%import diskio %import floats %zeropage basicsafe %option no_sysinit main { ubyte[256] buffer = 0 to 255 sub print_speed(uword jiffies) { if jiffies==0 { txt.print("\n 0 jiffies measured, speed is extremely high\n") return } float speed = floats.floor(65536.0 / (jiffies as float / 60.0)) txt.nl() txt.print_uw(jiffies) txt.print(" jiffies = ") floats.print_f(speed) txt.print(" bytes/sec\n") } sub start() { txt.print("\n\ndisk benchmark on drive 8.\n\n") uword batchtotaltime txt.print("writing 64kb using save()") cbm.SETTIM(0,0,0) ; save 2 times 32Kb to make it 64Kb total void diskio.save("@:benchmark.dat", $100, 32768) void diskio.save("@:benchmark.dat", $100, 32768) print_speed(cbm.RDTIM16()) txt.print("\nwriting 64kb sequentially") if diskio.f_open_w("@:benchmark.dat") { cbm.SETTIM(0,0,0) repeat 65536/256 { if not diskio.f_write(buffer, 256) sys.exit(1) } diskio.f_close_w() print_speed(cbm.RDTIM16()) } txt.print("\nreading 64kb using load() into hiram") cbm.SETTIM(0,0,0) cx16.rambank(4) if not diskio.load("benchmark.dat", $a000) sys.exit(1) print_speed(cbm.RDTIM16()) txt.print("\nreading 64kb using vload() into vram") cbm.SETTIM(0,0,0) if not diskio.vload("benchmark.dat", 0, $0000) sys.exit(1) print_speed(cbm.RDTIM16()) txt.print("\nreading 64kb sequentially") if diskio.f_open("benchmark.dat") { cbm.SETTIM(0,0,0) repeat 65536/255 { if not diskio.f_read(buffer, 255) sys.exit(1) } diskio.f_close() print_speed(cbm.RDTIM16()) } txt.nl() txt.print(diskio.status()) txt.print("\ndone.\n") diskio.delete("benchmark.dat") } }