%import textio %zeropage basicsafe main { sub start() { bool aa = true ubyte[] bb = [%0000, %1111] uword w1 = %1000000000000001 uword w2 = %0000000000000010 if aa and w1 | w2 txt.print("ok") else txt.print("fail") txt.spc() if aa and w1 & w2 txt.print("fail") else txt.print("ok") txt.spc() if aa and bb[0] | %0100 txt.print("ok") else txt.print("fail") txt.spc() if aa and bb[0] & %0100 txt.print("fail") else txt.print("ok") txt.spc() aa = aa and bb[0] | %0100 txt.print_ub(aa) txt.spc() aa = aa and bb[0] & %0100 txt.print_ub(aa) } }