""" Programming Language for 6502/6510 microprocessors, codename 'Sick' Shared logic for the code generators. Written by Irmen de Jong (irmen@razorvine.net) - license: GNU GPL 3.0 """ import math from ..datatypes import FLOAT_MAX_POSITIVE, FLOAT_MAX_NEGATIVE from ..plyparse import Module, Label, Block, Directive, VarDef from ..plylex import print_bold class CodeGenerationError(Exception): pass def sanitycheck(module: Module) -> None: for label in module.all_nodes(Label): if label.name == "start" and label.my_scope().name == "main": # type: ignore break else: print_bold("ERROR: program entry point is missing ('start' label in 'main' block)\n") raise SystemExit(1) all_blocknames = [b.name for b in module.all_nodes(Block)] # type: ignore unique_blocknames = set(all_blocknames) if len(all_blocknames) != len(unique_blocknames): for name in unique_blocknames: all_blocknames.remove(name) raise CodeGenerationError("there are duplicate block names", all_blocknames) zpblock = module.zeropage() if zpblock: # ZP block contains no code? for stmt in zpblock.scope.nodes: if not isinstance(stmt, (Directive, VarDef)): raise CodeGenerationError("ZP block can only contain directive and var") def to_hex(number: int) -> str: # 0..15 -> "0".."15" # 16..255 -> "$10".."$ff" # 256..65536 -> "$0100".."$ffff" assert type(number) is int if number is None: raise ValueError("number") if 0 <= number < 16: return str(number) if 0 <= number < 0x100: return "${:02x}".format(number) if 0 <= number < 0x10000: return "${:04x}".format(number) raise OverflowError(number) def to_mflpt5(number: float) -> bytearray: # algorithm here https://sourceforge.net/p/acme-crossass/code-0/62/tree/trunk/ACME_Lib/cbm/mflpt.a number = float(number) if number < FLOAT_MAX_NEGATIVE or number > FLOAT_MAX_POSITIVE: raise OverflowError("floating point number out of 5-byte mflpt range", number) if number == 0.0: return bytearray([0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) if number < 0.0: sign = 0x80000000 number = -number else: sign = 0x00000000 mant, exp = math.frexp(number) exp += 128 if exp < 1: # underflow, use zero instead return bytearray([0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) if exp > 255: raise OverflowError("floating point number out of 5-byte mflpt range", number) mant = sign | int(mant * 0x100000000) & 0x7fffffff return bytearray([exp]) + int.to_bytes(mant, 4, "big") def mflpt5_to_float(mflpt: bytearray) -> float: # algorithm here https://sourceforge.net/p/acme-crossass/code-0/62/tree/trunk/ACME_Lib/cbm/mflpt.a if mflpt == bytearray([0, 0, 0, 0, 0]): return 0.0 exp = mflpt[0] - 128 sign = mflpt[1] & 0x80 number = 0x80000000 | int.from_bytes(mflpt[1:], "big") number = float(number) * 2**exp / 0x100000000 return -number if sign else number