shuffled some system functions back to c64 block to remain compatible with existing code, added missing float and graphics library stubs

This commit is contained in:
Irmen de Jong 2021-12-24 00:08:32 +01:00
parent a123c64f59
commit fc33ab8905
3 changed files with 295 additions and 70 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
; Prog8 definitions for floating point handling on the Commodore 128
; Written by Irmen de Jong ( - license: GNU GPL 3.0
%option enable_floats
floats {
; ---- this block contains C-128 compatible floating point related functions ----
const float PI = 3.141592653589793
const float TWOPI = 6.283185307179586
float tempvar_swap_float ; used for some swap() operations
; ---- ROM float functions ----
; TODO c128 fix float routine addresses
; note: the fac1 and fac2 are working registers and take 6 bytes each,
; floats in memory (and rom) are stored in 5-byte MFLPT packed format.
; note: fac1/2 might get clobbered even if not mentioned in the function's name.
; note: for subtraction and division, the left operand is in fac2, the right operand in fac1.
romsub $fe00 = AYINT() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1-> signed word in 100-101 ($64-$65) MSB FIRST. (might throw ILLEGAL QUANTITY)
; GIVAYF: signed word in Y/A (note different lsb/msb order) -> float in fac1
; there is also floats.GIVUAYFAY - unsigned word in A/Y (lo/hi) to fac1
; (tip: use GIVAYFAY to use A/Y input; lo/hi switched to normal order)
romsub $fe03 = GIVAYF(ubyte lo @ Y, ubyte hi @ A) clobbers(A,X,Y)
; fac1 -> unsigned word in Y/A (might throw ILLEGAL QUANTITY) (result also in $14/15)
; (tip: use GETADRAY to get A/Y output; lo/hi switched to normal little endian order)
romsub $fe06 = GETADR() clobbers(X) -> ubyte @ Y, ubyte @ A
romsub $fe09 = FADDH() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 += 0.5, for rounding- call this before INT
romsub $fe0c = FSUB(uword mflpt @ AY) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = mflpt from A/Y - fac1
romsub $fe0f = FSUBT() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = fac2-fac1 mind the order of the operands
romsub $fe12 = FADD(uword mflpt @ AY) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 += mflpt value from A/Y
romsub $fe15 = FADDT() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 += fac2
romsub $fe1b = ZEROFC() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = 0
romsub $fe1e = NORMAL() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; normalize fac1 (?)
romsub $fe24 = LOG() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = LN(fac1) (natural log)
romsub $fe27 = FMULT(uword mflpt @ AY) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 *= mflpt value from A/Y
romsub $fe2a = FMULTT() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 *= fac2
romsub $fe30 = CONUPK(uword mflpt @ AY) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; load mflpt value from memory in A/Y into fac2
romsub $fe33 = MUL10() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 *= 10
romsub $fe36 = DIV10() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 /= 10 , CAUTION: result is always positive!
romsub $fe39 = FDIV(uword mflpt @ AY) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = mflpt in A/Y / fac1 (remainder in fac2)
romsub $fe3c = FDIVT() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = fac2/fac1 (remainder in fac2) mind the order of the operands
romsub $fe42 = MOVFM(uword mflpt @ AY) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; load mflpt value from memory in A/Y into fac1
romsub $fe45 = MOVMF(uword mflpt @ XY) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; store fac1 to memory X/Y as 5-byte mflpt
romsub $fe48 = MOVFA() clobbers(A,X) ; copy fac2 to fac1
romsub $fe4b = MOVAF() clobbers(A,X) ; copy fac1 to fac2 (rounded)
romsub $fe4e = MOVEF() clobbers(A,X) ; copy fac1 to fac2
romsub $fe54 = SIGN() clobbers(X,Y) -> ubyte @ A ; SIGN(fac1) to A, $ff, $0, $1 for negative, zero, positive
romsub $fe57 = SGN() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = SGN(fac1), result of SIGN (-1, 0 or 1)
romsub $fe5a = FREADSA(byte value @ A) clobbers(A,X,Y) ; 8 bit signed A -> float in fac1
romsub $fe66 = ABS() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = ABS(fac1)
romsub $fe69 = FCOMP(uword mflpt @ AY) clobbers(X,Y) -> ubyte @ A ; A = compare fac1 to mflpt in A/Y, 0=equal 1=fac1 is greater, 255=fac1 is less than
romsub $fe72 = INT() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; INT() truncates, use FADDH first to round instead of trunc
romsub $fe78 = FINLOG(byte value @A) clobbers (A, X, Y) ; fac1 += signed byte in A
romsub $fe7b = FOUT() clobbers(X) -> uword @ AY ; fac1 -> string, address returned in AY
romsub $fe81 = SQR() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = SQRT(fac1)
romsub $fe84 = FPWRT() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = fac2 ** fac1
romsub $fe8a = NEGOP() clobbers(A) ; switch the sign of fac1 (fac1 = -fac1)
romsub $fe8d = EXP() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = EXP(fac1) (e ** fac1)
romsub $fe96 = RND() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = RND(fac1) float random number generator
romsub $fe99 = COS() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = COS(fac1)
romsub $fe9c = SIN() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = SIN(fac1)
romsub $fe9f = TAN() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = TAN(fac1)
romsub $fea2 = ATN() clobbers(A,X,Y) ; fac1 = ATN(fac1)
asmsub GIVUAYFAY (uword value @ AY) clobbers(A,X,Y) {
; ---- unsigned 16 bit word in A/Y (lo/hi) to fac1
%asm {{
sta _tmp
ldy _tmp
jsr GIVAYF ; load it as signed... correct afterwards
bpl +
lda #<_flt65536
ldy #>_flt65536
jsr FADD
_tmp .byte 0
_flt65536 .byte 145,0,0,0,0 ; 65536.0
asmsub GIVAYFAY (uword value @ AY) clobbers(A,X,Y) {
; ---- signed 16 bit word in A/Y (lo/hi) to float in fac1
%asm {{
jmp GIVAYF ; this uses the inverse order, Y/A
asmsub FTOSWRDAY () clobbers(X) -> uword @ AY {
; ---- fac1 to signed word in A/Y
%asm {{
jsr FTOSWORDYA ; note the inverse Y/A order
asmsub GETADRAY () clobbers(X) -> uword @ AY {
; ---- fac1 to unsigned word in A/Y
%asm {{
jsr GETADR ; this uses the inverse order, Y/A
asmsub FREADUY (ubyte value @Y) {
; -- 8 bit unsigned Y -> float in fac1
%asm {{
lda #0
sub print_f (float value) {
; ---- prints the floating point value (without a newline).
%asm {{
lda #<value
ldy #>value
jsr MOVFM ; load float into fac1
jsr FOUT ; fac1 to string in A/Y
ldy #0
- lda (P8ZP_SCRATCH_W1),y
beq +
jsr c64.CHROUT
bne -
%asminclude "library:c64/floats.asm"
%asminclude "library:c64/floats_funcs.asm"

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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
%import syslib
%import textio
; Bitmap pixel graphics module for the Commodore 128
; TODO c128 actually implement the graphics routines. Ideally a way to 'borrow' the code form the C64 version without just copy-pasting that here?
graphics {
const uword WIDTH = 320
const ubyte HEIGHT = 200
sub enable_bitmap_mode() {
; enable bitmap screen, erase it and set colors to black/white.
sub disable_bitmap_mode() {
; enables text mode, erase the text screen, color white
sub clear_screen(ubyte pixelcolor, ubyte bgcolor) {
sub line(uword @zp x1, ubyte @zp y1, uword @zp x2, ubyte @zp y2) {
sub fillrect(uword x, uword y, uword width, uword height) {
sub rect(uword x, uword y, uword width, uword height) {
sub horizontal_line(uword x, uword y, uword length) {
sub vertical_line(uword x, uword y, uword height) {
sub circle(uword xcenter, ubyte ycenter, ubyte radius) {
sub disc(uword xcenter, ubyte ycenter, ubyte radius) {
inline asmsub plot(uword plotx @R0, uword ploty @R1) clobbers(A, X, Y) {
%asm {{
nop ; TODO

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@ -262,56 +262,8 @@ asmsub RDTIM16() -> uword @AY {
}} }}
} }
c128 {
; ---- C128 specific registers ----
&ubyte VM1 = $0A2C ; shadow for VUC $d018 in text mode
&ubyte VM2 = $0A2D ; shadow for VIC $d018 in bitmap screen mode
&ubyte VM3 = $0A2E ; starting page for VDC screen mem
&ubyte VM4 = $0A2F ; starting page for VDC attribute mem
; ---- C128 specific system utility routines: ----
asmsub init_system() {
; Initializes the machine to a sane starting state.
; Called automatically by the loader program logic.
; This means that the BASIC, KERNAL and CHARGEN ROMs are banked in,
; the VIC, SID and CIA chips are reset, screen is cleared, and the default IRQ is set.
; Also a different color scheme is chosen to identify ourselves a little.
; Uppercase charset is activated, and all three registers set to 0, status flags cleared.
%asm {{
;;lda #%00101111 ; TODO c128 ram and rom bank selection how?
;;sta $00
;;lda #%00100111
;;sta $01
jsr c64.IOINIT
jsr c64.RESTOR
jsr c64.CINT
lda #6
sta c64.EXTCOL
lda #7
sta c64.COLOR
lda #0
sta c64.BGCOL0
jsr disable_runstop_and_charsetswitch
asmsub init_system_phase2() {
%asm {{
rts ; no phase 2 steps on the C128
; ---- system utility routines that are essentially the same as on the C64: -----
asmsub disable_runstop_and_charsetswitch() clobbers(A) { asmsub disable_runstop_and_charsetswitch() clobbers(A) {
%asm {{ %asm {{
lda #$80 lda #$80
@ -322,27 +274,6 @@ asmsub disable_runstop_and_charsetswitch() clobbers(A) {
}} }}
} }
asmsub disable_basic() clobbers(A) {
%asm {{
lda $0a04 ; disable BASIC shadow registers
and #$fe
sta $0a04
lda #$01 ; disable BASIC IRQ service routine
sta $12fd
lda #$ff ; disable screen editor IRQ setup
sta $d8
lda #$b7 ; skip programmable function key check
sta $033c
lda #$0e ; bank out BASIC ROM
sta $ff00
asmsub set_irq(uword handler @AY, ubyte useKernal @Pc) clobbers(A) { asmsub set_irq(uword handler @AY, ubyte useKernal @Pc) clobbers(A) {
%asm {{ %asm {{
sta _modified+1 sta _modified+1
@ -500,6 +431,77 @@ _setup_raster_irq
}} }}
} }
c128 {
; ---- C128 specific registers ----
&ubyte VM1 = $0A2C ; shadow for VUC $d018 in text mode
&ubyte VM2 = $0A2D ; shadow for VIC $d018 in bitmap screen mode
&ubyte VM3 = $0A2E ; starting page for VDC screen mem
&ubyte VM4 = $0A2F ; starting page for VDC attribute mem
; ---- C128 specific system utility routines: ----
asmsub init_system() {
; Initializes the machine to a sane starting state.
; Called automatically by the loader program logic.
; This means that the BASIC, KERNAL and CHARGEN ROMs are banked in,
; the VIC, SID and CIA chips are reset, screen is cleared, and the default IRQ is set.
; Also a different color scheme is chosen to identify ourselves a little.
; Uppercase charset is activated, and all three registers set to 0, status flags cleared.
%asm {{
;;lda #%00101111 ; TODO c128 ram and rom bank selection how?
;;sta $00
;;lda #%00100111
;;sta $01
jsr c64.IOINIT
jsr c64.RESTOR
jsr c64.CINT
lda #6
sta c64.EXTCOL
lda #7
sta c64.COLOR
lda #0
sta c64.BGCOL0
jsr c64.disable_runstop_and_charsetswitch
asmsub init_system_phase2() {
%asm {{
rts ; no phase 2 steps on the C128
asmsub disable_basic() clobbers(A) {
%asm {{
lda $0a04 ; disable BASIC shadow registers
and #$fe
sta $0a04
lda #$01 ; disable BASIC IRQ service routine
sta $12fd
lda #$ff ; disable screen editor IRQ setup
sta $d8
lda #$b7 ; skip programmable function key check
sta $033c
lda #$0e ; bank out BASIC ROM
sta $ff00
; ---- end of C128 specific system utility routines ---- ; ---- end of C128 specific system utility routines ----
} }