mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 05:31:01 +00:00
working on better encoding of romsub in new ast/vmtarget
This commit is contained in:
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ class StMemVar(name: String,
class StSub(name: String, val parameters: List<StSubroutineParameter>, position: Position) :
class StSub(name: String, val parameters: List<StSubroutineParameter>, val returnType: DataType?, position: Position) :
StNode(name, StNodeType.SUBROUTINE, position) {
override fun printProperties() {
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ class StSub(name: String, val parameters: List<StSubroutineParameter>, position:
class StRomSub(name: String, val address: UInt, parameters: List<StSubroutineParameter>, position: Position) :
class StRomSub(name: String, val address: UInt, val parameters: List<StSubroutineParameter>, val returnTypes: List<DataType>, position: Position) :
StNode(name, StNodeType.ROMSUB, position) {
override fun printProperties() {
print("$name address=${address.toHex()}")
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ class PtAsmSub(
val address: UInt?,
val clobbers: Set<CpuRegister>,
val parameters: List<Pair<PtSubroutineParameter, RegisterOrStatusflag>>,
val returnTypes: List<DataType>,
val retvalRegisters: List<RegisterOrStatusflag>,
val inline: Boolean,
position: Position
@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ class CodeGen(internal val program: PtProgram,
val code = when(node) {
is PtBlock -> translate(node)
is PtSub -> translate(node)
is PtAsmSub -> translate(node)
is PtScopeVarsDecls -> VmCodeChunk() // vars should be looked up via symbol table
is PtVariable -> VmCodeChunk() // var should be looked up via symbol table
is PtMemMapped -> VmCodeChunk() // memmapped var should be looked up via symbol table
@ -103,7 +104,6 @@ class CodeGen(internal val program: PtProgram,
is PtConditionalBranch -> translate(node)
is PtInlineAssembly -> VmCodeChunk(VmCodeInlineAsm(node.assembly))
is PtIncludeBinary -> VmCodeChunk(VmCodeInlineBinary(node.file, node.offset, node.length))
is PtAsmSub -> TODO("asmsub not yet supported on virtual machine target ${node.position}")
is PtAddressOf,
is PtContainmentCheck,
is PtMemoryByte,
@ -781,6 +781,17 @@ class CodeGen(internal val program: PtProgram,
return code
private fun translate(sub: PtAsmSub): VmCodeChunk {
val code = VmCodeChunk()
code += VmCodeComment("ASMSUB: ${sub.scopedName}")
code += VmCodeLabel(sub.scopedName)
for (child in sub.children) {
code += translateNode(child)
code += VmCodeComment("ASMSUB-END '${sub.name}'")
return code
private fun translate(block: PtBlock): VmCodeChunk {
val code = VmCodeChunk()
code += VmCodeComment("BLOCK '${block.name}' addr=${block.address} lib=${block.library}")
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
package prog8.codegen.virtual
import prog8.code.StRomSub
import prog8.code.StStaticVariable
import prog8.code.StSub
import prog8.code.StSubroutineParameter
import prog8.code.ast.*
import prog8.code.core.*
import prog8.vm.Opcode
@ -812,45 +814,52 @@ internal class ExpressionGen(private val codeGen: CodeGen) {
fun translate(fcall: PtFunctionCall, resultRegister: Int, resultFpRegister: Int): VmCodeChunk {
val subroutine = codeGen.symbolTable.flat.getValue(fcall.functionName) as StSub
val code = VmCodeChunk()
for ((arg, parameter) in fcall.args.zip(subroutine.parameters)) {
val paramDt = codeGen.vmType(parameter.type)
if(codeGen.isZero(arg)) {
if (paramDt == VmDataType.FLOAT) {
val mem = codeGen.allocations.get(fcall.functionName + parameter.name)
code += VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.STOREZM, paramDt, value = mem)
} else {
val mem = codeGen.allocations.get(fcall.functionName + parameter.name)
code += VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.STOREZM, paramDt, value = mem)
when (val callTarget = codeGen.symbolTable.flat.getValue(fcall.functionName)) {
is StSub -> {
val code = VmCodeChunk()
for ((arg, parameter) in fcall.args.zip(callTarget.parameters)) {
val paramDt = codeGen.vmType(parameter.type)
if(codeGen.isZero(arg)) {
if (paramDt == VmDataType.FLOAT) {
val mem = codeGen.allocations.get(fcall.functionName + parameter.name)
code += VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.STOREZM, paramDt, value = mem)
} else {
val mem = codeGen.allocations.get(fcall.functionName + parameter.name)
code += VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.STOREZM, paramDt, value = mem)
} else {
if (paramDt == VmDataType.FLOAT) {
val argFpReg = codeGen.vmRegisters.nextFreeFloat()
code += translateExpression(arg, -1, argFpReg)
val mem = codeGen.allocations.get(fcall.functionName + parameter.name)
code += VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.STOREM, paramDt, fpReg1 = argFpReg, value = mem)
} else {
val argReg = codeGen.vmRegisters.nextFree()
code += translateExpression(arg, argReg, -1)
val mem = codeGen.allocations.get(fcall.functionName + parameter.name)
code += VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.STOREM, paramDt, reg1 = argReg, value = mem)
} else {
if (paramDt == VmDataType.FLOAT) {
val argFpReg = codeGen.vmRegisters.nextFreeFloat()
code += translateExpression(arg, -1, argFpReg)
val mem = codeGen.allocations.get(fcall.functionName + parameter.name)
code += VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.STOREM, paramDt, fpReg1 = argFpReg, value = mem)
code += VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.CALL, labelSymbol=fcall.functionName)
if(fcall.type==DataType.FLOAT) {
if (!fcall.void && resultFpRegister != 0) {
// Call convention: result value is in fr0, so put it in the required register instead.
code += VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.LOADR, VmDataType.FLOAT, fpReg1 = resultFpRegister, fpReg2 = 0)
} else {
val argReg = codeGen.vmRegisters.nextFree()
code += translateExpression(arg, argReg, -1)
val mem = codeGen.allocations.get(fcall.functionName + parameter.name)
code += VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.STOREM, paramDt, reg1 = argReg, value = mem)
if (!fcall.void && resultRegister != 0) {
// Call convention: result value is in r0, so put it in the required register instead.
code += VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.LOADR, codeGen.vmType(fcall.type), reg1 = resultRegister, reg2 = 0)
return code
is StRomSub -> {
TODO("call romsub $fcall")
else -> throw AssemblyError("invalid node type")
code += VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.CALL, labelSymbol=fcall.functionName)
if(fcall.type==DataType.FLOAT) {
if (!fcall.void && resultFpRegister != 0) {
// Call convention: result value is in fr0, so put it in the required register instead.
code += VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.LOADR, VmDataType.FLOAT, fpReg1 = resultFpRegister, fpReg2 = 0)
} else {
if (!fcall.void && resultRegister != 0) {
// Call convention: result value is in r0, so put it in the required register instead.
code += VmCodeInstruction(Opcode.LOADR, codeGen.vmType(fcall.type), reg1 = resultRegister, reg2 = 0)
return code
@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ class IntermediateAstMaker(val program: Program) {
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ internal class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
if (subroutine.returntypes.isNotEmpty()) {
// for asm subroutines with an address, no statement check is possible.
if (subroutine.asmAddress == null && !subroutine.inline)
err("non-inline subroutine has result value(s) and thus must have at least one 'return' or 'goto' in it (or rts/jmp/bra in case of %asm)")
err("non-inline subroutine has result value(s) and thus must have at least one 'return' or 'goto' in it (or the assembler equivalent in case of %asm)")
@ -6,10 +6,13 @@ import prog8.ast.expressions.CharLiteral
import prog8.ast.expressions.IdentifierReference
import prog8.ast.expressions.NumericLiteral
import prog8.ast.statements.Directive
import prog8.ast.statements.InlineAssembly
import prog8.ast.statements.Subroutine
import prog8.ast.statements.VarDeclOrigin
import prog8.ast.walk.AstWalker
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstModification
import prog8.code.core.*
import prog8.code.target.VMTarget
internal fun Program.checkValid(errors: IErrorReporter, compilerOptions: CompilationOptions) {
@ -165,3 +168,17 @@ internal fun IdentifierReference.isSubroutineParameter(program: Program): Boolea
return false
internal fun Subroutine.hasRtsInAsm(compTarget: ICompilationTarget): Boolean {
val instructions =
if(compTarget.name == VMTarget.NAME)
listOf(" return", "\treturn", " jump", "\tjump", " jumpi", "\tjumpi")
listOf(" rti", "\trti", " rts", "\trts", " jmp", "\tjmp", " bra", "\tbra")
return statements
.any {
instructions.any { instr->instr in it.assembly }
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ internal class BeforeAsmAstChanger(val program: Program,
// and if an assembly block doesn't contain a rts/rti, and some other situations.
if (!subroutine.isAsmSubroutine) {
if(subroutine.statements.isEmpty() ||
(subroutine.amountOfRtsInAsm() == 0
&& subroutine.statements.lastOrNull { it !is VarDecl } !is Return
&& subroutine.statements.last() !is Subroutine
&& subroutine.statements.last() !is Return)) {
@ -161,10 +161,12 @@ internal class BeforeAsmAstChanger(val program: Program,
if (!subroutine.inline || !options.optimize) {
if (subroutine.isAsmSubroutine && subroutine.asmAddress==null && subroutine.amountOfRtsInAsm() == 0) {
if (subroutine.isAsmSubroutine && subroutine.asmAddress==null && !subroutine.hasRtsInAsm(options.compTarget)) {
// make sure the NOT INLINED asm subroutine actually has a rts at the end
// (non-asm routines get a Return statement as needed, above)
mods += IAstModification.InsertLast(InlineAssembly(" rts\n", Position.DUMMY), subroutine)
val instruction = if(options.compTarget.name==VMTarget.NAME) " return\n" else " rts\n"
mods += IAstModification.InsertLast(InlineAssembly(instruction, Position.DUMMY), subroutine)
println("adding returnstmt3 ${subroutine.hasRtsInAsm(options.compTarget)}") // TODO
@ -38,11 +38,12 @@ internal class SymbolTableMaker: IAstVisitor {
override fun visit(subroutine: Subroutine) {
val parameters = subroutine.parameters.map { StSubroutineParameter(it.name, it.type) }
if(subroutine.asmAddress!=null) {
val node = StRomSub(subroutine.name, subroutine.asmAddress!!, parameters, subroutine.position)
val node = StRomSub(subroutine.name, subroutine.asmAddress!!, parameters, subroutine.returntypes, subroutine.position)
// st.origAstLinks[subroutine] = node
} else {
val node = StSub(subroutine.name, parameters, subroutine.position)
val returnType = if(subroutine.returntypes.isEmpty()) null else subroutine.returntypes.first()
val node = StSub(subroutine.name, parameters, returnType, subroutine.position)
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import prog8.ast.expressions.IdentifierReference
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.code.core.DataType
import prog8.code.target.C64Target
import prog8.compiler.astprocessing.hasRtsInAsm
import prog8tests.helpers.ErrorReporterForTests
import prog8tests.helpers.compileText
@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ class TestSubroutines: FunSpec({
asmfunc.isAsmSubroutine shouldBe true
asmfunc.statements.single() shouldBe instanceOf<InlineAssembly>()
(asmfunc.statements.single() as InlineAssembly).assembly.trim() shouldBe "rts"
asmfunc.amountOfRtsInAsm() shouldBe 1
asmfunc.hasRtsInAsm(C64Target()) shouldBe true
func.isAsmSubroutine shouldBe false
withClue("str param should have been changed to uword") {
asmfunc.parameters.single().type shouldBe DataType.UWORD
@ -743,13 +743,6 @@ class Subroutine(override val name: String,
return KeepAresult(false, saveAonReturn)
fun amountOfRtsInAsm(): Int = statements
.filter { it is InlineAssembly }
.map { (it as InlineAssembly).assembly }
.count { " rti" in it || "\trti" in it || " rts" in it || "\trts" in it || " jmp" in it || "\tjmp" in it || " bra" in it || "\tbra" in it }
// code to provide the ability to reference asmsub parameters via qualified name:
private val asmParamsDecls = mutableMapOf<String, VarDecl>()
@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ Compiler:
- vm Instructions needs to know what the read-registers/memory are, and what the write-register/memory is. This info is needed for more advanced optimizations and later code generation steps.
- vm: implement remaining sin/cos functions in math.p8
- vm: find a solution for the cx16.r0..r15 that "overlap" (r0, r0L, r0H etc) but in the vm each get their own separate variable location now
- vm: somehow deal with asmsubs otherwise the vm IR can't fully encode all of prog8
- vm: encode romsub & romsub call in VM IR (but just crash in virtualmachine itself.) ExpressionGen.kt
- vm: how to remove all unused subroutines? (the 6502 assembly codegen relies on 64tass solve this for us)
- vm: rather than being able to jump to any 'address' (IPTR), use 'blocks' that have entry and exit points -> even better dead code elimination possible too
- vm: add ore optimizations in VmPeepholeOptimizer
- vm: add more optimizations in VmPeepholeOptimizer
- see if we can let for loops skip the loop if end<start, like other programming languages. Without adding a lot of code size/duplicating the loop condition.
this is documented behavior to now loop around but it's too easy to forget about!
Lot of work because of so many special cases in ForLoopsAsmgen.....
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ Compiler:
- generate WASM from the new ast (or from vm code?) to run prog8 on a browser canvas?
- createAssemblyAndAssemble(): make it possible to actually get rid of the VarDecl nodes by fixing the rest of the code mentioned there.
but probably better to rewrite the 6502 codegen on top of the new Ast.
- simplifyConditionalExpression() sometimes introduces needless assignment to r9 tempvar, can we detect & prevent this?
- make it possible to use cpu opcodes such as 'nop' as variable names by prefixing all asm vars with something such as ``p8v_``? Or not worth it (most 3 letter opcodes as variables are nonsensical anyway)
then we can get rid of the instruction lists in the machinedefinitions as well?
- [problematic due to using 64tass:] add a compiler option to not remove unused subroutines. this allows for building library programs. But this won't work with 64tass's .proc ...
@ -2,40 +2,27 @@
%zeropage basicsafe
main {
romsub $ea31 = foobar(uword derp @AY) -> ubyte @A
romsub $ea33 = foobar2() -> ubyte @A
romsub $ea33 = foobar3()
sub subroutine(ubyte subroutineArg) -> ubyte {
return subroutineArg+22
asmsub asmsubje(uword arg @AY) -> ubyte @A {
%asm {{
sub start() {
bool aa = true
ubyte[] bb = [%0000, %1111]
uword w1 = %1000000000000001
uword w2 = %0000000000000010
ubyte @shared qq0 = subroutine(11)
ubyte @shared qq1 = foobar(12345)
ubyte @shared qq2 = foobar2()
if aa and w1 | w2
if aa and w1 & w2
if aa and bb[0] | %0100
if aa and bb[0] & %0100
aa = aa and bb[0] | %0100
aa = aa and bb[0] & %0100
@ -33,9 +33,10 @@ main {
for yy in 0 to 239 {
for xx in 0 to 319 {
ubyte pixel = sys.gfx_getpixel(xx, yy)
if pixel>4
if pixel>4 {
sys.gfx_plot(xx, yy, pixel)
sys.gfx_plot(xx, yy, pixel)
@ -86,7 +86,11 @@ class Assembler {
println("warning: ignoring incbin command: $rest")
val opcode = Opcode.valueOf(instr.uppercase())
val opcode = try {
} catch (ax: IllegalArgumentException) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid vmasm instruction: $instr", ax)
var type: VmDataType? = convertType(typestr)
val formats = instructionFormats.getValue(opcode)
val format: InstructionFormat
Reference in New Issue
Block a user