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synced 2025-03-22 19:30:04 +00:00
added cx16.vload() (like the VLOAD basic instruction)
This commit is contained in:
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ romsub $FFAE = UNLSN() clobbers(A) ; command serial
romsub $FFB1 = LISTEN(ubyte device @ A) clobbers(A) ; command serial bus device to LISTEN
romsub $FFB4 = TALK(ubyte device @ A) clobbers(A) ; command serial bus device to TALK
romsub $FFB7 = READST() -> ubyte @ A ; read I/O status word
romsub $FFBA = SETLFS(ubyte logical @ A, ubyte device @ X, ubyte address @ Y) ; set logical file parameters
romsub $FFBA = SETLFS(ubyte logical @ A, ubyte device @ X, ubyte secondary @ Y) ; set logical file parameters
romsub $FFBD = SETNAM(ubyte namelen @ A, str filename @ XY) ; set filename parameters
romsub $FFC0 = OPEN() clobbers(X,Y) -> ubyte @Pc, ubyte @A ; (via 794 ($31A)) open a logical file
romsub $FFC3 = CLOSE(ubyte logical @ A) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; (via 796 ($31C)) close a logical file
@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ romsub $FFC9 = CHKOUT(ubyte logical @ X) clobbers(A,X) ; (via 800 ($320
romsub $FFCC = CLRCHN() clobbers(A,X) ; (via 802 ($322)) restore default devices
romsub $FFCF = CHRIN() clobbers(X, Y) -> ubyte @ A ; (via 804 ($324)) input a character (for keyboard, read a whole line from the screen) A=byte read.
romsub $FFD2 = CHROUT(ubyte char @ A) ; (via 806 ($326)) output a character
romsub $FFD5 = LOAD(ubyte verify @ A, uword address @ XY) -> ubyte @Pc, ubyte @ A, ubyte @ X, ubyte @ Y ; (via 816 ($330)) load from device
romsub $FFD8 = SAVE(ubyte zp_startaddr @ A, uword endaddr @ XY) -> ubyte @ Pc, ubyte @ A ; (via 818 ($332)) save to a device
romsub $FFD5 = LOAD(ubyte verify @ A, uword address @ XY) -> ubyte @Pc, ubyte @ A, uword @ XY ; (via 816 ($330)) load from device
romsub $FFD8 = SAVE(ubyte zp_startaddr @ A, uword endaddr @ XY) -> ubyte @ Pc, ubyte @ A ; (via 818 ($332)) save to a device
romsub $FFDB = SETTIM(ubyte low @ A, ubyte middle @ X, ubyte high @ Y) ; set the software clock
romsub $FFDE = RDTIM() -> ubyte @ A, ubyte @ X, ubyte @ Y ; read the software clock
romsub $FFE1 = STOP() clobbers(X) -> ubyte @ Pz, ubyte @ A ; (via 808 ($328)) check the STOP key (and some others in A)
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ romsub $FFAE = UNLSN() clobbers(A) ; command serial
romsub $FFB1 = LISTEN(ubyte device @ A) clobbers(A) ; command serial bus device to LISTEN
romsub $FFB4 = TALK(ubyte device @ A) clobbers(A) ; command serial bus device to TALK
romsub $FFB7 = READST() -> ubyte @ A ; read I/O status word
romsub $FFBA = SETLFS(ubyte logical @ A, ubyte device @ X, ubyte address @ Y) ; set logical file parameters
romsub $FFBA = SETLFS(ubyte logical @ A, ubyte device @ X, ubyte secondary @ Y) ; set logical file parameters
romsub $FFBD = SETNAM(ubyte namelen @ A, str filename @ XY) ; set filename parameters
romsub $FFC0 = OPEN() clobbers(X,Y) -> ubyte @Pc, ubyte @A ; (via 794 ($31A)) open a logical file
romsub $FFC3 = CLOSE(ubyte logical @ A) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; (via 796 ($31C)) close a logical file
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ romsub $FFC9 = CHKOUT(ubyte logical @ X) clobbers(A,X) ; (via 800 ($320
romsub $FFCC = CLRCHN() clobbers(A,X) ; (via 802 ($322)) restore default devices
romsub $FFCF = CHRIN() clobbers(X, Y) -> ubyte @ A ; (via 804 ($324)) input a character (for keyboard, read a whole line from the screen) A=byte read.
romsub $FFD2 = CHROUT(ubyte char @ A) ; (via 806 ($326)) output a character
romsub $FFD5 = LOAD(ubyte verify @ A, uword address @ XY) -> ubyte @Pc, ubyte @ A, ubyte @ X, ubyte @ Y ; (via 816 ($330)) load from device
romsub $FFD8 = SAVE(ubyte zp_startaddr @ A, uword endaddr @ XY) -> ubyte @ Pc, ubyte @ A ; (via 818 ($332)) save to a device
romsub $FFD5 = LOAD(ubyte verify @ A, uword address @ XY) -> ubyte @Pc, ubyte @ A, uword @ XY ; (via 816 ($330)) load from device
romsub $FFD8 = SAVE(ubyte zp_startaddr @ A, uword endaddr @ XY) -> ubyte @ Pc, ubyte @ A ; (via 818 ($332)) save to a device
romsub $FFDB = SETTIM(ubyte low @ A, ubyte middle @ X, ubyte high @ Y) ; set the software clock
romsub $FFDE = RDTIM() -> ubyte @ A, ubyte @ X, ubyte @ Y ; read the software clock
romsub $FFE1 = STOP() clobbers(X) -> ubyte @ Pz, ubyte @ A ; (via 808 ($328)) check the STOP key (and some others in A)
@ -350,75 +350,115 @@ asmsub vaddr(ubyte bank @A, uword address @R0, ubyte addrsel @R1, byte autoIncrO
asmsub vpoke(ubyte bank @A, uword address @R0, ubyte value @Y) clobbers(A) {
; -- write a single byte to VERA's video memory
; note: inefficient when writing multiple sequential bytes!
%asm {{
stz cx16.VERA_CTRL
and #1
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_H
lda cx16.r0
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_L
lda cx16.r0+1
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_M
sty cx16.VERA_DATA0
; -- write a single byte to VERA's video memory
; note: inefficient when writing multiple sequential bytes!
%asm {{
stz cx16.VERA_CTRL
and #1
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_H
lda cx16.r0
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_L
lda cx16.r0+1
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_M
sty cx16.VERA_DATA0
asmsub vpoke_or(ubyte bank @A, uword address @R0, ubyte value @Y) clobbers (A) {
; -- or a single byte to the value already in the VERA's video memory at that location
; note: inefficient when writing multiple sequential bytes!
%asm {{
stz cx16.VERA_CTRL
and #1
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_H
lda cx16.r0
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_L
lda cx16.r0+1
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_M
ora cx16.VERA_DATA0
sta cx16.VERA_DATA0
; -- or a single byte to the value already in the VERA's video memory at that location
; note: inefficient when writing multiple sequential bytes!
%asm {{
stz cx16.VERA_CTRL
and #1
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_H
lda cx16.r0
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_L
lda cx16.r0+1
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_M
ora cx16.VERA_DATA0
sta cx16.VERA_DATA0
asmsub vpoke_and(ubyte bank @A, uword address @R0, ubyte value @Y) clobbers(A) {
; -- and a single byte to the value already in the VERA's video memory at that location
; note: inefficient when writing multiple sequential bytes!
%asm {{
stz cx16.VERA_CTRL
and #1
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_H
lda cx16.r0
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_L
lda cx16.r0+1
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_M
and cx16.VERA_DATA0
sta cx16.VERA_DATA0
; -- and a single byte to the value already in the VERA's video memory at that location
; note: inefficient when writing multiple sequential bytes!
%asm {{
stz cx16.VERA_CTRL
and #1
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_H
lda cx16.r0
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_L
lda cx16.r0+1
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_M
and cx16.VERA_DATA0
sta cx16.VERA_DATA0
asmsub vpoke_xor(ubyte bank @A, uword address @R0, ubyte value @Y) clobbers (A) {
; -- xor a single byte to the value already in the VERA's video memory at that location
; note: inefficient when writing multiple sequential bytes!
%asm {{
stz cx16.VERA_CTRL
and #1
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_H
lda cx16.r0
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_L
lda cx16.r0+1
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_M
eor cx16.VERA_DATA0
sta cx16.VERA_DATA0
; -- xor a single byte to the value already in the VERA's video memory at that location
; note: inefficient when writing multiple sequential bytes!
%asm {{
stz cx16.VERA_CTRL
and #1
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_H
lda cx16.r0
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_L
lda cx16.r0+1
sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_M
eor cx16.VERA_DATA0
sta cx16.VERA_DATA0
asmsub vload(str name @R0, ubyte device @Y, ubyte bank @A, uword address @R1) -> ubyte @A {
; -- like the basic command VLOAD "filename",device,bank,address
; loads a file into video memory in the given bank:address, returns success in A
; !! NOTE !! the V38 ROMs contain a bug in the LOAD code that makes the load address not work correctly,
; it works fine when loading from local filesystem
%asm {{
; -- load a file into video ram
lda #1
ldy #0
jsr c64.SETLFS
lda cx16.r0
ldy cx16.r0+1
jsr prog8_lib.strlen
ldx cx16.r0
ldy cx16.r0+1
jsr c64.SETNAM
adc #2
ldx cx16.r1
ldy cx16.r1+1
jsr c64.LOAD
bcs +
+ jsr c64.CLRCHN
lda #1
jsr c64.CLOSE
sub FB_set_pixels_from_buf(uword buffer, uword count) {
%asm {{
; -- This is replacement code for the normal FB_set_pixels subroutine in ROM
@ -1072,3 +1072,14 @@ sign_extend_AY_byte .proc
strlen .proc
; -- returns the number of bytes in the string in AY, in Y.
ldy #0
- lda (P8ZP_SCRATCH_W1),y
beq +
bne -
+ rts
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- add cx16 vload() and vsave()
- add cx16.vsave() to be able to make screenshots? (there's no kernal routine for this)
- optimize several inner loops in gfx2
- hoist all variable declarations up to the subroutine scope *before* even the constant folding takes place (to avoid undefined symbol errors when referring to a variable from another nested scope in the subroutine)
@ -1,10 +1,23 @@
%target cx16
%import textio
%zeropage basicsafe
main {
sub start() {
str filename = "titlescreen.bin"
ubyte success = cx16.vload(filename, 8, 0, $0000)
if success {
txt.print("load ok")
cx16.VERA_DC_HSCALE = 64
cx16.VERA_DC_VSCALE = 64
cx16.VERA_L1_CONFIG = %00011111 ; 256c bitmap mode
cx16.VERA_L1_MAPBASE = 0
} else {
txt.print("load fail")
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