOCK;
subroutine :
'sub' identifier '(' sub_params? ')' sub_return_part? (sub_address | (statement_block EOL))
'sub' identifier '(' sub_params? ')' sub_return_part? (statement_block EOL)
sub_return_part : '->' sub_returns ;
@ -209,13 +212,29 @@ statement_block :
sub_address : '=' integerliteral ;
sub_params : sub_param (',' sub_param)* ;
sub_params : sub_param (',' sub_param)* ;
sub_param: identifier ':' datatype;
sub_param : identifier ':' datatype;
sub_returns : datatype (',' datatype)* ;
sub_returns : datatype (',' datatype)* ;
asmsubroutine :
'asmsub' identifier '(' asmsub_params? ')'
'->' 'clobbers' '(' clobber? ')' '->' '(' asmsub_returns? ')' (asmsub_address | statement_block )
asmsub_address : '=' address=integerliteral ;
asmsub_params : asmsub_param (',' asmsub_param)* ;
asmsub_param : identifier ':' datatype '@' (register | statusregister);
clobber : register (',' register)* ;
asmsub_returns : asmsub_return (',' asmsub_return)* ;
asmsub_return : datatype '@' (register | statusregister) ;
if_stmt : 'if' expression EOL? (statement | statement_block) EOL? else_part? EOL ; // statement is constrained later

View File

@ -1,32 +1,16 @@
%option enable_floats
~ main {
; sub VECTOR (dir: Pc, userptr: XY) -> (X, A?, Y?) = $FF8D ; read/set I/O vector table
asmsub VECTOR (dir: byte @ A, userptr: word @ XY) -> clobbers(A,X,Y) -> (byte @ X) = $ff8d
; asmsub VECTOR (dir: byte @ Pc, userptr: word @ XY) -> byte @ X, clobbers @ A, clobbers @ Y = $ff8d
sub start() {
byte bvar
word wvar
float fvar
str svar = "svar"
str_p spvar = "spvar"
str_s ssvar = "ssvar"
str_ps spsvar = "spsvar"
byte[2,3] matrixvar
byte[5] barrayvar
word[5] warrayvar
float eol = '\n'
fvar=test(15, 222.22)
fvar=test(17, 333.33)
sub test(arg: byte, f: float) -> float {
return f/arg

View File

@ -38,6 +38,13 @@ enum class Register {
enum class Statusflag {
enum class BranchCondition {
@ -205,6 +212,10 @@ interface IAstProcessor {
returnStmt.values = { it.process(this) }
return returnStmt
fun process(asmSubroutine: AsmSubroutine): IStatement {
return asmSubroutine
@ -1237,7 +1248,6 @@ class InlineAssembly(val assembly: String, override val position: Position) : IS
class Subroutine(override val name: String,
val parameters: List<SubroutineParameter>,
val returnvalues: List<DataType>,
val address: Int?,
override var statements: MutableList<IStatement>,
override val position: Position) : IStatement, INameScope {
override lateinit var parent: Node
@ -1253,14 +1263,14 @@ class Subroutine(override val name: String,
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun toString(): String {
return "Subroutine(name=$name, address=$address, parameters=$parameters, returnvalues=$returnvalues, ${statements.size} statements)"
return "Subroutine(name=$name, parameters=$parameters, returnvalues=$returnvalues, ${statements.size} statements)"
override fun registerUsedName(name: String) = throw NotImplementedError("not implemented on sub-scopes")
data class SubroutineParameter(val name: String,
open class SubroutineParameter(val name: String,
val type: DataType,
override val position: Position) : Node {
override lateinit var parent: Node
@ -1271,6 +1281,44 @@ data class SubroutineParameter(val name: String,
// @todo merge this with normal Subroutine?
class AsmSubroutine(val name: String,
val address: Int?,
val params: List<AsmSubroutineParameter>,
val returns: List<AsmSubroutineReturn>,
val clobbers: Set<Register>,
val statements: MutableList<IStatement>,
override val position: Position) : IStatement {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
params.forEach { it.linkParents(this) }
returns.forEach { it.linkParents(this) }
statements.forEach { it.linkParents(this) }
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
class AsmSubroutineParameter(name: String,
type: DataType,
val register: Register?,
val statusflag: Statusflag?,
position: Position) : SubroutineParameter(name, type, position)
class AsmSubroutineReturn(val type: DataType,
val register: Register?,
val statusflag: Statusflag?,
override val position: Position): Node {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
class IfStatement(var condition: IExpression,
var statements: List<IStatement>,
var elsepart: List<IStatement>,
@ -1490,10 +1538,39 @@ private fun prog8Parser.StatementContext.toAst() : IStatement {
val continuestmt = continuestmt()?.toAst()
if(continuestmt!=null) return continuestmt
val asmsubstmt = asmsubroutine()?.toAst()
if(asmsubstmt!=null) return asmsubstmt
throw FatalAstException("unprocessed source text (are we missing ast conversion rules for parser elements?): $text")
private fun prog8Parser.AsmsubroutineContext.toAst(): IStatement {
val name = identifier().text
val address = asmsub_address()?.address?.toAst()?.number?.toInt()
val params = asmsub_params()?.toAst() ?: emptyList()
val returns = asmsub_returns()?.toAst() ?: emptyList()
val clobbers = clobber()?.toAst() ?: emptySet()
val statements = statement_block()?.toAst() ?: mutableListOf()
return AsmSubroutine(name, address, params, returns, clobbers, statements, toPosition())
private fun prog8Parser.ClobberContext.toAst(): Set<Register>
= this.register().asSequence().map { it.toAst() }.toSet()
private fun prog8Parser.Asmsub_returnsContext.toAst(): List<AsmSubroutineReturn>
= asmsub_return().map { AsmSubroutineReturn(it.datatype().toAst(), it.register()?.toAst(), it.statusregister()?.toAst(), toPosition()) }
private fun prog8Parser.Asmsub_paramsContext.toAst(): List<AsmSubroutineParameter>
= asmsub_param().map { AsmSubroutineParameter(it.identifier().text, it.datatype().toAst(), it.register()?.toAst(), it.statusregister()?.toAst(), toPosition()) }
private fun prog8Parser.StatusregisterContext.toAst() = Statusflag.valueOf(text)
private fun prog8Parser.Functioncall_stmtContext.toAst(): IStatement {
val location =
if(identifier()!=null) identifier()?.toAst()
@ -1526,12 +1603,8 @@ private fun prog8Parser.ReturnstmtContext.toAst() : Return {
private fun prog8Parser.UnconditionaljumpContext.toAst(): Jump {
val address = integerliteral()?.toAst()?.number?.toInt()
val identifier =
if(identifier()!=null) identifier()?.toAst()
else scoped_identifier()?.toAst()
val identifier = identifier()?.toAst() ?: scoped_identifier()?.toAst()
return Jump(address, identifier, null, toPosition())
@ -1542,10 +1615,9 @@ private fun prog8Parser.LabeldefContext.toAst(): IStatement =
private fun prog8Parser.SubroutineContext.toAst() : Subroutine {
return Subroutine(identifier().text,
if(sub_params() ==null) emptyList() else sub_params().toAst(),
if(sub_return_part() == null) emptyList() else sub_return_part().toAst(),
if(statement_block() ==null) mutableListOf() else statement_block().toAst(),
sub_params()?.toAst() ?: emptyList(),
sub_return_part()?.toAst() ?: emptyList(),
statement_block()?.toAst() ?: mutableListOf(),

View File

@ -195,18 +195,16 @@ class AstChecker(private val namespace: INameScope,
// subroutine must contain at least one 'return' or 'goto'
// (or if it has an asm block, that must contain a 'rts' or 'jmp')
if(subroutine.statements.count { it is Return || it is Jump } == 0) {
if(subroutine.address==null) {
val amount = subroutine.statements
.filter { it is InlineAssembly }
.map { (it as InlineAssembly).assembly }
.count { "rts" in it || "\trts" in it || "jmp" in it || "\tjmp" in it }
if (amount == 0) {
err("subroutine has result value(s) and thus must have at least one 'return' or 'goto' in it (or 'rts' / 'jmp' in case of %asm)")
// if there's no return statement, we add the implicit one at the end.
subroutine.statements.add(Return(emptyList(), subroutine.position))
val amount = subroutine.statements
.filter { it is InlineAssembly }
.map { (it as InlineAssembly).assembly }
.count { "rts" in it || "\trts" in it || "jmp" in it || "\tjmp" in it }
if (amount == 0) {
err("subroutine has result value(s) and thus must have at least one 'return' or 'goto' in it (or 'rts' / 'jmp' in case of %asm)")
// if there's no return statement, we add the implicit one at the end.
subroutine.statements.add(Return(emptyList(), subroutine.position))
@ -224,7 +222,7 @@ class AstChecker(private val namespace: INameScope,
var checkNext = false
for (stmt in statements) {
if(checkNext) {
if(stmt !is Label && stmt !is Subroutine)
if(stmt !is Label && stmt !is Subroutine && stmt !is AsmSubroutine)
checkResult.add(SyntaxError("preceding subroutine definition at line ${preceding.position.line} must be followed here by a label, another subroutine statement, or nothing", stmt.position))
@ -232,6 +230,7 @@ class AstChecker(private val namespace: INameScope,
if(preceding !is Return
&& preceding !is Jump
&& preceding !is Subroutine
&& preceding !is AsmSubroutine
&& preceding !is VarDecl
&& preceding !is BuiltinFunctionStatementPlaceholder) {
checkResult.add(SyntaxError("subroutine definition must be preceded by a return, jump, vardecl, or another subroutine statement", stmt.position))
@ -317,10 +316,6 @@ class AstChecker(private val namespace: INameScope,
err("recursive var declaration")
if(!compilerOptions.floats && decl.datatype==DataType.FLOAT) {
err("float var/const declaration, but floating point is not enabled via options")
// for now, variables can only be declared in a block or subroutine (not in a loop statement block) @todo fix this
if(decl.parent !is Block && decl.parent !is Subroutine) {
err ("variables must be declared at block or subroutine level")

View File

@ -251,6 +251,14 @@ private class StatementTranslator(private val stackvmProg: StackVmProgram,
return super.process(subroutine)
override fun process(asmSubroutine: AsmSubroutine): IStatement {
if(asmSubroutine.statements.isNotEmpty()) {
return super.process(asmSubroutine)
override fun process(block: Block): IStatement {
@ -288,6 +296,7 @@ private class StatementTranslator(private val stackvmProg: StackVmProgram,
is WhileLoop -> translate(stmt)
is RepeatLoop -> translate(stmt)
is Directive, is VarDecl, is Subroutine -> {} // skip this, already processed these.
is AsmSubroutine -> {}
is InlineAssembly -> throw CompilerException("inline assembly is not supported by the StackVM")
else -> TODO("translate statement $stmt to stackvm")

View File

@ -30,9 +30,10 @@ public class prog8Lexer extends Lexer {
T__73=74, T__74=75, T__75=76, T__76=77, T__77=78, T__78=79, T__79=80,
T__80=81, T__81=82, T__82=83, T__83=84, T__84=85, T__85=86, T__86=87,
T__87=88, T__88=89, T__89=90, T__90=91, T__91=92, T__92=93, T__93=94,
T__94=95, T__95=96, T__96=97, LINECOMMENT=98, COMMENT=99, WS=100, EOL=101,
T__94=95, T__95=96, T__96=97, T__97=98, T__98=99, T__99=100, T__100=101,
T__101=102, T__102=103, T__103=104, LINECOMMENT=105, COMMENT=106, WS=107,
public static String[] channelNames = {
@ -54,9 +55,10 @@ public class prog8Lexer extends Lexer {
"T__73", "T__74", "T__75", "T__76", "T__77", "T__78", "T__79", "T__80",
"T__81", "T__82", "T__83", "T__84", "T__85", "T__86", "T__87", "T__88",
"T__89", "T__90", "T__91", "T__92", "T__93", "T__94", "T__95", "T__96",
"T__97", "T__98", "T__99", "T__100", "T__101", "T__102", "T__103", "LINECOMMENT",
private static final String[] _LITERAL_NAMES = {
@ -68,11 +70,12 @@ public class prog8Lexer extends Lexer {
"'--'", "'('", "')'", "'+'", "'-'", "'**'", "'*'", "'/'", "'//'", "'%'",
"'<'", "'>'", "'<='", "'>='", "'=='", "'!='", "'&'", "'^'", "'|'", "'to'",
"'step'", "'and'", "'or'", "'xor'", "'not'", "'return'", "'break'", "'continue'",
"'.'", "'A'", "'X'", "'Y'", "'AX'", "'AY'", "'XY'", "'.w'", "'true'",
"'false'", "'%asm'", "'sub'", "'->'", "'{'", "'}'", "'if'", "'else'",
"'if_cs'", "'if_cc'", "'if_eq'", "'if_z'", "'if_ne'", "'if_nz'", "'if_pl'",
"'if_pos'", "'if_mi'", "'if_neg'", "'if_vs'", "'if_vc'", "'for'", "'in'",
"'while'", "'repeat'", "'until'"
"'.'", "'A'", "'X'", "'Y'", "'AX'", "'AY'", "'XY'", "'Pc'", "'Pz'", "'Pn'",
"'Pv'", "'.w'", "'true'", "'false'", "'%asm'", "'sub'", "'->'", "'{'",
"'}'", "'asmsub'", "'clobbers'", "'@'", "'if'", "'else'", "'if_cs'", "'if_cc'",
"'if_eq'", "'if_z'", "'if_ne'", "'if_nz'", "'if_pl'", "'if_pos'", "'if_mi'",
"'if_neg'", "'if_vs'", "'if_vc'", "'for'", "'in'", "'while'", "'repeat'",
private static final String[] _SYMBOLIC_NAMES = {
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
@ -83,9 +86,9 @@ public class prog8Lexer extends Lexer {
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "LINECOMMENT", "COMMENT",
public static final Vocabulary VOCABULARY = new VocabularyImpl(_LITERAL_NAMES, _SYMBOLIC_NAMES);
@ -147,13 +150,13 @@ public class prog8Lexer extends Lexer {
public void action(RuleContext _localctx, int ruleIndex, int actionIndex) {
switch (ruleIndex) {
case 108:
case 115:
STRING_action((RuleContext)_localctx, actionIndex);
case 109:
case 116:
INLINEASMBLOCK_action((RuleContext)_localctx, actionIndex);
case 110:
case 117:
SINGLECHAR_action((RuleContext)_localctx, actionIndex);
@ -193,7 +196,7 @@ public class prog8Lexer extends Lexer {
public static final String _serializedATN =
@ -205,251 +208,265 @@ public class prog8Lexer extends Lexer {
"\35\3\35\3\36\3\36\3\36\3\36\3\37\3\37\3\37\3 \3 \3 \3 \3!\3!\3!\3\"\3"+
"\33\65\34\67\359\36;\37= ?!A\"C#E$G%I&K\'M(O)Q*S+U,W-Y.[/]\60_\61a\62"+
"\u014b \3\2\2\2\u014c\u014d\7o\2\2\u014d\u014e\7g\2\2\u014e\u014f\7o\2"+
"\3\37\3\37\3\37\3 \3 \3 \3 \3!\3!\3!\3\"\3\"\3\"\3#\3#\3#\3$\3$\3$\3%"+
"\65\34\67\359\36;\37= ?!A\"C#E$G%I&K\'M(O)Q*S+U,W-Y.[/]\60_\61a\62c\63"+
"\u0159 \3\2\2\2\u015a\u015b\7o\2\2\u015b\u015c\7g\2\2\u015c\u015d\7o\2"+
public static final ATN _ATN =
new ATNDeserializer().deserialize(_serializedATN.toCharArray());
static {

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

prog8lib/c64lib_old.p8 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

prog8lib/c64utils.p8 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,860 @@
; Prog8 definitions for the Commodore-64
; These are the utility subroutines.
; Written by Irmen de Jong ( - license: GNU GPL 3.0
; indent format: TABS, size=8
%import c64lib
~ c64utils {
; ----- utility functions ----
asmsub init_system () -> clobbers(A,X,Y) -> () {
; ---- initializes the machine to a sane starting state
; This means that the BASIC, KERNAL and CHARGEN ROMs are banked in,
; the VIC, SID and CIA chips are reset, screen is cleared, and the default IRQ is set.
; Also a different color scheme is chosen to identify ourselves a little.
%asm {{
lda #%00101111
sta $00
lda #%00100111
sta $01
jsr c64.IOINIT
jsr c64.RESTOR
jsr c64.CINT
lda #6
sta c64.EXTCOL
lda #7
sta c64.COLOR
lda #0
sta c64.BGCOL0
asmsub byte2decimal (ubyte: byte @ A) -> clobbers() -> (byte @ Y, byte @ X, byte @ A) {
; ---- A to decimal string in Y/X/A (100s in Y, 10s in X, 1s in A)
%asm {{
ldy #$2f
ldx #$3a
- iny
sbc #100
bcs -
- dex
adc #10
bmi -
adc #$2f
asmsub byte2hex (ubyte: byte @ A) -> clobbers(A) -> (byte @ X, byte @ Y) {
; ---- A to hex string in XY (first hex char in X, second hex char in Y)
%asm {{
and #$0f
ldy hex_digits,x
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a
lda hex_digits,x
hex_digits .str "0123456789abcdef" ; can probably be reused for other stuff as well
str word2hex_output = "1234" ; 0-terminated, to make printing easier
asmsub word2hex (dataword: word @ XY) -> clobbers(A,X,Y) -> () {
; ---- convert 16 bit word in X/Y into 4-character hexadecimal string into memory 'word2hex_output'
%asm {{
stx c64.SCRATCH_ZP2
jsr byte2hex
stx word2hex_output
sty word2hex_output+1
lda c64.SCRATCH_ZP2
jsr byte2hex
stx word2hex_output+2
sty word2hex_output+3
byte[3] word2bcd_bcdbuff = [0, 0, 0]
asmsub word2bcd (dataword: word @ XY) -> clobbers(A,X) -> () {
; Convert an 16 bit binary value to BCD
; This function converts a 16 bit binary value in X/Y into a 24 bit BCD. It
; works by transferring one bit a time from the source and adding it
; into a BCD value that is being doubled on each iteration. As all the
; arithmetic is being done in BCD the result is a binary to decimal
; conversion.
%asm {{
stx c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
sty c64.SCRATCH_ZP2
sed ; switch to decimal mode
lda #0 ; ensure the result is clear
sta word2bcd_bcdbuff+0
sta word2bcd_bcdbuff+1
sta word2bcd_bcdbuff+2
ldx #16 ; the number of source bits
- asl c64.SCRATCH_ZP1 ; shift out one bit
rol c64.SCRATCH_ZP2
lda word2bcd_bcdbuff+0 ; and add into result
adc word2bcd_bcdbuff+0
sta word2bcd_bcdbuff+0
lda word2bcd_bcdbuff+1 ; propagating any carry
adc word2bcd_bcdbuff+1
sta word2bcd_bcdbuff+1
lda word2bcd_bcdbuff+2 ; ... thru whole result
adc word2bcd_bcdbuff+2
sta word2bcd_bcdbuff+2
dex ; and repeat for next bit
bne -
cld ; back to binary
byte[5] word2decimal_output = 0
asmsub word2decimal (dataword: word @ XY) -> clobbers(A,X,Y) -> () {
; ---- convert 16 bit word in X/Y into decimal string into memory 'word2decimal_output'
%asm {{
jsr word2bcd
lda word2bcd_bcdbuff+2
adc #'0'
sta word2decimal_output
ldy #1
lda word2bcd_bcdbuff+1
jsr +
lda word2bcd_bcdbuff+0
+ pha
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a
adc #'0'
sta word2decimal_output,y
and #$0f
adc #'0'
sta word2decimal_output,y
; @todo string to 32 bit unsigned integer
} ; ------ end of block c64utils
~ c64flt {
; ---- this block contains C-64 floating point related functions ----
asmsub FREADS32 () -> clobbers(A,X,Y) -> () {
; ---- fac1 = signed int32 from $62-$65 big endian (MSB FIRST)
%asm {{
lda $62
eor #$ff
asl a
lda #0
ldx #$a0
jmp $bc4f ; internal BASIC routine
asmsub FREADUS32 () -> clobbers(A,X,Y) -> () {
; ---- fac1 = uint32 from $62-$65 big endian (MSB FIRST)
%asm {{
lda #0
ldx #$a0
jmp $bc4f ; internal BASIC routine
asmsub FREADS24AXY (lo: byte @ A, mid: byte @ X, hi: byte @ Y) -> clobbers(A,X,Y) -> () {
; ---- fac1 = signed int24 (A/X/Y contain lo/mid/hi bytes)
; note: there is no FREADU24AXY (unsigned), use FREADUS32 instead.
%asm {{
sty $62
stx $63
sta $64
lda $62
eor #$FF
asl a
lda #0
sta $65
ldx #$98
jmp $bc4f ; internal BASIC routine
asmsub GIVUAYF (uword: word @ AY) -> clobbers(A,X,Y) -> () {
; ---- unsigned 16 bit word in A/Y (lo/hi) to fac1
%asm {{
sty $62
sta $63
ldx #$90
jmp $bc49 ; internal BASIC routine
asmsub GIVAYFAY (sword: word @ AY) -> clobbers(A,X,Y) -> () {
; ---- signed 16 bit word in A/Y (lo/hi) to float in fac1
%asm {{
sta c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
ldy c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
jmp c64.GIVAYF ; this uses the inverse order, Y/A
asmsub FTOSWRDAY () -> clobbers(X) -> (word @ AY) {
; ---- fac1 to signed word in A/Y
%asm {{
jsr c64.FTOSWORDYA ; note the inverse Y/A order
sta c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
ldy c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
asmsub GETADRAY () -> clobbers(X) -> (word @ AY) {
; ---- fac1 to unsigned word in A/Y
%asm {{
jsr c64.GETADR ; this uses the inverse order, Y/A
sta c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
ldy c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
asmsub copy_mflt (source: word @ XY) -> clobbers(A,Y) -> () {
; ---- copy a 5 byte MFLT floating point variable to another place
; input: X/Y = source address, c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 = destination address
%asm {{
stx c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
ldy #0
lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZP1),y
sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y
lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZP1),y
sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y
lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZP1),y
sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y
lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZP1),y
sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y
lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZP1),y
sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y
asmsub float_add_one (mflt: word @ XY) -> clobbers(A,X,Y) -> () {
; ---- add 1 to the MFLT pointed to by X/Y. Clobbers A, X, Y
%asm {{
stx c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
sty c64.SCRATCH_ZP2
jsr c64.MOVFM ; fac1 = float XY
lda #<c64.FL_FONE
ldy #>c64.FL_FONE
jsr c64.FADD ; fac1 += 1
ldx c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
ldy c64.SCRATCH_ZP2
jmp c64.FTOMEMXY ; float XY = fac1
asmsub float_sub_one (mflt: word @ XY) -> clobbers(A,X,Y) -> () {
; ---- subtract 1 from the MFLT pointed to by X/Y. Clobbers A, X, Y
%asm {{
stx c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
sty c64.SCRATCH_ZP2
lda #<c64.FL_FONE
ldy #>c64.FL_FONE
jsr c64.MOVFM ; fac1 = 1
ldy c64.SCRATCH_ZP2
jsr c64.FSUB ; fac1 = float XY - 1
ldx c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
ldy c64.SCRATCH_ZP2
jmp c64.FTOMEMXY ; float XY = fac1
asmsub float_add_SW1_to_XY (mflt: word @ XY) -> clobbers(A,X,Y) -> () {
; ---- add MFLT pointed to by SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 to the MFLT pointed to by X/Y. Clobbers A, X, Y
%asm {{
stx c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
sty c64.SCRATCH_ZP2
jsr c64.MOVFM ; fac1 = float XY
jsr c64.FADD ; fac1 += SCRATCH_ZPWORD1
ldx c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
ldy c64.SCRATCH_ZP2
jmp c64.FTOMEMXY ; float XY = fac1
asmsub float_sub_SW1_from_XY (mflt: word @ XY) -> clobbers(A,X,Y) -> () {
; ---- subtract MFLT pointed to by SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 from the MFLT pointed to by X/Y. Clobbers A, X, Y
%asm {{
stx c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
sty c64.SCRATCH_ZP2
jsr c64.MOVFM ; fac1 = SCRATCH_ZPWORD1
ldy c64.SCRATCH_ZP2
jsr c64.FSUB ; fac1 = float XY - SCRATCH_ZPWORD1
ldx c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
ldy c64.SCRATCH_ZP2
jmp c64.FTOMEMXY ; float XY = fac1
} ; ------ end of block c64flt
~ c64scr {
; ---- this block contains (character) Screen and text I/O related functions ----
asmsub clear_screen (char: byte @ A, color: byte @ Y) -> clobbers() -> () {
; ---- clear the character screen with the given fill character and character color.
; (assumes screen is at $0400, could be altered in the future with self-modifying code)
; @todo some byte var to set the SCREEN ADDR HI BYTE
%asm {{
sta _loop + 1 ; self-modifying
stx c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
ldx #0
_loop lda #0
sta c64.Screen,x
sta c64.Screen+$0100,x
sta c64.Screen+$0200,x
sta c64.Screen+$02e8,x
sta c64.Colors,x
sta c64.Colors+$0100,x
sta c64.Colors+$0200,x
sta c64.Colors+$02e8,x
bne _loop
lda _loop+1 ; restore A and X
ldx c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
asmsub scroll_left_full (alsocolors: byte @ Pc) -> clobbers(A, X, Y) -> () {
; ---- scroll the whole screen 1 character to the left
; contents of the rightmost column are unchanged, you should clear/refill this yourself
; Carry flag determines if screen color data must be scrolled too
%asm {{
bcs +
jmp _scroll_screen
+ ; scroll the color memory
ldx #0
ldy #38
.for row=0, row<=12, row+=1
lda c64.Colors + 40*row + 1,x
sta c64.Colors + 40*row,x
bpl -
ldx #0
ldy #38
.for row=13, row<=24, row+=1
lda c64.Colors + 40*row + 1,x
sta c64.Colors + 40*row,x
bpl -
_scroll_screen ; scroll the screen memory
ldx #0
ldy #38
.for row=0, row<=12, row+=1
lda c64.Screen + 40*row + 1,x
sta c64.Screen + 40*row,x
bpl -
ldx #0
ldy #38
.for row=13, row<=24, row+=1
lda c64.Screen + 40*row + 1,x
sta c64.Screen + 40*row,x
bpl -
asmsub scroll_right_full (alsocolors: byte @ Pc) -> clobbers(A,X) -> () {
; ---- scroll the whole screen 1 character to the right
; contents of the leftmost column are unchanged, you should clear/refill this yourself
; Carry flag determines if screen color data must be scrolled too
%asm {{
bcs +
jmp _scroll_screen
+ ; scroll the color memory
ldx #38
.for row=0, row<=12, row+=1
lda c64.Colors + 40*row + 0,x
sta c64.Colors + 40*row + 1,x
bpl -
ldx #38
.for row=13, row<=24, row+=1
lda c64.Colors + 40*row,x
sta c64.Colors + 40*row + 1,x
bpl -
_scroll_screen ; scroll the screen memory
ldx #38
.for row=0, row<=12, row+=1
lda c64.Screen + 40*row + 0,x
sta c64.Screen + 40*row + 1,x
bpl -
ldx #38
.for row=13, row<=24, row+=1
lda c64.Screen + 40*row,x
sta c64.Screen + 40*row + 1,x
bpl -
asmsub scroll_up_full (alsocolors: byte @ Pc) -> clobbers(A,X) -> () {
; ---- scroll the whole screen 1 character up
; contents of the bottom row are unchanged, you should refill/clear this yourself
; Carry flag determines if screen color data must be scrolled too
%asm {{
bcs +
jmp _scroll_screen
+ ; scroll the color memory
ldx #39
.for row=1, row<=11, row+=1
lda c64.Colors + 40*row,x
sta c64.Colors + 40*(row-1),x
bpl -
ldx #39
.for row=12, row<=24, row+=1
lda c64.Colors + 40*row,x
sta c64.Colors + 40*(row-1),x
bpl -
_scroll_screen ; scroll the screen memory
ldx #39
.for row=1, row<=11, row+=1
lda c64.Screen + 40*row,x
sta c64.Screen + 40*(row-1),x
bpl -
ldx #39
.for row=12, row<=24, row+=1
lda c64.Screen + 40*row,x
sta c64.Screen + 40*(row-1),x
bpl -
asmsub scroll_down_full (alsocolors: byte @ Pc) -> clobbers(A,X) -> () {
; ---- scroll the whole screen 1 character down
; contents of the top row are unchanged, you should refill/clear this yourself
; Carry flag determines if screen color data must be scrolled too
%asm {{
bcs +
jmp _scroll_screen
+ ; scroll the color memory
ldx #39
.for row=23, row>=12, row-=1
lda c64.Colors + 40*row,x
sta c64.Colors + 40*(row+1),x
bpl -
ldx #39
.for row=11, row>=0, row-=1
lda c64.Colors + 40*row,x
sta c64.Colors + 40*(row+1),x
bpl -
_scroll_screen ; scroll the screen memory
ldx #39
.for row=23, row>=12, row-=1
lda c64.Screen + 40*row,x
sta c64.Screen + 40*(row+1),x
bpl -
ldx #39
.for row=11, row>=0, row-=1
lda c64.Screen + 40*row,x
sta c64.Screen + 40*(row+1),x
bpl -
asmsub print_string (address: word @ XY) -> clobbers(A,Y) -> () {
; ---- print null terminated string from X/Y
; note: the compiler contains an optimization that will replace
; a call to this subroutine with a string argument of just one char,
; by just one call to c64.CHROUT of that single char.
%asm {{
stx c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
sty c64.SCRATCH_ZP2
ldy #0
- lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZP1),y
beq +
jsr c64.CHROUT
bne -
+ rts
asmsub print_pstring (address: word @ XY) -> clobbers(A,X) -> (byte @ Y) {
; ---- print pstring (length as first byte) from X/Y, returns str len in Y
%asm {{
stx c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
sty c64.SCRATCH_ZP2
ldy #0
lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZP1),y
beq +
- iny
lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZP1),y
jsr c64.CHROUT
bne -
+ rts ; output string length is in Y
asmsub print_pimmediate () -> clobbers() -> () {
; ---- print pstring in memory immediately following the subroutine fast call instruction
; note that the clobbered registers (A,X,Y) are not listed ON PURPOSE
%asm {{
lda $102,x
tay ; put high byte in y
lda $101,x
tax ; and low byte in x.
bne +
+ jsr print_pstring ; print string in XY, returns string length in y.
adc $101,x ; add content of 1st (length) byte to return addr.
bcc + ; if that made the low byte roll over to 00,
inc $102,x ; then increment the high byte too.
+ clc
adc #1 ; now add 1 for the length byte itself.
sta $101,x
bne + ; if that made it (the low byte) roll over to 00,
inc $102,x ; increment the high byte of the return addr too.
+ rts
asmsub print_byte_decimal0 (ubyte: byte @ A) -> clobbers(A,X,Y) -> () {
; ---- print the byte in A in decimal form, with left padding 0s (3 positions total)
%asm {{
jsr byte2decimal
jsr c64.CHROUT
jsr c64.CHROUT
jmp c64.CHROUT
asmsub print_byte_decimal (ubyte: byte @ A) -> clobbers(A,X,Y) -> () {
; ---- print the byte in A in decimal form, without left padding 0s
%asm {{
jsr byte2decimal
cpy #'0'
bne _print_hundreds
cpx #'0'
bne _print_tens
jmp c64.CHROUT
_print_hundreds tya
jsr c64.CHROUT
_print_tens txa
jsr c64.CHROUT
jmp c64.CHROUT
asmsub print_byte_hex (prefix: byte @ Pc, ubyte: byte @ A) -> clobbers(A,X,Y) -> () {
; ---- print the byte in A in hex form (if Carry is set, a radix prefix '$' is printed as well)
%asm {{
bcc +
lda #'$'
jsr c64.CHROUT
+ jsr byte2hex
jsr c64.CHROUT
jmp c64.CHROUT
asmsub print_word_hex (prefix: byte @ Pc, dataword: word @ XY) -> clobbers(A,X,Y) -> () {
; ---- print the (unsigned) word in X/Y in hexadecimal form (4 digits)
; (if Carry is set, a radix prefix '$' is printed as well)
%asm {{
stx c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
jsr print_byte_hex
lda c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
jmp print_byte_hex
asmsub print_word_decimal0 (dataword: word @ XY) -> clobbers(A,X,Y) -> () {
; ---- print the (unsigned) word in X/Y in decimal form, with left padding 0s (5 positions total)
%asm {{
jsr word2decimal
lda word2decimal_output
jsr c64.CHROUT
lda word2decimal_output+1
jsr c64.CHROUT
lda word2decimal_output+2
jsr c64.CHROUT
lda word2decimal_output+3
jsr c64.CHROUT
lda word2decimal_output+4
jmp c64.CHROUT
asmsub print_word_decimal (dataword: word @ XY) -> clobbers(A,X,Y) -> () {
; ---- print the word in X/Y in decimal form, without left padding 0s
%asm {{
jsr word2decimal
ldy #0
lda word2decimal_output
cmp #'0'
bne _pr_decimal
lda word2decimal_output+1
cmp #'0'
bne _pr_decimal
lda word2decimal_output+2
cmp #'0'
bne _pr_decimal
lda word2decimal_output+3
cmp #'0'
bne _pr_decimal
lda word2decimal_output,y
jsr c64.CHROUT
cpy #5
bcc _pr_decimal
asmsub input_chars (buffer: word @ AX) -> clobbers(A) -> (byte @ Y) {
; ---- Input a string (max. 80 chars) from the keyboard.
; It assumes the keyboard is selected as I/O channel!!
%asm {{
sta c64.SCRATCH_ZP1
stx c64.SCRATCH_ZP2
ldy #0 ; char counter = 0
- jsr c64.CHRIN
cmp #$0d ; return (ascii 13) pressed?
beq + ; yes, end.
sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZP1),y ; else store char in buffer
bne -
+ lda #0
sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZP1),y ; finish string with 0 byte
} ; ---- end block c64scr
;asmsub memcopy_basic () -> clobbers(A,X,Y) -> () {
; ; ---- copy a memory block by using a BASIC ROM routine
; ; it calls a function from the basic interpreter, so:
; ; - BASIC ROM must be banked in
; ; - the source block must be readable (so no RAM hidden under BASIC, Kernal, or I/O)
; ; - the target block must be writable (so no RAM hidden under I/O)
; ; higher addresses are copied first, so:
; ; - moving data to higher addresses works even if areas overlap
; ; - moving data to lower addresses only works if areas do not overlap
; %asm {{
; lda #<src_start
; ldx #>src_start
; sta $5f
; stx $60
; lda #<src_end
; ldx #>src_end
; sta $5a
; stx $5b
; lda #<(target_start + src_end - src_start)
; ldx #>(target_start + src_end - src_start)
; sta $58
; stx $59
; jmp $a3bf
; }
; macro version of the above memcopy_basic routine:
; MACRO PARAMS src_start, src_end, target_start
; lda #<src_start
; ldx #>src_start
; sta $5f
; stx $60
; lda #<src_end
; ldx #>src_end
; sta $5a
; stx $5b
; lda #<(target_start + src_end - src_start)
; ldx #>(target_start + src_end - src_start)
; sta $58
; stx $59
; jsr $a3bf