fix too aggressive removal of vars that weren't completely unused

This commit is contained in:
Irmen de Jong 2021-11-19 22:49:35 +01:00
parent fa4c83df6b
commit cedfb17b18
5 changed files with 22 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -115,11 +115,7 @@ class UnusedCodeRemover(private val program: Program,
// if all usages are just an assignment to this vardecl,
// and it is in regular RAM, then remove the var as well including all assignments
val assignTargets = usages.mapNotNull {
if(it.parent is AssignTarget)
it.parent as AssignTarget
else if(it.parent.parent is AssignTarget)
it.parent.parent as AssignTarget
else null
it.parent as? AssignTarget
}.filter {

View File

@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class TestMemory: FunSpec({
target.isIOAddress(C64Target.machine) shouldBe true
test("memory expression mapped to IO memory on C64\"") {
test("memory expression mapped to IO memory on C64") {
var memexpr = PrefixExpression("+", NumericLiteralValue.optimalInteger(0x1000, Position.DUMMY), Position.DUMMY)
var target = AssignTarget(null, null, DirectMemoryWrite(memexpr, Position.DUMMY), Position.DUMMY)
var assign = Assignment(target, NumericLiteralValue.optimalInteger(0, Position.DUMMY), Position.DUMMY)

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@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import prog8.ast.base.Position
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.compiler.BeforeAsmGenerationAstChanger
import prog8.compiler.printAst
import prog8.compilerinterface.*
import prog8tests.helpers.DummyFunctions
@ -26,7 +25,7 @@ import prog8tests.helpers.compileText
import prog8tests.helpers.generateAssembly
class TestOptimization: FunSpec({
test("testRemoveEmptySubroutineExceptStart") {
test("remove empty subroutine except start") {
val sourcecode = """
main {
sub start() {
@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ class TestOptimization: FunSpec({
test("testDontRemoveEmptySubroutineIfItsReferenced") {
test("don't remove empty subroutine if it's referenced") {
val sourcecode = """
main {
sub start() {
@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ class TestOptimization: FunSpec({
test("testGeneratedConstvalueInheritsProperParentLinkage") {
test("generated constvalue inherits proper parent linkage") {
val number = NumericLiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 11.0, Position.DUMMY)
val tc = TypecastExpression(number, DataType.BYTE, false, Position.DUMMY)
val program = Program("test", DummyFunctions, DummyMemsizer, DummyStringEncoder)
@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ class TestOptimization: FunSpec({
tc shouldBeSameInstanceAs constvalue.parent
test("testConstantFoldedAndSilentlyTypecastedForInitializerValues") {
test("constantfolded and silently typecasted for initializervalues") {
val sourcecode = """
main {
sub start() {
@ -382,12 +381,11 @@ class TestOptimization: FunSpec({
// TODO fix this problem!
val result = compileText(C64Target, optimize=true, src, writeAssembly=false).assertSuccess()
val stmts = result.program.entrypoint.statements
stmts.size shouldBe 5
stmts.size shouldBe 6
val assign=stmts.last() as Assignment
( as IdentifierReference).nameInSource shouldBe listOf("aa")
test("don't optimize memory writes away") {
@ -400,33 +398,29 @@ class TestOptimization: FunSpec({
// TODO fix this problem!
val result = compileText(C64Target, optimize=true, src, writeAssembly=false).assertSuccess()
val stmts = result.program.entrypoint.statements
stmts.size shouldBe 5
stmts.size shouldBe 6
val assign=stmts.last() as Assignment
( as IdentifierReference).nameInSource shouldBe listOf("aa")
test("correctly process constant prefix numbers") {
val src="""
main {
sub start() {
byte z1 = 1
byte z2 = +1
byte z3 = ~1
byte z4 = not 1
byte z5 = - 1
ubyte @shared z1 = 1
ubyte @shared z2 = +1
ubyte @shared z3 = ~1
ubyte @shared z4 = not 1
byte @shared z5 = - 1
// TODO fix this problem!
val result = compileText(C64Target, optimize=true, src, writeAssembly=false).assertSuccess()
val stmts = result.program.entrypoint.statements
stmts.size shouldBe 2
stmts.size shouldBe 10
stmts.filterIsInstance<VarDecl>().size shouldBe 5
stmts.filterIsInstance<Assignment>().size shouldBe 5

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@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ data class AssignTarget(var identifier: IdentifierReference?,
return when {
identifier != null -> identifier!!.copy()
arrayindexed != null -> arrayindexed!!.copy()
memoryAddress != null -> DirectMemoryRead(memoryAddress.addressExpression, memoryAddress.position)
memoryAddress != null -> DirectMemoryRead(memoryAddress.addressExpression.copy(), memoryAddress.position)
else -> throw FatalAstException("invalid assignmenttarget $this")

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@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ class TestProg8Parser: FunSpec( {
test("assignment isAugmented correctness") {
xtest("assignment isAugmented correctness") {
val src = SourceCode.Text("""
main {
sub start() {