mirror of
synced 2025-01-11 13:29:45 +00:00
divmod() now works on multiple data types including float.
divmodw() has been removed
This commit is contained in:
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ val BuiltinFunctions: Map<String, FSignature> = mapOf(
// cmp returns a status in the carry flag, but not a proper return value
"cmp" to FSignature(false, listOf(FParam("value1", IntegerDatatypesNoBool), FParam("value2", NumericDatatypesNoBool)), null),
"prog8_lib_stringcompare" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("str1", arrayOf(DataType.STR)), FParam("str2", arrayOf(DataType.STR))), DataType.BYTE),
"abs" to FSignature(true, listOf(), null),
"abs" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("value", NumericDatatypesNoBool)), null),
"abs__byte" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("value", arrayOf(DataType.BYTE))), DataType.BYTE),
"abs__word" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("value", arrayOf(DataType.WORD))), DataType.WORD),
"abs__float" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("value", arrayOf(DataType.FLOAT))), DataType.FLOAT),
@ -87,19 +87,20 @@ val BuiltinFunctions: Map<String, FSignature> = mapOf(
// normal functions follow:
"sizeof" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("object", DataType.values())), DataType.UBYTE),
"sgn" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("value", NumericDatatypesNoBool)), DataType.BYTE),
"sqrt" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("value", NumericDatatypesNoBool)), DataType.UBYTE),
"sqrt" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("value", NumericDatatypesNoBool)), null),
"sqrt__ubyte" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("value", arrayOf(DataType.UBYTE))), DataType.UBYTE),
"sqrt__uword" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("value", arrayOf(DataType.UWORD))), DataType.UBYTE),
"sqrt__float" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("value", arrayOf(DataType.FLOAT))), DataType.FLOAT),
"divmod" to FSignature(false, listOf(FParam("number", arrayOf(DataType.UBYTE)), FParam("divident", arrayOf(DataType.UBYTE)), FParam("division", arrayOf(DataType.UBYTE)), FParam("remainder", arrayOf(DataType.UBYTE))), null),
"divmodw" to FSignature(false, listOf(FParam("number", arrayOf(DataType.UWORD)), FParam("divident", arrayOf(DataType.UWORD)), FParam("division", arrayOf(DataType.UWORD)), FParam("remainder", arrayOf(DataType.UWORD))), null),
"divmod" to FSignature(false, listOf(FParam("number", arrayOf(DataType.UBYTE, DataType.UWORD)), FParam("divident", arrayOf(DataType.UBYTE, DataType.UWORD)), FParam("division", arrayOf(DataType.UBYTE, DataType.UWORD)), FParam("remainder", arrayOf(DataType.UBYTE, DataType.UWORD))), null),
"divmod__ubyte" to FSignature(false, listOf(FParam("number", arrayOf(DataType.UBYTE)), FParam("divident", arrayOf(DataType.UBYTE)), FParam("division", arrayOf(DataType.UBYTE)), FParam("remainder", arrayOf(DataType.UBYTE))), null),
"divmod__uword" to FSignature(false, listOf(FParam("number", arrayOf(DataType.UWORD)), FParam("divident", arrayOf(DataType.UWORD)), FParam("division", arrayOf(DataType.UWORD)), FParam("remainder", arrayOf(DataType.UWORD))), null),
"any" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("values", ArrayDatatypes)), DataType.UBYTE),
"all" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("values", ArrayDatatypes)), DataType.UBYTE),
"lsb" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("value", arrayOf(DataType.UWORD, DataType.WORD))), DataType.UBYTE),
"msb" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("value", arrayOf(DataType.UWORD, DataType.WORD))), DataType.UBYTE),
"mkword" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("msb", arrayOf(DataType.UBYTE)), FParam("lsb", arrayOf(DataType.UBYTE))), DataType.UWORD),
"min" to FSignature(true, listOf(), null),
"max" to FSignature(true, listOf(), null),
"min" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("value", NumericDatatypesNoBool)), null),
"max" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("value", NumericDatatypesNoBool)), null),
"min__byte" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("val1", arrayOf(DataType.BYTE)), FParam("val2", arrayOf(DataType.BYTE))), DataType.BYTE),
"min__ubyte" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("val1", arrayOf(DataType.UBYTE)), FParam("val2", arrayOf(DataType.UBYTE))), DataType.UBYTE),
"min__word" to FSignature(true, listOf(FParam("val1", arrayOf(DataType.WORD)), FParam("val2", arrayOf(DataType.WORD))), DataType.WORD),
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ internal class BuiltinFunctionsAsmGen(private val program: PtProgram,
"any", "all" -> funcAnyAll(fcall, resultToStack, resultRegister, sscope)
"sgn" -> funcSgn(fcall, resultToStack, resultRegister, sscope)
"sqrt__ubyte", "sqrt__uword", "sqrt__float" -> funcSqrt(fcall, resultToStack, resultRegister, sscope)
"divmod" -> funcDivmod(fcall)
"divmodw" -> funcDivmodW(fcall)
"divmod__ubyte" -> funcDivmod(fcall)
"divmod__uword" -> funcDivmodW(fcall)
"rol" -> funcRol(fcall)
"rol2" -> funcRol2(fcall)
"ror" -> funcRor(fcall)
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ internal class BuiltinFuncGen(private val codeGen: IRCodeGen, private val exprGe
"cmp" -> funcCmp(call)
"sgn" -> funcSgn(call)
"sqrt__ubyte", "sqrt__uword", "sqrt__float" -> funcSqrt(call)
"divmod" -> funcDivmod(call, IRDataType.BYTE)
"divmodw" -> funcDivmod(call, IRDataType.WORD)
"divmod__ubyte" -> funcDivmod(call, IRDataType.BYTE)
"divmod__uword" -> funcDivmod(call, IRDataType.WORD)
"pop" -> funcPop(call)
"popw" -> funcPopw(call)
"push" -> funcPush(call)
@ -141,6 +141,34 @@ class VarConstantValueTypeAdjuster(private val program: Program, private val err
return noModifications
override fun after(functionCallStatement: FunctionCallStatement, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
// choose specific builtin function for the given types
val func = functionCallStatement.target.nameInSource
if(func==listOf("divmod")) {
val argTypes = functionCallStatement.args.map {it.inferType(program)}.toSet()
if(argTypes.size!=1) {
errors.err("expected all ubyte or all uword arguments", functionCallStatement.args[0].position)
return noModifications
val t1 = argTypes.single()
if(t1.isKnown) {
val dt = t1.getOrElse { throw InternalCompilerException("invalid dt") }
val replaceFunc = when(dt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> "divmod__ubyte"
DataType.UWORD -> "divmod__uword"
else -> {
errors.err("expected all ubyte or all uword arguments", functionCallStatement.args[0].position)
return noModifications
return listOf(IAstModification.SetExpression({functionCallStatement.target = it as IdentifierReference},
IdentifierReference(listOf(replaceFunc), functionCallStatement.target.position),
return noModifications
@ -1142,21 +1142,13 @@ internal class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
else if(funcName[0] == "divmod") {
else if(funcName[0].startsWith("divmod")) {
if(functionCallStatement.args[2] is TypecastExpression || functionCallStatement.args[3] is TypecastExpression) {
errors.err("arguments must be all ubyte or all uword", functionCallStatement.position)
} else {
if(functionCallStatement.args[2] !is IdentifierReference || functionCallStatement.args[3] !is IdentifierReference)
errors.err("arguments 3 and 4 must be variables to receive the division and remainder", functionCallStatement.position)
if(functionCallStatement.args[2] is TypecastExpression || functionCallStatement.args[3] is TypecastExpression)
errors.err("all arguments must be ubyte", functionCallStatement.position)
if(!functionCallStatement.args.all {it.inferType(program) istype DataType.UBYTE})
errors.err("all arguments must be ubyte", functionCallStatement.position)
else if(funcName[0] == "divmodw") {
if(functionCallStatement.args[2] !is IdentifierReference || functionCallStatement.args[3] !is IdentifierReference)
errors.err("arguments 3 and 4 must be variables to receive the division and remainder", functionCallStatement.position)
if(functionCallStatement.args[2] is TypecastExpression || functionCallStatement.args[3] is TypecastExpression)
errors.err("all arguments must be uword", functionCallStatement.position)
if(!functionCallStatement.args.all {it.inferType(program) istype DataType.UWORD})
errors.err("all arguments must be uword", functionCallStatement.position)
if(funcName[0] in InplaceModifyingBuiltinFunctions) {
@ -780,10 +780,8 @@ sqrt (w)
divmod (number, divident, division, remainder)
Performs division and remainder calculation in a single call. This is faster than using separate '/' and '%' calculations.
All values are ubytes. The last two arguments must be ubyte variables to receive the division and remainder results, respectively.
divmodw (number, divident, division, remainder)
Same as divmod, but for uwords.
All values are ubytes or all are uwords.
The last two arguments must be ubyte variables to receive the division and remainder results, respectively.
Array operations
@ -3,11 +3,12 @@ TODO
For 9.0 major changes
- DONE: added min() max() builtin functions
- DONE: added 'cbm' block in the syslib module that now contains all CBM compatible kernal routines and variables
- DONE: added min() max() builtin functions
- DONE: rename sqrt16() to just sqrt(), make it accept multiple numeric types. Renamed floats.sqrt() to floats.sqrtf() but you can just use sqrt()
- DONE: abs() now supports multiple datatypes including float. No need to use floats.fabs() anymore.
- add "polymorphism" of min() and max() to several other builtin functions as well (divmod, pop, push) Fix docs.
- DONE: divmod() now supports multiple datatypes. divmodw() has been removed.
- 6502 codegen: see if we can let for loops skip the loop if startvar>endvar, without adding a lot of code size/duplicating the loop condition.
It is documented behavior to now loop 'around' $00 but it's too easy to forget about!
Lot of work because of so many special cases in ForLoopsAsmgen.....
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<keywords keywords="&;->;@;and;as;asmsub;break;clobbers;do;downto;else;false;for;goto;if;if_cc;if_cs;if_eq;if_mi;if_ne;if_neg;if_nz;if_pl;if_pos;if_vc;if_vs;if_z;in;inline;not;or;repeat;return;romsub;step;sub;to;true;unroll;until;when;while;xor;~" ignore_case="false" />
<keywords2 keywords="%address;%asm;%asmbinary;%asminclude;%breakpoint;%import;%ir;%launcher;%option;%output;%zeropage;%zpreserved;iso:;petscii:;sc:" />
<keywords3 keywords="@requirezp;@shared;@zp;bool;byte;const;float;str;ubyte;uword;void;word" />
<keywords4 keywords="abs;all;any;callfar;callram;callrom;cmp;len;lsb;max;memory;min;mkword;msb;peek;peekw;poke;pokew;pop;popw;push;pushw;reverse;rol;rol2;ror;ror2;rrestore;rrestorex;rsave;rsavex;sgn;sizeof;sort;sqrt;sqrt16;swap;|>" />
<keywords4 keywords="abs;all;any;callfar;callram;callrom;cmp;divmod;len;lsb;max;memory;min;mkword;msb;peek;peekw;poke;pokew;pop;popw;push;pushw;reverse;rol;rol2;ror;ror2;rrestore;rrestorex;rsave;rsavex;sgn;sizeof;sort;sqrt;sqrt16;swap;|>" />
<mapping ext="p8" />
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
<Keywords name="Keywords1">void const
byte ubyte bool
word uword
zp shared requirezp</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords2">%address
<Keywords name="Keywords3">inline sub asmsub romsub
when else
if_cc if_cs if_eq if_mi if_neg if_nz if_pl if_pos if_vc if_vs if_z
for in step do while repeat unroll
break return goto</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords4">abs all any callfar cmp len lsb lsl lsr memory mkword min max msb peek peekw poke pokew push pushw pop popw rsave rsavex rrestore rrestorex reverse rnd rndw rol rol2 ror ror2 sgn sizeof sort sqrtw swap</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords4">abs all any callfar cmp divmod len lsb lsl lsr memory mkword min max msb peek peekw poke pokew push pushw pop popw rsave rsavex rrestore rrestorex reverse rnd rndw rol rol2 ror ror2 sgn sizeof sort sqrtw swap</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords5">true false
not and or xor
as to downto |></Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords6"></Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords7"></Keywords>
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ syn keyword prog8BuiltInFunc sgn sqrtw
syn keyword prog8BuiltInFunc any all len reverse sort
" Miscellaneous functions
syn keyword prog8BuiltInFunc cmp lsb msb mkword min max peek peekw poke pokew push pushw pop popw rsave rsavex rrestore rrestorex
syn keyword prog8BuiltInFunc cmp divmod lsb msb mkword min max peek peekw poke pokew push pushw pop popw rsave rsavex rrestore rrestorex
syn keyword prog8BuiltInFunc rol rol2 ror ror2 sizeof
syn keyword prog8BuiltInFunc swap memory callfar
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