; TehTriz - a Tetris clone. ; ; @todo: holding a block ; @todo: joystick control ; @todo: sometimes the game gets confused about what the current tetromino is and will draw the wrong one. Maybe occurs when rotating directly after dropping the previous? ~ main { const ubyte boardOffsetX = 14 const ubyte boardOffsetY = 3 const ubyte boardWidth = 10 const ubyte boardHeight = 20 const ubyte startXpos = boardOffsetX + 3 const ubyte startYpos = boardOffsetY - 2 uword lines uword score ubyte xpos ubyte ypos ubyte nextBlock ubyte speedlevel = 1 sub start() { @(650) = 128 ; set all keys to repeat sound.init() newGame() drawBoard() gameOver() newgame: newGame() drawBoard() spawnNextBlock() waitkey: if c64.TIME_LO>=(60-4*speedlevel) { c64.TIME_LO = 0 drawBlock(xpos, ypos, 32) ; hide block if blocklogic.noCollision(xpos, ypos+1) { ; slowly move the block down ypos++ drawBlock(xpos, ypos, 160) ; show block on new position } else { ; block can't move further down! ; check if the game area is full, if not, spawn the next block at the top. if blocklogic.isGameOver(xpos, ypos) { gameOver() goto newgame } else { checkForLines() spawnNextBlock() } } drawScore() } ubyte key=c64.GETIN() if key==0 goto waitkey keypress(key) goto waitkey } sub keypress(ubyte key) { if key==157 or key==',' { ; move left drawBlock(xpos, ypos, 32) if blocklogic.noCollision(xpos-1, ypos) { xpos-- } drawBlock(xpos, ypos, 160) } else if key==29 or key=='.' { ; move right drawBlock(xpos, ypos, 32) if blocklogic.noCollision(xpos+1, ypos) { xpos++ } drawBlock(xpos, ypos, 160) } else if key==17 or key=='m' { ; move down faster drawBlock(xpos, ypos, 32) if blocklogic.noCollision(xpos, ypos+1) { ypos++ } drawBlock(xpos, ypos, 160) } else if key==145 or key==' ' { ; drop down immediately drawBlock(xpos, ypos, 32) ubyte dropypos for dropypos in ypos+1 to boardOffsetY+boardHeight-1 { if not blocklogic.noCollision(xpos, dropypos) { dropypos-- ; the furthest down that still fits break } } if dropypos>ypos { ypos = dropypos sound.blockdrop() drawBlock(xpos, ypos, 160) checkForLines() spawnNextBlock() } } else if key=='z' { ; no joystick equivalent (there is only 1 fire button) ; rotate counter clockwise drawBlock(xpos, ypos, 32) if blocklogic.canRotateCCW(xpos, ypos) { blocklogic.rotateCCW() sound.blockrotate() } else if blocklogic.canRotateCCW(xpos-1, ypos) { xpos-- blocklogic.rotateCCW() sound.blockrotate() } else if blocklogic.canRotateCCW(xpos+1, ypos) { xpos++ blocklogic.rotateCCW() sound.blockrotate() } drawBlock(xpos, ypos, 160) } else if key=='x' { ; rotate clockwise drawBlock(xpos, ypos, 32) if blocklogic.canRotateCW(xpos, ypos) { blocklogic.rotateCW() sound.blockrotate() } else if blocklogic.canRotateCW(xpos-1, ypos) { xpos-- blocklogic.rotateCW() sound.blockrotate() } else if blocklogic.canRotateCW(xpos+1, ypos) { xpos++ blocklogic.rotateCW() sound.blockrotate() } drawBlock(xpos, ypos, 160) } } sub checkForLines() { ; check if line(s) are full -> flash/clear line(s) + add score + move rest down ubyte[boardHeight] complete_lines ubyte num_lines=0 memset(complete_lines, len(complete_lines), 0) for ubyte linepos in boardOffsetY to boardOffsetY+boardHeight-1 { if blocklogic.isLineFull(linepos) { complete_lines[num_lines]=linepos num_lines++ for ubyte x in boardOffsetX to boardOffsetX+boardWidth-1 c64scr.setcc(x, linepos, 160, 1) } } if num_lines { sound.lineclear() c64.TIME_LO=0 while c64.TIME_LO<20 { ; slight delay to flash the line } c64.TIME_LO=0 for ubyte linepos in complete_lines if linepos and blocklogic.isLineFull(linepos) blocklogic.collapse(linepos) lines += num_lines uword[4] scores = [10, 25, 50, 100] ; can never clear more than 4 lines score += scores[num_lines-1] speedlevel = 1+lsb(lines/10) drawScore() } } sub gameOver() { sound.gameover() c64scr.PLOT(7, 7) c64.CHROUT('U') c64scr.print("────────────────────────") c64.CHROUT('I') c64scr.PLOT(7, 8) c64scr.print("│*** g a m e o v e r ***│") c64scr.PLOT(7, 9) c64.CHROUT('J') c64scr.print("────────────────────────") c64.CHROUT('K') c64scr.PLOT(7, 18) c64.CHROUT('U') c64scr.print("────────────────────────") c64.CHROUT('I') c64scr.PLOT(7, 19) c64scr.print("│ f1 for new game │") c64scr.PLOT(7, 20) c64.CHROUT('J') c64scr.print("────────────────────────") c64.CHROUT('K') while(c64.GETIN()!=133) { ; endless loop until user presses F1 to restart the game } } sub newGame() { lines = 0 score = 0 xpos = startXpos ypos = startYpos nextBlock = rnd() % 7 } sub spawnNextBlock() { c64.TIME_LO = 0 blocklogic.newCurrentBlock(nextBlock) nextBlock = (rnd() + c64.RASTER) % 7 drawNextBlock() xpos = startXpos ypos = startYpos drawBlock(xpos, ypos, 160) score++ } sub drawBoard() { c64.CLEARSCR() c64.COLOR = 7 c64scr.PLOT(1,1) c64scr.print("irmen's") c64scr.PLOT(1,2) c64scr.print("teh▁triz") c64scr.PLOT(2,22) c64scr.print("speed: ") c64.COLOR = 5 c64scr.PLOT(28,3) c64scr.print("next:") c64scr.PLOT(28,10) c64scr.print("lines:") c64scr.PLOT(28,14) c64scr.print("score:") c64.COLOR = 12 c64scr.PLOT(28,18) c64scr.print("controls:") c64.COLOR = 11 c64scr.PLOT(27,19) c64scr.print("z/x rotate") c64scr.PLOT(27,20) c64scr.print(",/. move") c64scr.PLOT(27,21) c64scr.print("spc drop") c64scr.PLOT(27,22) c64scr.print(" m descend") ; @todo joystick control: ; c64scr.PLOT(27,23) ; c64scr.print("or joystick2") c64scr.setcc(boardOffsetX-1, boardOffsetY-2, 255, 0) ; invisible barrier c64scr.setcc(boardOffsetX-1, boardOffsetY-3, 255, 0) ; invisible barrier c64scr.setcc(boardOffsetX+boardWidth, boardOffsetY-2, 255, 0) ; invisible barrier c64scr.setcc(boardOffsetX+boardWidth, boardOffsetY-3, 255, 0) ; invisible barrier c64scr.setcc(boardOffsetX-1, boardOffsetY-1, 108, 12) c64scr.setcc(boardOffsetX+boardWidth, boardOffsetY-1, 123, 12) c64scr.setcc(boardOffsetX+boardWidth, boardOffsetY-1, 123, 12) c64scr.setcc(boardOffsetX-1, boardOffsetY+boardHeight, 124, 12) c64scr.setcc(boardOffsetX+boardWidth, boardOffsetY+boardHeight, 126, 12) ubyte i for i in boardOffsetX+boardWidth-1 to boardOffsetX step -1 { c64scr.setcc(i, boardOffsetY-3, 255, 0) ; invisible barrier c64scr.setcc(i, boardOffsetY+boardHeight, 69, 11) } for i in boardOffsetY+boardHeight-1 to boardOffsetY step -1 { c64scr.setcc(boardOffsetX-1, i, 89, 11) c64scr.setcc(boardOffsetX+boardWidth, i, 84, 11) } for i in 5 to 0 step -1 { blocklogic.newCurrentBlock(i) drawBlock(3, 3+i*3, 102) ; 102 = stipple } drawScore() } sub drawScore() { c64.COLOR=1 c64scr.PLOT(30,11) c64scr.print_uw(lines) c64scr.PLOT(30,15) c64scr.print_uw(score) c64scr.PLOT(9,22) c64scr.print_ub(speedlevel) } sub drawNextBlock() { const ubyte nextBlockXpos = 29 for ubyte x in nextBlockXpos+3 to nextBlockXpos step -1 { c64scr.setcc(x, 5, ' ', 0) c64scr.setcc(x, 6, ' ', 0) } ; reuse the normal block draw routine (because we can't manipulate array pointers yet) ubyte prev = blocklogic.currentBlockNum blocklogic.newCurrentBlock(nextBlock) drawBlock(nextBlockXpos, 5, 160) blocklogic.newCurrentBlock(prev) } sub drawBlock(ubyte x, ubyte y, ubyte character) { for ubyte i in 15 to 0 step -1 { ubyte c=blocklogic.currentBlock[i] if c c64scr.setcc((i&3)+x, (i/4)+y, character, c) } } } ~ blocklogic { ubyte currentBlockNum ubyte[16] currentBlock ubyte[16] rotated ; the 7 tetrominos ubyte[16] blockI = [0,0,0,0, ; cyan ; note: special rotation (around matrix center) 3,3,3,3, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0] ubyte[16] blockJ = [6,0,0,0, ; blue 6,6,6,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0] ubyte[16] blockL = [0,0,8,0, ; orange 8,8,8,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0] ubyte[16] blockO = [0,7,7,0, ; yellow ; note: no rotation (square) 0,7,7,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0] ubyte[16] blockS = [0,5,5,0, ; green 5,5,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0] ubyte[16] blockT = [0,4,0,0, ; purple 4,4,4,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0] ubyte[16] blockZ = [2,2,0,0, ; red 0,2,2,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0] ; @todo would be nice to have a pointer type, like so: ; uword[7] blocks = [&blockI, &blockJ, &blockL, &blockO, &blockS, &blockT, &blockZ] sub newCurrentBlock(ubyte block) { currentBlockNum = block if block==0 memcopy(blockI, currentBlock, len(currentBlock)) else if block==1 memcopy(blockJ, currentBlock, len(currentBlock)) else if block==2 memcopy(blockL, currentBlock, len(currentBlock)) else if block==3 memcopy(blockO, currentBlock, len(currentBlock)) else if block==4 memcopy(blockS, currentBlock, len(currentBlock)) else if block==5 memcopy(blockT, currentBlock, len(currentBlock)) else if block==6 memcopy(blockZ, currentBlock, len(currentBlock)) } sub rotateCW() { ; rotates the current block clockwise. if currentBlockNum==0 { ; the 'I' block rotates a 4x4 matrix around the center rotated[0] = currentBlock[12] rotated[1] = currentBlock[8] rotated[2] = currentBlock[4] rotated[3] = currentBlock[0] rotated[4] = currentBlock[13] rotated[5] = currentBlock[9] rotated[6] = currentBlock[5] rotated[7] = currentBlock[1] rotated[8] = currentBlock[14] rotated[9] = currentBlock[10] rotated[10] = currentBlock[6] rotated[11] = currentBlock[2] rotated[12] = currentBlock[15] rotated[13] = currentBlock[11] rotated[14] = currentBlock[7] rotated[15] = currentBlock[3] } else if currentBlockNum!=3 { ; rotate all blocks (except 3, the square) around their center square in a 3x3 matrix memset(rotated, len(rotated), 0) rotated[0] = currentBlock[8] rotated[1] = currentBlock[4] rotated[2] = currentBlock[0] rotated[4] = currentBlock[9] rotated[5] = currentBlock[5] rotated[6] = currentBlock[1] rotated[8] = currentBlock[10] rotated[9] = currentBlock[6] rotated[10] = currentBlock[2] } memcopy(rotated, currentBlock, len(currentBlock)) } sub rotateCCW() { ; rotates the current block counterclockwise. if currentBlockNum==0 { ; the 'I' block rotates a 4x4 matrix around the center rotated[0] = currentBlock[3] rotated[1] = currentBlock[7] rotated[2] = currentBlock[11] rotated[3] = currentBlock[15] rotated[4] = currentBlock[2] rotated[5] = currentBlock[6] rotated[6] = currentBlock[10] rotated[7] = currentBlock[14] rotated[8] = currentBlock[1] rotated[9] = currentBlock[5] rotated[10] = currentBlock[9] rotated[11] = currentBlock[13] rotated[12] = currentBlock[0] rotated[13] = currentBlock[4] rotated[14] = currentBlock[8] rotated[15] = currentBlock[12] } else if currentBlockNum!=3 { ; rotate all blocks (except 3, the square) around their center square in a 3x3 matrix memset(rotated, len(rotated), 0) rotated[0] = currentBlock[2] rotated[1] = currentBlock[6] rotated[2] = currentBlock[10] rotated[4] = currentBlock[1] rotated[5] = currentBlock[5] rotated[6] = currentBlock[9] rotated[8] = currentBlock[0] rotated[9] = currentBlock[4] rotated[10] = currentBlock[8] } memcopy(rotated, currentBlock, len(currentBlock)) } ; For movement checking it is not needed to clamp the x/y coordinates, ; because we have to check for brick collisions anyway. ; The full play area is bordered by (in)visible characters that will collide. ; Collision is determined by reading the screen data directly. sub canRotateCW(ubyte xpos, ubyte ypos) -> ubyte { rotateCW() ubyte nocollision = noCollision(xpos, ypos) rotateCCW() return nocollision } sub canRotateCCW(ubyte xpos, ubyte ypos) -> ubyte { rotateCCW() ubyte nocollision = noCollision(xpos, ypos) rotateCW() return nocollision } sub noCollision(ubyte xpos, ubyte ypos) -> ubyte { for ubyte i in 15 to 0 step -1 { if currentBlock[i] and c64scr.getchr(xpos + (i&3), ypos+i/4)!=32 return false } return true } sub isGameOver(ubyte xpos, ubyte ypos) -> ubyte { main.drawBlock(xpos, ypos, 32) ubyte result = ypos==main.startYpos and not noCollision(xpos, ypos+1) main.drawBlock(xpos, ypos, 160) return result } sub isLineFull(ubyte ypos) -> ubyte { for ubyte x in main.boardOffsetX to main.boardOffsetX+main.boardWidth-1 { if c64scr.getchr(x, ypos)==32 return false } return true } sub collapse(ubyte ypos) { while(ypos>main.startYpos+1) { for ubyte x in main.boardOffsetX+main.boardWidth-1 to main.boardOffsetX step -1 { ubyte char = c64scr.getchr(x, ypos-1) ubyte color = c64scr.getclr(x, ypos-1) c64scr.setcc(x, ypos, char, color) } ypos-- } } } ~ sound { sub init() { c64.MVOL = 15 } sub blockrotate() { ; soft click c64.MVOL = 5 c64.AD1 = %00100010 c64.SR1 = %00000000 c64.FREQ1 = 15600 c64.CR1 = %10000000 c64.CR1 = %10000001 } sub blockdrop() { ; swish c64.MVOL = 5 c64.AD1 = %01010111 c64.SR1 = %00000000 c64.FREQ1 = 4600 c64.CR1 = %10000000 c64.CR1 = %10000001 } sub lineclear() { ; explosion c64.MVOL = 15 c64.AD1 = %01100110 c64.SR1 = %00000000 c64.FREQ1 = 1600 c64.CR1 = %10000000 c64.CR1 = %10000001 } sub gameover() { ; buzz c64.MVOL = 15 c64.FREQ2 = 600 c64.AD2 = %00111010 c64.SR2 = %00000000 c64.CR2 = %00110000 c64.CR2 = %00110001 } }