%import c64utils %import c64lib %zeropage basicsafe ; The classic number guessing game. ; This version uses mostly high level subroutine calls and loops. ; It's more readable than the low-level version, but produces a slightly larger program. ~ main { sub start() { str name = "????????????????????????????????????????" str input = "??????????" ubyte secretnumber = rnd() % 99 + 1 ; random number 1..100 c64.VMCSB |= 2 ; switch lowercase chars c64scr.print("Please introduce yourself: ") c64scr.input_chars(name) c64scr.print("\n\nHello, ") c64scr.print(name) c64scr.print(".\nLet's play a number guessing game.\nI am thinking of a number from 1 to 100!You'll have to guess it!\n") for ubyte attempts_left in 10 to 1 step -1 { c64scr.print("\nYou have ") c64scr.print_ub(attempts_left) c64scr.print(" guess") if attempts_left>1 c64scr.print("es") c64scr.print(" left.\nWhat is your next guess? ") c64scr.input_chars(input) ubyte guess = lsb(c64utils.str2uword(input)) if guess==secretnumber { ending(true) return } else { c64scr.print("\n\nThat is too ") if guess