; var definitions and immediate primitive data type tests %output basic %zp clobber %import c64lib ~ main { start: [$d020]=0 return blockdtypes1.max() blockdtypes2.max() blockdtypes3.max() blockdtypes4.max() blockdtypes5.max() blockdtypes6.max() blockdtypes7.max() blockdtypes8.max() blockdtypes9.max() blockdtypes10.max() blockdtypes11.max() blockdtypes12.max() blockdtypes13.max() blockdtypes14.max() blockdtypes15.max() blockdtypes16.max() blockdtypes17.max() blockdtypes18.max() blockdtypes19.max() blockdtypes20.max() blockcalls1.bar() blockcalls2.bar() blockcalls3.bar() blockcalls4.bar() blockcalls5.bar() blockcalls6.bar() blockcalls7.bar() blockcalls8.bar() blockcalls9.bar() blockcalls10.bar() blockcalls11.bar() blockcalls12.bar() blockcalls13.bar() blockcalls14.bar() blockcalls15.bar() blockcalls16.bar() blockcalls17.bar() blockcalls18.bar() blockcalls19.bar() blockcalls20.bar() return } ~ blockdtypes1 { ; variables var uninitbyte1 var .byte uninitbyte2 var initbyte1 = $12 var initbyte1b = true var .byte initbyte2 = $12 var .byte initbyte2b = false var .byte initbyte3 = 99.876 var initchar1 = '@' var .byte initchar2 = '@' var .word uninitword var .word initword1 = $1234 var .word initword1b = true var .word initword2 = false var .word initword3 = 9876.554321 var .word initword5 = 20 var .float uninitfloat var .float initfloat1 = 0 var .float initfloat1b = true var .float initfloat2 = -1.234e-14 var .float initfloat3 = 9.87e+14 var .float initfloat4 = 1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat5 = -1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat6 = 1.234 var .array( 10) uninit_bytearray var .array(10 ) init_bytearray =$12 var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayb =true var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayc ='@' var .wordarray( 10 ) uninit_wordarray var .wordarray(10) init_wordarray = $1234 var .wordarray(10) init_wordarrayb = true var .text text = "hello"+"-null" var .ptext ptext = 'hello-pascal' var .stext stext = 'screencodes-null' var .pstext pstext = "screencodes-pascal" var .matrix( 3, 4 ) uninitmatrix var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1 = $12 var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1b = true var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1c = '@' var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1d = 123.456 ; memory-mapped variables memory membyte1 = $cf01 memory .byte membyte2 = $c222 memory .word memword1 = $cf03 memory .float memfloat = $cf04 memory .array(10 ) membytes = $cf05 memory .wordarray( 10) memwords = $cf06 memory .matrix( 3, 4 ) memmatrix = $cf07 ; constants (= names for constant values, can never occur as lvalue) const cbyte1 = 1 const cbyte1b = false const .byte cbyte2 = 1 const .byte cbyte3 = '@' const .byte cbyte4 = true const .word cword1 = false const .word cword2 = $1234 const .word cword5 = 9876.5432 const cfloat1 = 1.2345 const .float cfloat2 = 2.3456 const .float cfloat2b = cfloat2*3.44 const .float cfloat3 = true const .text ctext3 = "constant-text" const .ptext ctext4 = "constant-ptext" const .stext ctext5 = "constant-stext" const .pstext ctext6 = "constant-pstext" ; taking the address of various things: var .word vmemaddr1 = &membyte1 var .word vmemaddr2 = &memword1 var .word vmemaddr3 = &memfloat var .word vmemaddr4 = &membytes var .word vmemaddr5 = &memwords var .word vmemaddr6 = &memmatrix var .word vmemaddr8 = 100*sin(cbyte1) var .word vmemaddr9 = cword2+$5432 var .word vmemaddr10 = cfloat2b ; taking the address of things from the ZP will work even when it is a var ; because zp-vars get assigned a specific address (from a pool). Also, it's a byte. max: return ; --- immediate primitive value assignments ---- A = [$99] A = [$aabb] A = $99 A = [cbyte3] A = 0 A = '@' A = 1.2345 A = true A = false A = 255 A = X A = [$99] A = [$c020.byte] A = [$c020] A = cbyte3 A = membyte2 A = uninitbyte1 XY = 0 XY = '@' XY = 1.2345 XY = 456.66 XY = 65535 XY = true XY = false XY = text XY = cbyte3 XY = [cbyte3] XY = [cword2] XY = uninitbyte1 XY = "text-immediate" AY = "text-immediate" ; AX = &"text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly ; AX = & "text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly AX = ctext3 AX = "" AX = XY AX = Y XY = membyte2 XY = &membyte2 XY = memword1 XY = max XY = &max [$c000] = A [$c000] = 255 [$c000] = '@' [$c000] = true [$c000] = false [$c000] = cbyte3 [$c000] = uninitbyte1 [$c000] = membyte2 [$c000] = cbyte2 [$c000] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = A [$c000.word] = AX [$c000.word] = cbyte3 [$c000.word] = cword2 [$c000.word] = ctext3 [$c000.word] = 65535 [$c000.word] = "text" [$c000.word] = "" [$c000.word] = uninitbyte1 [$c000.word] = membyte2 [$c000.word] = &membyte2 [$c000.word] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = memword1 [$c000.float] = 65535 [$c000.float] = 456.66 [$c000.float] = 1.70141183e+38 [$c000.float] = cbyte3 [$c000.float] = cword2 [$c001] = [$c002] [$c111.word] = [$c222] [$c112.word] = [$c223.byte] [$c222.word] = [$c333.word] [$c333.word] = max [$c333.word] = &max SC = 0 SC = 1 SC = false SI = 1 SI = 0 SI = false uninitbyte1 = 99 uninitbyte1 = 234 uninitbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = 99 initbyte1 = 1.234 initbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = A initbyte1 = cbyte3 uninitword = 99 uninitword = 5.6778 uninitword = "test" uninitword = '@' uninitword = A uninitword = XY uninitword = ctext3 initword1 = cbyte3 initword1 = cword2 initfloat1 = 99 initfloat1 = 9.8765 initfloat1 = '@' initfloat1 = cbyte3 initfloat1 = cword2 uninitfloat = 99 uninitfloat = 9.8765 uninitfloat = '@' initword1 = max initword1 = &max membyte1 = A membyte1 = cbyte3 memword1 = A memword1 = AX memword1 = cbyte3 memword1 = cword2 memword1 = ctext3 membyte1 = 22 memword1 = 2233 memfloat = 3.4567 memword1 = max memword1 = &max membyte1 = A memword1 = A memword1 = XY memfloat = cbyte3 memfloat = cword2 ; float assignments that require ROM functions from c64lib: memfloat = Y memfloat = XY uninitfloat = Y uninitfloat = XY initfloat2 = Y initfloat2 = XY initfloat2 = initbyte2 initfloat2 = initword2 initfloat1 = uninitfloat initfloat1 = initfloat2 } ~ blockcalls1 { var .word var1 = 99 memory .word mem1 = $cff0 var .byte varb1 = 99 memory .byte memb1 = $cff0 const .word constw = $2355 const .byte constb = $23 const .float constf = 3.4556677 const .text constt = "derp" sub sub1 () -> (X?) = $ffdd sub sub2 (A) -> (Y?) = $eecc sub sub3 (XY) -> (Y?) = $ddaa sub sub4 (string: XY, other : A) -> (Y?) = $dd22 bar: goto sub1 return sub2 (1 ) return sub3 (3) return sub3 (XY="hello") return sub3 ("hello, there") return sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) return sub4 ("hello", 42) return sub4 ("hello", other= 42) return sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) return bar () goto [AX] return [AX] () goto [var1] return [var1] () ; comment goto [mem1] ; comment return [mem1] () goto [$c2.word] return [$c2.word] () goto [$c2dd.word] return [$c2dd.word] ( ) goto $c000 return $c000 ( ) goto $c2 return $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1!() sub2!(11) sub3 !(3) sub3! (XY="hello") sub3! ("hello, there") sub4! ("hello", 42) sub4! ("hello", other=42) sub4! (string="hello", other = 42) sub4! (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar!() [XY] ! () [var1] !() [mem1]!() [$c2.word]!() [$c2dd.word]!() $c000!() $c2!() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1() sub2(11) sub3 (3) sub3 (XY="hello") sub3 ("hello, there") sub4 ("hello", 42) sub4 ("hello", other= 42) sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar () [AX]() [var1] ( ) [mem1] () [$c2.word]() [$c2dd.word]() $c000() $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } constw() sub1() main.start() } ~ blockdtypes2 { ; variables var uninitbyte1 var .byte uninitbyte2 var initbyte1 = $12 var initbyte1b = true var .byte initbyte2 = $12 var .byte initbyte2b = false var .byte initbyte3 = 99.876 var initchar1 = '@' var .byte initchar2 = '@' var .word uninitword var .word initword1 = $1234 var .word initword1b = true var .word initword2 = false var .word initword3 = 9876.554321 var .word initword5 = 20 var .float uninitfloat var .float initfloat1 = 0 var .float initfloat1b = true var .float initfloat2 = -1.234e-14 var .float initfloat3 = 9.87e+14 var .float initfloat4 = 1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat5 = -1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat6 = 1.234 var .array( 10) uninit_bytearray var .array(10 ) init_bytearray =$12 var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayb =true var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayc ='@' var .wordarray( 10 ) uninit_wordarray var .wordarray(10) init_wordarray = $1234 var .wordarray(10) init_wordarrayb = true var .text text = "hello"+"-null" var .ptext ptext = 'hello-pascal' var .stext stext = 'screencodes-null' var .pstext pstext = "screencodes-pascal" var .matrix( 3, 4 ) uninitmatrix var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1 = $12 var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1b = true var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1c = '@' var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1d = 123.456 ; memory-mapped variables memory membyte1 = $cf01 memory .byte membyte2 = $c222 memory .word memword1 = $cf03 memory .float memfloat = $cf04 memory .array(10 ) membytes = $cf05 memory .wordarray( 10) memwords = $cf06 memory .matrix( 3, 4 ) memmatrix = $cf07 ; constants (= names for constant values, can never occur as lvalue) const cbyte1 = 1 const cbyte1b = false const .byte cbyte2 = 1 const .byte cbyte3 = '@' const .byte cbyte4 = true const .word cword1 = false const .word cword2 = $1234 const .word cword5 = 9876.5432 const cfloat1 = 1.2345 const .float cfloat2 = 2.3456 const .float cfloat2b = cfloat2*3.44 const .float cfloat3 = true const .text ctext3 = "constant-text" const .ptext ctext4 = "constant-ptext" const .stext ctext5 = "constant-stext" const .pstext ctext6 = "constant-pstext" ; taking the address of various things: var .word vmemaddr1 = &membyte1 var .word vmemaddr2 = &memword1 var .word vmemaddr3 = &memfloat var .word vmemaddr4 = &membytes var .word vmemaddr5 = &memwords var .word vmemaddr6 = &memmatrix var .word vmemaddr8 = 100*sin(cbyte1) var .word vmemaddr9 = cword2+$5432 var .word vmemaddr10 = cfloat2b ; taking the address of things from the ZP will work even when it is a var ; because zp-vars get assigned a specific address (from a pool). Also, it's a byte. max: return ; --- immediate primitive value assignments ---- A = [$99] A = [$aabb] A = $99 A = [cbyte3] A = 0 A = '@' A = 1.2345 A = true A = false A = 255 A = X A = [$99] A = [$c020.byte] A = [$c020] A = cbyte3 A = membyte2 A = uninitbyte1 XY = 0 XY = '@' XY = 1.2345 XY = 456.66 XY = 65535 XY = true XY = false XY = text XY = cbyte3 XY = [cbyte3] XY = [cword2] XY = uninitbyte1 XY = "text-immediate" AY = "text-immediate" ; AX = &"text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly ; AX = & "text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly AX = ctext3 AX = "" AX = XY AX = Y XY = membyte2 XY = &membyte2 XY = memword1 XY = max XY = &max [$c000] = A [$c000] = 255 [$c000] = '@' [$c000] = true [$c000] = false [$c000] = cbyte3 [$c000] = uninitbyte1 [$c000] = membyte2 [$c000] = cbyte2 [$c000] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = A [$c000.word] = AX [$c000.word] = cbyte3 [$c000.word] = cword2 [$c000.word] = ctext3 [$c000.word] = 65535 [$c000.word] = "text" [$c000.word] = "" [$c000.word] = uninitbyte1 [$c000.word] = membyte2 [$c000.word] = &membyte2 [$c000.word] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = memword1 [$c000.float] = 65535 [$c000.float] = 456.66 [$c000.float] = 1.70141183e+38 [$c000.float] = cbyte3 [$c000.float] = cword2 [$c001] = [$c002] [$c111.word] = [$c222] [$c112.word] = [$c223.byte] [$c222.word] = [$c333.word] [$c333.word] = max [$c333.word] = &max SC = 0 SC = 1 SC = false SI = 1 SI = 0 SI = false uninitbyte1 = 99 uninitbyte1 = 1.234 uninitbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = 99 initbyte1 = 1.234 initbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = A initbyte1 = cbyte3 uninitword = 99 uninitword = 5.6778 uninitword = "test" uninitword = '@' uninitword = A uninitword = XY uninitword = ctext3 initword1 = cbyte3 initword1 = cword2 initfloat1 = 99 initfloat1 = 9.8765 initfloat1 = '@' initfloat1 = cbyte3 initfloat1 = cword2 uninitfloat = 99 uninitfloat = 9.8765 uninitfloat = '@' initword1 = max initword1 = &max membyte1 = A membyte1 = cbyte3 memword1 = A memword1 = AX memword1 = cbyte3 memword1 = cword2 memword1 = ctext3 membyte1 = 22 memword1 = 2233 memfloat = 3.4567 memword1 = max memword1 = &max membyte1 = A memword1 = A memword1 = XY memfloat = cbyte3 memfloat = cword2 ; float assignments that require ROM functions from c64lib: memfloat = Y memfloat = XY uninitfloat = Y uninitfloat = XY initfloat2 = Y initfloat2 = XY initfloat2 = initbyte2 initfloat2 = initword2 initfloat1 = uninitfloat initfloat1 = initfloat2 } ~ blockcalls2 { var .word var1 = 99 memory .word mem1 = $cff0 var .byte varb1 = 99 memory .byte memb1 = $cff0 const .word constw = $2355 const .byte constb = $23 const .float constf = 3.4556677 const .text constt = "derp" sub sub1 () -> (X?) = $ffdd sub sub2 (A) -> (Y?) = $eecc sub sub3 (XY) -> (Y?) = $ddaa sub sub4 (string: XY, other : A) -> (Y?) = $dd22 bar: goto sub1 return sub2 (1 ) return sub3 (3) return sub3 (XY="hello") return sub3 ("hello, there") return sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) return sub4 ("hello", 42) return sub4 ("hello", other= 42) return sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) return bar () goto [AX] return [AX] () goto [var1] return [var1] () ; comment goto [mem1] ; comment return [mem1] () goto [$c2.word] return [$c2.word] () goto [$c2dd.word] return [$c2dd.word] ( ) goto $c000 return $c000 ( ) goto $c2 return $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1!() sub2!(11) sub3 !(3) sub3! (XY="hello") sub3! ("hello, there") sub4! ("hello", 42) sub4! ("hello", other=42) sub4! (string="hello", other = 42) sub4! (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar!() [XY] ! () [var1] !() [mem1]!() [$c2.word]!() [$c2dd.word]!() $c000!() $c2!() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1() sub2(11) sub3 (3) sub3 (XY="hello") sub3 ("hello, there") sub4 ("hello", 42) sub4 ("hello", other= 42) sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar () [AX]() [var1] ( ) [mem1] () [$c2.word]() [$c2dd.word]() $c000() $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } constw() sub1() main.start() } ~ blockdtypes3 { ; variables var uninitbyte1 var .byte uninitbyte2 var initbyte1 = $12 var initbyte1b = true var .byte initbyte2 = $12 var .byte initbyte2b = false var .byte initbyte3 = 99.876 var initchar1 = '@' var .byte initchar2 = '@' var .word uninitword var .word initword1 = $1234 var .word initword1b = true var .word initword2 = false var .word initword3 = 9876.554321 var .word initword5 = 20 var .float uninitfloat var .float initfloat1 = 0 var .float initfloat1b = true var .float initfloat2 = -1.234e-14 var .float initfloat3 = 9.87e+14 var .float initfloat4 = 1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat5 = -1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat6 = 1.234 var .array( 10) uninit_bytearray var .array(10 ) init_bytearray =$12 var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayb =true var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayc ='@' var .wordarray( 10 ) uninit_wordarray var .wordarray(10) init_wordarray = $1234 var .wordarray(10) init_wordarrayb = true var .text text = "hello"+"-null" var .ptext ptext = 'hello-pascal' var .stext stext = 'screencodes-null' var .pstext pstext = "screencodes-pascal" var .matrix( 3, 4 ) uninitmatrix var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1 = $12 var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1b = true var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1c = '@' var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1d = 123.456 ; memory-mapped variables memory membyte1 = $cf01 memory .byte membyte2 = $c222 memory .word memword1 = $cf03 memory .float memfloat = $cf04 memory .array(10 ) membytes = $cf05 memory .wordarray( 10) memwords = $cf06 memory .matrix( 3, 4 ) memmatrix = $cf07 ; constants (= names for constant values, can never occur as lvalue) const cbyte1 = 1 const cbyte1b = false const .byte cbyte2 = 1 const .byte cbyte3 = '@' const .byte cbyte4 = true const .word cword1 = false const .word cword2 = $1234 const .word cword5 = 9876.5432 const cfloat1 = 1.2345 const .float cfloat2 = 2.3456 const .float cfloat2b = cfloat2*3.44 const .float cfloat3 = true const .text ctext3 = "constant-text" const .ptext ctext4 = "constant-ptext" const .stext ctext5 = "constant-stext" const .pstext ctext6 = "constant-pstext" ; taking the address of various things: var .word vmemaddr1 = &membyte1 var .word vmemaddr2 = &memword1 var .word vmemaddr3 = &memfloat var .word vmemaddr4 = &membytes var .word vmemaddr5 = &memwords var .word vmemaddr6 = &memmatrix var .word vmemaddr8 = 100*sin(cbyte1) var .word vmemaddr9 = cword2+$5432 var .word vmemaddr10 = cfloat2b ; taking the address of things from the ZP will work even when it is a var ; because zp-vars get assigned a specific address (from a pool). Also, it's a byte. max: return ; --- immediate primitive value assignments ---- A = [$99] A = [$aabb] A = $99 A = [cbyte3] A = 0 A = '@' A = 1.2345 A = true A = false A = 255 A = X A = [$99] A = [$c020.byte] A = [$c020] A = cbyte3 A = membyte2 A = uninitbyte1 XY = 0 XY = '@' XY = 1.2345 XY = 456.66 XY = 65535 XY = true XY = false XY = text XY = cbyte3 XY = [cbyte3] XY = [cword2] XY = uninitbyte1 XY = "text-immediate" AY = "text-immediate" ; AX = &"text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly ; AX = & "text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly AX = ctext3 AX = "" AX = XY AX = Y XY = membyte2 XY = &membyte2 XY = memword1 XY = max XY = &max [$c000] = A [$c000] = 255 [$c000] = '@' [$c000] = true [$c000] = false [$c000] = cbyte3 [$c000] = uninitbyte1 [$c000] = membyte2 [$c000] = cbyte2 [$c000] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = A [$c000.word] = AX [$c000.word] = cbyte3 [$c000.word] = cword2 [$c000.word] = ctext3 [$c000.word] = 65535 [$c000.word] = "text" [$c000.word] = "" [$c000.word] = uninitbyte1 [$c000.word] = membyte2 [$c000.word] = &membyte2 [$c000.word] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = memword1 [$c000.float] = 65535 [$c000.float] = 456.66 [$c000.float] = 1.70141183e+38 [$c000.float] = cbyte3 [$c000.float] = cword2 [$c001] = [$c002] [$c111.word] = [$c222] [$c112.word] = [$c223.byte] [$c222.word] = [$c333.word] [$c333.word] = max [$c333.word] = &max SC = 0 SC = 1 SC = false SI = 1 SI = 0 SI = false uninitbyte1 = 99 uninitbyte1 = 1.234 uninitbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = 99 initbyte1 = 1.234 initbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = A initbyte1 = cbyte3 uninitword = 99 uninitword = 5.6778 uninitword = "test" uninitword = '@' uninitword = A uninitword = XY uninitword = ctext3 initword1 = cbyte3 initword1 = cword2 initfloat1 = 99 initfloat1 = 9.8765 initfloat1 = '@' initfloat1 = cbyte3 initfloat1 = cword2 uninitfloat = 99 uninitfloat = 9.8765 uninitfloat = '@' initword1 = max initword1 = &max membyte1 = A membyte1 = cbyte3 memword1 = A memword1 = AX memword1 = cbyte3 memword1 = cword2 memword1 = ctext3 membyte1 = 22 memword1 = 2233 memfloat = 3.4567 memword1 = max memword1 = &max membyte1 = A memword1 = A memword1 = XY memfloat = cbyte3 memfloat = cword2 ; float assignments that require ROM functions from c64lib: memfloat = Y memfloat = XY uninitfloat = Y uninitfloat = XY initfloat2 = Y initfloat2 = XY initfloat2 = initbyte2 initfloat2 = initword2 initfloat1 = uninitfloat initfloat1 = initfloat2 } ~ blockcalls3 { var .word var1 = 99 memory .word mem1 = $cff0 var .byte varb1 = 99 memory .byte memb1 = $cff0 const .word constw = $2355 const .byte constb = $23 const .float constf = 3.4556677 const .text constt = "derp" sub sub1 () -> (X?) = $ffdd sub sub2 (A) -> (Y?) = $eecc sub sub3 (XY) -> (Y?) = $ddaa sub sub4 (string: XY, other : A) -> (Y?) = $dd22 bar: goto sub1 return sub2 (1 ) return sub3 (3) return sub3 (XY="hello") return sub3 ("hello, there") return sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) return sub4 ("hello", 42) return sub4 ("hello", other= 42) return sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) return bar () goto [AX] return [AX] () goto [var1] return [var1] () ; comment goto [mem1] ; comment return [mem1] () goto [$c2.word] return [$c2.word] () goto [$c2dd.word] return [$c2dd.word] ( ) goto $c000 return $c000 ( ) goto $c2 return $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1!() sub2!(11) sub3 !(3) sub3! (XY="hello") sub3! ("hello, there") sub4! ("hello", 42) sub4! ("hello", other=42) sub4! (string="hello", other = 42) sub4! (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar!() [XY] ! () [var1] !() [mem1]!() [$c2.word]!() [$c2dd.word]!() $c000!() $c2!() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1() sub2(11) sub3 (3) sub3 (XY="hello") sub3 ("hello, there") sub4 ("hello", 42) sub4 ("hello", other= 42) sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar () [AX]() [var1] ( ) [mem1] () [$c2.word]() [$c2dd.word]() $c000() $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } constw() sub1() main.start() } ~ blockdtypes4 { ; variables var uninitbyte1 var .byte uninitbyte2 var initbyte1 = $12 var initbyte1b = true var .byte initbyte2 = $12 var .byte initbyte2b = false var .byte initbyte3 = 99.876 var initchar1 = '@' var .byte initchar2 = '@' var .word uninitword var .word initword1 = $1234 var .word initword1b = true var .word initword2 = false var .word initword3 = 9876.554321 var .word initword5 = 20 var .float uninitfloat var .float initfloat1 = 0 var .float initfloat1b = true var .float initfloat2 = -1.234e-14 var .float initfloat3 = 9.87e+14 var .float initfloat4 = 1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat5 = -1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat6 = 1.234 var .array( 10) uninit_bytearray var .array(10 ) init_bytearray =$12 var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayb =true var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayc ='@' var .wordarray( 10 ) uninit_wordarray var .wordarray(10) init_wordarray = $1234 var .wordarray(10) init_wordarrayb = true var .text text = "hello"+"-null" var .ptext ptext = 'hello-pascal' var .stext stext = 'screencodes-null' var .pstext pstext = "screencodes-pascal" var .matrix( 3, 4 ) uninitmatrix var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1 = $12 var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1b = true var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1c = '@' var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1d = 123.456 ; memory-mapped variables memory membyte1 = $cf01 memory .byte membyte2 = $c222 memory .word memword1 = $cf03 memory .float memfloat = $cf04 memory .array(10 ) membytes = $cf05 memory .wordarray( 10) memwords = $cf06 memory .matrix( 3, 4 ) memmatrix = $cf07 ; constants (= names for constant values, can never occur as lvalue) const cbyte1 = 1 const cbyte1b = false const .byte cbyte2 = 1 const .byte cbyte3 = '@' const .byte cbyte4 = true const .word cword1 = false const .word cword2 = $1234 const .word cword5 = 9876.5432 const cfloat1 = 1.2345 const .float cfloat2 = 2.3456 const .float cfloat2b = cfloat2*3.44 const .float cfloat3 = true const .text ctext3 = "constant-text" const .ptext ctext4 = "constant-ptext" const .stext ctext5 = "constant-stext" const .pstext ctext6 = "constant-pstext" ; taking the address of various things: var .word vmemaddr1 = &membyte1 var .word vmemaddr2 = &memword1 var .word vmemaddr3 = &memfloat var .word vmemaddr4 = &membytes var .word vmemaddr5 = &memwords var .word vmemaddr6 = &memmatrix var .word vmemaddr8 = 100*sin(cbyte1) var .word vmemaddr9 = cword2+$5432 var .word vmemaddr10 = cfloat2b ; taking the address of things from the ZP will work even when it is a var ; because zp-vars get assigned a specific address (from a pool). Also, it's a byte. max: return ; --- immediate primitive value assignments ---- A = [$99] A = [$aabb] A = $99 A = [cbyte3] A = 0 A = '@' A = 1.2345 A = true A = false A = 255 A = X A = [$99] A = [$c020.byte] A = [$c020] A = cbyte3 A = membyte2 A = uninitbyte1 XY = 0 XY = '@' XY = 1.2345 XY = 456.66 XY = 65535 XY = true XY = false XY = text XY = cbyte3 XY = [cbyte3] XY = [cword2] XY = uninitbyte1 XY = "text-immediate" AY = "text-immediate" ; AX = &"text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly ; AX = & "text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly AX = ctext3 AX = "" AX = XY AX = Y XY = membyte2 XY = &membyte2 XY = memword1 XY = max XY = &max [$c000] = A [$c000] = 255 [$c000] = '@' [$c000] = true [$c000] = false [$c000] = cbyte3 [$c000] = uninitbyte1 [$c000] = membyte2 [$c000] = cbyte2 [$c000] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = A [$c000.word] = AX [$c000.word] = cbyte3 [$c000.word] = cword2 [$c000.word] = ctext3 [$c000.word] = 65535 [$c000.word] = "text" [$c000.word] = "" [$c000.word] = uninitbyte1 [$c000.word] = membyte2 [$c000.word] = &membyte2 [$c000.word] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = memword1 [$c000.float] = 65535 [$c000.float] = 456.66 [$c000.float] = 1.70141183e+38 [$c000.float] = cbyte3 [$c000.float] = cword2 [$c001] = [$c002] [$c111.word] = [$c222] [$c112.word] = [$c223.byte] [$c222.word] = [$c333.word] [$c333.word] = max [$c333.word] = &max SC = 0 SC = 1 SC = false SI = 1 SI = 0 SI = false uninitbyte1 = 99 uninitbyte1 = 1.234 uninitbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = 99 initbyte1 = 1.234 initbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = A initbyte1 = cbyte3 uninitword = 99 uninitword = 5.6778 uninitword = "test" uninitword = '@' uninitword = A uninitword = XY uninitword = ctext3 initword1 = cbyte3 initword1 = cword2 initfloat1 = 99 initfloat1 = 9.8765 initfloat1 = '@' initfloat1 = cbyte3 initfloat1 = cword2 uninitfloat = 99 uninitfloat = 9.8765 uninitfloat = '@' initword1 = max initword1 = &max membyte1 = A membyte1 = cbyte3 memword1 = A memword1 = AX memword1 = cbyte3 memword1 = cword2 memword1 = ctext3 membyte1 = 22 memword1 = 2233 memfloat = 3.4567 memword1 = max memword1 = &max membyte1 = A memword1 = A memword1 = XY memfloat = cbyte3 memfloat = cword2 ; float assignments that require ROM functions from c64lib: memfloat = Y memfloat = XY uninitfloat = Y uninitfloat = XY initfloat2 = Y initfloat2 = XY initfloat2 = initbyte2 initfloat2 = initword2 initfloat1 = uninitfloat initfloat1 = initfloat2 } ~ blockcalls4 { var .word var1 = 99 memory .word mem1 = $cff0 var .byte varb1 = 99 memory .byte memb1 = $cff0 const .word constw = $2355 const .byte constb = $23 const .float constf = 3.4556677 const .text constt = "derp" sub sub1 () -> (X?) = $ffdd sub sub2 (A) -> (Y?) = $eecc sub sub3 (XY) -> (Y?) = $ddaa sub sub4 (string: XY, other : A) -> (Y?) = $dd22 bar: goto sub1 return sub2 (1 ) return sub3 (3) return sub3 (XY="hello") return sub3 ("hello, there") return sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) return sub4 ("hello", 42) return sub4 ("hello", other= 42) return sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) return bar () goto [AX] return [AX] () goto [var1] return [var1] () ; comment goto [mem1] ; comment return [mem1] () goto [$c2.word] return [$c2.word] () goto [$c2dd.word] return [$c2dd.word] ( ) goto $c000 return $c000 ( ) goto $c2 return $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1!() sub2!(11) sub3 !(3) sub3! (XY="hello") sub3! ("hello, there") sub4! ("hello", 42) sub4! ("hello", other=42) sub4! (string="hello", other = 42) sub4! (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar!() [XY] ! () [var1] !() [mem1]!() [$c2.word]!() [$c2dd.word]!() $c000!() $c2!() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1() sub2(11) sub3 (3) sub3 (XY="hello") sub3 ("hello, there") sub4 ("hello", 42) sub4 ("hello", other= 42) sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar () [AX]() [var1] ( ) [mem1] () [$c2.word]() [$c2dd.word]() $c000() $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } constw() sub1() main.start() } ~ blockdtypes5 { ; variables var uninitbyte1 var .byte uninitbyte2 var initbyte1 = $12 var initbyte1b = true var .byte initbyte2 = $12 var .byte initbyte2b = false var .byte initbyte3 = 99.876 var initchar1 = '@' var .byte initchar2 = '@' var .word uninitword var .word initword1 = $1234 var .word initword1b = true var .word initword2 = false var .word initword3 = 9876.554321 var .word initword5 = 20 var .float uninitfloat var .float initfloat1 = 0 var .float initfloat1b = true var .float initfloat2 = -1.234e-14 var .float initfloat3 = 9.87e+14 var .float initfloat4 = 1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat5 = -1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat6 = 1.234 var .array( 10) uninit_bytearray var .array(10 ) init_bytearray =$12 var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayb =true var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayc ='@' var .wordarray( 10 ) uninit_wordarray var .wordarray(10) init_wordarray = $1234 var .wordarray(10) init_wordarrayb = true var .text text = "hello"+"-null" var .ptext ptext = 'hello-pascal' var .stext stext = 'screencodes-null' var .pstext pstext = "screencodes-pascal" var .matrix( 3, 4 ) uninitmatrix var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1 = $12 var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1b = true var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1c = '@' var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1d = 123.456 ; memory-mapped variables memory membyte1 = $cf01 memory .byte membyte2 = $c222 memory .word memword1 = $cf03 memory .float memfloat = $cf04 memory .array(10 ) membytes = $cf05 memory .wordarray( 10) memwords = $cf06 memory .matrix( 3, 4 ) memmatrix = $cf07 ; constants (= names for constant values, can never occur as lvalue) const cbyte1 = 1 const cbyte1b = false const .byte cbyte2 = 1 const .byte cbyte3 = '@' const .byte cbyte4 = true const .word cword1 = false const .word cword2 = $1234 const .word cword5 = 9876.5432 const cfloat1 = 1.2345 const .float cfloat2 = 2.3456 const .float cfloat2b = cfloat2*3.44 const .float cfloat3 = true const .text ctext3 = "constant-text" const .ptext ctext4 = "constant-ptext" const .stext ctext5 = "constant-stext" const .pstext ctext6 = "constant-pstext" ; taking the address of various things: var .word vmemaddr1 = &membyte1 var .word vmemaddr2 = &memword1 var .word vmemaddr3 = &memfloat var .word vmemaddr4 = &membytes var .word vmemaddr5 = &memwords var .word vmemaddr6 = &memmatrix var .word vmemaddr8 = 100*sin(cbyte1) var .word vmemaddr9 = cword2+$5432 var .word vmemaddr10 = cfloat2b ; taking the address of things from the ZP will work even when it is a var ; because zp-vars get assigned a specific address (from a pool). Also, it's a byte. max: return ; --- immediate primitive value assignments ---- A = [$99] A = [$aabb] A = $99 A = [cbyte3] A = 0 A = '@' A = 1.2345 A = true A = false A = 255 A = X A = [$99] A = [$c020.byte] A = [$c020] A = cbyte3 A = membyte2 A = uninitbyte1 XY = 0 XY = '@' XY = 1.2345 XY = 456.66 XY = 65535 XY = true XY = false XY = text XY = cbyte3 XY = [cbyte3] XY = [cword2] XY = uninitbyte1 XY = "text-immediate" AY = "text-immediate" ; AX = &"text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly ; AX = & "text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly AX = ctext3 AX = "" AX = XY AX = Y XY = membyte2 XY = &membyte2 XY = memword1 XY = max XY = &max [$c000] = A [$c000] = 255 [$c000] = '@' [$c000] = true [$c000] = false [$c000] = cbyte3 [$c000] = uninitbyte1 [$c000] = membyte2 [$c000] = cbyte2 [$c000] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = A [$c000.word] = AX [$c000.word] = cbyte3 [$c000.word] = cword2 [$c000.word] = ctext3 [$c000.word] = 65535 [$c000.word] = "text" [$c000.word] = "" [$c000.word] = uninitbyte1 [$c000.word] = membyte2 [$c000.word] = &membyte2 [$c000.word] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = memword1 [$c000.float] = 65535 [$c000.float] = 456.66 [$c000.float] = 1.70141183e+38 [$c000.float] = cbyte3 [$c000.float] = cword2 [$c001] = [$c002] [$c111.word] = [$c222] [$c112.word] = [$c223.byte] [$c222.word] = [$c333.word] [$c333.word] = max [$c333.word] = &max SC = 0 SC = 1 SC = false SI = 1 SI = 0 SI = false uninitbyte1 = 99 uninitbyte1 = 1.234 uninitbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = 99 initbyte1 = 1.234 initbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = A initbyte1 = cbyte3 uninitword = 99 uninitword = 5.6778 uninitword = "test" uninitword = '@' uninitword = A uninitword = XY uninitword = ctext3 initword1 = cbyte3 initword1 = cword2 initfloat1 = 99 initfloat1 = 9.8765 initfloat1 = '@' initfloat1 = cbyte3 initfloat1 = cword2 uninitfloat = 99 uninitfloat = 9.8765 uninitfloat = '@' initword1 = max initword1 = &max membyte1 = A membyte1 = cbyte3 memword1 = A memword1 = AX memword1 = cbyte3 memword1 = cword2 memword1 = ctext3 membyte1 = 22 memword1 = 2233 memfloat = 3.4567 memword1 = max memword1 = &max membyte1 = A memword1 = A memword1 = XY memfloat = cbyte3 memfloat = cword2 ; float assignments that require ROM functions from c64lib: memfloat = Y memfloat = XY uninitfloat = Y uninitfloat = XY initfloat2 = Y initfloat2 = XY initfloat2 = initbyte2 initfloat2 = initword2 initfloat1 = uninitfloat initfloat1 = initfloat2 } ~ blockcalls5 { var .word var1 = 99 memory .word mem1 = $cff0 var .byte varb1 = 99 memory .byte memb1 = $cff0 const .word constw = $2355 const .byte constb = $23 const .float constf = 3.4556677 const .text constt = "derp" sub sub1 () -> (X?) = $ffdd sub sub2 (A) -> (Y?) = $eecc sub sub3 (XY) -> (Y?) = $ddaa sub sub4 (string: XY, other : A) -> (Y?) = $dd22 bar: goto sub1 return sub2 (1 ) return sub3 (3) return sub3 (XY="hello") return sub3 ("hello, there") return sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) return sub4 ("hello", 42) return sub4 ("hello", other= 42) return sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) return bar () goto [AX] return [AX] () goto [var1] return [var1] () ; comment goto [mem1] ; comment return [mem1] () goto [$c2.word] return [$c2.word] () goto [$c2dd.word] return [$c2dd.word] ( ) goto $c000 return $c000 ( ) goto $c2 return $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1!() sub2!(11) sub3 !(3) sub3! (XY="hello") sub3! ("hello, there") sub4! ("hello", 42) sub4! ("hello", other=42) sub4! (string="hello", other = 42) sub4! (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar!() [XY] ! () [var1] !() [mem1]!() [$c2.word]!() [$c2dd.word]!() $c000!() $c2!() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1() sub2(11) sub3 (3) sub3 (XY="hello") sub3 ("hello, there") sub4 ("hello", 42) sub4 ("hello", other= 42) sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar () [AX]() [var1] ( ) [mem1] () [$c2.word]() [$c2dd.word]() $c000() $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } constw() sub1() main.start() } ~ blockdtypes6 { ; variables var uninitbyte1 var .byte uninitbyte2 var initbyte1 = $12 var initbyte1b = true var .byte initbyte2 = $12 var .byte initbyte2b = false var .byte initbyte3 = 99.876 var initchar1 = '@' var .byte initchar2 = '@' var .word uninitword var .word initword1 = $1234 var .word initword1b = true var .word initword2 = false var .word initword3 = 9876.554321 var .word initword5 = 20 var .float uninitfloat var .float initfloat1 = 0 var .float initfloat1b = true var .float initfloat2 = -1.234e-14 var .float initfloat3 = 9.87e+14 var .float initfloat4 = 1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat5 = -1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat6 = 1.234 var .array( 10) uninit_bytearray var .array(10 ) init_bytearray =$12 var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayb =true var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayc ='@' var .wordarray( 10 ) uninit_wordarray var .wordarray(10) init_wordarray = $1234 var .wordarray(10) init_wordarrayb = true var .text text = "hello"+"-null" var .ptext ptext = 'hello-pascal' var .stext stext = 'screencodes-null' var .pstext pstext = "screencodes-pascal" var .matrix( 3, 4 ) uninitmatrix var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1 = $12 var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1b = true var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1c = '@' var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1d = 123.456 ; memory-mapped variables memory membyte1 = $cf01 memory .byte membyte2 = $c222 memory .word memword1 = $cf03 memory .float memfloat = $cf04 memory .array(10 ) membytes = $cf05 memory .wordarray( 10) memwords = $cf06 memory .matrix( 3, 4 ) memmatrix = $cf07 ; constants (= names for constant values, can never occur as lvalue) const cbyte1 = 1 const cbyte1b = false const .byte cbyte2 = 1 const .byte cbyte3 = '@' const .byte cbyte4 = true const .word cword1 = false const .word cword2 = $1234 const .word cword5 = 9876.5432 const cfloat1 = 1.2345 const .float cfloat2 = 2.3456 const .float cfloat2b = cfloat2*3.44 const .float cfloat3 = true const .text ctext3 = "constant-text" const .ptext ctext4 = "constant-ptext" const .stext ctext5 = "constant-stext" const .pstext ctext6 = "constant-pstext" ; taking the address of various things: var .word vmemaddr1 = &membyte1 var .word vmemaddr2 = &memword1 var .word vmemaddr3 = &memfloat var .word vmemaddr4 = &membytes var .word vmemaddr5 = &memwords var .word vmemaddr6 = &memmatrix var .word vmemaddr8 = 100*sin(cbyte1) var .word vmemaddr9 = cword2+$5432 var .word vmemaddr10 = cfloat2b ; taking the address of things from the ZP will work even when it is a var ; because zp-vars get assigned a specific address (from a pool). Also, it's a byte. max: return ; --- immediate primitive value assignments ---- A = [$99] A = [$aabb] A = $99 A = [cbyte3] A = 0 A = '@' A = 1.2345 A = true A = false A = 255 A = X A = [$99] A = [$c020.byte] A = [$c020] A = cbyte3 A = membyte2 A = uninitbyte1 XY = 0 XY = '@' XY = 1.2345 XY = 456.66 XY = 65535 XY = true XY = false XY = text XY = cbyte3 XY = [cbyte3] XY = [cword2] XY = uninitbyte1 XY = "text-immediate" AY = "text-immediate" ; AX = &"text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly ; AX = & "text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly AX = ctext3 AX = "" AX = XY AX = Y XY = membyte2 XY = &membyte2 XY = memword1 XY = max XY = &max [$c000] = A [$c000] = 255 [$c000] = '@' [$c000] = true [$c000] = false [$c000] = cbyte3 [$c000] = uninitbyte1 [$c000] = membyte2 [$c000] = cbyte2 [$c000] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = A [$c000.word] = AX [$c000.word] = cbyte3 [$c000.word] = cword2 [$c000.word] = ctext3 [$c000.word] = 65535 [$c000.word] = "text" [$c000.word] = "" [$c000.word] = uninitbyte1 [$c000.word] = membyte2 [$c000.word] = &membyte2 [$c000.word] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = memword1 [$c000.float] = 65535 [$c000.float] = 456.66 [$c000.float] = 1.70141183e+38 [$c000.float] = cbyte3 [$c000.float] = cword2 [$c001] = [$c002] [$c111.word] = [$c222] [$c112.word] = [$c223.byte] [$c222.word] = [$c333.word] [$c333.word] = max [$c333.word] = &max SC = 0 SC = 1 SC = false SI = 1 SI = 0 SI = false uninitbyte1 = 99 uninitbyte1 = 1.234 uninitbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = 99 initbyte1 = 1.234 initbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = A initbyte1 = cbyte3 uninitword = 99 uninitword = 5.6778 uninitword = "test" uninitword = '@' uninitword = A uninitword = XY uninitword = ctext3 initword1 = cbyte3 initword1 = cword2 initfloat1 = 99 initfloat1 = 9.8765 initfloat1 = '@' initfloat1 = cbyte3 initfloat1 = cword2 uninitfloat = 99 uninitfloat = 9.8765 uninitfloat = '@' initword1 = max initword1 = &max membyte1 = A membyte1 = cbyte3 memword1 = A memword1 = AX memword1 = cbyte3 memword1 = cword2 memword1 = ctext3 membyte1 = 22 memword1 = 2233 memfloat = 3.4567 memword1 = max memword1 = &max membyte1 = A memword1 = A memword1 = XY memfloat = cbyte3 memfloat = cword2 ; float assignments that require ROM functions from c64lib: memfloat = Y memfloat = XY uninitfloat = Y uninitfloat = XY initfloat2 = Y initfloat2 = XY initfloat2 = initbyte2 initfloat2 = initword2 initfloat1 = uninitfloat initfloat1 = initfloat2 } ~ blockcalls6 { var .word var1 = 99 memory .word mem1 = $cff0 var .byte varb1 = 99 memory .byte memb1 = $cff0 const .word constw = $2355 const .byte constb = $23 const .float constf = 3.4556677 const .text constt = "derp" sub sub1 () -> (X?) = $ffdd sub sub2 (A) -> (Y?) = $eecc sub sub3 (XY) -> (Y?) = $ddaa sub sub4 (string: XY, other : A) -> (Y?) = $dd22 bar: goto sub1 return sub2 (1 ) return sub3 (3) return sub3 (XY="hello") return sub3 ("hello, there") return sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) return sub4 ("hello", 42) return sub4 ("hello", other= 42) return sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) return bar () goto [AX] return [AX] () goto [var1] return [var1] () ; comment goto [mem1] ; comment return [mem1] () goto [$c2.word] return [$c2.word] () goto [$c2dd.word] return [$c2dd.word] ( ) goto $c000 return $c000 ( ) goto $c2 return $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1!() sub2!(11) sub3 !(3) sub3! (XY="hello") sub3! ("hello, there") sub4! ("hello", 42) sub4! ("hello", other=42) sub4! (string="hello", other = 42) sub4! (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar!() [XY] ! () [var1] !() [mem1]!() [$c2.word]!() [$c2dd.word]!() $c000!() $c2!() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1() sub2(11) sub3 (3) sub3 (XY="hello") sub3 ("hello, there") sub4 ("hello", 42) sub4 ("hello", other= 42) sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar () [AX]() [var1] ( ) [mem1] () [$c2.word]() [$c2dd.word]() $c000() $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } constw() sub1() main.start() } ~ blockdtypes7 { ; variables var uninitbyte1 var .byte uninitbyte2 var initbyte1 = $12 var initbyte1b = true var .byte initbyte2 = $12 var .byte initbyte2b = false var .byte initbyte3 = 99.876 var initchar1 = '@' var .byte initchar2 = '@' var .word uninitword var .word initword1 = $1234 var .word initword1b = true var .word initword2 = false var .word initword3 = 9876.554321 var .word initword5 = 20 var .float uninitfloat var .float initfloat1 = 0 var .float initfloat1b = true var .float initfloat2 = -1.234e-14 var .float initfloat3 = 9.87e+14 var .float initfloat4 = 1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat5 = -1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat6 = 1.234 var .array( 10) uninit_bytearray var .array(10 ) init_bytearray =$12 var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayb =true var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayc ='@' var .wordarray( 10 ) uninit_wordarray var .wordarray(10) init_wordarray = $1234 var .wordarray(10) init_wordarrayb = true var .text text = "hello"+"-null" var .ptext ptext = 'hello-pascal' var .stext stext = 'screencodes-null' var .pstext pstext = "screencodes-pascal" var .matrix( 3, 4 ) uninitmatrix var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1 = $12 var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1b = true var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1c = '@' var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1d = 123.456 ; memory-mapped variables memory membyte1 = $cf01 memory .byte membyte2 = $c222 memory .word memword1 = $cf03 memory .float memfloat = $cf04 memory .array(10 ) membytes = $cf05 memory .wordarray( 10) memwords = $cf06 memory .matrix( 3, 4 ) memmatrix = $cf07 ; constants (= names for constant values, can never occur as lvalue) const cbyte1 = 1 const cbyte1b = false const .byte cbyte2 = 1 const .byte cbyte3 = '@' const .byte cbyte4 = true const .word cword1 = false const .word cword2 = $1234 const .word cword5 = 9876.5432 const cfloat1 = 1.2345 const .float cfloat2 = 2.3456 const .float cfloat2b = cfloat2*3.44 const .float cfloat3 = true const .text ctext3 = "constant-text" const .ptext ctext4 = "constant-ptext" const .stext ctext5 = "constant-stext" const .pstext ctext6 = "constant-pstext" ; taking the address of various things: var .word vmemaddr1 = &membyte1 var .word vmemaddr2 = &memword1 var .word vmemaddr3 = &memfloat var .word vmemaddr4 = &membytes var .word vmemaddr5 = &memwords var .word vmemaddr6 = &memmatrix var .word vmemaddr8 = 100*sin(cbyte1) var .word vmemaddr9 = cword2+$5432 var .word vmemaddr10 = cfloat2b ; taking the address of things from the ZP will work even when it is a var ; because zp-vars get assigned a specific address (from a pool). Also, it's a byte. max: return ; --- immediate primitive value assignments ---- A = [$99] A = [$aabb] A = $99 A = [cbyte3] A = 0 A = '@' A = 1.2345 A = true A = false A = 255 A = X A = [$99] A = [$c020.byte] A = [$c020] A = cbyte3 A = membyte2 A = uninitbyte1 XY = 0 XY = '@' XY = 1.2345 XY = 456.66 XY = 65535 XY = true XY = false XY = text XY = cbyte3 XY = [cbyte3] XY = [cword2] XY = uninitbyte1 XY = "text-immediate" AY = "text-immediate" ; AX = &"text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly ; AX = & "text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly AX = ctext3 AX = "" AX = XY AX = Y XY = membyte2 XY = &membyte2 XY = memword1 XY = max XY = &max [$c000] = A [$c000] = 255 [$c000] = '@' [$c000] = true [$c000] = false [$c000] = cbyte3 [$c000] = uninitbyte1 [$c000] = membyte2 [$c000] = cbyte2 [$c000] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = A [$c000.word] = AX [$c000.word] = cbyte3 [$c000.word] = cword2 [$c000.word] = ctext3 [$c000.word] = 65535 [$c000.word] = "text" [$c000.word] = "" [$c000.word] = uninitbyte1 [$c000.word] = membyte2 [$c000.word] = &membyte2 [$c000.word] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = memword1 [$c000.float] = 65535 [$c000.float] = 456.66 [$c000.float] = 1.70141183e+38 [$c000.float] = cbyte3 [$c000.float] = cword2 [$c001] = [$c002] [$c111.word] = [$c222] [$c112.word] = [$c223.byte] [$c222.word] = [$c333.word] [$c333.word] = max [$c333.word] = &max SC = 0 SC = 1 SC = false SI = 1 SI = 0 SI = false uninitbyte1 = 99 uninitbyte1 = 1.234 uninitbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = 99 initbyte1 = 1.234 initbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = A initbyte1 = cbyte3 uninitword = 99 uninitword = 5.6778 uninitword = "test" uninitword = '@' uninitword = A uninitword = XY uninitword = ctext3 initword1 = cbyte3 initword1 = cword2 initfloat1 = 99 initfloat1 = 9.8765 initfloat1 = '@' initfloat1 = cbyte3 initfloat1 = cword2 uninitfloat = 99 uninitfloat = 9.8765 uninitfloat = '@' initword1 = max initword1 = &max membyte1 = A membyte1 = cbyte3 memword1 = A memword1 = AX memword1 = cbyte3 memword1 = cword2 memword1 = ctext3 membyte1 = 22 memword1 = 2233 memfloat = 3.4567 memword1 = max memword1 = &max membyte1 = A memword1 = A memword1 = XY memfloat = cbyte3 memfloat = cword2 ; float assignments that require ROM functions from c64lib: memfloat = Y memfloat = XY uninitfloat = Y uninitfloat = XY initfloat2 = Y initfloat2 = XY initfloat2 = initbyte2 initfloat2 = initword2 initfloat1 = uninitfloat initfloat1 = initfloat2 } ~ blockcalls7 { var .word var1 = 99 memory .word mem1 = $cff0 var .byte varb1 = 99 memory .byte memb1 = $cff0 const .word constw = $2355 const .byte constb = $23 const .float constf = 3.4556677 const .text constt = "derp" sub sub1 () -> (X?) = $ffdd sub sub2 (A) -> (Y?) = $eecc sub sub3 (XY) -> (Y?) = $ddaa sub sub4 (string: XY, other : A) -> (Y?) = $dd22 bar: goto sub1 return sub2 (1 ) return sub3 (3) return sub3 (XY="hello") return sub3 ("hello, there") return sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) return sub4 ("hello", 42) return sub4 ("hello", other= 42) return sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) return bar () goto [AX] return [AX] () goto [var1] return [var1] () ; comment goto [mem1] ; comment return [mem1] () goto [$c2.word] return [$c2.word] () goto [$c2dd.word] return [$c2dd.word] ( ) goto $c000 return $c000 ( ) goto $c2 return $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1!() sub2!(11) sub3 !(3) sub3! (XY="hello") sub3! ("hello, there") sub4! ("hello", 42) sub4! ("hello", other=42) sub4! (string="hello", other = 42) sub4! (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar!() [XY] ! () [var1] !() [mem1]!() [$c2.word]!() [$c2dd.word]!() $c000!() $c2!() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1() sub2(11) sub3 (3) sub3 (XY="hello") sub3 ("hello, there") sub4 ("hello", 42) sub4 ("hello", other= 42) sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar () [AX]() [var1] ( ) [mem1] () [$c2.word]() [$c2dd.word]() $c000() $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } constw() sub1() main.start() } ~ blockdtypes8 { ; variables var uninitbyte1 var .byte uninitbyte2 var initbyte1 = $12 var initbyte1b = true var .byte initbyte2 = $12 var .byte initbyte2b = false var .byte initbyte3 = 99.876 var initchar1 = '@' var .byte initchar2 = '@' var .word uninitword var .word initword1 = $1234 var .word initword1b = true var .word initword2 = false var .word initword3 = 9876.554321 var .word initword5 = 20 var .float uninitfloat var .float initfloat1 = 0 var .float initfloat1b = true var .float initfloat2 = -1.234e-14 var .float initfloat3 = 9.87e+14 var .float initfloat4 = 1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat5 = -1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat6 = 1.234 var .array( 10) uninit_bytearray var .array(10 ) init_bytearray =$12 var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayb =true var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayc ='@' var .wordarray( 10 ) uninit_wordarray var .wordarray(10) init_wordarray = $1234 var .wordarray(10) init_wordarrayb = true var .text text = "hello"+"-null" var .ptext ptext = 'hello-pascal' var .stext stext = 'screencodes-null' var .pstext pstext = "screencodes-pascal" var .matrix( 3, 4 ) uninitmatrix var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1 = $12 var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1b = true var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1c = '@' var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1d = 123.456 ; memory-mapped variables memory membyte1 = $cf01 memory .byte membyte2 = $c222 memory .word memword1 = $cf03 memory .float memfloat = $cf04 memory .array(10 ) membytes = $cf05 memory .wordarray( 10) memwords = $cf06 memory .matrix( 3, 4 ) memmatrix = $cf07 ; constants (= names for constant values, can never occur as lvalue) const cbyte1 = 1 const cbyte1b = false const .byte cbyte2 = 1 const .byte cbyte3 = '@' const .byte cbyte4 = true const .word cword1 = false const .word cword2 = $1234 const .word cword5 = 9876.5432 const cfloat1 = 1.2345 const .float cfloat2 = 2.3456 const .float cfloat2b = cfloat2*3.44 const .float cfloat3 = true const .text ctext3 = "constant-text" const .ptext ctext4 = "constant-ptext" const .stext ctext5 = "constant-stext" const .pstext ctext6 = "constant-pstext" ; taking the address of various things: var .word vmemaddr1 = &membyte1 var .word vmemaddr2 = &memword1 var .word vmemaddr3 = &memfloat var .word vmemaddr4 = &membytes var .word vmemaddr5 = &memwords var .word vmemaddr6 = &memmatrix var .word vmemaddr8 = 100*sin(cbyte1) var .word vmemaddr9 = cword2+$5432 var .word vmemaddr10 = cfloat2b ; taking the address of things from the ZP will work even when it is a var ; because zp-vars get assigned a specific address (from a pool). Also, it's a byte. max: return ; --- immediate primitive value assignments ---- A = [$99] A = [$aabb] A = $99 A = [cbyte3] A = 0 A = '@' A = 1.2345 A = true A = false A = 255 A = X A = [$99] A = [$c020.byte] A = [$c020] A = cbyte3 A = membyte2 A = uninitbyte1 XY = 0 XY = '@' XY = 1.2345 XY = 456.66 XY = 65535 XY = true XY = false XY = text XY = cbyte3 XY = [cbyte3] XY = [cword2] XY = uninitbyte1 XY = "text-immediate" AY = "text-immediate" ; AX = &"text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly ; AX = & "text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly AX = ctext3 AX = "" AX = XY AX = Y XY = membyte2 XY = &membyte2 XY = memword1 XY = max XY = &max [$c000] = A [$c000] = 255 [$c000] = '@' [$c000] = true [$c000] = false [$c000] = cbyte3 [$c000] = uninitbyte1 [$c000] = membyte2 [$c000] = cbyte2 [$c000] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = A [$c000.word] = AX [$c000.word] = cbyte3 [$c000.word] = cword2 [$c000.word] = ctext3 [$c000.word] = 65535 [$c000.word] = "text" [$c000.word] = "" [$c000.word] = uninitbyte1 [$c000.word] = membyte2 [$c000.word] = &membyte2 [$c000.word] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = memword1 [$c000.float] = 65535 [$c000.float] = 456.66 [$c000.float] = 1.70141183e+38 [$c000.float] = cbyte3 [$c000.float] = cword2 [$c001] = [$c002] [$c111.word] = [$c222] [$c112.word] = [$c223.byte] [$c222.word] = [$c333.word] [$c333.word] = max [$c333.word] = &max SC = 0 SC = 1 SC = false SI = 1 SI = 0 SI = false uninitbyte1 = 99 uninitbyte1 = 1.234 uninitbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = 99 initbyte1 = 1.234 initbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = A initbyte1 = cbyte3 uninitword = 99 uninitword = 5.6778 uninitword = "test" uninitword = '@' uninitword = A uninitword = XY uninitword = ctext3 initword1 = cbyte3 initword1 = cword2 initfloat1 = 99 initfloat1 = 9.8765 initfloat1 = '@' initfloat1 = cbyte3 initfloat1 = cword2 uninitfloat = 99 uninitfloat = 9.8765 uninitfloat = '@' initword1 = max initword1 = &max membyte1 = A membyte1 = cbyte3 memword1 = A memword1 = AX memword1 = cbyte3 memword1 = cword2 memword1 = ctext3 membyte1 = 22 memword1 = 2233 memfloat = 3.4567 memword1 = max memword1 = &max membyte1 = A memword1 = A memword1 = XY memfloat = cbyte3 memfloat = cword2 ; float assignments that require ROM functions from c64lib: memfloat = Y memfloat = XY uninitfloat = Y uninitfloat = XY initfloat2 = Y initfloat2 = XY initfloat2 = initbyte2 initfloat2 = initword2 initfloat1 = uninitfloat initfloat1 = initfloat2 } ~ blockcalls8 { var .word var1 = 99 memory .word mem1 = $cff0 var .byte varb1 = 99 memory .byte memb1 = $cff0 const .word constw = $2355 const .byte constb = $23 const .float constf = 3.4556677 const .text constt = "derp" sub sub1 () -> (X?) = $ffdd sub sub2 (A) -> (Y?) = $eecc sub sub3 (XY) -> (Y?) = $ddaa sub sub4 (string: XY, other : A) -> (Y?) = $dd22 bar: goto sub1 return sub2 (1 ) return sub3 (3) return sub3 (XY="hello") return sub3 ("hello, there") return sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) return sub4 ("hello", 42) return sub4 ("hello", other= 42) return sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) return bar () goto [AX] return [AX] () goto [var1] return [var1] () ; comment goto [mem1] ; comment return [mem1] () goto [$c2.word] return [$c2.word] () goto [$c2dd.word] return [$c2dd.word] ( ) goto $c000 return $c000 ( ) goto $c2 return $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1!() sub2!(11) sub3 !(3) sub3! (XY="hello") sub3! ("hello, there") sub4! ("hello", 42) sub4! ("hello", other=42) sub4! (string="hello", other = 42) sub4! (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar!() [XY] ! () [var1] !() [mem1]!() [$c2.word]!() [$c2dd.word]!() $c000!() $c2!() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1() sub2(11) sub3 (3) sub3 (XY="hello") sub3 ("hello, there") sub4 ("hello", 42) sub4 ("hello", other= 42) sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar () [AX]() [var1] ( ) [mem1] () [$c2.word]() [$c2dd.word]() $c000() $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } constw() sub1() main.start() } ~ blockdtypes9 { ; variables var uninitbyte1 var .byte uninitbyte2 var initbyte1 = $12 var initbyte1b = true var .byte initbyte2 = $12 var .byte initbyte2b = false var .byte initbyte3 = 99.876 var initchar1 = '@' var .byte initchar2 = '@' var .word uninitword var .word initword1 = $1234 var .word initword1b = true var .word initword2 = false var .word initword3 = 9876.554321 var .word initword5 = 20 var .float uninitfloat var .float initfloat1 = 0 var .float initfloat1b = true var .float initfloat2 = -1.234e-14 var .float initfloat3 = 9.87e+14 var .float initfloat4 = 1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat5 = -1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat6 = 1.234 var .array( 10) uninit_bytearray var .array(10 ) init_bytearray =$12 var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayb =true var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayc ='@' var .wordarray( 10 ) uninit_wordarray var .wordarray(10) init_wordarray = $1234 var .wordarray(10) init_wordarrayb = true var .text text = "hello"+"-null" var .ptext ptext = 'hello-pascal' var .stext stext = 'screencodes-null' var .pstext pstext = "screencodes-pascal" var .matrix( 3, 4 ) uninitmatrix var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1 = $12 var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1b = true var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1c = '@' var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1d = 123.456 ; memory-mapped variables memory membyte1 = $cf01 memory .byte membyte2 = $c222 memory .word memword1 = $cf03 memory .float memfloat = $cf04 memory .array(10 ) membytes = $cf05 memory .wordarray( 10) memwords = $cf06 memory .matrix( 3, 4 ) memmatrix = $cf07 ; constants (= names for constant values, can never occur as lvalue) const cbyte1 = 1 const cbyte1b = false const .byte cbyte2 = 1 const .byte cbyte3 = '@' const .byte cbyte4 = true const .word cword1 = false const .word cword2 = $1234 const .word cword5 = 9876.5432 const cfloat1 = 1.2345 const .float cfloat2 = 2.3456 const .float cfloat2b = cfloat2*3.44 const .float cfloat3 = true const .text ctext3 = "constant-text" const .ptext ctext4 = "constant-ptext" const .stext ctext5 = "constant-stext" const .pstext ctext6 = "constant-pstext" ; taking the address of various things: var .word vmemaddr1 = &membyte1 var .word vmemaddr2 = &memword1 var .word vmemaddr3 = &memfloat var .word vmemaddr4 = &membytes var .word vmemaddr5 = &memwords var .word vmemaddr6 = &memmatrix var .word vmemaddr8 = 100*sin(cbyte1) var .word vmemaddr9 = cword2+$5432 var .word vmemaddr10 = cfloat2b ; taking the address of things from the ZP will work even when it is a var ; because zp-vars get assigned a specific address (from a pool). Also, it's a byte. max: return ; --- immediate primitive value assignments ---- A = [$99] A = [$aabb] A = $99 A = [cbyte3] A = 0 A = '@' A = 1.2345 A = true A = false A = 255 A = X A = [$99] A = [$c020.byte] A = [$c020] A = cbyte3 A = membyte2 A = uninitbyte1 XY = 0 XY = '@' XY = 1.2345 XY = 456.66 XY = 65535 XY = true XY = false XY = text XY = cbyte3 XY = [cbyte3] XY = [cword2] XY = uninitbyte1 XY = "text-immediate" AY = "text-immediate" ; AX = &"text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly ; AX = & "text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly AX = ctext3 AX = "" AX = XY AX = Y XY = membyte2 XY = &membyte2 XY = memword1 XY = max XY = &max [$c000] = A [$c000] = 255 [$c000] = '@' [$c000] = true [$c000] = false [$c000] = cbyte3 [$c000] = uninitbyte1 [$c000] = membyte2 [$c000] = cbyte2 [$c000] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = A [$c000.word] = AX [$c000.word] = cbyte3 [$c000.word] = cword2 [$c000.word] = ctext3 [$c000.word] = 65535 [$c000.word] = "text" [$c000.word] = "" [$c000.word] = uninitbyte1 [$c000.word] = membyte2 [$c000.word] = &membyte2 [$c000.word] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = memword1 [$c000.float] = 65535 [$c000.float] = 456.66 [$c000.float] = 1.70141183e+38 [$c000.float] = cbyte3 [$c000.float] = cword2 [$c001] = [$c002] [$c111.word] = [$c222] [$c112.word] = [$c223.byte] [$c222.word] = [$c333.word] [$c333.word] = max [$c333.word] = &max SC = 0 SC = 1 SC = false SI = 1 SI = 0 SI = false uninitbyte1 = 99 uninitbyte1 = 1.234 uninitbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = 99 initbyte1 = 1.234 initbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = A initbyte1 = cbyte3 uninitword = 99 uninitword = 5.6778 uninitword = "test" uninitword = '@' uninitword = A uninitword = XY uninitword = ctext3 initword1 = cbyte3 initword1 = cword2 initfloat1 = 99 initfloat1 = 9.8765 initfloat1 = '@' initfloat1 = cbyte3 initfloat1 = cword2 uninitfloat = 99 uninitfloat = 9.8765 uninitfloat = '@' initword1 = max initword1 = &max membyte1 = A membyte1 = cbyte3 memword1 = A memword1 = AX memword1 = cbyte3 memword1 = cword2 memword1 = ctext3 membyte1 = 22 memword1 = 2233 memfloat = 3.4567 memword1 = max memword1 = &max membyte1 = A memword1 = A memword1 = XY memfloat = cbyte3 memfloat = cword2 ; float assignments that require ROM functions from c64lib: memfloat = Y memfloat = XY uninitfloat = Y uninitfloat = XY initfloat2 = Y initfloat2 = XY initfloat2 = initbyte2 initfloat2 = initword2 initfloat1 = uninitfloat initfloat1 = initfloat2 } ~ blockcalls9 { var .word var1 = 99 memory .word mem1 = $cff0 var .byte varb1 = 99 memory .byte memb1 = $cff0 const .word constw = $2355 const .byte constb = $23 const .float constf = 3.4556677 const .text constt = "derp" sub sub1 () -> (X?) = $ffdd sub sub2 (A) -> (Y?) = $eecc sub sub3 (XY) -> (Y?) = $ddaa sub sub4 (string: XY, other : A) -> (Y?) = $dd22 bar: goto sub1 return sub2 (1 ) return sub3 (3) return sub3 (XY="hello") return sub3 ("hello, there") return sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) return sub4 ("hello", 42) return sub4 ("hello", other= 42) return sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) return bar () goto [AX] return [AX] () goto [var1] return [var1] () ; comment goto [mem1] ; comment return [mem1] () goto [$c2.word] return [$c2.word] () goto [$c2dd.word] return [$c2dd.word] ( ) goto $c000 return $c000 ( ) goto $c2 return $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1!() sub2!(11) sub3 !(3) sub3! (XY="hello") sub3! ("hello, there") sub4! ("hello", 42) sub4! ("hello", other=42) sub4! (string="hello", other = 42) sub4! (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar!() [XY] ! () [var1] !() [mem1]!() [$c2.word]!() [$c2dd.word]!() $c000!() $c2!() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1() sub2(11) sub3 (3) sub3 (XY="hello") sub3 ("hello, there") sub4 ("hello", 42) sub4 ("hello", other= 42) sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar () [AX]() [var1] ( ) [mem1] () [$c2.word]() [$c2dd.word]() $c000() $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } constw() sub1() main.start() } ~ blockdtypes10 { ; variables var uninitbyte1 var .byte uninitbyte2 var initbyte1 = $12 var initbyte1b = true var .byte initbyte2 = $12 var .byte initbyte2b = false var .byte initbyte3 = 99.876 var initchar1 = '@' var .byte initchar2 = '@' var .word uninitword var .word initword1 = $1234 var .word initword1b = true var .word initword2 = false var .word initword3 = 9876.554321 var .word initword5 = 20 var .float uninitfloat var .float initfloat1 = 0 var .float initfloat1b = true var .float initfloat2 = -1.234e-14 var .float initfloat3 = 9.87e+14 var .float initfloat4 = 1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat5 = -1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat6 = 1.234 var .array( 10) uninit_bytearray var .array(10 ) init_bytearray =$12 var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayb =true var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayc ='@' var .wordarray( 10 ) uninit_wordarray var .wordarray(10) init_wordarray = $1234 var .wordarray(10) init_wordarrayb = true var .text text = "hello"+"-null" var .ptext ptext = 'hello-pascal' var .stext stext = 'screencodes-null' var .pstext pstext = "screencodes-pascal" var .matrix( 3, 4 ) uninitmatrix var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1 = $12 var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1b = true var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1c = '@' var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1d = 123.456 ; memory-mapped variables memory membyte1 = $cf01 memory .byte membyte2 = $c222 memory .word memword1 = $cf03 memory .float memfloat = $cf04 memory .array(10 ) membytes = $cf05 memory .wordarray( 10) memwords = $cf06 memory .matrix( 3, 4 ) memmatrix = $cf07 ; constants (= names for constant values, can never occur as lvalue) const cbyte1 = 1 const cbyte1b = false const .byte cbyte2 = 1 const .byte cbyte3 = '@' const .byte cbyte4 = true const .word cword1 = false const .word cword2 = $1234 const .word cword5 = 9876.5432 const cfloat1 = 1.2345 const .float cfloat2 = 2.3456 const .float cfloat2b = cfloat2*3.44 const .float cfloat3 = true const .text ctext3 = "constant-text" const .ptext ctext4 = "constant-ptext" const .stext ctext5 = "constant-stext" const .pstext ctext6 = "constant-pstext" ; taking the address of various things: var .word vmemaddr1 = &membyte1 var .word vmemaddr2 = &memword1 var .word vmemaddr3 = &memfloat var .word vmemaddr4 = &membytes var .word vmemaddr5 = &memwords var .word vmemaddr6 = &memmatrix var .word vmemaddr8 = 100*sin(cbyte1) var .word vmemaddr9 = cword2+$5432 var .word vmemaddr10 = cfloat2b ; taking the address of things from the ZP will work even when it is a var ; because zp-vars get assigned a specific address (from a pool). Also, it's a byte. max: return ; --- immediate primitive value assignments ---- A = [$99] A = [$aabb] A = $99 A = [cbyte3] A = 0 A = '@' A = 1.2345 A = true A = false A = 255 A = X A = [$99] A = [$c020.byte] A = [$c020] A = cbyte3 A = membyte2 A = uninitbyte1 XY = 0 XY = '@' XY = 1.2345 XY = 456.66 XY = 65535 XY = true XY = false XY = text XY = cbyte3 XY = [cbyte3] XY = [cword2] XY = uninitbyte1 XY = "text-immediate" AY = "text-immediate" ; AX = &"text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly ; AX = & "text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly AX = ctext3 AX = "" AX = XY AX = Y XY = membyte2 XY = &membyte2 XY = memword1 XY = max XY = &max [$c000] = A [$c000] = 255 [$c000] = '@' [$c000] = true [$c000] = false [$c000] = cbyte3 [$c000] = uninitbyte1 [$c000] = membyte2 [$c000] = cbyte2 [$c000] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = A [$c000.word] = AX [$c000.word] = cbyte3 [$c000.word] = cword2 [$c000.word] = ctext3 [$c000.word] = 65535 [$c000.word] = "text" [$c000.word] = "" [$c000.word] = uninitbyte1 [$c000.word] = membyte2 [$c000.word] = &membyte2 [$c000.word] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = memword1 [$c000.float] = 65535 [$c000.float] = 456.66 [$c000.float] = 1.70141183e+38 [$c000.float] = cbyte3 [$c000.float] = cword2 [$c001] = [$c002] [$c111.word] = [$c222] [$c112.word] = [$c223.byte] [$c222.word] = [$c333.word] [$c333.word] = max [$c333.word] = &max SC = 0 SC = 1 SC = false SI = 1 SI = 0 SI = false uninitbyte1 = 99 uninitbyte1 = 1.234 uninitbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = 99 initbyte1 = 1.234 initbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = A initbyte1 = cbyte3 uninitword = 99 uninitword = 5.6778 uninitword = "test" uninitword = '@' uninitword = A uninitword = XY uninitword = ctext3 initword1 = cbyte3 initword1 = cword2 initfloat1 = 99 initfloat1 = 9.8765 initfloat1 = '@' initfloat1 = cbyte3 initfloat1 = cword2 uninitfloat = 99 uninitfloat = 9.8765 uninitfloat = '@' initword1 = max initword1 = &max membyte1 = A membyte1 = cbyte3 memword1 = A memword1 = AX memword1 = cbyte3 memword1 = cword2 memword1 = ctext3 membyte1 = 22 memword1 = 2233 memfloat = 3.4567 memword1 = max memword1 = &max membyte1 = A memword1 = A memword1 = XY memfloat = cbyte3 memfloat = cword2 ; float assignments that require ROM functions from c64lib: memfloat = Y memfloat = XY uninitfloat = Y uninitfloat = XY initfloat2 = Y initfloat2 = XY initfloat2 = initbyte2 initfloat2 = initword2 initfloat1 = uninitfloat initfloat1 = initfloat2 } ~ blockcalls10 { var .word var1 = 99 memory .word mem1 = $cff0 var .byte varb1 = 99 memory .byte memb1 = $cff0 const .word constw = $2355 const .byte constb = $23 const .float constf = 3.4556677 const .text constt = "derp" sub sub1 () -> (X?) = $ffdd sub sub2 (A) -> (Y?) = $eecc sub sub3 (XY) -> (Y?) = $ddaa sub sub4 (string: XY, other : A) -> (Y?) = $dd22 bar: goto sub1 return sub2 (1 ) return sub3 (3) return sub3 (XY="hello") return sub3 ("hello, there") return sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) return sub4 ("hello", 42) return sub4 ("hello", other= 42) return sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) return bar () goto [AX] return [AX] () goto [var1] return [var1] () ; comment goto [mem1] ; comment return [mem1] () goto [$c2.word] return [$c2.word] () goto [$c2dd.word] return [$c2dd.word] ( ) goto $c000 return $c000 ( ) goto $c2 return $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1!() sub2!(11) sub3 !(3) sub3! (XY="hello") sub3! ("hello, there") sub4! ("hello", 42) sub4! ("hello", other=42) sub4! (string="hello", other = 42) sub4! (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar!() [XY] ! () [var1] !() [mem1]!() [$c2.word]!() [$c2dd.word]!() $c000!() $c2!() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1() sub2(11) sub3 (3) sub3 (XY="hello") sub3 ("hello, there") sub4 ("hello", 42) sub4 ("hello", other= 42) sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar () [AX]() [var1] ( ) [mem1] () [$c2.word]() [$c2dd.word]() $c000() $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } constw() sub1() main.start() } ~ blockdtypes11 { ; variables var uninitbyte1 var .byte uninitbyte2 var initbyte1 = $12 var initbyte1b = true var .byte initbyte2 = $12 var .byte initbyte2b = false var .byte initbyte3 = 99.876 var initchar1 = '@' var .byte initchar2 = '@' var .word uninitword var .word initword1 = $1234 var .word initword1b = true var .word initword2 = false var .word initword3 = 9876.554321 var .word initword5 = 20 var .float uninitfloat var .float initfloat1 = 0 var .float initfloat1b = true var .float initfloat2 = -1.234e-14 var .float initfloat3 = 9.87e+14 var .float initfloat4 = 1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat5 = -1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat6 = 1.234 var .array( 10) uninit_bytearray var .array(10 ) init_bytearray =$12 var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayb =true var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayc ='@' var .wordarray( 10 ) uninit_wordarray var .wordarray(10) init_wordarray = $1234 var .wordarray(10) init_wordarrayb = true var .text text = "hello"+"-null" var .ptext ptext = 'hello-pascal' var .stext stext = 'screencodes-null' var .pstext pstext = "screencodes-pascal" var .matrix( 3, 4 ) uninitmatrix var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1 = $12 var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1b = true var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1c = '@' var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1d = 123.456 ; memory-mapped variables memory membyte1 = $cf01 memory .byte membyte2 = $c222 memory .word memword1 = $cf03 memory .float memfloat = $cf04 memory .array(10 ) membytes = $cf05 memory .wordarray( 10) memwords = $cf06 memory .matrix( 3, 4 ) memmatrix = $cf07 ; constants (= names for constant values, can never occur as lvalue) const cbyte1 = 1 const cbyte1b = false const .byte cbyte2 = 1 const .byte cbyte3 = '@' const .byte cbyte4 = true const .word cword1 = false const .word cword2 = $1234 const .word cword5 = 9876.5432 const cfloat1 = 1.2345 const .float cfloat2 = 2.3456 const .float cfloat2b = cfloat2*3.44 const .float cfloat3 = true const .text ctext3 = "constant-text" const .ptext ctext4 = "constant-ptext" const .stext ctext5 = "constant-stext" const .pstext ctext6 = "constant-pstext" ; taking the address of various things: var .word vmemaddr1 = &membyte1 var .word vmemaddr2 = &memword1 var .word vmemaddr3 = &memfloat var .word vmemaddr4 = &membytes var .word vmemaddr5 = &memwords var .word vmemaddr6 = &memmatrix var .word vmemaddr8 = 100*sin(cbyte1) var .word vmemaddr9 = cword2+$5432 var .word vmemaddr10 = cfloat2b ; taking the address of things from the ZP will work even when it is a var ; because zp-vars get assigned a specific address (from a pool). Also, it's a byte. max: return ; --- immediate primitive value assignments ---- A = [$99] A = [$aabb] A = $99 A = [cbyte3] A = 0 A = '@' A = 1.2345 A = true A = false A = 255 A = X A = [$99] A = [$c020.byte] A = [$c020] A = cbyte3 A = membyte2 A = uninitbyte1 XY = 0 XY = '@' XY = 1.2345 XY = 456.66 XY = 65535 XY = true XY = false XY = text XY = cbyte3 XY = [cbyte3] XY = [cword2] XY = uninitbyte1 XY = "text-immediate" AY = "text-immediate" ; AX = &"text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly ; AX = & "text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly AX = ctext3 AX = "" AX = XY AX = Y XY = membyte2 XY = &membyte2 XY = memword1 XY = max XY = &max [$c000] = A [$c000] = 255 [$c000] = '@' [$c000] = true [$c000] = false [$c000] = cbyte3 [$c000] = uninitbyte1 [$c000] = membyte2 [$c000] = cbyte2 [$c000] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = A [$c000.word] = AX [$c000.word] = cbyte3 [$c000.word] = cword2 [$c000.word] = ctext3 [$c000.word] = 65535 [$c000.word] = "text" [$c000.word] = "" [$c000.word] = uninitbyte1 [$c000.word] = membyte2 [$c000.word] = &membyte2 [$c000.word] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = memword1 [$c000.float] = 65535 [$c000.float] = 456.66 [$c000.float] = 1.70141183e+38 [$c000.float] = cbyte3 [$c000.float] = cword2 [$c001] = [$c002] [$c111.word] = [$c222] [$c112.word] = [$c223.byte] [$c222.word] = [$c333.word] [$c333.word] = max [$c333.word] = &max SC = 0 SC = 1 SC = false SI = 1 SI = 0 SI = false uninitbyte1 = 99 uninitbyte1 = 1.234 uninitbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = 99 initbyte1 = 1.234 initbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = A initbyte1 = cbyte3 uninitword = 99 uninitword = 5.6778 uninitword = "test" uninitword = '@' uninitword = A uninitword = XY uninitword = ctext3 initword1 = cbyte3 initword1 = cword2 initfloat1 = 99 initfloat1 = 9.8765 initfloat1 = '@' initfloat1 = cbyte3 initfloat1 = cword2 uninitfloat = 99 uninitfloat = 9.8765 uninitfloat = '@' initword1 = max initword1 = &max membyte1 = A membyte1 = cbyte3 memword1 = A memword1 = AX memword1 = cbyte3 memword1 = cword2 memword1 = ctext3 membyte1 = 22 memword1 = 2233 memfloat = 3.4567 memword1 = max memword1 = &max membyte1 = A memword1 = A memword1 = XY memfloat = cbyte3 memfloat = cword2 ; float assignments that require ROM functions from c64lib: memfloat = Y memfloat = XY uninitfloat = Y uninitfloat = XY initfloat2 = Y initfloat2 = XY initfloat2 = initbyte2 initfloat2 = initword2 initfloat1 = uninitfloat initfloat1 = initfloat2 } ~ blockcalls11 { var .word var1 = 99 memory .word mem1 = $cff0 var .byte varb1 = 99 memory .byte memb1 = $cff0 const .word constw = $2355 const .byte constb = $23 const .float constf = 3.4556677 const .text constt = "derp" sub sub1 () -> (X?) = $ffdd sub sub2 (A) -> (Y?) = $eecc sub sub3 (XY) -> (Y?) = $ddaa sub sub4 (string: XY, other : A) -> (Y?) = $dd22 bar: goto sub1 return sub2 (1 ) return sub3 (3) return sub3 (XY="hello") return sub3 ("hello, there") return sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) return sub4 ("hello", 42) return sub4 ("hello", other= 42) return sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) return bar () goto [AX] return [AX] () goto [var1] return [var1] () ; comment goto [mem1] ; comment return [mem1] () goto [$c2.word] return [$c2.word] () goto [$c2dd.word] return [$c2dd.word] ( ) goto $c000 return $c000 ( ) goto $c2 return $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1!() sub2!(11) sub3 !(3) sub3! (XY="hello") sub3! ("hello, there") sub4! ("hello", 42) sub4! ("hello", other=42) sub4! (string="hello", other = 42) sub4! (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar!() [XY] ! () [var1] !() [mem1]!() [$c2.word]!() [$c2dd.word]!() $c000!() $c2!() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1() sub2(11) sub3 (3) sub3 (XY="hello") sub3 ("hello, there") sub4 ("hello", 42) sub4 ("hello", other= 42) sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar () [AX]() [var1] ( ) [mem1] () [$c2.word]() [$c2dd.word]() $c000() $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } constw() sub1() main.start() } ~ blockdtypes12 { ; variables var uninitbyte1 var .byte uninitbyte2 var initbyte1 = $12 var initbyte1b = true var .byte initbyte2 = $12 var .byte initbyte2b = false var .byte initbyte3 = 99.876 var initchar1 = '@' var .byte initchar2 = '@' var .word uninitword var .word initword1 = $1234 var .word initword1b = true var .word initword2 = false var .word initword3 = 9876.554321 var .word initword5 = 20 var .float uninitfloat var .float initfloat1 = 0 var .float initfloat1b = true var .float initfloat2 = -1.234e-14 var .float initfloat3 = 9.87e+14 var .float initfloat4 = 1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat5 = -1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat6 = 1.234 var .array( 10) uninit_bytearray var .array(10 ) init_bytearray =$12 var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayb =true var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayc ='@' var .wordarray( 10 ) uninit_wordarray var .wordarray(10) init_wordarray = $1234 var .wordarray(10) init_wordarrayb = true var .text text = "hello"+"-null" var .ptext ptext = 'hello-pascal' var .stext stext = 'screencodes-null' var .pstext pstext = "screencodes-pascal" var .matrix( 3, 4 ) uninitmatrix var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1 = $12 var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1b = true var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1c = '@' var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1d = 123.456 ; memory-mapped variables memory membyte1 = $cf01 memory .byte membyte2 = $c222 memory .word memword1 = $cf03 memory .float memfloat = $cf04 memory .array(10 ) membytes = $cf05 memory .wordarray( 10) memwords = $cf06 memory .matrix( 3, 4 ) memmatrix = $cf07 ; constants (= names for constant values, can never occur as lvalue) const cbyte1 = 1 const cbyte1b = false const .byte cbyte2 = 1 const .byte cbyte3 = '@' const .byte cbyte4 = true const .word cword1 = false const .word cword2 = $1234 const .word cword5 = 9876.5432 const cfloat1 = 1.2345 const .float cfloat2 = 2.3456 const .float cfloat2b = cfloat2*3.44 const .float cfloat3 = true const .text ctext3 = "constant-text" const .ptext ctext4 = "constant-ptext" const .stext ctext5 = "constant-stext" const .pstext ctext6 = "constant-pstext" ; taking the address of various things: var .word vmemaddr1 = &membyte1 var .word vmemaddr2 = &memword1 var .word vmemaddr3 = &memfloat var .word vmemaddr4 = &membytes var .word vmemaddr5 = &memwords var .word vmemaddr6 = &memmatrix var .word vmemaddr8 = 100*sin(cbyte1) var .word vmemaddr9 = cword2+$5432 var .word vmemaddr10 = cfloat2b ; taking the address of things from the ZP will work even when it is a var ; because zp-vars get assigned a specific address (from a pool). Also, it's a byte. max: return ; --- immediate primitive value assignments ---- A = [$99] A = [$aabb] A = $99 A = [cbyte3] A = 0 A = '@' A = 1.2345 A = true A = false A = 255 A = X A = [$99] A = [$c020.byte] A = [$c020] A = cbyte3 A = membyte2 A = uninitbyte1 XY = 0 XY = '@' XY = 1.2345 XY = 456.66 XY = 65535 XY = true XY = false XY = text XY = cbyte3 XY = [cbyte3] XY = [cword2] XY = uninitbyte1 XY = "text-immediate" AY = "text-immediate" ; AX = &"text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly ; AX = & "text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly AX = ctext3 AX = "" AX = XY AX = Y XY = membyte2 XY = &membyte2 XY = memword1 XY = max XY = &max [$c000] = A [$c000] = 255 [$c000] = '@' [$c000] = true [$c000] = false [$c000] = cbyte3 [$c000] = uninitbyte1 [$c000] = membyte2 [$c000] = cbyte2 [$c000] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = A [$c000.word] = AX [$c000.word] = cbyte3 [$c000.word] = cword2 [$c000.word] = ctext3 [$c000.word] = 65535 [$c000.word] = "text" [$c000.word] = "" [$c000.word] = uninitbyte1 [$c000.word] = membyte2 [$c000.word] = &membyte2 [$c000.word] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = memword1 [$c000.float] = 65535 [$c000.float] = 456.66 [$c000.float] = 1.70141183e+38 [$c000.float] = cbyte3 [$c000.float] = cword2 [$c001] = [$c002] [$c111.word] = [$c222] [$c112.word] = [$c223.byte] [$c222.word] = [$c333.word] [$c333.word] = max [$c333.word] = &max SC = 0 SC = 1 SC = false SI = 1 SI = 0 SI = false uninitbyte1 = 99 uninitbyte1 = 1.234 uninitbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = 99 initbyte1 = 1.234 initbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = A initbyte1 = cbyte3 uninitword = 99 uninitword = 5.6778 uninitword = "test" uninitword = '@' uninitword = A uninitword = XY uninitword = ctext3 initword1 = cbyte3 initword1 = cword2 initfloat1 = 99 initfloat1 = 9.8765 initfloat1 = '@' initfloat1 = cbyte3 initfloat1 = cword2 uninitfloat = 99 uninitfloat = 9.8765 uninitfloat = '@' initword1 = max initword1 = &max membyte1 = A membyte1 = cbyte3 memword1 = A memword1 = AX memword1 = cbyte3 memword1 = cword2 memword1 = ctext3 membyte1 = 22 memword1 = 2233 memfloat = 3.4567 memword1 = max memword1 = &max membyte1 = A memword1 = A memword1 = XY memfloat = cbyte3 memfloat = cword2 ; float assignments that require ROM functions from c64lib: memfloat = Y memfloat = XY uninitfloat = Y uninitfloat = XY initfloat2 = Y initfloat2 = XY initfloat2 = initbyte2 initfloat2 = initword2 initfloat1 = uninitfloat initfloat1 = initfloat2 } ~ blockcalls12 { var .word var1 = 99 memory .word mem1 = $cff0 var .byte varb1 = 99 memory .byte memb1 = $cff0 const .word constw = $2355 const .byte constb = $23 const .float constf = 3.4556677 const .text constt = "derp" sub sub1 () -> (X?) = $ffdd sub sub2 (A) -> (Y?) = $eecc sub sub3 (XY) -> (Y?) = $ddaa sub sub4 (string: XY, other : A) -> (Y?) = $dd22 bar: goto sub1 return sub2 (1 ) return sub3 (3) return sub3 (XY="hello") return sub3 ("hello, there") return sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) return sub4 ("hello", 42) return sub4 ("hello", other= 42) return sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) return bar () goto [AX] return [AX] () goto [var1] return [var1] () ; comment goto [mem1] ; comment return [mem1] () goto [$c2.word] return [$c2.word] () goto [$c2dd.word] return [$c2dd.word] ( ) goto $c000 return $c000 ( ) goto $c2 return $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1!() sub2!(11) sub3 !(3) sub3! (XY="hello") sub3! ("hello, there") sub4! ("hello", 42) sub4! ("hello", other=42) sub4! (string="hello", other = 42) sub4! (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar!() [XY] ! () [var1] !() [mem1]!() [$c2.word]!() [$c2dd.word]!() $c000!() $c2!() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1() sub2(11) sub3 (3) sub3 (XY="hello") sub3 ("hello, there") sub4 ("hello", 42) sub4 ("hello", other= 42) sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar () [AX]() [var1] ( ) [mem1] () [$c2.word]() [$c2dd.word]() $c000() $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } constw() sub1() main.start() } ~ blockdtypes13 { ; variables var uninitbyte1 var .byte uninitbyte2 var initbyte1 = $12 var initbyte1b = true var .byte initbyte2 = $12 var .byte initbyte2b = false var .byte initbyte3 = 99.876 var initchar1 = '@' var .byte initchar2 = '@' var .word uninitword var .word initword1 = $1234 var .word initword1b = true var .word initword2 = false var .word initword3 = 9876.554321 var .word initword5 = 20 var .float uninitfloat var .float initfloat1 = 0 var .float initfloat1b = true var .float initfloat2 = -1.234e-14 var .float initfloat3 = 9.87e+14 var .float initfloat4 = 1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat5 = -1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat6 = 1.234 var .array( 10) uninit_bytearray var .array(10 ) init_bytearray =$12 var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayb =true var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayc ='@' var .wordarray( 10 ) uninit_wordarray var .wordarray(10) init_wordarray = $1234 var .wordarray(10) init_wordarrayb = true var .text text = "hello"+"-null" var .ptext ptext = 'hello-pascal' var .stext stext = 'screencodes-null' var .pstext pstext = "screencodes-pascal" var .matrix( 3, 4 ) uninitmatrix var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1 = $12 var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1b = true var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1c = '@' var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1d = 123.456 ; memory-mapped variables memory membyte1 = $cf01 memory .byte membyte2 = $c222 memory .word memword1 = $cf03 memory .float memfloat = $cf04 memory .array(10 ) membytes = $cf05 memory .wordarray( 10) memwords = $cf06 memory .matrix( 3, 4 ) memmatrix = $cf07 ; constants (= names for constant values, can never occur as lvalue) const cbyte1 = 1 const cbyte1b = false const .byte cbyte2 = 1 const .byte cbyte3 = '@' const .byte cbyte4 = true const .word cword1 = false const .word cword2 = $1234 const .word cword5 = 9876.5432 const cfloat1 = 1.2345 const .float cfloat2 = 2.3456 const .float cfloat2b = cfloat2*3.44 const .float cfloat3 = true const .text ctext3 = "constant-text" const .ptext ctext4 = "constant-ptext" const .stext ctext5 = "constant-stext" const .pstext ctext6 = "constant-pstext" ; taking the address of various things: var .word vmemaddr1 = &membyte1 var .word vmemaddr2 = &memword1 var .word vmemaddr3 = &memfloat var .word vmemaddr4 = &membytes var .word vmemaddr5 = &memwords var .word vmemaddr6 = &memmatrix var .word vmemaddr8 = 100*sin(cbyte1) var .word vmemaddr9 = cword2+$5432 var .word vmemaddr10 = cfloat2b ; taking the address of things from the ZP will work even when it is a var ; because zp-vars get assigned a specific address (from a pool). Also, it's a byte. max: return ; --- immediate primitive value assignments ---- A = [$99] A = [$aabb] A = $99 A = [cbyte3] A = 0 A = '@' A = 1.2345 A = true A = false A = 255 A = X A = [$99] A = [$c020.byte] A = [$c020] A = cbyte3 A = membyte2 A = uninitbyte1 XY = 0 XY = '@' XY = 1.2345 XY = 456.66 XY = 65535 XY = true XY = false XY = text XY = cbyte3 XY = [cbyte3] XY = [cword2] XY = uninitbyte1 XY = "text-immediate" AY = "text-immediate" ; AX = &"text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly ; AX = & "text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly AX = ctext3 AX = "" AX = XY AX = Y XY = membyte2 XY = &membyte2 XY = memword1 XY = max XY = &max [$c000] = A [$c000] = 255 [$c000] = '@' [$c000] = true [$c000] = false [$c000] = cbyte3 [$c000] = uninitbyte1 [$c000] = membyte2 [$c000] = cbyte2 [$c000] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = A [$c000.word] = AX [$c000.word] = cbyte3 [$c000.word] = cword2 [$c000.word] = ctext3 [$c000.word] = 65535 [$c000.word] = "text" [$c000.word] = "" [$c000.word] = uninitbyte1 [$c000.word] = membyte2 [$c000.word] = &membyte2 [$c000.word] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = memword1 [$c000.float] = 65535 [$c000.float] = 456.66 [$c000.float] = 1.70141183e+38 [$c000.float] = cbyte3 [$c000.float] = cword2 [$c001] = [$c002] [$c111.word] = [$c222] [$c112.word] = [$c223.byte] [$c222.word] = [$c333.word] [$c333.word] = max [$c333.word] = &max SC = 0 SC = 1 SC = false SI = 1 SI = 0 SI = false uninitbyte1 = 99 uninitbyte1 = 1.234 uninitbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = 99 initbyte1 = 1.234 initbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = A initbyte1 = cbyte3 uninitword = 99 uninitword = 5.6778 uninitword = "test" uninitword = '@' uninitword = A uninitword = XY uninitword = ctext3 initword1 = cbyte3 initword1 = cword2 initfloat1 = 99 initfloat1 = 9.8765 initfloat1 = '@' initfloat1 = cbyte3 initfloat1 = cword2 uninitfloat = 99 uninitfloat = 9.8765 uninitfloat = '@' initword1 = max initword1 = &max membyte1 = A membyte1 = cbyte3 memword1 = A memword1 = AX memword1 = cbyte3 memword1 = cword2 memword1 = ctext3 membyte1 = 22 memword1 = 2233 memfloat = 3.4567 memword1 = max memword1 = &max membyte1 = A memword1 = A memword1 = XY memfloat = cbyte3 memfloat = cword2 ; float assignments that require ROM functions from c64lib: memfloat = Y memfloat = XY uninitfloat = Y uninitfloat = XY initfloat2 = Y initfloat2 = XY initfloat2 = initbyte2 initfloat2 = initword2 initfloat1 = uninitfloat initfloat1 = initfloat2 } ~ blockcalls13 { var .word var1 = 99 memory .word mem1 = $cff0 var .byte varb1 = 99 memory .byte memb1 = $cff0 const .word constw = $2355 const .byte constb = $23 const .float constf = 3.4556677 const .text constt = "derp" sub sub1 () -> (X?) = $ffdd sub sub2 (A) -> (Y?) = $eecc sub sub3 (XY) -> (Y?) = $ddaa sub sub4 (string: XY, other : A) -> (Y?) = $dd22 bar: goto sub1 return sub2 (1 ) return sub3 (3) return sub3 (XY="hello") return sub3 ("hello, there") return sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) return sub4 ("hello", 42) return sub4 ("hello", other= 42) return sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) return bar () goto [AX] return [AX] () goto [var1] return [var1] () ; comment goto [mem1] ; comment return [mem1] () goto [$c2.word] return [$c2.word] () goto [$c2dd.word] return [$c2dd.word] ( ) goto $c000 return $c000 ( ) goto $c2 return $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1!() sub2!(11) sub3 !(3) sub3! (XY="hello") sub3! ("hello, there") sub4! ("hello", 42) sub4! ("hello", other=42) sub4! (string="hello", other = 42) sub4! (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar!() [XY] ! () [var1] !() [mem1]!() [$c2.word]!() [$c2dd.word]!() $c000!() $c2!() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1() sub2(11) sub3 (3) sub3 (XY="hello") sub3 ("hello, there") sub4 ("hello", 42) sub4 ("hello", other= 42) sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar () [AX]() [var1] ( ) [mem1] () [$c2.word]() [$c2dd.word]() $c000() $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } constw() sub1() main.start() } ~ blockdtypes14 { ; variables var uninitbyte1 var .byte uninitbyte2 var initbyte1 = $12 var initbyte1b = true var .byte initbyte2 = $12 var .byte initbyte2b = false var .byte initbyte3 = 99.876 var initchar1 = '@' var .byte initchar2 = '@' var .word uninitword var .word initword1 = $1234 var .word initword1b = true var .word initword2 = false var .word initword3 = 9876.554321 var .word initword5 = 20 var .float uninitfloat var .float initfloat1 = 0 var .float initfloat1b = true var .float initfloat2 = -1.234e-14 var .float initfloat3 = 9.87e+14 var .float initfloat4 = 1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat5 = -1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat6 = 1.234 var .array( 10) uninit_bytearray var .array(10 ) init_bytearray =$12 var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayb =true var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayc ='@' var .wordarray( 10 ) uninit_wordarray var .wordarray(10) init_wordarray = $1234 var .wordarray(10) init_wordarrayb = true var .text text = "hello"+"-null" var .ptext ptext = 'hello-pascal' var .stext stext = 'screencodes-null' var .pstext pstext = "screencodes-pascal" var .matrix( 3, 4 ) uninitmatrix var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1 = $12 var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1b = true var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1c = '@' var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1d = 123.456 ; memory-mapped variables memory membyte1 = $cf01 memory .byte membyte2 = $c222 memory .word memword1 = $cf03 memory .float memfloat = $cf04 memory .array(10 ) membytes = $cf05 memory .wordarray( 10) memwords = $cf06 memory .matrix( 3, 4 ) memmatrix = $cf07 ; constants (= names for constant values, can never occur as lvalue) const cbyte1 = 1 const cbyte1b = false const .byte cbyte2 = 1 const .byte cbyte3 = '@' const .byte cbyte4 = true const .word cword1 = false const .word cword2 = $1234 const .word cword5 = 9876.5432 const cfloat1 = 1.2345 const .float cfloat2 = 2.3456 const .float cfloat2b = cfloat2*3.44 const .float cfloat3 = true const .text ctext3 = "constant-text" const .ptext ctext4 = "constant-ptext" const .stext ctext5 = "constant-stext" const .pstext ctext6 = "constant-pstext" ; taking the address of various things: var .word vmemaddr1 = &membyte1 var .word vmemaddr2 = &memword1 var .word vmemaddr3 = &memfloat var .word vmemaddr4 = &membytes var .word vmemaddr5 = &memwords var .word vmemaddr6 = &memmatrix var .word vmemaddr8 = 100*sin(cbyte1) var .word vmemaddr9 = cword2+$5432 var .word vmemaddr10 = cfloat2b ; taking the address of things from the ZP will work even when it is a var ; because zp-vars get assigned a specific address (from a pool). Also, it's a byte. max: return ; --- immediate primitive value assignments ---- A = [$99] A = [$aabb] A = $99 A = [cbyte3] A = 0 A = '@' A = 1.2345 A = true A = false A = 255 A = X A = [$99] A = [$c020.byte] A = [$c020] A = cbyte3 A = membyte2 A = uninitbyte1 XY = 0 XY = '@' XY = 1.2345 XY = 456.66 XY = 65535 XY = true XY = false XY = text XY = cbyte3 XY = [cbyte3] XY = [cword2] XY = uninitbyte1 XY = "text-immediate" AY = "text-immediate" ; AX = &"text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly ; AX = & "text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly AX = ctext3 AX = "" AX = XY AX = Y XY = membyte2 XY = &membyte2 XY = memword1 XY = max XY = &max [$c000] = A [$c000] = 255 [$c000] = '@' [$c000] = true [$c000] = false [$c000] = cbyte3 [$c000] = uninitbyte1 [$c000] = membyte2 [$c000] = cbyte2 [$c000] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = A [$c000.word] = AX [$c000.word] = cbyte3 [$c000.word] = cword2 [$c000.word] = ctext3 [$c000.word] = 65535 [$c000.word] = "text" [$c000.word] = "" [$c000.word] = uninitbyte1 [$c000.word] = membyte2 [$c000.word] = &membyte2 [$c000.word] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = memword1 [$c000.float] = 65535 [$c000.float] = 456.66 [$c000.float] = 1.70141183e+38 [$c000.float] = cbyte3 [$c000.float] = cword2 [$c001] = [$c002] [$c111.word] = [$c222] [$c112.word] = [$c223.byte] [$c222.word] = [$c333.word] [$c333.word] = max [$c333.word] = &max SC = 0 SC = 1 SC = false SI = 1 SI = 0 SI = false uninitbyte1 = 99 uninitbyte1 = 1.234 uninitbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = 99 initbyte1 = 1.234 initbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = A initbyte1 = cbyte3 uninitword = 99 uninitword = 5.6778 uninitword = "test" uninitword = '@' uninitword = A uninitword = XY uninitword = ctext3 initword1 = cbyte3 initword1 = cword2 initfloat1 = 99 initfloat1 = 9.8765 initfloat1 = '@' initfloat1 = cbyte3 initfloat1 = cword2 uninitfloat = 99 uninitfloat = 9.8765 uninitfloat = '@' initword1 = max initword1 = &max membyte1 = A membyte1 = cbyte3 memword1 = A memword1 = AX memword1 = cbyte3 memword1 = cword2 memword1 = ctext3 membyte1 = 22 memword1 = 2233 memfloat = 3.4567 memword1 = max memword1 = &max membyte1 = A memword1 = A memword1 = XY memfloat = cbyte3 memfloat = cword2 ; float assignments that require ROM functions from c64lib: memfloat = Y memfloat = XY uninitfloat = Y uninitfloat = XY initfloat2 = Y initfloat2 = XY initfloat2 = initbyte2 initfloat2 = initword2 initfloat1 = uninitfloat initfloat1 = initfloat2 } ~ blockcalls14 { var .word var1 = 99 memory .word mem1 = $cff0 var .byte varb1 = 99 memory .byte memb1 = $cff0 const .word constw = $2355 const .byte constb = $23 const .float constf = 3.4556677 const .text constt = "derp" sub sub1 () -> (X?) = $ffdd sub sub2 (A) -> (Y?) = $eecc sub sub3 (XY) -> (Y?) = $ddaa sub sub4 (string: XY, other : A) -> (Y?) = $dd22 bar: goto sub1 return sub2 (1 ) return sub3 (3) return sub3 (XY="hello") return sub3 ("hello, there") return sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) return sub4 ("hello", 42) return sub4 ("hello", other= 42) return sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) return bar () goto [AX] return [AX] () goto [var1] return [var1] () ; comment goto [mem1] ; comment return [mem1] () goto [$c2.word] return [$c2.word] () goto [$c2dd.word] return [$c2dd.word] ( ) goto $c000 return $c000 ( ) goto $c2 return $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1!() sub2!(11) sub3 !(3) sub3! (XY="hello") sub3! ("hello, there") sub4! ("hello", 42) sub4! ("hello", other=42) sub4! (string="hello", other = 42) sub4! (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar!() [XY] ! () [var1] !() [mem1]!() [$c2.word]!() [$c2dd.word]!() $c000!() $c2!() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1() sub2(11) sub3 (3) sub3 (XY="hello") sub3 ("hello, there") sub4 ("hello", 42) sub4 ("hello", other= 42) sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar () [AX]() [var1] ( ) [mem1] () [$c2.word]() [$c2dd.word]() $c000() $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } constw() sub1() main.start() } ~ blockdtypes15 { ; variables var uninitbyte1 var .byte uninitbyte2 var initbyte1 = $12 var initbyte1b = true var .byte initbyte2 = $12 var .byte initbyte2b = false var .byte initbyte3 = 99.876 var initchar1 = '@' var .byte initchar2 = '@' var .word uninitword var .word initword1 = $1234 var .word initword1b = true var .word initword2 = false var .word initword3 = 9876.554321 var .word initword5 = 20 var .float uninitfloat var .float initfloat1 = 0 var .float initfloat1b = true var .float initfloat2 = -1.234e-14 var .float initfloat3 = 9.87e+14 var .float initfloat4 = 1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat5 = -1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat6 = 1.234 var .array( 10) uninit_bytearray var .array(10 ) init_bytearray =$12 var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayb =true var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayc ='@' var .wordarray( 10 ) uninit_wordarray var .wordarray(10) init_wordarray = $1234 var .wordarray(10) init_wordarrayb = true var .text text = "hello"+"-null" var .ptext ptext = 'hello-pascal' var .stext stext = 'screencodes-null' var .pstext pstext = "screencodes-pascal" var .matrix( 3, 4 ) uninitmatrix var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1 = $12 var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1b = true var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1c = '@' var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1d = 123.456 ; memory-mapped variables memory membyte1 = $cf01 memory .byte membyte2 = $c222 memory .word memword1 = $cf03 memory .float memfloat = $cf04 memory .array(10 ) membytes = $cf05 memory .wordarray( 10) memwords = $cf06 memory .matrix( 3, 4 ) memmatrix = $cf07 ; constants (= names for constant values, can never occur as lvalue) const cbyte1 = 1 const cbyte1b = false const .byte cbyte2 = 1 const .byte cbyte3 = '@' const .byte cbyte4 = true const .word cword1 = false const .word cword2 = $1234 const .word cword5 = 9876.5432 const cfloat1 = 1.2345 const .float cfloat2 = 2.3456 const .float cfloat2b = cfloat2*3.44 const .float cfloat3 = true const .text ctext3 = "constant-text" const .ptext ctext4 = "constant-ptext" const .stext ctext5 = "constant-stext" const .pstext ctext6 = "constant-pstext" ; taking the address of various things: var .word vmemaddr1 = &membyte1 var .word vmemaddr2 = &memword1 var .word vmemaddr3 = &memfloat var .word vmemaddr4 = &membytes var .word vmemaddr5 = &memwords var .word vmemaddr6 = &memmatrix var .word vmemaddr8 = 100*sin(cbyte1) var .word vmemaddr9 = cword2+$5432 var .word vmemaddr10 = cfloat2b ; taking the address of things from the ZP will work even when it is a var ; because zp-vars get assigned a specific address (from a pool). Also, it's a byte. max: return ; --- immediate primitive value assignments ---- A = [$99] A = [$aabb] A = $99 A = [cbyte3] A = 0 A = '@' A = 1.2345 A = true A = false A = 255 A = X A = [$99] A = [$c020.byte] A = [$c020] A = cbyte3 A = membyte2 A = uninitbyte1 XY = 0 XY = '@' XY = 1.2345 XY = 456.66 XY = 65535 XY = true XY = false XY = text XY = cbyte3 XY = [cbyte3] XY = [cword2] XY = uninitbyte1 XY = "text-immediate" AY = "text-immediate" ; AX = &"text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly ; AX = & "text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly AX = ctext3 AX = "" AX = XY AX = Y XY = membyte2 XY = &membyte2 XY = memword1 XY = max XY = &max [$c000] = A [$c000] = 255 [$c000] = '@' [$c000] = true [$c000] = false [$c000] = cbyte3 [$c000] = uninitbyte1 [$c000] = membyte2 [$c000] = cbyte2 [$c000] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = A [$c000.word] = AX [$c000.word] = cbyte3 [$c000.word] = cword2 [$c000.word] = ctext3 [$c000.word] = 65535 [$c000.word] = "text" [$c000.word] = "" [$c000.word] = uninitbyte1 [$c000.word] = membyte2 [$c000.word] = &membyte2 [$c000.word] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = memword1 [$c000.float] = 65535 [$c000.float] = 456.66 [$c000.float] = 1.70141183e+38 [$c000.float] = cbyte3 [$c000.float] = cword2 [$c001] = [$c002] [$c111.word] = [$c222] [$c112.word] = [$c223.byte] [$c222.word] = [$c333.word] [$c333.word] = max [$c333.word] = &max SC = 0 SC = 1 SC = false SI = 1 SI = 0 SI = false uninitbyte1 = 99 uninitbyte1 = 1.234 uninitbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = 99 initbyte1 = 1.234 initbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = A initbyte1 = cbyte3 uninitword = 99 uninitword = 5.6778 uninitword = "test" uninitword = '@' uninitword = A uninitword = XY uninitword = ctext3 initword1 = cbyte3 initword1 = cword2 initfloat1 = 99 initfloat1 = 9.8765 initfloat1 = '@' initfloat1 = cbyte3 initfloat1 = cword2 uninitfloat = 99 uninitfloat = 9.8765 uninitfloat = '@' initword1 = max initword1 = &max membyte1 = A membyte1 = cbyte3 memword1 = A memword1 = AX memword1 = cbyte3 memword1 = cword2 memword1 = ctext3 membyte1 = 22 memword1 = 2233 memfloat = 3.4567 memword1 = max memword1 = &max membyte1 = A memword1 = A memword1 = XY memfloat = cbyte3 memfloat = cword2 ; float assignments that require ROM functions from c64lib: memfloat = Y memfloat = XY uninitfloat = Y uninitfloat = XY initfloat2 = Y initfloat2 = XY initfloat2 = initbyte2 initfloat2 = initword2 initfloat1 = uninitfloat initfloat1 = initfloat2 } ~ blockcalls15 { var .word var1 = 99 memory .word mem1 = $cff0 var .byte varb1 = 99 memory .byte memb1 = $cff0 const .word constw = $2355 const .byte constb = $23 const .float constf = 3.4556677 const .text constt = "derp" sub sub1 () -> (X?) = $ffdd sub sub2 (A) -> (Y?) = $eecc sub sub3 (XY) -> (Y?) = $ddaa sub sub4 (string: XY, other : A) -> (Y?) = $dd22 bar: goto sub1 return sub2 (1 ) return sub3 (3) return sub3 (XY="hello") return sub3 ("hello, there") return sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) return sub4 ("hello", 42) return sub4 ("hello", other= 42) return sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) return bar () goto [AX] return [AX] () goto [var1] return [var1] () ; comment goto [mem1] ; comment return [mem1] () goto [$c2.word] return [$c2.word] () goto [$c2dd.word] return [$c2dd.word] ( ) goto $c000 return $c000 ( ) goto $c2 return $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1!() sub2!(11) sub3 !(3) sub3! (XY="hello") sub3! ("hello, there") sub4! ("hello", 42) sub4! ("hello", other=42) sub4! (string="hello", other = 42) sub4! (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar!() [XY] ! () [var1] !() [mem1]!() [$c2.word]!() [$c2dd.word]!() $c000!() $c2!() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1() sub2(11) sub3 (3) sub3 (XY="hello") sub3 ("hello, there") sub4 ("hello", 42) sub4 ("hello", other= 42) sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar () [AX]() [var1] ( ) [mem1] () [$c2.word]() [$c2dd.word]() $c000() $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } constw() sub1() main.start() } ~ blockdtypes16 { ; variables var uninitbyte1 var .byte uninitbyte2 var initbyte1 = $12 var initbyte1b = true var .byte initbyte2 = $12 var .byte initbyte2b = false var .byte initbyte3 = 99.876 var initchar1 = '@' var .byte initchar2 = '@' var .word uninitword var .word initword1 = $1234 var .word initword1b = true var .word initword2 = false var .word initword3 = 9876.554321 var .word initword5 = 20 var .float uninitfloat var .float initfloat1 = 0 var .float initfloat1b = true var .float initfloat2 = -1.234e-14 var .float initfloat3 = 9.87e+14 var .float initfloat4 = 1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat5 = -1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat6 = 1.234 var .array( 10) uninit_bytearray var .array(10 ) init_bytearray =$12 var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayb =true var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayc ='@' var .wordarray( 10 ) uninit_wordarray var .wordarray(10) init_wordarray = $1234 var .wordarray(10) init_wordarrayb = true var .text text = "hello"+"-null" var .ptext ptext = 'hello-pascal' var .stext stext = 'screencodes-null' var .pstext pstext = "screencodes-pascal" var .matrix( 3, 4 ) uninitmatrix var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1 = $12 var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1b = true var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1c = '@' var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1d = 123.456 ; memory-mapped variables memory membyte1 = $cf01 memory .byte membyte2 = $c222 memory .word memword1 = $cf03 memory .float memfloat = $cf04 memory .array(10 ) membytes = $cf05 memory .wordarray( 10) memwords = $cf06 memory .matrix( 3, 4 ) memmatrix = $cf07 ; constants (= names for constant values, can never occur as lvalue) const cbyte1 = 1 const cbyte1b = false const .byte cbyte2 = 1 const .byte cbyte3 = '@' const .byte cbyte4 = true const .word cword1 = false const .word cword2 = $1234 const .word cword5 = 9876.5432 const cfloat1 = 1.2345 const .float cfloat2 = 2.3456 const .float cfloat2b = cfloat2*3.44 const .float cfloat3 = true const .text ctext3 = "constant-text" const .ptext ctext4 = "constant-ptext" const .stext ctext5 = "constant-stext" const .pstext ctext6 = "constant-pstext" ; taking the address of various things: var .word vmemaddr1 = &membyte1 var .word vmemaddr2 = &memword1 var .word vmemaddr3 = &memfloat var .word vmemaddr4 = &membytes var .word vmemaddr5 = &memwords var .word vmemaddr6 = &memmatrix var .word vmemaddr8 = 100*sin(cbyte1) var .word vmemaddr9 = cword2+$5432 var .word vmemaddr10 = cfloat2b ; taking the address of things from the ZP will work even when it is a var ; because zp-vars get assigned a specific address (from a pool). Also, it's a byte. max: return ; --- immediate primitive value assignments ---- A = [$99] A = [$aabb] A = $99 A = [cbyte3] A = 0 A = '@' A = 1.2345 A = true A = false A = 255 A = X A = [$99] A = [$c020.byte] A = [$c020] A = cbyte3 A = membyte2 A = uninitbyte1 XY = 0 XY = '@' XY = 1.2345 XY = 456.66 XY = 65535 XY = true XY = false XY = text XY = cbyte3 XY = [cbyte3] XY = [cword2] XY = uninitbyte1 XY = "text-immediate" AY = "text-immediate" ; AX = &"text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly ; AX = & "text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly AX = ctext3 AX = "" AX = XY AX = Y XY = membyte2 XY = &membyte2 XY = memword1 XY = max XY = &max [$c000] = A [$c000] = 255 [$c000] = '@' [$c000] = true [$c000] = false [$c000] = cbyte3 [$c000] = uninitbyte1 [$c000] = membyte2 [$c000] = cbyte2 [$c000] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = A [$c000.word] = AX [$c000.word] = cbyte3 [$c000.word] = cword2 [$c000.word] = ctext3 [$c000.word] = 65535 [$c000.word] = "text" [$c000.word] = "" [$c000.word] = uninitbyte1 [$c000.word] = membyte2 [$c000.word] = &membyte2 [$c000.word] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = memword1 [$c000.float] = 65535 [$c000.float] = 456.66 [$c000.float] = 1.70141183e+38 [$c000.float] = cbyte3 [$c000.float] = cword2 [$c001] = [$c002] [$c111.word] = [$c222] [$c112.word] = [$c223.byte] [$c222.word] = [$c333.word] [$c333.word] = max [$c333.word] = &max SC = 0 SC = 1 SC = false SI = 1 SI = 0 SI = false uninitbyte1 = 99 uninitbyte1 = 1.234 uninitbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = 99 initbyte1 = 1.234 initbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = A initbyte1 = cbyte3 uninitword = 99 uninitword = 5.6778 uninitword = "test" uninitword = '@' uninitword = A uninitword = XY uninitword = ctext3 initword1 = cbyte3 initword1 = cword2 initfloat1 = 99 initfloat1 = 9.8765 initfloat1 = '@' initfloat1 = cbyte3 initfloat1 = cword2 uninitfloat = 99 uninitfloat = 9.8765 uninitfloat = '@' initword1 = max initword1 = &max membyte1 = A membyte1 = cbyte3 memword1 = A memword1 = AX memword1 = cbyte3 memword1 = cword2 memword1 = ctext3 membyte1 = 22 memword1 = 2233 memfloat = 3.4567 memword1 = max memword1 = &max membyte1 = A memword1 = A memword1 = XY memfloat = cbyte3 memfloat = cword2 ; float assignments that require ROM functions from c64lib: memfloat = Y memfloat = XY uninitfloat = Y uninitfloat = XY initfloat2 = Y initfloat2 = XY initfloat2 = initbyte2 initfloat2 = initword2 initfloat1 = uninitfloat initfloat1 = initfloat2 } ~ blockcalls16 { var .word var1 = 99 memory .word mem1 = $cff0 var .byte varb1 = 99 memory .byte memb1 = $cff0 const .word constw = $2355 const .byte constb = $23 const .float constf = 3.4556677 const .text constt = "derp" sub sub1 () -> (X?) = $ffdd sub sub2 (A) -> (Y?) = $eecc sub sub3 (XY) -> (Y?) = $ddaa sub sub4 (string: XY, other : A) -> (Y?) = $dd22 bar: goto sub1 return sub2 (1 ) return sub3 (3) return sub3 (XY="hello") return sub3 ("hello, there") return sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) return sub4 ("hello", 42) return sub4 ("hello", other= 42) return sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) return bar () goto [AX] return [AX] () goto [var1] return [var1] () ; comment goto [mem1] ; comment return [mem1] () goto [$c2.word] return [$c2.word] () goto [$c2dd.word] return [$c2dd.word] ( ) goto $c000 return $c000 ( ) goto $c2 return $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1!() sub2!(11) sub3 !(3) sub3! (XY="hello") sub3! ("hello, there") sub4! ("hello", 42) sub4! ("hello", other=42) sub4! (string="hello", other = 42) sub4! (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar!() [XY] ! () [var1] !() [mem1]!() [$c2.word]!() [$c2dd.word]!() $c000!() $c2!() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1() sub2(11) sub3 (3) sub3 (XY="hello") sub3 ("hello, there") sub4 ("hello", 42) sub4 ("hello", other= 42) sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar () [AX]() [var1] ( ) [mem1] () [$c2.word]() [$c2dd.word]() $c000() $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } constw() sub1() main.start() } ~ blockdtypes17 { ; variables var uninitbyte1 var .byte uninitbyte2 var initbyte1 = $12 var initbyte1b = true var .byte initbyte2 = $12 var .byte initbyte2b = false var .byte initbyte3 = 99.876 var initchar1 = '@' var .byte initchar2 = '@' var .word uninitword var .word initword1 = $1234 var .word initword1b = true var .word initword2 = false var .word initword3 = 9876.554321 var .word initword5 = 20 var .float uninitfloat var .float initfloat1 = 0 var .float initfloat1b = true var .float initfloat2 = -1.234e-14 var .float initfloat3 = 9.87e+14 var .float initfloat4 = 1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat5 = -1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat6 = 1.234 var .array( 10) uninit_bytearray var .array(10 ) init_bytearray =$12 var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayb =true var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayc ='@' var .wordarray( 10 ) uninit_wordarray var .wordarray(10) init_wordarray = $1234 var .wordarray(10) init_wordarrayb = true var .text text = "hello"+"-null" var .ptext ptext = 'hello-pascal' var .stext stext = 'screencodes-null' var .pstext pstext = "screencodes-pascal" var .matrix( 3, 4 ) uninitmatrix var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1 = $12 var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1b = true var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1c = '@' var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1d = 123.456 ; memory-mapped variables memory membyte1 = $cf01 memory .byte membyte2 = $c222 memory .word memword1 = $cf03 memory .float memfloat = $cf04 memory .array(10 ) membytes = $cf05 memory .wordarray( 10) memwords = $cf06 memory .matrix( 3, 4 ) memmatrix = $cf07 ; constants (= names for constant values, can never occur as lvalue) const cbyte1 = 1 const cbyte1b = false const .byte cbyte2 = 1 const .byte cbyte3 = '@' const .byte cbyte4 = true const .word cword1 = false const .word cword2 = $1234 const .word cword5 = 9876.5432 const cfloat1 = 1.2345 const .float cfloat2 = 2.3456 const .float cfloat2b = cfloat2*3.44 const .float cfloat3 = true const .text ctext3 = "constant-text" const .ptext ctext4 = "constant-ptext" const .stext ctext5 = "constant-stext" const .pstext ctext6 = "constant-pstext" ; taking the address of various things: var .word vmemaddr1 = &membyte1 var .word vmemaddr2 = &memword1 var .word vmemaddr3 = &memfloat var .word vmemaddr4 = &membytes var .word vmemaddr5 = &memwords var .word vmemaddr6 = &memmatrix var .word vmemaddr8 = 100*sin(cbyte1) var .word vmemaddr9 = cword2+$5432 var .word vmemaddr10 = cfloat2b ; taking the address of things from the ZP will work even when it is a var ; because zp-vars get assigned a specific address (from a pool). Also, it's a byte. max: return ; --- immediate primitive value assignments ---- A = [$99] A = [$aabb] A = $99 A = [cbyte3] A = 0 A = '@' A = 1.2345 A = true A = false A = 255 A = X A = [$99] A = [$c020.byte] A = [$c020] A = cbyte3 A = membyte2 A = uninitbyte1 XY = 0 XY = '@' XY = 1.2345 XY = 456.66 XY = 65535 XY = true XY = false XY = text XY = cbyte3 XY = [cbyte3] XY = [cword2] XY = uninitbyte1 XY = "text-immediate" AY = "text-immediate" ; AX = &"text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly ; AX = & "text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly AX = ctext3 AX = "" AX = XY AX = Y XY = membyte2 XY = &membyte2 XY = memword1 XY = max XY = &max [$c000] = A [$c000] = 255 [$c000] = '@' [$c000] = true [$c000] = false [$c000] = cbyte3 [$c000] = uninitbyte1 [$c000] = membyte2 [$c000] = cbyte2 [$c000] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = A [$c000.word] = AX [$c000.word] = cbyte3 [$c000.word] = cword2 [$c000.word] = ctext3 [$c000.word] = 65535 [$c000.word] = "text" [$c000.word] = "" [$c000.word] = uninitbyte1 [$c000.word] = membyte2 [$c000.word] = &membyte2 [$c000.word] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = memword1 [$c000.float] = 65535 [$c000.float] = 456.66 [$c000.float] = 1.70141183e+38 [$c000.float] = cbyte3 [$c000.float] = cword2 [$c001] = [$c002] [$c111.word] = [$c222] [$c112.word] = [$c223.byte] [$c222.word] = [$c333.word] [$c333.word] = max [$c333.word] = &max SC = 0 SC = 1 SC = false SI = 1 SI = 0 SI = false uninitbyte1 = 99 uninitbyte1 = 1.234 uninitbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = 99 initbyte1 = 1.234 initbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = A initbyte1 = cbyte3 uninitword = 99 uninitword = 5.6778 uninitword = "test" uninitword = '@' uninitword = A uninitword = XY uninitword = ctext3 initword1 = cbyte3 initword1 = cword2 initfloat1 = 99 initfloat1 = 9.8765 initfloat1 = '@' initfloat1 = cbyte3 initfloat1 = cword2 uninitfloat = 99 uninitfloat = 9.8765 uninitfloat = '@' initword1 = max initword1 = &max membyte1 = A membyte1 = cbyte3 memword1 = A memword1 = AX memword1 = cbyte3 memword1 = cword2 memword1 = ctext3 membyte1 = 22 memword1 = 2233 memfloat = 3.4567 memword1 = max memword1 = &max membyte1 = A memword1 = A memword1 = XY memfloat = cbyte3 memfloat = cword2 ; float assignments that require ROM functions from c64lib: memfloat = Y memfloat = XY uninitfloat = Y uninitfloat = XY initfloat2 = Y initfloat2 = XY initfloat2 = initbyte2 initfloat2 = initword2 initfloat1 = uninitfloat initfloat1 = initfloat2 } ~ blockcalls17 { var .word var1 = 99 memory .word mem1 = $cff0 var .byte varb1 = 99 memory .byte memb1 = $cff0 const .word constw = $2355 const .byte constb = $23 const .float constf = 3.4556677 const .text constt = "derp" sub sub1 () -> (X?) = $ffdd sub sub2 (A) -> (Y?) = $eecc sub sub3 (XY) -> (Y?) = $ddaa sub sub4 (string: XY, other : A) -> (Y?) = $dd22 bar: goto sub1 return sub2 (1 ) return sub3 (3) return sub3 (XY="hello") return sub3 ("hello, there") return sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) return sub4 ("hello", 42) return sub4 ("hello", other= 42) return sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) return bar () goto [AX] return [AX] () goto [var1] return [var1] () ; comment goto [mem1] ; comment return [mem1] () goto [$c2.word] return [$c2.word] () goto [$c2dd.word] return [$c2dd.word] ( ) goto $c000 return $c000 ( ) goto $c2 return $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1!() sub2!(11) sub3 !(3) sub3! (XY="hello") sub3! ("hello, there") sub4! ("hello", 42) sub4! ("hello", other=42) sub4! (string="hello", other = 42) sub4! (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar!() [XY] ! () [var1] !() [mem1]!() [$c2.word]!() [$c2dd.word]!() $c000!() $c2!() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1() sub2(11) sub3 (3) sub3 (XY="hello") sub3 ("hello, there") sub4 ("hello", 42) sub4 ("hello", other= 42) sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar () [AX]() [var1] ( ) [mem1] () [$c2.word]() [$c2dd.word]() $c000() $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } constw() sub1() main.start() } ~ blockdtypes18 { ; variables var uninitbyte1 var .byte uninitbyte2 var initbyte1 = $12 var initbyte1b = true var .byte initbyte2 = $12 var .byte initbyte2b = false var .byte initbyte3 = 99.876 var initchar1 = '@' var .byte initchar2 = '@' var .word uninitword var .word initword1 = $1234 var .word initword1b = true var .word initword2 = false var .word initword3 = 9876.554321 var .word initword5 = 20 var .float uninitfloat var .float initfloat1 = 0 var .float initfloat1b = true var .float initfloat2 = -1.234e-14 var .float initfloat3 = 9.87e+14 var .float initfloat4 = 1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat5 = -1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat6 = 1.234 var .array( 10) uninit_bytearray var .array(10 ) init_bytearray =$12 var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayb =true var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayc ='@' var .wordarray( 10 ) uninit_wordarray var .wordarray(10) init_wordarray = $1234 var .wordarray(10) init_wordarrayb = true var .text text = "hello"+"-null" var .ptext ptext = 'hello-pascal' var .stext stext = 'screencodes-null' var .pstext pstext = "screencodes-pascal" var .matrix( 3, 4 ) uninitmatrix var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1 = $12 var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1b = true var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1c = '@' var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1d = 123.456 ; memory-mapped variables memory membyte1 = $cf01 memory .byte membyte2 = $c222 memory .word memword1 = $cf03 memory .float memfloat = $cf04 memory .array(10 ) membytes = $cf05 memory .wordarray( 10) memwords = $cf06 memory .matrix( 3, 4 ) memmatrix = $cf07 ; constants (= names for constant values, can never occur as lvalue) const cbyte1 = 1 const cbyte1b = false const .byte cbyte2 = 1 const .byte cbyte3 = '@' const .byte cbyte4 = true const .word cword1 = false const .word cword2 = $1234 const .word cword5 = 9876.5432 const cfloat1 = 1.2345 const .float cfloat2 = 2.3456 const .float cfloat2b = cfloat2*3.44 const .float cfloat3 = true const .text ctext3 = "constant-text" const .ptext ctext4 = "constant-ptext" const .stext ctext5 = "constant-stext" const .pstext ctext6 = "constant-pstext" ; taking the address of various things: var .word vmemaddr1 = &membyte1 var .word vmemaddr2 = &memword1 var .word vmemaddr3 = &memfloat var .word vmemaddr4 = &membytes var .word vmemaddr5 = &memwords var .word vmemaddr6 = &memmatrix var .word vmemaddr8 = 100*sin(cbyte1) var .word vmemaddr9 = cword2+$5432 var .word vmemaddr10 = cfloat2b ; taking the address of things from the ZP will work even when it is a var ; because zp-vars get assigned a specific address (from a pool). Also, it's a byte. max: return ; --- immediate primitive value assignments ---- A = [$99] A = [$aabb] A = $99 A = [cbyte3] A = 0 A = '@' A = 1.2345 A = true A = false A = 255 A = X A = [$99] A = [$c020.byte] A = [$c020] A = cbyte3 A = membyte2 A = uninitbyte1 XY = 0 XY = '@' XY = 1.2345 XY = 456.66 XY = 65535 XY = true XY = false XY = text XY = cbyte3 XY = [cbyte3] XY = [cword2] XY = uninitbyte1 XY = "text-immediate" AY = "text-immediate" ; AX = &"text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly ; AX = & "text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly AX = ctext3 AX = "" AX = XY AX = Y XY = membyte2 XY = &membyte2 XY = memword1 XY = max XY = &max [$c000] = A [$c000] = 255 [$c000] = '@' [$c000] = true [$c000] = false [$c000] = cbyte3 [$c000] = uninitbyte1 [$c000] = membyte2 [$c000] = cbyte2 [$c000] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = A [$c000.word] = AX [$c000.word] = cbyte3 [$c000.word] = cword2 [$c000.word] = ctext3 [$c000.word] = 65535 [$c000.word] = "text" [$c000.word] = "" [$c000.word] = uninitbyte1 [$c000.word] = membyte2 [$c000.word] = &membyte2 [$c000.word] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = memword1 [$c000.float] = 65535 [$c000.float] = 456.66 [$c000.float] = 1.70141183e+38 [$c000.float] = cbyte3 [$c000.float] = cword2 [$c001] = [$c002] [$c111.word] = [$c222] [$c112.word] = [$c223.byte] [$c222.word] = [$c333.word] [$c333.word] = max [$c333.word] = &max SC = 0 SC = 1 SC = false SI = 1 SI = 0 SI = false uninitbyte1 = 99 uninitbyte1 = 1.234 uninitbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = 99 initbyte1 = 1.234 initbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = A initbyte1 = cbyte3 uninitword = 99 uninitword = 5.6778 uninitword = "test" uninitword = '@' uninitword = A uninitword = XY uninitword = ctext3 initword1 = cbyte3 initword1 = cword2 initfloat1 = 99 initfloat1 = 9.8765 initfloat1 = '@' initfloat1 = cbyte3 initfloat1 = cword2 uninitfloat = 99 uninitfloat = 9.8765 uninitfloat = '@' initword1 = max initword1 = &max membyte1 = A membyte1 = cbyte3 memword1 = A memword1 = AX memword1 = cbyte3 memword1 = cword2 memword1 = ctext3 membyte1 = 22 memword1 = 2233 memfloat = 3.4567 memword1 = max memword1 = &max membyte1 = A memword1 = A memword1 = XY memfloat = cbyte3 memfloat = cword2 ; float assignments that require ROM functions from c64lib: memfloat = Y memfloat = XY uninitfloat = Y uninitfloat = XY initfloat2 = Y initfloat2 = XY initfloat2 = initbyte2 initfloat2 = initword2 initfloat1 = uninitfloat initfloat1 = initfloat2 } ~ blockcalls18 { var .word var1 = 99 memory .word mem1 = $cff0 var .byte varb1 = 99 memory .byte memb1 = $cff0 const .word constw = $2355 const .byte constb = $23 const .float constf = 3.4556677 const .text constt = "derp" sub sub1 () -> (X?) = $ffdd sub sub2 (A) -> (Y?) = $eecc sub sub3 (XY) -> (Y?) = $ddaa sub sub4 (string: XY, other : A) -> (Y?) = $dd22 bar: goto sub1 return sub2 (1 ) return sub3 (3) return sub3 (XY="hello") return sub3 ("hello, there") return sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) return sub4 ("hello", 42) return sub4 ("hello", other= 42) return sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) return bar () goto [AX] return [AX] () goto [var1] return [var1] () ; comment goto [mem1] ; comment return [mem1] () goto [$c2.word] return [$c2.word] () goto [$c2dd.word] return [$c2dd.word] ( ) goto $c000 return $c000 ( ) goto $c2 return $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1!() sub2!(11) sub3 !(3) sub3! (XY="hello") sub3! ("hello, there") sub4! ("hello", 42) sub4! ("hello", other=42) sub4! (string="hello", other = 42) sub4! (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar!() [XY] ! () [var1] !() [mem1]!() [$c2.word]!() [$c2dd.word]!() $c000!() $c2!() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1() sub2(11) sub3 (3) sub3 (XY="hello") sub3 ("hello, there") sub4 ("hello", 42) sub4 ("hello", other= 42) sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar () [AX]() [var1] ( ) [mem1] () [$c2.word]() [$c2dd.word]() $c000() $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } constw() sub1() main.start() } ~ blockdtypes19 { ; variables var uninitbyte1 var .byte uninitbyte2 var initbyte1 = $12 var initbyte1b = true var .byte initbyte2 = $12 var .byte initbyte2b = false var .byte initbyte3 = 99.876 var initchar1 = '@' var .byte initchar2 = '@' var .word uninitword var .word initword1 = $1234 var .word initword1b = true var .word initword2 = false var .word initword3 = 9876.554321 var .word initword5 = 20 var .float uninitfloat var .float initfloat1 = 0 var .float initfloat1b = true var .float initfloat2 = -1.234e-14 var .float initfloat3 = 9.87e+14 var .float initfloat4 = 1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat5 = -1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat6 = 1.234 var .array( 10) uninit_bytearray var .array(10 ) init_bytearray =$12 var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayb =true var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayc ='@' var .wordarray( 10 ) uninit_wordarray var .wordarray(10) init_wordarray = $1234 var .wordarray(10) init_wordarrayb = true var .text text = "hello"+"-null" var .ptext ptext = 'hello-pascal' var .stext stext = 'screencodes-null' var .pstext pstext = "screencodes-pascal" var .matrix( 3, 4 ) uninitmatrix var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1 = $12 var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1b = true var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1c = '@' var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1d = 123.456 ; memory-mapped variables memory membyte1 = $cf01 memory .byte membyte2 = $c222 memory .word memword1 = $cf03 memory .float memfloat = $cf04 memory .array(10 ) membytes = $cf05 memory .wordarray( 10) memwords = $cf06 memory .matrix( 3, 4 ) memmatrix = $cf07 ; constants (= names for constant values, can never occur as lvalue) const cbyte1 = 1 const cbyte1b = false const .byte cbyte2 = 1 const .byte cbyte3 = '@' const .byte cbyte4 = true const .word cword1 = false const .word cword2 = $1234 const .word cword5 = 9876.5432 const cfloat1 = 1.2345 const .float cfloat2 = 2.3456 const .float cfloat2b = cfloat2*3.44 const .float cfloat3 = true const .text ctext3 = "constant-text" const .ptext ctext4 = "constant-ptext" const .stext ctext5 = "constant-stext" const .pstext ctext6 = "constant-pstext" ; taking the address of various things: var .word vmemaddr1 = &membyte1 var .word vmemaddr2 = &memword1 var .word vmemaddr3 = &memfloat var .word vmemaddr4 = &membytes var .word vmemaddr5 = &memwords var .word vmemaddr6 = &memmatrix var .word vmemaddr8 = 100*sin(cbyte1) var .word vmemaddr9 = cword2+$5432 var .word vmemaddr10 = cfloat2b ; taking the address of things from the ZP will work even when it is a var ; because zp-vars get assigned a specific address (from a pool). Also, it's a byte. max: return ; --- immediate primitive value assignments ---- A = [$99] A = [$aabb] A = $99 A = [cbyte3] A = 0 A = '@' A = 1.2345 A = true A = false A = 255 A = X A = [$99] A = [$c020.byte] A = [$c020] A = cbyte3 A = membyte2 A = uninitbyte1 XY = 0 XY = '@' XY = 1.2345 XY = 456.66 XY = 65535 XY = true XY = false XY = text XY = cbyte3 XY = [cbyte3] XY = [cword2] XY = uninitbyte1 XY = "text-immediate" AY = "text-immediate" ; AX = &"text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly ; AX = & "text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly AX = ctext3 AX = "" AX = XY AX = Y XY = membyte2 XY = &membyte2 XY = memword1 XY = max XY = &max [$c000] = A [$c000] = 255 [$c000] = '@' [$c000] = true [$c000] = false [$c000] = cbyte3 [$c000] = uninitbyte1 [$c000] = membyte2 [$c000] = cbyte2 [$c000] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = A [$c000.word] = AX [$c000.word] = cbyte3 [$c000.word] = cword2 [$c000.word] = ctext3 [$c000.word] = 65535 [$c000.word] = "text" [$c000.word] = "" [$c000.word] = uninitbyte1 [$c000.word] = membyte2 [$c000.word] = &membyte2 [$c000.word] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = memword1 [$c000.float] = 65535 [$c000.float] = 456.66 [$c000.float] = 1.70141183e+38 [$c000.float] = cbyte3 [$c000.float] = cword2 [$c001] = [$c002] [$c111.word] = [$c222] [$c112.word] = [$c223.byte] [$c222.word] = [$c333.word] [$c333.word] = max [$c333.word] = &max SC = 0 SC = 1 SC = false SI = 1 SI = 0 SI = false uninitbyte1 = 99 uninitbyte1 = 1.234 uninitbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = 99 initbyte1 = 1.234 initbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = A initbyte1 = cbyte3 uninitword = 99 uninitword = 5.6778 uninitword = "test" uninitword = '@' uninitword = A uninitword = XY uninitword = ctext3 initword1 = cbyte3 initword1 = cword2 initfloat1 = 99 initfloat1 = 9.8765 initfloat1 = '@' initfloat1 = cbyte3 initfloat1 = cword2 uninitfloat = 99 uninitfloat = 9.8765 uninitfloat = '@' initword1 = max initword1 = &max membyte1 = A membyte1 = cbyte3 memword1 = A memword1 = AX memword1 = cbyte3 memword1 = cword2 memword1 = ctext3 membyte1 = 22 memword1 = 2233 memfloat = 3.4567 memword1 = max memword1 = &max membyte1 = A memword1 = A memword1 = XY memfloat = cbyte3 memfloat = cword2 ; float assignments that require ROM functions from c64lib: memfloat = Y memfloat = XY uninitfloat = Y uninitfloat = XY initfloat2 = Y initfloat2 = XY initfloat2 = initbyte2 initfloat2 = initword2 initfloat1 = uninitfloat initfloat1 = initfloat2 } ~ blockcalls19 { var .word var1 = 99 memory .word mem1 = $cff0 var .byte varb1 = 99 memory .byte memb1 = $cff0 const .word constw = $2355 const .byte constb = $23 const .float constf = 3.4556677 const .text constt = "derp" sub sub1 () -> (X?) = $ffdd sub sub2 (A) -> (Y?) = $eecc sub sub3 (XY) -> (Y?) = $ddaa sub sub4 (string: XY, other : A) -> (Y?) = $dd22 bar: goto sub1 return sub2 (1 ) return sub3 (3) return sub3 (XY="hello") return sub3 ("hello, there") return sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) return sub4 ("hello", 42) return sub4 ("hello", other= 42) return sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) return bar () goto [AX] return [AX] () goto [var1] return [var1] () ; comment goto [mem1] ; comment return [mem1] () goto [$c2.word] return [$c2.word] () goto [$c2dd.word] return [$c2dd.word] ( ) goto $c000 return $c000 ( ) goto $c2 return $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1!() sub2!(11) sub3 !(3) sub3! (XY="hello") sub3! ("hello, there") sub4! ("hello", 42) sub4! ("hello", other=42) sub4! (string="hello", other = 42) sub4! (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar!() [XY] ! () [var1] !() [mem1]!() [$c2.word]!() [$c2dd.word]!() $c000!() $c2!() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1() sub2(11) sub3 (3) sub3 (XY="hello") sub3 ("hello, there") sub4 ("hello", 42) sub4 ("hello", other= 42) sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar () [AX]() [var1] ( ) [mem1] () [$c2.word]() [$c2dd.word]() $c000() $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } constw() sub1() main.start() } ~ blockdtypes20 { ; variables var uninitbyte1 var .byte uninitbyte2 var initbyte1 = $12 var initbyte1b = true var .byte initbyte2 = $12 var .byte initbyte2b = false var .byte initbyte3 = 99.876 var initchar1 = '@' var .byte initchar2 = '@' var .word uninitword var .word initword1 = $1234 var .word initword1b = true var .word initword2 = false var .word initword3 = 9876.554321 var .word initword5 = 20 var .float uninitfloat var .float initfloat1 = 0 var .float initfloat1b = true var .float initfloat2 = -1.234e-14 var .float initfloat3 = 9.87e+14 var .float initfloat4 = 1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat5 = -1.70141183e+38 var .float initfloat6 = 1.234 var .array( 10) uninit_bytearray var .array(10 ) init_bytearray =$12 var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayb =true var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayc ='@' var .wordarray( 10 ) uninit_wordarray var .wordarray(10) init_wordarray = $1234 var .wordarray(10) init_wordarrayb = true var .text text = "hello"+"-null" var .ptext ptext = 'hello-pascal' var .stext stext = 'screencodes-null' var .pstext pstext = "screencodes-pascal" var .matrix( 3, 4 ) uninitmatrix var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1 = $12 var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1b = true var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1c = '@' var .matrix( 3, 4 ) initmatrix1d = 123.456 ; memory-mapped variables memory membyte1 = $cf01 memory .byte membyte2 = $c222 memory .word memword1 = $cf03 memory .float memfloat = $cf04 memory .array(10 ) membytes = $cf05 memory .wordarray( 10) memwords = $cf06 memory .matrix( 3, 4 ) memmatrix = $cf07 ; constants (= names for constant values, can never occur as lvalue) const cbyte1 = 1 const cbyte1b = false const .byte cbyte2 = 1 const .byte cbyte3 = '@' const .byte cbyte4 = true const .word cword1 = false const .word cword2 = $1234 const .word cword5 = 9876.5432 const cfloat1 = 1.2345 const .float cfloat2 = 2.3456 const .float cfloat2b = cfloat2*3.44 const .float cfloat3 = true const .text ctext3 = "constant-text" const .ptext ctext4 = "constant-ptext" const .stext ctext5 = "constant-stext" const .pstext ctext6 = "constant-pstext" ; taking the address of various things: var .word vmemaddr1 = &membyte1 var .word vmemaddr2 = &memword1 var .word vmemaddr3 = &memfloat var .word vmemaddr4 = &membytes var .word vmemaddr5 = &memwords var .word vmemaddr6 = &memmatrix var .word vmemaddr8 = 100*sin(cbyte1) var .word vmemaddr9 = cword2+$5432 var .word vmemaddr10 = cfloat2b ; taking the address of things from the ZP will work even when it is a var ; because zp-vars get assigned a specific address (from a pool). Also, it's a byte. max: return ; --- immediate primitive value assignments ---- A = [$99] A = [$aabb] A = $99 A = [cbyte3] A = 0 A = '@' A = 1.2345 A = true A = false A = 255 A = X A = [$99] A = [$c020.byte] A = [$c020] A = cbyte3 A = membyte2 A = uninitbyte1 XY = 0 XY = '@' XY = 1.2345 XY = 456.66 XY = 65535 XY = true XY = false XY = text XY = cbyte3 XY = [cbyte3] XY = [cword2] XY = uninitbyte1 XY = "text-immediate" AY = "text-immediate" ; AX = &"text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly ; AX = & "text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly AX = ctext3 AX = "" AX = XY AX = Y XY = membyte2 XY = &membyte2 XY = memword1 XY = max XY = &max [$c000] = A [$c000] = 255 [$c000] = '@' [$c000] = true [$c000] = false [$c000] = cbyte3 [$c000] = uninitbyte1 [$c000] = membyte2 [$c000] = cbyte2 [$c000] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = A [$c000.word] = AX [$c000.word] = cbyte3 [$c000.word] = cword2 [$c000.word] = ctext3 [$c000.word] = 65535 [$c000.word] = "text" [$c000.word] = "" [$c000.word] = uninitbyte1 [$c000.word] = membyte2 [$c000.word] = &membyte2 [$c000.word] = [cword2] [$c000.word] = memword1 [$c000.float] = 65535 [$c000.float] = 456.66 [$c000.float] = 1.70141183e+38 [$c000.float] = cbyte3 [$c000.float] = cword2 [$c001] = [$c002] [$c111.word] = [$c222] [$c112.word] = [$c223.byte] [$c222.word] = [$c333.word] [$c333.word] = max [$c333.word] = &max SC = 0 SC = 1 SC = false SI = 1 SI = 0 SI = false uninitbyte1 = 99 uninitbyte1 = 1.234 uninitbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = 99 initbyte1 = 1.234 initbyte1 = '@' initbyte1 = A initbyte1 = cbyte3 uninitword = 99 uninitword = 5.6778 uninitword = "test" uninitword = '@' uninitword = A uninitword = XY uninitword = ctext3 initword1 = cbyte3 initword1 = cword2 initfloat1 = 99 initfloat1 = 9.8765 initfloat1 = '@' initfloat1 = cbyte3 initfloat1 = cword2 uninitfloat = 99 uninitfloat = 9.8765 uninitfloat = '@' initword1 = max initword1 = &max membyte1 = A membyte1 = cbyte3 memword1 = A memword1 = AX memword1 = cbyte3 memword1 = cword2 memword1 = ctext3 membyte1 = 22 memword1 = 2233 memfloat = 3.4567 memword1 = max memword1 = &max membyte1 = A memword1 = A memword1 = XY memfloat = cbyte3 memfloat = cword2 ; float assignments that require ROM functions from c64lib: memfloat = Y memfloat = XY uninitfloat = Y uninitfloat = XY initfloat2 = Y initfloat2 = XY initfloat2 = initbyte2 initfloat2 = initword2 initfloat1 = uninitfloat initfloat1 = initfloat2 } ~ blockcalls20 { var .word var1 = 99 memory .word mem1 = $cff0 var .byte varb1 = 99 memory .byte memb1 = $cff0 const .word constw = $2355 const .byte constb = $23 const .float constf = 3.4556677 const .text constt = "derp" sub sub1 () -> (X?) = $ffdd sub sub2 (A) -> (Y?) = $eecc sub sub3 (XY) -> (Y?) = $ddaa sub sub4 (string: XY, other : A) -> (Y?) = $dd22 bar: goto sub1 return sub2 (1 ) return sub3 (3) return sub3 (XY="hello") return sub3 ("hello, there") return sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) return sub4 ("hello", 42) return sub4 ("hello", other= 42) return sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) return bar () goto [AX] return [AX] () goto [var1] return [var1] () ; comment goto [mem1] ; comment return [mem1] () goto [$c2.word] return [$c2.word] () goto [$c2dd.word] return [$c2dd.word] ( ) goto $c000 return $c000 ( ) goto $c2 return $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1!() sub2!(11) sub3 !(3) sub3! (XY="hello") sub3! ("hello, there") sub4! ("hello", 42) sub4! ("hello", other=42) sub4! (string="hello", other = 42) sub4! (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar!() [XY] ! () [var1] !() [mem1]!() [$c2.word]!() [$c2dd.word]!() $c000!() $c2!() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1() sub2(11) sub3 (3) sub3 (XY="hello") sub3 ("hello, there") sub4 ("hello", 42) sub4 ("hello", other= 42) sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar () [AX]() [var1] ( ) [mem1] () [$c2.word]() [$c2dd.word]() $c000() $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } constw() sub1() main.start() }