output prg,basic ;reg_preserve off ; @todo global option off/on default off? import "c64lib" ~ main { var .text name = '?' * 80 var .text guess = '?' * 80 var secretnumber var attempts_left = 10 start c64.init_system() A = c64.VMCSB A |= 2 ; @todo c64.VMCSB |= 2 c64.VMCSB = A ; greeting c64scr.print_string("Enter your name: ") Y = c64scr.input_chars(name) c64.CHROUT('\n') c64.CHROUT('\n') c64scr.print_string("Hello, ") c64scr.print_string(name) c64.CHROUT('.') c64.CHROUT('\n') ; create a secret random number from 1-100 c64.RNDA(0) c64.MUL10() c64.MUL10() c64.FADDH() c64.FADDH() AY = c64flt.GETADRAY() secretnumber = A c64scr.print_string("I am thinking of a number from 1 to 100!You'll have to guess it!\n") printloop c64scr.print_string("\nYou have ") c64scr.print_byte_decimal(attempts_left) c64scr.print_string(" guess") ; @todo comparison expression so we can do if attempts_left>0 ... A = attempts_left A-- if_zero A goto ask_guess c64scr.print_string("es") ask_guess c64scr.print_string(" left.\nWhat is your next guess? ") Y = c64scr.input_chars(guess) c64.CHROUT('\n') [$22.word] = guess c64.FREADSTR(A) AY = c64flt.GETADRAY() A -= secretnumber ; @todo condition so we can do if guess > secretnumber.... if_zero goto correct_guess if_gt goto too_high c64scr.print_string("That is too ") c64scr.print_string("low!\n") goto continue correct_guess c64scr.print_string("\nThat's my number, impressive!\n") goodbye() return too_high c64scr.print_string("That is too ") c64scr.print_string("high!\n") continue attempts_left-- if_zero attempts_left goto game_over goto printloop game_over c64scr.print_string("\nToo bad! It was: ") c64scr.print_byte_decimal(secretnumber) c64.CHROUT('\n') goodbye() return sub goodbye ()->() { ;var x ; @todo vars in sub ;memory y = $c000 ; @todo vars in sub ;const q = 22 ; @todo const in sub c64scr.print_string("\nThanks for playing. Bye!\n") return } }