From d3675ec254b4253a85e68c02204f4b78e54d1842 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Irmen de Jong Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2023 23:41:22 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] gone, deprecated --- | 35 ----------------------------------- 1 file changed, 35 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 diff --git a/ b/ deleted file mode 100644 index 14b3f7b48..000000000 --- a/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -#### Just a few remarks upfront: -* There is the (gradle/IDEA) module `parser`: that's the parser generated by ANTLR4, in Java. The only file to be edited here is the grammar, `prog8.g4`. -* Then we have the module `compilerAst` - in Kotlin - which uses `parser` and adds AST nodes. Here we put our additions to the generated thing, *including any tests of the parsing stage*. - - the name is a bit misleading, as this module isn't (or, resp. shouldn't be; see below) about *compiling*, only the parsing stage - - also, the tree that comes out isn't much of an *abstraction*, but rather still more or less a parse tree (this might very well change). - - **However, let's not *yet* rename the module.** We'll find a good name during refactoring. - -#### Problems with `compilerAst`: -* `ModuleImporter.kt`, doing (Prog8-) module resolution. That's not the parser's job. -* `ParsingFailedError` (in `ModuleParsing.kt`): this exception (it is actually *not* a `java.lang.Error`...) is thrown in a number of places, where other exceptions would make more sense. For example: not finding a file should just yield a `NoSuchFileException`, not this one. The other problem with it is that it does not provide any additional information about the source of parsing error, in particular a `Position`. -* During parsing, character literals are turned into UBYTEs (since there is no basic type e.g. CHAR). That's bad because it depends on a specific character encoding (`IStringEncoding` in `compilerAst/src/prog8/ast/AstToplevel.kt`) of/for some target platform. Note that *strings* are indeed encoded later, in the `compiler` module. -* The same argument applies to `IMemSizer`, and - not entirely sure about that - `IBuiltinFunctions`. - -#### Steps to take, in conceptual (!) order: - -(note: all these steps have been implemented, rejected or otherwise solved now.) - -1. introduce an abstraction `SourceCode` that encapsulates the origin and actual loading of Prog8 source code - - from the local file system (use case: user programs) - - from resources (prog8lib) - - from plain strings (for testing) -2. add subclass `ParseError : ParsingFailedError` which adds information about the *source of parsing error* (`SourceCode` and `Position`). We cannot just replace `ParsingFailedError` right away because it is so widely used (even in the `compiler` module). Therefore we'll just subclass for the time being, add more and more tests requiring the new one to be thrown (or, resp., NOT to be thrown), and gradually transition. -3. introduce a minimal interface to the outside, input: `SourceCode`, output: a tree with a `Module` node as the root - - this will be the Kotlin singleton `Prog8Parser` with the main method `parseModule` - - plus, optionally, method's for registering/unregistering a listener with the parser - - the *only* exception ever thrown / reported to listeners (TBD) will be `ParseError` - - anything related to the lexer, error strategies, character/token streams is hidden from the outside - - to make a clear distinction between the *generated* parser (and lexer) vs. `Prog8Parser`, and to discourage directly using the generated stuff, we'll rename the existing `prog8Parser`/`prog8Lexer` to `Prog8ANTLRParser` and `Prog8ANTLRLexer` and move them to package `prog8.parser.generated` -4. introduce AST node `CharLiteral` and keep them until after identifier resolution and type checking; insert there an AST transformation step that turns them in UBYTE constants (literals) -5. remove uses of `IStringEncoding` from module `compilerAst` - none should be necessary anymore -6. move `IStringEncoding` to module `compiler` -7. same with `ModuleImporter`, then rewrite that (addressing #46) -8. refactor AST nodes and grammar: less generated parse tree nodes (`XyzContext`), less intermediary stuff (private classes in `Antrl2Kotlin.kt`), more compact code. Also: nicer names such as simply `StringLiteral` instead of `StringLiteralValue` -9. re-think `IStringEncoding` to address #38 -