%import textio %zeropage basicsafe %option no_sysinit main { sub start() { ; is optimizing this useful? : not a1 or not a2 -> not(a1 and a2) likewise for and. bool @shared a1 = true bool @shared a2 bool @shared a4 if a1==0 and a2==0 cx16.r0++ if (a1!=0 or a2!=0)==0 cx16.r0++ if a1==0 or a2==0 cx16.r0++ if (a1!=0 and a2!=0)==0 cx16.r0++ ; if not a1 or not a2 ; cx16.r0++ ; if not (a1 and a2) ; cx16.r0++ ; if not a1 and not a2 ; cx16.r0++ ; if not (a1 or a2) ; cx16.r0++ } }