%import textio %import diskio %import floats %import graphics %zeropage basicsafe %import test_stack %option no_sysinit main { sub start () { str s1 = "1234567890" str s2 = "aapje" txt.print_ub(strcopy(s2, s1)) txt.chrout('\n') txt.print_ub(strcopy(s2, s1)+1) txt.chrout('\n') txt.print_ub(strlen(s2)) txt.chrout('\n') txt.print_ub(strlen(s1)) txt.chrout('\n') ; uword xx ; ; foo(2**xx) ; TODO arg is zero if x=8, in the function. Param type uword. fix that . also check bit shift ; foo(1<>xx) ; TODO fix crash ; ; ; xx = $0001<>xx ; TODO make math.shift_right_(u)w ; uword scanline_data_ptr= $6000 ; uword pixptr = xx/8 + scanline_data_ptr ; TODO why is this code so much larger than the following line: ; uword pixptr2 = scanline_data_ptr + xx/8 test_stack.test() } sub foo(uword argje) { txt.print_uwhex(argje, 1) txt.chrout('\n') } }