mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 20:30:43 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ _done
cx16.VERA_ADDR_H = (cx16.VERA_ADDR_H & %00000111) ; vera auto-increment off again
cx16.VERA_ADDR_H &= %00000111 ; vera auto-increment off again
4 -> {
; lores 256c
@ -239,28 +239,34 @@ _done
6 -> {
; highres 4c
; TODO also mostly usable for lores 4c?
color &=3
ubyte[4] colorbits
ubyte[4] masks
ubyte mask = %11111100
ubyte ii
for ii in 3 downto 0 {
colorbits[ii] = color
masks[ii] = mask
color <<= 2
mask <<=2
void addr_mul_24_for_highres_4c(y, x) ; 24 bits result is in r0 and r1L (highest byte)
cx16.VERA_ADDR_H = (cx16.VERA_ADDR_H & %00000111) ; no auto advance
repeat length {
; TODO optimize the vera memory manipulation in pure assembly
ubyte lower_x_bits = lsb(x) & 3
ubyte cbits4 = cx16.vpeek(lsb(cx16.r1), cx16.r0) & masks[lower_x_bits] | colorbits[lower_x_bits]
cx16.vpoke(lsb(cx16.r1), cx16.r0, cbits4)
if lower_x_bits==%00000011
cx16.r0++ ; next x byte
for x in x to x+length-1
plot(x, y, color)
; TODO this optimized loop sometimes misses the last pixel ????
; color &= 3
; ubyte[4] colorbits
; ubyte[4] masks
; ubyte mask = %11111100
; ubyte ii
; for ii in 3 downto 0 {
; colorbits[ii] = color
; masks[ii] = mask
; color <<= 2
; mask <<=2
; }
; cx16.VERA_ADDR_H &= %00000111 ; no auto advance
; void addr_mul_24_for_highres_4c(y, x) ; 24 bits result is in r0 and r1L (highest byte)
; repeat length {
; ; TODO optimize the vera memory manipulation in pure assembly
; ubyte lower_x_bits = lsb(x) & 3
; ubyte cbits4 = cx16.vpeek(lsb(cx16.r1), cx16.r0) & masks[lower_x_bits] | colorbits[lower_x_bits]
; cx16.vpoke(lsb(cx16.r1), cx16.r0, cbits4)
; if lower_x_bits==%00000011
; cx16.r0++ ; next x byte
; x++
; }
@ -271,7 +277,7 @@ _done
1, 5 -> {
; monochrome, either resolution
; note for the 1 bpp modes we can't use vera's auto increment mode because we have to 'or' the pixel data in place.
cx16.VERA_ADDR_H = (cx16.VERA_ADDR_H & %00000111) ; no auto advance
cx16.VERA_ADDR_H &= %00000111 ; no auto advance
cx16.r15 = gfx2.plot.bits[x as ubyte & 7] ; bitmask
if active_mode>=5
cx16.r14 = 640/8
@ -357,7 +363,7 @@ _done
4 -> {
; lores 256c
; set vera auto-increment to 320 pixel increment (=next line)
cx16.VERA_ADDR_H = (cx16.VERA_ADDR_H & %00000111) | (14<<4)
cx16.VERA_ADDR_H = cx16.VERA_ADDR_H & %00000111 | (14<<4)
%asm {{
ldy height
beq +
@ -371,7 +377,7 @@ _done
6 -> {
; highres 4c
; note for this mode we can't use vera's auto increment mode because we have to 'or' the pixel data in place.
cx16.VERA_ADDR_H = (cx16.VERA_ADDR_H & %00000111) ; no auto advance
cx16.VERA_ADDR_H &= %00000111 ; no auto advance
; TODO also mostly usable for lores 4c?
void addr_mul_24_for_highres_4c(y, x) ; 24 bits result is in r0 and r1L (highest byte)
color &= 3
@ -575,7 +581,7 @@ _done
void addr_mul_24_for_lores_256c(y, x) ; 24 bits result is in r0 and r1L (highest byte)
cx16.vpoke(lsb(cx16.r1), cx16.r0, color)
; activate vera auto-increment mode so next_pixel() can be used after this
cx16.VERA_ADDR_H = (cx16.VERA_ADDR_H & %00000111) | %00010000
cx16.VERA_ADDR_H = cx16.VERA_ADDR_H & %00000111 | %00010000
color = cx16.VERA_DATA0
5 -> {
@ -604,6 +610,7 @@ _done
color &= 3
color <<= shift4c[lsb(x) & 3]
; TODO optimize the vera memory manipulation in pure assembly
cx16.VERA_ADDR_H &= %00000111 ; no auto advance
value = cx16.vpeek(lsb(cx16.r1), cx16.r0) & mask4c[lsb(x) & 3] | color
cx16.vpoke(lsb(cx16.r1), cx16.r0, value)
@ -10,15 +10,18 @@
main {
sub start() {
gfx2.screen_mode(5) ; select 640*480 mode
palette.set_monochrome($0aaa, $0000) ; TODO fix setting the palette... the isNoClobberRisk() for lsb/msb broke it
gfx2.screen_mode(6) ; select 640*480 mode
uword[4] amigacolors = [$aaa, $000, $fff, $68c] ; gray, black, white, lightblue
palette.set_rgb(amigacolors, len(amigacolors))
cx16.VERA_DC_VSCALE = 64 ; have the vertical resolution so it is 640*240 - more or less Amiga's default non interlaced mode
cx16.mouse_config(1, 1) ; enable mouse TODO make it an Amiga mouse pointer if possible
if gfx2.active_mode==5 {
@ -31,7 +34,7 @@ main {
sub screen_titlebar() {
; TODO white box
gfx2.fillrect(0, 0, gfx2.width, 10, 2)
gfx2.text(8,1, 1, @"AmigaOS 3.1 2,002,448 graphics mem 16,504,384 other mem")
gfx2.horizontal_line(0, 10, gfx2.width, 1)
widget.window_order_icon(gfx2.width-widget.window_order_icon.width, 0, false)
@ -44,11 +47,11 @@ main {
const uword width = 600
const uword height = 220
widget.window_titlebar(win_x, win_y, width, @"Workbench", true)
gfx2.fillrect(win_x+3, win_y+11, width-4, height-11-2,0) ; clear window pane
widget.window_leftborder(win_x, win_y, height, true)
widget.window_titlebar(win_x, win_y, width, @"Workbench", false)
; gfx2.fillrect(win_x+3, win_y+11, width-4, height-11-2,0) ; clear window pane
widget.window_leftborder(win_x, win_y, height, false)
widget.window_bottomborder(win_x, win_y, width, height)
widget.window_rightborder(win_x, win_y, width, height, true)
widget.window_rightborder(win_x, win_y, width, height, false)
vector_v(win_x+width - 380, win_y+height-20)
vector_v(win_x+width - 380 -14, win_y+height-20)
@ -73,7 +76,7 @@ main {
const uword win_y = 40
widget.window_titlebar(win_x, win_y, width, @"System", false)
gfx2.fillrect(win_x+3, win_y+11, width-4, height-11-2,0) ; clear window pane
gfx2.fillrect(win_x+3, win_y+11, width-4, height-11-2, 0) ; clear window pane
widget.window_leftborder(win_x, win_y, height, false)
widget.window_bottomborder(win_x, win_y, width, height)
widget.window_rightborder(win_x, win_y, width, height, false)
@ -91,11 +94,11 @@ main {
const uword width = 500
const uword height = 65
widget.window_titlebar(win_x, win_y, width, @"AmigaShell", false)
widget.window_titlebar(win_x, win_y, width, @"AmigaShell", true)
gfx2.fillrect(win_x+3, win_y+11, width-4, height-11-2,0) ; clear window pane
widget.window_leftborder(win_x, win_y, height, false)
widget.window_leftborder(win_x, win_y, height, true)
widget.window_bottomborder(win_x, win_y, width, height)
widget.window_rightborder(win_x, win_y, width, height, false)
widget.window_rightborder(win_x, win_y, width, height, true)
gfx2.text(win_x+5, win_y+12, 1, @"New Shell process 3")
gfx2.text(win_x+5, win_y+12+8, 1, @"3.Workbench3.1:>")
@ -108,12 +111,14 @@ main {
widget {
sub highlightedrect(uword x, uword y, uword width, uword height, ubyte active) {
; TODO white
gfx2.horizontal_line(x, y, width, 1)
gfx2.vertical_line(x, y+1, height-1, 1)
; TODO black
gfx2.horizontal_line(x, y, width, 2)
gfx2.vertical_line(x, y+1, height-1, 2)
gfx2.vertical_line(x+width-1, y+1, height-1, 1)
gfx2.horizontal_line(x+1, y+height-1, width-2, 1)
if active
gfx2.fillrect(x+1,y+1,width-2,height-2, 3)
gfx2.fillrect(x+1,y+1,width-2,height-2, 0)
sub icon(uword x, uword y, uword caption) {
@ -134,8 +139,8 @@ widget {
sub window_titlebar(uword x, uword y, uword width, uword titlestr, ubyte active) {
const ubyte height = 11
widget.highlightedrect(x+widget.window_close_icon.width, y, width-62, height, active)
widget.highlightedrect(x+widget.window_close_icon.width, y, width-64, height, active)
gfx2.plot(x+widget.window_close_icon.width, y+height-1, 1) ; correct bottom left corner
gfx2.text(x+32, y+1, 1, titlestr)
widget.window_close_icon(x, y, active)
widget.window_order_icon(x+width-22, y, active)
@ -146,51 +151,58 @@ widget {
const uword width = 22
const uword height = 11
highlightedrect(x, y, width, height, active)
gfx2.plot(x, y+height-1, 1) ; correct bottom left corner
gfx2.rect(x+5, y+2, width-9, height-4, 1)
gfx2.rect(x+5, y+2, width-15, height-7, 1)
gfx2.rect(x+5, y+2, 7, 4, 1)
gfx2.fillrect(x+6, y+3, 5, 2, 2)
sub window_order_icon(uword x, uword y, ubyte active) {
; TODO background filled box
const uword width = 22
const uword height = 11
highlightedrect(x, y, width, height, active)
gfx2.fillrect(x+4, y+2, 10, 5, 1) ; grey back
; TODO black border
gfx2.fillrect(x+8, y+4, 10, 5, 1) ; white front
; TODO black border
gfx2.plot(x, y+height-1, 1) ; correct bottom left corner
gfx2.rect(x+4, y+2, 10, 5, 1) ; back
gfx2.fillrect(x+9, y+5, 8, 3, 2) ; white front
gfx2.rect(x+8, y+4, 10, 5, 1) ; front
sub window_close_icon(uword x, uword y, ubyte active) {
; TODO background filled box
const uword width = 20
const uword height = 11
highlightedrect(x, y, width, height, active)
gfx2.fillrect(x+7, y+3, 5, 5, 1)
; TODO black border
gfx2.plot(x, y+height-1, 1) ; correct bottom left corner
gfx2.rect(x+7, y+3, 5, 5, 1)
gfx2.fillrect(x+8, y+4, 3, 3, 2)
sub window_leftborder(uword x, uword y, uword height, ubyte active) {
gfx2.vertical_line(x, y, height, 1)
gfx2.vertical_line(x+1, y+11, height-11, 1)
gfx2.vertical_line(x, y, height, 2)
ubyte color = 0
if active
color = 3
gfx2.vertical_line(x+1, y+11, height-11, color)
gfx2.vertical_line(x+2, y+11, height-11, 1)
sub window_bottomborder(uword x, uword y, uword width, uword height) {
gfx2.horizontal_line(x+3, y+height-2, width-3, 1)
gfx2.horizontal_line(x+3, y+height-2, width-3, 2)
gfx2.horizontal_line(x, y+height-1, width, 1)
sub window_rightborder(uword x, uword y, uword width, uword height, ubyte active) {
; TODO scrollbar and scroll icons
gfx2.vertical_line(x+width-1-16, y+11, height-13,1)
gfx2.vertical_line(x+width-1-16, y+11, height-13,2)
gfx2.vertical_line(x+width-1, y+11, height-11,1)
ubyte color = 0
if active
color = 3
gfx2.fillrect(x+width-1-15, y+11, 15, height-12, color)
gfx2.fillrect(x+width-1-15, y+height-10, 15, 9, 0)
gfx2.horizontal_line(x+width-1-13, y+height-3, 11,1)
gfx2.vertical_line(x+width-1-3, y+height-3-5, 5,1)
gfx2.horizontal_line(x+width-1-13, y+height-3, 11, 1)
gfx2.vertical_line(x+width-1-3, y+height-3-5, 5, 1)
gfx2.line(x+width-1-13,y+height-3, x+width-1-3, y+height-3-5, 1)
gfx2.horizontal_line(x+width-1-16, y+height-10, 16,1)
gfx2.horizontal_line(x+width-1-16, y+height-10, 16, 2)
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
%target cx16
%import gfx2
%import string
%import textio
%zeropage basicsafe
@ -7,34 +8,199 @@ main {
sub start () {
; testhorizontal()
sub test() {
sub testrect() {
uword siz
for siz in 10 to 40 step 3 {
widget.highlightedrect(100-siz, 100-siz, 100+siz*2, 10+siz*2, 1)
ubyte color
sub testhorizontal() {
uword width
uword yy = 100
for width in 40 to 60 {
gfx2.horizontal_line(100, yy, width, 1)
uword xx
for xx in 100 to 99+width {
gfx2.plot(xx, yy, 2)
yy += 4
sub testvertical() {
uword height
uword xx = 100
for height in 40 to 60 {
gfx2.vertical_line(xx, 100, height, 1)
uword yy
; for color in 3 downto 0 {
; for yy in 100 to 120 {
; uword xx
; for xx in 10 to 500 {
; gfx2.plot(xx, yy, color)
; }
; }
; }
for yy in 100 to 99+height {
gfx2.plot(xx, yy, 2)
xx += 4
for color in 3 downto 0 {
for yy in 130 to 150 {
gfx2.horizontal_line(10, yy, 400, color)
sub testplot() {
uword xx = 100
uword yy = 100
ubyte color
repeat 6 {
for color in 0 to 3 {
for xx in 200 to 600 step 3 {
gfx2.plot(xx, yy, color)
yy += 5
xx = 50
repeat 6 {
for color in 0 to 3 {
for yy in 100 to 400 step 3 {
gfx2.plot(xx, yy, color)
xx += 5
yy = 101
repeat 6 {
for color in 0 to 3 {
gfx2.horizontal_line(200, yy, 400, color)
yy += 5
xx = 51
repeat 6 {
for color in 0 to 3 {
gfx2.vertical_line(xx, 100, 300, color)
xx += 5
widget {
sub highlightedrect(uword x, uword y, uword width, uword height, ubyte active) {
gfx2.horizontal_line(x, y, width, 2)
gfx2.vertical_line(x, y+1, height-1, 2)
gfx2.vertical_line(x+width-1, y+1, height-1, 3)
gfx2.horizontal_line(x+1, y+height-1, width-2, 2) ; TODO SOMETIMES MISSES THE LAST PIXEL
; if active
; gfx2.fillrect(x+1,y+1,width-2,height-2, 3)
; else
; gfx2.fillrect(x+1,y+1,width-2,height-2, 0)
sub horizontal_line(uword x, uword y, uword length, ubyte color) {
if length==0
uword xx
for xx in x to x+length-1 {
gfx2.plot(xx, y, color)
sub icon(uword x, uword y, uword caption) {
const ubyte width = 56
const ubyte height = 28
highlightedrect(x, y, width, height, false)
uword middlex = x+width/2+1
ubyte halfstring = string.length(caption) * 4
gfx2.disc(x+width/4+4, y+height/2, height/2-4, 1)
gfx2.circle(x+width/4+4, y+height/2, height/2-4, 1)
sub window_titlebar(uword x, uword y, uword width, uword titlestr, ubyte active) {
const ubyte height = 11
widget.highlightedrect(x+widget.window_close_icon.width, y, width-62, height, active)
gfx2.text(x+32, y+1, 1, titlestr)
widget.window_close_icon(x, y, active)
widget.window_order_icon(x+width-22, y, active)
widget.window_flipsize_icon(x+width-44, y, active)
sub window_flipsize_icon(uword x, uword y, ubyte active) {
const uword width = 22
const uword height = 11
highlightedrect(x, y, width, height, active)
gfx2.rect(x+5, y+2, width-9, height-4, 1)
gfx2.rect(x+5, y+2, 7, 4, 1)
gfx2.fillrect(x+6, y+3, 5, 2, 2)
sub window_order_icon(uword x, uword y, ubyte active) {
const uword width = 22
const uword height = 11
highlightedrect(x, y, width, height, active)
gfx2.rect(x+4, y+2, 10, 5, 1) ; back
gfx2.fillrect(x+9, y+5, 8, 3, 2) ; white front
gfx2.rect(x+8, y+4, 10, 5, 1) ; front
sub window_close_icon(uword x, uword y, ubyte active) {
const uword width = 20
const uword height = 11
highlightedrect(x, y, width, height, active)
gfx2.rect(x+7, y+3, 5, 5, 1)
gfx2.fillrect(x+8, y+4, 3, 3, 2)
sub window_leftborder(uword x, uword y, uword height, ubyte active) {
gfx2.vertical_line(x, y, height, 2)
ubyte color = 0
if active
color = 3
gfx2.vertical_line(x+1, y+11, height-11, color)
gfx2.vertical_line(x+2, y+11, height-11, 1)
sub window_bottomborder(uword x, uword y, uword width, uword height) {
gfx2.horizontal_line(x+3, y+height-2, width-3, 2)
gfx2.horizontal_line(x, y+height-1, width, 1)
sub window_rightborder(uword x, uword y, uword width, uword height, ubyte active) {
; TODO scrollbar and scroll icons
gfx2.vertical_line(x+width-1-16, y+11, height-13,2)
gfx2.vertical_line(x+width-1, y+11, height-11,1)
ubyte color = 0
if active
color = 3
gfx2.fillrect(x+width-1-15, y+11, 15, height-12, color)
gfx2.horizontal_line(x+width-1-13, y+height-3, 11, 1)
gfx2.vertical_line(x+width-1-3, y+height-3-5, 5, 1)
gfx2.line(x+width-1-13,y+height-3, x+width-1-3, y+height-3-5, 1)
gfx2.horizontal_line(x+width-1-16, y+height-10, 16, 2)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user