%target cx16 %import gfx2 %import textio %import diskio pcx_module { sub show_image(uword filenameptr) -> ubyte { ubyte load_ok = false if diskio.f_open(8, filenameptr) { ubyte[128] header uword size = diskio.f_read(header, 128) if size==128 { if header[0] == $0a and header[2] == 1 { ubyte bits_per_pixel = header[3] if bits_per_pixel==1 or bits_per_pixel==4 or bits_per_pixel==8 { uword width = mkword(header[$09], header[$08]) - mkword(header[$05], header[$04]) + 1 uword height = mkword(header[$0b], header[$0a]) - mkword(header[$07], header[$06]) + 1 ubyte number_of_planes = header[$41] uword palette_format = mkword(header[$45], header[$44]) uword num_colors = 2**bits_per_pixel if number_of_planes == 1 { if (width & 7) == 0 { gfx2.clear_screen() if palette_format==2 custompalette.set_grayscale256() else if num_colors == 16 palette.set_rgb8(&header + $10, 16) else if num_colors == 2 palette.set_monochrome() when bits_per_pixel { 8 -> load_ok = bitmap.do8bpp(width, height) 4 -> load_ok = bitmap.do4bpp(width, height) 1 -> load_ok = bitmap.do1bpp(width, height) } if load_ok { load_ok = c64.CHRIN() if load_ok == 12 { ; there is 256 colors of palette data at the end uword palette_mem = progend() load_ok = false size = diskio.f_read(palette_mem, 3*256) if size==3*256 { load_ok = true palette.set_rgb8(palette_mem, num_colors) } } } } else txt.print("width not multiple of 8!\n") } else txt.print("has >256 colors!\n") } } } diskio.f_close() } return load_ok } } bitmap { uword offsetx uword offsety uword py uword px ubyte y_ok ubyte status sub start_plot(uword width, uword height) { offsetx = 0 offsety = 0 y_ok = true py = 0 px = 0 if width < gfx2.width offsetx = (gfx2.width - width) / 2 if height < gfx2.height offsety = (gfx2.height - height) / 2 status = (not c64.READST()) or c64.READST()==64 } sub next_scanline() { px = 0 py++ y_ok = py < gfx2.height gfx2.position(offsetx, offsety+py) status = (not c64.READST()) or c64.READST()==64 } sub do1bpp(uword width, uword height) -> ubyte { start_plot(width, height) gfx2.position(offsetx, offsety) while py < height and status { ubyte b = c64.CHRIN() if b>>6==3 { b &= %00111111 ubyte dat = c64.CHRIN() repeat b { if y_ok gfx2.set_8_pixels_from_bits(dat, 1, 0) px += 8 } } else { if y_ok gfx2.set_8_pixels_from_bits(b, 1, 0) px += 8 } if px==width next_scanline() } return status } sub do4bpp(uword width, uword height) -> ubyte { start_plot(width, height) gfx2.position(offsetx, offsety) while py < height and status { ubyte b = c64.CHRIN() if b>>6==3 { b &= %00111111 ubyte dat = c64.CHRIN() if y_ok repeat b { gfx2.next_pixel(dat>>4) gfx2.next_pixel(dat & 15) } px += b*2 } else { if y_ok { gfx2.next_pixel(b>>4) gfx2.next_pixel(b & 15) } px += 2 } if px==width next_scanline() } return status } sub do8bpp(uword width, uword height) -> ubyte { start_plot(width, height) gfx2.position(offsetx, offsety) while py < height and status { ubyte b = c64.CHRIN() if b>>6==3 { b &= %00111111 ubyte dat = c64.CHRIN() if y_ok repeat b gfx2.next_pixel(dat) px += b } else { if y_ok gfx2.next_pixel(b) px++ } if px==width next_scanline() } return status } }