%option enable_floats ~ main { sub start() -> () { const word width = 320 // 2 const word height = 256 // 2 const word xoffset = 40 const word yoffset = 20 word pixelx byte pixely float xx float yy float x float y float xsq float ysq byte iter word plotx byte ploty _vm_gfx_clearscr(11) _vm_gfx_text(5, 5, 7, "Calculating Mandelbrot Fractal...") for pixely in yoffset to yoffset+height-1 { yy = flt((pixely-yoffset))/height/3.6+0.4 ; @todo why is /height/3.6 not const-folded??? for pixelx in xoffset to xoffset+width-1 { xx = flt((pixelx-xoffset))/width/3+0.2 ; @todo why is /width/3 not const-folded??? x = 0.0 y = 0.0 xsq = 0 ysq = 0 iter = 0 while (iter<32 and xsq+ysq<4) { y = x*y*2 + yy x = xsq - ysq + xx xsq = x*x ysq = y*y iter++ } _vm_gfx_pixel(pixelx, pixely, iter) } } _vm_gfx_text(110, 160, 7, "Finished!") } }