%target c64 %import syslib %import textio %zeropage basicsafe %option no_sysinit ; Create a custom character set on the C64. ; TODO why is this one significantly larger than with older compiler? main { sub start() { txt.color(1) txt.print("creating charset...\n") charset.make_custom_charset() ; activate the new charset in RAM ubyte block = c64.CIA2PRA const ubyte PAGE1 = ((c64.Screen >> 6) & $F0) | ((charset.CHARSET >> 10) & $0E) c64.CIA2PRA = (block & $FC) | (lsb(c64.Screen >> 14) ^ $03) c64.VMCSB = PAGE1 txt.print("\n @ @ @ @\n") } } charset { const uword CHARSET = $2000 sub copy_rom_charset() { ; copies the charset from ROM to RAM so we can modify it set_irqd() ubyte bank = @($0001) @($0001) = bank & %11111011 ; enable CHAREN, so the character rom accessible at $d000 memcopy($d000, CHARSET, 256*8*2) ; copy the charset to RAM @($0001) = bank ; reset previous memory banking clear_irqd() } sub make_custom_charset() { copy_rom_charset() ; make all characters italic ubyte c for c in 0 to 255 { uword ptr = CHARSET + c*$0008 @(ptr) >>= 2 @(ptr+1) >>= 2 @(ptr+2) >>= 1 @(ptr+3) >>= 1 ;@(ptr+4) >>= 0 ;@(ptr+5) >>= 0 @(ptr+6) <<= 1 @(ptr+7) <<= 1 ptr = CHARSET + 256*8 + c*$0008 @(ptr) >>= 2 @(ptr+1) >>= 2 @(ptr+2) >>= 1 @(ptr+3) >>= 1 ;@(ptr+4) >>= 0 ;@(ptr+5) >>= 0 @(ptr+6) <<= 1 @(ptr+7) <<= 1 } ; add a smiley over the '@' ubyte[] smiley = [ %00111100, %01000010, %10100101, %10000001, %10100101, %10011001, %01000010, %00111100 ] memcopy(smiley, CHARSET, len(smiley)) } }