added pipe operator `|>`

This commit is contained in:
Irmen de Jong 2022-01-06 22:45:36 +01:00
parent 02c315c194
commit 8f3df3039a
25 changed files with 501 additions and 155 deletions

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@ -616,6 +616,16 @@ class AsmGen(private val program: Program,
fun asmSymbolName(name: Iterable<String>) = fixNameSymbols(name.joinToString("."))
fun asmVariableName(name: Iterable<String>) = fixNameSymbols(name.joinToString("."))
fun getTempVarName(dt: DataType): List<String> {
return when(dt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> listOf("cx16", "r9L")
DataType.BYTE -> listOf("cx16", "r9sL")
DataType.UWORD -> listOf("cx16", "r9")
DataType.WORD -> listOf("cx16", "r9s")
DataType.FLOAT -> listOf("floats", "tempvar_swap_float") // defined in floats.p8
else -> throw FatalAstException("invalid dt $dt")
internal fun loadByteFromPointerIntoA(pointervar: IdentifierReference): String {
// returns the source name of the zero page pointervar if it's already in the ZP,
@ -840,6 +850,7 @@ class AsmGen(private val program: Program,
is RepeatLoop -> translate(stmt)
is When -> translate(stmt)
is AnonymousScope -> translate(stmt)
is Pipe -> translate(stmt)
is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder -> throw AssemblyError("builtin function should not have placeholder anymore")
is UntilLoop -> throw AssemblyError("do..until should have been converted to jumps")
is WhileLoop -> throw AssemblyError("while should have been converted to jumps")
@ -1614,6 +1625,53 @@ $label nop""")
private fun translate(pipe: Pipe) {
// TODO more efficient code generation to avoid needless assignments to the temp var
var valueDt = pipe.valueDatatype(program)
var valueVar = getTempVarName(valueDt)
val subroutine = pipe.definingSubroutine
assignExpressionToVariable(pipe.expressions.first(), valueVar.joinToString("."), valueDt, subroutine)
pipe.expressions.drop(1).dropLast(1).forEach {
val callName = it as IdentifierReference
val args = mutableListOf<Expression>(IdentifierReference(valueVar, it.position))
val call = FunctionCallExpr(callName, args,it.position)
valueDt = call.inferType(program).getOrElse { throw AssemblyError("invalid dt") }
valueVar = getTempVarName(valueDt)
assignExpressionToVariable(call, valueVar.joinToString("."), valueDt, subroutine)
// the last term in the pipe:
val callName = pipe.expressions.last() as IdentifierReference
val callTarget = callName.targetStatement(program)!!
when (callTarget) {
is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder -> {
val args = mutableListOf<Expression>(IdentifierReference(valueVar, callName.position))
val call = FunctionCallStatement(callName, args, true, callName.position)
is Subroutine -> {
if(callTarget.isAsmSubroutine) {
val args = mutableListOf<Expression>(IdentifierReference(valueVar, callName.position))
val call = FunctionCallStatement(callName, args, true, callName.position)
} else {
// have to use GoSub and manual parameter assignment, because no codegen for FunctionCallStmt here
val param = callTarget.parameters.single()
val paramName = callTarget.scopedName.joinToString(".") + ".${}"
val tempvar = IdentifierReference(valueVar, callName.position)
assignExpressionToVariable(tempvar, paramName, param.type, subroutine)
out(" jsr ${asmSymbolName(callName)}")
else -> throw AssemblyError("invalid call target")
internal fun signExtendAYlsb(valueDt: DataType) {
// sign extend signed byte in A to full word in AY
when(valueDt) {

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@ -8,12 +8,10 @@ import prog8.ast.base.FatalAstException
import prog8.ast.base.IntegerDatatypes
import prog8.ast.base.NumericDatatypes
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.statements.AnonymousScope
import prog8.ast.statements.Assignment
import prog8.ast.statements.IfElse
import prog8.ast.statements.Jump
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.ast.walk.AstWalker
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstModification
import prog8.compilerinterface.IErrorReporter
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.log2
import kotlin.math.pow
@ -26,7 +24,7 @@ import kotlin.math.pow
class ExpressionSimplifier(private val program: Program) : AstWalker() {
class ExpressionSimplifier(private val program: Program, private val errors: IErrorReporter) : AstWalker() {
private val powersOfTwo = (1..16).map { (2.0).pow(it) }.toSet()
private val negativePowersOfTwo = { -it }.toSet()
@ -363,6 +361,24 @@ class ExpressionSimplifier(private val program: Program) : AstWalker() {
return noModifications
override fun after(pipe: Pipe, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val firstValue = pipe.expressions.first()
if(firstValue.isSimple) {
val funcname = pipe.expressions[1] as IdentifierReference
val first = FunctionCallExpr(funcname.copy(), mutableListOf(firstValue), firstValue.position)
val newExprs = mutableListOf<Expression>(first)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(pipe, Pipe(newExprs, pipe.position), parent))
val singleExpr = pipe.expressions.singleOrNull()
if(singleExpr!=null) {
val callExpr = singleExpr as FunctionCallExpr
val call = FunctionCallStatement(, callExpr.args, true, callExpr.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(pipe, call, parent))
return noModifications
private fun determineY(x: Expression, subBinExpr: BinaryExpression): Expression? {
return when {
subBinExpr.left isSameAs x -> subBinExpr.right

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@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ fun Program.optimizeStatements(errors: IErrorReporter,
return optimizationCount
fun Program.simplifyExpressions() : Int {
val opti = ExpressionSimplifier(this)
fun Program.simplifyExpressions(errors: IErrorReporter) : Int {
val opti = ExpressionSimplifier(this, errors)
return opti.applyModifications()

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ private fun processAst(program: Program, errors: IErrorReporter, compilerOptions
program.addTypecasts(errors, compilerOptions)
program.variousCleanups(program, errors)
program.variousCleanups(program, errors, compilerOptions)
program.checkValid(errors, compilerOptions)
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ private fun optimizeAst(program: Program, compilerOptions: CompilationOptions, e
while (true) {
// keep optimizing expressions and statements until no more steps remain
val optsDone1 = program.simplifyExpressions()
val optsDone1 = program.simplifyExpressions(errors)
val optsDone2 = program.splitBinaryExpressions(compilerOptions, compTarget)
val optsDone3 = program.optimizeStatements(errors, functions, compTarget)
program.constantFold(errors, compTarget) // because simplified statements and expressions can result in more constants that can be folded away
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ private fun postprocessAst(program: Program, errors: IErrorReporter, compilerOpt
program.addTypecasts(errors, compilerOptions)
program.variousCleanups(program, errors)
program.variousCleanups(program, errors, compilerOptions)
val callGraph = CallGraph(program)

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@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
package prog8.compiler.astprocessing
import prog8.ast.INameScope
import prog8.ast.IStatementContainer
import prog8.ast.Module
import prog8.ast.Program
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstModification
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstVisitor
import prog8.compilerinterface.*
@ -1232,6 +1230,64 @@ internal class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
override fun visit(pipe: Pipe) {
// first expression is just any expression producing a value
// all other expressions should be the name of a unary function that returns a single value
// the last expression should be the name of a unary function whose return value we don't care about.
if (pipe.expressions.size < 2) {
errors.err("pipe is missing one or more expressions", pipe.position)
} else {
// invalid size and other issues will be handled by the ast checker later.
var valueDt = pipe.expressions[0].inferType(program).getOrElse { throw FatalAstException("invalid dt") }
for(expr in pipe.expressions.drop(1)) { // just keep the first expression value as-is
val functionName = expr as? IdentifierReference
val function = functionName?.targetStatement(program)
if(functionName!=null && function!=null) {
when (function) {
is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder -> {
val func = BuiltinFunctions.getValue(
errors.err("can only use unary function", expr.position)
else if(func.known_returntype==null && expr !== pipe.expressions.last())
errors.err("function must return a single value", expr.position)
val paramDts = func.parameters.firstOrNull()?.possibleDatatypes
if(paramDts!=null && !paramDts.any { valueDt isAssignableTo it })
errors.err("pipe value datatype $valueDt incompatible withfunction argument ${paramDts.toList()}", functionName.position)
valueDt = func.known_returntype!!
is Subroutine -> {
errors.err("can only use unary function", expr.position)
else if(function.returntypes.size!=1 && expr !== pipe.expressions.last())
errors.err("function must return a single value", expr.position)
val paramDt = function.parameters.firstOrNull()?.type
if(paramDt!=null && !(valueDt isAssignableTo paramDt))
errors.err("pipe value datatype $valueDt incompatible with function argument $paramDt", functionName.position)
valueDt = function.returntypes.single()
else -> {
throw FatalAstException("weird function")
} else {
if(expr is IFunctionCall)
errors.err("use only the name of the function, not a call", expr.position)
errors.err("can only use unary function", expr.position)
return super.visit(pipe)
private fun checkFunctionOrLabelExists(target: IdentifierReference, statement: Statement): Statement? {
when (val targetStatement = target.targetStatement(program)) {
is Label, is Subroutine, is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder -> return targetStatement

View File

@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ internal fun Program.checkIdentifiers(errors: IErrorReporter, program: Program,
internal fun Program.variousCleanups(program: Program, errors: IErrorReporter) {
val process = VariousCleanups(program, errors)
internal fun Program.variousCleanups(program: Program, errors: IErrorReporter, options: CompilationOptions) {
val process = VariousCleanups(program, errors, options)

View File

@ -382,118 +382,130 @@ internal class StatementReorderer(val program: Program,
override fun after(functionCallStatement: FunctionCallStatement, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val function =!!
checkUnusedReturnValues(functionCallStatement, function, program, errors)
if(function is Subroutine) {
return noModifications
return if(function.isAsmSubroutine)
replaceCallAsmSubStatementWithGosub(function, functionCallStatement, parent)
replaceCallSubStatementWithGosub(function, functionCallStatement, parent)
return noModifications
return replaceCallByGosub(functionCallStatement, parent, program, options)
internal fun replaceCallByGosub(functionCallStatement: FunctionCallStatement,
parent: Node,
program: Program,
options: CompilationOptions): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val function =!!
if(function is Subroutine) {
return emptyList()
return if(function.isAsmSubroutine)
replaceCallAsmSubStatementWithGosub(function, functionCallStatement, parent, options)
replaceCallSubStatementWithGosub(function, functionCallStatement, parent, program)
return emptyList()
private fun replaceCallSubStatementWithGosub(function: Subroutine, call: FunctionCallStatement, parent: Node, program: Program): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val noModifications = emptyList<IAstModification>()
if(function.parameters.isEmpty()) {
// 0 params -> just GoSub
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(call, GoSub(null,, null, call.position), parent))
private fun replaceCallSubStatementWithGosub(function: Subroutine, call: FunctionCallStatement, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
if(function.parameters.isEmpty()) {
// 0 params -> just GoSub
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(call, GoSub(null,, null, call.position), parent))
if(function.parameters.size==1) {
if(function.parameters[0].type in IntegerDatatypes) {
// optimization: 1 integer param is passed via register(s) directly, not by assignment to param variable
return noModifications
else if(function.parameters.size==2) {
if(function.parameters[0].type in ByteDatatypes && function.parameters[1].type in ByteDatatypes) {
// optimization: 2 simple byte param is passed via 2 registers directly, not by assignment to param variables
return noModifications
if(function.parameters.size==1) {
if(function.parameters[0].type in IntegerDatatypes) {
// optimization: 1 integer param is passed via register(s) directly, not by assignment to param variable
return noModifications
else if(function.parameters.size==2) {
if(function.parameters[0].type in ByteDatatypes && function.parameters[1].type in ByteDatatypes) {
// optimization: 2 simple byte param is passed via 2 registers directly, not by assignment to param variables
return noModifications
val assignParams = {
var argumentValue = it.second
val paramIdentifier = IdentifierReference(function.scopedName +, argumentValue.position)
val argDt = argumentValue.inferType(program).getOrElse { throw FatalAstException("invalid dt") }
if(argDt in ArrayDatatypes) {
// pass the address of the array instead
if(argumentValue is IdentifierReference)
argumentValue = AddressOf(argumentValue, argumentValue.position)
Assignment(AssignTarget(paramIdentifier, null, null, argumentValue.position), argumentValue, argumentValue.position)
val scope = AnonymousScope(assignParams.toMutableList(), call.position)
scope.statements += GoSub(null,, null, call.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(call, scope, parent))
val assignParams = {
var argumentValue = it.second
val paramIdentifier = IdentifierReference(function.scopedName +, argumentValue.position)
val argDt = argumentValue.inferType(program).getOrElse { throw FatalAstException("invalid dt") }
if(argDt in ArrayDatatypes) {
// pass the address of the array instead
if(argumentValue is IdentifierReference)
argumentValue = AddressOf(argumentValue, argumentValue.position)
Assignment(AssignTarget(paramIdentifier, null, null, argumentValue.position), argumentValue, argumentValue.position)
val scope = AnonymousScope(assignParams.toMutableList(), call.position)
private fun replaceCallAsmSubStatementWithGosub(function: Subroutine, call: FunctionCallStatement, parent: Node, options: CompilationOptions): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val noModifications = emptyList<IAstModification>()
if(function.parameters.isEmpty()) {
// 0 params -> just GoSub
val scope = AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(), call.position)
if(function.shouldSaveX()) {
scope.statements += FunctionCallStatement(IdentifierReference(listOf("rsavex"), call.position), mutableListOf(), true, call.position)
scope.statements += GoSub(null,, null, call.position)
if(function.shouldSaveX()) {
scope.statements += FunctionCallStatement(IdentifierReference(listOf("rrestorex"), call.position), mutableListOf(), true, call.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(call, scope, parent))
} else if(!options.compTarget.asmsubArgsHaveRegisterClobberRisk(call.args, function.asmParameterRegisters)) {
// No register clobber risk, let the asmgen assign values to the registers directly.
// this is more efficient than first evaluating them to the stack.
// As complex expressions will be flagged as a clobber-risk, these will be simplified below.
return noModifications
} else {
// clobber risk; evaluate the arguments on the CPU stack first (in reverse order)...
val argOrder = options.compTarget.asmsubArgsEvalOrder(function)
val scope = AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(), call.position)
if(function.shouldSaveX()) {
scope.statements += FunctionCallStatement(IdentifierReference(listOf("rsavex"), call.position), mutableListOf(), true, call.position)
argOrder.reversed().forEach {
val arg = call.args[it]
val param = function.parameters[it]
scope.statements += pushCall(arg, param.type, arg.position)
// ... and pop them off again into the registers.
argOrder.forEach {
val param = function.parameters[it]
val targetName = function.scopedName +
scope.statements += popCall(targetName, param.type, call.position)
scope.statements += GoSub(null,, null, call.position)
if(function.shouldSaveX()) {
scope.statements += FunctionCallStatement(IdentifierReference(listOf("rrestorex"), call.position), mutableListOf(), true, call.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(call, scope, parent))
private fun replaceCallAsmSubStatementWithGosub(function: Subroutine, call: FunctionCallStatement, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
if(function.parameters.isEmpty()) {
// 0 params -> just GoSub
val scope = AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(), call.position)
if(function.shouldSaveX()) {
scope.statements += FunctionCallStatement(IdentifierReference(listOf("rsavex"), call.position), mutableListOf(), true, call.position)
scope.statements += GoSub(null,, null, call.position)
if(function.shouldSaveX()) {
scope.statements += FunctionCallStatement(IdentifierReference(listOf("rrestorex"), call.position), mutableListOf(), true, call.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(call, scope, parent))
} else if(!options.compTarget.asmsubArgsHaveRegisterClobberRisk(call.args, function.asmParameterRegisters)) {
// No register clobber risk, let the asmgen assign values to the registers directly.
// this is more efficient than first evaluating them to the stack.
// As complex expressions will be flagged as a clobber-risk, these will be simplified below.
return noModifications
} else {
// clobber risk; evaluate the arguments on the CPU stack first (in reverse order)...
val argOrder = options.compTarget.asmsubArgsEvalOrder(function)
val scope = AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(), call.position)
if(function.shouldSaveX()) {
scope.statements += FunctionCallStatement(IdentifierReference(listOf("rsavex"), call.position), mutableListOf(), true, call.position)
argOrder.reversed().forEach {
val arg = call.args[it]
val param = function.parameters[it]
scope.statements += pushCall(arg, param.type, arg.position)
// ... and pop them off again into the registers.
argOrder.forEach {
val param = function.parameters[it]
val targetName = function.scopedName +
scope.statements += popCall(targetName, param.type, call.position)
scope.statements += GoSub(null,, null, call.position)
if(function.shouldSaveX()) {
scope.statements += FunctionCallStatement(IdentifierReference(listOf("rrestorex"), call.position), mutableListOf(), true, call.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(call, scope, parent))
private fun popCall(targetName: List<String>, dt: DataType, position: Position): FunctionCallStatement {
return FunctionCallStatement(
IdentifierReference(listOf(if(dt in ByteDatatypes) "pop" else "popw"), position),
mutableListOf(IdentifierReference(targetName, position)),
true, position
private fun pushCall(value: Expression, dt: DataType, position: Position): FunctionCallStatement {
val pushvalue = when(dt) {
DataType.UBYTE, DataType.UWORD -> value
in PassByReferenceDatatypes -> value
DataType.BYTE -> TypecastExpression(value, DataType.UBYTE, true, position)
DataType.WORD -> TypecastExpression(value, DataType.UWORD, true, position)
else -> throw FatalAstException("invalid dt $dt $value")
return FunctionCallStatement(
IdentifierReference(listOf(if(dt in ByteDatatypes) "push" else "pushw"), position),
true, position
private fun popCall(targetName: List<String>, dt: DataType, position: Position): FunctionCallStatement {
return FunctionCallStatement(
IdentifierReference(listOf(if(dt in ByteDatatypes) "pop" else "popw"), position),
mutableListOf(IdentifierReference(targetName, position)),
true, position
private fun pushCall(value: Expression, dt: DataType, position: Position): FunctionCallStatement {
val pushvalue = when(dt) {
DataType.UBYTE, DataType.UWORD -> value
in PassByReferenceDatatypes -> value
DataType.BYTE -> TypecastExpression(value, DataType.UBYTE, true, position)
DataType.WORD -> TypecastExpression(value, DataType.UWORD, true, position)
else -> throw FatalAstException("invalid dt $dt $value")
return FunctionCallStatement(
IdentifierReference(listOf(if(dt in ByteDatatypes) "push" else "pushw"), position),
true, position

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@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.ast.walk.AstWalker
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstModification
import prog8.compilerinterface.CompilationOptions
import prog8.compilerinterface.IErrorReporter
internal class VariousCleanups(val program: Program, val errors: IErrorReporter): AstWalker() {
internal class VariousCleanups(val program: Program, val errors: IErrorReporter, val options: CompilationOptions): AstWalker() {
override fun before(nop: Nop, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
return listOf(IAstModification.Remove(nop, parent as IStatementContainer))
@ -198,5 +199,9 @@ internal class VariousCleanups(val program: Program, val errors: IErrorReporter)
return noModifications
override fun after(functionCallStatement: FunctionCallStatement, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
return replaceCallByGosub(functionCallStatement, parent, program, options)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
package prog8tests
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe
import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldContain
import io.kotest.matchers.types.instanceOf
import prog8.ast.expressions.FunctionCallExpr
import prog8.ast.expressions.IdentifierReference
import prog8.ast.statements.Pipe
import prog8tests.helpers.ErrorReporterForTests
import prog8tests.helpers.assertFailure
import prog8tests.helpers.assertSuccess
import prog8tests.helpers.compileText
class TestPipes: FunSpec({
test("correct pipes") {
val text = """
%import floats
%import textio
main {
sub start() {
1.234 |> addfloat
|> floats.print_f
9999 |> addword
|> txt.print_uw
sub addfloat(float fl) -> float {
return fl+2.22
sub addword(uword ww) -> uword {
return ww+2222
val result = compileText(C64Target, true, text, writeAssembly = true).assertSuccess()
val stmts = result.program.entrypoint.statements
stmts.size shouldBe 3
val pipef = stmts[0] as Pipe
pipef.expressions.size shouldBe 2
pipef.expressions[0] shouldBe instanceOf<FunctionCallExpr>()
pipef.expressions[1] shouldBe instanceOf<IdentifierReference>()
val pipew = stmts[1] as Pipe
pipew.expressions.size shouldBe 2
pipew.expressions[0] shouldBe instanceOf<FunctionCallExpr>()
pipew.expressions[1] shouldBe instanceOf<IdentifierReference>()
test("incorrect type in pipe") {
val text = """
%option enable_floats
main {
sub start() {
1.234 |> addfloat
|> addword |> addword
sub addfloat(float fl) -> float {
return fl+2.22
sub addword(uword ww) -> uword {
return ww+2222
val errors = ErrorReporterForTests()
compileText(C64Target, false, text, errors=errors).assertFailure()
errors.errors.size shouldBe 1
errors.errors[0] shouldContain "incompatible"

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@ -457,4 +457,16 @@ class AstToSourceTextConverter(val output: (text: String) -> Unit, val program:
override fun visit(pipe: Pipe) {
pipe.expressions.drop(1).forEach {
outputi("|> ")

View File

@ -182,6 +182,9 @@ private fun Prog8ANTLRParser.StatementContext.toAst() : Statement {
val whenstmt = whenstmt()?.toAst()
if(whenstmt!=null) return whenstmt
val pipestmt = pipestmt()?.toAst()
if(pipestmt!=null) return pipestmt
throw FatalAstException("unprocessed source text (are we missing ast conversion rules for parser elements?): $text")
@ -612,3 +615,8 @@ private fun Prog8ANTLRParser.VardeclContext.toAst(): VarDecl {
private fun Prog8ANTLRParser.PipestmtContext.toAst(): Pipe {
val expressions = expression().map { it.toAst() }
return Pipe(expressions.toMutableList(), toPosition())

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@ -1014,3 +1014,27 @@ class DirectMemoryWrite(var addressExpression: Expression, override val position
fun accept(visitor: AstWalker, parent: Node) = visitor.visit(this, parent)
override fun copy() = DirectMemoryWrite(addressExpression.copy(), position)
class Pipe(val expressions: MutableList<Expression>, override val position: Position): Statement() {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
expressions.forEach { it.linkParents(this) }
override fun copy() = Pipe( { it.copy() }.toMutableList(), position)
override fun accept(visitor: IAstVisitor) = visitor.visit(this)
override fun accept(visitor: AstWalker, parent: Node) = visitor.visit(this, parent)
override fun replaceChildNode(node: Node, replacement: Node) {
require(node is Expression)
require(replacement is Expression)
val idx = expressions.indexOf(node)
expressions[idx] = replacement
fun valueDatatype(program: Program): DataType =
expressions.first().inferType(program).getOrElse { throw FatalAstException("invalid dt") }

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@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ abstract class AstWalker {
open fun before(whenChoice: WhenChoice, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> = noModifications
open fun before(whenStmt: When, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> = noModifications
open fun before(whileLoop: WhileLoop, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> = noModifications
open fun before(pipe: Pipe, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> = noModifications
open fun after(addressOf: AddressOf, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> = noModifications
open fun after(array: ArrayLiteralValue, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> = noModifications
@ -163,6 +164,7 @@ abstract class AstWalker {
open fun after(whenChoice: WhenChoice, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> = noModifications
open fun after(whenStmt: When, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> = noModifications
open fun after(whileLoop: WhileLoop, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> = noModifications
open fun after(pipe: Pipe, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> = noModifications
protected val modifications = mutableListOf<Triple<IAstModification, Node, Node>>()
@ -457,5 +459,11 @@ abstract class AstWalker {
whenChoice.statements.accept(this, whenChoice)
track(after(whenChoice, parent), whenChoice, parent)
fun visit(pipe: Pipe, parent: Node) {
track(before(pipe, parent), pipe, parent)
pipe.expressions.forEach { it.accept(this, pipe) }
track(after(pipe, parent), pipe, parent)

View File

@ -181,4 +181,8 @@ interface IAstVisitor {
whenChoice.values?.forEach { it.accept(this) }
fun visit(pipe: Pipe) {
pipe.expressions.forEach { it.accept(this) }

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@ -5,9 +5,7 @@ import prog8.ast.Node
import prog8.ast.Program
import prog8.ast.base.Position
import prog8.ast.base.VarDeclType
import prog8.ast.expressions.AddressOf
import prog8.ast.expressions.FunctionCallExpr
import prog8.ast.expressions.IdentifierReference
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstVisitor
@ -122,6 +120,21 @@ class CallGraph(private val program: Program) : IAstVisitor {
override fun visit(pipe: Pipe) {
pipe.expressions.forEach {
if(it is IdentifierReference){
val otherSub = it.targetSubroutine(program)
if(otherSub!=null) {
pipe.definingSubroutine?.let { thisSub ->
calls[thisSub] = calls.getValue(thisSub) + otherSub
calledBy[otherSub] = calledBy.getValue(otherSub) + pipe
fun checkRecursiveCalls(errors: IErrorReporter) {
val cycles = recursionCycles()
if(cycles.any()) {

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@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ Language features
- Conditional branches to map directly on processor branch instructions
- ``when`` statement to avoid if-else chains
- ``in`` expression for concise and efficient multi-value/containment test
- pipe operator ``|>`` to rewrite nested function call expressions in a more readable chained form
- Nested subroutines can access variables from outer scopes to avoids the overhead to pass everything via parameters
- Variable data types include signed and unsigned bytes and words, arrays, strings.
- Floating point math also supported if the target system provides floating point library routines (C64 and Cx16 both do).

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@ -685,6 +685,9 @@ The arguments in parentheses after the function name, should match the parameter
If you want to ignore a return value of a subroutine, you should prefix the call with the ``void`` keyword.
Otherwise the compiler will issue a warning about discarding a result value.
Deeply nested function calls can be rewritten as a chain using the *pipe operator* ``|>`` as long as they
are unary functions (taking a single argument).
.. note::
**Order of evaluation:**

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@ -520,6 +520,25 @@ containment check: ``in``
txt.print("email address seems ok")
pipe: ``|>``
Used as an alternative to nesting function calls. The pipe operator is used to 'pipe' the value
into the next function. It only works on unary functions (taking a single argument), because you just
specify the *name* of the function that the value has to be piped into. The resulting value will be piped
into the next function as long as there are chained pipes.
For example, this: ``txt.print_uw(add_bonus(determine_score(get_player(1))))``
can be rewritten as::
|> determine_score
|> add_bonus
|> txt.print_uw
or even::
1 |> get_player
|> determine_score
|> add_bonus
|> txt.print_uw
address of: ``&``
This is a prefix operator that can be applied to a string or array variable or literal value.

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@ -3,7 +3,10 @@ TODO
For next compiler release (7.7)
- optimize codegen of pipe operator to avoid needless assigns to temp var
- copying floats around: do it with a subroutine rather than 5 lda/sta pairs .
is slower but floats are very slow already anyway and this should take a lot less program size.
Need help with
@ -20,7 +23,6 @@ Blocked by an official Commander-x16 r39 release
Future Things and Ideas
- pipe operator ``|>``
- can we promise a left-to-right function call argument evaluation? without sacrificing performance
- make it possible to use cpu opcodes such as 'nop' as variable names by prefixing all asm vars with something such as ``v_``
then we can get rid of the instruction lists in the machinedefinitions as well?

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@ -1,33 +1,49 @@
%import textio
%import floats
%zeropage basicsafe
main {
sub start() {
%asm {{
lda #<float5_111
ldy #>float5_111
jsr floats.MOVFM
lda #<float5_122
ldy #>float5_122
jsr floats.FADD
jsr floats.FOUT
sta $7e
sty $7f
ldy #0
lda ($7e),y
beq _done
jsr c64.CHROUT
bne _loop
float5_111 .byte $81, $0e, $14, $7a, $e1 ; float 1.11
float5_122 .byte $81, $1c, $28, $f5, $c2 ; float 1.22
9 + 3
|> add_one |> times_two
|> txt.print_uw
sub add_one(ubyte input) -> ubyte {
return input+1
sub times_two(ubyte input) -> uword {
return input*$0002
;main {
; sub start() {
; %asm {{
; lda #<float5_111
; ldy #>float5_111
; jsr floats.MOVFM
; lda #<float5_122
; ldy #>float5_122
; jsr floats.FADD
; jsr floats.FOUT
; sta $7e
; sty $7f
; ldy #0
; lda ($7e),y
; beq _done
; jsr c64.CHROUT
; iny
; bne _loop
; rts
;float5_111 .byte $81, $0e, $14, $7a, $e1 ; float 1.11
;float5_122 .byte $81, $1c, $28, $f5, $c2 ; float 1.22
; }}
; }

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@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ ARRAYSIG :
cpuregister: 'A' | 'X' | 'Y';
register: 'A' | 'X' | 'Y' | 'AX' | 'AY' | 'XY' | 'Pc' | 'Pz' | 'Pn' | 'Pv' | 'R0' | 'R1' | 'R2' | 'R3' | 'R4' | 'R5' | 'R6' | 'R7' | 'R8' | 'R9' | 'R10' | 'R11' | 'R12' | 'R13' | 'R14' | 'R15';
@ -97,6 +101,7 @@ statement :
| repeatloop
| whenstmt
| breakstmt
| pipestmt
| labeldef
@ -296,3 +301,4 @@ whenstmt: 'when' expression '{' EOL (when_choice | EOL) * '}' EOL? ;
when_choice: (expression_list | 'else' ) '->' (statement | statement_block ) ;
pipestmt: expression EOL? PIPE expression ( EOL? PIPE expression)* ;

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<keywords keywords="&amp;;-&gt;;@;\$;and;as;asmsub;break;clobbers;do;downto;else;false;for;goto;if;if_cc;if_cs;if_eq;if_mi;if_ne;if_neg;if_nz;if_pl;if_pos;if_vc;if_vs;if_z;in;inline;not;or;repeat;return;romsub;step;sub;to;true;until;when;while;xor;~" ignore_case="false" />
<keywords2 keywords="%address;%asm;%asmbinary;%asminclude;%breakpoint;%import;%launcher;%option;%output;%zeropage;%zpreserved" />
<keywords3 keywords="byte;const;float;shared;str;ubyte;uword;void;word;zp" />
<keywords4 keywords="abs;acos;all;any;asin;atan;avg;callfar;callrom;ceil;cmp;cos;cos16;cos16u;cos8;cos8u;cosr16;cosr16u;cosr8;cosr8u;deg;floor;len;ln;log2;lsb;lsl;lsr;max;memory;min;mkword;msb;peek;peekw;poke;pokew;pop;popw;push;pushw;rad;reverse;rnd;rndf;rndw;rol;rol2;ror;ror2;round;rrestore;rrestorex;rsave;rsavex;sgn;sin;sin16;sin16u;sin8;sin8u;sinr16;sinr16u;sinr8;sinr8u;sizeof;sort;sqrt;sqrt16;sum;swap;tan" />
<keywords4 keywords="abs;acos;all;any;asin;atan;avg;callfar;callrom;ceil;cmp;cos;cos16;cos16u;cos8;cos8u;cosr16;cosr16u;cosr8;cosr8u;deg;floor;len;ln;log2;lsb;lsl;lsr;max;memory;min;mkword;msb;peek;peekw;poke;pokew;pop;popw;push;pushw;rad;reverse;rnd;rndf;rndw;rol;rol2;ror;ror2;round;rrestore;rrestorex;rsave;rsavex;sgn;sin;sin16;sin16u;sin8;sin8u;sinr16;sinr16u;sinr8;sinr8u;sizeof;sort;sqrt;sqrt16;sum;swap;tan;|&gt;" />
<mapping ext="p8" />

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@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
<Keywords name="Keywords1">void const&#x000D;&#x000A;str&#x000D;&#x000A;byte ubyte&#x000D;&#x000A;word uword&#x000D;&#x000A;float&#x000D;&#x000A;zp shared</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords2">%address&#x000D;&#x000A;%asm&#x000D;&#x000A;%asmbinary&#x000D;&#x000A;%asminclude&#x000D;&#x000A;%breakpoint&#x000D;&#x000A;%import&#x000D;&#x000A;%launcher&#x000D;&#x000A;%option&#x000D;&#x000A;%output&#x000D;&#x000A;%zeropage&#x000D;&#x000A;%zpreserved</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords3">inline sub asmsub romsub&#x000D;&#x000A;clobbers&#x000D;&#x000A;asm&#x000D;&#x000A;if&#x000D;&#x000A;when else&#x000D;&#x000A;if_cc if_cs if_eq if_mi if_neg if_nz if_pl if_pos if_vc if_vs if_z&#x000D;&#x000A;for in step do while repeat&#x000D;&#x000A;break return goto</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords4">abs acos all any asin atan avg callfar callrom ceil cmp cos cos16 cos16u cos8 cos8u cosr8 cosr8u cosr16 cosr16u deg floor len ln log2 lsb lsl lsr max memory min mkword msb peek peekw poke pokew push pushw pop popw rsave rsavex rrestore rrestorex rad reverse rnd rndf rndw rol rol2 ror ror2 round sgn sin sin16 sin16u sin8 sin8u sinr8 sinr8u sinr16 sinr16u sizeof sort sqrt sqrt16 sum swap tan&#x000D;&#x000A;</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords5">true false&#x000D;&#x000A;not and or xor&#x000D;&#x000A;as to downto</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords4">abs acos all any asin atan avg callfar callrom ceil cmp cos cos16 cos16u cos8 cos8u cosr8 cosr8u cosr16 cosr16u deg floor len ln log2 lsb lsl lsr max memory min mkword msb peek peekw poke pokew push pushw pop popw rsave rsavex rrestore rrestorex rad reverse rnd rndf rndw rol rol2 ror ror2 round sgn sin sin16 sin16u sin8 sin8u sinr8 sinr8u sinr16 sinr16u sizeof sort sqrt sqrt16 sum swap tan</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords5">true false&#x000D;&#x000A;not and or xor&#x000D;&#x000A;as to downto |&gt;</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords6"></Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords7"></Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords8"></Keywords>

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@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ syn match prog8Function "\(\<\(asm\)\?sub\>\s\+\)\@16<=\<\w\+\>"
syn match prog8Function "\(romsub\s\+$\x\+\s\+=\s\+\)\@16<=\<\w\+\>"
syn keyword prog8Statement break goto return asmsub sub inline
syn match prog8Statement "|>"
syn match prog8Statement "\<\(asm\|rom\)\?sub\>"
syn keyword prog8Conditional if else when
syn keyword prog8Conditional if_cs if_cc if_vs if_vc if_eq if_z if_ne if_nz