%import textio %zeropage basicsafe ; Note: this program is compatible with C64 and CX16. main { sub start() { ubyte[] uba = [10,0,2,8,5,4,3,9] uword[] uwa = [1000,0,200,8000,50,40000,3,900] byte[] ba = [-10,0,-2,8,5,4,-3,9,-99] word[] wa = [-1000,0,-200,8000,50,31111,3,-900] txt.print("original\n") print_arrays() sort(uba) sort(uwa) sort(ba) sort(wa) txt.print("sorted\n") print_arrays() reverse(uba) reverse(uwa) reverse(ba) reverse(wa) txt.print("reversed\n") print_arrays() return sub print_arrays() { ubyte ub uword uw byte bb word ww for ub in uba { txt.print_ub(ub) txt.chrout(',') } txt.chrout('\n') for uw in uwa { txt.print_uw(uw) txt.chrout(',') } txt.chrout('\n') for bb in ba { txt.print_b(bb) txt.chrout(',') } txt.chrout('\n') for ww in wa { txt.print_w(ww) txt.chrout(',') } txt.chrout('\n') txt.chrout('\n') } } }