%import syslib %import textio %import math ; converted from plasma test program for cc65. ; which is (w)2001 by groepaz/hitmen ; ; Cleanup and porting to C by Ullrich von Bassewitz. ; See https://github.com/cc65/cc65/tree/master/samples/cbm/plasma.c ; ; Converted to prog8 by Irmen de Jong. main { const uword SCREEN1 = $E000 const uword SCREEN2 = $E400 const uword CHARSET = $E800 const ubyte PAGE1 = ((SCREEN1 >> 6) & $F0) | ((CHARSET >> 10) & $0E) const ubyte PAGE2 = ((SCREEN2 >> 6) & $F0) | ((CHARSET >> 10) & $0E) sub start() { txt.color(1) txt.clear_screen() txt.print("creating charset...\n\nwhile running, press key to stop.\n\n") makechar() ubyte block = c64.CIA2PRA ubyte v = c64.VMCSB c64.CIA2PRA = (block & $FC) | (lsb(SCREEN1 >> 14) ^ $03) uword frames = 0 cbm.SETTIM(0,0,0) while cbm.GETIN()==0 { doplasma(SCREEN1) c64.VMCSB = PAGE1 doplasma(SCREEN2) c64.VMCSB = PAGE2 frames += 2 } uword jiffies = cbm.RDTIM16() ; restore screen and displays stats c64.VMCSB = v c64.CIA2PRA = block txt.print("time in jiffies: ") txt.print_uw(jiffies) txt.print("\nframes: ") txt.print_uw(frames) uword fps = (frames*60)/jiffies txt.print("\nfps: ") txt.print_uw(fps) txt.print("\ndone!\n") repeat { } } ; several variables outside of doplasma to make them retain their value ubyte c1A ubyte c1B ubyte c2A ubyte c2B sub doplasma(uword @zp screen) { ubyte[40] xbuf ubyte[25] ybuf ubyte c1a = c1A ubyte c1b = c1B ubyte c2a = c2A ubyte c2b = c2B ubyte @zp x ubyte @zp y for y in 24 downto 0 { ybuf[y] = math.sin8u(c1a) + math.sin8u(c1b) c1a += 4 c1b += 9 } c1A += 3 c1B -= 5 for x in 39 downto 0 { xbuf[x] = math.sin8u(c2a) + math.sin8u(c2b) c2a += 3 c2b += 7 } c2A += 2 c2B -= 3 for y in 24 downto 0 { for x in 39 downto 0 { ; split the array expression to avoid a prog8 temporary var inefficiency ; this pure prog8 version achieves ~17 fps ubyte @zp tmp = ybuf[y] @(screen+x) = xbuf[x] + tmp ; prog8 at this time needs a temp variable to calculate the above expression. ; in optimized asm, this is the fastest way to do this line (achieving ~21 fps on the C64): ; %asm {{ ; ldy p8_y ; lda p8_ybuf,y ; ldy p8_x ; clc ; adc p8_xbuf,y ; sta (p8_screen),y ; }} } screen += 40 } } sub makechar() { ubyte[8] bittab = [ $01, $02, $04, $08, $10, $20, $40, $80 ] ubyte c for c in 0 to 255 { ubyte @zp s = math.sin8u(c) ; chance ubyte i ; for all the pixels in the 8x8 character grid, determine (with a rnd chance) if they should be on or off for i in 0 to 7 { ubyte b=0 ubyte @zp ii for ii in 0 to 7 { if math.rnd() > s b |= bittab[ii] } @(CHARSET + i + c*$0008) = b } } } }