package prog8tests.vm import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldThrow import import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe import io.kotest.matchers.shouldNotBe import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldContain import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldNotContain import prog8.ast.expressions.BuiltinFunctionCall import prog8.ast.statements.Assignment import import import import prog8.intermediate.IRFileReader import prog8.intermediate.IRSubroutine import prog8.intermediate.Opcode import prog8.vm.VmRunner import prog8tests.helpers.compileText import class TestCompilerVirtual: FunSpec({ test("compile virtual: any all sort reverse builtin funcs") { val src = """ main { sub start() { uword[] words = [1111,2222,0,4444,3333] ubyte result = all(words) result++ result = any(words) result++ sort(words) reverse(words) } }""" val target = VMTarget() val result = compileText(target, true, src, writeAssembly = true)!! val virtfile = result.compilationOptions.outputDir.resolve( + ".p8ir") VmRunner().runProgram(virtfile.readText()) } test("compile virtual: array with pointers") { val src = """ main { sub start() { str localstr = "hello" ubyte[] otherarray = [1,2,3] uword[] words = [1111,2222,"three",&localstr,&otherarray] uword @shared zz = &words ubyte result = 2222 in words zz = words[2] zz++ zz = words[3] } }""" val othertarget = Cx16Target() compileText(othertarget, true, src, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null val target = VMTarget() val result = compileText(target, true, src, writeAssembly = true)!! val virtfile = result.compilationOptions.outputDir.resolve( + ".p8ir") VmRunner().runProgram(virtfile.readText()) } test("compile virtual: str args and return type") { val src = """ main { sub start() { sub testsub(str s1) -> str { return "result" } uword result = testsub("arg") } }""" val target = VMTarget() var result = compileText(target, false, src, writeAssembly = true)!! var virtfile = result.compilationOptions.outputDir.resolve( + ".p8ir") VmRunner().runProgram(virtfile.readText()) result = compileText(target, true, src, writeAssembly = true)!! virtfile = result.compilationOptions.outputDir.resolve( + ".p8ir") VmRunner().runProgram(virtfile.readText()) } test("compile virtual: nested labels") { val src = """ main { sub start() { uword i uword k repeat { mylabel0: goto mylabel0 } while cx16.r0 { mylabel1: goto mylabel1 } do { mylabel2: goto mylabel2 } until cx16.r0 repeat cx16.r0 { mylabel3: goto mylabel3 } for cx16.r0L in 0 to 2 { mylabel4: goto mylabel4 } for cx16.r0L in cx16.r1L to cx16.r2L { mylabel5: goto mylabel5 } mylabel_outside: for i in 0 to 10 { mylabel_inside: if i==100 { goto mylabel_outside goto mylabel_inside } while k <= 10 { k++ } do { k-- } until k==0 for k in 0 to 5 { i++ } repeat 10 { k++ } } } }""" val target1 = C64Target() compileText(target1, false, src, writeAssembly = false) shouldNotBe null val target = VMTarget() compileText(target, false, src, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null } test("case sensitive symbols") { val src = """ main { sub start() { ubyte bytevar = 11 ; var at 0 ubyte byteVAR = 22 ; var at 1 ubyte ByteVar = 33 ; var at 2 ubyte @shared total = bytevar+byteVAR+ByteVar ; var at 3 goto skipLABEL SkipLabel: return skipLABEL: bytevar = 42 } }""" val othertarget = Cx16Target() compileText(othertarget, true, src, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null val target = VMTarget() val result = compileText(target, true, src, writeAssembly = true)!! val virtfile = result.compilationOptions.outputDir.resolve( + ".p8ir") VmRunner().runAndTestProgram(virtfile.readText()) { vm -> vm.memory.getUB(0) shouldBe 42u vm.memory.getUB(3) shouldBe 66u } } test("memory slabs") { val src = """ main { sub start() { uword slab1 = memory("slab1", 2000, 64) slab1[10]=42 slab1[11]=43 ubyte @shared value1 = slab1[10] ; var at 2 ubyte @shared value2 = slab1[11] ; var at 3 } }""" val target = VMTarget() val result = compileText(target, true, src, writeAssembly = true)!! val start = result.compilerAst.entrypoint start.statements.size shouldBe 9 ((start.statements[1] as Assignment).value as BuiltinFunctionCall).name shouldBe "memory" val virtfile = result.compilationOptions.outputDir.resolve( + ".p8ir") VmRunner().runAndTestProgram(virtfile.readText()) { vm -> vm.memory.getUB(2) shouldBe 42u vm.memory.getUB(3) shouldBe 43u } } test("memory mapped var as for loop counter") { val src = """ main { sub start() { for cx16.r0 in 0 to 10 { cx16.r1++ } } }""" val othertarget = Cx16Target() compileText(othertarget, true, src, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null val target = VMTarget() var result = compileText(target, true, src, writeAssembly = true)!! var virtfile = result.compilationOptions.outputDir.resolve( + ".p8ir") VmRunner().runAndTestProgram(virtfile.readText()) { vm -> vm.stepCount shouldBe 37 } result = compileText(target, false, src, writeAssembly = true)!! virtfile = result.compilationOptions.outputDir.resolve( + ".p8ir") VmRunner().runAndTestProgram(virtfile.readText()) { vm -> vm.stepCount shouldBe 48 } } test("inline asm for virtual target should be IR") { val src = """ main { sub start() { %asm {{ lda #99 tay rts }} } }""" val othertarget = Cx16Target() compileText(othertarget, true, src, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null val target = VMTarget() val result = compileText(target, false, src, writeAssembly = true)!! val virtfile = result.compilationOptions.outputDir.resolve( + ".p8ir") val exc = shouldThrow { VmRunner().runProgram(virtfile.readText()) } exc.message shouldContain("encountered unconverted inline assembly chunk") } test("inline asm for virtual target with IR is accepted and converted to regular instructions") { val src = """ main { sub start() { %ir {{ incm.b $2000 return }} } }""" val target = VMTarget() val result = compileText(target, false, src, writeAssembly = true)!! val virtfile = result.compilationOptions.outputDir.resolve( + ".p8ir") val irSrc = virtfile.readText() irSrc.shouldContain("incm.b $2000") irSrc.shouldNotContain("INLINEASM") VmRunner().runProgram(irSrc) } test("addresses from labels/subroutines not yet supported in VM") { val src = """ main { sub start() { mylabel: ubyte variable uword @shared pointer1 = &main.start uword @shared pointer2 = &start uword @shared pointer3 = &main.start.mylabel uword @shared pointer4 = &mylabel uword[] @shared ptrs = [&variable, &start, &main.start, &mylabel, &main.start.mylabel] } } """ val othertarget = Cx16Target() compileText(othertarget, true, src, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null val target = VMTarget() val result = compileText(target, false, src, writeAssembly = true)!! val virtfile = result.compilationOptions.outputDir.resolve( + ".p8ir") val exc = shouldThrow { VmRunner().runProgram(virtfile.readText()) } exc.message shouldContain("cannot yet load a label address as a value") } test("nesting with overlapping names is ok (doesn't work for 64tass)") { val src=""" %import textio %zeropage basicsafe main { sub start() { main() main.start.start() main.main() sub main() { cx16.r0++ } sub start() { cx16.r0++ } } sub main() { cx16.r0++ } }""" val target = VMTarget() compileText(target, false, src, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null } test("compile virtual: short code for if-goto") { val src = """ main { sub start() { if_cc goto ending if_cs goto ending if cx16.r0 goto ending if cx16.r0==0 goto ending if cx16.r0!=0 goto ending if cx16.r0s>0 goto ending if cx16.r0s<0 goto ending ending: } }""" val result = compileText(VMTarget(), true, src, writeAssembly = true)!! result.compilerAst.entrypoint.statements.size shouldBe 9 val virtfile = result.compilationOptions.outputDir.resolve( + ".p8ir") val irProgram = IRFileReader().read(virtfile) val start = irProgram.blocks[0].children[0] as IRSubroutine val instructions = start.chunks.flatMap { c->c.instructions } instructions.size shouldBe 13 instructions.last().opcode shouldBe Opcode.RETURN } test("compile virtual: various expressions") { val text=""" main { sub start() { ubyte[3] values = [1,2,3] func(33 + (22 in values)) ; bool cast to byte func(values[cx16.r0L] + (22 in values)) ; containment in complex expression } sub func(ubyte arg) { arg++ } }""" compileText(VMTarget(), false, text, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null } })