working on altered pipe syntax

This commit is contained in:
Irmen de Jong 2022-02-27 16:27:02 +01:00
parent 96ba895b84
commit fc1c3c6808
26 changed files with 654 additions and 414 deletions

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@ -2837,44 +2837,39 @@ $repeatLabel lda $counterVar
internal fun translatePipeExpression(source: Expression, segments: Iterable<FunctionCallExpression>, scope: Node, isStatement: Boolean, pushResultOnEstack: Boolean) {
internal fun translatePipeExpression(source: Expression, segments: List<Expression>, scope: Node, isStatement: Boolean, pushResultOnEstack: Boolean) {
// TODO more efficient code generation to avoid needless assignments to the temp var
// the source: an expression (could be anything) producing a value.
// one or more segment expressions, all are a IFunctionCall node, and LACKING the implicit first argument.
// when 'isStatement'=true, the last segment expression should be treated as a funcion call statement (discarding any result value if there is one)
// the first term: an expression (could be anything) producing a value.
val subroutine = scope.definingSubroutine!!
val firstTerm = expressions.first()
var valueDt = firstTerm.inferType(program).getOrElse { throw FatalAstException("invalid dt") }
var valueDt = source.inferType(program).getOrElse { throw FatalAstException("invalid dt") }
var valueSource: AsmAssignSource =
if(firstTerm is IFunctionCall) {
val resultReg = returnRegisterOfFunction(, listOf(valueDt))
assignExpressionToRegister(firstTerm, resultReg, valueDt in listOf(DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD, DataType.FLOAT))
if(source is IFunctionCall) {
val resultReg = returnRegisterOfFunction(, listOf(valueDt))
assignExpressionToRegister(source, resultReg, valueDt in listOf(DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD, DataType.FLOAT))
AsmAssignSource(SourceStorageKind.REGISTER, program, this, valueDt, register = resultReg)
} else {
AsmAssignSource.fromAstSource(firstTerm, program, this)
AsmAssignSource.fromAstSource(source, program, this)
// the 2nd to N-1 terms: unary function calls taking a single param and producing a value.
// the segments (except the last one): unary function calls taking a single param and producing a value.
// directly assign their argument from the previous call's returnvalue.
expressions.drop(1).dropLast(1).forEach {
valueDt = functioncallAsmGen.translateUnaryFunctionCallWithArgSource(it as IdentifierReference, valueSource, false, subroutine)
val resultReg = returnRegisterOfFunction(it, listOf(valueDt))
segments.dropLast(1).forEach {
it as IFunctionCall
valueDt = translateUnaryFunctionCallWithArgSource(, valueSource, false, subroutine)
val resultReg = returnRegisterOfFunction(, listOf(valueDt))
valueSource = AsmAssignSource(SourceStorageKind.REGISTER, program, this, valueDt, register = resultReg)
// the last term: unary function call taking a single param and optionally producing a result value.
// the last segment: unary function call taking a single param and optionally producing a result value.
val lastCall = segments.last() as IFunctionCall
if(isStatement) {
// the last term in the pipe, don't care about return var:
expressions.last() as IdentifierReference, valueSource, true, subroutine)
translateUnaryFunctionCallWithArgSource(, valueSource, true, subroutine)
} else {
// the last term in the pipe, regular function call with returnvalue:
valueDt = functioncallAsmGen.translateUnaryFunctionCallWithArgSource(
expressions.last() as IdentifierReference, valueSource, false, subroutine)
valueDt = translateUnaryFunctionCallWithArgSource(, valueSource, false, subroutine)
if(pushResultOnEstack) {
when (valueDt) {
in ByteDatatypes -> {
@ -2890,7 +2885,64 @@ $repeatLabel lda $counterVar
private fun translateUnaryFunctionCallWithArgSource(target: IdentifierReference, arg: AsmAssignSource, isStatement: Boolean, scope: Subroutine): DataType {
when(val targetStmt = target.targetStatement(program)!!) {
is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder -> {
return if(isStatement) {
translateBuiltinFunctionCallStatement(, listOf(arg), scope)
} else {
translateBuiltinFunctionCallExpression(, listOf(arg), scope)
is Subroutine -> {
val argDt = targetStmt.parameters.single().type
if(targetStmt.isAsmSubroutine) {
// argument via registers
val argRegister = targetStmt.asmParameterRegisters.single().registerOrPair!!
val assignArgument = AsmAssignment(
AsmAssignTarget.fromRegisters(argRegister, argDt in SignedDatatypes, scope, program, this),
false, program.memsizer, target.position
} else {
val assignArgument: AsmAssignment =
if(functioncallAsmGen.optimizeIntArgsViaRegisters(targetStmt)) {
// argument goes via registers as optimization
val paramReg: RegisterOrPair = when(argDt) {
in ByteDatatypes -> RegisterOrPair.A
in WordDatatypes -> RegisterOrPair.AY
DataType.FLOAT -> RegisterOrPair.FAC1
else -> throw AssemblyError("invalid dt")
AsmAssignTarget(TargetStorageKind.REGISTER, program, this, argDt, scope, register = paramReg),
false, program.memsizer, target.position
} else {
// arg goes via parameter variable
val argVarName = asmVariableName(targetStmt.scopedName + targetStmt.parameters.single().name)
AsmAssignTarget(TargetStorageKind.VARIABLE, program, this, argDt, scope, argVarName),
false, program.memsizer, target.position
saveRegisterLocal(CpuRegister.X, scope)
out(" jsr ${asmSymbolName(target)}")
return if(isStatement) DataType.UNDEFINED else targetStmt.returntypes.single()
else -> throw AssemblyError("invalid call target")
internal fun popCpuStack(dt: DataType, target: VarDecl, scope: Subroutine?) {

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@ -129,64 +129,6 @@ internal class FunctionCallAsmGen(private val program: Program, private val asmg
// remember: dealing with the X register and/or dealing with return values is the responsibility of the caller
internal fun translateUnaryFunctionCallWithArgSource(target: IdentifierReference, arg: AsmAssignSource, isStatement: Boolean, scope: Subroutine): DataType {
when(val targetStmt = target.targetStatement(program)!!) {
is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder -> {
return if(isStatement) {
asmgen.translateBuiltinFunctionCallStatement(, listOf(arg), scope)
} else {
asmgen.translateBuiltinFunctionCallExpression(, listOf(arg), scope)
is Subroutine -> {
val argDt = targetStmt.parameters.single().type
if(targetStmt.isAsmSubroutine) {
// argument via registers
val argRegister = targetStmt.asmParameterRegisters.single().registerOrPair!!
val assignArgument = AsmAssignment(
AsmAssignTarget.fromRegisters(argRegister, argDt in SignedDatatypes, scope, program, asmgen),
false, program.memsizer, target.position
} else {
val assignArgument: AsmAssignment =
if(optimizeIntArgsViaRegisters(targetStmt)) {
// argument goes via registers as optimization
val paramReg: RegisterOrPair = when(argDt) {
in ByteDatatypes -> RegisterOrPair.A
in WordDatatypes -> RegisterOrPair.AY
DataType.FLOAT -> RegisterOrPair.FAC1
else -> throw AssemblyError("invalid dt")
AsmAssignTarget(TargetStorageKind.REGISTER, program, asmgen, argDt, scope, register = paramReg),
false, program.memsizer, target.position
} else {
// arg goes via parameter variable
val argVarName = asmgen.asmVariableName(targetStmt.scopedName + targetStmt.parameters.single().name)
AsmAssignTarget(TargetStorageKind.VARIABLE, program, asmgen, argDt, scope, argVarName),
false, program.memsizer, target.position
asmgen.saveRegisterLocal(CpuRegister.X, scope)
asmgen.out(" jsr ${asmgen.asmSymbolName(target)}")
return if(isStatement) DataType.UNDEFINED else targetStmt.returntypes.single()
else -> throw AssemblyError("invalid call target")
private fun argumentsViaRegisters(sub: Subroutine, call: IFunctionCall) {
if(sub.parameters.size==1) {
argumentViaRegister(sub, IndexedValue(0, sub.parameters.single()), call.args[0])

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@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
import com.github.michaelbull.result.fold
import prog8.ast.base.FatalAstException
import prog8.compilerinterface.Encoding
import prog8.compilerinterface.IStringEncoding
import prog8.compilerinterface.InternalCompilerException
internal object Encoder: IStringEncoding {
override fun encodeString(str: String, encoding: Encoding): List<UByte> {
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ internal object Encoder: IStringEncoding {
Encoding.SCREENCODES -> PetsciiEncoding.encodeScreencode(str, true)
Encoding.ISO -> IsoEncoding.encode(str)
Encoding.ATASCII -> AtasciiEncoding.encode(str)
else -> throw FatalAstException("unsupported encoding $encoding")
else -> throw InternalCompilerException("unsupported encoding $encoding")
return coded.fold(
failure = { throw it },
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ internal object Encoder: IStringEncoding {
Encoding.SCREENCODES -> PetsciiEncoding.decodeScreencode(bytes, true)
Encoding.ISO -> IsoEncoding.decode(bytes)
Encoding.ATASCII -> AtasciiEncoding.decode(bytes)
else -> throw FatalAstException("unsupported encoding $encoding")
else -> throw InternalCompilerException("unsupported encoding $encoding")
return decoded.fold(
failure = { throw it },

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import prog8.ast.walk.AstWalker
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstModification
import prog8.compilerinterface.ICompilationTarget
import prog8.compilerinterface.IErrorReporter
import prog8.compilerinterface.InternalCompilerException
// Fix up the literal value's type to match that of the vardecl
// (also check range literal operands types before they get expanded into arrays for instance)
@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ internal class ConstantIdentifierReplacer(private val program: Program, private
in PassByReferenceDatatypes -> throw FatalAstException("pass-by-reference type should not be considered a constant")
in PassByReferenceDatatypes -> throw InternalCompilerException("pass-by-reference type should not be considered a constant")
else -> noModifications
} catch (x: UndefinedSymbolError) {

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@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
package prog8.optimizer
import prog8.ast.IStatementContainer
import prog8.ast.Node
import prog8.ast.Program
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.DataType
import prog8.ast.base.FatalAstException
import prog8.ast.base.IntegerDatatypes
@ -333,44 +331,26 @@ class ExpressionSimplifier(private val program: Program, private val errors: IEr
return noModifications
override fun after(pipeExpr: PipeExpression, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val segments = pipeExpr.segments
if(segments.size==1 && segments[0].isSimple) {
// just replace with a normal function call
val funcname = segments[1].target
val arg = segments[0]
val call = FunctionCallExpression(funcname.copy(), mutableListOf(arg), arg.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(pipeExpr, call, parent))
val firstValue = pipeExpr.source
if(firstValue.isSimple) {
val funcname = pipeExpr.segments[0].target
val first = FunctionCallExpression(funcname.copy(), mutableListOf(firstValue), firstValue.position)
val newSegments = mutableListOf(first)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(pipeExpr, PipeExpression(first, newSegments, pipeExpr.position), parent))
return noModifications
override fun after(pipeExpr: PipeExpression, parent: Node) = processPipe(pipeExpr, parent)
override fun after(pipe: Pipe, parent: Node) = processPipe(pipe, parent)
override fun after(pipe: Pipe, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val segments = pipe.segments
if(segments.size==1 && segments[0].isSimple) {
// just replace with a normal function call
val funcname = segments[1].target
val arg = segments[0]
val call = FunctionCallExpression(funcname.copy(), mutableListOf(arg), arg.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(pipe, call, parent))
val firstValue = pipe.source
if(firstValue.isSimple) {
val funcname = pipe.segments[0].target
val first = FunctionCallExpression(funcname.copy(), mutableListOf(firstValue), firstValue.position)
val newSegments = mutableListOf(first)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(pipe, Pipe(first, newSegments, pipe.position), parent))
private fun processPipe(pipe: IPipe, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
if(pipe.source.isSimple) {
val segments = pipe.segments
if(segments.size==1) {
// replace the whole pipe with a normal function call
val funcname = (segments[0] as IFunctionCall).target
val call = if(pipe is Pipe)
FunctionCallStatement(funcname, mutableListOf(pipe.source), true, pipe.position)
FunctionCallExpression(funcname, mutableListOf(pipe.source), pipe.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(pipe as Node, call, parent))
} else if(segments.size>1) {
// replace source+firstsegment by firstsegment(source) call as the new source
val firstSegment = segments.removeAt(0) as IFunctionCall
val call = FunctionCallExpression(, mutableListOf(pipe.source), pipe.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(pipe.source, call, pipe as Node))
return noModifications

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@ -344,8 +344,8 @@ private fun postprocessAst(program: Program, errors: IErrorReporter, compilerOpt
program.variousCleanups(errors, compilerOptions)
val callGraph = CallGraph(program)
program.checkValid(errors, compilerOptions) // check if final tree is still valid

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@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ internal class ErrorReporter: IErrorReporter {
MessageSeverity.ERROR -> System.err
when(it.severity) {
MessageSeverity.ERROR -> printer.print("\u001b[91m") // bright red
MessageSeverity.WARNING -> printer.print("\u001b[93m") // bright yellow
MessageSeverity.ERROR -> printer.print("\u001b[91mERROR\u001B[0m ") // bright red
MessageSeverity.WARNING -> printer.print("\u001b[93mWARN\u001B[0m ") // bright yellow
val msg = "${it.severity} ${it.position.toClickableStr()} ${it.message}".trim()
val msg = "${it.position.toClickableStr()} ${it.message}".trim()
if(msg !in alreadyReportedMessages) {
@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ internal class ErrorReporter: IErrorReporter {
MessageSeverity.ERROR -> numErrors++
printer.print("\u001b[0m") // reset color

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@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ internal class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
if(decl.value is RangeExpression)
throw FatalAstException("range expressions in vardecls should have been converted into array values during constFolding $decl")
throw InternalCompilerException("range expressions in vardecls should have been converted into array values during constFolding $decl")
when(decl.type) {
@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ internal class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
null -> {
// a vardecl without an initial value, don't bother with it
is RangeExpression -> throw FatalAstException("range expression should have been converted to a true array value")
is RangeExpression -> throw InternalCompilerException("range expression should have been converted to a true array value")
is StringLiteral -> {
checkValueTypeAndRangeString(decl.datatype, decl.value as StringLiteral)
@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ internal class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
val error = VerifyFunctionArgTypes.checkTypes(functionCallExpr, program)
errors.err(error, functionCallExpr.position)
errors.err(error.first, error.second)
// check the functions that return multiple returnvalues.
val stmt =
@ -992,7 +992,14 @@ internal class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
else if(targetStatement is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder) {
if(builtinFunctionReturnType(, functionCallExpr.args, program).isUnknown) {
val args = if(functionCallExpr.parent is IPipe) {
// pipe segment, add implicit first argument
val firstArgDt = BuiltinFunctions.getValue(
listOf(defaultZero(firstArgDt, functionCallExpr.position)) + functionCallExpr.args
} else {
if(builtinFunctionReturnType(, args, program).isUnknown) {
if(functionCallExpr.parent is Expression || functionCallExpr.parent is Assignment)
errors.err("function doesn't return a value", functionCallExpr.position)
@ -1043,9 +1050,8 @@ internal class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
val error = VerifyFunctionArgTypes.checkTypes(functionCallStatement, program)
if(error!=null) {
errors.err(error, functionCallStatement.args.firstOrNull()?.position ?: functionCallStatement.position)
errors.err(error.first, error.second)
@ -1112,6 +1118,19 @@ internal class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
override fun visit(pipe: PipeExpression) = process(pipe)
override fun visit(pipe: Pipe) = process(pipe)
private fun process(pipe: IPipe) {
if(pipe.source in pipe.segments)
throw InternalCompilerException("pipe source and segments should all be different nodes")
if (pipe.segments.isEmpty())
throw FatalAstException("pipe is missing one or more expressions")
if(pipe.segments.any { it !is IFunctionCall })
throw FatalAstException("pipe segments can only be function calls")
override fun visit(postIncrDecr: PostIncrDecr) {
if( != null) {
val targetName =!!.nameInSource
@ -1243,94 +1262,6 @@ internal class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
override fun visit(pipe: PipeExpression) {
processPipe(pipe.source, pipe.segments, pipe)
if(errors.noErrors()) {
val last = pipe.segments.last().target
when (val target = last.targetStatement(program)!!) {
is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder -> {
if (!BuiltinFunctions.getValue(
errors.err("invalid pipe expression; last term doesn't return a value", last.position)
is Subroutine -> {
if (target.returntypes.isEmpty())
errors.err("invalid pipe expression; last term doesn't return a value", last.position)
else if (target.returntypes.size != 1)
errors.err("invalid pipe expression; last term doesn't return a single value", last.position)
else -> errors.err("invalid pipe expression; last term doesn't return a value", last.position)
override fun visit(pipe: Pipe) {
processPipe(pipe.source, pipe.segments, pipe)
if(errors.noErrors()) {
private fun processPipe(source: Expression, segments: List<FunctionCallExpression>, scope: Node) {
// first expression is just any expression producing a value
// all other expressions should be the name of a unary function that returns a single value
// the last expression should be the name of a unary function whose return value we don't care about.
if (segments.isEmpty()) {
errors.err("pipe is missing one or more expressions", scope.position)
} else {
// invalid size and other issues will be handled by the ast checker later.
var valueDt = source.inferType(program).getOrElse {
throw FatalAstException("invalid dt")
for(funccall in segments) {
val target =
if(target!=null) {
when (target) {
is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder -> {
val func = BuiltinFunctions.getValue(
errors.err("can only use unary function", funccall.position)
else if(!func.hasReturn && funccall !== segments.last())
errors.err("function must return a single value", funccall.position)
val paramDts = func.parameters.firstOrNull()?.possibleDatatypes
if(paramDts!=null && !paramDts.any { valueDt isAssignableTo it })
errors.err("pipe value datatype $valueDt incompatible with function argument ${paramDts.toList()}", funccall.position)
if(errors.noErrors()) {
// type can depend on the argument(s) of the function. For now, we only deal with unary functions,
// so we know there must be a single argument. Take its type from the previous expression in the pipe chain.
val zero = defaultZero(valueDt, funccall.position)
valueDt = builtinFunctionReturnType(, listOf(zero), program).getOrElse { DataType.UNDEFINED }
is Subroutine -> {
errors.err("can only use unary function", funccall.position)
else if(target.returntypes.size!=1 && funccall !== segments.last())
errors.err("function must return a single value", funccall.position)
val paramDt = target.parameters.firstOrNull()?.type
if(paramDt!=null && !(valueDt isAssignableTo paramDt))
errors.err("pipe value datatype $valueDt incompatible with function argument $paramDt", funccall.position)
valueDt = target.returntypes.single()
is VarDecl -> {
if(!(valueDt isAssignableTo target.datatype))
errors.err("final pipe value datatype can't be stored in pipe ending variable", funccall.position)
else -> {
throw FatalAstException("weird function")
private fun checkFunctionOrLabelExists(target: IdentifierReference, statement: Statement): Statement? {
when (val targetStatement = target.targetStatement(program)) {
is Label, is Subroutine, is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder -> return targetStatement

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@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ fun Program.desugaring(errors: IErrorReporter): Int {
return desugar.applyModifications()
internal fun Program.verifyFunctionArgTypes() {
val fixer = VerifyFunctionArgTypes(this)
internal fun Program.verifyFunctionArgTypes(errors: IErrorReporter) {
val fixer = VerifyFunctionArgTypes(this, errors)

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package prog8.compiler.astprocessing
import prog8.ast.IFunctionCall
import prog8.ast.IPipe
import prog8.ast.Node
import prog8.ast.Program
import prog8.ast.base.Position
@ -135,14 +136,24 @@ internal class AstIdentifiersChecker(private val errors: IErrorReporter,
private fun visitFunctionCall(call: IFunctionCall) {
when (val target = {
is Subroutine -> {
if(call.args.size != target.parameters.size) {
// if the call is part of a Pipe, the number of arguments in the call should be 1 less than the number of parameters
val expectedNumberOfArgs = if(call.parent is IPipe)
if(call.args.size != expectedNumberOfArgs) {
val pos = (if(call.args.any()) call.args[0] else (call as Node)).position
errors.err("invalid number of arguments", pos)
is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder -> {
val func = BuiltinFunctions.getValue(
if(call.args.size != func.parameters.size) {
// if the call is part of a Pipe, the number of arguments in the call should be 1 less than the number of parameters
val expectedNumberOfArgs = if(call.parent is IPipe)
if(call.args.size != expectedNumberOfArgs) {
val pos = (if(call.args.any()) call.args[0] else (call as Node)).position
errors.err("invalid number of arguments", pos)

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@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
package prog8.compiler.astprocessing
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.IPipe
import prog8.ast.Node
import prog8.ast.Program
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.getTempRegisterName
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.ast.walk.AstWalker
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstModification
import prog8.compilerinterface.BuiltinFunctions
import prog8.compilerinterface.Encoding
import prog8.compilerinterface.ICompilationTarget
import prog8.compilerinterface.IErrorReporter
import prog8.compilerinterface.InternalCompilerException
class AstPreprocessor(val program: Program, val errors: IErrorReporter, val compTarget: ICompilationTarget) : AstWalker() {
@ -112,43 +115,67 @@ class AstPreprocessor(val program: Program, val errors: IErrorReporter, val comp
return noModifications
override fun after(pipe: Pipe, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
override fun before(pipe: Pipe, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
if(pipe.source is PipeExpression) {
// correct Antlr parse tree quirk: turn nested pipe into single flat pipe
val psrc = pipe.source as PipeExpression
val newSource = psrc.source
val newSegments = psrc.segments
newSegments += pipe.segments.single()
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(pipe as Node, Pipe(newSource, newSegments, pipe.position), parent))
return process(pipe, parent)
override fun after(pipeExpr: PipeExpression, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
override fun before(pipeExpr: PipeExpression, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
if(pipeExpr.source is PipeExpression) {
// correct Antlr parse tree quirk; turn nested pipe into single flat pipe
val psrc = pipeExpr.source as PipeExpression
val newSource = psrc.source
val newSegments = psrc.segments
newSegments += pipeExpr.segments.single()
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(pipeExpr as Node, PipeExpression(newSource, newSegments, pipeExpr.position), parent))
return process(pipeExpr, parent)
private fun process(pipe: IPipe, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
if(pipe.source is IPipe)
throw InternalCompilerException("pipe source should have been adjusted to be a normal expression")
return noModifications
// TODO don't use artifical inserted args, fix the places that check for arg numbers instead.
// add the "missing" first argument to each function call in the pipe segments
// so that all function call related checks just pass
// might have to remove it again when entering code generation pass, or just replace it there
// with the proper output value of the previous pipe segment.
return {
val firstArgDt = when (val target = {
is Subroutine -> target.parameters.first().type
is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder -> BuiltinFunctions.getValue(
else -> DataType.UNDEFINED
val dummyFirstArg = when (firstArgDt) {
in IntegerDatatypes -> {
DataType.FLOAT -> {
val (name, _) = program.getTempVar(DataType.FLOAT)
IdentifierReference(name, pipe.position)
else -> throw FatalAstException("weird dt")
{ newexpr -> it.args.add(0, newexpr) },
dummyFirstArg, parent
// val mutations = mutableListOf<IAstModification>()
// var valueDt = pipe.source.inferType(program).getOrElse { throw FatalAstException("invalid dt") }
// pipe.segments.forEach { call->
// val dummyFirstArg = when (valueDt) {
// DataType.UBYTE -> FunctionCallExpression(IdentifierReference(listOf("rnd"), pipe.position), mutableListOf(), pipe.position)
// DataType.UWORD -> FunctionCallExpression(IdentifierReference(listOf("rndw"), pipe.position), mutableListOf(), pipe.position)
// DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD -> IdentifierReference(
// getTempRegisterName(InferredTypes.InferredType.known(valueDt)),
// pipe.position
// ) // there's no builtin function we can abuse that returns a signed byte or word type // TODO maybe use a typecasted expression around rnd?
// DataType.FLOAT -> FunctionCallExpression(IdentifierReference(listOf("rndf"), pipe.position), mutableListOf(), pipe.position)
// else -> throw FatalAstException("invalid dt")
// }
// mutations += IAstModification.SetExpression(
// { newexpr -> call.args.add(0, newexpr) },
// dummyFirstArg, parent
// )
// if(call!==pipe.segments.last())
// valueDt = call.inferType(program).getOrElse { throw FatalAstException("invalid dt") }
// }
// return mutations

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@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ internal class BeforeAsmAstChanger(val program: Program,
) : AstWalker() {
override fun before(breakStmt: Break, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
throw FatalAstException("break should have been replaced by goto $breakStmt")
throw InternalCompilerException("break should have been replaced by goto $breakStmt")
override fun before(whileLoop: WhileLoop, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
throw FatalAstException("while should have been converted to jumps")
throw InternalCompilerException("while should have been converted to jumps")
override fun before(untilLoop: UntilLoop, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
throw FatalAstException("do..until should have been converted to jumps")
throw InternalCompilerException("do..until should have been converted to jumps")
override fun before(block: Block, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ internal class BeforeAsmAstChanger(val program: Program,
override fun after(decl: VarDecl, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
if(!options.dontReinitGlobals) {
if (decl.type == VarDeclType.VAR && decl.value != null && decl.datatype in NumericDatatypes)
throw FatalAstException("vardecls for variables, with initial numerical value, should have been rewritten as plain vardecl + assignment $decl")
throw InternalCompilerException("vardecls for variables, with initial numerical value, should have been rewritten as plain vardecl + assignment $decl")
return noModifications
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ internal class BeforeAsmAstChanger(val program: Program,
if((binExpr.left as? NumericLiteral)?.number==0.0 &&
(binExpr.right as? NumericLiteral)?.number!=0.0)
throw FatalAstException("0==X should have been swapped to if X==0")
throw InternalCompilerException("0==X should have been swapped to if X==0")
// simplify the conditional expression, introduce simple assignments if required.
// NOTE: sometimes this increases code size because additional stores/loads are generated for the

View File

@ -1,28 +1,35 @@
package prog8.compiler.astprocessing
import prog8.ast.IFunctionCall
import prog8.ast.IPipe
import prog8.ast.Node
import prog8.ast.Program
import prog8.ast.base.DataType
import prog8.ast.base.FatalAstException
import prog8.ast.base.Position
import prog8.ast.base.defaultZero
import prog8.ast.expressions.Expression
import prog8.ast.expressions.FunctionCallExpression
import prog8.ast.expressions.PipeExpression
import prog8.ast.expressions.TypecastExpression
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstVisitor
import prog8.compilerinterface.BuiltinFunctions
import prog8.compilerinterface.InternalCompilerException
import prog8.compilerinterface.IErrorReporter
import prog8.compilerinterface.builtinFunctionReturnType
internal class VerifyFunctionArgTypes(val program: Program) : IAstVisitor {
internal class VerifyFunctionArgTypes(val program: Program, val errors: IErrorReporter) : IAstVisitor {
override fun visit(functionCallExpr: FunctionCallExpression) {
val error = checkTypes(functionCallExpr as IFunctionCall, program)
throw InternalCompilerException(error)
errors.err(error.first, error.second)
override fun visit(functionCallStatement: FunctionCallStatement) {
val error = checkTypes(functionCallStatement as IFunctionCall, program)
if (error!=null)
throw InternalCompilerException(error)
errors.err(error.first, error.second)
companion object {
@ -41,22 +48,27 @@ internal class VerifyFunctionArgTypes(val program: Program) : IAstVisitor {
return false
fun checkTypes(call: IFunctionCall, program: Program): String? {
fun checkTypes(call: IFunctionCall, program: Program): Pair<String, Position>? {
val argITypes = { it.inferType(program) }
val firstUnknownDt = argITypes.indexOfFirst { it.isUnknown }
return "argument ${firstUnknownDt+1} invalid argument type"
return Pair("argument ${firstUnknownDt+1} invalid argument type", call.args[firstUnknownDt].position)
val argtypes = { it.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED) }
val target =
val isPartOfPipeSegments = (call.parent as? IPipe)?.segments?.contains(call as Node) == true
if (target is Subroutine) {
if(call.args.size != target.parameters.size)
return "invalid number of arguments (#1)" // TODO how does this relate to the same error in AstIdentifiersChecker
val paramtypes = { it.type }
val mismatch = { !argTypeCompatible(it.first, it.second) }
val consideredParamTypes = if(isPartOfPipeSegments) {
target.parameters.drop(1).map { it.type } // skip first one (the implicit first arg), this is checked elsewhere
} else { { it.type }
if(argtypes.size != consideredParamTypes.size)
return Pair("invalid number of arguments", call.position)
val mismatch = { !argTypeCompatible(it.first, it.second) }
if(mismatch>=0) {
val actual = argtypes[mismatch].toString()
val expected = paramtypes[mismatch].toString()
return "argument ${mismatch + 1} type mismatch, was: $actual expected: $expected"
val expected = consideredParamTypes[mismatch].toString()
return Pair("argument ${mismatch + 1} type mismatch, was: $actual expected: $expected", call.args[mismatch].position)
if(target.isAsmSubroutine) {
if(target.asmReturnvaluesRegisters.size>1) {
@ -70,7 +82,7 @@ internal class VerifyFunctionArgTypes(val program: Program) : IAstVisitor {
if (checkParent !is Assignment && checkParent !is VarDecl) {
return "can't use subroutine call that returns multiple return values here"
return Pair("can't use subroutine call that returns multiple return values here", call.position)
@ -78,19 +90,23 @@ internal class VerifyFunctionArgTypes(val program: Program) : IAstVisitor {
else if (target is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder) {
val func = BuiltinFunctions.getValue(
if(call.args.size != func.parameters.size)
return "invalid number of arguments (#2)" // TODO how does this relate to the same error in AstIdentifiersChecker
val paramtypes = { it.possibleDatatypes } { index, pair ->
val consideredParamTypes = if(isPartOfPipeSegments) {
func.parameters.drop(1).map { it.possibleDatatypes } // skip first one (the implicit first arg), this is checked elsewhere
} else { { it.possibleDatatypes }
if(argtypes.size != consideredParamTypes.size)
return Pair("invalid number of arguments", call.position) { index, pair ->
val anyCompatible = pair.second.any { argTypeCompatible(pair.first, it) }
if (!anyCompatible) {
val actual = pair.first.toString()
return if(pair.second.size==1) {
val expected = pair.second[0].toString()
"argument ${index + 1} type mismatch, was: $actual expected: $expected"
Pair("argument ${index + 1} type mismatch, was: $actual expected: $expected", call.args[index].position)
} else {
val expected = pair.second.toList().toString()
"argument ${index + 1} type mismatch, was: $actual expected one of: $expected"
Pair("argument ${index + 1} type mismatch, was: $actual expected one of: $expected", call.args[index].position)
@ -99,4 +115,91 @@ internal class VerifyFunctionArgTypes(val program: Program) : IAstVisitor {
return null
override fun visit(pipe: PipeExpression) {
processPipe(pipe.source, pipe.segments, pipe)
if(errors.noErrors()) {
val last = (pipe.segments.last() as IFunctionCall).target
when (val target = last.targetStatement(program)!!) {
is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder -> {
if (!BuiltinFunctions.getValue(
errors.err("invalid pipe expression; last term doesn't return a value", last.position)
is Subroutine -> {
if (target.returntypes.isEmpty())
errors.err("invalid pipe expression; last term doesn't return a value", last.position)
else if (target.returntypes.size != 1)
errors.err("invalid pipe expression; last term doesn't return a single value", last.position)
else -> errors.err("invalid pipe expression; last term doesn't return a value", last.position)
override fun visit(pipe: Pipe) {
processPipe(pipe.source, pipe.segments, pipe)
if(errors.noErrors()) {
private fun processPipe(source: Expression, segments: List<Expression>, scope: Node) {
val sourceArg = (source as? IFunctionCall)?.args?.firstOrNull()
if(sourceArg!=null && segments.any { (it as IFunctionCall).args.firstOrNull() === sourceArg})
throw FatalAstException("some pipe segment first arg is replicated from the source functioncall arg")
// invalid size and other issues will be handled by the ast checker later.
var valueDt = source.inferType(program).getOrElse {
throw FatalAstException("invalid dt")
for(funccall in segments) {
val target = (funccall as IFunctionCall).target.targetStatement(program)
if(target!=null) {
when (target) {
is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder -> {
val func = BuiltinFunctions.getValue(
errors.err("can only use unary function", funccall.position)
else if(!func.hasReturn && funccall !== segments.last())
errors.err("function must return a single value", funccall.position)
val paramDts = func.parameters.firstOrNull()?.possibleDatatypes
if(paramDts!=null && !paramDts.any { valueDt isAssignableTo it })
errors.err("pipe value datatype $valueDt incompatible with function argument ${paramDts.toList()}", funccall.position)
if(errors.noErrors()) {
// type can depend on the argument(s) of the function. For now, we only deal with unary functions,
// so we know there must be a single argument. Take its type from the previous expression in the pipe chain.
val zero = defaultZero(valueDt, funccall.position)
valueDt = builtinFunctionReturnType(, listOf(zero), program).getOrElse { DataType.UNDEFINED }
is Subroutine -> {
errors.err("can only use unary function", funccall.position)
else if(target.returntypes.size!=1 && funccall !== segments.last())
errors.err("function must return a single value", funccall.position)
val paramDt = target.parameters.firstOrNull()?.type
if(paramDt!=null && !(valueDt isAssignableTo paramDt))
errors.err("pipe value datatype $valueDt incompatible with function argument $paramDt", funccall.position)
valueDt = target.returntypes.single()
is VarDecl -> {
if(!(valueDt isAssignableTo target.datatype))
errors.err("final pipe value datatype can't be stored in pipe ending variable", funccall.position)
else -> {
throw FatalAstException("weird function")

View File

@ -204,14 +204,14 @@ class TestModuleImporter: FunSpec({
val result = importer.importLibraryModule(filenameNoExt)
withClue(count[n] + " call / NO .p8 extension") { result shouldBe null }
withClue(count[n] + " call / NO .p8 extension") { errors.noErrors() shouldBe false }
errors.errors.single() shouldContain "0:0) no module found with name i_do_not_exist"
errors.errors.single() shouldContain "0:0: no module found with name i_do_not_exist"
program.modules.size shouldBe 1
val result2 = importer.importLibraryModule(filenameWithExt)
withClue(count[n] + " call / with .p8 extension") { result2 shouldBe null }
withClue(count[n] + " call / with .p8 extension") { importer.errors.noErrors() shouldBe false }
errors.errors.single() shouldContain "0:0) no module found with name i_do_not_exist.p8"
errors.errors.single() shouldContain "0:0: no module found with name i_do_not_exist.p8"
program.modules.size shouldBe 1

View File

@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ class TestAstChecks: FunSpec({
compileText(C64Target(), true, text, writeAssembly = true, errors=errors).assertFailure()
errors.errors.size shouldBe 2
errors.warnings.size shouldBe 0
errors.errors[0] shouldContain ":7:28) assignment value is invalid"
errors.errors[1] shouldContain ":8:28) assignment value is invalid"
errors.errors[0] shouldContain ":7:28: assignment value is invalid"
errors.errors[1] shouldContain ":8:28: assignment value is invalid"
test("can't do str or array expression without using address-of") {

View File

@ -226,8 +226,8 @@ class TestCompilerOnRanges: FunSpec({
""", errors, false).assertFailure()
errors.errors.size shouldBe 2
errors.errors[0] shouldContain ".p8:5:30) range expression from value must be integer"
errors.errors[1] shouldContain ".p8:5:45) range expression to value must be integer"
errors.errors[0] shouldContain ".p8:5:30: range expression from value must be integer"
errors.errors[1] shouldContain ".p8:5:45: range expression to value must be integer"
test("testForLoopWithIterable_str") {

View File

@ -4,20 +4,122 @@ import
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe
import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldContain
import io.kotest.matchers.types.instanceOf
import prog8.ast.IFunctionCall
import prog8.ast.Program
import prog8.ast.base.DataType
import prog8.ast.base.Position
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.statements.Assignment
import prog8.ast.statements.FunctionCallStatement
import prog8.ast.statements.Pipe
import prog8.ast.statements.VarDecl
import prog8tests.helpers.ErrorReporterForTests
import prog8tests.helpers.assertFailure
import prog8tests.helpers.assertSuccess
import prog8tests.helpers.compileText
import prog8.compiler.astprocessing.AstPreprocessor
import prog8.parser.Prog8Parser.parseModule
import prog8.parser.SourceCode
import prog8tests.helpers.*
class TestPipes: FunSpec({
test("correct pipe statements") {
test("pipe expression parse tree after preprocessing") {
val text = """
main {
sub start() {
uword xx = 9999 |> func1() |> func2()
|> func1() |> func2()
|> func1()
sub func1(uword arg) -> uword {
return arg+1111
sub func2(uword arg) -> uword {
return arg+2222
val src = SourceCode.Text(text)
val module = parseModule(src)
val errors = ErrorReporterForTests()
val program = Program("test", DummyFunctions, DummyMemsizer, DummyStringEncoder)
val preprocess = AstPreprocessor(program, errors, C64Target())
errors.errors.size shouldBe 0
program.entrypoint.statements.size shouldBe 1
val pipe = (program.entrypoint.statements.single() as VarDecl).value as PipeExpression
pipe.source shouldBe NumericLiteral(DataType.UWORD, 9999.0, Position.DUMMY)
pipe.segments.size shouldBe 5
var call = pipe.segments[0] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("func1")
call.args.size shouldBe 0
call = pipe.segments[1] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("func2")
call.args.size shouldBe 0
call = pipe.segments[2] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("func1")
call.args.size shouldBe 0
call = pipe.segments[3] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("func2")
call.args.size shouldBe 0
call = pipe.segments[4] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("func1")
call.args.size shouldBe 0
test("pipe statement parse tree after preprocessing") {
val text = """
main {
sub start() {
9999 |> func1() |> func2()
|> func1() |> func2()
|> func3()
sub func1(uword arg) -> uword {
return arg+1111
sub func2(uword arg) -> uword {
return arg+2222
sub func3(uword arg) {
; nothing
val src = SourceCode.Text(text)
val module = parseModule(src)
val errors = ErrorReporterForTests()
val program = Program("test", DummyFunctions, DummyMemsizer, DummyStringEncoder)
val preprocess = AstPreprocessor(program, errors, C64Target())
errors.errors.size shouldBe 0
program.entrypoint.statements.size shouldBe 1
val pipe = program.entrypoint.statements.single() as Pipe
pipe.source shouldBe NumericLiteral(DataType.UWORD, 9999.0, Position.DUMMY)
pipe.segments.size shouldBe 5
var call = pipe.segments[0] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("func1")
call.args.size shouldBe 0
call = pipe.segments[1] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("func2")
call.args.size shouldBe 0
call = pipe.segments[2] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("func1")
call.args.size shouldBe 0
call = pipe.segments[3] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("func2")
call.args.size shouldBe 0
call = pipe.segments[4] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("func3")
call.args.size shouldBe 0
test("correct pipe statements (no opt)") {
val text = """
%import floats
%import textio
@ -31,7 +133,6 @@ class TestPipes: FunSpec({
9999 |> addword()
|> txt.print_uw()
; these are optimized into just the function calls:
9999 |> abs() |> txt.print_uw()
9999 |> txt.print_uw()
99 |> abs() |> txt.print_ub()
@ -46,20 +147,76 @@ class TestPipes: FunSpec({
val result = compileText(C64Target(), true, text, writeAssembly = true).assertSuccess()
val result = compileText(C64Target(), optimize = false, text, writeAssembly = true).assertSuccess()
val stmts = result.program.entrypoint.statements
stmts.size shouldBe 7
val pipef = stmts[0] as Pipe
pipef.source shouldBe instanceOf<NumericLiteral>()
pipef.segments.size shouldBe 2
pipef.segments[0] shouldBe instanceOf<FunctionCallExpression>()
pipef.segments[1] shouldBe instanceOf<IdentifierReference>()
var call = pipef.segments[0] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("addfloat")
call = pipef.segments[1] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("floats", "print_f")
val pipew = stmts[1] as Pipe
pipef.source shouldBe instanceOf<NumericLiteral>()
pipew.segments.size shouldBe 2
pipew.segments[0] shouldBe instanceOf<FunctionCallExpression>()
pipew.segments[1] shouldBe instanceOf<IdentifierReference>()
call = pipew.segments[0] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("addword")
call = pipew.segments[1] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("txt", "print_uw")
stmts[2] shouldBe instanceOf<Pipe>()
stmts[3] shouldBe instanceOf<Pipe>()
stmts[4] shouldBe instanceOf<Pipe>()
stmts[5] shouldBe instanceOf<Pipe>()
test("correct pipe statements (with opt)") {
val text = """
%import floats
%import textio
main {
sub start() {
1.234 |> addfloat()
|> floats.print_f()
9999 |> addword()
|> txt.print_uw()
; these should be optimized into just the function calls:
9999 |> abs() |> txt.print_uw()
9999 |> txt.print_uw()
99 |> abs() |> txt.print_ub()
99 |> txt.print_ub()
sub addfloat(float fl) -> float {
return fl+2.22
sub addword(uword ww) -> uword {
return ww+2222
val result = compileText(C64Target(), optimize = true, text, writeAssembly = true).assertSuccess()
val stmts = result.program.entrypoint.statements
stmts.size shouldBe 7
val pipef = stmts[0] as Pipe
pipef.source shouldBe instanceOf<FunctionCallExpression>()
(pipef.source as IFunctionCall).target.nameInSource shouldBe listOf("addfloat")
pipef.segments.size shouldBe 1
val callf = pipef.segments[0] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("floats", "print_f")
val pipew = stmts[1] as Pipe
pipef.source shouldBe instanceOf<FunctionCallExpression>()
(pipew.source as IFunctionCall).target.nameInSource shouldBe listOf("addword")
pipew.segments.size shouldBe 1
val callw = pipew.segments[0] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("txt", "print_uw")
var stmt = stmts[2] as FunctionCallStatement shouldBe listOf("txt", "print_uw")
@ -78,8 +235,8 @@ class TestPipes: FunSpec({
main {
sub start() {
1.234 |> addfloat
|> addword |> addword
1.234 |> addfloat()
|> addword() |> addword()
sub addfloat(float fl) -> float {
@ -96,21 +253,21 @@ class TestPipes: FunSpec({
errors.errors[0] shouldContain "incompatible"
test("correct pipe expressions") {
test("correct pipe expressions (no opt)") {
val text = """
%import floats
%import textio
main {
sub start() {
float @shared fl = 1.234 |> addfloat
|> addfloat
float @shared fl = 1.234 |> addfloat()
|> addfloat()
uword @shared ww = 9999 |> addword
|> addword
uword @shared ww = 9999 |> addword()
|> addword()
ubyte @shared cc = 30 |> sin8u |> cos8u ; will be optimized away into a const number
cc = cc |> sin8u |> cos8u
ubyte @shared cc = 30 |> sin8u() |> cos8u()
cc = cc |> sin8u() |> cos8u()
sub addfloat(float fl) -> float {
@ -119,27 +276,86 @@ class TestPipes: FunSpec({
sub addword(uword ww) -> uword {
return ww+2222
sub addbyte(ubyte bb) -> ubyte {
return bb+1
val result = compileText(C64Target(), true, text, writeAssembly = true).assertSuccess()
val result = compileText(C64Target(), optimize = false, text, writeAssembly = true).assertSuccess()
val stmts = result.program.entrypoint.statements
stmts.size shouldBe 8
val assignf = stmts[1] as Assignment
val pipef = assignf.value as PipeExpression
pipef.source shouldBe instanceOf<NumericLiteral>()
pipef.segments.size shouldBe 2
pipef.segments[0] shouldBe instanceOf<FunctionCallExpression>()
pipef.segments[1] shouldBe instanceOf<IdentifierReference>()
var call = pipef.segments[0] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("addfloat")
call = pipef.segments[1] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("addfloat")
val assignw = stmts[3] as Assignment
val pipew = assignw.value as PipeExpression
pipew.source shouldBe instanceOf<NumericLiteral>()
pipew.segments.size shouldBe 2
call = pipew.segments[0] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("addword")
call = pipew.segments[1] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("addword")
var assigncc = stmts[5] as Assignment
val value = assigncc.value as PipeExpression
value.source shouldBe NumericLiteral(DataType.UBYTE, 30.0, Position.DUMMY)
value.segments.size shouldBe 2
call = value.segments[0] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("sin8u")
call = value.segments[1] as IFunctionCall shouldBe listOf("cos8u")
assigncc = stmts[6] as Assignment
val pipecc = assigncc.value as PipeExpression
pipecc.source shouldBe instanceOf<IdentifierReference>()
pipecc.segments.size shouldBe 2
pipecc.segments[0] shouldBe instanceOf<BuiltinFunctionCall>()
pipecc.segments[1] shouldBe instanceOf<BuiltinFunctionCall>()
test("correct pipe expressions (with opt)") {
val text = """
%import floats
%import textio
main {
sub start() {
float @shared fl = 1.234 |> addfloat()
|> addfloat()
uword @shared ww = 9999 |> addword()
|> addword()
ubyte @shared cc = 30 |> sin8u() |> cos8u() ; will be optimized away into a const number
cc = cc |> sin8u() |> cos8u()
sub addfloat(float fl) -> float {
return fl+2.22
sub addword(uword ww) -> uword {
return ww+2222
val result = compileText(C64Target(), optimize = true, text, writeAssembly = true).assertSuccess()
val stmts = result.program.entrypoint.statements
stmts.size shouldBe 8
val assignf = stmts[1] as Assignment
val pipef = assignf.value as PipeExpression
pipef.source shouldBe instanceOf<FunctionCallExpression>()
pipef.segments.size shouldBe 1
pipef.segments[0] shouldBe instanceOf<FunctionCallExpression>()
val assignw = stmts[3] as Assignment
val pipew = assignw.value as PipeExpression
pipew.source shouldBe instanceOf<FunctionCallExpression>()
pipew.segments.size shouldBe 1
pipew.segments[0] shouldBe instanceOf<FunctionCallExpression>()
pipew.segments[1] shouldBe instanceOf<IdentifierReference>()
var assigncc = stmts[5] as Assignment
val value = assigncc.value as NumericLiteral
@ -147,43 +363,12 @@ class TestPipes: FunSpec({
assigncc = stmts[6] as Assignment
val pipecc = assigncc.value as PipeExpression
pipecc.source shouldBe instanceOf<NumericLiteral>()
pipecc.segments.size shouldBe 2
pipecc.source shouldBe instanceOf<BuiltinFunctionCall>()
(pipecc.source as BuiltinFunctionCall).target.nameInSource shouldBe listOf("sin8u")
pipecc.segments.size shouldBe 1
pipecc.segments[0] shouldBe instanceOf<BuiltinFunctionCall>()
pipecc.segments[1] shouldBe instanceOf<IdentifierReference>()
test("correct pipe expressions with variables at end") {
val text = """
%import textio
main {
sub start() {
uword @shared ww
ubyte @shared cc
9999 |> addword |> addword |> ww
30 |> sin8u |> cos8u |> cc ; will be optimized away into a const number
sub addword(uword ww) -> uword {
return ww+2222
val result = compileText(C64Target(), true, text, writeAssembly = true).assertSuccess()
val stmts = result.program.entrypoint.statements
stmts.size shouldBe 7
val assignw = stmts[4] as Assignment
val pipew = assignw.value as PipeExpression
pipew.source shouldBe instanceOf<NumericLiteral>()
pipew.segments.size shouldBe 2
pipew.segments[0] shouldBe instanceOf<FunctionCallExpression>()
pipew.segments[1] shouldBe instanceOf<IdentifierReference>()
val assigncc = stmts[5] as Assignment
val value = assigncc.value as NumericLiteral
value.number shouldBe 190.0
(pipecc.segments[0] as BuiltinFunctionCall).target.nameInSource shouldBe listOf("cos8u")
test("incorrect type in pipe expression") {
@ -192,8 +377,8 @@ class TestPipes: FunSpec({
main {
sub start() {
uword result = 1.234 |> addfloat
|> addword |> addword
uword result = 1.234 |> addfloat()
|> addword() |> addword()
sub addfloat(float fl) -> float {
@ -218,25 +403,23 @@ class TestPipes: FunSpec({
sub start() {
uword ww = 9999
ubyte bb = 99
ww |> abs |> txt.print_uw
bb |> abs |> txt.print_ub
ww |> abs() |> txt.print_uw()
bb |> abs() |> txt.print_ub()
val result = compileText(C64Target(), true, text, writeAssembly = true).assertSuccess()
val stmts = result.program.entrypoint.statements
stmts.size shouldBe 7
val pipef = stmts[4] as Pipe
pipef.source shouldBe instanceOf<NumericLiteral>()
pipef.segments.size shouldBe 2
pipef.segments[0] shouldBe instanceOf<BuiltinFunctionCall>()
pipef.segments[1] shouldBe instanceOf<IdentifierReference>()
val pipeww = stmts[4] as Pipe
pipeww.source shouldBe instanceOf<BuiltinFunctionCall>()
pipeww.segments.size shouldBe 1
pipeww.segments[0] shouldBe instanceOf<IFunctionCall>()
val pipew = stmts[5] as Pipe
pipew.source shouldBe instanceOf<NumericLiteral>()
pipew.segments.size shouldBe 2
pipew.segments[0] shouldBe instanceOf<BuiltinFunctionCall>()
pipew.segments[1] shouldBe instanceOf<IdentifierReference>()
val pipebb = stmts[5] as Pipe
pipebb.source shouldBe instanceOf<BuiltinFunctionCall>()
pipebb.segments.size shouldBe 1
pipebb.segments[0] shouldBe instanceOf<IFunctionCall>()
test("pipe statement with type errors") {
@ -246,13 +429,13 @@ class TestPipes: FunSpec({
main {
sub start() {
uword ww = 9999
9999 |> abs |> txt.print_ub
ww |> abs |> txt.print_ub
9999 |> abs() |> txt.print_ub()
ww |> abs() |> txt.print_ub()
val errors = ErrorReporterForTests()
compileText(C64Target(), true, text, writeAssembly = true, errors=errors).assertFailure()
compileText(C64Target(), optimize = false, text, writeAssembly = true, errors=errors).assertFailure()
errors.errors.size shouldBe 2
errors.errors[0] shouldContain "UWORD incompatible"
errors.errors[1] shouldContain "UWORD incompatible"

View File

@ -286,8 +286,8 @@ class TestSubroutines: FunSpec({
val errors = ErrorReporterForTests()
compileText(C64Target(), false, text, writeAssembly = false, errors=errors).assertFailure()
errors.errors.size shouldBe 2
errors.errors[0] shouldContain "7:25) invalid number of arguments"
errors.errors[1] shouldContain "9:25) invalid number of arguments"
errors.errors[0] shouldContain "7:25: invalid number of arguments"
errors.errors[1] shouldContain "9:25: invalid number of arguments"
test("invalid number of args check on asm subroutine") {
@ -307,8 +307,8 @@ class TestSubroutines: FunSpec({
val errors = ErrorReporterForTests()
compileText(C64Target(), false, text, writeAssembly = false, errors=errors).assertFailure()
errors.errors.size shouldBe 2
errors.errors[0] shouldContain "7:25) invalid number of arguments"
errors.errors[1] shouldContain "9:25) invalid number of arguments"
errors.errors[0] shouldContain "7:25: invalid number of arguments"
errors.errors[1] shouldContain "9:25: invalid number of arguments"
test("invalid number of args check on call to label and builtin func") {

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@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ class AstToSourceTextConverter(val output: (text: String) -> Unit, val program:
printPipe(pipe.source, pipe.segments)
private fun printPipe(source: Expression, segments: Iterable<FunctionCallExpression>) {
private fun printPipe(source: Expression, segments: Iterable<Expression>) {

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ interface IFunctionCall {
interface IPipe {
var source: Expression
val segments: MutableList<FunctionCallExpression>
val segments: MutableList<Expression> // are all function calls
val position: Position
var parent: Node // will be linked correctly later (late init)

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@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ object ParentSentinel : Node {
data class Position(val file: String, val line: Int, val startCol: Int, val endCol: Int) {
override fun toString(): String = "[$file: line $line col ${startCol+1}-${endCol+1}]"
fun toClickableStr(): String {
val path = (Path("") / file).absolute().normalize()
return "($path:$line:$startCol)"
val path = Path(file).absolute().normalize()
return "file://$path:$line:$startCol:"
companion object {

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@ -939,6 +939,14 @@ class FunctionCallExpression(override var target: IdentifierReference,
// lenghts of arrays and strings are constants that are determined at compile time!
return null
// If the function call is part of a Pipe segments, the number of args will be 1 less than the number of parameters required
// because of the implicit first argument. We don't know this first argument here. Assume it is not a constant,
// which means that this function call cannot be a constant either.
val pipeParentSegments = (parent as? IPipe)?.segments ?: emptyList()
if(this in pipeParentSegments)
return null
val resultValue: NumericLiteral? = program.builtinFunctions.constValue(target.nameInSource[0], args, position)
if(withDatatypeCheck) {
val resultDt = this.inferType(program)
@ -1075,7 +1083,7 @@ class ContainmentCheck(var element: Expression,
class PipeExpression(override var source: Expression,
override val segments: MutableList<FunctionCallExpression>,
override val segments: MutableList<Expression>, // are all function calls
override val position: Position): Expression(), IPipe {
override lateinit var parent: Node
@ -1099,8 +1107,9 @@ class PipeExpression(override var source: Expression,
if(node===source) {
source = replacement
} else {
require(replacement is IFunctionCall)
val idx = segments.indexOf(node)
segments[idx] = replacement as FunctionCallExpression
segments[idx] = replacement

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@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ class DirectMemoryWrite(var addressExpression: Expression, override val position
class Pipe(override var source: Expression,
override val segments: MutableList<FunctionCallExpression>,
override val segments: MutableList<Expression>, // are all function calls
override val position: Position): Statement(), IPipe {
override lateinit var parent: Node
@ -1043,8 +1043,9 @@ class Pipe(override var source: Expression,
if(node===source) {
source = replacement
} else {
require(replacement is IFunctionCall)
val idx = segments.indexOf(node)
segments[idx] = replacement as FunctionCallExpression
segments[idx] = replacement

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@ -528,31 +528,26 @@ containment check: ``in``
pipe: ``|>``
Used as an alternative to nesting function calls. The pipe operator is used to 'pipe' the value
into the next function. It only works on unary functions (taking a single argument), because you just
specify the *name* of the function that the value has to be piped into. The resulting value will be piped
into the next function as long as there are chained pipes.
into the next function. You write a pipe as a sequence of function calls. You don't write
the arguments to the functions though: the value of one segment in the pipe, will be used as the argument
for the next function call in the sequence.
*note:* It only works on unary functions (taking a single argument) for now.
For example, this: ``txt.print_uw(add_bonus(determine_score(get_player(1))))``
can be rewritten as::
|> determine_score
|> add_bonus
|> txt.print_uw
|> determine_score()
|> add_bonus()
|> txt.print_uw()
It also works for expressions that return a value, for example ``uword score = add_bonus(determine_score(get_player(1)))`` ::
A pipe can also be written as an expression that returns a value, for example ``uword score = add_bonus(determine_score(get_player(1)))`` ::
uword score = get_player(1)
|> determine_score
|> add_bonus
|> determine_score()
|> add_bonus()
Finally, if you like the left-to-right flow, it's possible to use the name of a variable as the last term. This just means that the pipe's resulting value is
stored in that variable (it's just another way of writing an assignment). So the above can also be written as::
uword score
|> determine_score
|> add_bonus
|> score
address of: ``&``
This is a prefix operator that can be applied to a string or array variable or literal value.

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@ -23,11 +23,10 @@ Future Things and Ideas
- pipe operator: allow non-unary function calls in the pipe that specify the other argument(s) in the calls.
- writeAssembly(): make it possible to actually get rid of the VarDecl nodes by fixing the rest of the code mentioned there.
- make everything an expression? (get rid of Statements. Statements are expressions with void return types?).
- allow "xxx" * constexpr (where constexpr is not a number literal), now gives expression error not same type
- for the pipe operator: recognise a placeholder (``?`` or ``%`` or ``_``) in a non-unary function call to allow non-unary functions in the chain; ``4 |> mkword(?, $44) |> print_uw``
OR: change pipe syntax and require function call, but always have implicit first argument added.
- for the pipe operator: make it 100% syntactic sugar so there's no need for asm codegen like translatePipeExpression
- make it possible to inline non-asmsub routines that just contain a single statement (return, functioncall, assignment)
but this requires all identifiers in the inlined expression to be changed to fully scoped names.

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@ -1,20 +1,27 @@
%import textio
%import floats
%import test_stack
%zeropage basicsafe
main {
sub start() {
ubyte xx = 30
ubyte cc
cc = 30 |> sin8u |> cos8u |> cc
cc = xx |> sin8u |> cos8u |> cc
repeat {
|> determine_score()
|> add_bonus()
|> txt.print_uw()
sub get_player(ubyte xx) -> ubyte {
return xx+33
sub determine_score() -> ubyte {
return 33
sub add_bonus(ubyte qq) {