; 10 copies of the TextElite example included in one giant program ; meant to test/profile the performance of the compiler on large programs. %import textio %import conv %import diskio %import string %import test_stack %import perf2 %import perf3 %import perf4 %import perf5 %import perf6 %import perf7 %import perf8 %import perf9 %import perf10 %option no_sysinit %zeropage basicsafe main { const ubyte numforLave = 7 ; Lave is 7th generated planet in galaxy one const ubyte numforZaonce = 129 const ubyte numforDiso = 147 const ubyte numforRiedquat = 46 sub start() { txt.lowercase() txt.print("\u000c\n --- TextElite v1.1 ---\n") galaxy.travel_to(1, numforLave) market.init(0) ; Lave's market is seeded with 0 ship.init() planet.display(false) repeat { ; test_stack.test() str input = "????????" txt.print("\nCash: ") util.print_10s(ship.cash) txt.print("\nCommand (?=help): ") ubyte num_chars = txt.input_chars(input) txt.nl() if num_chars { when input[0] { '?' -> { txt.print("\nCommands are:\n"+ "buy jump info cash >=save\n"+ "sell teleport market hold <=load\n"+ "fuel galhyp local quit\n") } 'q' -> break 'b' -> trader.do_buy() 's' -> trader.do_sell() 'f' -> trader.do_fuel() 'j' -> trader.do_jump() 't' -> trader.do_teleport() 'g' -> trader.do_next_galaxy() 'i' -> trader.do_info() 'm' -> trader.do_show_market() 'l' -> trader.do_local() 'c' -> trader.do_cash() 'h' -> trader.do_hold() '<' -> trader.do_load() '>' -> trader.do_save() } } } } } trader { str Savegame = "↑commander.save" str input = "??????????" ubyte num_chars struct SaveData { ubyte galaxy ubyte planet ubyte cargo0 ubyte cargo1 ubyte cargo2 ubyte cargo3 ubyte cargo4 ubyte cargo5 ubyte cargo6 ubyte cargo7 ubyte cargo8 ubyte cargo9 ubyte cargo10 ubyte cargo11 ubyte cargo12 ubyte cargo13 ubyte cargo14 ubyte cargo15 ubyte cargo16 uword cash ubyte max_cargo ubyte fuel } SaveData savedata sub do_load() { txt.print("\nLoading universe...") if diskio.load(8, Savegame, &savedata) { txt.print("ok\n") } else { txt.print("\ni/o error: ") txt.print(diskio.status(8)) txt.nl() return } ship.cash = savedata.cash ship.Max_cargo = savedata.max_cargo ship.fuel = savedata.fuel sys.memcopy(&savedata.cargo0, ship.cargohold, len(ship.cargohold)) galaxy.travel_to(savedata.galaxy, savedata.planet) planet.display(false) } sub do_save() { savedata.galaxy = galaxy.number savedata.planet = planet.number savedata.cash = ship.cash savedata.max_cargo = ship.Max_cargo savedata.fuel = ship.fuel sys.memcopy(ship.cargohold, &savedata.cargo0, len(ship.cargohold)) txt.print("\nSaving universe...") diskio.delete(8, Savegame) if diskio.save(8, Savegame, &savedata, sizeof(savedata)) { txt.print("ok\n") } else { txt.print("\ni/o error: ") txt.print(diskio.status(8)) txt.nl() } } sub do_jump() { txt.print("\nJump to what system? ") jump_to_system() } sub do_teleport() { txt.print("\nCheat! Teleport to what system? ") ubyte fuel = ship.fuel ship.fuel = 255 jump_to_system() ship.fuel = fuel } sub jump_to_system() { void txt.input_chars(input) ubyte current_planet = planet.number ubyte x = planet.x ubyte y = planet.y if galaxy.search_closest_planet(input) { ubyte distance = planet.distance(x, y) if distance <= ship.fuel { galaxy.init_market_for_planet() ship.fuel -= distance txt.print("\n\nHyperspace jump! Arrived at:\n") planet.display(true) return } txt.print("Insufficient fuel\n") } else { txt.print(" Not found!\n") } galaxy.travel_to(galaxy.number, current_planet) } sub do_buy() { txt.print("\nBuy what commodity? ") str commodity = "???????????????" void txt.input_chars(commodity) ubyte ci = market.match(commodity) if ci & 128 { txt.print("Unknown\n") } else { txt.print("\nHow much? ") void txt.input_chars(input) ubyte amount = conv.str2ubyte(input) if market.current_quantity[ci] < amount { txt.print(" Insufficient supply!\n") } else { uword price = market.current_price[ci] * amount txt.print(" Total price: ") util.print_10s(price) if price > ship.cash { txt.print(" Not enough cash!\n") } else { ship.cash -= price ship.cargohold[ci] += amount market.current_quantity[ci] -= amount } } } } sub do_sell() { txt.print("\nSell what commodity? ") str commodity = "???????????????" void txt.input_chars(commodity) ubyte ci = market.match(commodity) if ci & 128 { txt.print("Unknown\n") } else { txt.print("\nHow much? ") void txt.input_chars(input) ubyte amount = conv.str2ubyte(input) if ship.cargohold[ci] < amount { txt.print(" Insufficient supply!\n") } else { uword price = market.current_price[ci] * amount txt.print(" Total price: ") util.print_10s(price) ship.cash += price ship.cargohold[ci] -= amount market.current_quantity[ci] += amount } } } sub do_fuel() { txt.print("\nBuy fuel. Amount? ") void txt.input_chars(input) ubyte buy_fuel = 10*conv.str2ubyte(input) ubyte max_fuel = ship.Max_fuel - ship.fuel if buy_fuel > max_fuel buy_fuel = max_fuel uword price = buy_fuel as uword * ship.Fuel_cost if price > ship.cash { txt.print("Not enough cash!\n") } else { ship.cash -= price ship.fuel += buy_fuel } } sub do_cash() { txt.print("\nCheat! Set cash amount: ") void txt.input_chars(input) ship.cash = conv.str2uword(input) } sub do_hold() { txt.print("\nCheat! Set cargohold size: ") void txt.input_chars(input) ship.Max_cargo = conv.str2ubyte(input) } sub do_next_galaxy() { galaxy.travel_to(galaxy.number+1, planet.number) planet.display(false) } sub do_info() { txt.print("\nSystem name (empty=current): ") num_chars = txt.input_chars(input) if num_chars { ubyte current_planet = planet.number if galaxy.search_closest_planet(input) { planet.display(false) } else { txt.print(" Not found!") } galaxy.travel_to(galaxy.number, current_planet) } else { planet.display(false) } } sub do_local() { galaxy.local_area() } sub do_show_market() { market.display() txt.print("\nFuel: ") util.print_10s(ship.fuel) txt.print(" Cargohold space: ") txt.print_ub(ship.cargo_free()) txt.print("t\n") } } ship { const ubyte Max_fuel = 70 const ubyte Fuel_cost = 2 ubyte Max_cargo = 20 ubyte fuel = Max_fuel uword cash = 1000 ; actually has to be 4 bytes for the ultra rich.... ubyte[17] cargohold = 0 sub init() { sys.memset(cargohold, len(cargohold), 0) } sub cargo_free() -> ubyte { ubyte ci ubyte total = 0 for ci in 0 to len(cargohold)-1 { if market.units[ci]==0 ; tonnes only total += cargohold[ci] } return Max_cargo - total } } market { ubyte[17] baseprices = [$13, $14, $41, $28, $53, $C4, $EB, $9A, $75, $4E, $7C, $B0, $20, $61, $AB, $2D, $35] byte[17] gradients = [-$02, -$01, -$03, -$05, -$05, $08, $1D, $0E, $06, $01, $0d, -$09, -$01, -$01, -$02, -$01, $0F] ubyte[17] basequants = [$06, $0A, $02, $E2, $FB, $36, $08, $38, $28, $11, $1D, $DC, $35, $42, $37, $FA, $C0] ubyte[17] maskbytes = [$01, $03, $07, $1F, $0F, $03, $78, $03, $07, $1F, $07, $3F, $03, $07, $1F, $0F, $07] ubyte[17] units = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0] str[17] names = ["Food", "Textiles", "Radioactives", "Slaves", "Liquor/Wines", "Luxuries", "Narcotics", "Computers", "Machinery", "Alloys", "Firearms", "Furs", "Minerals", "Gold", "Platinum", "Gem-Stones", "Alien Items"] ubyte[17] current_quantity = 0 uword[17] current_price = 0 sub init(ubyte fluct) { ; Prices and availabilities are influenced by the planet's economy type ; (0-7) and a random "fluctuation" byte that was kept within the saved ; commander position to keep the market prices constant over gamesaves. ; Availabilities must be saved with the game since the player alters them ; by buying (and selling(?)) ; ; Almost all operations are one byte only and overflow "errors" are ; extremely frequent and exploited. ; ; Trade Item prices are held internally in a single byte=true value/4. ; The decimal point in prices is introduced only when printing them. ; Internally, all prices are integers. ; The player's cash is held in four bytes. ubyte ci for ci in 0 to len(names)-1 { word product byte changing product = planet.economy as word * gradients[ci] changing = fluct & maskbytes[ci] as byte ubyte q = (basequants[ci] as word + changing - product) as ubyte if q & $80 q = 0 ; clip to positive 8-bit current_quantity[ci] = q & $3f q = (baseprices[ci] + changing + product) as ubyte current_price[ci] = q * $0004 } current_quantity[16] = 0 ; force nonavailability of Alien Items } sub display() { ubyte ci txt.nl() planet.print_name_uppercase() txt.print(" trade market:\n COMMODITY / PRICE / AVAIL / IN HOLD\n") for ci in 0 to len(names)-1 { util.print_right(13, names[ci]) txt.print(" ") util.print_10s(current_price[ci]) txt.print(" ") txt.print_ub(current_quantity[ci]) when units[ci] { 0 -> txt.chrout('t') 1 -> txt.print("kg") 2 -> txt.chrout('g') } txt.print(" ") txt.print_ub(ship.cargohold[ci]) txt.nl() } } sub match(uword nameptr) -> ubyte { ubyte ci for ci in 0 to len(names)-1 { if util.prefix_matches(nameptr, names[ci]) return ci } return 255 } } galaxy { const uword GALSIZE = 256 const uword base0 = $5A4A ; seeds for the first galaxy const uword base1 = $0248 const uword base2 = $B753 str pn_pairs = "..lexegezacebisousesarmaindirea.eratenberalavetiedorquanteisrion" ubyte number uword[3] seed sub init(ubyte galaxynum) { number = 1 planet.number = 255 seed = [base0, base1, base2] repeat galaxynum-1 { nextgalaxy() } } sub nextgalaxy() { seed = [twist(seed[0]), twist(seed[1]), twist(seed[2])] number++ if number==9 number = 1 } sub travel_to(ubyte galaxynum, ubyte system) { init(galaxynum) generate_next_planet() ; always at least planet 0 (separate to avoid repeat ubyte overflow) repeat system { generate_next_planet() } planet.name = make_current_planet_name() init_market_for_planet() } sub init_market_for_planet() { market.init(lsb(seed[0])+msb(seed[2])) } sub search_closest_planet(uword nameptr) -> ubyte { ubyte x = planet.x ubyte y = planet.y ubyte current_planet_num = planet.number init(number) ubyte found = false ubyte current_closest_pi ubyte current_distance = 127 ubyte pi for pi in 0 to 255 { generate_next_planet() planet.name = make_current_planet_name() if util.prefix_matches(nameptr, planet.name) { ubyte distance = planet.distance(x, y) if distance < current_distance { current_distance = distance current_closest_pi = pi found = true } } } if found travel_to(number, current_closest_pi) else travel_to(number, current_planet_num) return found } sub local_area() { ubyte current_planet = planet.number ubyte px = planet.x ubyte py = planet.y ubyte pn = 0 init(number) txt.print("\nGalaxy #") txt.print_ub(number) txt.print(" - systems in vicinity:\n") do { generate_next_planet() ubyte distance = planet.distance(px, py) if distance <= ship.Max_fuel { if distance <= ship.fuel txt.chrout('*') else txt.chrout('-') txt.chrout(' ') planet.name = make_current_planet_name() planet.display(true) txt.print(" (") util.print_10s(distance) txt.print(" LY)\n") } pn++ } until pn==0 travel_to(number, current_planet) } ubyte pn_pair1 ubyte pn_pair2 ubyte pn_pair3 ubyte pn_pair4 ubyte longname sub generate_next_planet() { determine_planet_properties() longname = lsb(seed[0]) & 64 ; Always four iterations of random number pn_pair1 = (msb(seed[2]) & 31) * 2 tweakseed() pn_pair2 = (msb(seed[2]) & 31) * 2 tweakseed() pn_pair3 = (msb(seed[2]) & 31) * 2 tweakseed() pn_pair4 = (msb(seed[2]) & 31) * 2 tweakseed() } sub make_current_planet_name() -> str { ubyte ni = 0 str name = " " ; max 8 if pn_pairs[pn_pair1] != '.' { name[ni] = pn_pairs[pn_pair1] ni++ } if pn_pairs[pn_pair1+1] != '.' { name[ni] = pn_pairs[pn_pair1+1] ni++ } if pn_pairs[pn_pair2] != '.' { name[ni] = pn_pairs[pn_pair2] ni++ } if pn_pairs[pn_pair2+1] != '.' { name[ni] = pn_pairs[pn_pair2+1] ni++ } if pn_pairs[pn_pair3] != '.' { name[ni] = pn_pairs[pn_pair3] ni++ } if pn_pairs[pn_pair3+1] != '.' { name[ni] = pn_pairs[pn_pair3+1] ni++ } if longname { if pn_pairs[pn_pair4] != '.' { name[ni] = pn_pairs[pn_pair4] ni++ } if pn_pairs[pn_pair4+1] != '.' { name[ni] = pn_pairs[pn_pair4+1] ni++ } } name[ni] = 0 return name } sub determine_planet_properties() { ; create the planet's characteristics planet.number++ planet.x = msb(seed[1]) planet.y = msb(seed[0]) planet.govtype = lsb(seed[1]) >> 3 & 7 ; bits 3,4 &5 of w1 planet.economy = msb(seed[0]) & 7 ; bits 8,9 &A of w0 if planet.govtype <= 1 planet.economy = (planet.economy | 2) planet.techlevel = (msb(seed[1]) & 3) + (planet.economy ^ 7) planet.techlevel += planet.govtype >> 1 if planet.govtype & 1 planet.techlevel++ planet.population = 4 * planet.techlevel + planet.economy planet.population += planet.govtype + 1 planet.productivity = ((planet.economy ^ 7) + 3) * (planet.govtype + 4) planet.productivity *= planet.population * 8 ubyte seed2_msb = msb(seed[2]) planet.radius = mkword((seed2_msb & 15) + 11, planet.x) planet.species_is_alien = lsb(seed[2]) & 128 ; bit 7 of w2_lo if planet.species_is_alien { planet.species_size = (seed2_msb >> 2) & 7 ; bits 2-4 of w2_hi planet.species_color = seed2_msb >> 5 ; bits 5-7 of w2_hi planet.species_look = (seed2_msb ^ msb(seed[1])) & 7 ;bits 0-2 of (w0_hi EOR w1_hi) planet.species_kind = (planet.species_look + (seed2_msb & 3)) & 7 ;Add bits 0-1 of w2_hi to A from previous step, and take bits 0-2 of the result } planet.goatsoup_seed = [lsb(seed[1]), msb(seed[1]), lsb(seed[2]), seed2_msb] } sub tweakseed() { uword temp = seed[0] + seed[1] + seed[2] seed[0] = seed[1] seed[1] = seed[2] seed[2] = temp } sub twist(uword x) -> uword { ubyte xh = msb(x) ubyte xl = lsb(x) rol(xh) rol(xl) return mkword(xh, xl) } sub debug_seed() { txt.print("\ngalaxy #") txt.print_ub(number) txt.print("\ngalaxy seed0=") txt.print_uwhex(galaxy.seed[0], true) txt.print("\ngalaxy seed1=") txt.print_uwhex(galaxy.seed[1], true) txt.print("\ngalaxy seed2=") txt.print_uwhex(galaxy.seed[2], true) txt.nl() } } planet { %option force_output str[] species_sizes = ["Large", "Fierce", "Small"] str[] species_colors = ["Green", "Red", "Yellow", "Blue", "Black", "Harmless"] str[] species_looks = ["Slimy", "Bug-Eyed", "Horned", "Bony", "Fat", "Furry"] str[] species_kinds = ["Rodents", "Frogs", "Lizards", "Lobsters", "Birds", "Humanoids", "Felines", "Insects"] str[] govnames = ["Anarchy", "Feudal", "Multi-gov", "Dictatorship", "Communist", "Confederacy", "Democracy", "Corporate State"] str[] econnames = ["Rich Industrial", "Average Industrial", "Poor Industrial", "Mainly Industrial", "Mainly Agricultural", "Rich Agricultural", "Average Agricultural", "Poor Agricultural"] str[] words81 = ["fabled", "notable", "well known", "famous", "noted"] str[] words82 = ["very", "mildly", "most", "reasonably", ""] str[] words83 = ["ancient", "\x95", "great", "vast", "pink"] str[] words84 = ["\x9E \x9D plantations", "mountains", "\x9C", "\x94 forests", "oceans"] str[] words85 = ["shyness", "silliness", "mating traditions", "loathing of \x86", "love for \x86"] str[] words86 = ["food blenders", "tourists", "poetry", "discos", "\x8E"] str[] words87 = ["talking tree", "crab", "bat", "lobst", "\xB2"] str[] words88 = ["beset", "plagued", "ravaged", "cursed", "scourged"] str[] words89 = ["\x96 civil war", "\x9B \x98 \x99s", "a \x9B disease", "\x96 earthquakes", "\x96 solar activity"] str[] words8A = ["its \x83 \x84", "the \xB1 \x98 \x99", "its inhabitants' \x9A \x85", "\xA1", "its \x8D \x8E"] str[] words8B = ["juice", "brandy", "water", "brew", "gargle blasters"] str[] words8C = ["\xB2", "\xB1 \x99", "\xB1 \xB2", "\xB1 \x9B", "\x9B \xB2"] str[] words8D = ["fabulous", "exotic", "hoopy", "unusual", "exciting"] str[] words8E = ["cuisine", "night life", "casinos", "sit coms", " \xA1 "] str[] words8F = ["\xB0", "The planet \xB0", "The world \xB0", "This planet", "This world"] str[] words90 = ["n unremarkable", " boring", " dull", " tedious", " revolting"] str[] words91 = ["planet", "world", "place", "little planet", "dump"] str[] words92 = ["wasp", "moth", "grub", "ant", "\xB2"] str[] words93 = ["poet", "arts graduate", "yak", "snail", "slug"] str[] words94 = ["tropical", "dense", "rain", "impenetrable", "exuberant"] str[] words95 = ["funny", "wierd", "unusual", "strange", "peculiar"] str[] words96 = ["frequent", "occasional", "unpredictable", "dreadful", "deadly"] str[] words97 = ["\x82 \x81 for \x8A", "\x82 \x81 for \x8A and \x8A", "\x88 by \x89", "\x82 \x81 for \x8A but \x88 by \x89", "a\x90 \x91"] str[] words98 = ["\x9B", "mountain", "edible", "tree", "spotted"] str[] words99 = ["\x9F", "\xA0", "\x87oid", "\x93", "\x92"] str[] words9A = ["ancient", "exceptional", "eccentric", "ingrained", "\x95"] str[] words9B = ["killer", "deadly", "evil", "lethal", "vicious"] str[] words9C = ["parking meters", "dust clouds", "ice bergs", "rock formations", "volcanoes"] str[] words9D = ["plant", "tulip", "banana", "corn", "\xB2weed"] str[] words9E = ["\xB2", "\xB1 \xB2", "\xB1 \x9B", "inhabitant", "\xB1 \xB2"] str[] words9F = ["shrew", "beast", "bison", "snake", "wolf"] str[] wordsA0 = ["leopard", "cat", "monkey", "goat", "fish"] str[] wordsA1 = ["\x8C \x8B", "\xB1 \x9F \xA2", "its \x8D \xA0 \xA2", "\xA3 \xA4", "\x8C \x8B"] str[] wordsA2 = ["meat", "cutlet", "steak", "burgers", "soup"] str[] wordsA3 = ["ice", "mud", "Zero-G", "vacuum", "\xB1 ultra"] str[] wordsA4 = ["hockey", "cricket", "karate", "polo", "tennis"] uword[] wordlists = [ words81, words82, words83, words84, words85, words86, words87, words88, words89, words8A, words8B, words8C, words8D, words8E, words8F, words90, words91, words92, words93, words94, words95, words96, words97, words98, words99, words9A, words9B, words9C, words9D, words9E, words9F, wordsA0, wordsA1, wordsA2, wordsA3, wordsA4] str pairs0 = "abouseitiletstonlonuthnoallexegezacebisousesarmaindirea.eratenbe" ubyte[4] goatsoup_rnd = [0, 0, 0, 0] ubyte[4] goatsoup_seed = [0, 0, 0, 0] str name = " " ; 8 max ubyte number ; starts at 0 in new galaxy, then increases by 1 for each generated planet ubyte x ubyte y ubyte economy ubyte govtype ubyte techlevel ubyte population uword productivity uword radius ubyte species_is_alien ; otherwise "Human Colonials" ubyte species_size ubyte species_color ubyte species_look ubyte species_kind sub set_seed(uword s1, uword s2) { goatsoup_seed[0] = lsb(s1) goatsoup_seed[1] = msb(s1) goatsoup_seed[2] = lsb(s2) goatsoup_seed[3] = msb(s2) reset_rnd() } sub reset_rnd() { goatsoup_rnd[0] = goatsoup_seed[0] goatsoup_rnd[1] = goatsoup_seed[1] goatsoup_rnd[2] = goatsoup_seed[2] goatsoup_rnd[3] = goatsoup_seed[3] } sub random_name() -> str { ubyte ii str name = " " ; 8 chars max ubyte nx = 0 for ii in 0 to goatsoup_rnd_number() & 3 { ubyte x = goatsoup_rnd_number() & $3e if pairs0[x] != '.' { name[nx] = pairs0[x] nx++ } x++ if pairs0[x] != '.' { name[nx] = pairs0[x] nx++ } } name[nx] = 0 name[0] |= 32 ; uppercase first letter return name } sub goatsoup_rnd_number() -> ubyte { ubyte x = goatsoup_rnd[0] * 2 uword a = x as uword + goatsoup_rnd[2] if goatsoup_rnd[0] > 127 a ++ goatsoup_rnd[0] = lsb(a) goatsoup_rnd[2] = x x = goatsoup_rnd[1] ubyte ac = x + goatsoup_rnd[3] + msb(a) goatsoup_rnd[1] = ac goatsoup_rnd[3] = x return ac } sub distance(ubyte px, ubyte py) -> ubyte { uword ax uword ay if px>x ax=px-x else ax=x-px if py>y ay=py-y else ay=y-py ay /= 2 ubyte d = sqrt16(ax*ax + ay*ay) if d>63 return 255 return d*4 } sub soup() -> str { str planet_result = " " * 160 uword[6] source_stack ubyte stack_ptr = 0 str start_source = "\x8F is \x97." uword source_ptr = &start_source uword result_ptr = &planet_result reset_rnd() recursive_soup() return planet_result sub recursive_soup() { repeat { ubyte c = @(source_ptr) source_ptr++ if c == $00 { @(result_ptr) = 0 return } else if c <= $80 { @(result_ptr) = c result_ptr++ } else { if c <= $a4 { ubyte rnr = goatsoup_rnd_number() ubyte wordNr = (rnr >= $33) + (rnr >= $66) + (rnr >= $99) + (rnr >= $CC) source_stack[stack_ptr] = source_ptr stack_ptr++ source_ptr = getword(c, wordNr) recursive_soup() ; RECURSIVE CALL - ignore the warning message from the compiler; we don't use local variables or parameters so we're safe in this case stack_ptr-- source_ptr = source_stack[stack_ptr] } else { if c == $b0 { @(result_ptr) = name[0] | 32 result_ptr++ concat_string(&name + 1) } else if c == $b1 { @(result_ptr) = name[0] | 32 result_ptr++ ubyte ni for ni in 1 to len(name) { ubyte cc = name[ni] if cc=='e' or cc=='o' or cc==0 break else { @(result_ptr) = cc result_ptr++ } } @(result_ptr) = 'i' result_ptr++ @(result_ptr) = 'a' result_ptr++ @(result_ptr) = 'n' result_ptr++ } else if c == $b2 { concat_string(random_name()) } else { @(result_ptr) = c result_ptr++ } } } } } sub concat_string(uword str_ptr) { repeat { ubyte c = @(str_ptr) if c==0 break else { @(result_ptr) = c str_ptr++ result_ptr++ } } } } sub display(ubyte compressed) { if compressed { print_name_uppercase() txt.print(" TL:") txt.print_ub(techlevel+1) txt.chrout(' ') txt.print(econnames[economy]) txt.chrout(' ') txt.print(govnames[govtype]) } else { txt.print("\n\nSystem: ") print_name_uppercase() txt.print("\nPosition: ") txt.print_ub(x) txt.chrout('\'') txt.print_ub(y) txt.chrout(' ') txt.chrout('#') txt.print_ub(number) txt.print("\nEconomy: ") txt.print(econnames[economy]) txt.print("\nGovernment: ") txt.print(govnames[govtype]) txt.print("\nTech Level: ") txt.print_ub(techlevel+1) txt.print("\nTurnover: ") txt.print_uw(productivity) txt.print("\nRadius: ") txt.print_uw(radius) txt.print("\nPopulation: ") txt.print_ub(population >> 3) txt.print(" Billion\nSpecies: ") if species_is_alien { if species_size < len(species_sizes) { txt.print(species_sizes[species_size]) txt.chrout(' ') } if species_color < len(species_colors) { txt.print(species_colors[species_color]) txt.chrout(' ') } if species_look < len(species_looks) { txt.print(species_looks[species_look]) txt.chrout(' ') } if species_kind < len(species_kinds) { txt.print(species_kinds[species_kind]) } } else { txt.print("Human Colonials") } txt.nl() txt.print(soup()) txt.nl() } } sub print_name_uppercase() { ubyte c for c in name txt.chrout(c | 32) } asmsub getword(ubyte list @A, ubyte wordidx @Y) -> uword @AY { %asm {{ sty P8ZP_SCRATCH_REG sec sbc #$81 asl a tay lda wordlists,y sta P8ZP_SCRATCH_W1 lda wordlists+1,y sta P8ZP_SCRATCH_W1+1 lda P8ZP_SCRATCH_REG asl a tay lda (P8ZP_SCRATCH_W1),y pha iny lda (P8ZP_SCRATCH_W1),y tay pla rts }} } } util { sub prefix_matches(uword prefixptr, uword stringptr) -> ubyte { repeat { ubyte pc = @(prefixptr) ubyte sc = @(stringptr) if pc == 0 return true ; to lowercase for case insensitive compare: pc &= 127 sc &= 127 if pc != sc return false prefixptr++ stringptr++ } return false } sub print_right(ubyte width, uword st) { repeat width - string.length(st) { txt.chrout(' ') } txt.print(st) } asmsub print_10s(uword value @AY) clobbers(A, X, Y) { %asm {{ jsr conv.uword2decimal lda conv.uword2decimal.decTenThousands ldy #0 ; have we started printing? cmp #'0' beq + jsr c64.CHROUT iny + lda conv.uword2decimal.decThousands cmp #'0' bne + cpy #0 beq ++ + jsr c64.CHROUT iny + lda conv.uword2decimal.decHundreds cmp #'0' bne + cpy #0 beq ++ + jsr c64.CHROUT iny + lda conv.uword2decimal.decTens jsr c64.CHROUT lda #'.' jsr c64.CHROUT lda conv.uword2decimal.decOnes jsr c64.CHROUT rts }} } }