%import c64lib %import c64utils %option force_output, enable_floats ~ spritedata $0a00 { %option force_output ; make sure the data appears in the program ubyte[63] balloonsprite = [ %00000000,%01111111,%00000000, %00000001,%11111111,%11000000, %00000011,%11111111,%11100000, %00000011,%11100011,%11100000, %00000111,%11011100,%11110000, %00000111,%11011101,%11110000, %00000111,%11011100,%11110000, %00000011,%11100011,%11100000, %00000011,%11111111,%11100000, %00000011,%11111111,%11100000, %00000010,%11111111,%10100000, %00000001,%01111111,%01000000, %00000001,%00111110,%01000000, %00000000,%10011100,%10000000, %00000000,%10011100,%10000000, %00000000,%01001001,%00000000, %00000000,%01001001,%00000000, %00000000,%00111110,%00000000, %00000000,%00111110,%00000000, %00000000,%00111110,%00000000, %00000000,%00011100,%00000000 ] } ~ main { const uword SP0X = $d000 const uword SP0Y = $d001 sub start() { c64.STROUT("balloon sprites!\n") c64.STROUT("...we are all floating...\n") c64.SPRPTR0 = $0a00//64 c64.SPRPTR1 = $0a00//64 c64.SPRPTR2 = $0a00//64 c64.SPRPTR3 = $0a00//64 c64.SPRPTR4 = $0a00//64 c64.SPRPTR5 = $0a00//64 c64.SPRPTR6 = $0a00//64 c64.SPRPTR7 = $0a00//64 for ubyte i in 0 to 7 { @(SP0X+i*2) = 50+25*i @(SP0Y+i*2) = rnd() } c64.SPENA = 255 ; enable all sprites c64utils.set_rasterirq(51) ; enable animation } } ~ irq { sub irq() { c64.EXTCOL-- ; float up & wobble horizontally ; @todo for loop with step 2 doesn't work for ubyte i in 0 to 7 { @(main.SP0Y+i+i)-- ubyte r = rnd() if r>208 @(main.SP0X+i+i)++ else if r<48 @(main.SP0X+i+i)-- } c64.EXTCOL++ } }