IR: fix for loop over range with step

This commit is contained in:
Irmen de Jong 2023-08-11 03:04:08 +02:00
parent 3e6d16a7a8
commit b92e22e4a6
4 changed files with 19 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -586,23 +586,22 @@ class IRCodeGen(
else -> throw AssemblyError("invalid loopvar node type")
val loopvarDtIr = irType(loopvarDt)
val iterable = forLoop.iterable as PtRange
val step = iterable.step.number.toInt()
val rangeStart = (iterable.from as PtNumber).number.toInt()
val rangeEndExclusiveUntyped = ( as PtNumber).number.toInt() + step
throw AssemblyError("step 0")
if(step>0 && rangeEndExclusiveUntyped<rangeStart || step<0 && rangeEndExclusiveUntyped>rangeStart)
val iterable = (forLoop.iterable as PtRange).toConstantIntegerRange()!!
throw AssemblyError("empty range")
throw AssemblyError("step 0")
val rangeEndExclusiveUntyped = iterable.last + iterable.step
val rangeEndExclusiveWrapped = if(loopvarDtIr==IRDataType.BYTE) rangeEndExclusiveUntyped and 255 else rangeEndExclusiveUntyped and 65535
val result = mutableListOf<IRCodeChunkBase>()
val chunk = IRCodeChunk(null, null)
chunk += IRInstruction(Opcode.LOAD, loopvarDtIr, reg1=indexReg, immediate = rangeStart)
chunk += IRInstruction(Opcode.LOAD, loopvarDtIr, reg1=indexReg, immediate = iterable.first)
chunk += IRInstruction(Opcode.STOREM, loopvarDtIr, reg1=indexReg, labelSymbol=loopvarSymbol)
result += chunk
result += labelFirstChunk(translateNode(forLoop.statements), loopLabel)
val chunk2 = addConstMem(loopvarDtIr, null, loopvarSymbol, step)
val chunk2 = addConstMem(loopvarDtIr, null, loopvarSymbol, iterable.step)
chunk2 += IRInstruction(Opcode.LOADM, loopvarDtIr, reg1 = indexReg, labelSymbol = loopvarSymbol)
chunk2 += IRInstruction(Opcode.XOR, loopvarDtIr, reg1 = 999, immediate = 111)
chunk2 += IRInstruction(Opcode.BNE, loopvarDtIr, reg1 = indexReg, immediate = rangeEndExclusiveWrapped, labelSymbol = loopLabel)
result += chunk2
return result

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@ -210,13 +210,13 @@ main {
var result = compileText(target, true, src, writeAssembly = true)!!
var virtfile = result.compilationOptions.outputDir.resolve( + ".p8ir")
VmRunner().runAndTestProgram(virtfile.readText()) { vm ->
vm.stepCount shouldBe 48
vm.stepCount shouldBe 59
result = compileText(target, false, src, writeAssembly = true)!!
virtfile = result.compilationOptions.outputDir.resolve( + ".p8ir")
VmRunner().runAndTestProgram(virtfile.readText()) { vm ->
vm.stepCount shouldBe 48
vm.stepCount shouldBe 59

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@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
- fix range expression problems in VM/IR (see test.p8)
- investigate McCarthy evaluation again? this may also reduce code size perhaps for things like if a>4 or a<2 ....
- [on branch:] investigate McCarthy evaluation again? this may also reduce code size perhaps for things like if a>4 or a<2 ....
- IR: reduce the number of branch instructions such as BEQ, BEQR, etc (gradually), replace with CMP(I) + status branch instruction
- IR: reduce amount of CMP/CMPI after instructions that set the status bits correctly (LOADs? INC? etc), but only after setting the status bits is verified!

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@ -10,6 +10,14 @@ main {
ubyte xx
byte bb
for cx16.r0 in 0 to 10 {
for xx in array {