%import syslib %import textio %import math %import test_stack %zeropage basicsafe ; note: The flickering in the scrolling is caused by the CPU requiring ; too long to scroll the characters + the colors in course scroll. ; This takes nearly a full frame to accomplish, and causes tearing. ; It's very difficult to remove this flicker: it requires double buffering ; and splitting the coarse character scrolling on multiple phases... main { ubyte perform_scroll = false sub start() { c64.set_sprite_ptr(0, $0f00) ; alternatively, set directly: c64.SPRPTR[0] = $0f00 / 64 c64.SPENA = 1 c64.SP0COL = 14 c64.SPXY[0] = 80 c64.SPXY[1] = 100 c64.SCROLX &= %11110111 ; 38 column mode sys.set_rasterirq(&irq.irqhandler, 200) ; enable animation via raster interrupt ubyte target_height = 10 ubyte active_height = 24 bool upwards = true repeat { ;txt.plot(0,0) ;test_stack.test() ubyte mountain = 223 ; slope upwards if active_height < target_height { active_height++ upwards = true } else if active_height > target_height { mountain = 233 ; slope downwards active_height-- upwards = false } else { target_height = 8 + math.rnd() % 16 if upwards mountain = 233 else mountain = 223 } while not perform_scroll { ; let the raster irq do its timing job } perform_scroll = false txt.scroll_left(true) ; float the balloon if math.rnd() & %10000 c64.SPXY[1] ++ else c64.SPXY[1] -- ubyte yy for yy in 0 to active_height-1 { txt.setcc(39, yy, 32, 2) ; clear top of screen } txt.setcc(39, active_height, mountain, 8) ; mountain edge for yy in active_height+1 to 24 { txt.setcc(39, yy, 160, 8) ; draw mountain } yy = math.rnd() if yy > 100 { ; draw a star txt.setcc(39, yy % (active_height-1), '.', math.rnd()) } if yy > 200 { ; draw a tree ubyte tree = 30 ubyte treecolor = 5 if yy & %01000000 != 0 tree = 88 else if yy & %00100000 != 0 tree = 65 if math.rnd() > 130 treecolor = 13 txt.setcc(39, active_height, tree, treecolor) } if yy > 235 { ; draw a camel txt.setcc(39, active_height, 94, 9) } } } } spritedata $0f00 { ; this memory block contains the sprite data ; it must start on an address aligned to 64 bytes. %option force_output ; make sure the data in this block appears in the resulting program ubyte[] balloonsprite = [ %00000000,%01111111,%00000000, %00000001,%11111111,%11000000, %00000011,%11111111,%11100000, %00000011,%11100011,%11100000, %00000111,%11011100,%11110000, %00000111,%11011101,%11110000, %00000111,%11011100,%11110000, %00000011,%11100011,%11100000, %00000011,%11111111,%11100000, %00000011,%11111111,%11100000, %00000010,%11111111,%10100000, %00000001,%01111111,%01000000, %00000001,%00111110,%01000000, %00000000,%10011100,%10000000, %00000000,%10011100,%10000000, %00000000,%01001001,%00000000, %00000000,%01001001,%00000000, %00000000,%00111110,%00000000, %00000000,%00111110,%00000000, %00000000,%00111110,%00000000, %00000000,%00011100,%00000000 ] } irq { ubyte smoothx=0 sub irqhandler() -> bool { smoothx = (smoothx-1) & 7 main.perform_scroll = smoothx==7 c64.SCROLX = (c64.SCROLX & %11111000) | smoothx return false } }