%import textio %zeropage basicsafe ; NOTE: meant to test to virtual machine output target (use -target virtual) main { sub start() { ubyte a1 = 0 uword w1 = 0 ubyte vv if not a1 txt.print("ok ") else txt.print("fail ") vv = not a1 txt.print_ub(vv) txt.nl() a1=128 if not a1 txt.print("fail ") else txt.print("ok ") vv = not a1 txt.print_ub(vv) txt.nl() if not w1 txt.print("ok ") else txt.print("fail ") vv = not w1 txt.print_ub(vv) txt.nl() w1 = 4096 if not w1 txt.print("fail ") else txt.print("ok ") vv = not w1 txt.print_ub(vv) txt.nl() ; petaxian roller.p8 line 49 ; super large in new version, ok in 8.2.... ; TODO cx16.r0 = a2 + 25 + (a1/40) ; txt.setcc( a1, a2 + 25 + (a1/40), 11,22) ; if a1 and a2 { ; a1++ ; } ; ; if not a1 or not a2 { ; a1++ ; } ; ; if a1!=99 and not a2 { ; a1++ ; } ; while a1 != a2 { ; a1++ ; } ; ; while a1!='\"' { ; a1++ ; } ; do { ; a1++ ; } until a1==99 ; ;close_end: ; a1++ ; ; a "pixelshader": ; sys.gfx_enable(0) ; enable lo res screen ; ubyte shifter ; ; repeat { ; uword xx ; uword yy = 0 ; repeat 240 { ; xx = 0 ; repeat 320 { ; sys.gfx_plot(xx, yy, xx*yy + shifter as ubyte) ; xx++ ; } ; yy++ ; } ; shifter+=4 ; } } }