module import mechanism and ast checking

This commit is contained in:
Irmen de Jong 2018-08-12 23:09:59 +02:00
parent 20d5eb79d0
commit cb22d9caf2
10 changed files with 244 additions and 77 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
~ extra {
; this is imported
X = 42
return 44

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
~ main $c003 {
memory byte derp = $ffdd1
const byte hopla=55-33
; const byte hopla2=55-hopla
const float zwop = -1.7014118345e+38
const float zwop = -1.7014118346e+38
A = "derp" * %000100
%import maghierniet
%import maghierniet
%import maghierniet
%import maghierniet
return 1+999
%import imported1, 33, aaa
%import imported2
%import imported3

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
%zp full
%address 33
~ extra {
; this is imported
X = 42
return 44
~ extra2 {
; this is imported
X = 42
return 44
~ main {
; this is imported
X = 42
return 44

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
%zp full
%address 33
~ extra {
; this is imported
X = 42
return 44
~ extra2 {
; this is imported
X = 42
return 44
~ main {
; this is imported
X = 42
return 44

il65/examples/test.ill Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
~ main $c003 {
memory byte derp = $ffdd
const byte hopla=55-33
; const byte hopla2=55-hopla
const float zwop = -1.7014118345e+38
const float zwop = -1.7014118345e+38
A = "derp" * %000100
return 1+999
%asminclude "derp", hopsa
%asmbinary "derp", 0, 200
%import imported
%import imported
%import imported
%import imported
%import imported
%import imported2
%import imported

View File

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
package il65
import il65.ast.Directive
import il65.ast.Module
import il65.ast.SyntaxError
import il65.ast.toAst
import il65.ast.*
import il65.parser.il65Lexer
import il65.parser.il65Parser
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStreams
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Lexer
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.Paths
import kotlin.collections.HashMap
class MyTokenStream(lexer: Lexer) : CommonTokenStream(lexer) {
@ -32,42 +32,49 @@ class MyTokenStream(lexer: Lexer) : CommonTokenStream(lexer) {
class ParsingFailedError(override var message: String) : Exception(message)
fun loadModule(filename: String) : Module {
private val importedModules : HashMap<String, Module> = hashMapOf()
val filePath = Paths.get(filename).normalize()
val fileLocation = filePath.parent
val fileName = filePath.fileName
println("importing '$fileName' (from $fileLocation)...")
fun loadModule(filePath: Path) : Module {
println("importing '${filePath.fileName}' (from ${filePath.parent})...")
throw ParsingFailedError("No such file: $filePath")
val moduleName = fileNameWithoutSuffix(filePath)
val input = CharStreams.fromPath(filePath)
val lexer = il65Lexer(input)
val tokens = MyTokenStream(lexer)
val parser = il65Parser(tokens)
val parseTree = parser.module()
if(parser.numberOfSyntaxErrors > 0)
throw ParsingFailedError("There are ${parser.numberOfSyntaxErrors} syntax errors in '$fileName'.")
throw ParsingFailedError("There are ${parser.numberOfSyntaxErrors} syntax errors in '${filePath.fileName}'.")
// TODO the comments:
// tokens.commentTokens().forEach { println(it) }
// convert to Ast and optimize
var moduleAst = parseTree.toAst(fileName.toString(),true).optimized()
val moduleAst = parseTree.toAst(moduleName,true)
val checkResult = moduleAst.checkValid()
checkResult.forEach { it.printError() }
throw ParsingFailedError("There are ${checkResult.size} errors in '$fileName'.")
importedModules[] = moduleAst
// process imports
val lines = moduleAst.lines.toMutableList()
val imports = lines
.mapIndexed { i, it -> Pair(i, it) }
.filter { (it.second as? Directive)?.directive == "%import" }
.map { Pair(it.first, executeImportDirective(it.second as Directive)) }
.map { Pair(it.first, executeImportDirective(it.second as Directive, filePath)) }
imports.reversed().forEach {
println("IMPORT [in ${}]: $it") // TODO
if(it.second==null) {
// this import was already satisfied. just remove this line.
} else {
// merge imported lines at this spot
lines.addAll(it.first, it.second!!.lines)
moduleAst.lines = lines
@ -75,21 +82,44 @@ fun loadModule(filename: String) : Module {
fun executeImportDirective(import: Directive): Module {
fun fileNameWithoutSuffix(filePath: Path) =
fun discoverImportedModule(name: String, importedFrom: Path): Path {
val tryName = Paths.get(importedFrom.parent.toString(), name + ".ill")
return tryName
throw ParsingFailedError("No such module source file: $tryName")
fun executeImportDirective(import: Directive, importedFrom: Path): Module? {
if(import.directive!="%import" || import.args.size!=1 || import.args[0].name==null)
throw SyntaxError("invalid import directive", import)
val moduleName = import.args[0].name!!
return null
return Module("???", emptyList()) // TODO
val modulePath = discoverImportedModule(moduleName, importedFrom)
val importedModule = loadModule(modulePath)
return importedModule
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println("Reading source file: ${args[0]}")
try {
val moduleAst = loadModule(args[0]).optimized() // one final global optimization
moduleAst.linkParents() // re-link parents in final configuration
val filepath = Paths.get(args[0]).normalize()
val moduleAst = loadModule(filepath)
moduleAst.optimize() // one final global optimization
moduleAst.linkParents() // re-link parents in final configuration
moduleAst.checkValid() // check if final tree is valid {
// todo compile to asm...
moduleAst.lines.forEach {
} catch(sx: SyntaxError) {

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package il65.ast
import il65.parser.il65Parser
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.TerminalNode
import java.nio.file.Paths
/**************************** AST Data classes ****************************/
@ -35,19 +36,19 @@ class ExpressionException(override var message: String) : AstException(message)
class SyntaxError(override var message: String, val node: Node?) : AstException(message) {
fun printError() {
val location = if(node?.position == null)
"[line ${node.position!!.line} col ${node.position!!.startCol}-${node.position!!.endCol}] "
val location = if(node?.position == null) "" else node.position.toString()
System.err.println("$location $message")
data class Position(val line: Int, val startCol:Int, val endCol: Int)
data class Position(val file: String, val line: Int, val startCol: Int, val endCol: Int) {
override fun toString(): String = "[$file: line $line col $startCol-$endCol]"
interface IAstProcessor {
fun process(module: Module)
fun process(expr: PrefixExpression): IExpression
fun process(expr: BinaryExpression): IExpression
fun process(directive: Directive): IStatement
@ -81,9 +82,8 @@ data class Module(val name: String,
lines.forEach {it.linkParents(this)}
fun process(processor: IAstProcessor): Module {
lines = { it.process(processor) }
return this
fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) {
@ -440,9 +440,10 @@ data class InlineAssembly(val assembly: String) : IStatement {
/***************** Antlr Extension methods to create AST ****************/
fun ParserRuleContext.toPosition(withPosition: Boolean) : Position? {
val file = Paths.get(this.start.inputStream.sourceName).fileName.toString()
return if (withPosition)
// note: be ware of TAB characters in the source text, they count as 1 column...
Position(start.line, start.charPositionInLine, stop.charPositionInLine+stop.text.length)
Position(file, start.line, start.charPositionInLine, stop.charPositionInLine+stop.text.length)

View File

@ -1,22 +1,32 @@
package il65
package il65.ast
import il65.ast.*
import il65.ParsingFailedError
fun Module.checkValid() : List<SyntaxError> {
fun Module.checkValid() {
val checker = AstChecker()
return checker.result()
val checkResult = checker.result()
checkResult.forEach {
throw ParsingFailedError("There are ${checkResult.size} errors in module '$name'.")
class AstChecker : IAstProcessor {
private val checkResult: MutableList<SyntaxError> = mutableListOf()
private val blockNames: HashMap<String, Position?> = hashMapOf()
fun result(): List<SyntaxError> {
return checkResult
override fun process(module: Module) {
module.lines.forEach { it.process(this) }
override fun process(expr: PrefixExpression): IExpression {
return expr
@ -29,6 +39,12 @@ class AstChecker : IAstProcessor {
if(block.address!=null && (block.address<0 || block.address>65535)) {
checkResult.add(SyntaxError("block memory address must be valid 0..\$ffff", block))
val existing = blockNames[]
if(existing!=null) {
checkResult.add(SyntaxError("block name conflict, first defined in ${existing.file} line ${existing.line}", block))
} else {
blockNames[] = block.position
block.statements.forEach { it.process(this) }
return block
@ -38,8 +54,6 @@ class AstChecker : IAstProcessor {
override fun process(decl: VarDecl): IStatement {
fun err(msg: String) {
if(decl.value?.position == null)
throw AstException("declvalue no pos!")
checkResult.add(SyntaxError(msg, decl))
when(decl.type) {
@ -127,16 +141,21 @@ class AstChecker : IAstProcessor {
if(directive.parent !is Module) err("this directive may only occur at module level")
if(directive.args.size!=1 || directive.args[0].name==null)
err("invalid import directive, expected module name argument")
if(directive.args[0].name == (directive.parent as Module).name)
err("invalid import directive, cannot import itself")
"%breakpoint" -> {
if(directive.parent !is Block) err("this directive may only occur in a block")
err("invalid breakpoint directive, expected no arguments")
"%asminclude" -> {
if(directive.parent !is Block) err("this directive may only occur in a block")
if(directive.args.size!=2 || directive.args[0].str==null || directive.args[1].name==null)
err("invalid asminclude directive, expected arguments: \"filename\", scopelabel")
"%asmbinary" -> {
if(directive.parent !is Block) err("this directive may only occur in a block")
val errormsg = "invalid asmbinary directive, expected arguments: \"filename\" [, offset [, length ] ]"
if(directive.args.isEmpty()) err(errormsg)
if(directive.args.isNotEmpty() && directive.args[0].str==null) err(errormsg)

View File

@ -1,24 +1,23 @@
package il65
package il65.ast
import il65.ast.*
import kotlin.math.pow
fun Module.optimized() : Module {
fun Module.optimize() {
val optimizer = AstOptimizer()
var result = this.process(optimizer)
println("[${}] 0 optimizations performed")
while(optimizer.optimizationsDone>0) {
println("Optimizations done: ${optimizer.optimizationsDone}")
println("[${}] ${optimizer.optimizationsDone} optimizations performed")
result = result.process(optimizer)
println("nothing left to process!")
return result
class AstOptimizer : IAstProcessor {
var optimizationsDone: Int = 0
private set
@ -26,6 +25,10 @@ class AstOptimizer : IAstProcessor {
optimizationsDone = 0
override fun process(module: Module) {
module.lines = { it.process(this) }
override fun process(block: Block): IStatement {
block.statements = { it.process(this) }
return block
@ -102,7 +105,6 @@ class AstOptimizer : IAstProcessor {
val rightconst = expr.right.constValue()
return when {
leftconst != null && rightconst != null -> {
println("optimizing $expr")
evaluator.evaluate(leftconst, expr.operator, rightconst)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
package il65.ast
import il65.ParsingFailedError
fun Module.checkImportValid() {
val checker = ImportedAstChecker()
val result = checker.result()
result.forEach {
throw ParsingFailedError("There are ${result.size} errors in module '$name'.")
class ImportedAstChecker : IAstProcessor {
private val checkResult: MutableList<SyntaxError> = mutableListOf()
fun result(): List<SyntaxError> {
return checkResult
override fun process(module: Module) {
val newLines : MutableList<IStatement> = mutableListOf()
module.lines.forEach {
val stmt = it.process(this)
if(stmt is Directive) {
if(stmt.parent is Module) {
when(stmt.directive) {
"%output", "%launcher", "%zp", "%address" ->
println("${stmt.position} Warning: ignoring module directive because it was imported: ${stmt.directive}")
else ->
else newLines.add(stmt)
module.lines = newLines
override fun process(expr: PrefixExpression): IExpression {
return expr
override fun process(expr: BinaryExpression): IExpression {
return expr
override fun process(block: Block): IStatement {
return block
override fun process(decl: VarDecl): IStatement {
return decl
override fun process(directive: Directive): IStatement {
return directive