%target cx16 %import graphics %import diskio bmp_module { sub show_image(uword filenameptr) -> ubyte { ubyte load_ok = false ubyte[$36] header uword size uword width uword height ubyte bpp uword offsetx uword offsety ubyte[256] palette0 ubyte[256] palette1 ubyte[256] palette2 ubyte[256] palette3 uword total_read = 0 palette0[0] = 0 palette1[0] = 0 palette2[0] = 0 palette3[0] = 0 if diskio.f_open(8, filenameptr) { size = diskio.f_read(header, $36) if size==$36 { total_read = $36 if header[0]=='b' and header[1]=='m' { uword bm_data_offset = mkword(header[11], header[10]) uword header_size = mkword(header[$f], header[$e]) width = mkword(header[$13], header[$12]) height = mkword(header[$17], header[$16]) bpp = header[$1c] uword num_colors = header[$2e] if num_colors == 0 num_colors = 2**bpp uword skip_hdr = header_size - 40 repeat skip_hdr void c64.CHRIN() total_read += skip_hdr size = diskio.f_read(&palette0, num_colors*4) if size==num_colors*4 { total_read += size repeat bm_data_offset - total_read void c64.CHRIN() graphics.clear_screen(1, 0) palette.set_bgra(&palette0, num_colors) decode_bitmap() load_ok = true } } } diskio.f_close() } return load_ok sub start_plot() { offsetx = 0 offsety = 0 if width < graphics.WIDTH offsetx = (graphics.WIDTH - width - 1) / 2 if height < graphics.HEIGHT offsety = (graphics.HEIGHT - height - 1) / 2 if width > graphics.WIDTH width = graphics.WIDTH if height > graphics.HEIGHT-1 height = graphics.HEIGHT-1 } sub decode_bitmap() { start_plot() uword bits_width = width * bpp ubyte pad_bytes = (((bits_width + 31) >> 5) << 2) - ((bits_width + 7) >> 3) as ubyte uword x uword y ubyte b for y in height-1 downto 0 { cx16.FB_cursor_position(offsetx, offsety+y) when bpp { 8 -> { for x in 0 to width-1 cx16.FB_set_pixel(c64.CHRIN()) } 4 -> { for x in 0 to width-1 step 2 { b = c64.CHRIN() cx16.FB_set_pixel(b>>4) cx16.FB_set_pixel(b&15) } } 2 -> { for x in 0 to width-1 step 4 { b = c64.CHRIN() cx16.FB_set_pixel(b>>6) cx16.FB_set_pixel(b>>4 & 3) cx16.FB_set_pixel(b>>2 & 3) cx16.FB_set_pixel(b & 3) } } 1 -> { for x in 0 to width-1 step 8 cx16.FB_set_8_pixels_opaque(c64.CHRIN(), 255, 255, 0) } } repeat pad_bytes void c64.CHRIN() } } } }