%import c64lib %import c64utils %zeropage basicsafe main { sub start() { c64.VMCSB |= 2 ; switch to lowercase charset str s1 = "HELLO hello 1234 @[/]\n" str s2 = c64scr("HELLO hello 1234 @[/]\n") c64scr.print("\n\n\n\nString output via print:\n") c64scr.print(s1) c64scr.print(s2) c64scr.print("\nThe top two screen lines are set via screencodes.\n") ubyte i for i in 0 to len(s1)-1 @($0400+i) = s1[i] for i in 0 to len(s2)-1 @($0400+40+i) = s2[i] } }